attack removes Russian Bessie Japanese one of the iaeoe Now the ave Satealed ‘hele plan, ¢ tainty. eegled: oe pastel at pre caution. or the operations on the Liao~Tung nga, and in the neighborhood of BeuCRy aie. there 18 ing new. despatches ent ese eins All same ;tricts deal with past events. loss in men was “iar, = follows:— Save Drowned. Yoshino (cruiser! 240 Hatsuse (hattlechip) 30: 441 360 1 eee deta’ a Pe “disaster, Vice- ie Monae i latter in a few mini r crew were ' vedi “The Same | morning if Hat bl cecnssiti ‘oft P inge—tho 1 f tsuse, rt “Arthur, jue ofthe soldi Hier SRE TAPES entrant ign: and instantly struck anoth~ She sank in half an hour. wired: himdred an aes crew! were sav- b: rotected crui- rs which ‘Japan bought from Chili just before the war commen Th was a battleship ~ of d was Hea ment, consisted of four 12-inch fourteen pounders, at Bight d-poinders | and tone 24-p0 Sena, and her crew numbered TOGO SENDS HIS REPORT. Vice-Admiral Togo’s ful}, report is Or srottable to havo to ee mee fiber fro oe the . work Ar he Lae a Seas of the Shan: ee toe eal een a most Bae es ile. sinking, sixteen torpedo craft appeared is somewhat | *™ t by eepdrolgas esleprayl KURCKI NOT REPULSED. fuse lents at Har- it of the co) t | men. a strong - | miles west of Bei, SOMEONE BLUNDERED. cated that ee spalic sympathy when Adm as lost was: sim- arly, if less: fen generally shown, THE GREEN N PLAGUE. JAPS BPAT A RETREAT. he seeorts al Oe Japanese treat cially consemied says a New Chwang despat oe “japanese, num Gay ee 98 000 Bisson position on Monday, Vang- -Chen; risk a battle the in good order e Cossacks harassing Se trisieon We Depot jslon: DrestnhaBly, a Teconnaissan Th checked when ‘the main body o! as rejoin a apparently secounts for “ung” peni THE COAST. despatch “says + Admiral Place, probably. "Taka Shan, on Thur a troops immediately co was accomplished very quickly. RUSSIANS WERE REPULSED. ‘The following ee statement has cs alties were one officer 0 fifty me killed. The sla ing of Japanese sole at Taku Shan began on Thursday NUMBER UNKNOWN. ife incurred by the tHose lost is unkno Those who went Bes Senay Sas! bat- she Shiviaions ila, al of ‘Fenewwed defensive activity: at New |5 wang. J rene) aba 35 aie New-Chwang, without t Her posi ioe Pees Me oe was saved.” COREA IS TOTTERING. Deepa g tottering, sive =. Seoul deepal sh: ‘with i tcigue surpass even the worst periods of the last ten years. cak Em- appointing, and removing a the and fortune-t are ee ‘ke ne sud the ale tim of two ‘ing women, who joy Japanese ‘support. CRUISER WAS D DESTROYED. yy the prevent - falling into the hands of the Jap: JAPS cae Of UNDER LOSS. f the warships at Feng? Evan Oheng are Omar Port Arthur may be expected soon JAPS WIN NEAR TAKUSHAN. here Ri taken prisoner: apaheed nasty LOSSES AP YALU Gace ssegeat the battle of. ies Fen cheng fas gu shells, eight machine guns, and 3} nds of ammunition for these guns; 1,081 rigs and 350 good rounds 001 a s oe SO ._smtity tools ase goo pe RE, CROPS LOOK WELL Wheat Se Farmers? Has a tains. ay despatch says: G. well known miller, of says exythi looking up, saaudiae the blades oe aking ot wheat ayailable is there was a year ago : + CZAR REVIEWS TROOPS. Beceres. 2 Enthusiastic Melon =, 4 Kharkof. kof despatch A Khai skys: aan Nich the battleship |¢ the jadd frase ort that was damaged and ee ji sank is denied at the direction of the Japanese line of Smperor left A oe Soe oS: ‘The’ ities very at Home bene Sadie E Sic: But Ne ern ‘alr, 12 to s Rolle: 14 fot se—New tario,.. Tae: best opine a to ae __UNITED STATES MARKETS, Toronto ee Ze. 1 hard is nomin- Gtinaing in transit pric- 2 quoted at fe) ee No. 8 extra, 40kc, 3 at 38 Se B00 middle eas—No. 2 shipping oo: quoted se i Caco ae st tt os Corn—No. 2 American pie quot- 60¢ on track, seni No. 3 pie nadinn corn wand ‘marketable ead wettest ae a strong palereiy SAO ot nt Bran is steady at $17 t COUNTRY ty PRODUCE ried apples—The dente ia limited, prices are steady at 8 to 3: Evaporated apples, 64¢ per La Beans—Prime bean: to $1.60, and hand ficket ee $1.70 28 to Bie, according to as ~“Honey—The market to Ze per Ib. t 1.7 Hay—The market is ee price pt quo} 5 a at Be eee market is quiet, with prices unchangéd at $5.50 to $6 on nto p—The market is quiet at $1. per In imperial gallon “ket is quiet and $1.05 to $1.10 here, and jobbing a iota at $1.15 $1.25. Poultry—Chickens, 12 to 18c. per Ib,; turkeys “at 15 to 47e¢ per Ib. for fresh killed. s THE DAIRY Ly MARKETS. Butter—The market sell. HS to 14c;-ordinary large ro to 124¢; medium ‘and sae 10¢; cream a oe Bie 18¢; solids; 16 to Eggs—The mi Reet continues quiet nd firm, with eee hg nt. Casi ats sell at aes | Cheese—1 prices nebanaed. to 9i¢ per Ib., and new al HOG PRODUCTS. hogs ure snehaney ee Cured i is fair, We ‘The , demand - pails, Sie; compound, 74 to Bic. . . BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal May 28.—The market ier oats was. sted to-day, ant was apparently little doing tor focal see me sales were $19. pean: 5 rolled “oats— js firm; dealers are asking 7.5 a Se; Canadian lard, 7. to o1 iS are quot at at ja We ops—The market is unchahiged at wee Comat gust ap SL, 50 3 si to ae breakfast. bacon, Be _with ote :— 1G ee ah No. ing |cleaned up; No. 1 Nord $1.13, N © 60c. july, 477 to 48a eapolis, May 23.—Wheat—May, 0 $3. Tn baile’ "316.50 t LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Sree tieeian a tendency to stiffen, values in these, and in stockers, which wete offered pretty freely, but not in eae numbers t and. S Calves demand, and prices in St kinds were pretty steady. ae fost Oh thee sold about $4.25 _p lie range in-exporters’ was $4.60 o $5: 17% per cwt. The -bulk ‘of the ie este beeies oe eae ee b ie WOIBht, SBI Tae 5 “aoa Jams rare a BS We q $4 to $4 ms gi ee ‘s 1 3 8 i BG ented Tamahs myard lambs, to 0 hlga5i ts Spann ern s $2 cane Sroumt $2 to $10 each, -and 5te per Ib. itch cows. were steady ch. .. The at $30. to bulk of these sold below $40 each, Hogs— anc aon hare as Sant. eee to 201 of guali Ss TORENtOr ce 90; Hae, $16 si bs 50 18 $3. stags, $2 to $2.50 per cwt. ~ ; eS ee “lERST CIGAR KILLED HIM. Ten-Year-Old Boy’s Life the Pen- alty of a Smoke. Tw dren's Se een found the boy in con- vulsi sulted bane atte ip the stip. at a cigar. boy récovered © consciovisness’ shortly’ iedlope: be diode "Sna- hid Wat ane fried to smoke his first cigar. ACCIDENTS TO WORKMEN | Number During ‘Apa Reached Total of despatch says :—The Labor has been noti- itawa. Depariment of = | fied, woreda mauibee deaths being the same. Spe DESTROYED 1 VILLAGES. Armenian Insurgent — Great Hav A Constantino aeictct says: Ac. S lespat itch from the Vali urkey, seventecn A Cause seni Sussam. tle rendered, 8} to 94c; hams, 11 to j18e; bacon, 18 to 18j¢; fresh killed families hav town in Bitlis. emetic” result ing. OLD AGE. Regularity, and Seli- he Main e they ie any degree of uae ‘overnent? eis the gmphatic constitution, a typical case all the functions of y ina Fen siu gaia man- He all Sak aioe “mebtal proc tgulaatee Sion ee The Iymphatic person is, always in- ‘dolent, and: frequei ailing; ready ich results ci lack of ner- vous and muscular tone, and anim ciation as the blood. ties bby thi te contribute to thels personal dis: fort. NERVOUS PEOPLE. eben is that of the nerv- whol ople is very highly organized, ‘and this renders them both lively and 2 enjoyment of their usual become” impatient, jess. Oppos tines pattie eae the gouty constitu: ion, ‘The bilious person i f slender proportions during “ha! teiter life, but tends to some much stouter as he near: en that: he is vey easily BLACK HAIR. gets into a habit of directing a duguntid inwardly upon himseli, cad o ue vary to. the bright him ually t frame, with jevelop- art is_strong, and Bley. Le el TPION 30S" cena (A RIPE e o other com- SUIT HIS ns: WELLAND MERCHANT ‘RE ‘STORED TO HEALTH BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Doctors and Medicine Failed— “Dodd’s Kidney Pills Succeeded— Other Cases They Just Seem to Suit. eae pea May AO eke a —J. J. f hi ki terrible “Kidney Disease ey vy Pills. = Yokom's state- ment is as follow “For more ar T had ailing with Kidney ‘rroubie in ail tts its ressed Te Ue find gradually fooling better ee years. Dodd’s Kidney Pills suit the 0 tee aah idne: ease. ‘They always. cure and cure perma ly. jare clever though liable to die 7 thie ee ae Hoe chioren said whom Es ro pert o- |They REE RS hate. cheat a sts abnormally flat in front, ay en the muscular ‘structures are flabby and given one of these 25pes of constitution, is ee nee eas: iS n yy habi roindings ‘and by diascse? ‘CONQUER HEREDITY. Biel eee seliindulgence on the the e, by strengthening: the nerv- ae h oe at ae Saas is accomplished ©, however delica Be aidon ta despair ae person who is what he considers bbe Elica, tg tte gisele otscaae Aas got _selt-denial, ; While an- robust, by with his constittion may tumble tated premature gra: ENGINE-DRIVING RECORD. of en ine aay in 1863, ee of Vales, piles rloo to meet his bride. During eA shole » a his lengthy service he has never had an accident to a goatee, under his cherge. ‘The Dar: son Alas speak wi a we e 01 she is ae el lot the, most detestable. creatures on slight. disturb- rson See on ee period is Aa . savally rae he sailte Ds Th tT housekeegior pean ites Wena ey WHAT THE KING EATS. What’s Fit for Him. who has been oe re ma wae the ‘trials o! and mother state an orate pve incident that “occurred not Jong ago. aie says: truthfulness say benefici- ily, “E can th all that ripe ite is the most both ;¥O" ania: Ta et food “have iteteed an necumulations, and he now reaps tl Say caines along "hen - the characteristic climax like pn thunderstorm, and eratybGay tation to the fact that he has oS “constitution, ‘but Jaime dosigna “gcroltlous."” “These p tert 0. low ‘egies ee br the body Hae Soro or in- covey pe the body is bas nourished. ig evident Soa are Sstatas-Ots Awe gs must render these people more than usually “evsoptile to, ee oe a ne om si morn- ou age it is red a long standing case of in- fare ee by Postum pe-Nuts aie ‘the eee eartite | pee in nthe ord: ‘en L-of this proper foot ill Ow Results from common soaps eczema, coarse hands, tagged clothes, shrunken _ flannels. space REDUCES ‘ EXPENSE “Ask fey the Octagon Bar {food for: pcestaates tevin complete- | th SENTENCE SERMONS. wurch cannot {¢ mush. Waiting is a large part of working. ae Christian-is a light and not a See seats oft rs. “s little light ae be worth a lot sparks. ile: beyonet lowly opr ery living law must haye its roots in love. fe u cannot float to heaven on floes f frozen faith. Naccuatie toc canoe ua built up out of stolen sheop In making a living it is casy to lose the real = TE one Faken 8 “ony, pillow to bring a Bethel People who taleceput God mest ae ile S alk in a straight a circle. enema oa ean ee more pie tecanie ae _Jndue others Se See Bh Standing right with Godt done ey mean standing sideways wit! A little boost to the iiving i in ter than many bouquets to the REASON FOR HIS ABSENCE, “Does Shacknasty near here?” inquire: was journeying across the Oklahoma rai the oe cag i - jer come out to response to the stranger's hail. “Well, do you know where he can be found?’ ¥No.? met Imust have lost my Can you tell me where Wil- joon, familiarly ‘Old Grizzly. lives, then’ ‘Right yere:| I'm ‘Haon “Indeed | Why they ‘old settlement that “Sohn within gun-shot of at's the reason Be nin’t ee “He dit here now.”” Beware of Gintments for Calarrh that Contain Mercury. ury will surely destroy the senso of sinell sand completely derange the tering it through itis juch cal ibly derive Halls Salar “Cure, mane shes Te in. Toledo, Co. Testi- old by Druggist= 75e per bottle. Soe Helle: Sey, Pills for consti- Price, “Fannie,” he said ‘ou are the The he cantinued, ““were-all girls. ‘There is nota more dangerous class of disorders than those which affect the o monic-of laakbowioixell e cacy. Jamoness and soreness, when. applied ex- terually, as well a swelled neck, and erick ins he back; and, as an inward specific, ahr ene nn ic confidence. ‘The overfceding of infants has b pulsory for every hid 6 d with a loadline pape tea Rhe-Plimeol! dark on ehiaSe | vas Uniment forsale everywhere “Oh, Auntie, I am so her if es t ipy | Tforace says there's nobody all, ine fas) Lae: pe me i ane ae ean nt atthou theres “a6 pe you are a bit o ing The food of fire Beaache follow. Ta this co’ is ills will b bring relief. They will 2 ae ae the settee onary of the ailment, \a1 used acce iz to. directions will Testor healthy digestion: ealketie gossip. zen: known as e- |perior air? J. ki tar iit meal are |°™PI" Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, be First Supply Yo: INSIST ON. “GETTING EDDY'S. BETTER QUALITY ‘Let us have your consignment of yor Mr. Noolywed—"‘That coat ree its rough buttonholes and one bu has been right before your eee for two. weeks, and you ha’ the slightest apie ot ib. Noolywed—‘‘Well, haven Bos heard that love is blind?'” irs. ever ‘A tan thi ee he knows a woman. ane ey tueep perce at Gia but after roan he discovers his mistake. “| at’ Linlmeat Cures Dandruf ‘Th thas made him receiver for Galeton and Fleccem, the tu iled.”" ouldn” e like that j by notre too much | like receiving stolen property. For over Sinty Yene Mas, ee mee salons of xa aothere for tees EEiiden witte touting. ete ycee cents ro conte & Ba tae borworld ‘Be sure. and though eis ee ue." amok ats: Winstow scoot: dorm thi t|She="'No; your case would beh less.” He—“Do you think he would | really say ‘Xo She—“Not but he would leave it to me. ant Soap er isa me. «It ‘disinfects aa eats at the same time. : Mother—Johnny, what makes euat little boy eae oe wear such a Dye Ob, etn Shs DAY. id on the Ree ‘that’ S had the mea- sles t tect ane it a eke les fangs ae yo in thls éoanty we have 0 have ba Anti Sone ptive Syrup, that has mever b : ing coughs, colds, bronchitis dnd all at fections of the ‘throat, lungs and ch: Claude—“‘Tt 1 call your father?’’ Maude—‘It won’ rt ho at all necessary for you to Kiss the whole family. lnard's Lintment Relleves Neural |e I have such “an indulgent, hus- Rai atl little Mrs. Dol so. Spiteful, aniety. indulges | too “much, sn [Tne no longer Speake to each ‘other. Sleeplessness.—When When the nervesiire tran: oe ta mols body given up, te wrretohedn the mind is filled with je ats |. forebodings, the result of ee a’ dismal oral ‘Parmelec’s Veustable Bille will not only Re ea will act 80 cially that the subject v acto aectied and restored to happi on RUSSIA'S GREAT es The Chief Procurator of F in the Czar on the state bogs out the new places of Sees were rat~ nm connection with ites aie = are ee 658 monks and 36,- ni pete aS 2,050 hea nd. 4: a These, together nae 58,136 deacons and under-deacons, make; a grand has kn Lever’s Y- ey (Wise ade ee any | the e's mover been Known to fail tn cur- || st t Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples any of these articles and we will % a good prices. THE DAWSON | COMMISSION a? Limited eno Sts. COLORADO AND RETURN. ~ inion Pacific ov ery d ae not taken [7 ie ‘arter, 75 Yonge St., “Toronto, Canada. diner! siinerd’s Linneat Cues Burs, ete Ay —“Look here, man, you a house to those people who haven't paid us any zi for six months for tbe. house they Cier! sir, and CU, —lor we wouldn’t lose as much. tratford, 4th Ave. Gen! years "ala, wi itil I jeeconsmente Emenee LINI- wl universal satisfaction M. TBERT, General. Merchant. volt secure for the rota- Itmay be only a trifling cold, but neg |? au! % tio joearenedy. the. wet kiss you, will you! & edy" for nay jita geadogt s nearest Pee arket. AU TRON IN SAND. siglit on the coast re Bs shore, ae curious tains 80 per cei be smiclted, [formed to Grins tip uenoaieas When you think you have cured cough or cold, but find a aty, hacking g cough "remains, Shiloh’s Consumption Deedee Tone at once. It will strengthen pe and stop the cough. 8; Se the