WARHIAGE LICENSES issued by J. G. GROSCH. Stercrty ConripENTIAL. “It Shines For All.” Sn, Vol XIII—No. 2 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1904 SMALCOLM MachETR ~ Editor and Publisher The Sovereign Bank Capital Authorized $2,000,000 pital Subscribed $1,300,609 Head Office, Toronto H. 8. eo 'D. M. STEWART, | fGen. Manager| ‘ow open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits.of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Department Tnverest lites on deposits from “date of dep and current cate al- joded an Naaaiated half yearly. receipts nd “fold of Deposit tention given to’ athe collection of far. qwers sale eytes. R. J. paiaien Manager Legal, NTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Ete. A. Me } vowey Thane, Wm. Burtow’s Otfice ape Block, Mais ars \ DS, RB. LEDERMAN, Dentict, Liceptinte ember of Roy: a.m. i Deve: iakbanier Bees. five store, Milverton. Medien) ER, Gratunte ao old 3 Coll. gree Geld d DR. i. st. ‘orento on doorsity. w) Aveoucher. uttended te, ere Ya hurd ware store, Millbank, Ont. Start the New Year with a SAVINGS. BANK ACCOUNT in the Sovereign Bank {nterest at best current rate, credited half-yearly. R. J. Ranney, Mgr. )prith his sister ‘Mr. “ducted by * |lington, a former pastor of the con- r Yeterinary NG S., Milverton, Ont. sicatial -Onaine Vetectary: Coleie; Toe ineases of domestic Svinte calls promptly attended ta, by telephone or otherwise, day o seo \ Dentistry and Chronic Diseases a specialty. RR. VETERINARY GHON,S Sphecan formes Sa ewer diseases of Momestented Ae Galle by telephne or otherw atte! ivery in Vitae clase hexsee’ oud viet at ransfer, Coinmercial driving a m | for F Pew, in their Valls pas obice building. always welcome. daiph ae N. G.j Johw Dunbar, R. 8. Busines €yrix W. D, WEIR, Aactiouger for the Conn- ties of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyaneer, Ne: is, Wills end Mortgages ane aud se ade. Bailid ff fith Di ourt. Hlerk. Office, over Grosch's Shoe, Be Sh xin street, Milverton, Hotels situated rio § eatly, and thoroughly econ apleaud excellent HOTEL ieee on dee ie "AOS, HOTEL, Biativer,, Ont Best liquors and igars at st-class accommoda- Bin tion and large ietiap GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accommodation: for commercial eee ee ae Thee large sample Proms. tak ¥ Main Rigaors and cigars, of and Mill strecta, Ghee ae SBropielbe’ ‘S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The trav. uj {guard from SUR- {0 eande of | gue LOCAL NEWS. Frank R. Conklin on Friday night. Mr. Milton Loth spent several: days at his home in Tavistock this week, Miss Dolly McKay, of Linwood, the guest of Mrs. E. H, Dierlamm. Mr. ie Mrs eee Hartung re- |tarned las' week with fiends 1 in ‘tant Mr. P. H, Bastondorf spent on a s last week et his home in Drumbo ng his mother who is very ill of Pease Sys Mr. Andrew Gaul, of St. Thomas, spent several days the latter end of last week and the beginning of this H. Baste: sk Mr. J. N. Edwards has heard from is son and daughter, who are visit- | 8¥ ing in Chicago, and was relieved to hear that they had not been at the rated, Troquois entero. Miss Nellie MacFarlane, who for |the ae Gada and = half be been teaching it istowel, her ration recatiy ld left for "Okotoks | Alta, where she has secured a sim Feels Arsongemente have heen compl sted yy the Ses: and Managers of B: church, eee ate wheres the anni- ‘saxy services will be held on Sun- ae Feb. 7th., ae they will be con- Anderson, of Bur- or Gr Shearer, secretary of the v. J. G. are Day. Alliance, will -address ai how your sympathy with the Cay of the Allian: The other day a citizen stated to ; The Advocute that the G.T.R. had de- cided to charge full passenger ates jfor children, and when asked the rea- hy, he said the trains yee BO late that the sage geineue fedred the children might be of age on artiving at” their fiadination. —Mitchell Ad- voe.te. Only a few years ago 8 cents per Ib. was gis Siena! price for good turkeys. io buy know that the price is wate "aiorent now. All poultry brings good prices. a aoe in eepanty as high as 23 fe a8 turkey, price bat buyers are to blame, Poultry: 18 likel, extensively raise - | future, ar there is unlimited demand, A f n. ocal aad foreig: tl ‘The annual meeting of the Morning. Ex ton Agricultarsl Society wes held in}5 i, Grosch's tell; ‘on Wellbeeday satien: noon, when the annual report, show- nee of $423 on band, was F ve Wiedorhold | vies, se Weir ; directors, Jas. Torrance, Kelterborn. I. T. Langford, D. i j {little over a week t A very qniet but interesting wedding took place on Wedn at the home esday. Jan, 6th, of eee formed by the bride, travelling suit of wavy blue cloth and carrying a boqu carnations. and smilax, was given away by her father, while Miss Annie Whaley played the i Le sense ests sat a dainty spread in the dig room tts which the evenin, pent in social chat. The br: very handsome and useful presents, among them being a east ‘wat the groo1 oung The a} couple sre now cpmloratly sethled at! ‘te their home near Brnan bo | ilar when # ‘ide was. the recipient 2: bee wi id All Kinds of fresh fish at Miller & elite: Su want to eel |: gon farm ad- vortise it in Tre Frank R. ae is without sates the prince of monologue entertain Here him on Friday evening. Misses Annie and Fonny Stinson, of Mica, and Miss Mabel Thompson, ogan, are at present the guests of Melt Diabet Rey. Mr. aa Mrs. Beese, and Sale b L : dia Miller, of Winnipeg present visiting a at the residence a se Henry ith hes 2 setts of “lsbeta, 1 Sm: Soa and 3 pit box cutters, iano that will be sold at a reduction to the previous first purchasers, ‘We are pleased to note thet our old < of Mr. Jay j friend, Mr. John Rae, son Mas boon elected Oita ‘hos: ones alderman in the town of Oil Springs. The North Perth Liberals met at Listowel ou Thursday last and unani- mously nominated Mr. Jas. P. Mabee, of Stratford, “as liboral standard- er for the riding in the coming Polo general elections. lave you ee your seat yet for ae Frank R. in entertainment in Grosch’s hal on the 15th? -You get a sha as have to da Prices w for such a high- class entertainment. 2e., benches Lic. The editor of an exchange says: ‘We one time taught Sunday School cine tah lie a dinate asked us one day, ‘twhy the angel walked up and down’ Jacob's. later they 2” we gave bu oe have eg iene Gay Sundxy school teachin, The fee of Wellesley village and surrounding district are under a del aim tter ¢ | Public meeting next Friday evening in would seem that his e| would be very much appreciated. new members of the Morning ton council met at Newton on Mon- day, and were sivorn in, which the following offcers were ee for the yea : Clerk, John Wat- gon; sy aheroig Mia } assessor, W. J. Dowd; ee Thos, Dewar} son ni Health Stes collectors, Alt. ons » Geo. Thom) Focwer Medical ton; member joard of "Hen ie ao Campbell. he. content for the year’s printing was awarded to M. MacBe th. The death of Mrs. Margaret oe, wife of Johu Gallop, vai sya under very ‘pathetic circum- stance: e came here to spend the holiday sexson- On the journey she-caucht cold, which tui pneumonia. Her husba ade rai tele- rs ‘aphed f for but ne died the dex forwar el aus y way-of dhe in TH & erald. —Hamilton The ie shadow of sffiction has who have fon aie ie to m na loss of their only child, eae little girl of ee anda bat years. A ago-shé contracted louble pneumonia and notwithstand- ing that the best medical skill was eo ed and every uttention given Milverton Presby- terian cemet-ry on Saturday afternoon, Hs IP. never since in-| M Farewell Banquet to Dr. W. Egbert. “Thy parting. presence makes more Our fie ae of the past.” The farew all banguet, tendered Dr. it improved upon. ae there snd over one hund- Meg present. The dinner was excellent and many were the encomiums pass zone the tasty and luxurious displ: ee ; Mr. Kertcher certainly excelled all records on this occasion by by and ; [ceived and interest allowed at S| each Sapa list was a long one but there was ae a dull moment through- out length of it. dresses nae delivered by Mess: Crawford, A. Large, D. Smith, pole pee A. M Panton, J. P, A. F. MacLaren M.P., Jas. bone J. G. Hamilton and Dr. Rankin, The following toasts were proposed and ee to: Robt. rieve. Educational al Tntatets Jolin Dunbar, Di rke ard "| of Milverto: Brydone, Our Financial Instita- ies— ‘Mr. es ee actid:as chal air man wie Mr: Ey Goodhand : r acted as vi iooaiee At half time the alativana read to Dr. Egbert, the | t® guest of the evening, the following Sidistaate ted sddress after which the vice-chairman conducted the toast lst. To WM. ee M.D. C P., citizens of Milve: can spent oe the ae TOLER eae the community as well as your eusinently stevessful Binet ee ti ring homani eel pape oa stil further knowledge i in the Heaiiie art. And now as you leave for ae leading hospitals of the world, wit Here are samples of what those who| H. have es ay Pray about hb: “Mr, Conklin isa high-class artist, the best who ever appeared here.”— Lanark a best ever ean a Huntsville andievce.” ‘tateville Pareke ‘Mr. Cor iin is without doubt the ‘greatest reciter of humorous selec- tions in this or any other country.”— Se Courier. Yo: Chairs only oe gallery de, nk R. Conklin sry a. Pri tertainment was by far the in yu are the best pene it heat , Orangeman in Csneda, ree John After the toast to ee popes which was reach hed jen Tan Syne” and dispersed, after mutu- ally agreeing thet the occasion was one of the best of its kind that. they ever shad the pleasure of participat- | 6 gh Soak He The Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital Paid Up $8,700,000 Rest «= $3,000,008 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO G. A, COX, President B. E. WALKER, General Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Municipal and other debentures bought and sold. Drafts on all points issued. |Farmers’ Notes Discounted . Special attention given to. the collection of farmers’ sale note Special attention is directed to the fol lowing advantages offered by Savings Bank Department Deposits of Onc Dollar and upwards re ‘current rates. Interest is added to the deposit Twice in at the end of May and November. dep a is eabjece to no delay whatever in ae Shope etree of the whole or any portion Wh. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. A writer in the Chesley Enterprise eee week makes a a the G.F.R. f vites given on this line in the Norther parts. Mr. James 0. Hardie, of Listowel, - died at die wardcnes aris aon a: law, Wm: Cleland, of Elma, on Jan. 2nd. wasin his 73rd_year, and death was due to heart failure, Mr. Wm. Appel; a former resident a9 was clect-d to the spl ae sthope cou’ Mr. Appel to ood vote, BER nly oe i bshind ate Vor, who headed the The O.P.R. gatvayors 8 spent several days in rae village las Reuben Switzer, probably the oldest just died n Blenshard aenalaps Perth comity. shall, or river ite wes a Spo of ‘over seventy expense in reuoving buildings and other obstréc- At the Mornington counci] meeting on Monda; recei Tf the country editer were to soap jall the great inducements held sent one he would be in jail one-half the time and in the hospital the other half. o As Rev. J. H. McLeod was driving towards the station on Friday he had sni meeting. or ain “Bnd sot feats, had its broken and h @ led to th here it was ie vie McLeod. very regrets the accident as the ana was a very eG one and % | was also a splendid roa When you geta catalogue from a big mail order house, geet look it over aud see. what they will pay yon for your produce ; sito favestipats: and iS of credit are in €ase yon do not eve tie ready cash how much they will give toward the a have done this and received 1 reply see if your home merchant won't do as well: A meeting was held at 3 aenoun on Tuesday evening to m ments for holding the Ci x. Convention Téwas decided to ho ee eas on Weihedey. 4th tee, eed different pict of the village. addition to the pastors, was appointed mn Dunbar, Miss Annie Aes D. B. Detwei alter, convention. Hor, county secretary, ab dra ate