BOGUS TURKISH ORDERS. as ONE MORE What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear sosoun? You used common soap, Schone by Tuc fhe Sultan's Ad DIRECT PROUF ition, renal, and only what anybody's used to, Secuner eats the time r planting, ter’s correspondent cy (Go Se = - z as : . did ~ think "better a : = P writing recently, gives THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Ae that Paid ge vices = { Insect oF "other injuries, and plant. diel = : = “or ers sou, Go cousin,” Jes | 3% O'S eases i hes eS ; ip ela mel 2k z B TOO LITTLE ATTENTION : ‘ s you may. anktul you 5 2 paid = generally to the inherited : a ' n't ive to beg your bread, miss, litigg. Of the plant, that “is, to ime! p : : bee wae. oved seed, bende the plan: soil ees, you ~ wouldn’ ‘s, te CURE\ PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY. All Forms and Stages of Kidney Disease—New Brunswick Man Tells of Terrible Uri * Blaine Banished Once and For Com- EXPENSE REDUCES I suppose, ms SOIL MANAGEMENT. OR, THE fiISSING roblem of | Aoll Tmahagement Is 7 = eee ‘on ‘i of jm ich mi a Sith Me me eu had last ‘but a few: of your personal friends.’ y into een is true love though given in is m_ the Ask for the Octagon Ber. bi re filled ee ig - WILL ; e, my dear, I nt ht jay be mene |its fullest development, Hepa foreign seo te SE are recy, Nock on eee ve y : AG know but I might sharpen’ them bet- tioned: a ce possess little fundamen- ese facts aatnitted, Boe: sae ‘ocured sistant "aie May 2.—(Special)—Thomas Hareson, There is xe on ee Be 3 é replied, | tal ige concerning the soil eal methods are be fi el-known resident of this toreab Sn Rr ence Coane eee ee : eeee ae eee. ort. hers nant ake Gee time in aud-othere, not’ merely ter the fe as his testimony to that of ace [his critic, the latter bend a fest its otatoes, ou tr S, utter, es : : — to jeer at |years when wo knew go little as tt [provement ‘of his soil, ince that ie a nbiigata Proved that |Shot. After the author Baa fired and y CHAPTER XII. a Meher ay wheel san b 35 a rs. Plummer, |present. The charact our |means to an end, but for the econo-/ a missed, tl journalist aimed accurat br it in sun, sis 1 = a0 it {but her wor 8 ae ar od the il is a peas Heian Pils cure Dromptiy ne tucney's hate and pierced | L8t us have your consigmment, of any of {these articles and we will ‘ o,f Moment, Claude was snecting § eee Perhaps Petite culieste We ine eee tee Yorke “arestiy, and cll wee Eee niet ese an i v1 Dr sh ee : iy 3 cue pee ee bh the utmost precision. Where- t you good pri With his arm, scarcely knowing what | Passed the long aft rari ay the o with knife and steel. to make it possible to predict that |many individual exceptions due to) SEoie ere Epi the dramatist flew into a vio- | TRE DAWSON COMMISSION. G9: Limited he did, for he was one of those me: Bide of the frethut little cripple, who |” obtained in one place will |Special conditions, the i for : 7 Ep ag bags fog [IRE rage, protested that it was un- pm who are x to a.woman’s tears. | "Warded her brother's patience by |""Ho, ho, ho, her nose doth show, Japply to another. When the soils |Provement lies long two lines, a! | fromm pane the back, ee: ‘and’. exclaimed:— “Ifyou. told | ——————2ors est. Marist and Colberne, uierale Tessie} ARE you hick wi PO! Teproaches, but would |How oft to the cupboard doth Mar- {have been surveyed, mapped and clas. |more systematic and shorter rotation pais a Sake dee a page hat you were going to do, T Heavens ! Did the beast ‘bite you?” {not let joie gery g0. sified into say ten main types, it [Of crops where the land is capable of was attended by a physici-|.ou1q have put on an old hat.’” he added, taking and examining her 1, Wonder,”” Ta will then be possible to carry. on field |tillage, and the keeping of more liv an, but continued to grow worse, a0 G adiebout—* What:-aantiot poo uungloved’ hands, and’ remembering a Seiidl tua} Gidude Genes won (he cane? wilh reckless Joviality, to lexperiments 0 ch ary mtoce tan oeit fee iowa tetas acer 2, who has moved that they ad grasped the viper'a Ethel as he does. The truth is, he |the accompanimen 4 cach of tho ten t: Ta ly be proven sta- “On the advice of a friend I start-|for) thy next house to you?” Mrs. iper’s | spoils her. ig more peevish |the knives, casting a shalt desperate, ie rae oo canal an eet EE ope en irene or hg i tone ortuni ae ee aad eae saney Pls eng bY. | Chafter—“I don’t think much of her. *Sehal mobbed. tee rb se ever after he has been with pe deprecating wink toward J. HO cf tiens salcaets PP le doen < Betreen yo ne, I think she is 7 ecasaa tie Se vest was reaped by the organizers. jed a stone which is now in the doc- idiot.” ee “Claude feels for the is ly ean that ore land i next or to an idiot. Mrs. But it didn’t, thanks to you! ” * should be plowed hiss boheme ca ies ro bom Aube ra 2 pout ingots) Wgaer cis, How you tremble, “Look up, Heat eertainly Kind, ori ie reba plowe aang Paint at 5 he my di Jessie, look up—? am all right.” 7] re 1d deal of cain Binney, thick aged wh |e now oar sine t'tas oat tarth 2oneN ae pee NI: [asin Jon hi nates ; i fnew nt tl s 2 %§ ss person had been |have had no return of ny Leyte! Beware of Ointments for Cal ciety, . Shae eve eee os with a sick gir nea bat {drop eis that = air, so to oe suceessful production of held oft if not plowed at all, but Hecorated Thin Jed to investigation | plaint. that Contain Meroury. 3 3 pressed upon them—kisees |, 2% dca uncle, it is precisely mines reto! Mr, ere erent oe broadly, su in permanent pasture, or al- and exposure. The preliminary ans aoe Kidney Pills cure the -Kid-| 4. mercury will surely, destroy the sense she was too agitated to heed—kisses i, strong men knowing nothing |dryly. plant inet tee a ds upon a w up to timber. — It tigation Poth -thar adit ot” the and with sound Kidneys you {of sinell and completely, ‘deranea the tore dangerous an ‘aders? bites f paln.xeho ore most Impatient ~ of | | “Not but \ what'd aa soon ‘he (lties, ced ime nite its inherited qua- Sete lands that are adap- fear had beon ey by Gor need never fear Urinary complaint: es or cous oh sch articles Afterwards vaguely con-|Cther people's suffering. Clara in-|took off as not,” she continued, not [environment to the oe Aveblon ef pai f n, Austrian, Bola _Siriss annela 4 scent scious that oe “nands had bem Kise. | temposed:. “EL ould never de- {heeding this interruption, which sae 1, its prepare tillage operations should Gow int A man had a bout of bronchitis, fenipuions trom ay Dhysicians, Dut, she never remembered what | [Ore ap ailernoon to Ethel; he says alarmed Jessie, accustome she | ~~ . thanged from one crop ee Bess Beis crete ee tagihs thee tet wale ane the gamage they will do, : seisally passed. that she gives him the blue Was to a masterly passivity im-dom- lalways went to Jessie's heart, it re. eae cer sufficiently often to give penone ine clients, marked to his feoias thoes. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man: + eat a variety into Summer living—it’s Seen » Jessie, look up, what is | 5 oe ae ae ee aadea; “as aoe ce on part of Mr. oe Whose utter and |" te Sultan wh ftp might well kayo. been ‘worse yee e Cithe Hmecor wear. toc live came ee tear 'y about?” he said, re-| Jit i som ; “T never was o See an ing she had so often wat- a BEST ENVIRONMENT. a Phe theta “whe sath vane oe ke aye Pave otoecie 7, contains, no, mercury, tnd pees ane eae ss Teasing hands, “the beast is | ™Mind ambsing her i! she would be) Up a doctor's bill if I couta help i Sdmnired. | She-liked the lite purpose of this cation ot flie revelation. His Majesty is i. Sr an eee one gt y stone dead: ay g ee is so uuistatetol e ce - ane fun ; rene aneolnte ¢leanliness and dainty scru- A - eer, ica us that purchasers of these spurious oats Tint stem ae auto af, P da Turk Deviled J e eUPPervi she said, | ‘Poor child! poor dear | child 1” people out;. walking |Pulosity necessary to dairy work. 2 ti hiould fficiall | Minced's Liniment Cun he sure you get the genut Veal: Eo ‘otte 'urkey, Devile chia,” a hd frighten |moaned her father, thinking how | Would 0) ; It. wouldn’t |Why had she not’ been brought up to he soil vee Ree a of Haynes ett bu 2 bn, ep ora *Gnoney Ham, Ox Tongue, &c ae ferent’ a lot he had expected for |he hardly Worth while to hev mourn-|these. thin Bhs sighed; ag th bi fash ie its erie a5 by ” minis free, i ic She po: his_ only. in her .spring-tide ‘inkled up in city 4s changed, the circulation - Whenever I get an umbrella,” said | ™QMHS "eye egist= Price, TSE per AEE IED SO She graeatulte, Soceaniao 3 P tiak oe he case with LONDON’S ALIEN WORKERS. the prudent person,“ gut my name | sett quickly iy ! i eSy # oi" answered th ote. Htall’s Family Pille for consti: ee oe | og nd Chand knows what it is to ° a a be equal to ee mother really destin- ots penetrate imereased; i E eit tion. Sead. ese oe 3 ures es, |suffer, Aunt Gertrude,” added Clara; 3 isn anybody else to er for Philip and for that reas- tter to the 2 Wages Borset ee pew for East man n ‘without a “ scl ene ete pat hoe delicious Iunch serving. Libby"s Atlas of the World siled free for © two-cent stamps. her exes “ [think athe / Redea wantas and isi, without it's rt hu: ae Salen her to live differently ? 5 food is added and : : to 0 “Has the baby 3 Bad the measics yet, jor-get-me-not he ea cold, and starvation. Re- shouldn’t like to put |Philip had always been cunsidered Mr. F. Ae re shitty Inspector Tkely to identify it.’ aie: Don't Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago hdd oaid eet. readen Ste, quiver of |member the story of the im to-the expense and trouble with {born gentleman, she did not know Ss just indicated; es Bethnal Green, it aneedot > Seta ESS i Eat Ge ahesce a fips -went straig ee Roe 8 Randal stole fogether in |the hay seaso ‘ing on and Tliza |why; she had heard ms his proposed: fob in- Fg ete ae mentioned he hasn't got ho Sie Ofiies golden hair | the Crimea,’ ‘oing upstairs. su, you can |adoption by the Medways. Was he es; (4) as to the eae of aliens in -the pe 25 had fallen about her neck and glit “To be oose 1”? laugh-|eat cold pie, Jessie?’ she added, Se with that Tanah i! fa io goose ! . i 2 If rast end of London. gaia in Berver - tered in the sunshine: aan Clande and Randal [taking the head of the now covered [why was the €0 ennecton tenored $ @ basis of all soil culture is first an out-wor Sree Petes ow ured of a bad case of Grip ie Ove sisty Waar: en Bely Pesos it lightly, caressingly, |Stole the g it, and an- {table with melancholy resignation, How could 5] iD, Jants mother ani ee Lele dau, ies = Seas LINIMENT. prcidoseaieta tA oR other man asked them to dine upon | ‘‘tafiety as you've been bred; for | the brother Tite Mss aries Me havi ci de- ters were busy finjshing trousers at | ““gydney, C. I. LAGUE, | Miosrot motes for hele children ‘while \eonioy, “Did you think it would kill /it, «his ving seen a What we're going to receive may the wonder Captat way was startl- Ka d The ingest. savs Pipa wag Gured: of: loss” of s voice insinuate es Sis gan UAT Fe me he he" oe with quiet gravity, |Snatched it made Lord make us truly thankful. }ed at hearing it. en she paused, ngel me eb: ae 3 ee eee ee et cay | Oe SUNARD'S: LINEN Petremedy for Disrias.‘Treniy-ave sonte they each recovered: from theit |2nerit of feasting imi eis cae “Ewould have been hotted up if |having emptied the sl immer datatily impving Au bicciuepereuciere hee rom Se Oona COU eer ae AGS PLUMER. Bola ta aeperien, Gronaoes the ore dissimilar ee ana geo I'd had a husband a respectable wo-|into the wooden bowl she held in |their fullest devel i that the majority of t _ end) yy, ‘pay Haan might have killed you? ai you |. Jessi peter jpecntauessly, pares man might look to, her with money {her left hand, and fell ine a__ train |ous rot: 4 * yomen were lazy or “born -ti Sees 5 See “six inti, hin pote” exlained don’t like slippery things,” Bees shocked at the lateness of the hour; |of her own and a family looked up|of reverie, her ‘checks flushing an asthe ed et : snd one could not help feeling sorry) “Burin, Nid. LEWIS S. BUTLER. |old Mrs. Flatiron; “nonsense! wit ‘onder but w ee siedeaade Vee: her heart throbbing, as thi n- lenvir yeitore oh oe - t when on a how work was, Sie Huet nied ten ole that ay Spee aT don't koe 0 ake | Chere a pungent fragrance of wood-| “Thank yo, Jane, T don't care if |ing’s history repeated itself and she suigeeetatra pion laa Pons new ¢ Jaan Tias six heads in his hat!” : mei ake,” she added, now |*moke and bacon made all healthily |1 do have a cut of that ham,’’ said |thoug! looks that : ete : > cal ashamed of, hi station: (himbry <peoHle atid amoré.himery: oy | BeePliinaner) “ea: 48 id” veanorse 4a loould. be forgott: ! t. “This is an important consid- et Seer eS pO ae Paiis, Wash Basins, Mlk Pans, &e “is the symbol of sin, ven to. be | anticip relieved “to-find jan invitation’ after handing. Jessie [that Miss Lonsdale had never known (eration to. the farmer, who has a 2 Pesta Sensi CA a moa Any First-Class Grooer Can Supply You. near a. sin is like touching cold |that her delay was unnoticed, din- {ber plate of pie her ! that she had never ye [eee cee ee Bis nee ae ae, , a Mistross—" ‘Don't forget, then, Ti EDDY’S. ay make.” nel ing yet o} Heil: “You amayn't have the chance|one at Marwell Court! And yet [meadows Hilo is Soyo Poe tonn Ann, that y aster ig a colonel,” | cal profession as a safeguard against INSIST ON GETTING z 6 He turned away, she sighed, beginning to|and yet! Sh to the balk. [890d crops are produced and then the nn—‘‘Oh, Tagore soldiers, -ma’am.’’ | ‘afectious diseases, @ the Pe ae face, ; “for Iwill say this,” there |pans again, wing her fore-finger Fields begin to fade away. ‘The rea- “I noticed,” remarked ene pa eer ae Sn eee Eee Jessie now began to express. ‘some te can match my hams. Si © Di is are ane Oat eae as. “that you: tool hE COIS wher ‘Young man, said the te Bee He—‘‘Really, Miss Meiville—Ella, if opge Worlder a: iss Lonsdale’s delay, | the domestic horiz Cor an t I was ever ‘one to boast. so portant. factor fe the timothy 3 lozen was paid for th iim B- He| vou telephoned just now, and then |dividual, “I did not always have this |y say call yi Tijda borhind yan j lar a es and looking at her watch, found to | Was laying’ the cloth with her own y s I’ve cured and no frictly orvnnial its ad ins) corte eee etererer ale uit it back again. May! T ask you |Sa#riaue. Le first a | in Ue peautital Solegs a shach aes a her intense surprise that the niorn- | hands, a_wholly, unt n, It’s in Wood blood.” eee ing pee jomes, who were shirt makers for «<Oertainly,”” ad to i”? You were lucky, eyes? She="B ing’ was gone, it was time to pointing to storm on the Redwoods ere ain’t a many can match lavorableness of its in “‘east-end’” firm, who paid 4s 6d mye Taina fo etna, Courtly: | cnuckled the youth. ‘When I first 23 i Se Tee on |e oreaeoet at the Lowoat Price home to dinne ar SOB Git RAE oon Aenbae™ eakg ae Pheer per dozen for the kind of started in life I couldn’t, walk. . another i ae (unoee: Write for Term: “By, the «way, I quite forgot the |can-but ‘be wore out,” shéwas sav="|h pe eting isis aN Nee Ove shirts. Nursing shoes -were made i you: The 1 last REID BROS, M’f’g Go.’y ‘ote,’ Captain Medway ae for-|ing mournfully, when. mpeg same in | Sis foam-topped mug of ale, and re- jan n° ¢ nt 5d. per en pairs, ppers Boug! my S| Bought Yaster day—Cured Toe |! s getting also thet he had sur= /4vith the soft freshness ‘of spring |¢eiving a hear kick under th a1 S: ny ed were machined for prices that rang- ts." — ‘was one man’s way of gay “Airs O. Burt, of 25 Bpaiwey, 785 King St, Ww, prised meet Jessie, and “Fianding breeze, ‘‘and the ere the tt table from Roger, who had the cream — over the handle of ~ the [longer than at present. Doubticss ye rd from 3d. per dozen pairs to 1s. utting it had Mes er ee says? “J am surpt 4 32-31 ae @ little coeked-hat -of Clata’s in- |i a world like I ’t know |Pounded into the room, all blowsed |skimmer; a whole code of ethics he continued. Bd. per dozen, aceordin; urable from chrot c dyspepsia, tailed at ine change for 1 the better oh > Which fy told her that’ #8 there's anybody to care when I’m [and ruddy from the thorough serub- |seemed to he involved im’ skimming APPLICATION SEE! ne Hesneptieved’ thay nearly filty per | living death to me until 1 tried De Nyon casein 01 y she use of Dr. Agnew’s = aie e ‘as not able to’ keep her tryst. gone—without ‘is the funeral ¢x- bing that aivaye preceded his din-|milk. And she had no her te AO eae ‘ «ten the “west end’’ clothes were | Stan's Pineay lets, Thanks to them } Catarrhal Powder. ace like magic— iy i ae What docs it matter that morning. sie did not won- /Penses,”” she added, showering the "Yo Ss always good, at{teach her the ethics of more impor- |t© Meadows, especially it accompani- : made in the ‘‘east end’ of London.) poo ‘my. At ong bce oe mi Seay in ace pail (eee preperation f spss ‘an om plain. ¥ pe otis ae Beauty der at the “Iady’s choices ~of a mies- jimives and forks with a clatter up- ibis ho mdded ecient ess |tant things. “Oh! mother, come |@@ With Seer of stable ma- Ee : = ly within reach, 50 ai pice was | you know, is Daly Bie teon aad ger, her simplicity was too ab- On the tabl ‘of consequences and ae ae back, come back, to your child. For |r, Meadows may be: successiully aN BAS A SAY. : fetno relict. Int fas a Fecounmended Wife—‘And I really would like to solute; and he did not think i nee | Jessie knew better foe to make ae d ee defiant. ‘one little hour !”* Maintained for many years, but se —+-—-- SES Ae ; ‘ kin’ |3eve cnaee a tL make mine sealskin deep just for eo. re explain that he thad inter- eos a mae Be offer to help; she z, But) whi continued Cousin] The skimmer and bowl had to be |W a ‘be eee better prae- v3 aS oa . Johnny—‘Maw's always _ talkin whie has resulted, after using oh bot: | once. fe note on its way to her by | 100) ae ingly at Se Plummer, | Jane, faphunbiaiy ep ey in- |set down more th: be if plow and «take off one é ¢ The School ey Talks About ok eg acter! about a Aygionic diet. What is a° keene fe eoeeet tet sot nae ees the hands of a servant. She swisha | who the English one lo mollified by the tears, but al 1 The beta wee more oe ctops, and thus get : es ‘ood. Possibility: of _ybisgppearance of pe ees s dow : iv es any Ina Somple the wort: and his tol ‘Phey aca eewertar Notving, —Dyieee Des Bebe eerie ee taking her oe ae ding position ~ on | plimen the best- shee tone skimmed at last, the milk poured |fresi s ae . art. If L were to suggest 2 2 Principal of a High School in e City’s Fi kind of diet yon 0} _gthiers know what it ane “done fort sis sialaes: Genniie eee i LoL eee g hinge, sane pee ig, trying to Alte e ae eas ee a ae ae Pe ues a eeeeret ror form Bok Sea Ae sone be : ‘ fo mat aout eS Se . pe IY was’ no’ r, ce a of Mr. Plum- in eir places ready yr as intercultura 5 g noe eee. vr Tot Rt Shope is on the eve e a surpris- tees pebae pera OY aiained leaning aganinst o tree ip strong point, his com- ft a an | Vi or ben 8 3 See a ee Sneed iC ing tevotutiontin’ se Pass Fea ches Sh aah epanacen rate one romedy, tor Hany testimauindacas “ta kha ieitcngs col folded arms, gazing at the spot Ten _plesion with the sun and storm, the D, ‘ ti I formed th he: habit of eat- | Phere 48_concerned. Ti ther year or | ail ills to oo er ee a i er “We had known cach athe stight- Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills in oie vacant by nd fog of ‘sixty years, to- fe tapily. mastcated poorly whieh |*™@ H, May be teally smokeless, | ERE era eerie Sid Ay |." sai Mise roy Walt, “but | ic goed Sot, OY ate ran jg £008 be elle, Feet i the htt” eae! a |r four se papled: with iy acdentary work 1s we ee oe combine Bee ieee eat ema ated in the | never to. speak to, pee sae dig while | Ag so. ee one hfs no ner Wik And water Ine ee glasses incidental to the with placid — et ast “Roger, {dairy.!"” he-said, when he elatt Gacnt asks Baltes ‘to. indigestion, liver: 1 Jame | has med to_work Heve ‘one il ie tarn gravate |out skating I fell awe quite near | festore SS nREiiar Sette beers eoatioe ¥ » half ignorance, half want | ghing and reaping and’ riding |MY dear; do try some more pie. jin over the wet ee. and Jessie's | the Seedtetion of en 1 farm crops ees Seat 2 ae velop the “nhac aaa fields of qth wa have. nowovers fe Quin: him, and—"" “Ah tr eaid: Miss 2 temptation, no light, slight ran ieee ot hooting of that long period,’|Keep yourself up, for you may 2 nd heart one may often w ce seelain a Ul sulting physicians some| South W: field covers 600 Be Me Res remedy for many peppery: ‘Gnaeus ue ice, of | ‘Let's see; wasn’t there a romance acs was of a deep rich plum color, his-|it; there's no knowing when trouble s by the use of com- 2 St sealny ‘drugs, while othera | square Me es, ae is aatheay inex: | and greviows dis.” 2y its graduat and | course.” connected with their courtship?” tye of woman, Fam not tS inovar'e angular aud heardless, his |MAy co one: | 7 e maee, AE Ne fis entinentiy prescribed dieting and sometimes I ae Hitherto no organized cf- | 8'Gre> cowvalestence and strengeh, Aten) “Yes. The one he told her about his Ea ee ee But_ she is pouth Soe ae Tine at right Grete je Hus, ete eee 7 to feed at least a igot temporary relief, other “times is “been Eee to put this class | the influence which Quinine exerte on vast wealth.” pues set eecptte VaLLie ahi: stay-btue oh mantfully responded to this jsaw jereased product to = ot. F i2 years I struggled Be eae on the market. Natupooping spiria of those with | The Pall of Rheumatic Pains. Z “sethantes ee ee ee a shee pies pestetent e stock and-return-the manure | to this’ hand’ to But the seme oy “il | gop a Shani of snorbld je, | —When a suferer fads permanent relief ia | Mon Shoal wait on Ap my in oben dee treating his ee or ies the this. means, the crop mee a le1 meri- igest houll wait ou } - E . to sll with Set ee aia fear entne rites are’ tobe Be ecctteie Lanna and tereeaue iiotaate Cara how glad heistotellit, eal is to have but she does not think highly or the ed sorta windows beneath thatch- a bit’ herself, which she ae ar tt ae ae Sashes f ‘ eee : Very delicat 10 es; his sandy hair, dily declined Sige ga FE? pain rede Tia essa ose 4a, to _be | sleep—imparts (vigor fee SE od Niet or moatiow Cr Js eau midiceioun reais Ii cube a> cee ne |sttaight, parled on one alu beaske | “Only last nignt x arent of pide [wi Re tee aarg Eien bite al Ses years ago met an old taught the, trie, valiie: OF aNSBrAcite> | courses throughout the.valss) greats a tree botties of thts ra pareve oh ees they that eS Shanges That ¢d. smooth on brushed |cake,”’ she sighed, “and feelings and, eonumiereial fo ers alone are ‘ oe a Sptesicis n -who noticed both as regards his own purse and | ening tein, “thereby making activity ‘a | him—not a pain Ling eet rates affect them. When the isin ove 2 wh t the ends, was strikingly like |I have in my inside nabody- knows, used, and the Inereasi ae nct_sold P ut-of-health condition and | his ele ttioey 's convenience csary result, str sau theg ite | agement pak eam ae oe ‘procul ‘agged 2—Phe viper!) tched= toot; the “whole face, | But. I ain't one to ee Kd fromthe avai, Ue. e may % _ for me an exelusi Und city law of New York frame, and giving le to the digestive vie sigan S wee suede i. sweet child ! She ‘could face death iy | “Tessie,” Plum ae — he farmer cant fon d to 4 diet of Grape-Nuts, milk and_ fruit. hovenotders are -prahibited from | OrSeee ¢ ce—result, improved ap-| y+ ie on ea enienea and t cried at-the slipperiness' ! ject any agen ae & the Ss 1d. his. instruction jing bituminous coal. Anthracite | petite. || Northrop & Laman of, Toren: ethers Soe eee Sil Gorive all the benefits of bia food. aged, “and (0 tis ont 33 Poductvite ot eiboana fan in two months I felt like a new man|omits n . with the result. that peor or Gulia eo ms mat rate, | one?” eee Ee doe Oe “dear, Sse thad, or what 2" He unfolded Heqie Fe ont {Most potent agency Siete a le wit n ore euMa-| New York is smokeles inion of scien: ? arms and took a turn beneath ge tin nde ‘weart for dinner, im- [mone I <3 manure pile. ; tism or liver trouble and from that| "tq Paris and Berlin a similar ee res ee aan TeBael etopped chsveaok d wibeuiet Bifhine—"“l hear ‘he cree a dappled shadows. “T wisheI hed /Mir-of-ill-eigned imam wearing SOneA SCA ae DiLCMERe HEL oe ria amaanets wetter cr inusie time to this Grape- has been | gutation is in "fore, and there is no | {ists sell So el he sa ake that I was a thiol hover seen her 1” he sighed, “I wish ‘ms decided, perturbation, with the | indirect allusion to her engagement.| Jessie was at the piano singing ii FROM STABLH To PASTURN, my_main fvod)for morning and ever=| reason. wliy. jon and all bit 1 ij : Eis oe fo Heaven’ I hadstiever seon her }’*| Htraight wed | “The contin: | fresh and artless voice, iota the ‘spring many turn out’ ti ‘ ~ | Feas a : saci LB t their UR eaten Le ate health- |Citjes in the United ing shoul | Mra. Ageum—"Have you still eet Mlnard’s Lintment vat Rolleves Neuralgle Bh me? ‘There was nodoily. around eo ee Bes |into an incipient Whistle, was. droll ws on the gaares before eas ea ut_a trace of the old troubles. Wook ram Offen—‘Which — ‘ hi ee in Vain, eee Nort mnontal state T tall | Solutely detrimental to health. ie tase week WHY HIE FAINTED: s oe pties turn Beli evers Pot ene as Saal | And. sweet is death that puts an end oF = cs ot aS i iorning, de- Pail Be te accona “pines talacng eens Winard’s Liniment Cures Dandrutt eee AWh (AGE OUREG foie a sale his gousin, (No? A Jed to twist one. “replied MK 0 ta as e ara 2 be) eel. like Twill live a| Helen—“Gertrude tay awake al-| MIRQIOS LINIMEM LUTES UanOrUl, joc trough the shopping metas s iid not reply: she was angry with Anda slight titer esea rol shouldn't aot Se i Toad Gouin heard hte eae GER Pan eed es grent many more pase Bete ie ee night, Ory, eae ment had fai Dr. See Catazrhal Powder a ia for not. making himself acquain- ing. Snyody's awn. flesh - and |Jane.” and the Secomipaniniees h . iis ansekable change ing.” : rd we : Se “Ig he aes O this: worec ae ee i With her movements earlier, in blood wore out may be amusing to | “She'll be all right,”’“he averred, |was Tngeting test out beneath her |p.1 a ae I am indebted to my wise neice ing about? ‘Oh, she's afraid a Father—“What? You thing?’ asked the shiopwalker, as hy een a pipet case he could have driven Peal some,’’ continued Cousin *Jane, sev- |cheerfully, “‘now she’y giv out we |finger nd = Sea i = lie ' races eee Ph coe. os ett Shae you're engaged to Fred? oe enough e applied a piece of ice to the unfortu- tara "powder could sliece “heute td foe = ae ies Being Sir jeely. oe t isn’t what J expected |may all’ be gone by this time th mue. to |love her. moi mo! fold you not to give him any nate man’s head “and motioned — {he | 10m sas, far from bettie come ae , and having from cari | Lge eth Bova ene 2 morrow. Then Jessie i el ipctaiG this lito. pa health giv-|herself."" “Why, Gertrude hasn't a His Daughter" cag aes. ahead = Bee single put childhood -passed half the year witl bj Twas thinking of something |oller her services in the voniplicatea |e lor the season, while the ground is ‘ing food for several centuries Yet, |moncy to speak of.” “I know; but |aon’é, He doesn’t need. any. EMot exactly,” wopliod the prostrals ages wigwer, alforded pret Bim, Clara “had fallen into trot- funny,” Tessie hastily explaition parations that’ she knew unt soft and they poach it up and cut until I move to a World where, in-/sho has a rich relative somewhere, and —— Sictrocbuktar + ae | eine! tea eaceh: Pantages taste y efal relations with her cousin. ‘Th am made for the reception of guests, the: sod. @ given ae thinks he may leave her some- ie eet of pte amption so far. tittle nervous peste a komt Saas ae aa ie ee rvices that after. many gibes at When ‘tlie cows-are er in the yard BGs Creek. Mich. Bsa OS Nay ees oe advanced tha Bick e's Anti Consumptive |? buy it without letting him see Sr thousands Ot. Others “aa tee her firie Breeding and general incom- and Yed their usual amount of for “i phveleiey ena ° nies or “tia ich et “Oh, she hasn't. |75°7R vot give relict. For coughs, colds me, but give the order.’ S 3 » were finally grumbling “ae- sone gees the Suffolk property that [28° ane is ain they will ive a steady about Grape Ditties t Hose. who save fany Same s thinking of the and all affections of the Satan fines and ae “whit Bald othe shopwalker, Dr. Agnew's Henrh Cite ! i ba: bye cae so: they. say they're engag- |How The grass wi ne a time when ae wil will have’ o specific which lins never. deen | somewhat. suspicious Relieves in 30 pees ide Bihar hen explaining |} ig Soho. Bane glad. to. escape. bon oma a: at Teste” 4 witnott tstersotion, and when ready ea in sro fal 2 promotes a free and) sta” rolling igi onic ais aguren: ee Sha Arcane gag la ee fa thou jougits in- this household ‘Phe-color rushed ‘into’ Jessie’s Face |to tun it will give. a Read toc Well- i! Li tf | hel phiegm, and gives’ the diseased. partes jaixe npeel- ar too and ptt onsan apron: and aiken: sh and she oarse murmur like | full Pit “hat” wa ee up through lnard’s Liniment for sale everywheir | obieem, ana giv Ride crecthap Auuioesiagal her slsoves, and ee cee An mee have-had to feed aoe - cate in the this ‘up as I “always fad he'd Tire ¢ to" ree nerve te | wh went“ Men -- fo) fee 0 be sori over eae Mig have nothi Claude," eee ab ) try. or I