Milverton Sun, 19 Nov 1903, p. 4

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n't, afford Pigs farrow ae the they ey Will get fresh grown grass Tun on. P THE ORCHARD. HANDLING SWINE. oe breeding 1 s0 dare one of tho. groat ratuoabling ‘blocks { “bringing Gut wn idont. Trine the “reach the market. Tho ve 1 pens. prolinedey: is of 80 importance the ° Profitabieneas of swine raising. High feeding and fi na Hescoing will in 8 sti es beae n unprolific or barren mothers. rae ee FEEDING, Any hog, to give good — results, must be a good ap meat, and of the t get too fat or. ru flesh. Give them good, dry quarters and o gall important to the ‘ore it is farrowed, If — sh t take exercise herself, make her take ‘ ‘The time of farrowing should noted with great accuracy, sow by herself for weeks before. get a h he centre of her ee a as she fa disiis Hable 40" ov rlay her pigs. AFTER tabi After the sow has farrowed very light food for a week, and a little corn meal, mixed in hot. water, and feed warm. prevents milk fever ee in starting a full ie brood sow Pigs will learn to cat at about if Great ae Lax thi Le iia to cat, without “being disturbed by the ep ediee etiag thse small, chub= health |i n down. in |fed the lmethod the miting ie ew e 0 pores. Ac |for food; a tree, "gre and ¢ Wi nN lholes and se ae Yarmints even far up’in the One of the first, requisites _ for le becaus re oe ern ¢ ch their death o distinguished fruit reper ty wi of an inch in diame Benes rid es needs removal now. our friend ing and broadcast 200 pounds of nitrate of soda per acre. HOG. NOTES, Give the hogs the baa ie brought about Hae APaenod ‘for cet aedicn OF he Potatoos should always be cooked d t Pudding’ before twoig tod. to te All grain fed to Hoge’ had best be soaked twel ice rs before being ee ei necessary One of the sriie! ta on ie hogs should best grains "for growing have ashes he ae de Siete ye the tevat of the hen ous a litter, take only the sercuseet, se Be first, then more, that reieee Dige gived a goo gia iat vane ot sear when| LONDON AS TT 18 TO-DAY Apples do not aweat;-the skin has n Apples are nourishing and also med- iting worms out of fruit a Lean ib cetivar referab a lope: generally ate ke nr very rice aspe' Tt is just so much money thrown apple tree where bi farmer’s institute ei of in | mu ea rt crop subsidiary cept o} Tene ae Shen foo completed and ven’ a Aree Bui er than in the years before 1899 {m-milk pigs can be | ™ sired favor should be given the last Lay three grains. e LIFE IN THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD dium Made By its Coun- ty Council. which dee taken ect of the ; It. is entitled "| London Statisties,’” 1902-1903, and 30: pages of twelve inches a |Dy, seven. The ‘igration to London is .the piss item which calls for attention. whom close on 80, 000 a: 7 HE TOTAL SOR UUATION: of Central Tone in 1901 1, there being 1,118 facades very. ° Ring (uy eves: 1000-26, the’ eaiiens 1691, total population of “Gieater nin metropolis number Bynes Extracts From the Massive Com es, Tove Leas forage pen “ When Physicians of High Order ” recommend its use to nervous and dyspeptic people you may safely assume ‘‘it’s all right.” " DALADA® CEYLON tea is delici ical, Black ixed or pein Green. Sold only in sented land packets. By all Grocers. _|great cities, except Bristol and Lei- cester. record. anise See on 1,000 males, as against | N which | ove ds the 24, will thus be seen by 1,000. ‘an casy ae Tho diagrams given. of the birth when the rate of 29 was reached. The birth rate for 1901 is the lowest on A TOUCH OF HUMOR e lis dphused seit this report in to nsters, married, d, 3,875; many. gistry office. place at the a) - | 80D, oy 184; 16.8 percent at r es hat 11 latian not to be found in these sta-|married at the age of 15. ene aee 17 at the age of 16, sng. 164 al There were two wido’ SIXTEEN YPARS OF AGE. ‘Those who are matrimopial’y inclin« a el i in that of any of our The proper housing of the ae classes of the met nos is so cellent an objective that one Fogrets regard or an increase of about eight mt. year, nane,| More than two in one room is Ss el to “bevare persona living om. over oxererovsding applied di 1901 to 16 percent of the popula tion, The deaths trom Stroct, acciionta fn 1901 were 9 802," Th h any—caused by the ete ted. tabk eee death: t Noncon.|from cycle accidents are included un der the heading of “‘others, ‘The total expenditure on 1 the Boliei force amounted to £2,2 9 | the metropolitan area, taxpayer ~ contributed and. £168,646 for the ejthe taxpay: ‘The costo: is 4s. marriages the city, “of whicl er contributed £106,804) “ poli fourtee nu the age of 17, waite oa girls! than that a any of our big cities. A Business Education for One Doliar $300.00 in Prizes This is opie $50. WANTED A A cortain Bbglish Wudge, noted for corpilency st ewise men n of inf e had eyarigoken instructions. no,’’ was the re- ply, given with a smile. “I. don't nt it. Ihave fallen off just twen- Me pe and I as Wanted to have an idea, of how mi ntleman, in delivering one of a dresses, excused himself you ect. anewer will be given a Fall Business Course the beat business colleges of Toronto, the value 01 $1. WILL EARN $50.00 OO; $300.00 in Prizes both question Scholarshiptin ons. of of which is Fifty If your ee he is soaret you have the nd securing A Business Education 52 One Dolla This is Worth $25.00 Ibe ‘correspondence scholarship from one of the Toot chet lpritaes iB ‘Poranto, which will 2 sue the holder to complete tuition by mail. Value Twenty-five Doll © opportuni looney a good prize No. lomplete the following Seciot 30 Gault nae ne the Emp NE eee ——ER-T-~— o— Ces =s= Toop GH M ae tT n towns, and No. 2 A frog is at the bottom of a thirty-foot well, andevery time he jumps up three feet he falls back two fect. How many jumps will it require for the frog to get out 7 ® $20.00. For each of the next three correct answers to gives Gold Watch worth $20.00. For the third correct answer to both questions we will give in cash both questions we will This watch has a genuine Swiss, Jewel Movement, stem wind, heary i ss i tion to Tux Stmtoxs’ Macazis THE CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION Write the anawrera plainly and enclose 41.00 for 26 months’ subsorip- z Contederation For each of the next ten correct answers to both questions we will give * Gold Watch, vslued st $10.00. each of the next twenty correct aiowers to both of the questions wewil give $2;00 IN CASH. For avery other correct answer to both questions a Prize will be given “A report of the competition and names of prize winners will appear in thie January issue of the Macazies, when Drizes will by awarded. THE SIEMONS' MAGAZINE ‘Tz Steuoxs* 1 ig book for the home, and contains matter of interest to every smber of the family, aud much oe ag ed aaa atortoabon: tank Lite Building, Toronto, Canada, and the rior PANS 0 two prizes iven to one person. cy Poa cae will bs taken to oward the e envelope m: arked * competition.” it 1@ competitor the farthest away will have the same opportunity as prizes justly. a business education for ONE DOLLAR, or one of the other prizes, PY OF AGREEMEN’ ered ‘of THE Suzuons’ Magazine. DIAN SHORTHAND INSTT! col cpedaee ie as aes above, to Be, a tescipotieste, exdbly agued Sereiboate Croat sine rib: OANAI 9 Carlton 8t., Toronto, Oct 26,1008. (Sg) J.C.Onanxe, Princtpai- TUTE, ae eases PicTURE GALLER' rm Si 0 offering prizes of $16.00, $10.00, and gant forthe the eacion at the ae Belen of Caos For articulars of “in st cannot as nies 5 mee lotisty pont us bar or smape: oi eer bat we will mail GOOD THING FOR Bi ww bright, honest boys to do some Spohr say own. Toa ind_we will start them in business free. Write us for part E ARE OFFERING BIG ea SOEGENTS hy us for particulars bays falsbersAnvite inveslgatlon ae to thele reliability and com- a haner (’" || Ge “SIEMONS" MAGAZINE oa Toronto Greed For Or, The Sign of the CHAPTER XXIV, Two and two make Bei it together; but he couldn’t make eae of it. He detennined to pump the Freneh~ man, Hed 2 know: Cou: Suid have’ paved iMiaclh win 4 aor at finding dry suckers. ae ecere together the , Ashley y crontiss ee Westnar ee {Have you known her long 2"? “Known her long? Surely you-— What made you suppose we bad ever met before ? “Well, she fainted when she did i ve never seen her before.” “My dear Ashley, you pain me be- yond measure! Do not, pr tell you hint ang responsible Ss in any way ob- , let me pack no; not ia all. J, aes ae ome sort of connection between ‘The Frenchman shook his head sad- 1 Gece apne AE ANS, Gad ake T admire Mise Westear for cree but I a she is to T entered library suddenly to-day for a and she had her arms round George's neck. Am I wrong, ies , you were quite right”? then, it on himself. made his Will, why did he not Abies by. i “and the Tyenehman was. thinking too. He felt he had m mis- fake dn Praising seein Sor deat Feason he gathered that Ashley. dia oe ike. He aes eet He did not Cs: aiepidlsue: Pons about him, He would change his tactics. “Do you know, Ashley, I can quite Ly, “My dear Ashley, I am afraid the | oy understand that as fi a mired, Rapiaias sieeda do not like.” thing about her I dislike all of thing? I hen “T could not define my dislike of ar ines pr ne ‘ “You do mot aes shee ca Bhe 3t a rumbling’ block to me. eally 2”" “Stands between me and wealth ‘The watchful Frenchman, as he estion, saw an ugly gleam but the answer came © thing to ames Shs Surely you must be exaggerating “T am It may mean for me even than tl worse that. do) n't understand.’ epped on the Ae as the future owner Dhsverytina: “By any unele’s comes to mi i Peis ke marrice—well, rt.” “That's hard on you. ‘There are ane things behind it. am in up to the neck.” Ge Brenton Kise: he s: =~ ‘Then ‘Been raising money on your ex- pectaiions ve “Tha: ith You ee knock about teas as I used to do when I first met you, on an allow ae? ne Cor es ney—got into the oe au er centers, That pa big sates autaaeet it has picked up 108 sands, and, like Topsy, it cs and luxuries of that descrip- To prove to you ‘ wortl ag Dn eee Sintra is fool Pi 08; ace as Seca end a) ve bedinreed od potting ples ‘piles, “Vayhat are y« are you doin, Anat can I do See AM Ijhow I oe do to eee the mai may be sure I si Mand. the PSesiees an had Ries that aint ie coul Triage you e interested in the marriage to anything, $0 he s “Td t know shat I can be of | fie e let me say tl Thanks, Ba taiee ote id wood ot y “Mave you quite given \ip hopes of ee into shley’s eyes as he answered by are other question i will everything “How can I prevent it “The Frenchman did not aie i He measured Ach 0) Be tenllees cut Pir George died under the. will Ashley any chance of foul play. being tempted against him, CHAPTER XXV. “Any — nice lace, miss?” ribbons, bows, “No, thank Dhobk o¥er 25 “pasket-Don't. walk by, eo without. looking; they are t will you <A me a iii you are thon Grayne Hall 2”” et ave a gentleman staying there, an want to—to communi- cate with him.’ ‘Why don't you write to him, e gipsy’s head was lowered a lit- ly as she replied : Youn cep thought ean on might take message for “Yes, I aon titel sone so.” 0 fl that will is |mem Nhe: rel eats only three gentlemen in the house now—Sir George, his nep- Ashley, and Count de Vere- and moustache?’ he, right enough; but you did not eal! him the Count.’” pen wiatio;e, uiletelts. || 18 ee eat y the name — she elven hue mee work the Count Sat Se (te eerrlanen, esage me t to ask bere ‘to meet ing— “Oh, he will not, be, believe: mie.” “1 don’t like—" “J will tell you why he will not be. as one woman to another,—see am | trusting you !—we love each other.’ Had Lucy been amen she would have whis' as it looked rather “astonished. times, doesn’ t sl “Oh, I'll do ata you want. What do you wish me to. say wood——"” “Here, by gue pool Yes. uu have dinm inner at seven, oot t you + oThen ad you say I will e here at nine to- Sudden Changes of Temperature rin, Hoste wat Coughs and Colds—Serious Results ig e Pr Foventad by the Use of CHASES syeur LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. and colds usually mer to a olde toda or ae to a draught. not always possible to prevent it it i he ‘eat medicine by preventing ‘and othe: and children are sui ng Eg the Satie ont ‘delight ci the old people be- ei the Fecliet ‘it brings for asthma ai ailments of. the bronchial Chase’ ee aes that of any sila Senet and wee - auat majority of has saved |® crise [never #0 lange eh it Js to-fiay. is suf- cient proof of i . In the iomes it is kept on hand for cases at Se Mrs. cece barat gtr wre’ last winter mada poate thought he die at all ieee or Co. ‘onto. ‘cei | pook author, “are | os every | meee meet To anes sone against imitations sie el rirai Dr. erate Mes, I will tell wer that) an never you “enough ‘Ane you will keep ‘it a eecket won't ee ate what Hea (Who Age 18 say Gansig aac ‘Miriam.’ “Miriam ! Is that all? win uy again: Good-bye, you,”” isappeared down the Path, iis short cat tieoygnr cue se Was! by vo means'‘e {901 /She!- not the faintest idea what a could ‘avant: to) ses“ the Frenchmen fon Dat man-like, she imagined t she nad deen told the eee font e of t Hove that the gentlemanly, handsome Count ker required Ste are imagination; she did not believe for a momen id wnat ey could. thare be" between the tw The Dat Fan one side of the “pool aly, ‘60 eb. et. warect self ts 50 sre, ee tell me something I Heasghinaly eke yaid pretty one, i hopes pretty. |Seve! jo one stay- was, ‘sho Just [aol n a, mn does help another “some ert ee “Ask him to meet me here in the : 1 would: |main re. they dice 8 be- jistener | 5) es r her- ey smiled at She ursited | her errand—a call es her mi “s cottage on the esta’ Eranulo eta the Hall. Sh thought out ney she should spring e Frenchman, she gave ie. went a took off her things, and donned her cap and apron, srher n she sought the Count me she could not fina hime Se speak to you for a moment'?’” owns, erent Politeness is rr that ox sage, “4 “Indeed if “Awol say ai ca neh ine faintest sus- g being wrong. By whom?” on are, my littl nat isa meer a ‘taste, sir, e is a gipsy.”” “Gips; sg Only ©: ssedl it left ‘het white—white as his “Yes ee ‘breathed the word, on his feet for of the last, word he ha indam. e sald you would re- said * jor.” "” eon haiaiag. teil otionless, looking as some br T was in Devonshire, ‘Thank again. ‘And he slowly disappeared in the house, stumbli a half-drunken union ‘between those two, but she =n 2 She gi areas he boule ptes would not be without int e listener, (Lo be Continued.) pa ES a THE Liat MARKET. Praise bed the Can dian Manufac- urers’ Association. me { the Canadian Manu- Tabiwreret Association to the ifaere wei e “ean eau Laieey Aa oth a 't is the only mar- ducer can an enemy in This is oh ae aie to build up our estern Canada. His at was head to give you a mes- | {er ti iy aN but his lip: be ery |bite me the night 2”” M8 | scold me, ma’ © | band." he | tio} i ever; I’m going to marry UIT VOR WORK. THE RESULT OF ‘Eprase EDD NEY AND BLADDER ~ nesta’ 5 ae Years of Much Distress Mrg . Kennedy Has Been Re- vored to a Life of Activity. ere is probably no man in sownatin of Pelham, ney c ounty. Wil trouble pas again strong exaggeration to sey, hae 5 the ne se of Dr, Williams Pink much as Weve the pills of the misery I suffered, but added years to my life, naemia rheumatiam kidney trou« heart ailments, partial naraly~ ’ oe have ailments peculiar edily cured by Dr. wlan Pink Bills, simply because these pills m new, rich red blood, cae oie oa the ‘very foot Bt the erauble, Gs are pink colored imitations medicine yr six boxes for DIDN’T BAT I PORK. It pepe 2 in a crowded rai ari fat and bumptious mai On the fe of the recent visit uneasy under this unwinking scrutiny and ees i to the man said, teringly — “ow Wall, what yer looking atm like shat for 2 eat me 2” was the crushing rejoinder~ i van @ Hebrew.’ She: “Your dog was trying sir!’ He (raising hit hat: ‘Yeo, mindams he hes a sweet tooth 1’’ D8 ves Bnew ‘eavthing about flirt sad. hou fae Laid ae Seay tube ti blessed if the girl didn’t marry met! fate “Now, don’t ; I’m not your oa give me ne “None, . what: ous Gerald: “Can you pe?’ Geraldine : Elvira foe ving Pearl her ee, r graph) : isn’t it?” Peark is a “plondia mien though.’ ‘The man with the short meter practice ip sure to make the: long praye ee ST THE SENSIBLE MOTHER. When little ones are ill the sensi- mother no longer doses ‘oie er. | on aaneeb is; r puts cabled “soothing” preparations which — ean of foreign goods ale y's Own Tablets have beet in proportion is pom ulation, our im- her What, then, was Abe motive for the 8 the exrtal ae ni mn nadians, who are | 1 altar of fo00 ett, and enormously interested’ in the, expan- ion of the home market, and 't should be the first to welcome every peaatieere effort to increase that | arket.”* ohably, greater Phas ‘the visit |th Sarsfield, mt., says :— have used Baby’s Own Tablets .and find valuable medicine ildre ro ‘hese s ailments . of little ones. ey are good for all children from birth on vard. Sol ede: it by mi wing “The Dr. |Co., Brock: So

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