Milverton Sun, 23 Jun 1904, p. 1

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MARRIAGE LICENSES J. padson STRICTLY ConFIDENTIAL. be “It Shines For All.” Vol XIII—No 25 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904 MALCOLM Mache Editor and Pablisher M. STEWART, | Gen, Manager The Sovereign Bank) of Canada. HS. HOLT. Pre Farmers’ Trade Speeiat attent da and the United nptly made. And Cireular Letters of Credit issued, Drafts ai Oe eee Lender, Eng. toe s. ie of Commerce. oa Benders RANCH Amhersburg, Ont. ‘Aylmer, 3 ince nora * vel NILVERTON “BRANCH be R. J. Ranney,..- Manager| Meilical = em F PARKER, M.. Graduate res Gold Medalist Trinity slo Gold and Silver Medalie, | Foronto. Successor to Offiea in Post Office block. ‘eleptove connection with Poole, Brunner, Moserville and Rostock | Me Welerinary res Ont. | e, Tor- | a. i. Graduate ata Vetprinary ol acanle seuss | evialy. All eal omedy attended to, by telephone or iahekwine, day or night. | Dantestry and Chronic Discases a specialty. eT aw: VETERINARY GEON, inc ietornels sh Nem Grad: uate of Ontario Veterinary Coleg 0.) treats all diseases esticated acima = by vslepone or otherwise Brom Live a irce inte Neves wok alga all Faas Baggage ttansfer. "Commercial: driving specialty. | “Silver” Star Milverton, e ry ¥ night at 730° ip: mi. iu their hall: post offiee buildmg. “be 0.0, Fy X. G.;-Geo. Her Business Cards } W. D. WEIR, ee for the Coun- i 0, : Coanarenics Morten mi sey rau Cy fh Disision ane 's Shoe Se Sai ports M virion Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bruner. Ont. John Gropp, Pzoprietor. liquors ani cigars at. the bar. Fatt accommoda- tion and large stablin, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. 10d: mmercial First-class accommodation for commercial fravelers and others. Three large sampl rooms, Good ae Eabling.. Bent -t nds of liquors and ci; . corner of M and Mill treste. Chie Hitiiee;repeatadt “QUEEN'S HOTEL, se Ns cont Peas tation fe Cigars at tl pleaty of Spel eii. cess © Peal preps E. -Jauality am n: | of holding a cniltary tatue at Strat- thi e. and see us. Saturday, ren their excurs' lai rt societies | ore ag Ru- | ¢ LOCAL NEWS. In. Fruit hire we save money. Rose & Dumart. 2 DER Nera at Ey of flannel suitings, he umes of Thesduy, w: ancuvoot aah good to crops, ity. © pro- n this Clothing purchased at E. Knech- tel’s is } guare ‘anteed in style, fit an quality. eae number of Milvertonians, races, at Public service will be held next Sabbath evening in the basement o the Methodist church. We can quote yeu the lowest pos- ble price on pure manila hay-fork rope. W. F, Finkbeine you want to oe a pleasant poste Day, attend the grand con- + Grace church garden party. a2 nice line of shower eo coats Se Knechtel’s. They hing ever petare Bown: oe v. Mr. Meyer, of Ri sy; con= the quarterly See at the ucted Evangelical ehuteh on Sunday morn- i A number a the officers‘and bands- men of the 28th Regiment, are talki ford in the near Now is che. time By one your’ coal cook and heating s We fer e best stoyes on sh ae call W. F. Finkbeiner. ee and lot for sale or to rent, op Milve od dwelling = vAifem: Seer on WD: Wer “Dri eae The Grane on Thu of London, will be at ral lay, Es x ‘theo Sav: “Osu eae d and glasses eos ro nde Seb et Mile cee July 4th. Sa wb weimatieh diane Honor | ab t ‘Stratfor cid vitl robbery is the disappearance of the night porter The best of the season. rty and g: Best “orig aes have been engag Tea rom six to eight ape: ests NGuistave acineks Aauiscion only 10 and 15 cents. The Milverton Public Library and loc Perth Farmer’s Institute, on n to Niag- ‘The excur- about four hundred people on board. A’ pleasant day was spent by the excursionists. ‘A good cream separator costs from sn S C0. as a from settling pan: to he 20 per cent. of ihe butter fat. ae a cow ae a the Jubilee of Methodism in Milverton ‘ : 200 Tha. of bitter in event shiewbaldlinr 3 will occupy the. frone| strains of @ melding niarcli pliyes ve 2 loss of 40 hs. a, year en at i by Miss Euma Freeman, cousin of bea Loss o! pews in the middle of thechurch. On/the bride. The bridal party. took least $8. abe jee could be sigs Seen nday) hesening. July 5th, a re-open-| their places on the lawn, under an if-a. se used, and will beheld: Addres-| arch ot evergreens. ‘The bride, who ae ves ant eee ee by the ministers of Milverton and/ was given away by ber father, was j amount of labor in caring for the/thes mrsoundig co ney eats given. | prettily gowned in ‘white taffeta silk, milk, and wing alone proves) Suitable music v furnished by |tfimmed with white silk net, a that it investment, - evel ‘MeMillan angi | Carried a bonquet of white carnation where bat fone a cfs eee Sixattorily | eee nee ten Bair forge. Titel Bory) aa rae waeitne to Tone ue | Steveson. of Guelph, cousin of th ies ae neir conctact ond it 1s. ex pected | groom, acted ax flower girl, avd look- buy, oe it is. the mags id by thet all will be in readiness for the re- | ed’ dainty in ‘of white silk, h immer. _ Sol FP inkbeine strikin| Jaly 1st. The musical attractions in- clude the full Pi 6 ‘Highlanders, Hx milton. 12 strong, the uce Regimental. Band, 24 Pant wor Bia Elgin Band. Match, Southampton vs. Tug-o-war, Paisley vs. amme. Highland dancing al iy foe Lockhart and several of| time iment will be a feature. the artists are Donald C. McGregor, Wil McCleod’ ee ees ae Se: Farquharson, Loe! Pipers and disders OF the Oleh cand the 32nd Bruce Regemental Band. you a. Knechtel's, al! Boy wanted to learn _tailori Apply to Jol Kelterborn, Our Millinery season closes Satur- r. f you want a hat—now at half ice. Rose & Dumart. Si held last hi Services Sabbath morning and bi of the Methodist churéh: Our steel conte ioe whifiletrees, =a neck yok wor W. FP. Tinbiuee tio: ges *t miss heures = e great humorist, at sas hare, Mitfbenn? garden party, on July Ist. G. F. Maitland, Sake Milverton Studio, on Fri Sittings from 8 a 3 in be in his July Ist. “Fre e! evening in the basement ‘ A number h of inspec-| rate t| searching for a ect The enthusiasts! ho aro supporting baseball in Milverton, have made date with ae “Abwoad team, to play here on oming Friday evening. Collection will be taken up, Give the boys the glad han of dogs in the dogs cannot come in contact with it. There is a new swindling game ix operation in some parts of this pro- vinee. gedy, a’stranger ae ae ss near a farm house di “lost diamonnd ring”. photographs taken of babies, from 9to| As he docs not: find it he offers $100 rae for its recove © goes ice ahaa panei from $2 up- ‘ds. made to cr at. E, Knech- felts Who aeould “eee ready-made | pants when ordered goods ean be pro- cured at these prices ? "Phe streets of the village at the pre- sent time are in a wretched state from 8s. weeds, mai =: et a 8 e a e 5 with the scythe made his appearance. ‘he regular monthly. miceting of the North Perth Womens’. Institute is to will be portant subjects nas all aa ronal tari be See , Sec.-Tre: Ww es in neers last week we met Mr. Geo. Deisen ee who in company with Mr, Wm. Bee , form the per- aa me the ‘Tovonts Office Fixture a factory on a8 h= vant doy large busi- the‘way of mannfacturing in- terior r fittings Be banka) Olfices, ‘hot bee and shops, ‘The firm apiors. a la mond ce wes' Fy Hotel Mlvertn | the hela |® John Roe, on the i Don’t for- get Grace eee Millbank, garden| pal 2 The Dominion Day Celebration Com-| put. two Dersons under M t- | his brother-in-law, M. Special Excursion ani number of men and are doing a sec did business. ‘The mai is décor theres the follow In case the u ither . the nended by he oldest ora of lif mn- ington ashes this ae: ast, at Galt, in the person of ae the late Galt, and on Thurs- day of last week ta: oe oie with eart failure. mains were rought to Mr ‘toe ae * Feo ie, on Tu eral esday DOK abies athe: “Milibate age fabian Oatietar y on Wednesday. Des ceased is survived by Mrs, Burne and Ri pie ey Mrs. .A: Staten Had ¥ . A. Chalmers. Re-opening services will be held in the Methodist Church, on July 3rd. Rev. T: J. Snowden, Ph. B., of Ar- as will preach morning and even- ing. All Methodist Veterans in the surrounding country are inv’ i Giborl the sorning Bipsenede Stac GF opening service Two runaway accidents on Monday Geo. McKa: was atin to} ” Greepbekes anil Br eee: happened clevice loo struck the Aus ey such foree that he was unconscious: He . | was piekea rp oa taken = into Mr: Jas. was driven sent ie the jome of Augus McLean |™ Daniel’s home. carefully to where he r fs _MekGinnon when the srosient s: Thos. D the care of/ o tthe eel tt is ciGReea al aud Mr a Aintions ettendens the ‘bridal rt: dea Alc aaah eae: His head| their way to the di ee 325-for th the reward. Pp ing to to get he tramp hesitates but finally aecepts ring expecti e farmer couli ind the ediser i grows sus- pigiuns and takes the ring to a jewel- and had it crnen and finds it to is orth about 1 ? it and leaves. 01 Barker—Strong te c) SOS eine: 26th., i The Canadian -|Bank of Gommerce Capital Paid Up = Re $8,700,000 $3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO G. A, COX, President B. E, WALKER, General Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Municipal and other debentures, bought arfdsold. Drafts on ali points issued. Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special attention of farmers’ sale no! Special attention js directed to the fol- ven’ to the. collection e | lowing advantages offered by our Savings Bank Department Interest is added to the deposit Twice in Scie yeat At Ss rene lepositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole oF any portion of the dep: WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. Personal Mention. - BH. Bastendorff spent a day AS — this a travelling aut. we grey. Mrs. are now cians i tora, Asea is now en- 4 | Sage in putting through the York: 1 e Canadian North-| on Railway. Smith--Rae A guist and petty bane weddias we We 20k place”™o dnesduy the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. the contracting | second danghter, Miss {Rae and Ww. | Spri ‘The knot was tied by Rey J. Kay, M.A., past terian ‘chureh here, and at. the of the ceremony the nent eongratu- lations icilowed and the wedding re- ast, after ich toe -newly-wedde couple oe by the 4-80 p-a- train. tor il Springs, where the est wishes.— Norwich Gazette. Dobson—Neuert. On the evening : of Jane 15th., the home of Mr. feu the scene of a very pretty w wheu their eldest Shape Racliel M was Gist in Se to William J. Do as young farmer, aing of the sed hoe: Maryon ct The nee Certuiaty watches ad by Bev Mr “Trevelan. of act as page, ‘and fed reeral a suit of ¥ with white buttons and ¢ silver tae aera tng: aie ‘8 present to t {flower girl was a gold ring, and to the Page a gold tie and congrat e Guelph, Berlin, Welleste: Milverton, Listow effers, and rt immed miGran cn -civek Unitews aie ear! ie ce and her bat was of white rand Mrs. Dobson wili reside after eae re on the tri ue of Maryto1 formed by Rev. Mr. Murray, rector of | e bride was attired in}. Mr. ? | Sove spending a aes tr. Geo. cher Spent a couple of Lhe in vain this week. Sam G. Sate aa ale daugh- ters, are taking in St. is Fair, . Charles ore of Cat is at present yisiting at bis home in Mil- verton. Miss Addie Lar, turned Satur- a vom a month’s visit with friends in Detroit. | Mrs. S. J. Grosch, has retarned n extended visit. among ffiends in Michigan. Mr. John Hoffman, of Stratford, Spent severel days with friends in the lage this week, vit jie Bowles of Teeswater, spent and Sendey with her cousin, pen Mes "Chas. 5 Miss Millie Torrence and Mr. Reubin Torrence, spent Sunday at the resi- dence of Mr. ees Torrence. Mrs. Sam. Whaley, of Owen Sound, at present visiting per mother, “13 Mrs. Mohr, Temperance St Mr. Henry Schneuker, on Sunday last, attended the funeral of his cousin, the late Geo. Schaefer, at Waterloo. Mr. Roland Ferris of Elmira, ond Mr. Sam Short of Stratfosd, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Lo Rey. Chas. Wilson, B.A, and his bride spent a few days last week at Mr. Wilson's former home near Mil- verton. ¥ Mr. George Hood, of Woodstock, thas been spending a few days in a - eats as the guest of Mr. P. Livin isses McLaughlan. and Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs. Charles mith, of New noe is Mrs. H. spending her. holidays at the eof her parents, Mr. and Mes. Sone Roe, of Elma. L. eoad. ce mapegee of the i aremont, is ¢ friends in Milverton. - i at presents doing» the Louisianna Purchase Exposition “n St. Louis, Mo. 6 Among those who took in the ex- eursion and spent a couple of faye n and R. Buffalo, . were: . af eae and daughter, Mr. te Mrs. auli, and Messrs. J. S. Winter- ane Tucker. and Mrs. H. M>Schaeffer sper t a Mr. an Sunday with friends in Palmersto M or r iam Cement Works, which ere running full blast. It is expected that the company at the end of the present year will mak wing. 1 , of Milverton. ir. Me! will preach in Millbank, snoring and evening, Crosshill, in the afternoon. Mr. Jores will preach at Elma, in the oe and Milverton in the e1

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