Milverton Sun, 21 Apr 1904, p. 5

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‘Milverton Station Store place where everybody be Pte ie haye just been ing in ashipment of Roese. Also a quantity effects. Sule to commence at grclock,. See advt. imanother eolusnn, ge 5 a ae On Thursday, Aout 2st. t, the w long: | ti aE ane hisinace Diimenseee ot ea namie aoe aig x different Sens and the price to suit}jarge. quantity of lumber and other _ all elasses of people. é ticles. Sale to. commence at one _Wall Paper~ look, ir Wall Paper dep t ‘worthy oF inspect ion, as we carry MOTIOE: - large range of ee patterns. 2 Mr. George J. Schmidt has We proule De we ie 19 draw, the atten- tatoes to warmer. See us before y: “We pe eash or trade. Potatoes atwaye in stock for those that need to buy. JR. Yost & Son MILVERTON STATION ae is H. Mohr Complete Grocery and Bakery. Redpath's Granulated Sugar $4.50 Per ewt. H. MOHR. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Frat ee Fred Prost’s painting z ¢ 4 5 & & a che ce 5 5 3 i rs 5 8 zg ae manner. Work guaranteed. @. J, Scuaapr, Milverton. ¥ year with board. The fern this oe nek was canine until he finally farmers on “Well, if you haye demand for farm help there, and I have over ae applications from at present, and can- han not fill them.” Be Advertiser. BANK OF MONTREAL FSTasLisHEeD.IN THE Year 1817. Pre: Lord Sacas and [Mount Royal, G. Paid up Capital = - Reserve Fund ‘ SAVINGS BANK Geis ‘Buiter 2 $14,000,000 | bu: ue 000,000 | DE Interest paid or inl half |?! 3 This Is to-notify the public, aa repre tive of th jc Cream. Separator | San Go. Guelph. w has sustained So CHORE See agree Aimee eke a that I am auth by the Company to ate that they have moved. into a. t PUBLIC NOTICE ey. purpose. re z Som, Ailintending purchasers ‘Cream Separators, before, purchasing, Seotild oblige by dropping a postal t and I would take the machine to their place and skim for.them, as we do not, ask ou to sign an order before convxin you , as the company cli ave Liquor License Act License District of North Perth. Notice is sior Norah that the License ‘Commissioners of North Perch will meet, £0 consider aj ° srelock i intl soe mots on FRIDAY, APRIL. 22, 1! in the board room of ford mber oflicenses issued in’ 1908-4: Tav- eran an s 3, Beer and Wine 1. SAPS os f applications. for licenses for. 1904-5 > shops 3, Beer and fication is made for license for premises WATCHES ine 1. not fcensed in 1905-4 oha Yohn Duggan f the premises situated at, thie north-west of | City ae Scary ant the said spaieation ‘bei purporting If you have any intention of buying 2 .. Watch... this Spring, now is the time. We have big specials in prices — that some you cannot afford to miss. P. H. Bastendorff The Leading Jeweler Eyes Testep Fren. - HORSE TRADING ~ A good Bel looks poor in|}: x harness. A good fames adds value to a poor horse. Harness looks well, wears well, Regal end prise low ee ell eggs Harness, solid uiekol trimm- ‘eam: Harness, solid brass trimmed $35 = upwards. au Harness, blaek trimmed, $25 and upw Single aos from $5 np bes a Raw Hide Whips, 85e..and uy Halter, all. doubled and stitched with shank, $1.25. ¥ Team Lines, 2 feet long, $2.25. Single Lines $1.10 and upwards. ‘All my harness is guarant manufactured by inyself, I use. noth: ing but No, 1, oak tanned harness eile G. F. GROSCH, Next door to Grosch’s Shoe Store. ‘teed to be ‘W. CLIMIE, ‘Listowel, Ont. W. D. Weir’s List of Properties For Sale. North half, big wn yeer 11, Wel- Bt acret Eat Hale of lot 7, eon. 2. ‘ip, 100 acres, 90 90 cleared and in good state of if culfivation, bank barn, frame house, + ile from Glenallan, rare ebance for a good home. North half of lot 9, con. 4, Morning- Ron eaeet Milverton station, 100 acres, good dwelling houses, creek run- ning Ethrough the farm, bank barn straw shed. school on corner of far 00, other half of same “lot sold for $6,000, great ehanes. ven halt of lot 9, con. 11, Morning- at, Burns P. O.., Dea town- 4 ‘ ends action ia her respect, guaram . P. Winslow, Company, Buy the Migact and you! will Manager, | never regret Rove? J. PETERS, runner, Ont, FOR SALE ay Grosch & Pfeffer Milverton’s Greatest Store. Wall Papers «Thousands of rolls of Wall Paper here for your selection. The finest vssortment ever shown by us, ‘and the most stylish and up-to- date papers ever shown in Milvertcn. We have the 5c. papers, and nice ones too, ranging in price up to 35c. single roll, Our 25¢. and 35¢. papers aré-most beautiful, really they are lovely. Call and see them or have the sample book sent to your home. Bargain in Glassware 144 pieces Gold Glassware, 1 dozen different kinds, heavy gold edges. Sold regularly at from 25c. to 5oc.each. Your choice 15c. or 4 for 50c. ook jary of the late Altea Boomer, eee pen Soames together er all the. appli: offered for sale, Lwith or without pro; mot Apply _ Mas. A. Boonen, Linwood, Ont. the City al strat- |? Millinery AUCTION SALE. ‘The executors of the late John Rocse have instructed the auctioneer sell by public suction on the premise! OHSDAy. APRIL AS 1904 rick veneered slat waldable 1% story, Sek and, woodshed. ith plenty of est st so he ‘winding up the estate. Also on y ‘Place, the following Household dozen isteads, oat, ne 5 cooking “siove pines, box si On obe, and other, ‘articles, Sale at one crelork, p.m. Terms—$200.00 down, balance may ears, Another lot of Millinery just to hand, includ- ing Ready-to-wear Hats, etc. Kindly leave your order early-in the week, don’t wait until Saturday, you will be much better pleased if you 0. Carpets & Linoleums Pern tortie premises for a term of years, bearing 5 pex cent. on mortgage. W. D. Wer, Jacos B. Wit "Auctioneer. Josr weniscc, ‘ors. Ss BBR oma Ty Ball wheat per bush I cobra S Sor mae . Burton’ A. M, PANTON, Office et rags every Thursday, We carry a big stock of Carpets and Lin- oleums, Axministers, Velvets, Brusselt, Tape- stries, Wools, Unions, Etc., Stair Carpets, also in Oils, Linoleums. We carry the 8-4 and 16-4 2 and 4 yards wide. REXALL “2° "DYES test and ae wed dye Lace Curtains, Etc. ik, gues or mixed goods le by W. J. Zoeger, Newton, Ga Mercbaut. COMMERCIAL. 8 Mruyzerox, April 21. ihe - 88 wheat, per bush. “3 stl per bush 40 40 Oats gs Os ae 60 «60 Apples» perbag 50. 75 83. 85 600 7.00 Butter oa “od M14 Bags per ig -.13 bank Deets Laeete jand, will Fs bs bowel cheap. Prige $4,200, ‘The farm of Jobn Redes sentte 0 straw shed 24x Fall Wheat. ey. swith brick kitchen 16x 26, Hard and 00 er, no. pumping required. | Veas. 54 Brice $8,500, 7 ‘East half oto 17, con. 8, Morning- ples 8, per lag. 00. ton, 100 atres, 80 clear, 20 in busb, Potatoes Fer b = frame house, eR ibamr aha citer |e ae pEbeliaings, eee weil, near to| Msgs -- 10 a Price $5,500. | Newtou, April 21, 1904 brick tonses for sale in} Pall vt A 75 Mil ier at right p Sprieg 7 Peas. 65 Cate office on any. Monday, Fienareday or Saturday: W.D. WEIR. jose j Barley We carry hundreds of Lace Curtains, the most complete and_ nicest ips we have ever shown. 25¢. to $7.50 per pi Draperies, such as Mutlins, Frilled Muslins, Fringed Muslins, Etc. We have a big variety, and cheaper than anyone else. If you doubt, try us. Dress Goods There never was a time when we “carried a more complete line than right now. See our new Eemesees these are lovely and right up- o-date, make lovely Suits and Skirts. Also the Black and White Lustres, these are correct for summer wear. The Voiles, Knop Voiles, Foliennes, Etainines, Canvas, Etc., all new, and make nice light dresses or suits. Aelings and Ribbons Also Velvet Ribbons, black ss. The neck ribbons are cheap too. all and and colors; beautiful, always on Ornamental Gates Light in a Rea: Also. large line of aos Farm Gates “FROST” sa ate in design mable in pi progressive and eeneoee ime Sie 7 Sees on request. Groceries New shipment of Heinz Goods—Sweet Pickles, Baked Beans, Chutney Olives, Chow Chow, Stuffed Olives, Ete. Corn,. Peas, ‘and Tomatoes 10c. tin... Lipton’s Teas 25¢, 4oc., and Soc. Ib. Grosch & Pfeffer ¢ REIS & BAKER, Brunner, Ont.

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