Milverton Sun, 14 Jan 1904, p. 3

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3 pers nar in advance. ‘io HO it ¢ 0 paid. —M. MacBera, Punuisi GT. R. Time Table. ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, « i904| §, ‘Yes. the Grand Trunk is right after all, its rolling stock should” be ‘assessed as scrap iron... The by-law ten e granting of a _ sight of way through Elma and “carried by a substantial majority. is now up to Milverton and Morning- ton to do likewise and thus put them- ‘selves on record as protesting to the abominable services given us by the: G. T. R. é ste Some time ago, when there was a possibility of the C.P.Re extending ~ the G. J, R. to Goderich via Listowel, = the people and “newspapers of “that _ town were very enthusiastic over the “project, and were preparing for a campaign: before the matter — was finally settled. Now that the propés- ed extension will notrun within miles tents. ‘STodians are now quii lace: to, ini noopsidereds Bee not exist in this litt le earth. Our Railway Service. The Toronto News last week sent a used’ by _the Grana| n- reaching eel he} found the town in a staté o! ‘digna’ an interview with some of the prominent men and ship- aie aes we ous a be ay of: as found in bed, on a ieee e Feecived during an of that place, the newspapers are pas throwing cold water on the scheme, in the hopes that the municipalities ‘through which the line will pass, may defeat the by-law giving the right of way. The people, however, will -be able to see through these selfish tactics. =e jas. The Latin Republics of South | Hen Amerioa that used to seek refuge un- . Columbia in defiance of a treaty of amity of long standing has made -i1 yident that the best dependence of ~ “the South American Republios, is on themselves. It is possible that an alliance may be formed to Biya frr- ther encroachments. een 2 An nsouna Newspaper. é outside news service St are wonien, tor nate. attention should. ee bs id. rr departmer _ ‘The War Oloud Arcoda. Bos (Goldwinsinit.) « peri in clouds comes on.* the War betwean "Buel and now Seon Deities aetions ore thle! hutual jealonsy and armed to. th , the hitler a oe likely | V1 weil Hl distant; feccebiol val eines dthe reaps will y. to earn shee Bread 4n any important case to protect the}! vight of tite weak inpaitiee tha strong. Both inth inde ayeel, strength refused arbitra |} Columbia Sete = aie “ar of that. Sena nor atte prin ia ‘show a er.the family of up # sis jould ie in reality. | Dhey clean de tab! a distance of 82 mi. hours making the ii for which the ime table allows four hours. "The freight.service is equally De two will a hog buyer, bad m6 send a large number of farmers home, through bad roads, with their hegs, eae ps was not ee ples ES 6 thin: ecently™ age bee from Wastin for the Listowel public schools was twenty-four days on the voad, and ai the tims ae of the News’ visit had net pete Dec " 6 Hay, of a Listowel Siete. Tight Co., order coal from Buffalo, and on the Lith a 50 Le they have Aa turn ee that a. townsman uses serh ated aoe he feel warm 6n the subject. erywhere the people ‘talk of it, on the street, at the table in the bank a: ed as soon as the subject is mentioned. Listowel is no worse than other places, not neatly so bad as some, but it doing a larg 3 | mouth. (Se as : “Dat Oroo! Toast.” The Bons bankwett io attend In honor uf de parting friend, Been ‘the festal rie Hoel down pAil de big mens uf de t “| Durkeys and gooses did dey eat ees de din: uae choked und laft mit fanny dricks d dheir toots mid: little oe ack vhat shmell so 2 una vhen dbeir. shtomacks all was. filled — Wud dheir tirst was also shtilled, les wit de roasts - nd der shairman make de toasts.” ‘Dhey say dem toasts was awful taf But de shpeakers was shwart enuff, You oe lem big: mens never fail head right on de nail. e|L sins dat-shairman proke de rool hen ote Proboss dat see so crool, Und ask the gayest of dem all Vhat es sneh lafter eae de ball. Dat toast:. “Ourladies uf de town ! Vould, turke Sa iharried shpeaker Tigtshe de ales i ap aoe Tnélade de married viusinens too. What know 4 wan mit single life fe SL vhen he have rox wife, no all de wifes he ever age 0 dheir husbands 000 aed true. sa But yet de sipeakess vhen be pos tas: urled. aud. grateful} = He broof-to all “Mit bleasant voice De wisdom, ue de shairman’s-shoice: “How: dank <ful was I for dis treat. i. “Shustica ‘toad | ig cannot. do,"* truth be. uieve otike ly ple which it} Dat shpeach jes oe all too soon fford, to put: a: stop} 00 Ha any | U! Dat efloreaiast brought o ite tame.” —_| wit where races =i fein “ or Walter 8. Hama wi ntruths he wishes elimin- | P®! Pp lacks picture hat to mat f great in-|/p 5 sami it Atwood. © Weel nen | heard that they were on the way, bu 0; : Head Offea, - tis an important town, | fp on ashwoor:| ud vhen he woke he meke van vow! ee veut was sliust van frew. ey wo albati Eidined ain noraion iene ae jk ¢ carried a boguet of iole earmations and sm by his supper in the dinin tastefully deco smuil as of Dery. blue with SNe Milverton Council. ilverton, Jan. 1ith, 1904. Milverton council elect met she a.m. when the following. gentlem took and subscribed their oaths BE malification and office and took their teepeotive seats at the board: Reeve, ith ; councillors, F. Guenther, ‘ich, R. Miller, Chas: Spencer. The following officers were ae eee fom the o Your 1904: We Weir. ¢ R. mney, eee 7 WV ae 1, ABSCSSOY 5 Seyi: Ee teetee Wn. *Hartnier: alth officer tach ob Bundscho, mer: 1 of local board of health for the a] rary coe for poundkee| Ati law being deaheat in accord-| ance, it was read a first, second and ttird time and finally’ fiaech in letor of th oto the sec.- An order was drawn on treasury to the amouut. of $21.25 in favor of the oo ‘Ulerk to pay & clothing and row Huh suppli ‘ophia Kert- er in the County te pane of Refuge. Conte Giei adjourned. ‘will sell the balance of our furs at ereat reductions. We must have a the room for Spring Importations. ane’? Belgian Lamb Coats at $25.20 each. = Black Coat at $18. Coon Coat at $15. ee $45. 2 “Ladiés’s Astrachan Coats at. $32 each. Sable Ruff, was 14, now Sil. Sable Ruff. was 10, now $8. Other Ruffs in same proportion. ae ss Our NEW PRINTS will arrive iin a few days. W. K. Loth GUR FLOORS ARE GROARING The Dominion LIFE ASSURANCE Gé. Waterloo, Gat. Results of 1902 usiness in force. 34, on pes 0G 14 pet cent. older: » 187,969.30 Terese lode 4.00 _Special adva eerie ‘ered inn Tosaanee issn in Peeinees oe limited instelmente- at the option of the Assured. Jas: Innes, President, Thos. Hilliard, Managing Direct »| Fhe Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, the home reach of under the weight of pretty things for that are sold at prices within the everyone. What is more appreciated as a Christmas present than a useful article of furniture that s}will be an ornament in the home as a pleasant s}reminder of the giver for years to come. Come and enjoy the display, whether é -jyou wish to buy or not. R. WHITE & CO. Stratford. We have a oes plete range of FELT SHOES For Ladies and Gents. Our stock of Rubbers and Overshoes; is complete, 3 _“ Always: at the Top ” LE: Grosch & Son = as a Picture} ; Are the Tailor-made Suits _ manufactured. by EE. Knechtel, Merchant Taifer, Milverton - Ontario. Has in stock a large assortment of Black and Faney Worsteds, Tweeds, Ete., to “choose rom; and can make them up-en! the shortest notice at most reasonable prices. Perfect Fits and Good Work Guaranteed Highest cash Prices = pac for| os _ Please give me a call amd'be-convinced. During the next ten days we Milverton’ 5 Great Bargain House = We- Can Why ? Because we buy for spot marion site aan, pene cash. Undersell Bargains in Overcoats now on Boy’s Reefers 8, regular 5.00, for $3.40 0 3 4 “ 5.00 2.50 * 3-3) Frieze Overcoats 4, 3 2 6 at > , regular 5.75, Men’s Dress Overcoats 4 8 regular 13.50, for A few Wool Blankets i ones for $2.: $4.50 ones for $2.4 40; $4.2 Remember we buy all kinds of Raw Furs, and highest prices paid for Produce. ROSE & DUIIART. Misse wedding was , celebrated rand Mri Epending their A aoe in’ Michi- gan, will take-up their how th ce ie sieonhood are extended to th young couple. farin'to Mr. Win. Orr Mr. Geo. Capling hae sold hfe. farm to Mr. Solomon Bowmen, giving up a werk with his sister,- Mrs, Al rtin. r. Aaron Posliff, of Wingham, was: old acquaintances in this‘ vicinity last woe Mr, and Mrs. Peter Cook and two Net aed intend in the near future to move into Milverton where. they will pone in future. dward Denver is visiting teins ae Win; BRUNNER. Mr. Robt. Pet fers has abs into a Manit Toronto on Christmas day spending her vacation in he vicinity. Fea Mee Te of Chi short rire oie Warn has’p' wind? on aie bar ae mm. Peters as been k with relatives in St. ut up oe the est ines fect eanie Sia ae Pontiac, Mich. During the recent illness of Mr. Robt, Edwards the grain elevator Hhere has been managed by Mr, Sam number ee Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, JANUARY 14, (1904 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Harriston Tribune is authority for the statement that the eiaeaneegs stood 32 cores below zero in 4 town on Jan. It was a clever bit of journalism on the part of tlie Montreal Star, when in} need of a portrait of Bishop Courtney, present to its readers a picture of Archbishop ayant instead. in features, and: extreme Irish type ei gentlemen. The tallest gies on ei Feed dee Ne the street level, forty ices tigh from ie entrance to the top floor, and sur mted by a ote “foot tower, os sienna new building will have geal fon, of 61 Tee making it over twice as high as the flat-iron pee and almost as ae again as the fch at present held Nae tend one fall block its cost, including th is site, will aan $10,600,000. On the farm: of Mr. son, Logan; can be s finest collections’ of imported Short- horn cattle in the poly, nr. es- teemed friend hes att ended. several sales of eae stock} in Hamilton WwW. SF de. | Days of this dist d | js still confined to the house, lertakes ae n this conan nt ine should be couraged by si who tke in first-class stock. "Phe. Advocate congratulates its young friend’ and hopes. ere lorig to be’ able to say township possesses as fine a lot Thom ped ua eeor See S re is a law. pues in Sault Ste. Marie that will be e Commons, and Mr, Boyce bahia necess: BURNS. North Movietaa congrega- tion heid their annnai fietide IAs Monday. the two] it ve ‘ote of tl aH building eoumnittee, 0 the pastor, and’ the danagin committee, Dowd moved to his new fara last week, ir. John McKenzie bas his new . reoen' M. ‘Terrance, of Listowel, visited friends ou this line last Sun PEFFERS. a Many people here, ir worthy pos ee auch wort and especially trains. ald often for bgune? ‘as. Freewan, jr., is back agai ia his old hoante Bulfalo'e jou is not strong enongh to hold’ the torwait in t Fons Gaterei ol the wih aon, who has been ill for some Pipathe past e;. though we ure pleased to hear-he is recover- . Jones, of Millbank, wir Rey. ‘a bold I prayer meeting here om ‘Bhar: oa ee Steven mate a vi 1, > ta ith Satohdny lant the agiual. ineeug OF the-patrons of Britton cheose faeto A rash in building operations I is ex- and further developwents-are expect- of Seaton asany iy deers in the pro- > ene ealita Advocata, Mis. McKay, of Manitoba, is visit: ing} sister, .Mre,.W. Nichols, 54 iy crippled when the Dominion Sais are in oro, Tt is the firm of Kehoe & Oy aS Habs has been nominat- seed es the : r. Doni mith»: 01 as the Liber: oe for. the| «iperta, spent a shor! oe. n M. 2. alse the ‘aght ame ‘80 pa iat a a U.S. 8. Pelee of partuership will be | dey, Jan. Tt, was ver sep) 2 transferred to Brownsville, Mr. Wm. Peters, jr 18 now in eharge. : rs, jr, returned on neday to eollexe in Belleville. his sister, Mra. Charles ‘Walker, ‘during! Ch weel AE the. annual school meeting at g 18, Mornington, Mr. Gropp ay Satiea tebe and cre. tary, vice Mr. Christian Nafuiger, the retiring trustee alimers secured the contract of supplying. the school with wood, the price being $2.80 qT paraccataniniiy titer Aca LINWooD. heed and Mrs. Gardiner, of Edinon- in, Alta., hey the guests of Dx D. irely MeSucher he failerae weceae eld oh Tie ‘The meeting was ve ret tee and all the speakers were vigor- Guelph, and Mr. A. Rennie acted as chairman, and acted very efficiently in thar ieee egle We hope to see the bonus carried by a sweeping majority on eee ., al jor) ar that sate chopping mill has been alkeed for a time. ‘Miss Clara Little, of Disord is eee ker sister, Mrs: Dr. _M ret to hear that er is one of the oldest’and:most reapected residents of eee A:junior heckey matth is yeaa ed for a the tink here at 3 o’clock o1 Saturday afternoon next, fe the junior team of Wellesley. paar as the wandey team is a good on: Mrs. Jobn= Selfurn, _whioz has been quite ill i nvetnveron with (eae lately, It-seems- to: Ss contagions, and it is not” altogether divionin’ this’ distelet. It is almost impossible to turn ont. ne sane and salso~ “has many\ the i ‘Tie opie! are muah in’ fashion: The ss Ker Mi oo tei nara oe ue yon See last | en Mr, Mr. Richard Bennett has rented his’ ing Christmas week from, Roland ol q Miss. Minnie Headon ae ao an : pateceall root at Mr. Chas. Walker's: it n spending UME will Rérnthars shag retirned| ed onl in their Jewelry pur’ = ‘That another year of very substantia progres “i The. Mutual Life. of Canada, Acgood\many have been ttoubled| 1902 Christian Schlouter has: commenged) - mull = kept very busy ee win-| the course or ten days that time. As we are opening _anew set of books in. ~ of a week , we would like to have all ac- counts settled before: “Wiederhold & ‘Honderich: thee BIG HOUSE. ia ee Once a Customer, 1 Z Always One.. The uppermost efforts’ in our business is. to. make our Watch Repairing and Jewelry Geo. | dealings such: that the buying] ,M™. public will realize the advan- tage of making this a favorite) money, correct in style an artistic in design, i Is our assur- ance that it pays to buy at this store. You have the assur- ance that when you buy at this |store you get the best. value i a for your money: _J. WELSH & SON, has\ : Reliable goods for the least | Me d STRATFORD. |. CARTHAGE. Sacrament was inistered North Mornington _ ae last san day mornin; Miss Mary Camero . commenced her™ duty as a school last mis ver ee success. — “ho joyd di rite f high Honeg iss Minnie Patterso of Toronto,., ie aes in our vieinity, Messrs. J. and a ae Boyd returned: s Toronto last w: potten, of Listowel. ited at Mr, Ds wai wee! Marriage Licenses Issued Con- fidentially. - Optician—Eyes. Tested Free Solid and: - Progressive - 8 hasbeen experienced by: will appear’evidentrfrom the following : Be Stat, 1902.5 Gastr Business. in foree. Bec, $34,467,370 ‘Tuterest. Facome;, Death Loses, 19022 — ‘Tie Cie Theome from terest, excee Death Losses. for year by. Oe : zi soa} W..H. Groseh, - ‘Loenl Agent. ‘Duncan: Stewart, - ess written in 1902 $4,527,828)" $275,415 é $210,596 | Wishing”. © You all-a Happy ace Prosperous NEW YEAR . . will endeavor to pleas ‘ as. sur stock isi tha you, more: ee ever: = ‘ Ras Yours pects Strotford,.Gen, Ane, = resumed bis, _

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