‘ ; “PERSONAL EXAMPLE! When Men Are ‘Are Brave About Us fat They ‘Make ie es a, Be We ce oe canines like floating palaces; faith always begets col “dence confidence, and good cheer 5008 ‘Kigees Disease, Bad Circulation. A oe Commissioner, “Who Suffered |i: fully From These haha: En- tirely Cured DR. sues WEE PILLS. Bad ees of the-b! usual da Ree defective action of the ssibly and in a fit condition ih nora the in amps i ees Gon sleep in “keen ais a aespatcl trom Lo Los Angeles, Cal., Have you a2 In thse dave of multiplied facilities for n mammot! ses 50.” Superstition, howaver, ts not ens ily ice” agains Pavaeiohed Tors mand, oy who hives i in Cay cee Boye for the oats that a panic may en well that pastor the shoot down any covaraly woliar eh: would turn and Siete agente ceed rote Seeaniones ea soiaal a taste stricken Rca might be stampeded Siler teuhtae& Bneerer, ‘a ridiculer, a tantalizer. was. ose mean, contemptible fellows who |p always gentle ons sete a xi it. ptible ce. advice, your bal Can ble act in a r “Well, ni you? Just you wo advi when, in fact, the man aera “Believing this from” kidney der: cir sulfering as Is that I Seo hi 0 jum: be ake faree Sune during 1. dealers, Company, Toronto. against ignature o| [famous eco eae enthor, ery box. ‘The belief which Paul shoul erong and was not one of those for a comforters of Job who are about as heart as a er or stinging nettles woul mangled arm But HaGt Wamiine Ae cond piyeciano wis Boe n overworked man s2 ‘My friend, I told you if ‘did not hold up you would have a ner- whom I represent, all be no ae, of any man’s. life, Tht. of the sh : cat poe MOUSE. Be is a contemptible characteristic its and keep a bse when se wittle chita Ties ‘Well, So- more sae than T told y ar igen ft you pad only followed “my be alive to-|ly hase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. 0 any {be Was £0 pad ed and count de “ Chaise’s one pill a do: care on cled babe in m the “What eneat vision of G necessities. bodies. hardshi you any advice or offered a ‘ble plan by which erst How He Differs :3 From His Cana 25 when your life seems ‘a hopeless ship- reck? But why ae ee she oesenat ha tions, he would Mee down. is professional mn: tore the eautital” patterns of modern jorror c men- tioned one very interesting respect. in which he has differed from ee mountains shake with the swelling 2a) 2 2s 388 aa § 8 os D the vera of Paul, shall Si glori- pibeer ett Nae sional etiquette steps in and fright ens. them, No how minor ailments of little ones. Thous- ands of 8 RELIGION THAT HELPS. Why Piece od ey shi al pievar ean sto harm, ae all ehildren pute “the facts. Preparation” stl he... passe ri corn ship to Took os ‘hate ph Seer He ect = a en ng to Bt. Tor time ‘able and ie ores ahs Diesen Sen: Age! ree iene aa one ‘Streets, To- Se sie: ANTESEA-SICK oe iar iss paren oust the effect of water and te ling the pt crew them on be pat SDs Ban tian life. week, as ny Fae out, Pirie railway em- eae! Christian Taig aacribees that hi as his Sisciles. E bent they, mn Some men are go mock and. lowly y i can Hess n deceive "aH POPE'S "5 DOCTOR, Ee INTERESTING seercu oF A FAMOUS CHARACTER. dian Colleagues—An Example “Worthy of Being Followed. the Sern ‘physician. on aceou tion to tims olives ‘the late Pope, > XTHI., and the h igh esteem. with pendent personality. _ He has had, differences with his fellow scientists. ; etiquet ven some of the greatest doc ‘ors. ‘As an example of this ma; abs We svar OF a teeter oasis ish pecpmmoracd fate eae matter how. over= whelming the evidence of what one has ever attempted tion in malin Site ino Brie Weill centues- ta’ quero i . a! I have ed Dr. Williams" Dink “pills in four cases of the simple corte of development. After a few weel that development, is so often iniperiie. His opinion of the. value of : os L523 and thus - eae n ho digestive and nervous: m0. tened. ronsiGieiinde decline, ing digestion sednow discaslerand all 7 + As i ley have received the corsa of high ace scientific world at their true wane ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG. Clerk— ace sir, can T have a week's vaca' Em spose What 's ae with you the; ae men so the way to ae “ave iten hard and il Christ? to-day, | fo'lowers not. privation; net case al torm and suflering ~ dike. - dale will fe form her mann - Dy, with fer 0 true elegy Ce ae pies “ty ae {bleh her Trobe had tee ee ‘Seeeesoceorasecs: SS cers XVLS vel as tittle aa PS Sree ee ee cosuettigh pretence of being Tt w OW: otldeat clean thatch the projecting which threw ‘the rain well Shelters ¢ atticed bay ma. windows and the il ues fed ‘coping aeatiery = Fidhnéés 9f blossom that, J to eme val now inthe he; a Gloire de Dijon.a See bage-rosc, and a pink rose threw their Booming a over and” among its a honey: suckles, so Sat. than noe of: gardener: head-gar of this Paradise, was Aon, strict; even liked what “moré" ith, tates over hipaa A eis ome face eS wh kind*blue eyes |e eEeesees & Ma Rebos & us diteniee a mers’ cousin, born in @ mill, ‘owe up at a missish boarding ii t iwoods-Farny N idof Jessie at bor ‘bir 1 make of mi own.!"" hin » Ungrammati tle. There were no people at 1 Uked soMGH ind congenial as the Meades. aa ate of Cleeve d | joners & “Whatever may fe, he-bas the m 1 frained by blue-black haat, graceful ‘wave and blue-black whisk- § of fashionable cut—with a mate Sweep of Park land. spreadin way to the blue ills, and the vile eaete the Tell backed by. pasture: pan as if prepared pick ina Korn, Becca HS ase broom conycys might be Useful, my_ other charms, and.I i ly. without. some, hope of getting the law swept in the cour: of time. “What you want is wife, my dear,” he returned. “es wale I enjoy the privilege of your. co: sation, ean I~ hope ae coven, me 7) dag the tte at a honey aul vinegar.” “Good for hhro: Vinegar would et am ee Aaa tor * army. in be swept up pes Te Matthew Meade e few. finest I Ee tepen a -come, 8 pri y Where — is pi oi influence is necessary clever stroke of yours, “Phil ld jas somethin; Ly. “oe ja slave. ¢ pwhy even Claude— “Poor ‘Claude, he the most harmless earted of h = oe he being an ‘Apollo, a hussar.’ voede me,”” ieee iy tne Shaft Street tailor! han f broom tee Sas ae lected oe -Randal is a Boos fellow, Tet of sweeping, he was looking Sey me’ tell ioe and a’ over the cottage in She foreground at;|T wi gies iis chatraine We er a to go fe tmstead, -and corn-land, and end- |is fan sar false position there. ite in a distant Promise of shining \ ‘They make bas rse to tha’ Tea Jn a broad gardenhat, ie fretfuln we to | sweetly Beas his sister with, ae ae wae is Apollo peace is ae god? Z 1 Do, Medway” beautiful” was” first Sap Ompe, ‘Sue. and_ your a little tartness in both of |epitaph, not bad, “And thei onsdale if i s as Mida nd a Angee Ge ‘a Nisie ao, do and gets to a Mid is a coquette, ts ene of coquettes has can't “hav “You, “T suppose. akin to love, md ink I. see-the -fa ee-Clara ai gui country Vicarage.” = 80 you mi; hi hi “done, last pees ates voitid! heen at “hott when Sek? call continued Sent pert pees ness; “but IT wish to goodness she had abe ‘that nice little Jessie Meade”! alone "Stull | ‘She ee ee oe oe Nothing can be 2 ile Fascie esa Bt ie ‘om ann fad to do noth ‘oom, fee “wetness upon aes a area ing on her was On ‘The nurse pee Beant twice reduced to mnifid carnatio1 A “To fall in laveswiti ee phe pola tadly give a he is life 10 give Ethel one whims a Je: me ie ae reading aloud, was io Daneiclty ‘eaters this exclama- with a applied hi the broom for a ieee wore see Ves t this hy mothig es a very goo sort of fellow. is n of his” ay <2] ebay visitor, and h is thus that the pet cur- e slights his old parish- ter hat © Phil that Captain Medway w ant ne. “the son of a drunken Eaeiinnr deepen Guen ee |faces when visiting the sick, because e| they sei | papas silence, rickets ‘ch | tinved, in his usual voice. knockit weeks. I si mi lmade up, but i 1can be of any’ use a ce ee cool, "you have had a broil- ing as Sess was ot sorry, i find herself | M mn that cricket was Se penis of all manly “virtue, “if not © teevery Chris- t poor I ible em hopeless to try to improve ee als “and manners of the pillage - |youths until he had imbued t) with a love and knowledge of that se- {national game. b They walked up and down beneath the trees fore foot fe ‘min Bette dis- ‘betwe ‘She Posie fast Be there; Pte es aes hat meth Sera lute fools h and will insist: Soo po thnk See be looked: at. oe Te inte to GA Beant “Of course. And men ; have been made more beautiful than was tl terest in Jessie, rows et alight Py tie sa acsigeer aiatan 0 © The stray ge fire was still in Ji slo's eves ee Mr, Ingleby” rouge) pane not |P7 ‘How do you do. Miss Meade 2” he! with the exact shade of (sur-|* t unexpectedly meeting an pri racted by. cael eee face. eT ahi ie sate he hopes G6 fateh | Bard, to receive him with a dazed which» was ‘not ‘unperceived” by" | ee Wi sinding you at fol io! latter said, “‘though my Jp: 0 “Miss Ingleby, tor ‘whom ave an ‘rend from my sister.’ hoped that ihe invalid epparently not, hearing he mistress of the sede r,” he replied on a sort hope, and hich he knew to As futile. ees said “‘she will east be -bet- "ei ones near he ay “ Py ab oY recede sh “I do want someone = Tete what 1 boy, having, as Captain ne Ae, a profound convictio “ace, and conceiving it to be Mr, Ingleby is ore evetytiine carting by sunset; People need AE us about ‘their hay to-| “they?” very anxiou: day, Mies Ingleby, néed et * pright-eyedt yours Tellow who: ee his spurs “batt by had why wat the demeanor of both his guests their meetin, t hi in Hace though ~ he breke many Hen lance, he was of course “van- was annow eet aare uently in vor. arty of four anti table is if the four peo; bhava, for tie fare of eae he re et len age ly. -c¢ : Sagat Ene lf i elcome facts by his guests sudden Iho ome. ‘He would have replied that:|P: she was engage mot, the draw- | afte 0 befor ce alimitted™the alt into «tHe Yery presence of the pet Jamb, who onire ed no whit "ates ls had been watching lee “est Phtcy ee Sroibers recent 9] Serva tion had pe rong again, iB Pedicne ing | Jerelbiy, at tt Bee aon) jot uate Wiles quivered a oe at the a of such sietinetion sini euden viet her hot walk, but the uu Tal ae aad pet her as much as dy Z the papa res, “but, was, that wonderful cqmibinaticn of mai and mirror, a hum ; ba “ie nig aie hinks. ete ot my essie wae Ren mlbnd 1 and. Claude ing « sudden. radiance which transfigured he their “quiee chat, which .. gave. depth eyes and made her instinct’ with spiritust Be ae ee agains ing “bat eho hi hi side, her movement _abpsratty gave Rieeie an ed in ich peat ity, ae animation | nd er neauty ened aglow with some she 5 iaahee, past Miss Tagieby, 4 Sea as turned | : few sare ¢-he-reltiz- prised at the layedion ung guest with an inter aps because her eieauloin was turn-| to it, and the idea’ inted a git 1 ie Setagely site @ exception, when Mr. 1 elohy have t ‘out of the i Mi in. “Medway's -requé fee ssiealaht through ‘the ‘Avalaen © stein’ tie; pale, which was| Was pas ce there was a subdu Medway's eyes and a suppre lcitemer nt in the «set o: Sieatiice Wi a faint quiver of the ie halt aled «by th Seite ¥ tHiotts She was 4 little by the young girl's face in the midst of fl ee “held gees aaee proudly, “all ar er the Miss Ingleby” by yee Hey ing #0, for gleliy something sk netic ae |keenly sensitive Passionate. low of the sonata music at on, Jessie into the en soul whose wild ee tions eto it some ay mingled with hers; she as keenly aware of a m: upon her averted i ene gaze, which fell cee joke again, Jessie The laneed 4 page | re feptiea tranquilly, a he turned a inex ee ng. topics. w he bee nothing “put he te fore ne ‘ = ‘Ingleby i thou; away with a sane mov enc (To be Continued.) fd, ae sighea the a enteee toa ee with a: nd age