i ts cs will be favored to the side a ee nappies Casares s g ‘ 2 fenich places the most guns in — the A j 3 . e in a + ay : ficld, a superiority of one-third being | Twenty-eight Aveda : ; . A : F sufficient to assure victory. He de- = — by Kurds. el gs pelos eae z y clares that General Stalkberg’s mis- 5 ‘The Ruling Pei = oe g ae a ne HE 8 1 ——— sion was to test the-strengtl é aling ces in Live 4 . Gen. Stoessel Advised : yy [Japanese forces, and ae the Jen, [London Daily 2 APG pe rae TPUL FOUR: oun FOOTED cWEARY, AYS ; . ESSE. vised to Capitulate With ie learned st, Vafan not pean ea fies Ps oa . Sas WHY J. J. PERKINS OWES HIS i th Hi f ay to be ae on Generel ga "Armeni« recent. event in BREADSTUFFS. : mas Many A als Gunningly Refuse ro GODS ONES e Honors 0 War. The Villages of Darmet, Adelpour, Toronto, June 28,—Wheat—Is easy to Perform Their Allotted PILLS. Verlok and | Mckro: No. i Duties ae : i NO ATTEMPT AT SORTIE. nd burs : : : > ned. ‘Th in- = jean SORTIE REPULSED. Russians a good position] A despatch to the London Times : : : i Many animals emulate the example Doctor Had Given A little Sunlight Soap_will e “A despatch teats ‘Chafoo to tothe “Ae pee eee enabling 8 strong |from Tokio says that accounts from c @ the corpses cast into the . by a aia bein, as nd| He was Hopeless and Doseiets cut glass and other articles until : «szia Libera, of e, says Gen. © - their retirement. Chi jources indicate that thi ou. Mekrokoum was strong dislike to work in| Before the Great Canadian Kid- . inli Stoess lea mori fron Port 38 being eflectéd in good orde rth |far suc feat aktens the |Pilaged by Kurds, wh @ accom shape or forn ney Remedy put Him on His they shine and sparkle. Sune iethor on Friday. with 7,000° men, |S: A ‘Colum af Japanese sent |Rucsian -attempia to fre the “en-| Eran b; ish soldiers. Its | mts are old offenders in this Feet. sted Soap will wash other things than Dat was resell en, Oku,,the Ja- to interpose between the two Rus-|trance to Port Arthur. The r church was plundered and profaned. | q ct; and when once one of these bes \ ! Pan HE envenvay,7hos Rion foxces. has been lost touch of, |pacsage of the Russian cruiser ae ‘The objects of worshi sold at huge animals decides to make holi-| Tyndall, Man., July 4—(Special)- clothes. 4B DT ee ties nie wid neds | Un anne) Pearioean At 8 ete Leet Oe Sk eae omy: ae ee ore Ree et Sates ec sere 5 8 , Raabe a ey of his master fail |—When a. has had Kid ane = és Tim ‘to capitulate with Tho honora of jent- A- strong column of Russian Incip of tage aly ea pedechoat Be ee Sahel Oe em ee fade ‘im. to. alter his-mind: {case sehen the doctor. i nee him ota 0€S, ou ry ry, Eggs, ue ay pp es cavalry is scouting to find it. Se¥-|ctrovers are able to leave. They are back. During the night Tarkish sol [BS The lophant's attitude on these 0¢-/up; when that man takes Dodd's Kid- PALACE OF SEOUL. ) E The siwation at, Port Arthar ig [etal of Gen. Stakelberg’s guns have |occupied i i z diers entered houses and violated the gasions is by no means active; iD |ney Pi ine Let us have your consignment ot any of these wo will . A ae ates lite are Artie oe | boa cutrained. Hid, Sieh aan Gets pied in removing mines. Thirty |women in tlie. a oes » ih jae: Eis, begins at aa to recover | In the destruction by fire of the a wiles” bane sie ang s Bis fog, Gen. Kuroki is Fe eh: aT Lea em pan See pane ibe cael Efeaeh Coneel 3 sea, ase e ee oland is soon a well man, that man |Emperor’s palace in Seoul there van- mgood. peices. Tien oe = che: | westward ander cover ving north: warships, have been erected to |men, streaming with blood, eee ’ rely stands stil, eating the ¢f-|je surely in a position to say ‘that jished ‘that wonderful Hell of And THE DAWSON | COMMISSION, | ae Limited 5 5 E is n to indi i i + ‘ w ilians" are all showing tavahe FRESH EID A heist arechere es Famed intention} Mouch is occupied by Turkish aA ae ven ions Hee is the experience of Mr. eee eee on. the part of ‘hie Fea erundeost noldiery. More than two thousand |<! te, Perkins “of this place. Speaking of eral steamers at Dalny 1 lespatch to the London ‘Times bad ie. Ger oessel is|women and children fi : his case Mr. Perkins says:— With stones eles? with a view loading | srom Gen, ie headquarters [apparently staking everything on his froyed villages hav ees eee pote nore wo years T was troubled other bottling operat seve that fresh developments in Man- ee fi esist a there. These are wretcl S with my kidneys and at last became ke despatch front Meenickad says | turia are nent. correspon- | Sault. he fails he aun plow up |wander throu, the streets half - so bad-that the doctor who wa: hat the whole male population of dent pn that 26 pearontee maps | the Soercaures of the squadron. . dead from hunger and fear. Judging tending me gave me up and said T Port oe over 15 years of age is e interior o! je country, are — from a trustworthy estimate, found- face le. under arms, and even women are as~ aes rthiy. He indicates the BALTIC SQUADRON. jed on an enquiry made by the Brit- | Barley Is steady. at te for No. 2, “I continued to grow worse. T was |; sisting in completing the defences. | Sorhood. of the roads in the neigh) ‘The Cronstadt correspondent of the [py and French Consuls, 28 villages |27° ra, and 87¢. for unable to work and was becoming | at : Sixty civilian bicyclists maintain orhood of Feng-Wang-Cheng and |7 ondo: eee been seiroed ‘and 6,000. per- |No- 8 west 0 ye : destitute when to please a’friend 1 ies t ii ea to, ERE ee ee es sons massa Buckwheat—Is snoiminal at 45e for a tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Cee Dene Sena. The Sieve twelve miles ae oe See latter place to pia ET ET No. 2 west or eas : was found necessary to make him| “The first box did me so much anid" yeti sliowed” » Abths Deatiiul AN BE MAD 1 from the fortress. Liao-¥ai offer @ convenient WOMAN'S AWFUL CRIME. Rye—ta steady at Sve to 58e for Start at all in the-morning: but the |good I felt like a mew man and aftor |S" ore ee field for Eulltary movemen ae No. 2 west ‘or ea : 4 Brace, beast diay being too jtaking five boxes I was completelY| 4 Ja, SP Pails, Wash ‘Basins, z ; ‘usband insane, Killed Babi Corn—Is_ steady at 454c for Can- q si o make furtiter’ resistance. ‘apanése~private soldier is paid | ‘ 2 ae OF LIFE FE ENORMOUS. oKU SPOILED ee e en Suicided. e8, | a want Aca ogee Bay at ‘Ator working for a couple of hours | keane Saiinee Pas ‘ure the kid {30 cents @ month; -o majorgencral is Any First-Ctess Grocer Can Supply You. ¢ London Daily | It is unofficially annow A eee front Chicago says :— 58c for No. 2 yellow, 67¢ for No. a dense, t of the |neys, and cured Ho Ue Gl eal 3100: 0. enable ve 5 Insist ON GETTING | EDDY'S. wa ‘om Be Petariutes says that |kio that Gen. Oku, since mi aie ‘Threatened with starvation and with yall ne and 56c for No. 3° ed cou mi he broke eran ies sit ‘Rheumat: Heart Disease and all Soldiers grumbli eS s ficient confirmati re- | of Telissu, has .e Russian | her husband hopeless! lots on teach ‘Toronto. q ing ce towards the river, mai oth “They say. $l he as absolutely no Su CAI ceived of the sinking at Port Arthur | efforts to concentrate at Tashichao | asylum at hopelessly pee ee a way down the banks, and deliberate” blood wis sulting from impure |p igure: in her married life.”” “No; | AUN 7S Sree are, Cans, of threegRussian ships of the type: An informal commissia mn | Kelsdz ick gave up the struggle for a a No. i rely Etopa under water-at the» deepest Epa 2a |ghe married her husband to reform e s of the Sevastopol or” Poltava, the | eppointed to cons der Japan’s action | be existence, ited her . No. 2 white are quot- z part at the bend PARCEL POST SERVICE bim.”” pageant a for. ane on the Poresvict and the Diana. The ves: In regard to the Manevarian rail, chancen of ae: eee children, aged seven, : UNTIL HE WAS DROWNED. s ; Zing, of the Grand: Trunk, i of the last named way t] # = 7% é aye Sane u ‘i to a torpedo, and “tt ae nee es Re oe ee thy tact conc ee oe othiehips eae cree he means of d Stor ae 3 of horses | British Postofice Made a vay How's i This Kas i eae “ran Halvay Coan she sank in deep water. ‘The loss of | Au army surgeon, BN Veh edeeeniraaity Peete scegieds cua when the rels on the track ‘Toronto, 250 mare = Bictt a 5 Chee: 9 offer. One. Hundred Dollars, Reward | profusely iiustrated with half-tone : Hite is said to have been enormous. |ed to Tokio, accuses | the Russians | 79 BND USBUBSS enitatran tun od! Sunday: all (on Con peer ae fat State-| An important and useful conces- | torog a oe case. ot -Catarrbtat cannot P*\/engravings,, descriptive of the any’ BREIE® 5 .natoreatalogue te The Russians claim that they sank|0f repeatedly firing on tl nese Beep SEES Cen Atreg tee toes dena eeveral owen See res ne tee a shire, tory mn to the rural population is an-| Wh. %.° Guts NEY, ‘e cK 50. ‘Toledo ©. |atteastive jocalities for sportsmen on | M.T. BUCHANAN & CO. Ingersoll, Ont, ‘a four-funneled torpedo-boat destroy-| medical stations which: were Avarked| It is stated that the prolonged Tho family lived in three se rani [fOr Neu? West: ob east, and milling: - ought “‘chenp’’ [nounced by the British Post-office. 40-9: |their line of railway. Many of tho = and seriously infured by shell fre| With the Red © period in which no news has been re-|rooms, Sui ule was (Rea eze orm: Baxmore. > e ‘Aldershot. As| Tt will now be posspple for those 8 yen Sat regions reached by the Grand ‘Trunk |" % vo er isers which were tak ceived at St. Petersburg is sn ga to eject the fan ore from the premises a animal prov- who live in places quite remote from Senne i raasactions, and ally |peem to have been specially prepared COLORADO AND ea z tow by ot as eneiins vessels, GENERAL MA AGAIN. profound, depression, except among for the non-payment of rent It was | couxrry PRODUCE s 8 bargain, for ae Lees cn : arcels to the tie ean obligations made |for the delectation of niankind, and |" Via Union Pacific ove ming to St. Peters- ¢ Czar's intimate advisers, whom |#iter Mis. Kelsdzick had been s ime |postmen for transmission Ww. G, KINNA wi i uve tom {in coniry tat evening | tho de Pate Sree ae intimate advisor, whom ate MS yinons’ to appear in court [atu iarge’eed ahs accumulation 1 ME eat hae ee ee “Pine on toot | TAINS TES EMMEISE o|busnen aro ent ate aad ts |ier with onal retura 2 foes el ted “with the news of the Petersbur; t sh ide i large ii d ” this stubborn jor penta ‘on a. bicycle er eo all's Catarrh Cure is taken intern “8 y » 3. gencral stafi greatly distrusts the g correspondent describes 4s {*)' e i to end the lives of as 4 ly, acting directl: ‘blood given up to enjoyment. ae fi 00, $ Joss “of the Russian ships, Dees (Ronee Benet: atte who: te ai cote: [Oenae eerie fee he war fwerself and little ones. The redeue ean d beast absolutely refused to |i to. accopt parcels: tender Re nesbong (Set eA ARE tg rests | the eae ‘of Ontario” present ey Set 00, with correspondingly rove them to frenzy. mand of the troops in South-Western ng nee will lend money. | children were: found. in bed locked in |j5 activ ie tarot for good butter 7 ore Peaviaed that he is not already fully | monies: pee Prico, ee per | unrivalled facilitics for both hunting, | low eee from other points mire = nue eee Manchuria. Ho is credited with ef |The correspondent adds that negoti [each others arms. She mothor s lis lis LAist : F le would submit to being harness- |loaded, and that fhe weight of the | bottle, Sold by all, DEAR ste. consti-|fishing and camping, but, tho 20,000 our ticket reads-over this line is g AMITE BRIDGE. | intention Ce hing to Tsitshar {tions for a new loan have begun, less body was found lying-on the Got iH one cians pone to ane market. J er, |pereels “handed by any one person pation. Tslands of the Georgian par: ‘Thou- O Taiutre ‘of H. F. Carter, T. PD. A. 3 ay night 100 Chinese ban-|and dees Hie eee: and that it ts eradibly asverted that (Kitchen floor, while gas was escaping | Creamer tes UENO ES S'jdoes not exceet pounds. If the sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv-|75 Yonge St., “yovonte, Gaueda. iS aie. excellently armed and equipped store have”: Heabinalts-- Cor jnanes | Oita detente. ‘do tes ae prints -17c to 18¢ sender’s consignment is lil to ex- DRINK DILL PACTS. er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St. . yas 2 = led by Japanese officers, at-| JAPS COMAIANDER-IN-CHIEF. the | _ Several months ago 0 Keiadick, ene isc ~16¢ ceed this limit, arrangements will be ttractive lo- = pest to. blow up with dynamite| a despatch from Toki ee out of work, becas Bias pone: ; pound ‘rolls, gootl Si 4 fade for the collection if a dav’s ee edad ap g Benes 000,- ee ee a hase Her Experi Sere Trotter Ta the bridge over the Koulau’ River rom Tokio says: is Since then the mother, hee ae 2 Be alee is given. eRe) tee BR © British England servants are called ‘‘help.”” ¥ three miles from Kerson, and 127 retin I that the places made ¥: . poor health, had had a hard struggle ae ae the postman sresarar ee Aoi 9 CSCS lee paeaiey eee years health ees ere ee {or |pirs.-Homer—It may be-all rigt! miles north-east of Mukden. The at-| of i ee by the appointment |visers of the Czar, SRE SS fos Basten: she be- ad : es He will be-altowed. to accept any |i sreckonel Bx |e 2 iti ached by the sia eae sbut the term, if apply ed i tack was repulsed by border scouts. 2 sala . arshal Oyama as Co Com- |to favor peace. me SO ins that he ms unable to jSuigr number of eee pioraea Te can oreo stone of geld. igatond, this country, would be misnomer. ‘ According to tho inhabitants of the Seeaud tis alec eens 4 work an on Saturday jfor new twins, and S Tose ioe old Ronvonientiy carry them in Ms ver LV" ST> is longth ofthe. ene ed on the: continent. Wienity there shave been numerous| ‘2’ fi Be aoa a Css: lama | RUSSIANS LOSE. VESSELS spent fae Tee sort lie foo ey j ‘cle. e length of. os sover- Abstracts ST Ontario, aeickieeas Gus | bhe Ses Jung healer ts found in that Vi = a iS lief ol aff, Wi ye bi SE ESS S 4 y 2 Anti- mbidee As one banat ae the temporarily. this shows that the RUSSIA’S § SOLDIERS. Fggs—Are fairly: firm in tone, = ‘ = oe eae acl ae a ae on has ae a ee ues a aetna a ent splaididly ahd ta he entirely (a were not comni the ible, ee pe os Sipe as bositioned animal would, when run, eae: cee oe Ee ees tthe rate of @ sovereign. & ce00nd, pedis ate Soa ronleeetaas alifierent from" the ae ric | 22! ese losses, was = Mobilization 4 be sy Lead to Horrors |¢5 124. ib esos q ning in hurdle races, lead his field:jceed to the nearest country letter: would occupy six. years and five sportaven. is aaa “ pease pane et eae Fada abe me ar SS ane HG) "Potctoes—Continue .<tandy. in tone f ene EEE cawtin ahaes ease (box au the time appointed for clear |months, Sundays Seen y fias also issued ~ descriptive fe bee gaan gaia eg PN aie A despateh from Vienna says: The|2nd quotations are unchai nged. Cars : lest hurdle was reached. Ho|ing, and the parcels may then be matter for each district zat OKU WITHDRAWING. s. The report of the occupation | destr paca revolutionary organ, Iskra, |on the ee here are ee Be 85 then: prestimably thought that he had |handed over to the driver of the |: ich tf “A despatch of Liao-Yang by the Japanese is not |Taiping struck mines at theentrance jstates that in She Peovinee thar. |to 90¢ per bag. Potatoes of done enough work, for he. would stop ‘mail cart, who, however, is not re-| Se tis agentocor ths Cou erode: Hom Lice Vang/anysc omitted meres Lenin ehousht 2 ehab|fe. the Rarhor Sie awh, One tin ae store are quoted at 95 eto 81. short, and, digging his front hoofs |quired to weigh the parcels or to at Zee The sec J: the sock me hun- off alone 40, reservists have ‘a 5 = Ps q ig] parcels 0! ti ‘and to Mr. J. D. McDonald, ond Japanese army, under the Feport originated | fromm Bene” dred ty lives were lost, _ae- jbeen So pdise Tent aeite the beat. | Baled. Have-The peospects of; into: thesarotionl, weuld “allow every {checle the “pos'egs- Distri : Agent, || why ‘THEY WERE BNBMIUS Gen. Oku, is withdrawing all along cavalry . Port Arthur is being |cording to th fi ss eats ry ¢ of new 2 horse -in the: race to pass “him, after ™ istrict Passenger Agent, G. T. R., beige 4 the ee hating apparent abandom heavily fortified on the land sli ig accounts. "Phe effect on industry may be gaug- oe ha which he would anietly For tho “accommodation of the Union Station, Toronto. ‘Phe ~Court—“Why did -you assault adon- y i : : ed from thé fact that one boil jan ie influence over et. mers, anarkot gardeners, and those| At the Sareesih Y¥.M. C. A. Boys’ eta an?” : 1d the Renae of ef sen ting a junc- The press believes that a big battle PORT ARTHUR QUIET. tory thus lost 1,000 ate fee he “\Quotations are unchanged at $8 "4 10 are it of regularly |Camp held at a Ealls in a E ote he Prisoner—“T’ H tell you how é tore with Gen, Kuréki’s army. jhas occurred at Tuchintsz, 14 mil eee: oF “|to $9 per ton for car lots ‘ ‘in |despatchi foods by parcels u i ‘What ?_Is- that young Pacer’s " es You sec, I’m a barber. jfrom Port Arthur. The London Matt e iy adee or vore arta mee ee ot OE he ere. i ode ee wee fee ee ound. MINARD'S. L father? Why, the old, man looks Panes ca ek hi a eee! comes from Chefoo, whence i is tat. (Selves in order to escape wilitary = ments have most beneficial i ee bur ait desl Pes eur “Well? = ‘A despatch from Liao-Yang sums of A tike> any tile Pore AHUUES MEE Coe ne eee Nhe tore: |, Walle training previous to depar ae a a er es 2 ee fred faster, you kno ee breaks up. my, business of Juno, and that Port ‘Arthur, Wil ress 0 vigorously as they did at ite, Groped trom exe pits |e he esceds a aie} AUER rg pln Op eas “How's that?” | July. the beginning of the month, Chinese |Uers dropped fron — ‘ on the premises y General ee, “Ho gets people to be. musicians, Res. hate Serine ots Ghote Tatas (Were arty and. taomed and 1 BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. . Co ae speci- Minard's Liniment Is us by Physicians and then they cneveraee their hair ey ELEVEN TRAINS DAILY. that the firing is less freq nd Ww ften seen -beesing. foor E: ini ad. for: nats lent U8 3 USE i} yysiclan cut.’ nae : steamship that passed w! ‘th e Town of Kharof : ——~-= ‘The London Ti ira ik that pa n three : : Bey fot. te engl heen eit le 2 eee rat eee a en = ee S is i and Oku. i a ; : ‘ fring for f t jay account ytl " ay ; Ss BaD ee whe, have returned from the war give |an Sear evesing The nolee + At eeecatachie: ‘one reservist, a low river anglere—always aires the la-| The Dast One Helps the First. Thee oN for the ‘sles Pee aie about his LF Hollos vay Gs Cor, ‘Cure eis Facing them is General Kouropatkin’ th S of machine ng was heard behind | Widower, Jeft ten children. Another ; bor of building a home for himself.| A sick coffee Boake must take es EEBOOLS: shady it Shey it as be c < Pee ares aye Groxinty = ot hoops on the: Sib fo) SEM Port Arthur for many hours after- refused to abandon his six children _ ) Yn fact, he will not even take the |two steps to be rid of his taunt Belgium four ERS = be soli Sena eases ire © bat There ore ae ne ett Ivay’ | ward. and brought them with bim to the Site eee ee ean One strong and alee echouls for the instruction of ater Mina’ r iment far sal h a ee ora the value tle wpe id Though it is said |g ee esdteat oe Pee aed a barracks fishes and other kinds of vegetation| "The first is to cut off coffee abso-|men. | ‘The pupils ate taught how inard’s Liniment Tor sate everywhere |o $105,004 Rule imported into the hat. Japanese are retiring from ee eee aikal JAPAN WOULD MEDIATE. ‘At Feodosia the marine reservists although they are so dear to the |lutely. to read weather charts, how to make Transvaal last anuary, a5 against Ss seas eae i Kai es agbilag Gen. Kouropatkin, 75 ila: despate= uae prints a semi-official aoe ope ee for eee CATTLE MARKET. a, ‘That zeny the destroy ving. le- {the best use of currents, what the} Father (cutting en) cite whip say ae aie ae same month last : ards sles to S a es ol ich mi 7 s 2 i- scat a 01 ; ae Be between advanced guards is © St. Potersbure, complains of que from Berlin, which may pee . = 5 ment. The next -step is to take li- |bottom of the sea is like, how to jthr nee = air)—See, Tom how constantly reported. The cngage- ithe lack of-trainmg nae ee ie be constrtied as the la: stent er Ok ares until satisfied that pee =s Toronto, June 28.—There was a q c e zs quid food (and that is Postum Food {make their own nets, how to manage |I make ae horse go eaeter yithout " = 4 : ee es pak hey. aoe ack of - iz apacity |the German Foreign Office as to the port will : aan exe g a Teen ude toy QLGAvee AOE trotted) Chale Wen’ ins (tiklia Becta: @inqate 1b =e RLOrny ney Fo nee UPS sta ere Tommy Papa, | KEEP Mipatd’s Liniment inh Hen g y. of his officers, but he praises his ie thei d butchers’ deserted nest or ready-madi i i i sia 4 : neiae = im Wats eB uCISE, that the Japanese are daily regularly men, He also complains that _ hi evenkidi- media Wane tetwresn —Hossie ae tae OU Z Toni the ready-made. txeava- nature requires. to change. the-,blood |lates! inventions in the line of fish-|why don't you spank us children that 2 advancing all along the line. The an-|horses are too few eet dane. ai is /and Japan. It says that the Rus- “[skra remar “Tt will be ‘dificult UG: ma: ie up in the rocks in which to take lcorpusules from pale pink or white)/ing apparatus, etc. There are|way? nouncement that the Japanese are being | ee peas aes a oe ey (alice vedo? Meneame he ee ne uch troops.” | Wai especially for ae ee residence. to rich, red, and good red blood jabout 250 pupils now in these Celso) ee ‘Here, Marie, send this retiring seven miles Gees Sungyce-| horse 8 Japanese ee the idea of mediation, and To BR. RAISE Ss aa: = partes ey drone ase suey refuses De Huilds good strong and healthy cells |schools ‘The Public-should bear in’ mind that Ee ae meres mo ae i or be qi nk h nes re is no indicati Aer erpetuate its race, an fee a Fae it before it~ gocs ow pee taking ease REFISTING HIS SIITPS. attitude. But pee RS pee heavy run of cattle, but heavy runs live on the fat of the land, are its For Inflamniation of the Byes — Among cei ee He ae te: evita et to make the fullest preparations, in 5 G nian lately, hicks cetough aeomwaal, |SUT To oo Baus aw a at eee aces ae Be ee ae ie sean foo galt Hoh Ho BS esi ae ly a ae ‘A despatch to the London ‘Times |comes from sufficienti | eat ro ‘er office {s performed, the drone is 7s Vegotabl posses besides rey-| eminently pare, and really. eens Lever's Y-Z (Wise Wie Tend) | Distntect- wantage of the | trom sce apa dine the ante tae & ly reliabie quar- | ck ut to di by the workin ‘ating the digestive organs, is.their effi--relieviug pal d tameness, leiey fuess of | ant Soap Powder : hai Pe re E aS e y: eo main Jap-|ters to warrant the view that Japan| A fe from London _ says: “hich there docs not seem to be 7H 4 dines “aes Bl ing reducing inflammation of the the joints and 2 jnuaclen an neater ba th Sftens ‘thew ¢ ies "neadguarters This comfus- Lords Strathcona, Spencer, Roths- t- é ihe yes. Ithas called forth many letters of| besides being an excellent. specific for softens ‘the: ater rand disae jon is said to be due, among other thls. Iveagh and Mr. Hayes Fisher |tle, howev : cea as aoe ee rt holiday; but this relaxation commendation from those who were fheumatism, coughs and bronchial com reasons, to the ae that the Cee have been spenintals ies consultative see i Oe eee for long by: their*busy ed oe ils senapisiae 589 face a| plaints. ~- PP ee ses Pe 4 by the eing paid mi sho join forces and Hehe ey affect the nerve A Pos Mr cklotz—So your —servan’ ity to refit “ships, [era easiness te oa is these slothfully inclined members of centres and the blood in a surprisingls EXACT INF . girl has left you again? Mrs. Sub- A i f ¥ F fc: NFORMATION. o Shak: se oa 1 Asekyanio sat Ta Griginal clsime | tor which: it went {the best means of raising £250,000 fs torent tote. po ee ae eee ye stnost | a nave noticed, aid. th Eaatee rae Ee dete ie “ pan, He still has vessels afoul to |to war, aerate the exclusion — of {00 behalf of a fond for the oe ood active market; prices 3 know how to get away from it ‘tor — Dr. pater Sarat eae his ‘te aa eon ee nie ao Se pe. shipping be es Strait of Tossa Be from Corea, the Jent siaintaranee Be the widows and naeed ‘from $5 to $5.85 fer good = * the habit is hard to quit. “Mamie, ol oe young man af pee al ae o Phe pea ike ‘the Tels Si ee Bo he recen rance of the Jorphans of the who gave their {loads of cattle, and a few lots of 4 PAYIN’ HIM BACK. “But in 1900 T read of a ease simi- jyours baa course, “that two or thro of Fonscian warshi ge, a vib ini ee have looked at their Meae q so : Spe thers envated ea a. |lives for the empire in the Boer war. choice priced cattle sold a He was a mortal who wos muck to oe ours where Postum Coffee was |most Aes fe cs several times in the last few min-: Minard's Liniment at Lumbeiman s friend to $5.60. Eset bulls sold ket aya ctig tian. aa in place of the old coffee and a |‘‘Isn’t it al bout time he was breaking | utes. Z STEPPED ON TO THE TRACK. sb, pe oe oe ane lace Cesulted, $0 I conclud-|the ice?” “I don't believe he in- a fear their timepieces mia PE pet the Japanese to postpone a decisive atchers'—S had delivered himiself i to get some and try it. fends to break the fee. He's going not agree { will say that th iS eG reyneete ee Sa ee eigawement: An Elgin County ty Woman Meets a butchers, but to the hands of a dentist’ who large- “The result was, after three days’ |to wear it o' cea noe z Siege eae oe ees pretty bird se = cage. Mrs. a : _ ‘Terrible Dea’ grassy 1 ¢ “‘painlessness’” of |¥S° of Postum in place of the coffee 308 # Se eae Pa twa = De Style—Isn’t it a me? How S ene, it is diffiotlt to see how ¢ from a ate, Ont., {the comm T never had a symptom of the old For Over Sat eee ae Se ae peer sa See staid sea ray it would NAVAL BATTLE. onerate, Admira © 1. Poster, who resided |*°4 ie were slo After a busy ininutes the of {trouble and in five months I had Me warns Boor Saye has ban, wnt oy need ar can over at on look i Z despatch from Toki = ere consulted, proba fe tale ¥ on ni eG; heed vos "ee fending molar was drawn, and the ee from 145 pounds to 163 sateens tha) fren lea pa oy es : iy iia Tone Muerte anneal ee. the negative. eae verity of iy killed_on Saturday not ¥ Wictim was trying {0 asoértain the )pows ‘eindenie pe eres cereal ae | iat PASE FPO Rareeh : : rE Aa ae ae —— satan \aeleat- onsen end iand- that jIagees She = Meno extent of the damage to his Ja OMe friends asked. me almost daily Eneeene closed promptly st twel ve Mut for Tie Eats AE ee ic a battleship of the Peresviet 7 makes it impossible for the Czar’s }So0d-bye to a friend, “Sis tat what you call patent” ee wrought the change. © My an-| “°F Se ta ais aracr.” 22-01 | 5s CIETeSsION: me aes who }- sunk and a battleship of| Another Cossack detachm: to entertain the thought |2n¢ stepped,,om to the maawey track market ood io asic ral oe ving 1 —— write to me, sa) Ci tha Sevastopol type, and a first-class fallen into an ambush of ment has lof cn end to the campaign, though pede aes approaching ens cattlo: Sir earen é "smiled ‘the wielder of and drinking Postum in its man has some fad," said eaueas SESE ANS! 2S ee ee ‘ gee aa dompane tone alaty! Sd bush of Japanese lt is T aademtABia PERC te htsot ge amndiege at Bey craft oe @ Brecarious con oweves: were fi cemnand, a Hie fo forceps; ““it was entiroly painless |" “We have many friends w “Mi Mrs. F. Ae Be never ¢ Japanese fleet were prac- acide current’ in Russia detests the war |dition from) E ae Lis 2 Ee been o i ) Seah, Tisec, ae me i “Healiy ‘angama ged. i land would conclude it as soon as 5, AES pee ree pole at $4: 30 oe 84:70; Oh: was it? Wel eet this is what | ‘As t whether or not I have 5a ” philosophica ical person. ZA athe idea of a women) os LESSONS : Poe reste! A x 900,000 a z Stocters oud J oe ate Teal es ee ee facts truth “You are one of the monopolists we your ‘age wanting to be kissed! z s OF V. message from Vladivost : c : c th about.’ ji STAKELBERG. SAVED: OF VAFANGOW. ee Peete cPar ze oo for good sto ee ewe ean veatile E ‘And “ Aelting this “cleuehea ea OF ee Ley eerie think you were a girl of sighs sertrs in Chicag cag [Seized Gne mill ragey. well for a. qsores on the opirator' ‘ lived fe ‘i fs Ta ada ciapress wi in Chicago was | Sie a 3 lived for many years and am well|- If your children moan and are testlesa What do you know about ect Shelog ee site Gen, Krond- ‘ beard the Ja iseree eencteonieae eee prey che. walked e|known.”” Name given by Postum anring sleep, coupled when ith ne sat Packs - eae eres a Me Rossin cruisers overhauled |” Hoge—Market- steady Se ee ee ple countenance, picking Mr. ee eS = 5 depend upon’ i =e ’ er orca, Strait on the in led at, 85-10 f ee And “oid eek eee ea 8 eorimnacy cams Of tie trout is you cighteen once yoursel(?'” ‘stant. lights ai Fatbes: “She—No, he bi uaa Look in each package for veg fam- bey Graves. Worm Extet |——<—<————_—— iment. sheen ais rake. the ous little book, “The Road to Well- | minator eee sees ines pease ISSUE NO. 27-04 sete) {vill ~ [atone relieving t veer erers. cNU oo as9.