a PY i it iS i 4, ¢ iS ‘ ied mere re os toma - JAPS FAIL AT PORT ARTHUR fs Russian Fleet and Forts Spoil Ad-=/s= miral Togo’s Schenie. PORT ARTHUR ATTACKED. Makaro! aut to give be pete, Vie Su 4 ter crossing five passes w: _ [greatest diiculty: rina to the slip- = [Dery ered with 5 eee fr challenge aid ‘The Ji 65. gums for Yhe purfiosa BE Keng off the Bussian torpedo-boat broyers. me Seng attempt was discover- jot it. Immediately the news Gen. Linevitch sent two divisions from Syuncho on and to the dash an ‘The Japanese cruisers, which ie ported ‘the Toi Taeaie ine bakieeries cae gig: Ga cttae Vieo-Admiral took a ste ‘n hour later the anes pedo-boat flotilla, followed by Vice- ‘ogo’s ficet, came up from a southern direction. Just at daylight, Vico-Admiral Ma- karoff, with his fleet, sailed out to engage the enemy, but af -ships ami batteries had fired a ft long distance shots Vicc-Admiral Togo decd a Arthi miu rejoicing in the Russian capital, and among. all classes the gallantry ot the Si given high pra Dut above all, the | gt Vice-Admiral Makar- moral effect ote willingness ¢ aie the enemy, considered himsel showing th strong ae to “Age producod =a splendid impressio: 70,000 JAPANESE. he London ‘Daily ae troops ai id 15,000 at ite pba “the art is being strong Age with, uals ‘fos guns, distributed throughout the Far East at the commencement of the War. : HH RUSSIA IS Bete g Russi ready ic tthe tiebileadion ar ue wane rmy is complete, and Gen. Roa tkin, the commander-in-chief, afi Mglotinls stiupali tonne late epee fies irom the land aide KOUROPATKIN'S FORCES. Major-General Gane Pheil, of Ger- many, retired, estimates that the Russian forces ae the disposal — of | 22 defc Sntorements Shall have arrived COSSACKS AND JAPS. ‘ews has just been recoived at St. he that a consideable force the ca: Scouts belonging to this force ca) ding teen rac fe ee n= katied. 100 Chun t ack “the Japanese as they ounion Pi ‘The country there about_is very difficult, tds hoped! ag tp thie fact und thie probanre exhaustion of that the latter: ill the ‘ang at= tempts to pee “the Yalu River. He adds eos Lene ported to ae ve fortified b the river at Wiju, while a strong tachment occupies the point where the road ym Unsan crosses. ie us coun’ OPENING OF YONGAPHO. ‘The correspondent ssian gold among ‘The question of did more than any other single cause to precipitate ee PORT ARTHUR IMPREGNABLE. British merchant, who for three years resided at Port Arthur, has just arrived at Shanghai from that p! He ridicules the d_unfavorable position of the defenders of the town and says that the Japane: 0: bardménts ha’ tly harmless, of their projectiles, being ar- mor-piercing s did not explode reaituentthes landed ashore; Hi clares that the re ample supplies in the es oo that the railway is running freely . The battleship Ret- vizan was te only wi F aged in ments. Th e maged are being repai bee Bo crclleves that it is Magiaetbls to capture Port Arthur by assault, and starving it out will be a mos! dimeute andertaling. 98,000 MEN, to Rome ee Chefoo States that the Japanese landed at Chinampho on _ las TPaesday 8,000 men, and’ that the SS “Japanese foree in Corea now is 98,0) CHINA STILL} NEUTRAL. River. ate Sas tience and a Se m aitit SPRING IN MA MANCHURIA. Gen. Linevitch ar telegraphed the general Petesbar, that there is no stlges among the 2 Russian troops. all in eae ae health, (Song Westhee gn vai tion gre on their way to the places. KILLED 100 CHUNOHUSES. Ibe ae Kouropatkin’s a staff, reports acct Cossacks have uses near ‘Oi ty and id guns had ane ‘at Yaugtek from Gensan, af darth vaibetan Railways eighty miles south-west of Harbi NEW-CHWANG ANXIOUS. informal meeting af foreign 0 Con- suls at rang hi se of Soca Ree protection of the view o} pmo that ‘New-Chwang is now ses the treat the danger OF Senta ira, Saale, ae | Japanese come up the Gn nonjone GARE age rick the interregnum between Russian and Japanese occupations. WITHIN THE ZONE. 5 gton correspondent of the London Morning Post says that issia is continuing her efforts to induce the United States to agr neutralization of New-Chwang and the west coast of Liao-Tung: Peninsu piian =: toogrcrent Ahn ap from using those places as bases. f the invasion of Manchuria. The Unit= éd States firmly declines to accede ti thi ussian oo nat she withcraw her Consul fro: hwang, at least not asi his ute ae considered to be in da: DISTRIBUTIO Sent Free of Share for Co-opera- Experiments. © members of the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experimenta! Union are sod to stato that for ev. ate prepared to distribute into every - 114, Epenipe. and two varieties of 18. sess peas and De tario agricultural ent erio. The following is the list of co~ eee experiments | t 1904: for No. Experiments. Plots. 1. Three varieties of oat eas 8 2. Three varieties of b: 3 tes yartbaien salen eee ley % Be 4. Two varieties of wheat 2 5. Two varicties of ie 2 6. Two varicties of Ficld pens for Northern Ontario 7. Emmer and pelt. f a 8. Cow peas ald tre of 0} ee Heats 8. Wireo variceal ot husking corn 10. Three varieties of Mangolds . IL. Tw ietics beets for feeding purposes ... = 12 Three varieties of Swedish 13. Koh | Tabi and two Varieties of Fall turnips cal 15. Three, varies of fodder or lage cor: Own oO © © Nw we ION gE 16. Three vari iets ‘of a 17. Three varicties of Sor; two Tee sk 27. Growing Potatoes on. and in hills ....... 28. Two yarictiae of hie medium otatoe: or 29. Planting cut potatoes — which have and which have not been coated over With land plaster 30. Planting corn in rows and in squares (an excellent ae of early: corn will be used) ~ ‘The size of each plot in each of ie first twenty experiments is A Tong by. one a wide in Nos. 27, 28, and 29, feud ta No: 20: fue nae square (one- pak of an acre). i) to join in the work may choose any ONE of the experiments for 1904, and apply for the same. a who conducts the experiment ZANITS, Dikéitor. Ontario Agricultural College, PERS EES ‘The maponte ae ae broken out in ee ti fet ae he Russian ar- mi, nee: is eee sith selling military |oat secrets t: stria as;well as to Ja- rn at is tes (oo er raed "Isteady. Pri WW O AvVerIwone =e iS m Each person in Ontario who wishes THE WORLD'S TARKETS Prices of Cattle, Grain, end Other Pro at $1.02 at Georgian Bay Rees net “Grinding im tranalt prices 2 0 B24¢ north and west, and 33c low See ieee : "ts No. d at 420 middle frolghtes Peas.—No. 2 quoted at 65c west and 6Ge east. Corn.—The market is quict,. with pelts No. merican yel- low quoted at=524e-on track, Toron- 0: 8 mixed a Canadian ci i at at sake west for yel- Yow, and 38¢ for mixed. Rye—No., 2 ssupted ‘at 58 to. 59e . 2+ quoted at oi {0 52¢ middlo feoights. Flour.—Ninety peer patents are” ‘ye we he ee middle i freights in buy export. traient rollers of Seer Sonn tae dom Bre atee ide quoted .at. $4.4 = 05 01 17.50, MW quote:—$8.50 to $4 f sacks, $20, and shorts | sles 33.2 25°€0 $3.50 for foment and 2.50 $16.50, and shorts at $: toba in at $21 here. Se CouNnTRY PRODUCE. Apples.—Trade here is quiet, prices steady, at $2 to $2.50 See ie pee 3 to 4ic ret 2 toate oe apples: 6 to 64c Beans. ovate is quiet, and prices beans are quoted at $1.50. te cn 0, and hand-picked at $1.65 6 to 3 KK to Tic is ee ares ee ee for Hay— The rae is quiet, with of ferings moderate 0. imothy Giioted at $9.50 a fon hers —The market is dull, without erin, and. a nominal around $5.50. on fe her tos with off are quoted. Yat 85e per bag on ag. Poultry—Receipts are tenes and prices as a rule auc ed. Chickens, 1S t@ 8c peTD A hankey oted at 15 to 16c per. BD. for fresh killed; a 18c, and geese at 10 to 12c x Ib. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—We quote as follow: 14D. rolls, 18 to 184e; bine large rolls Gad palobeea dairy tubs, 16 t a medium and low eee, 124 to 14¢; ees prints, 21 ti 296, solids, 194 to 20. Eggs.—Cas oe ote Sold to-day at 20 to Be 1 Chee: — Finest Sep- tember te; idee all ane. 8écor 10 te HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are SL sae offerings moderate r lots a 5.50, abe ibe aS netee do “Hans, dhe to me- hea rolls, 13 to ic. is fair, with quiets oTieraet 8 pails, 83¢; com- Montreal, ceived neve al this morning from Fort to the efiect = there was little wheat Northern ce aa eee ace No. 2. Nothing is selli ft ling Save oa! one sale was ane of are asking $: and $4.70 Ae 3 0 bite, on oh TO- Se; Cheese, duce 'visions—Hi short cut pork, $18: 50 to Pig Tighe short cut, 0. $17.50; ican short cut! bacon, 14c: abattotr t 7.50 to $7.75; country dressed hogs, at Home and Abroad. ese _ snes Toronto, March 29.—Wheat. 21 to 22c. Butter—Winter 2 red are quoted at 92°t0 i193 to 20c; new made, 205 t 98c low freights. Spring wheat is |tuy grass Fall makes, 18) to 21 ieee 89c east, and goose at Western dairy, 15 to 15hci i LE mia pater ; creamery, 18 t 18te. Montati, 9% to 10}c; Seephine & 8 * }to. ‘UNITED STATES, MARKETS. Lh da Selena Nort sc. Oats—Easi- 463c; No. 2 mixox arley—Nothing sione Ry Quiet? No. 1 on track, LIVE STocK MARKETS. Toronto, March 29:—Butchers’ cat- gattle, 444 nos, and 154 ¢ serene’ aia “sold at $4.45, ta t., according to quality. Mani- {We with |° Per lee Ho} ope—the rnarket is unchanged at |" 2 ec, ace he h here, and inferior quality at 80c per |** ood ques at un-|that ote ro- [rangements 5 of snow and ic a uichers” reas ver the early part of t . The market bold. steadya. ite as oad,’ $2.98 to Sl 5; fair oe ss $8.65 to $4.20; cont 9G 18 Cael rough 20 per ewt. ‘ ‘Phe mar ae “tor Bullet was: Goliye. export up: forelights. ie. ancy ton feeders bad ated anes oe ood, and a number of load: changed hands at current quotations. We ee tollows:—Feeders, 1,000 200. Ibs., eae ker, _ Milch cows were quote ue ($80 te $50 each. es and $2 to sold at. fy to 53c per th. Hogs ceived 160 to quality, and light a ——_+- WILL EXTEND PRIVILEGE. Cities and Towns May Amalga ate School Boards. 2 The re- agrees ties that they be extended the sam eae a have boi ruit. In the Legislatu on Thu: ay night, Hon. Richard Harcourt: Mini: ister of Edu- ion, introdu My permit all cities and towns to amalgamate their EN Public, es sahoarae School Bo goal en BRITISH ADVANCE. The Expedition! Will at Once In espatch to the London Daily Mail ‘kom “Phavilong, Thibet, says lonald, commanding the British roeconiee foree, will advance = his main © Monday. The fighting strength — of the adtuinn is 1, ies a four guns and two maxims. ~ It ex: pected that the Thibetans veil at- tack between Tuna and Gy: SLL Rey eee NO SNOW OR ICE. Canadian Winter Scenes Will Wot be Shown. ‘A London despatch ays Ar are being made for _ the eletea tion i Great sae of Fm May 24. ae be cae a pe I Titers ae, an hem are suggested’ Canadian scenes ill he omitted. COREANS BEAT COSSACKS. A despatch to the London Daily Fase Su a , Says that in which the -Corean ‘comma killed, but ieee Russians eee repuls a ae an wornded aig COANE ORO ATI - hind wv ; aimlessly OR, THE THE MISSING or CHAPTER VII.—(G6nt.) Before he left ed Jessie to the temporary ca her other gussaiens; Bus went £ hei ike is | pease by the genteel fringes o Eee Ete was glad now that he had . Ose at ‘Bulioots Sop the BI te fted him if he parative strane se those orankiadl all to think no more | from the mein ete at his |e efforts to learn it, he shri Ha sein 4 that he ought out-from Matthew Meade, in henceforth, ignotant. the Medway t with he 0 alter: ae any profi oW= would ely hea told | who had cared for him and his orplian sister ere beneath the le must carve out a place in lifelof his ow joss was orn pines yours, after a long sil- | Po Pat thden mores replied, ing up janelle “Aa T often ‘oust ‘they, car Hy, father. a turned to leave the spot, rit 1s an opal "Don" t ee | like opals 2” he ask “T thought you did; that ae ae i chore ti oe but ae bad luck ‘oolish child,” he sai, (tender, his oo ate out to hi of _ltying Jove, ‘show foe @ gift be unlucky ey sal ne ee irs, hunmer’s house till late that palate counting the es hey drove togethe whence Philip start rted for Dover, z India. laa ae eae: every ek “at the tion clock seamed to beat some life out-of their porn aS ee Beck ae each other's jast bell clanged Ghd thar ne “engine panted | possesse away, ilip lookéd-back till. the bend of the road swallowed him up ue Tonger see ing sear ol chsh home rom Dover tonight,” ‘oul hey Casa he’s. Ks age 0 be sure. Jook up, "tisn't mary ed to q fine young officer like 2 hi Larigt Hoods a sor noth eS but Philip's vai an if hor lently aoa froin its felt that all ee Maree s void. Yet one thought, throbbed glowing- in his CHAPTER. Vitt, ze Fotroepect: this: year of 5 Jecsie sh ‘of years. England, and a rests Gar ane BO nS direr need of a wer. : p/edilied at find Neto , ‘more soli now, but since he had failed to and look a — ah ar Be oy NOR ah e h a their backs; the olo; mies was a a found lessie, wes ye a dimen Be ith Jessie, while he rusked ue s into a blank, homeless + si hom. wild |Her sister “kept her carriage,” and » was bereft, if only for a|! ime, of Philip—was too great, she red not think of it. Occupation’ was her great panacea. She “had et alr; eye: dane Ra aight tasks, cosh it an illinglys-ehe new manifested’ « for knowledge, a hunger that Blushford was unable to ap- of know- imsy *accomplish- her sappy ae posstea ir public 1 h Mr. was a. subscri ichted Sia tee eMELAucer, in seven expurgated, calf-bound, volumes by. Miss Blushford, blissful ignorance of |T™ Mis pA Bl eghi ne ne ue ae ‘anything sespertahin ward history sad her with co: J joring, ov ‘volume inseribed with the alarming Plleamaliate, mad te Bevdinin, paint a group of flow velv Bbado corcenearvore Yor ine ae mnis Sgr Mi: shford was a good woman and Toved a ce who loved her in uy been admitted to 4! it; it Mics. Piyetord: wat eer And she had nothing put by jor old @ or sickness. She was a lonely yet she had many to ost, families there jess member cones ont ae Ur th shfords; , was frubecile, “iss Biaske odd jobs, ‘Joo ing ce for SOF EINE Of Che ™ sof "stunts 4 Bessie, would rob his ile have ad, ic, unreco: Wye salatatt ise ta eiaeing little but haa co contempt of e her triple bereaval— all in return. ‘I wonder do now 2” the family said, anybody came to grie bread (wl Wassie ‘begani:to hint sha shoula- Uke to do). ee ment ase Jessie should not be mad . conceal them, lest they should deemi Jessie, a hap while thd ee S wo nae ee ps wee et aes open it. fa§t- and thick at first, hem ed to. grado the tenderness and hea a break morance were normal in school- | icle Ww Gap eolaaision “ay cart and ce hese peeeccuiog Bae oi chileren ot thei Be race z Mey sup- P| ch me fipies Eng} to ‘support his wife's rela- | So Bessi But Jessie knew of Miss Blushforad ver do anything because “Certainly, m; when inet sed Se merey even in that pee se tio conventual seclusion eee news} 's were (ils of these, things; awfulness of replied, with oa little ‘didactic “Gentlemen dislike blue- ed unfeminine,’’ pose, Miss BI OR a said thin, ir conduct should be entirely. ved by: public, opinion 24 (sania ith @ curioue glen er an — ythiig, my sweet girl,’ tuned ME Blushford, please sign: argued Be ae Deby ike Mies able, know id ? pupils came little in oe vor waged by Russia ¢ cari the Jast = wth Jee, and when they di d her-with no sense of fellows maleate that the Cossacks As a Parlor-boarder and grown jo! up young lady, they looked up vested her with A letter ee aes Tiss 1 Philip dottea all along his route, Mere ‘ast-oflice. us, y eee of ufite aati Blow! tragic mt the: summer tums ach tragic episode tp the ares ¢ 1d England with all ; exaggerations of ystery, Pp! Aid of madnes: Be Pon to Tien tortured by that ae heathen’ rac stoned Maimid as oe = ‘hoe ror beyond — en- ich and entipatlies of 3 fe were aut tite fovea. vitality the sufiering a pad Philip's danger, Czar’s Soldiers ‘Apt to Go Hungry Marching bane the within the six or ii cdage,€ lowed > ¥s"a “he ‘syStem ‘a~yood the transport and ee ee! DbFoKe- eee he eae dar Russia's cae General of modern We ieee ee his troops, edly: dings through- | like deg prada Nien ef |when within his reach oe res inca, criticizes and Saas suspects that his Generals | an aye fol, and he is sure that his [Uh dared not let her thoughts dwell —The Japanese Ox abs (ran in the Want ix _atoraing a est of the transport. an mmnissari- surrounding country. or line of communications one, but wn experience of Be bare nee yen Ned Meee of ee kil in foraging. ler to remedy the ee s ue official tr: and co) it. They have oe oiged ae a5 cater! eine iret ak Pg by ‘Skobelet, times, durin, THE ea ee WAR. Ee cs a Bie po ; a 15,000" Lee When Skobeleff was ied tor bd ing to ee! men, ad rubles to heip them si r to Rave to. spend ‘motey on his to remedy officiel shortcom: Peter to. bacteaied Eat graft oa a great deal to do with those short= vom’ These defects are, however, largely ofiset by the patient endurance =o the Russian soldier, born of his LOYALTY TO THE CZAR. aes American military attache was y that quality. a eWhen ‘his. battles result in defeats, r= [the then t s spend frecly out a of their ee earns during a cam- a ord everythi least can oy spend | he conclusion, e petlieHle in ‘ite & sim- ple a ‘Ah, if the Czar only is hard; 0 point out {as soof as tl tne “alee oh inn mes mental aveltnde asa pea districts — niertioned yt lot they are utterly at loss—unless they poner: Kalmucks ©: yr Turcom- ustomed from poyhood te e carts mules or.coolies they ehorine’ to et making serve. necessities of the moment, and jetting | nee go and getting others furth ‘THE ONLY DRAWBACK Se ea Peay ieee | FEEDING THE TWO ARMIES is AT mea oe atlas AND OF ee Dur ie pee Jegations at os mmissary was, by com- accommodating their appetites pe Soe food ers in the country. carts. vy coolies or cae the soldiers ig teres thie) were so lightly laden that they inter- fered little, if at all, with the mobile supplies should always be obtainable ithe the Spare an’ eee own eae . ana chat of nai aie Epona is about the “sees oe of their kind.* le jtrary, Fe SH well Vaupplled Wiss stron; 4 pecans HORSES. In the Tufcoman exmpai; tral Asia camels ‘were Sebioes, ie transporting soldiers ee pers in es across Lake TH ine present ee ‘thie Afika- it. ae in the sun, the entire weight is Tt. te “commonly supposed that “the Japanese soldier and dried fish, foods whenever practicable, a5 as heer or saki. Several ission was aon sa years ago a military coi inted by the Mike: do t the Japanese iframes of Be fighting + ae) and Ahoen. in the Pry Pre ‘the Tap- animates most, officers’|since ‘then imeluded_in The Germans, , Obtain pe -() Windmills. if; Probably one of the most novel, as well as , where aynamos are ie line iene by wind po ‘S past “ectories, both rg an form of FER t is genera’ which es a diameter of e dyn aines ee throaghout win matic gmiteh is Narn that ina falls below a pout ‘the bat nnect nthe purpose 6 esserating i eile a for ight what poor Bessie will People who come so high words are apt to indulge in low ones.