\ Ota the daily ir a Toronto, | Mrs, Solomon ecpler Daily Star ii ay the one see should haee the sympathy ofall in the loss Esai <i gly to er) baye'sus' by death of readers living pee xr city. The} th infant thter. Interment = Star's mar! ket - especi: Son if eee ‘place on Saturday last. ty | xrain, fi reduce, rs, J. J. Carson is recovering — 3 7 te ths most vcaluinies being at all times’ full an attack of aninsy. ee Fase SRE 5 18 Peas! Sul and accurate. As anal paper| One, wel -isrown wad respec! « 2 pies The Star has, in this respect, a great , has departed this stk ae 7 , coma at: Miche ene ago) the, Ne i et eos bere be oreo Se He Mn During the next ten days we tol As the minEnets in betas and ieee tr ar ter of sitios me Jo: 3 z foreign. eoun' © eg - | Martin, living near Newton. Deceas- «DR Tt ‘fore The Star goes to press, its readers | ed was just in her girlhy d was _ GT. R. Time Table receive thee eports hang hours be mich extcomed by Altwho kar her ‘will sell the balance of our furs at. Traitis due to leave Milverton, fore it fe possible for them to be 3e sorrowing.friends have the heart. « GOING NorTH. GopNG SOUTH. in the mornipg 'n this way | felt sympathy o: people of this Mixed. ...,10:48. erm. Express, 0:10 a.m| farmers and others are able,.before| community. great reductions. We must have. Express». 6:42 p.m. Mines. % p.m |taking their produce arket, r. and Mrs, 8. BUingham, of Pp learn from e Si Sear prices they (Bt. Sec eared guests at Mr. J. J. fi S : may expect to get. bis market | Carson's, : rt; : a feature is only one any whicl the room for ring. Importations. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1004 give ‘The Siar, its tend “among. the iB DP 5 oro re Ae ao off “The . the fisheries of Hudson ole & Harristonian likens a trip by the Grand Trunk from Palmerston to Guelph with the passengers all hud- dled in a dilapidated coach devoid of any heating apparatus, to Eskimos _ going to a picnic, ats ‘Tt must have been the Grand Trunk | 000 91 which Mark Twain was travelling when he asked the conductor to put si the ‘cow-catcher” on the rear end of the train to prevent vagrant cows from coming in and biting him, ate ¥ . [Be then ~ The mikoptases of Professor James { Mills to the Railway Commission will be popular with the farmers of Ontario - ¢ommunity and is‘a man in whom the farmers have every confidence. Men of |’ the calibre of Mr. Mills will do much towards compelling railway corpora- ‘tions to live up to their contracts and | ™% deal more justly by the ee whose servants they veally ari “s Judging from results in recent bye- elections in Great Britain it would seem that the policy of protection advocated by Mr. Chamberlain is not by . Lord Roseberry in the following words: “I >See commerce prospering. I see thi Empire prospering. I see the great community that inhabits this islana|P2 prospering beyond the dreams of those |] ‘wao lived under: Protection, And I Structure of our commerce and of our Enapire.” fir. Hays, it’s up to You: Manager Hays, of the G. 7. R., a short time ago, in an interview with a Stated that if those who complain of the lateness.oftrains would furnish him with a specifé instance he would eause an inyestigation to be made, but that he could do nothing with complaints that were so general in|’ their character, It seems ‘strange that Mr. Hays should make a stato- ment like this.when the evidence is overwhelming to the’ effectsthat the whole service im Western Ontario has broken down and is eels. out of gear. Nobody krow: dai The Sars. subscription price is $1.50 a year. pases ng By-Laws Carried e first bonus by-laws ever sub- ee in Wellesley township were the two railway by-laws voted upon. on carried by a @ cash bonu: ® asd ‘Berlin, rease. The Dominion LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont. Results of 1802 usiness in foree. team road through the northern part of Ene be Dagens The following} are the Sats Blectrie cies 180 Against 3 ae abs In order to carry it was required that one third of all the votes on th list should be poled; as ei Hotinhy-laws somplied with these requirements, On Monday the townsbi eit No ef Wilmot aud North. Kast read s to i each ta the certain t: required num’ the bylaive have signed netitions fo the councils to hexe the a noticeatle muipaign was one of education and heiconk ‘counted. EMA. The vote in pleas van pretty close, it the brie ior. re een of thed narrow ma- fiuviber against. wal Pilateenrned with Aaakigrd yo Inerease........ Cash Surplus to Poliey- Hinited instabuents at the “option -o thi S Thos. Hilllard,- ‘anaging Director] das. Innes, President, We have a corn- piete: range of FELT SHOES mey |For Ladies and Gents.|. Our stock off is camplete, . “ Always at ihe-Top ” J. €. Grosch & Son North Perth: ae, Institute * Miller ‘Hall, Gadshill, Monday, ~~" Schooh House, Hampstead, Tues: Supplementary meetings willbe beld in Town Hall, Gowanstown, Tuesday, Fodt-2nd, 1904, afternoon only MeDonald’s Hall, Listowel, Tuesday, Fe Mitchell's Hall, Atwood, Wednesday, Peb. 2 Town Hall, Millbank, Thursday, F Cheese Factory, Monkton, Frida: bat Hall, Bornholm, Saturday, Feb. 6th, afternoon only wn Hall, Rostock, Monday, Feb. 8th, afternoon only: ad. evening only ‘eb. 4th, afternoon and tvening , Feb, 5th, afternoon and evening Feb.8th, evening-only day, Feb. 9th, afternoon and’ evening” When the following subjects wiil be introduced by the speakers named. i holde: me irom g ners 1 }, 854. ° ’ : | Specht advantages in totnt attain 2 Ladies Astrachan: ire ins Bran iseued. All benefits: 3! e le in continuous ors if hia and Overshoes Highest cash prizes paid for sdes vd, aftstnoon and evenings - each. 1 Black Coat at $18. 3|Ceon Coat at $15. $45. 32 each. a Sable Ruff, was 14, now Slik. Sable Ruff. was 10, now $8. Other Ruffs in same proportion.. Belgian Lamb Coats at $25.20 in a few days. Our NEW PRINTS will arrive. W. K. Loth OUR FLOORS everyane. you wish to-Bey or not. The Purniture Dealers and Undertakers, R.. WHITE. & CO. Stratford: ARE GROANING upder the weight of pretty things for the home that are seld at. prices within the seach of: What is mere eect asa Christmas present than a useful’ article of farniture that" will be an ornament in the home as a pleasant reminder of the giver for years to come. Come and. enjoy the display, whee n find out when a train will arrive. Freight shipments are lost. Cars have |? tvkew.a month to reach theiedestina- ton though the distance in tran:- > portaiipe-did not exceed one hundr ed miles... Mr. Hays is a high-priced man and is said to have received A story was’ published ‘the osher day to the effect that a road in Great Britain.,offered.him a salury of $25,000 to go over there. _ His answer isisaid to have been, “It’s an- office | boy you want.” The belief is becom- ing general that Mr. Hays is an over- vated < mano whose, entiy upon the ‘Mauagement several.-years ago was 3.gnalized .] iy Steat blowing of tru: bas. he service pnder his manage- mant hes, gradu Dy zan down until \ switis almost dissrganizad. Tf Mv. yepitetion Bass suffored | Cl Session, 1.30 p.m. 1. President’s Address, 2..RB. 8, Stevenson, Ancaster, Ont. a—a practical talk on Dairy Cows, breeding feeding, select- ing, ete. b—the growing of Root Crops. 3. Fred. ‘Sheppard, Queenston, Ont. -the Importance of Soil Mois bits,» varieties and Disenssion by local nen. Oo maintain it, | ; »- 3% 3. PROGRAMME 3 3 . Evening Session, 7.30 p. m. 1, Chairman’s Address. 2. R. 8. Stevenson, Atvonst ter, a—the Cream Separator on. the farm, —the Farm Water Supp2" d A. Sheppard, Queenston. a—some of Nhe Advantages of Living on the Farm. b—FParm. a Doing the Jie dias been particulssly iueac Di Mlaswatian' fesse sate! r, Stevenson is.2-practical Dairyman and Breeder of Dairy Cattle. past tee years he Las acted as-expert judge at many of our-large rd is a large soo Aeekid in the celebrated Queenston este sh in grafting and budding, and ean Are’ the Tailor-made manufactured by E. Knechtel, Merchant Tailor, | Milverton Ontario. = LULU AU Pretty as a Picture Suits ‘ete i Jee of. Toronto, Will sup aud Miliban places, 15e, Admission ee the -exe: “Members Fre ocalist, -by _|MISS “WHITE, Milverton” Ss Leading Pianist, Ie he musical part of the programme Listowel, ees ning to non-members. at-these Faney* Wo F ception ‘of Hainpetead, where a Worhen’s Institate there atly through the intolezable ser- » receive! on the branches of. his is, = gieay i in. Western. Onaie~, Laue BRAY; Pres., Listowel... Vice-Pres., i: REMSWERTH, cal programe in the exering at all other meeting’, with the vex: fea at: le. he will be collected=in-aid of 8, H. PUGH, .Gowanstown.. Sec.-Treas., Milverton. prices= | Ae HR TTT Has-ir stock a large assortment of Black and orsteds, Tweeds, Ete, to choose from, and’can make them. upon the. shertest notice at j Herfect Fits anéiGood Work Guaranteed. S Please give me a-call-and beconvinced, - _ Midian and can Bug os eine 19 meee “an Grange | Orange’ i Gan ica ' Why ? Because we buy for spot! cash. Bargains @nes Boy’s Reefers 8, regular 5.00, for $3.40 : % 3 OA 2.50" AS 5-00n ur Sage Friéze Overcoats’ 4, regular 5.75, for $3.00 2 As 00. tS BAO Baio qh, 80 27S Pee BTS BS Ou 5 I ee G00 { 3-8¢ 5 < 800 “4:50 Wien’s Dress: Overcsats i regular Pe De for, $8.90 fi 5:75 o ue ¥21006 8 95 7 af £2505: 8.10 4: bs PO I5e, v * 10.00.“ 6,00 II s Fi Rye. ereetioes 6.25 for $2.35. prices-paid for Produce. ROSE & DUSIARF. A few Wool Blankets left, $4.50 ones for $2.40; $4.25) Remember we buy all kinds of Raw Furs, and highest The Milverton Sun. Trip to the Gulf Coast.. "SHUBSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904 CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES The Roman cesnolles in Dunedin, New creased from 1.000 to he funcral o the la took that ever took place in the Sydney, Cape Breton, threw off its swaddling clothes on Jan. pene a ay now Glace Bay. Ss Oe ‘ tsa Canada, awe raul ge a0 7 Co., oe m4 eae and from thence t De Brak, always cause 160¢! with heari impaired. his memory is Zonta by Ge libsls on the climate of Canada. Oldest Orangeman is Not Dead. office of the genera] freight. a; GENERAL NEWS Spencer. is.a son of our Beant zeu, Mr, Charles Spencer. To the Editor of THE Six; Dear oe ae Zesland, have in ee years in- te Rev. Dean Thi Sip feats e Guilt C e at Stratford on city. inine who tet end run tothe Gulf Coast aud New iis Pe. oe rived: in Rew Orleans, is. o ready to put on city| with the crowd and in e weather was everyone was oi Street. fine es of the “Schoo! in eee nd. e ana-| visit the places of interest in the ancient cit Tl most interesting and the Louis cemetery *Sreat aud set 96t r, probably the old- e then visitéd the old French has just oper wher ‘ownship, Perth ‘ausembe! oF over 70 years.— a nals eo eae an _ lecorated in the finest of decoratio: gonteniporaty is_mistsken_in | decorated in th ress and cat The: old“! “athe Hees 1752, near the Ere ear ew a ea :iileg where. numerons _ ho ee naA ete., filled jerry ville, pias el We, bisa visttedta few ofthe aohere it has reinained fo: up- ir. 2 ie Tu'a remain SES Sao Bi ae Oeaugeistty and is still rorce..* mber, He reached iia tae on Christmas Da: g and ergsight but si ightiy He can use the but n | Deerings: The following day we visited t old Brench market. | Here you “all of all nationalities bnying and sellin; crabs, shrimps, .ve; negroes, i Just toes we reached the French tng sand son Nquare by fho-C! jar and St, Louis pate also-the old ahs Lae bee for th t builssin 1738, u Eoebts e this’ market we passed Jack Has Hobart “Cohen of & trade. “building in Lo: The re oe owing to thelow land be ‘The fen eveite, Serene ee © e tril y Mr. H. ent of the Louisville and Nashyille Railroad, Lou'svil ucky, U.S. A, eet anos from my accompanied me on wy. oF time to mix up. do some shop- parading cad New Year's Day we started out to Id ceuueteries, are uated tee ons also the itis of aires ‘rom here we and went‘ ont miner with Done: and wound up the Aad by ‘ana Th women and<childre eee wen and. chi! ime fhe It ated that and i sola trees. “surround-— Bee of the Prenior's: plans,+ rou $8,000,000. ght, also Con pec Panes where th Famous bull fights ircuses werd} Sonday, “3 “Jan, rd, we went down to the ieee where the boat unloadii — | refineries. in Overcoats now. on “Contractors. otf ae are thinking of putting” oe(Up @ house this year, or repairing ‘game, kindly give usa call as this: — mali is one of our main hobbies. employ nothing but skilled work-» men in our factory, and satisfac-- «weltion guaranteed in every respect... We: plentiful along the coast canning factories are orected | in dif- din; bledeantly situated among the large pine, oakand magnolia trees, Bath: Geom? ads 10,000, ne the civil igsit@atéd on a ees and wany o' a ane a "old Kentueky™, on We een mornin; peed Sst quite achange in the atinosphere to what re but e cl note e you are e having = Old-fliue winter: ta" Can I Joly F ran to Neauvie aa ive ountain: ag you the compliments. of the ‘season and that ‘the Sun may ‘any new homes daring. the: I Fat -very" Oe /PENCER. peel ene W. D. Weir's Sale Register. The farm stock and Yinpléments of ros Chaluwers, north stern ages Honey Grove), on Wed- fan. 23th. Sule to coitntienee} at 10.3 ae luneheow at‘noon. At Milvertaty 28 Saturday, Jan. the horses, buggies, entters, etc. of Fredrick Schmidt.” Sale to commence at 2 o’cloc! Bound: to Have a % memee yet Another hero ewe b has s beon taken in Fra juca- tion. The Frene Prewtér; M¥ Combes has introduced rie the irene pes pal tea as legivlatie aa n penDIeion teachin schools by the authority of orders. The bill will apply ¢ orders which are now | se ee con eeegations, whit &, also conduot hospitals for} ali _ Five years re altowe carrying are ot the proposed of which wil entail of ly 300 xcliools boys, pate sek nisin where EN png Satinted te the the oor iaeehe. squall optlntio} of nite ‘proniinent ‘age ee Nashvill Normal College, , Vanderbilt vate versity vols cou aces . We also earry 4 complete line ae _. FURNITURE. fe In Iron Beds for this month we: are offering extra bargains, as we’ aithave bot. too many- should be without an Iron Bed, asi veeithey are the most durable, and: «wine free from vermin. Call in and have» gtis| a look. Wiederhold & Honderich: Nobody Undertaking in all its ia THE BIG HOUSE... : Always One... e The uppermost: efforts dealin Reliable goods for the least artistic in design, is our assur- ance that ittpays to Buy at this lstere. You have the assur- ance that when you buy at this store you get the best. value for your money # WELSH & SON, STRATFORD. “Marriage Licenses Issued Con fidentially. Optician—Eyes Tested Free our business is: te: miake. ouF| x, Watch Repairing: atid: Jewelry d3 such that the buying|& s| public will realize the advan- tage of making this a renee & orteystore in then Jewelry’, pur- |e e chases. money, correct in style and} ts di Once a Customer’ Notice to EE P| p ay of Gctober, 4903, a before FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1904, Tiresb matter ofthe estate of Isabella D: javid- son, ldte of the Township ‘of Morn ton, county o! rth, Widow, decease: TICE. eps given, pursuant to the ~ Pe Statutes of Ontario, 1807, chapter» that all ‘creditors and others icitox 1c, addresses na gee: articulars of their clei Gtnuoseteigimna aptiek = ‘a received by them at the ‘ribution. ated the dork reset on December; 1903. utors.* | A. M. Paros, Beiiliarede caters Pace Solid: Progressive rs year of very substantia progress has been experieneed by The. Mutual Life. will appear evident Trom the >. following : H-| Business written in 1902 $4,527,828: Business in foree: 19 neonie from Tn sasode: the: sses. for. thes WH: Groseh Local Auene Duwean‘ Stewart, of Canada| $34,467,376 | - 4 4 at Wishing .. inf " Serestord, Gens Agent{: MIBVE RLON STATION You*ail'a Happy Presperous : NEW YEAR and thanking all thav% have so liberally. pat-~ ronized us during the + past yeartand we solicit»; <a&continuance of — the + x same’in the-future. We wilPendéavor-to please * you, as% ot stock iss more complete — thar’ ever: Yours’ respectfully, R Test Son