SHOTS BETWEEN Eek Dalny berg! is being evacuated. The Rus- boast that they have mines me : - : quick. Japanese Reports Say Russians 0 ’ Were Compelied to Retire. to necessary preparations. nding {Prices of Cattle, Grain, and Other ee Peasiige at Home and Toronto, March 2 Whent— Lmarket continues firm at generally Cheese, $18 spe pert prices. No. 2 white Ke ag Pai Sag to tilted a “hogs. Bt ee ibe breakwater ‘do aoe rail- BE SS ominal at the land’ vais te fred in No. Say sidings to She ent apanese RUS * goose at to 88e east. Manitoba | dressed hogs, $6.50 Sothern Cabana tlle cptae cr ing: [toms weing: them USSIA’S SACRED IMAGE, neat th No 1 |hogs, $5.50. Yang, Sun mor © Rus-| There are only five months’ sup-| The most sacred i in bares es at $1.07 at Georg- |28¢; limed, sians claim that the Japanese were |Pies at Port A Srthur: ‘The Russians has been sent to St. Petersburg, and |ian rts, No. 2 Northern ‘at |W: creamery, 193 to Geteated, “avd'the Japanese sey that |°°. o defend Port Arth-|it will be taken later to the F. us on en No. 8 Northern at $1.01. |grass, 21¢; Mati Re Bf 184: the ‘Russians retreated args maf ene On Ee RSE wt tive emt at | ee a te Aan aoe oe nomi 110, frolis,’ 16 ‘to 17e. ‘rmat their, troops eos ny to the jujis a cr tion of the Virgin ap- elena prices are 6c {11 to o Tide, Townships, “yon D n iil re oe River, and if pressed, upon to Saint Sergius, and is al steve le Gust # of MUST NOT AID RUSSIANS. ee Pot at the tery. is and is covered with imi about one foot square, aa UNITED STATES MARKETS. 1: gee a Bui fancy blended paten men from a pect to a h from St. P 4 se! Fi ve within a fort-|says it is reported that Japan has Te Seo eee is eet oe hee 3 night towards Ping-Yang. otilied a that it wil ple 2 Ba ee ee e jan mil Position is breach of neutrality if the Chinese in | Sion, 270 “exander I. on all their ja moderate demand. No. 2 that infantry have occupied a Por- urla assist. the Russians in|(a vans. A silver tablet atta at. 47. we freights. tion of the Seoul-Pekin r be- pon eae ow uri @ war, and|‘? entimerates the battles at |3 extra at 45c, and No, 8 at 42 to tween Liao-Yang, on the Manchurian |has warned China to refrain ‘from which ‘the lage as poaktag se middle {eighta Railway, and the Yalp River. The interfering with the “Bhntinees ‘The market is firm, with No. Russian front and flanks are strong- | bandit: HARASSING RUSSIANS. 2 quoted ot G5e wort ‘and: 66c vost. ly supported. ‘The right flank is at — ERE DREGE AB EEG 53 ABH eee abe ree Ge “3 e Chefoo correspondent of the |prices firmer. No. 8 American ‘yet. |2v PPM ae olan ds aria ad LIMITING THE AREA, London Daily Mail confirms the re-|low quoted at 55e qn track, ‘Toron- alry have crossed Yale River | ‘The Berlin Politsche coer Ports that the Chin pe ape mixed at S4c. Cana- baivoest’ Yan extir ampho, evidently inspired, sos the Russians in South-west Manchur- 44¢ on track, Toronto, Cossack scouts have aavaneel along |2ction of ers, renee the Says that 5,000 Tussian aa 28 10" Bie west he caravan routes in touch. with |neUtralization EF China initiated by |troops moved from Mukd es ne ye—The market is firm, with No. PingYone ie United States 0 on- | Afin-T* ‘Their meth 2 Bikes Pop 56 to 58c east ani west. tok w CHINESE MOVING. An ential cape dated Satur-|sent separate lay, fro ‘eneral Mie Pflug, y ‘Alexief 2 chief of stall say's: night of Feb. 2 oe 23 2. FS 8 = Placed Corea, aa tl ulation is friendly towards us.” HORSES FOR SAPs. i horses ste are believi British agents for Jay RUSHING TROOPS FORWARD. ‘A despatch from St. Petersburg to | the es says that every day and 3 ae said now to number 30,0! turning a | stock ce. mounted troops have entered he attitude of the pop- it The horses ved to have be 1 bought by ry are ee in; the Seoul-Pekin road betwee tie nor we ‘mi iene MARC: P © garrison at that. point bee which oi act was made, tyet a species o! binding fores has come into exis shy ‘e two or three reports in- dicating rink teeta evade their attention to Vladivo- The Ne in, ears to b immensely e: an importa , some 150 miles north Weer by a long ing is nizety miles dist: agreement with moral- THING ON KIRIN are now ‘OR Zi i; Hil arcl which place ese are which p-|an cavalry uth sts h |tailes south of the Yalu. march peat ae public nacre ‘ich. people are pupplying a money. net pee e ‘Ten thousan a panic. of Seoul, ard so: 5 ty miles sout! a wi yesterda; ‘The town is about 100 Ee MARTIAL LAW. of them. Preparations are chang: Mi iitloee g lSaotad At 00 to: Bae, Sullate fietghto: $1,024; your ‘Ninety per cent. patents are middle t “‘treights, fn buyers’ sacks, for | $1.0: 1.05; rt export. Straight rollers of special Ping-Yang is about 125 mites north |steat re reported |26 to ay little stuff coming forward. No. 1 timothy quoted at $9.50 a ton here. at Chickens 12 to I4e eee Jb. Turkeys July, ti 91 with buyers at $3.70|3 har’ 05 rthern, $1. OOt No 3 pee 35 fe Pao = aoe our—Firs( have already enrolled ath ne cite brands’ for domestic trade qnoted at | patent tion of carry! fying off & guerilla: ee 2 75 in pole Manitoba | tents, & 10 Se oe 30; ret tcl fare. It ia cleas the Japanese |$0%. Pees Rees song ee es te Sco anes ‘clears, §2. ores per PPMEL es from the ma- 18250 on track, ‘Toro: a Bs 0. In bulk, $1 $17.50, and shorts ot a 58 eK ON ms 50, a ere. 7 2 JAPS AT PING-YANQ. At outside points bran is quoted at| <p, ee ee Spee Ei eae Huoten ¢|. Toronto, March 1.—Deliveries 0 Two and one-half divisions of the toba: bran. § acks, $20, dcsli mT ilive stock continued light. at a Japanese army, @ total of £0,000 at $21 here 7 #20, and shorts |Westorn Market to-day. Most of th pe tenshe! Tes nts ene - he So butche: wought forward til ave fortified Ping-Yang a: for the market were sol a and are throwing out seouting yar- COUNTRY PRODUCE. a leek Uaiancar neste’ mee Wen toward a River App! Tegeiene per is quiet, with |their stock in hope of obtaininy ‘The Russians are ecaheg open the |prices steady at $2 to $2.50 Per |better prices for it that they wer communications between Wiju and |Bbl for the ‘best stock. offeredt nju. Beyond this they have not| Dried apples-—Th dis small,| The sheep trade was ag Ne advanced southward. Russian spies |jaud prices are unchanged at 3} i 7 are know! to be i the vicinity of |44¢ vaporated apples, 6c Ping-Y: The inhabitants are in |Per bbl. Trade is dull, and prices |¢n dy. Prime beans are quoted lin their views. shel mb. is quiet, with rr ewt, ure arose in the bul way between Samara una 2, ‘0 oe miei: in European Russia, and Heck = oe eiacoiee wantel bogies Teper, cao ta nnae ea the Siberian lines, with all the terri-| around $5.50 on track here pe Se I ee i y the Coyernme: toes—The market is firm with to’ $8.50 for seg pate ae ne purpose of the railways, havo |offorings limited, choles cars’ ae artial law? epee to 81 per bag. “on | Trade in sheep and lambs was fair a remiae rite ace aces eae aaron quality vet j8nd prices The full powers |80 ze S5c per bag. exis © oper-jof mmander of y have sitsse Reel are moderate, amu ich jbeen conferred on the commanders of | ani as a rule unchanged. Ss ontea toa point ten mfles east it: isteieta; tn hoes | areata ss Uy 16e per 1b.. and Ping-Ya dipenee hese railways have been |geee at 11;to 12e per Wb. ducks > FROZEN Ce plgcsd: Ise rer. 1b/ or. $1.51 75 a is < re are renewed reports of the ee pane owen to 10e, oat FOR RED CROSS WORK. ferings cf the troops from the RUSSIA'S WAR FUND. Th spapers t. Petersburg |cold in Siteria. | Tt isvasserted that | 1 THE DAIRY MARKETS. rontinue to print full accounts of | numbers pting to. cross e ovosti, of St. Petersburg, mand, and Ssconteibilions-to. the eon. | Baikal on foot have been frozen. tol viewing Sth. bed’ oF ANG Tikes Se ee aut od, [ofiect. Sceiety, which are pouring in from | death, while others have had their |sury, figures that total amount |fe9 jnlp pd oat a Busin feeders ae ie all ts of Russia. The Armenian | extremities frozen the disposal the Govern nt aiete ae, st 1b. lis, 17 1 = _ continued. quiet at unchan, 10 churches kere want to bear the ex for the conduct of the war is $320,-|dhoice, large rolls, 16 to 164e; sel tations. We quote: Peoder, 1.p0€ Perse of twenty-five beds, and the| RUSSIANS BURN VILLAGE. . ,000, which it considers to be |ected < sty tubs 1 176 cm a 1,200 Its., $4 to $4. leoders, Finnish Society cf 100 beds, whit ry s £ quite sufficient, in view of the fact |}, 3 1 to Tbs.; eee to ei the Poutilof Works have offered to| A despatch to the London Stan-|that the Turkish war, waged on for: |prints, 21 nt ae: colle 19 to 260, sia. 600. to 800 Ibs., $3 to $3. supply an entire hospital train. , fro) ien-Tsin, says that ac~ pe territory, cost only $5 K SNe. ete to 600 Ibs. Over 200,000 _ Osetines from the |€or@ing to native reports the Ru: 3.50 pot Caucasus have volunteered’ for ~-ser~ vice. - ‘The painter cae is going to the Bert in days to make sket: COREANS TO FIGHT. ‘The Corean Government has decid- port of Wiju was open foreign trade on ursday night. The limitations laced on trade and other matter: be pas fed later. — The action necessitates a harbor. Yongampho has been de- cided ‘TRANSPORTS ON THE MOVE. The most important news from the ret ee wa, it 1s ae is that of tran: Port fre Preparing to aintaibar ke Unofiicial aegvacas urg indicate that such a develop- ment is fully expected there. Bennett Burleigh, a correspondent and cluding the: w eM peat ‘ivate as KATSUR Tokio tranquility of fasti frcordiag th, e troops burned a large vi Brassascred the inhabitants, in-| not cruelly murdered TO Le IN conra. PEKIN HEARS. es from New-Chw; were without doubt A INTERVIEWED. correspondent of the d re-| come from all classes the sympathy of Great he moral support ° Powers would go far to |; i peace. confident that she eae ackiage ‘this. this to information: received | e aoe ae to say NORTH OF YALU RIVER. Reliable Sees from Northern Co- ito 11 rea indica‘ oe rea. Russians rength nort Ee of the Yala River is ions estimated to forty thousand. Ses Russophile de onstratio: ce. The Czar, in thanking the St, Pet = ersburg Zemstov for a royal address {jo oe his Majesty: at the Wine ter Palace on Wednesday, said of patriotism from aon tly console me is ~ di it God's help, and ‘convinced <= the ie tice of our cause, that the ay. sae tect will de ae es eee flary of the empjro. Finest September's, lic; 104¢. iove- | pork, ; ee 24c; do., it from twenty | 10 ne backs, 13 to 13}c; breakfast bacon, 18c. wae BUSINESS AT MONTRDAL. Montreal, Mar. ing all the better grad con get. thelr Handa’ ei irm to-day; No. feats oa oe aliant arms orma {sti fovea 40 aint the honor eae ee ne Faniged ‘from We he sae — 5 to $50 each. , 10 ese—Trade quiet. Hogs wero wichanged, Wa o fi oo HOG PRODUCTS. firmer, we re- ight: $3.50; stags, $2. 50 t o $8 1 ae ewt. 6.40, delivered heres wt BRITAIN AND FRANCE. ¢ :—Bacon. lon; Lares: Treaty eri eS eres te Rene Sig ondon dept says: Premic to 104¢; shoulders, 9; to. 10c; CZAR’S LATEST SPEECH. {7207 Tre market is fea eas Public feeling at St. Peters Tierces 8c, tubs Sic, ae sie, com f {pound 7% to 7ic. bi 2 eadee returned here from Paris Jast night, and, apart from an exchange i.—Millers ore tones of views in regard to the most ree- ons Ey eve of being Such questions a8 °F , ndland, AV demand being active: Monitoba. Provisions Hoary Ca Ovisions—Heavy rk, Sie 5G; fa __ plaint, Have ney Pills KIDNEY PILLS DO FOR HIM. de Knows Others Too Who Have "Been Troubled with Kidney Com- sed Dodd’s Kid- and are Well People day. dell, Ont.—Mar. 7.—(Special)— TES A VETERAN aE oe OP THB ORINBA 22 "SC ne “anp HE TELLS WHAT oe of city and adap' Eons to conaittns, - pairaiees is, tae Se jee moe hospitals, feld hos: ae dressing stations of the three types, ships, Mt vision of t of > | serve, ltane- sible days and also how he escapes | ous!, the pains’ and aches brought on’ by | serve” hospital: © many pa ae nights of hard- oa ihips and. 0: and every infantry “T-have bern srovbled for“ years,’* arity ania ae says, aa ey ‘Trouble drought on by lyin oa ho ferenchi al staff attached to it of a in front of Sonaetopol hae thous- | very comjjlete kind. ands of my brothers in arms lost|. Bosides all these standing their lives, But every omen ‘eo my trouble coming on I uso Dodd's Kid- sey Pills, T have foun therkidoraie pace a ea ae new are qeoll Getele Uestee pg WHALE HUNTING. Conducted iby) the Fishermen. How It is Azores’ she first island ne the ae ene ‘oup approached. fro stward fe Flores—the island ciaeeeey Only hor ‘bor. i nity fathoms of dark blue the basaltic sea walls. ‘But ap- prcamhlne: thd tes pe quay over which antic waves wash with ou etre tar in stormy weather is si issage be- teen walls ah black Se ing from which are columns of bas- This smal! channel ieads to a The sunrise us areal fo. quick a: suecesstul chase. "There fi: Ce SES ag on a a whaler, afd s from. the moment ives e ale a8 io aie te the departure of the boats. ‘The mei get a certain percentage of the value t ie s Ae Tt needs all the pluck, kno’ and daring ever belonging to Aba ee Bid” inate boat, Rea to return. get ah eet eos. protecting her calf, fn Hosing Sens oreo mae “islands. all this levator = these days ut: “Phe head and the Shes Gites out in buckets, while alebone was extracted ens the Micah keene tee was done the s cut adrift, os carrying Saas dollars worth of amborgris: ‘The poe for amwbergris at that period imited, and it was the prevail idea that aaibormis was 6 thor ola pee yomited by the whale. years all the am- ago eae that came into the pera: a aie anna of party me: dt ily te 1 eighnorkiood 8 ‘tis West Tiles of. the gull colleagues _ ina: habitually"do the ti a from thei al. mattats: are concerned STEADILY FORGING AHEAD. The ‘Western fre papas @ Flourishing Financial snany Of the flourishing financial concerns. which a repays, off whichis ppeared ee and Empire Sat aes ‘The Anca ee ae ie company to ing she: 0: of $805,912.60, o Ard: 5 pe cent. on the company’s: capital stock. ‘There was a rt $: 70. in E i$ as secure and firmly estab- ished 2 a nie and efficient manago- nt An interesting portion of Eresident. Cox's adi z dvess-wa: ak ies to those lorgely ee this loss. Mail and: Empire, Tor » propert i ae THE PROBABLE REASON. For severat minut tes hs young Ot 5] was Tt was cnough re him to ir nar iets Canis giatious casts Wed him; that she had promised t share Sis Ta With a new and ban Te gense.ot omncraip he: feasted nce more: Ubow lier’ bead cae ae alisha tak, hegetore Ibe weull he his oaauer to provide for her wel- fare and happiness, “ oe have almost wept. with good. fortune seem incredible ¥ Finally che w peeeet tenderly “How did it ever happen, at tea, that such o bri eke, Sein ngel yourself fell in St swith a dull, aie re fellow like ‘Goodness Inowat * she murmured, sently; “Tom ist have a screw loose acer! re. Mrs. “How ial naughty ber of yours hurt bimself?”” Mrs. Snapper : “‘That gooid little bay of yours hit him on the head with The Public pp ‘bear in mind | or et Dr. Thom: tric Oil has nothi roaninlon ei tis aa faiie deteriorating class Fi Peeing es pecae al pole Ti ra pitte. a anata 3 ees “and tae eta le some macaroni by’ her ‘ eS him: Ask for she Octegon Bar The Sultan and ier ogers ‘entil fares e of twenty-one. His Majesty is a woolly-headed youth of t he is an old H. littls cousin of-elevemsvanra old, but ke did not take his wife when . he attended the Coronation. $100 Reward, sme @ readers of this ‘Thi will be lensed tp, Joan. that) the eis vat Jeast CHENEY & Toledo. 0. Sold » all pesaniae, T5e. Take Hall's wer Pills for consti- Lior rich ‘uncle's aie are. is often Sie pustinsd tia finard's Linlment Relies Neuralgia} © i Gwho ia ollie’ ebroad to” peck nie. fortune) : “Woull be true to me, won't you, darlii She: “X ing ?”” "She e yes, Georg~if you're siccessfu One Short Linck Clears the —Does ead ache | wil dhe vellously short time. If you've had C: week it's'a sarecure, sacaing! it’s just ee 5ocents.—57 “Were you aly brought up, my lad 2?” asked the qmerchant of eg applicant, fer a sitdation. “Pleas in for holst, Be cals “the respectfl youtl ‘A Tonie for the Debil Voyeral lo Pills by uoting mil rc he secretions of the body area Seals Houle seimstlattas” ne ieee d—Parmelee’s them to full. vi hey ean be taken in grdnated doseuand’so used that they can discontinued at any time without re- turn of the ailments whieh they were used to allay. ‘The feminine idea of a spendthrift another women who lives beyond her alimony. ir Over Sixty Years girl was. once given mistress to them things to ‘ab. the gas with!” ‘There never was, end ae ra acen’, o rere inch “est oir ie i other. ine Wine, unadulterated “restor tie droopihg. “spiries whom a chronic ee tists, this Wine. spproaches fection of any in. the market. gists well it. ‘Al drug THE NEW HIRED. MAN. ge ¥ — "t Cae that man you've hired Mrse Riggs, irritab- "Heke Fou "ae Jala: up, witht matism sone sn, wood split" “up i Einating. Ther in the a mean ie believe that’s ‘Is the? man epee or sitting?” asked “Standing,” aaid his wife, _ pore the oe are it of Panshee: is only Bre of oi fect of an ox: the pulse beat twenty to the minute quicker, use tees “Ther nm, has schoolboys i say a. slod tome, ‘where grave. fear aioe oe bi ses: badly brui his black irom Buy riba to his fect. We LINIMENT on him Pend to poe the pain, and with es he was com- pila cured and able to return to wor! he use of three bot! SAUVEUR DUVAL. Elgin’ Road, L’Islet Co., + May 26th, 1893. CONSUMPTION Ol REASON. Smith—“Where are you going | in renee ise “At the Jones—‘‘No; at home. "| They Aro Not Violent in Action.—Some | 5?" parsons, when they wish to cleanse the | i” Claude Peppldiay:: organs to healthful action and restoring |ecley EXAMINATION FEVER. been making observations undergoing examina- erage m is to my portal when, twenty ee fois ‘ Sart task (Wise Tiead) Disinfect- t Soap risa boon to any} pip (ys pp Some, Tt disintocts an@ cleans et | @finard ‘Liniment fe for sale everywhere z the same time. mele Ned, isn't te |. She (carnesth yy: Tt, must be, aw- fie te, sweetest “Hite cherub in the fully danger our = a,soldier."” He: 3 vera “Well, Lucy, Tt is indeed. women aro al- 2 ‘don’ now ausrteioas cherubs, but | Ways after’ u as C1 ofa an ede Cintod st. going to attend an Intetectoa feast. theatre, I sup- Pi My going to have brains for supper.” areas Venetabls Pills answerall purposes in this respect, and have no superior. “Why, T had a su nee ot Taste almost up to the tinle I it. @incrd’s Liniment Cures Burns, ets. ORANGE LEAVES. ‘ sea oped Cae TE ation oi it priests, ruled that cooluded cou ed or schaered have now apes cured, jp and-out ai the of ne tian “150 years th and perfumery » And 2 Radical Cure, —| making. It is seo, Peaployed te tle Dee S D y natives in a a healing | pains over your eyes? here a cone intment<and.a a tanie. stant dropping in the throat? Is “the ¥ breath "offensive? eat certain 4 /symptoms of Cater 2 “AH,” sighed My, Oldswell, witn al Gare Powder will cure ion sub uishi e in the direction born case ES usly short — nl n fee Mieke your ve had court Be week 1 is ‘ot itty yoaret seanatines, tes just a: Offect 29757: f. Dr, Agnew's iia are at best. Z ‘40 Doses 10 cents. Ses des- eo pre es ia he time of ee tegen oe THRER wISSIN ares, ee oA ap “O, James Henry!"* aes the little y woman sitting up in bed, all m7 Kina scence ‘tearful. “I've been kee one account, ; last thirty nights you've come home this way twenty- 8, Que., Coast make waverly) = she ‘won't, ‘Tete was ra pleasant, safe ‘The great den sets and d rehiabl an mies fe for all affections ot tie ‘is ak a8 pre rae walt oe oud the: poor fi when ken | , “Bridget, Nave you va yout siven tiie gota- i fish fre: a’am; what's ae ‘rm drunk up white tn Uhete y Dally sonelly, Su ited axcuPatoueAlae PIE wan | tourist sleeping cara to San Grantions! Colin nigeles ‘and Portland, through be ee change, doul 7.0 age of routes. For ss B. I. Bennett, 2 Bast King St., s Torento, Ont, Wile is “What do you re Grane ve te as Sak our cold ® id a lady “OWT sel te very — haggle about Grice ak ait Be/vechiod : 4 : | Little but Searching.—Dr. Von : eae Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big naus- eous doses that contain injurious drugs or arco! ar ie pure vegetable ‘ in. edicinal extract from tl —the luscious fruit, and the tabiets a1 », | i as palatal aie man ae the fruit ftselé BE BS cure in 60 in a He'll nol es od ma- THE IDBA! w € Why,| He: “So the engagement is broken off 2” a “Yes. He told her he thought | SI novels and r he : ‘Welly the idea of a man {n- timating io bis Hangee that She could te improved in an Foul, Loatheome, =| Disgusting Catarrhl Secur> Rallef in 10 Minutes fies your head ache? Billiard Tables REID BROS, M’f'g Co.'y 785 King Gt W. oe BASTE! BASTEDO’ TORCHTO. ey = URS one EOF ae aeeL Then Jane eee gavo a groan. ~ Bend for catalog. ee exira value. 5 for?’” she Serd for price Hat “41-04 ee m three Beige saya James ee eae mn ALL | Poultry, ' s Cure the aeaee cy Shiloh’s “Coughing is an outward sige of Se Consumption “you good prices f 0. IT LOW LM +%