oe Inter crest apie Some r ople. s manutac royal crown of gun metal ia a surlosity. | Tho Reumatian rowan is made fromthe cannon captured from the aan in the ie BuasooTarkiah ae! oe uy nicknamed Fea fe Te, vile days, on ac- aE OSS Secigue: site 7 He 3 ati the and Bardens ue ie he Brits Tord Wo olseley sitfered shipwreck an his first voyage to China. The tran Bien eae caveat Thin “other soldiers foundered, and he Tost ee ing he possessed, . O, Selous, the lion “hunter, and hardships he has never provided eee “a any other stimulant or ithe icing’ ot pontugal antec ova Monarch are the heavy weights of BWuropean rulers, Prince Ferdinand of twenty-six More than half the battle in|° cleaning greasy dishes is in the soap you use, If it’s Sunlight Soap 3B it’s the best; tt graphers do not count by words; ‘They ae by syllables, Leeds is the lineal se scendant apprentices. erien the result that the t and Osborne inherited father’s’ wealth: ducal house is built on that fortune. Mrs is avietly Preparing es h i pou Chonineclaiee pene “went rs and wi Blaaigeriiee) Age wedding: presents!” was wie he ne and before he hat d any career, he Sener is tedium of confinement to his bed making ene aketches, and this’ induced. hint PiAERRIEA eareW net hie lotner’s consent to an alteration of the par- _mtal profe Sack Sa GREAT WORK IN NEW BRUNSWICK au “popp’s KIDNEY PILLS MADE Rg w. pais A WELL Joo) fio, Siered pron Set cues for Two and a Half Years— oy one cs the Many. es by Great Canadian Kidne: medy. _ Central rican York B., Nov. of F. more evidence of + pede fees ase Pills are doing New Mr. Harris akes as following one for publica~ ‘OP guflarca view -Gyes) gears half from Kidney unable to - greater. part of many Tdlelate Dn getting Ae ‘benefit, but actually grew worse. g k three boxes of Bote 8 Kia: ney ie and they cured Phin 5 Dodd'e Kiduey Pile: des : Wonderful remedy for Kidney trou- ble. Bright's ics is the mo ad- ‘anced of Kidney Disease: Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only ney 3 oe t will cure it. But it is |¢, ei 7 to guard against the back or slight urinary dis- r. SELENE ESE he Kaiser, had to go to public udly 85.8 ROY, 1 ever permit him to as-| ee IE Take One of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills » painless This effective little pill is sup- planting all the old schoo! nauseous purga- tives 40 doses, 10 cents. —13 SPECS AND SLEEP WIN. Good Appearance and Clear Head m Combination, “As most of your peealinrient comes from the glasses,” said suecosptul man patiently, ‘twill fe you about them first. bea nae found that a pair of $10 a lot of much ingenuity, and any amount Pet craftiness, Zathacraat) who wears eyeglasses al- ea1ing to people who would is time, fe looks scholarly, learned—any- “Js sleep,” said the successful man promptly. ‘The man that called sleep ‘balmy nature's weet keer told only half the Plenty of n the morn- me ago asion during the war |galloped off joined his own peo- renin.” ds |e n deal of the ruling Tpoth, Svousehola and Ringo on ne of Ne tks sinet historically interesting, es poert upckincea f5 that of rears. Worry won't cure a cough. When you find a cough holding on —when everything else has failed—~try Shilch’s Consumption ULE] The Lung Tonic It is Saag to cure. ottle— if it Beat cure you we'll refund your money. Prices 26c., 50c. and 61.00 $. C, WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. ‘LeRoy, N.Y. some German words are so long. |¥ thi “If I had- my life to live over WISDOMS WHISPERS, It is not well to take chances w! is afraid ‘girl who is in loye likes her girl friends to be made aware of the fact. Some men ee the principle that whatever the; sounda her erkelet etboks the good qualities “$100 Reward, $100 SOOO, nt than all other diseases end A ntil ee. Co, Toledo, 18 he only constitutional, cure on the mar- so1g by, Aaipet ‘750. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Yes, Cordelia, it’s those who come early to avoid the crowd that make the crowd. Why go limping and whining ab. your corns, when a 25 cent bottle of Hollo way’s Corn Cure will remoye them ? Give t itrial, and you will not regret Mam sir, for your dis- obedience as going to whip you!” Willie jay, ma, let’s compromise mma: ‘What ?”” d TN use ° ee you that 9 [bonnet you want,” ousne: ri spyspersis Ind. gestion, and ki ailments, take isa before te healing sali Le e- | Sout ene ee Hoskin ins, oe hie prea 8 ees Sticwod ‘atections s cured sults. It’s a great nerve builder. 12: Absence of pore water is one excuse for drinking: har r Over Sixty Years ed by peothing. ny cures ‘and is the tt When a woman can’t think of any- thing else to” do she washes ee hair. ‘There is danger in neglecting a cold Many who have died of consumption dated their troubles fron: exposure, followed by acoli which settled on their 1angs, and in a short time they were beyond the skill of the best physician. Hnd they used Bickles AntiCousumptive Syrup, before it was too late, their liv would spared. This Hoainkne has no equal for curing coughs, colds and all affections of the throas and lungs. ell: “I’m in a dilemma, Of course just it. I know I can’t, and I very fond of dogs. Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend Many men want to be great and a few try to be good. en years, a 1 safforers I knew found it of great virtue bronchitis and inefpient consumption DUMESTIC STRATEGY. The rounger man had been com- t |plaining that he nighé,, and ahs hasn't touched it,”” he sai the older man assumed the. air robe pata arc “Never ask a woman to mend any- What would’ you have ie’ do?” a the oe, “Simply aE ie was the as- fetea ee Ooze you some I wife, flourish it round a little and say, ‘Where's that rag-bag?” ‘Wha: 1 want of the Her janepcians 2. to throw this shirt it’s worn out,’ I say, with a few more iesoeisnes ‘Le at ahirt,’ my wile says then Now, John, hand it to me at once.’ “ot course I pass it over, and ‘Why, John Taylor ay, o never new “per- Toast, jam and tea the blood to the si tea plant. The Englishman's idea of breakfast is a healthy —a chop stomach to assimilate properly—the warmth of the tea to draw omach and assist digestion. Blue Ribbon Tea is the daintiest and crispiest leaves of the mebbe—just fates food for the It is pure tea—free of tannin—appetizing and nutritious. Try the Red Label Brand for your breakfast. ‘| Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea. mien reece 40 IC. should be Ask for the Fifty Red Label tt It’s a wise worm that stays under cover and deprives thejcarly bird of his breakfast. Wash greasy sii Bote or with Lever’s Dry So: a pore ott will remove the se hes with 9 greatest ease. Miss De Menor: “That, Te REaE m Why, Why, e lends a fellow money — he expects = get it back ! for Rheumatisi Peat ie tas pills pronoun restoring festehy a se ies eat ee purities imthe blood. The Doctor :W Weekleigh, have you ode Se rane “that change of scene and mi excitement scribed?” "The Victim : ““Yes; we're going to move ‘ar ectly. Nie ethene Cureforthe phon and quickly, stimulates 1 oh, stp mo most acute pain, dis a sob pe smothering, or lpaton forms of heart disease in 3o mint band; “Drat the luck! There isn't any gum on this stamp.’’ Wile: “Never mind, dear. Here’s a pin.” Minard's Liniment Is used by Physicians GAS NOT NEEDED. spent vont 1 You don’t want: gas ? insisted. upon having 1—You Chawen’t been eating here ean be a differenee of opinioa on most subjects, but there is only one. op ion as to the Syranieed of Mother Gr hres | porn Hxterminator. It is safe, sure and ect ace: “I must refuse him, mie but I wish I could thing to lessen ‘Get someone to haven't 50. miue! you have.” money as he thinks reliefin bik seule ‘3 hi C. C, RICHARDS & CO. eat Ob Tos mable to put my foo! A fend told née your MINARD'S LINIMENT, and one hour Sue, the first application, I was able to walk, any the coh nels septs my name as freely as poi like Ws x eee ft the best remedy I have ever usi CURISTOPHER GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont 1 NOT THERE. “Yes,”’ said the star boarder, ‘I’ve got an attack of dyspepsia. “I'm sure you didn’t get it here,” snapped Mrs. Stintem, “Certainly not. 7 I got it from cating something.” The Sufferers from Golds are numbered by Millions, not including those whose annoyanee by association amounts almost to suffering. Pe Mae ain mg es stration as a problem fn | Geo: ace Has, » Dr. new’s: Millions going to d Dr. Agaew’s Heart Cure relieves heart disease tn 30. entnates. HE LOST OUT. r wedding day,” e pee is to settle to be boss.”’” did you settle it?” asked the mn. idn’t,’’ admitted the vic- tim of his own suggestion. ‘She settled it.’”” ‘ood Digestion "Shoal wait on ite TO have the eat well is to. a the nervous aoe oo oe ae 7 will derive all the benefits of his food. ‘other: “You will assume a pave Bee Gi eS ea. my daughter. Regs she card Mought up chen Meat tue 1 Adorer : “Oh, she's pretty, well used to my lap now. Ask for Minard’s and take no other, Miss Brightlie: “Ob, Mr. Search, there's a young lady hero tonight I a hundred thousand dollars.” Keep Minard’s Liniment In the House, + “Do you youl know who is cone ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. PURELY CANADIAN. The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Present membership Present No. of Coun- ef] 470 Present paeplis | funds $400,000.00 Am - $1,482,000.00 Sick bene ‘ou want them Write either WF. MONTAGUE, Gtand Recorder, Hamilton, Ont.,or F. CAM: P: Grand Organizer, “Hamilton, Ont BASTEDO & co 7 isd St, East, Shute ata RIN &S, or Ashen ETS, OA) Pi BR clone prices Sand for catal RAW FURS AND CEI meno sarang “Send a, fox FROM Sea fae’ Old Country LAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS. e' Giepaichet to subscribers by. first. mails . Wh. _ is SONS, Limited,“ Cannon House, Bream’s Buildings, London, England. The. largest Subscription ‘Agency in the world. = our list. Free on application. Est. 1609. Prom mpt and reliable. Poultry, \ au «inns oF Butter, FRUITS Eggs, And Farm Pro Honey, Apples, Dawson Commission ae you good prices THE WORLD'S MARKETS. gicacues FROM M THE LEADING RADE ORME REGS Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. 1 hard nominal ai por ote mar erkat ia quiet, ek a one No. 2 white is nace at 29 to “294¢ ar at Ro low freights to New York. es is quict, with | © ii “oars are quoted at , and Bes un- ite quoted at 61 to 62c high ireights, and at 63¢ esis Corn—The parte is oe with ae nv: American Ne: Buckwheat—The market is uunchang. ed, with quotations 42 to 48c quiere Flo oe per cent. middle relghts, ie 2 pai $4. 4.30; and oe ‘haere $4. 15 con “sa. 20 track, Tor: Millteed= Bran alae ate S16, and ae at $18 outside ints bran is pictat os Shorts at $17. Manitoba bran, sacks, $18; and shorts at $20 here. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Appl de with. prices cuergas: at 44 hese per Honey—tho market Ja quiet at r bulk, and at $ 50 tor “con Choice clov- er Tb. mand is Mair, with xecsipts only moderate. “No. 1 timothy quo- To- ity. euler The demand a pa with fer moderate. = aitiatal psig D. and BE Te fee aus Geer fee of 75 to: 90 per ee Chickens, 8 to 10 ae Bis or ya ha os Niet pair; old hens, 40 to 50c te THE DAIRY MARMETS, Butter—The market is steady, with receipts eae to the demand. The demand conti We d oe choice | qualities. ECL oan Pare rolls, 6 to 17c; fresh dairy tubs, 16 7c; secondary grades, 18 ti o1e reeiaey Paiay ON U5 “S85, solids 19 to 20c. gee Market | firm. We: quot Birietly new laid, 23 to 240; ordine ary store gathered, "20 f0 21e; limed sid cold: storage, 47 to te: Cheese—Market steady. We quote: Finest, 114¢; seconds, 104 to 11c. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are unchanged, with cat lots quoted at $6.75 to $7 here. Cured nee) Beadle: ws a fair de- mand. We quote:—Baco: ms, long clear, 10 to 10fe, in ton case loti Mess pork, $17; do., anor cut, $19. 50 to Smoked Moats—Wams, slight: £0 dium, 134 t pete’ 18$c; rolls, © he Vasa 10 to AO4c; backs, 15c; breakfast ‘bacon, The market is auiet, with | ‘onto; 3 au at $18.60, and | 44, r= ight Sheep, export, ewt. yellow, Sage No, 2 7 x to 8 75; first cond clears, sh 3 |sbeeP and ae, 2,500. hogs, 64 c: finished short-keep steers were bought for export, aa being the best avail- ee le. ‘hes uatished but sold at $4.20 to $4.- 25 for Butchers! There was a little better availablo. feet quality hore ode regia we Se Shee. ‘There was ae Hee better mand for light stot d Lambs terns en trade lene eee dull, weak, Balls, export heavy, ae Bie 3 00 | motte 300 ibe, and upward: Short keep, 900 to 1101 Stabe 00" to 800 a a oo we oe oe aod do 900 Ib: Butchers’ _cattle, 09 WYLBwaaSys HHA © WH & aao?a aa Susan 8 Ra Bw weror Spring lambs SverwH BoD SRSARASOR pete (Aa eS UNGER CANADA WON’T EXHIBIT. 10 banker ea 0 despatch says :—Unless discussed the matter, and Peectnae that enloy the Baeop how in holding a stock exhibition on this side of the order. ANOTHER’ TREA TREATY. May Be Necessary to Settle Alas- ka Case. ttawa despatch says :—It will plete the delimitation of the disput- ed boundary between Canale and a. There was somethin, be- Pen 100 and 150 miles of the line e did not Lard— ae unchan| Bie; tubs, ote: pails, 9c; com- Bound: 8 $4.9 en STATES MARKETS. . Louis, Nov. 17. Se niga ‘78te. ‘o sisive, No. 1 hard, 78%c; No. her Tite; 0. 2 Northern, Tale be December, 744c; May, 76} to raukee, ', 17.—Wheat—Weal lo. 1. Nortborn, ‘Bie; No. 2 Northen, 8. ber, 76 to 76}c. 564c. Barley— think they had data suffcient to ex- be abl mous report, ns aay ‘the outlay woul bi es for another expensive pebiteatea gee a 7 BA LIVERPOOL AROUSED. Objects, to ‘Goods Made by United tates Convict Labor. London despatch says : e were a little too light and |8™ .|GLORY WHALEN MURDER. Man in Mazchester Confesses the Crime. A To! uate peseatch says: A man who claims Glory Whalen chester, England, but, there is little sent to connect him on th ‘the Arete: General Gibson on Friday received a cable from the Manches- ter police convoving the that a man ig the name of Wil- ped Sparks, who was arge o: it~ 5e len near Collingw. The despatch gave no particulars e bee to sethor ‘Sparks was white or olored. It will be eeeeberas vee * Waapleiail fell me who had be a negr been seen in the district with a white anion and who vanished. Tamas after the crime Num Re eat oueeas rs were made, but in spite of the utmost inate police this is the first. suspic- Ton rae A _clue that has been discover- Ceaucieely pets. receipt of the ey-General Gibson tradition proceedings should be tak- en, and should the facts bear 0 Sparks’ confession, he will certainly be brought to Cau investigation wi ou extremely un- key that the British se ae ne rearrested should he be acquit- DRAGOMIROFF DISMISSED. vernor of A Moscow despatch says: Gen. Dra- gomirol, the retired Governor. enter have just leaked ideas of the Russian ruler. gomiroff, who enjoyed unbounded fa- to Hearing that eg ores repetition ‘is nouns are stained with nee blood. eg GERMAN LOCOMOTIVES. bessies fea Ordered by C. P. R. e Reached Boston. A Mosca seeuei nays seco Live Stock at the St. Louis |More already in active Senta and are giving eatistaction, by Surtax An Ottawa despatch says: T ones Of orp ttra, “applied to, ail m Germany last month, will doubly spelt ip a ecdase imy in thes PRES from other countries. GEE Ne TE BARS GERMAN TROOPS. Briteia | _Rotuses to Pass Them x Her Territory. lin dnapaten says: Bete the Giles pains the Gi annoying the English nee ae: Be 1 war, the aieain. British pcre to Fensonable, tung wi ony, many ¢ troops ‘aay Port Nolloth., and mete tee tance from the Dee “Govern: no man in ae ands ‘is information | §; ero arrest | necessary ex- |grai Czar Summarily_ Dismisses ex- and | co} strikingly illustrate the humanitarian Dre- eis! smi man at Kieff} Eee ae mo: BUY LESS FROM GERMANY Commissioner Sa Says, Many Lines Suffer mie: ases from that reat CORRECTIVES FOR SWINE KEEP THEIR Dicestive OR- GANS RIGHT. Speceeni es Feeders in t! United States. aire a ‘corrective of to maintain the digestive o! ir, the; hogs are Toatttler, eat better, thrive better, and, consequen PAY BETTER. »; eodore Louis, most successful hog feed- tes, and should ‘The following preparation is Mr, “Take six bushels ot corncob char- ‘oal, or three bus! quarts of air-slaked lime, one bushel plement, and thoranet)y’ mix, e @ quarter pounds of the improved health ant thrift of ‘he eoiesale re pee eek ation to tl NEVER Garage re ye framework of with pigs living on corn with or without bone meal ard-wood ashes in addition. ft iviscnatst Station. en When When Corn meal Fequired produce 100 Ibs. gain, Ibs "det! £91 ‘Sao ei an breaking strength of thigh 5 bones, Ib. 680 581 801 verage ash fa thigh bone, gram: 166 150 107 re pee x SURVEYING THE RAILWAY Pacific. the e surveys fa ‘the wi through their territory scarcely seems |al staid Vossiche cobs ee ‘Ger- | the Tonic Used by “One of the Most ES ih as Work on the she HOTEL WRECKED. Terrific Explosion of ea Gas at Ridgetown. ee ‘A Ridgetown, Ont. Hogs that seid closely confined and with, a ve ri nce possible. on in the hotel offite were carried out. FAD. W. Atkinson, a cad og is ale the London Adverti was canvassing ue “ov tise Tivod eir, boarder and o William Barclay, auctioneer, boarder at the hotel, bad wound int the head, and inju u Mayor ous Gk the heed eee ienes ne formally; J, W. Mackensle, farmer, of. ard, seriously injured in the ial|side, arm, and force of the explosion glass adjoining tee hotel. is eo ably <ppe of the ae says a bara bartender to the fact oe the AC charcoal, elght pounds of salt, two|on three-storey balloon a, and loss will be a heavy 0: H. W. SOUTHAM fies A Well-Known Londoner Falls Un see a Train. , Ont., ren survive him. an tga FINGER PRINTS ON CANDLE Bow London ot is Caught Greal ndon — despatel ed. ae ered days ago with plenty = money Iai eedea sanaits Mare Sunday morning by dataetives | guised as milkmen. Bere of stolen jewelry was recovere nee aoe RIOTERS FINED, Closing ae am ‘the Strike ae Mia “K Niagar pele Ont. says :—The tial of tho 15 rested during the strike eae week took place on Wednesday mi ng befo: fe Poll aac cto Gris . Gray, jargod “| sti Bas Real ir Preparer be ted severe. an