The Milverton Sun Is the best ears Rensppe in the County ‘Best Advertising 81 per year, strictly in adv PecBieen, PenzasteR. tio S Linwood Annuai past Clement wd consuming se, Cleon ‘Sekar Gs it, und leaving a dreary waste be: ae hind, Mr. Bryan's words are in direct and wholesome contrast to} those of Mr: Black, of New York, who tried-to rouse the jingoes to don. their war paint, fae ‘The score by, innings was: Tex : Taco St. oe agen Umpire, Englert, of Ber PEFFERS. Be THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1904 in. which to grow rowing _ champions, Hanlan; O'Connor, and Guadaur have held the professional acquatic championship of |° the world. Now Low Schofes holds the amateur Sees of the world. The vietory-of “Lon” Scholes over Kelly, the English champion, in_the Diamond Sculls: race at Henley-on- Thames, again demonstrates the superiority of the mettle of the Cana- dian pasture. Canadians feel justly proud of their champion, who will be given a grarid reception on his arrival at his home in Toronto. ig e et event on tke long progi Grier Seaton an ie aE re condusted in nt fire sce from here colebrat- suinently fair a | pen uly, Fel Mone |, Mies_sten cemiau and alae one number) Re ben Sore”. /uouie enjoying the hborhuod of | 1300| people. Mach credit is x the} — hn au le to be at success of ae aey ae L nt attack of ne busy Secretar! a report of the pe Beginning Saturday, July 2nd We will dispose of the bal- Si tae iss Tae, week. Me.) BCE of our Millinery at the fol- eae ot shah ai ain | lowing low prices: : ree ga |sepeoe = Steven is having a stone wall i proceedings {bunt a under bis barn at present Mi HORSE RACES. Jer has the contr G 8. iting and Mr. = ‘one of St. re in th GREEN TROT "Phe best satisfaction that Canadians “have had since his. nibs; Lord ‘Alverstone; gave away nine hundred | - qmiles of our coast line along with two stratagic islands was when Lou Scholes, a Toronto boy crossed~ the pond and beat England’s favorite. Kelly, at Henley-on-Thames, winning from him the Diamond Sculls or ‘the amateur rowing championship of the world. ate ‘The Canadian Militiamen who went over to the United States to help the s*Amurricans” to celebrate Indepen- dence Day surely must see the incon- sistency of their action in aiding a foreign power to commemorate the “defeat of British Arms. Familiarity breeds: contempt and some of these days we will have_ the spectacle. of = a Canadian regiment being insilted on anenviable light <—pafore the world if they are not able to resent the indignity. ate B\ tingency cS ond thé range otk possibil- ity by ordering. those officers" who have not a proper sense of their responsibility to remain at home when fietgn powers are celebrating British |\ defeats. a: Jndge Parker, of the Supreme Court, was on Saturday nominated for the Presidency by the Democratic party of the United States, at the convention held at St. Louis. Previous to the | convenioa Civrer Cleveland seemed to be the favorite, but circumstances conspired against his chances. That he was not the choice is a matter of gratification among Canadians.. Al- though he has exhibited qualities of strength in some respects, he has also proved be a low demagogue willing at times to cater to the most ous and jingoistic elementin the Re- public, His Venezuelan message to Britaimswas a’uotable instdnce.of th and almost resulted in the precipita: tion of a war between those two great but kindred nations. Tt is not likely that Mr. Cleveland will ever again ay ry. a commanding fizure in the Unite States. Py No nobler sentiments were exprese~ ed by any speaker at the St. Louis ecnyention, or any other convention, than those spoken by Mr. W. Bryan, who urged the necessity cf putting country before party. Bryan has always Leen represented to us gs the leader of a yenial party, but his counsel-has always been sane and wise. He takes a high moral plane and refuses to pander to the ferocious instincts of men, even at the risk of making himself cupopular. He has always opposed the tendency towards militarism and expansion, and no- where did he sound the tocsin more “loudly than at St. Lonis. fav ph To culti- "vate a military sp'rit is always dan-| 6, FREE FOR ALL every sneces essie B. 11 first fs. Loney, and son Eddie, visited Golden Mumbrinol 2 1 1 B ’ “ ; bony Goldast. 3 1 2 2 sec 8.00 1.75 race Darling 2 8 3 8 thd. | 2.50 1 50. MISCELLANEOUS 7, Cautliombians: = Autmobile, first; ni six autles, and eost eatimated te i $5.00 Hats for $3. 00 on Mi 222 ‘with Miss Theresa Loney last week. Golden Mumbrino3 3 3 "Time 3.05, 3.02, 3.05. PE S$ TURNOUT All Ready-to-wear Hats at 50 — per cent. off. three thousand dollar: is Soli earn here and we wish 4.50 « 2.50 Time: 3.01, 3,08, 3.91. 4.00 - a G25 THREE MINUTE TROT OR Fock first; D. Saith, Sane She *Phird. Come early and get a good choice. Bert yan first; Cc. Girl’s Race: — Viotet Smith, first; Migs Beret,» second. —Q. Zilliax, first; M. BEFORE starting op your trip to} Deckert, eae 3 4 ard Poot Race:—Joe Sith, The World’s Fair, or summer resort, frst: George Smith, second see that you have @ nice, cool, com- 200 Yard Foot “CSuith, first; |fortable pair of Oxford Shoes. If you 10,000 DOZEN EGGS WANTED. have-poor shoes you will not enjoy the Ww. K. L OTH FOOTBALL. trip. We havea fine range of all oe z ees are ee oe football was | latest styles. J.C. Groseh & Son SEY YY eee: Seay ee senky s Furnish Your (Maple ra i Hardware ; a ie Feats) and Waterloo Gskesides), the Geo. A. Slater for Men Bone opi wmalitede for Nove Cress, conte Empress for Women balt Waterloo got busy any Macton, auaking the gawe a tie. BASBBALL “TOURN AMENT. ee : ps eS pee ee There. ‘5 4 time for everything” and the best time, “to purchase that parlor suite you have been vaiting years for is Now. er the second for first. pl ade, T di v . eats te a L re st. Cien-| Sherwin-Williams te aa nd s Paints os ae Williams Paints egal rted off at a lively | aré superior to any other al aud both zt i ce ee Dlaying 8 Soe ade R We can ne te hundreds of testimonials to that effect. Our stock is complete in all lines. See ee ers Peer ry One reason is, we have never had such a com- plete and varied assortment. - Another reason, the prices may never again be so temptingly small. We deliver goods free of charge. _ Come and see how anxious weare to please you, it will pay you. Lawn Mowers 1" R. WHITE & =“ i = meee kts 5 The first Furniture Store CO. bag whe acter et a and a enpply of Rubber} 3 Bast ab Bos Stratford. wn sdne wnboed nay tpp- | Hlosea FRIAR AA IIIS RIAA IASI TICS too mu es ed si d | sergeanty det ras ae D: ‘se! Oil Steves and on hitting base it also slid, but frompel "peut 01 out the ball ay e ne called “out. j : ee ee Keep cool by securin one ee 2 ees Pe There are Cloths y eta i. Beles : ap" keep down the fuel bill. fee as velow the kuee. Of course genie That look people cai uch “aia oJ eee EeiRcdly elder “Bly Suey “wae| PATS Green out with the goods at third and held lown to perfect Sieractod the aeiceaans of a present at x for St, Clement Busch, Weber, Schauer I, tery Gthetacr: Sebuunter F., Stuwp, well and — There are some that look well Become Pais Green 3 not wear. Not one average man in a leads thematic Seas E| hundred can tell the difference. Even ie he tie ty ies.|3 the ready-made clothing fellow doesn’t know the difference. How ‘should he? application, which means To he a Good Judge crop safety. Secure some at once. 3 Eg is part of the training of a first-cl ass. tailor. That we are first-class tailors is | ence known to the very best dressers in tow $T. CLEVENTS 4, ST. JACORS 3 Fitting, and all ob, ia Fey ee ae ing, and : jobbing|3q If you want to be sure of what t + jacobs wanting £0 Work guaran i a a getting have us make your clothes. lemen' os -, Finkbei ” Bundseho, Spencer, Houderih 5 Rone Tinsmithing e score Was bys innings,— 34 hs eset os oe Furnace — Wo _ gerous: in that, where it is prevalent at tiny “spark may bi tase into a lcs AREAREAREARERR ERED iss Edith E Dast week wal “|home Str and Mr: Thursday Seenings id presented aes ppausiial sardonyx ring by the th i ot nich a e ene es valued meg sa Ise resented with reat “Clearing Sale © Bi Boop ea ec Rubbath. School, of whet she has : ie a he ee ee for a num- - For the Next 30 Days. tert yea gto a ts tokens of renieurberane’ i After you read the following you can't. wield ele, wen (ee help but come and examine our stock. Come | titre peopl of Linwood en ee 2 : Add ae early and secure first choice. (ina ‘berlg Happiaeee a DS ee ‘es N. Dawson left on Friday for Rugs Fancy Belts her home in London, is 5 one tether so 2 ingay holiday 4 only, reg. a s, for. $1.08 $1.75 ones for only ts on Thureda) Y, ati ng se 3 ef a 48 Py rain of the mrevious 3 72 : large number e 1. 48 = grounds, ae = ood a progan 2 : given. th & 4.40 aumounted to $100 Berlett and children, of 3 2.48 : waterioe, Sant ast week at A: Prints At ir. Cecil Rowles, of eee was 1214. Print for roc. s is Mrs. D. Sharpe, Only 13 left, they : roc “ 8c. a arsonage last ot black, reg $3: 5 f 8c “ 6c: Mornington Council. 4 #3 0 D Fi elaines h 1 met at Donnelly’s Hall . : one cane the fourth day of July, : 3 ends left, reg. 65¢., 60C-,| according to adjournuient, members Gates’ Dress Skirts aon soc., for 35¢ yd all pr minntes of the last two 5 signed. 5 only, worth $6. 00, for $3. Waists s authorized a) #9 issue 5:50ae Black Sateen worth $1. 50-98 | 75 for ea salve 9. ee -48 | White Waists, $1.25, for Soc. |ot,, ue Aton Sees ove \ 5:25 woe Print Waists, 1.00 “726. | Johnston. Ea ae ‘Loney, refunded. A. as ee ; 3 a 5 Faney Colla: 5c. Collars for ane as Hs Muslin sf cushion Cov Reg. 50. Covers for, "ee. ft aC: 48c “ 1.00 e 78c. 5.0 Space will not gat to give a description. Any colors. Fancy 24 ends, assorted, plain and fancy, reg. 20 to 25¢. pet yd., for 15c.; 18 and 15¢. goods for only 12%4c. yd- Bring us your Produce, it will pay you. 1 vr Barrel Eggs 20 lbs., Redpath sae 1.0 - 45¢. Sugar $1 $2. D, Henry, & 9033 ny, $5 fondeatting Hunter ain ri ved by ROSE & DUMART While in Toronto at the Furniture Hxhibi- tion last week we bot. a tremendous assort- ment of : PARLOR FURNITURE The styles are the very newest and prices cor- rect. Call in and see these goods, they are worthy of inspection. “\C, R. Honderich & Son THE BIG HOUSE. oan Schoo! Reports. he Steckly drain be opened Ca. oer ved by : y-C. Yost The Milverton Sun = Tee we! acest Se Bhivel ___| ‘Phe following is the- report of aie Cite: for ging, the Steckley drain Meee Hie recent examination of 8. 8. No. 9, | on condit find seourity and | THUBSDAY, JULY 14, 1904 Ela :— ten a Bond for —Cd. po David | by J. mete villians Gervhasler, Mabel tite the tender: Ella White, Carthage: bridge Jabs “= GULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Steakly, Jun. 3rd.—Floss C. Ripp! During the pra shooting in the London campy at tan did the bes est in Canada. 500 Sar 400. vers ce made 14 ‘alle 's- 4 shots. It is hard. to| Dobson. ith aot Sr One Jordoi e, Alice Chatiers. : ard people Be rorbeck, Sa : i 5 row ti a The following is the June a Daan o oo le school :— Mary Magwood, Lulu report of the regal t ing |at Branner on t rie orized 28 writ othe connee et borough, “and Welles r Gouuell ‘adjourned | first Monday in is not their e eet Mr. Joseph Haycotk, exM. P- P- Hefore that , Clerk. ” | Wanted—An lied Sree The following pupils of Millbank | rote’ govt {9eeiiu! i WED) successful at the recent | Remi teria a Pas ris berry, Leak ropt, Willie eretter. . Kelso, se OF of There's Room at the Top. Our jacmies “of making to-measure clothes has constantly increased. It’s a case of the Survival of the Fittest. The reason of our success is the fact that -we have unequalled. facilities for buying woollens sige making clothes. We always i Guarantee a Perfect Fit. ~ me _ John Kelterborn, ie Hoffman Block. Milverton. Mr. J. neglect “and dependent children, made a ng statement in pene mn} one day Gane i Jf of the dependen enior roou, seven succeed a ‘ 1 0 “placksm es ae ‘ antes £0 fur work s a dependent | 436, Stan! mee F i orily. the services of Mr. : ers deserting | 481. i att ie of Newtot, BE them and running away. to the Taited 600, He deplored - fact so son 520, the author- ; ceperienced Ww: pata Hoff- Sonne Stoube favored with your esteemed wseronage, 1 remain: pert yours truly. FREDERICK’ ZIMMERMANN. “| Breebi ees “Diemere” “2, AyRiie Lowrie 108, Lawre ee Martio Pee Al oa _Diemert 401, ae 0 d— SAFE and PERMANENT isthe position of Fin) ‘Kanie Brown’ Far The Dominion 2 ee 0 LIFE ASSURANCE 60. ee of the farmers in this vii Se Established pes: have Pe cutting = ee eit es aa .— owing to # ee weather they have not ae een able to put it under ee ee Ywiilie Fink eo FAIR and SQUARE cover. dues Babb 192, Mario ; in all ite dealings is the reputation it Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gatcke, of New- ial 1, F art 168, | has earned amongst its patr: ton, es Sunday at Mr. “Henry ich d Bab! Policies issued on the best plans. Schmidt's. Some ne a people of this vicinity | yf spent the 12th in Listowel. a __ ‘The barn ee was ae for Mr.) caby, Hanna about a week ago, is eh to Reine going up very rapidly. id Me geane N > ae LEE Kerr has the stone ies asec: Ge new house, and is ie brick work. e) er of ‘grass widow remarkable, and many te other, it would p compel these oo a 441, Martin 422. men +6 look ae ates one families. peers oa BRUNNER. “Waterloo, Ont. Thos. plieet Head Ofiee, ‘Chr. Kumpf, ‘oah Wagler, President. THOMPSON, Lali ee iss J. = ScRIMGEOUR, Assis stant lH. MOHR. Moh rr HORSE. bees Complete Grocery and Bakery. A good horse looks. poor poor harness. = A good fares adds value Mixed Cakes, 3 Ibs. for 25¢. ores orse. My Harness looks well, wears well, fits well, and prices low as well. ‘Team Harness, solid nickel-trimm- ed $35. 3 Ginger Snaps 12c. per pound Raspberry Jam Jams 15c- Ib. Cocoa Bars 15¢. lb. : Sultana Fruit Cakes 5c. Ib. oe pote yy ESS Spice Jam 15c. Ib. mi $5 up to $50. Being as we sell so many cakes you are always sure to}, #! fresh. ; get them fres! AMEE ing but No. 1, oa — -. |leather. G. F. GROSCH, We pay cash for Eggs Next door to Grosch's Shoe Store.