NS WERE DEVEATED========0 HEARTRENONG DSM | eee | ADYING PROMISE ift tier, drooping spiri the Jin the direct effort only brought ang ‘ant silent nae them tears, which fell upon het ands ae, candle; and them round tock ay the aoe Deeick are make the Were Enveloped and Slaughtered Foy ing te in Six Huudred New York People Burn- PREPARING FOR FOR ATTACK. ~ ¢ by the Japanese 1A despatch received! from Viadivo- ed to Death or Drowned cae 5 stock at St. Petersburg, showing .. Cis ates s sealed. She turned |" USING THE WHIP. 2. that the commander there i 5 with a little ery; there flashed over |i@nce of those pure and perfeet spher- = = JAPS GREAT VICTORY. OVER 100 KICLED. - rid of the remainin; Mama OR, THE filSSIN her face a radiance that id not |S, @ Single row ot ehe em, large in|” Few drivers take the reins with- — @ PERE Oo Nie Saber Jation, ‘stren three cecke ere ospatch says :—-Thie jand third decks also caved tn. But he mistaen, least of all by ‘the man |front and gradually diminishing on lout taking the whip at the samo eS Russi asin rom Tokio says A despatch from Tokio :— |that preparations are being before this happened the tug Walter WILL wlio loved leach side towards the clasp, their jtime, and out of the vast number 3 Bs, phic toe ee = vin, e While the transport Izumi was re- Viaaivostock for the recej ad come alongside the eS 45 eoaitea = pear it, Jessie?” he [DaTmony. with ie satiny gleam of |who do so it would be intcresting to : pian oe Baad oe A Lape eae turning to Moji wit mber Admiral . Withoft’s burning stea Many of the pas- Sasa ee § Speke hee BO white neck! ee ee reed anything about its true use. ——— 4 - 01 - e i when it comes rs taken off by th aes oe jazed, |It is ofter : us $ teeing dapaanin, foie tnvting|war “suvaanscd tt” na Want laa tha "acti rons ast poops or oe Arges os teed, Hcaven“inows How 1 trict tettiound, while srangs, GMzi08 inay ace’ tomitiotete oe > the Russian stronghold, came to an |warshipe Weteeday off Grima, “near |the ity are eae side the steamer _until the “tues y CHAPTER XX1,. he, Se ae San tess cea ynok [visions swept fort from the shiad- |lessness or brutality, which in some Re end on Wednesday at Tolissu, a |‘Teushima Strait, One hundred Patch doce ot Mammen TS O0e (sulting ta the denth throws Wuening pilot house too! “Well, there! armed if this yer |sure." enieiaete Eee or ee re with ow of the mirror, thrilling [individuals appears to be inherent. 2 ze Boiek ie toe zal road 50 miles north | eight aboard ake were Killed. The |Stock division. The Admiralty den- Su Bi wning of at least 600 people, | The scene on North Brother Island, ain’t the rummest star I ever see!” | “I only hope it mayn’ Be mean harm {Ot you. Sih hes ihe with fear and delight, half shrinking | Too many highly bred, spirited 2 Vat ars jDorth cf |Russian cruiser Gromoboi, one’ of |ies Knowledge of the seinen SS prea hoc aba ehuldrens as rete by. the rescuers, was a. eried Abrahani Bush, stari e |to Jessie,” continued Mrs. Plummer, Peee hae even on that first ae ae half challenging, like Briomartis in- |young horses are rendered dan >: fo: penal ae ussians Were /the warships, had a number of pris- |the Viadivostock squai ae bodies of many who leaped in- jody a. sky one warm, still September even- }‘‘the girl's properly nee _ away. Gg lakes CARAS the eaaker V6 “day. by terrogating Merlin’s enchanted cry-|ous or useless every year by the s i $ a ee selene nd sweeP- | oners on board. se were lined u; aero one have no} re- | wa: =a or ing. ‘There's a many queer things Pretting for Philip, I exp Sant seWitde oT kview: tae Bs Joved [Stal Never till then had she given | unnecessary use of the whip to al- = 2 San ey left more than jand compelled to witness the sinking cover The Gencral Slocum, which |poats, and added to tha long I've ‘a seen. Zecn a whale and walk-| «pve think vs a a eal hae ocr aa r- | thought to her lover’s wealth and |low this to be passed over without ¥) S00 dead oa the field, ond the Jap- (of tho Izumi. Later they saw the LE AD was the largest excursion steamer in|on the bedch. , Fifty-three pe ea_ntay of terble alfpny and Pai sake ee ae 6 ented barge acs you ha never wordly state. And not till than ldirecting the attention of f z ‘ $ pee ure 300 eons and 14 destruction of the transport Hitachi, a pee waters, left Third- Street, East |died there while the doctors were at- squashy ‘twas a ue sure cand ld th irl Peete him, What eee A axe Rees known the power of her |and others to the matter. 3 : 4 treated hastily tothe aorthward. gee Tr ra ge ae aid nly Nened tis canoer snaseyen schnal ext ag tear perenne oe Ae a ee me about tie wat that?” asked | Jessie? Are we not one in ‘the sight |O™™ Py ies Orrin a ete |: The. wig -canibe aged ii desis a % lor in the afte on, rs- } Se: a Mu ol = s the bodies of living and ings, anaes stloined the carter, ot Heaven?” were’ bare, her clothing white, her ment to persuade the horses 8 pike Javanese charge that tho Rus- /tag were examined, and |TB® Ruling Prices in Tive Stock |‘u'sion of St. Mark’s German Luth-|dead wero taken out of the water, sim ‘Doi “Zoen you and Sarow |S aoa home by this | Whet could innocent Jessie answer air braided. classically to her head, |prompt ‘and obedient without i et leitii-cthiceracaven that due ‘the 22 were put ona passing ship near and Breadstuiis, tad ‘hurch, Sixth Street. Her | those aliye were taken to the hospi- See be ey atte [to these words, spoken with quick, |2othing interrupted the-graceful flow |gation; but when a thrashing is giv- " C dghting’= ae leg es oe = ok Island. The Gromoboi then eae destinstion was Locust Grove, on tal on the island oF Sent across the ed Abraliam, amid OEE ded ter eer earubeats and cyes of fixe, Of those lovely lines which pillar the Jen the well-bred colt never forgets : 24 pth: teamed northward. BREADSTUFFS, e Sound. ‘The vessel wi om- jriver to the hospitals in Manh: no atieat S. = Jo. (Bead, beautifully poised as Jessie's lit, so that the nex ng appe: a be manded by Captain William Van a ‘The time is no matter; Mr. Ingle- s but still more elo- |Peads | 3 meee w t rthing 2 and thet tas Be ie ie a Here ambulances from almost all ne rs reatendie ck jn “8S; in an attitude of childlike ad-|happens to make a plunge, it is euch a ceived ea apanese ae RUSSIANS DEM DEMORALIZED. Ee Sa O, es ae Eger 5 t-Is dull : ret icres ee (oe hospitals in tho city, and every so: by always pe oe home after dark ee ee ee miration and pleasure; her eyes, sap-|a one that a oe would think he “4 : Waa eonais ‘i “ est i h ee Epics pel ge x 4 , isk postiedlor body of Russians, ‘The latest news from the Far East |and east. Goose is stead Beers fexhory who ‘Wau covemanded the | rotad ud repeated Roger, an ‘we care what. the |Phire in their shadowed intensity, he Boing to jum] io Sie nese oy © eiieiat a eee eva th Eeatens Menta ee hee ee so is steady ai ¢ |e * anded the | were put into service. copes oath he continued, in the (Were brilliant, her hair shining, her jcountry, Here tho Pantha, ots ‘ a, esas anak 1p 0. 2 east. Spring is steady at |Slocum almost sinco a was built,| For hours the bodies of the burn- 3 Philip om et ay is swe [ips slightly parted, her cheeks deli- ne ee is laid, for such an an- . commanders jade specific cence: genera! 4 roughout Europe that the |S5c for No. 2 cast. Manitoba wheat {in 1891. The number of excursion-jed and the drowned drifted ashore ecmg cher ‘hoe pame aaa Te ee moving fones. We leately flushed; all was set off by, the |imal may be-sold for a lady or tim- é es of this flag violati saying is applicable to nations _as |is easier at 92c for No. 1 hard, 9ic|ists on board Sariohaly a estimated on the island and . s should Philip not know?” jare all in ail to each other. _ Your 7 Pia spas ae 5 ve ; Early estimates of the Japanese | well as mon “whom the Gods wish |for No. 1 northern, 88¢ tor No. 2 jat from 1,500 to 2,500. Street and gan Street, vin Manian y is parents both asked Lene Y8G ds, Hea yen. Leena secne tw Sea ee Pion He ners is eet oan an aa % losses ‘at Telissu say that 1,000 men jto destroy they first. make mad." {northern and She for No. 3 northern | ‘The steamer proceeded up the East len’ Soh e ashore } Peat Roger, with 0 jew dis- beyond ull riches. ihvnees ef Rer pre on aes a Were keled sar wean os The St. Per eos Rw : n. stil alive. F : ee Go tresmenen ain ary ex ion under the dreamy |that he bounces off, jumps round, or 2 i ret - Pet srbu intorference which eorgian faced parte: and 6c more | River, each of her decks ee crowd- aes ef teas “tied, while aie will am give a power o’ thought |S - nbs x i in lun, scaring the driver, wh eet os = sis Bie vee staee ing force was fe to the attempted relicf of Port grinding in zane with merrymakers, with bands ! recov 4 i 3 a ” opr and fell again a silently rum- a “The. a Tseetibd of diamine tose. his or her ead, seni ae Z ivided in right and left columns and fArthur is Sehaecaed as Teas rt | Flour— aes ol peyine = flags flying. ‘The Slo- cePertie (inating upon tHe something whicl friendless, heart-broken. 5 wi] be A n ‘Tuesday along a insanity, RROD cntariats quoted ot $3.65 to. Se. Hoi Sips Med reached point at tae Sune HEARTRENDENG SCENES. Vine thing ¢’ hink re tinea 2 #0, upon Jessie's maina, |Jessie Tistened, and her soul passed |the glowing enchantment of rabies [ease a serious accident, : ig ey ‘The complete sanihiiation of this in buyers’ bags, middle freights. | Ken TPC ar an oe Street, | "The beach of North Brother Island Mt, A range 2 to think about, ain't cna the bints-and whispers that had [from her k donning deste tee felt, Bak, these poate Were Eng eee Mean : 3 2 f Va-|Russian force is fully expected by |CHoice brands are held 15¢ to 20c | Which’ is at the extreme eastern end returned Abraliam, i ane he "2 en prevented in all’ a ‘At a | Buropean ond Mee ww (higher. Manitoba flour is steady at |of Randalls’ Island, when fire bro! at ss al hour in the afternoon the Rus- ted in the way of military suc-|S480 for cars of Hungarian patents, |Out in room, forward eet ee she left the Hee ae ue si i ‘Tungwan- 5 $4.50 ond patent: r |deek, caused by the overtur: ght set. oa ake j f cess a nation whos ithoriti Patents, $4.40 fc y vy overturning a I~ ; Yao and ‘Tafangshen. ‘Tho J manese | sem to be victims of seat anlar strong bakers’, in ear lots, bags in-|Pot of grease. "A high wind fanne vor ee ete imusual beauty" of the warm, Ec ei ee ae o line, an clu , on the track Toront ie flames into instant fury % = ; the'| moralizati : "ack Toronto. 2 thor” hi mes ‘ ‘he shelling Millfeed—Is steady at $16.50 for | Efforts to subdue the fire were fu- *Yows tt ths a is area : nag |_ It is reported in St. Petersburg, ac |oard nf chotis ow git ee eh Atay cua ord was coutsat Gee ts ows “iis wiiat manikind 18 give |Flensay step, dlsteniiig to the’ chirp |was just setting forth in f ja rebel from harsh treatment; often : 5 $ [cording to the Echo do Paris, that observed the setond : it wing above her. 00, he Le acquire that bad habit 4 x 2D-| Gen. ‘Stakelber lost ea oda fn |D2SS West or east. — Manitoba mill-|the captain, who started to land the of grasshoppers, a drowsy drone |his cousin, when a light whiterobed 1g above er ate eval ee etlermards tei mt eS x to a position extending alle, Ame ‘using, while (C24 is steady at $19 for cats of jsteamer at 184th Strect. He was of chaffers, and the low gurgle of |figure flitted “across. the meadow, | Perhaos some pure protecting pre- jof “‘libbiny terward, whic oe eres Yuhotun. | yous votre missing, while shorts and $18 for bran, sacks in-|Warned, however, that the boa hidden waters, listening and yet not jover the palely glimmering stubble |Sence did overshadow her, for she jby the Hee is often improved e Darkness put an end to the fighting. rel treating oe Wafangow. | cluded, Toronto freights. would set fire to lumber vards and my heeding, her heart too crushed. e |fields through the ard and into {Passed her. trembling hand: before-her full dose of whip. ed ‘he column to a Barley—The market is nominally oil stanks there, wana changed the S lausk air was ewless; as |the wide witehen, ite front door Le- jeves to shut out the tempting vi- aoe horse eek iy roa ee we oy die ao. for FIRED ON PATROL. unchanged at 42c for No. 2, 40c¢ for |Slocum’s co leading her for it rarely is gla e © trees {i ght. sion, and thi nd Lae then i pig un ay oe, yer: rast nt g : $ hee “oh eee es A despatch to the London. Stand- No. @ extra and BUS Tee Nol a week ae Brother's’ ace half a. -mile|¢ stood miotionless, the foliage lik ay JAW IE asoklnch “sors pw tally. atin) theaters = oteealey ty : ‘g : ing their le headquarters of the |OT carved bronze, the leaves were turn- |way new whence these enchantments ha: is no cure, 4 3 : i i 2 : 3 oi andr # ay pee! ere ee Duckwhent—Is Homiial- ef -4e-sfor PANIC saga PASSENGERS. ing early this year, but in sheltered ied_to ‘T |come. the first love gift, foi ee eae so eee a tons é oe ‘ ae ie night it became appar-|18, says that a party of Russian in- |No. 2 west or cast. The flames now had broken out all woods. still wore their summer hues; cao she jthere in the ess Sue a a inscrib- | But ie. well rete al eo 7 aa thet the! Ricetano ware Helier With Gyo cine Specuonal [7 Bve—Ie- steady at B7e to 58 for |along either side of the steamer and {were thea nearly 100 charred bodi stubble fields glimmered with sof ere jedi a BO eee ee te 2 forced and it was deci within seven miles of the Japanese |No. 2 west or ea: ere fanned by a strong head wind, |on her decks, See Iden suggestions on sloping up- is- {darling, C. oe = ae ned slipped it jand he see soon.bend to will. = 'g - general attack in the morning and | defences on the Liao-Yang on Satur-| .Com™m—Is. steady ‘at 45}c for Can- The Passengers, seized with panic, | Just after the steamer ate thie lands beneath *the clear bright sky; nd |into her pocket in the dark, and she |On the other hand, use the tte an Ee force ihe Russians into a dofile back |Gay and fired on the offiesrs of the (0 West. lean is steady at |rushied to the rear of the vessel podi The it was pleasant to pr ed ENE ee fie pri bs wall Ane cya 4 Se rene ere orning eae SEES lA eoninang: Of aie es for ele: 2 alow, 57c for No. 3 jescape the heat and smoke that were ss beneath the feet, pleasant to = ea i eek mee lowed“ cass bee i lori yellow, : ro Be : : -sha- ude rem : ie a : Heid ine "oxtonding trom Teteee jiutiy. wax duwpatchod tothe scone, [ZAUGM; tnd 98: for No. 8 mised, in |incrnsing onsiandy.° Policeman |e OR Sy cere ere eee ee . Ser 2 oer encase ath stores ere in tis ditection| ot Char, | Oats—Are firmer. No. 1 white aro|gled hard to quell the panic, but ; 1 ackberries for which Jessie ;light a > shades |in its | pois, saver Miaenly nd | zi é mated at more than two divi- | WO rere i So quoted at 32ic east and No . 2 white |their efforts were unavailing. The ~ serving to her husband, “enough to {Still hed a childish liking, and pick- |beyond, watching and thinking in a |then went out, and she sat Ene lown by. ig ais eee ar ee aE ee ae een ee at Sze east. Now white are quot-|wild disorder increased. ranti fake. the very cat talk.” Though the |¢d from force of habit- All was itation, “in| whi awe, bee lattice, pale and quivering ges : 0 envelo} oe Heth ed al c : ir chi ie gr adows. the Russians near Telissu, and they |battalions. This is the frst occasion | Rolled ee steady at $4. 5a [wh had been ee ee eee 3 pee Oy, eaeaaonattee ering thro the emur- TaSRRIBeaTaN ‘as she was, some Snes admirably. While the jon a eae aes ee @p- |for cars of bags and $4.75 for Ae fee! plantations, where t! ae were jed. Wh; 0 ss |deep instinct warned her that he had aS apancse force was moving |[Proached at all closely. No signifi jrels on the track Toronto; 250 more in etschace's cele was Mowing | whic five or six charred bodies dark and “ay devious, until the for what they fully intend to do? Is |no Fight to oe) Her any ig 1 2 horth along. the—railroad, columns | cance is. a to the attack. The | for broken lots outsi ae for assistance, t ther es i floating re ab path turned. abruptly and brought jheaven com) o sinners as |cos' she eck snort, and go on; thes = e eas tate laste = the left and to the ae mice of a Tes Russian concen- | Peas—Are steady 61 62c [nearby craft answered to ha call. \Hont's Paint, and tomcd* carefully er te in the fence . which |to grant plenary indulgences ad-|was hidden Gib or Boy a “its Telvet |time hie will just anoh ee - ee wo =e Hight and ‘nally converged at. noon feation at Ua-Cheng is more im-|for No. 2 west or east, and eulittag Before any of the boats could reacti | alongside the’ Fidclit iin: wood parted woudland from meadow, and | vance? “Xt hust be gently, brok- fest «opportunity, ehis,| Pe ene easement sends (bi lane Bee < teas! iar this pers Eek “ ate bon Peas are worth 3c me the burning steamer, however, the jwas also badly char: ve, os the bod- there, framed by over-arching tress, oa Be he e ene ae ne Be dae takes pe es a SG ake ae é i : ; ii in a a aS disadvantage, but they held it, with JAP GUNS THE BEST. COUNTRY PRODUCE. hip se see etl ee “Deo ar a ao mart eg ee Pees Der ibe uae the dark, and then laid fever after. ‘Tho whip can he placed ei fetermi Lt f ieettided ta tia Hea twe a Butles-deod weees att tin. |Were following the Slocum picked up HARROWING pon the gate, thinking of the bril- |heart? herself to-rest, dreaming of Claude, jon the daahboard, So a5 to ‘i i ¢ eee he reece rate, Sete | ighting “at: Vafencow: are Ab ey. ues to arrive frely, and the demand |many from the water. thiese MORGUE. liant meteor which had flashed into | She was glad to be alone in. ter |whio was always twining strings of aay case of emergency shosld s $ .-‘The Japanese cavalry con- Ca : ; : yee : i 5 i ber, alone |Pearls, which Kept changing to stran- janything unusual occur, when it may S ; iieucen for thi were only a small number of those | Whi a i © eo amber, : chany 5 tinued to pursue the on dp Eee ee Oe ee nla: gemsealig Ce hea oy ia a | who were csen atrurgling: in ttie/ewitt Te eee er th ee mutterablo happiness. Yet |gling snakes, round her neck, until |be used to steady the animal. S bably inflicted considerable punish- ae spiny, ae tec Saree ae Wane AS a a faa ed {| eurren: Wane Gea od cit he. EGO MOTs ues: F in in |she was glad of the dawn, with its |the Jess u f it the eee : zt as 8) , but quote: chi : Fide - A Y the Japanese commander makes ae served, but matehed in |'nchangc . On the Slocum the first sweep of jin the extreme. Tn som Soca pe Oe benrra aint” Bilt aa salah ee ao nob buted ot shying by ; sy Bee rahg arabs cae ineer me pre tie at an a wien ‘One| Creamery, prints Aye to 180 the flames cut off escape from’ the Mentifications would he found to ish Paleo este Paavo, Sree JON ee Sa ON redo E scadtig Whee wich te Wee nip asia: general ; but says they were Beobebly great. Some 6 attery pitted against six| do solids 15¢ Hurricane deck, where a great many jhave been crroneous, men laying whether darting With irresistible im- |taining Phi me simpering daguerreo- jalone, reading * ) often -whibied e yee sslan coisa caabindt joa pattern pa iiterally. enios Dairy pound rolls, good ‘to “lot the women and children were |claim to bodies they afterwards dic, , pulse into the heart o lowing |tyPe, slat é See resel poee ie soted aa 2 oes ure: EAS for pes i ohetia : ; by the Japanese is the colonel of the |thered by Japanese shells. Z “ frowded together, and soon burned'| covered were not those of their « re- Pf RI CS ea ae Ae a cinta ea ad Mla cae om 8 ard Gil tenes” te lookea-qulemiy ob gad \ tell you in most a 4 “do a c .|aWay the light wooden work. which | jatives. ‘icked be burned ing unchecked upon its immeasure-.| whose sympathy rounded o' and |off ton le looked quickly up, an Fourth Regiment of, Riffes “T saw one Russian battery land ee i deck is thought rf ‘h, thus. vanishi id leav- |eompleted every pleasure! there at the other of the large {cases that the act was the result of s : three shells in the midst o to ee BS 208 ee te tet UR MEAGRE Meee HE ee ee ee Sey ck amen ctilie play pckiodg aie wel Me far away. > EneMiamenhicine (hare tndhan 205 ‘drapery un-|defective vision; it is, therefore, ° ; TRYING TO SAVE REMNANT: Uutjion train. which was gallobieg UD lay tirmer intone in srmpathy gitk (On. this deck were burned. Lote ered ange. Tess indeed one of these silvery stars, Jestly on the picture, thinking, think |stirred by the punkali wind, was jefuelty to the horse's nature to cas- B “ae Ht is believed that Gen. Kouropat-|‘, = ie apaness ima.’ TWO foutside markets, ‘As the fire increased tho struggle [Tice, and a slot. ro ease IOC A drawn. by werwhelming attrac: |ing of Philip; why ‘should she “not |Jessie, all in white, with outstretch- |tigate it. a j ° kin, with a large army, is hurrying |/o.-. spud acisets: ling all the unchange f vanta| Mele HE Sue Aes LrGEDIE A Gees i tion should leave its ordered path |by somo supreme effort of will bring ed arms, end Sree iiice nerd [not cure & balky Worse, melthor whi > § southward from Liao-Yang by | the J /94c for t stern became frightful. pee a had learned that his wife was among se do get jotee aud longer. ihat- |and be swept away into the flaming jherself before a aS ind? She had |something—that froze his blood and u segs cues : forched marches. in an endeavor to|, ,1h® Japanese guns red at least |ti in the marke vded against. the "after |the charred dead, tried to stab er shall btn oo PB 2 masa rue cacenenge aes Ob euch a hase Die ese tee {ony eee # cegAted ba Kase veri A ; save Siakelherg’s army from eanihi, {2200 rounds. ‘The Russians fired H10e to. 1 il it gave way, and hundreds | himself 2 sand he, Sarow,"” said |poise of some vast and complex sys- ri le sprang: Up, they. mish: jphould be relegated to ee iting ae lation, saysa Eontoh beget Several times on Japanese Infantry in|” Tages Are “quoted about steady at | Were pushed off into the river. After | taciae the ice tot,__-Same.__astronomers thought |"Star to-~ster-~ vibrates:light, may “a together, he clasped a shadow {a double team ng ae ssians now admit that their | Cl0S¢ ,formation. causing tremen anon 15c for the general run. Some deal- | this there was a steady stream of |singed in thr Pier’ the as are this possible, she had heard at the oul vhich ee away from his eager pensed w: Bee fafa ! ~ Sos £ Rime fewer, at epiohee aee ers are asking/154¢ for a small lot, {those Who jumped or were thrown/in- | CMB o iongtn of tke pion Gentes feet geet that sesnesleae Strike “uso SEY raat embrace Jal Wh octane, tatoned aie Beco Budi woe redad a — ¢ Battle ot Vatan Several of the Russians found dead land seconds are selli Qc ‘tg {to the water. The tugs and. small jny ; Piet eh epee a ohark dant regerra the ries team : fe told the doctor. who listene: 4 Sfapeow, (ake more thet |3.7” tie’ Hushea “were horibly <tautilagshi he ing at 120 to | vait following ‘after kept close in| 2#ere is hardly a Germas family on Teka tiouaht: te no longer without ‘surprise. Anglo-Indians, as |that the horse, especially those with” — s FRO es trains have taken 2,300 The foreign attaches drew up| Potatoes—There have been lieavy |the wake of the Slocum, and rescued | 2° mile cost sige of the city that: ilps opal ting, she had |ste thought, though not In those jhe Imew, when separated from defective Ses, aren, SOWIE a formal memoranda on this de di all of those who came within reach OF : see Kk: © him his Caleaves tell- |then unwritten word and friends, had strange men- |only, so oO ww where to pi oe ‘ . foe ee lacal market for the q z . 3 > s suits but Kee denne. : milit cam) Hagar: of their crews. Fi ose W * Z E 4 in im, ‘‘they |ing him that “his Jove was a broth- 8 she and paca with strong |tal experiences, caused by repressed |the 1 bu t objects aroun = vi ‘ TALKS WITH 4 WOUNDED: isa slehtiy noticenhte se there were saved had on life preservers. E bu not in conscience yearning “by Her dim and solitary |homesickness and the ine’ ‘one should ever strike a horse to-day. = euotations are a little ‘At no time during the progress ‘hold him to his forced hasty p alon ite |dent to long periods of inaction and r side o! head, be- e Phe of a news agency |. O60 eaneewe on oe i | thi th y_ opportunity sjand. ee their marriage womdeone comnarearen: solitude. So he told cause thie eyes may be injured. : e UE a pd erat ule ge a Fe 1 for out of store |cither to lower the lifeboats or ret he spirit of their father’s Philip, assuring kim that there was | sce aS 33 x se wounded from Telis: life preservers out from fe Black retorted something ag request. She wrote this af- no. disease, only an overstrained im- HOG NOTES. < ay that the day was exceedingly hot. Hay—Is auotea _mehanced neath the seats. Throughout the about the hard heart of unbelicf, and te the meeting in ea picture™ jew in agination. But Philip-was very un- ussian infantry was greatly atthougk casy im tone, wt $8.50 to [Wild panic the officers and men o} lery, since ee she had not fasy shout Jessie for some time. and | Whe hog is geuctally as clean at He by their heavy equipment. |$9 per ton sft ate on track |the blazing boat “stayed at their Ch aude Medw: her, “and in the heat of the feeling he wrote |is permitted to "4 At five o'clock. in the afternoon the |hore sts _ She anderstods. 16 sil; 86 sudden ter a long and most affectionate let-|} Wasteful fading may méan. cither Roe battle extended along a ten-mile Boat Baled Straw—Thero is’ plenty offers DECKS CAVED IN. after the sudden revel- ter, watch, ose never. saw. 0 much or too little. < ‘he Japanese continually hurled m: ing, and the market is quoted un-| The Slocum got within fifty feet of man and never groaned at roles and though her heart ached jheard his voice, had her courage-held 0 be Continued.) Let the sows have a free range un — c “of infantry against the Russian changed at $5. to $5.60 per ton for [the north-west point of North Bro- everythink comfortable. ya mut. nee lies ay tape titers taro 4 Positions, forcing the latter to relin-/car lots on track here. ther Island, and there stopped in the | iho families who jad . kney She turned to the open lattice to When’ the ‘sows ‘farrow small litters 4 E “t Ae ‘ay by meai aie joint after point. The Japaneso eas shallow water. Just béfore the ves | from their wor! cou ‘pare a day a ay ee it.’ Even witho' er_ warning {seek ee and reassurance RENT RADIUM BY HOUR. lone sow may raise ie ee ? of the railroad under protection of | had every adyant: of position. They Es’ $5 cK sel was beached, the hurricane : that afternoon in the BN Gallery the stars. without was hush- fegulate the breeding to the sea: ‘ iry. also had. more thin 200 inachine atel ade tae oe eee the supports of which had burned | NINE: aoe VICTIMS. sag a ae Maps aed hg pated eicbee ie ne vada tistieleaiy oF ne Beet sullen to ee oe ‘ich wer i receipts at away, fell with its load of womer 7 ae conquered his feélings, she }mass whicl e os The pig is always the best place admi a ‘omen | ‘A Monday's despatch " radium it es hardly credible that |t, dispose of imperfect, small fruit os so much Mayes tee sande eae one : little. The amount procurable. ib ores, yatias ievannvolded (py: Way eee London today is considerably less |ing qa sow run down in flesh when than a grain. Giieauelte: as only Ip ii her of medical’ me .—The r= MANY BRITISH LOST. .~ jably.served. ‘Te Russian arti eae Cattle Market to-day|and children, adding to the panic ae Sees H B v's harvest of dead from: se stea- Sane d, w vcavy {Were he 5 140 carlo: ae ae in, |and horror of those on the deck be- = patch to the London aud: Win Gtheriviee GR NERALE Reavy panpriane "2.08 45 cattle, 35 ee fs ner General Slogan numi 1,800 es and. 227 calves. Very soon after part ts of the second was in Tight supply a a So Cousin Jane, watching the glor- Brigus portent tort sesther ‘pelt 6f (Her, Books interested her with her husband Tier ruses wore puta if the sows show indication of giv- 2 of utilizing this |ing but little milk, feed them little ce 1 ics suggested thatlor no corn. | mainspring of. her |dyi a i i nips shosid follow the example} One advantage with the hog is that — 3 “ie wlbe yy the w Bee ee a aoe en thought it would come to this, jul- |same to h life was broken. I t, Who has ob-|he will eat almost anything & for (SS five |this reason alone is adapted ti q oe is not over vet. it’ prives are lish. All Has caused tHe dee stating that the Russians deliberate roughout Russia. oe pe le aly ete combatants and ni not ee eS by the Tiseaters, |! alike, whereas they show- | but trusted Papiy im, the ie | inv’ incibniéy of the arny = nicht hab, Grab—” ~~ ; little pigs to eat as sect poeloitent nas d feed them all of modern pharmacy. toe Eas 1c Ss more than 300. There were funerals of vietims on: Sunday. cone he re ee st Sheep and lambs are steady and repent, missus,”? Piped oe faces 1" nae in tl wing a majority o} 3 to $5; calves, aa elt $4 to $5. those on board oe ae to xe / FULL RATIONS “DAILY. so 2 wititanding the heavy run and|95, or $2 to $10 each ‘each: : things I repent since the da cag The Russians im Port Arthur a y, everything was sold fegeben nae ace d you, eid. mis meh to churek” tonal fae sete eae of a hard thing falling made — ing towards fat accumulation if kept being served with full rations. and EO MARKE i : Z as to ees to confide her troubles Vasari her pocket for breeding. shoul fate setae evall Fations. and | “there isa steady enquiry for export | _ Jans aH jet. | BEEF FOR MALTA “FORCES. : D -trow yeu. and Roger; can: to im, ot tn vain. Yet she tried | What a eng ead tere? | OP ee Enalishinan oe eee ie - cattle of “the right kind, Ae sea i wit i 2 Jr f {to shape ‘hei fate, and at a2 seer te guide and seat PE al The hog is raised only for its-meat’ the se of tis oes lendor all morocco-covered. box, |ishing tri weakness andthe being the case the object is si ioe sie in miationaip with all the ieee ‘by turning into meat six months. During the Ss eeiyts. ob che stuf came in| store; ‘spring ty will ‘ ea © to-day, must have ‘roakning effect 2 we : mm a aed complained. Tintghing® eat ae a len eee ‘to-rouse Tee espace Saal : oo j aie! Iuscious plum er ident : ~ She fa fingers to open it, eae thet ose Sa ied Bere ‘ : 7 fe y i ea aes 2 lone day t e Englishman mot him o: ‘ ed Hes P and é [ighthouss there. quictly, but there is some inclination e ; to cali nto question the ge FREDING THE ARMY: of | Be preeoncne A despatch to the London Stand-