AA SURROUND RUSKIN vapanese Now Engaged in a Double Turning Movement. occupied Taoc! JAPS ON THE MOVE., three m Erhtoho, the ora day. varillesy ize, two miies south. ¢ maintained until the drawn towards ‘jact immediate ale ps an to rt. sg BIG RUS borne out by a pe epee. oy Goncexponsegts eae | headquarters. sa; with Gen. Kuroki’s Hai-Cheng from Tashichao ii Gen. Kouropatkin must | 3 it of this fact. The sian hpacis ed is that jhe is fident of his soit to age Apparently there hai m Liac-Yan but the outposts stronger, is con ing: is on the railway from the cant) white! poate is identified here as being five divisions, is jushiving. The Tokio corres- Maan experienced | iol cheek. | are rem: y. strong “in| TROOPS FOR MANCHURIA. artillery, Jey Baving ‘otal of 906 According to 4 Lge vices the J The situation is ips “pazaling the ay agate veo t. 1 Petersbur; ave cleared from apes an sting at Siaeratia’ aigitice has occ qt Kaiping, ‘of the valley |t alternatively | jench ing from 1,500 to. 3,00! hi eS) ‘= COLLIDED WitH WARSHIP. British Navy Badly Crushed. srg nigh the code tes fallen to 25 300. ee a eh Kee ‘NAVAL _SNGAGEMENTS. : ‘The Shanghai correspondent iB "London Mornin "eve that the the | seriously Port ed Bases ‘says : ped 109 was ‘A despa les | There are strong smsaniesonn! that wundret! lives va * a eae aie the past mane: ites ch dam-|lost. The low fing stiles carryi | v= RAISING MONEY ORDERS, e | raising Tie aoa ete ma wards on ‘the Sires Mite ase Fhe ‘ty Dollar sSeivag me MAY GO TO THE FRONT. St. Petersburg espondent } joe Jast year. os the Chior Telegraph says t a widespread sensation has been Siniy vate only th g to ne though that his ie nei may continue his ‘the mi journey to the seat o! JAPANE! SSE <2 LOSSES. lary goo are Pe ES furniture warehou 8 end mineral WIPED OUT HIS TAMILY. killed or woun VEAMVOSTOCK SQUADRON. | Then Suicides. A_despatch to London Daily | at he “tos shocking tragedies that Mai a from ‘Tokio says it is rumored le er foccarred Io boats ‘belonging to the| Viadivostock squas seen Hokkaido fveanesday Ba eee also stated that the Russian cruisers rate erase have reappeared | : DEFIED THE RUSSIANS, A despatch from London eceived peavey a Be |Putn pore of see p, sopRIAg and eee hes ica fdiiek be. revi he A hip Peonina by, the aes and killed him: St. Pet- 1 1 tel ele- ave on his elf. te eile crime Aotehe anieunen ot turhed. WHALPRS AS scours. [among themselves. as | [TWO HUNDRED LIVES LOST. tain’ Norwegian whalers in Sores | Lae Edita: Wave teenie ceoieingt for [Otoudburst ee Bestpustion of Sins aoe saion, The es cions are decreased by the ma lespatch from Paes says: A Cates “are to be prey ie eee over the hills north-east the Sea of Jap: of Mi fl The Hol kkaideo J Railway, which was |destroyed Si ¢ storms and a: | Wednet Two the same cause. Lunar. The and foreigners are isolate Bee oot. aS streets is car- Gaie on’ in ‘boats Rain bas fal- wenty: eceder! arming teased ea ad office De-| Garten partm: | i erupted. The damage erty is estimated at $2,000, e [Grain Merchant Kills Wife and ae from Buffalo says: One| No. No. ‘Shot and killed his wife and daughter | Ani Ottawa deggoten eave The | Ceo! onset y, following. warnin ssued by | Gaomiee Dageeenere ene “Postmasters are informed that an | FAMINE THREATENS Russia | organized gang have been operating dn Canatin: end Sapa nied Ss tsteds le aaiire of the JSrops in Some’ ci! of ‘money: orders. | fe Faw: ss boat cha ceceed oe the Chicago | hacnae Gu eke + 'Thé | tide ce een seized by the he} the |” Hann! “opainst the to lo Panad was sees a “taken as and placed in dock befor sank. 2 ENGLISH GUN-S It is reported that a dozen smiths; whose tie Sjarsenal has ¢ aasiet in. Fepairing neat is Ito is mi vernment iron. ae investigating thelr capacities. gun- | ‘ich } ik CAVALRY SCORES. cording to the capatcs teh the Russ all the posites lately x a veaaal Some prisoners at at Port ‘arthar_ on Monday i eboly se aa te Tokio oer Se een l tases alien gee te Pi tei “have boen received. Tk os) lam Terribly hot weather. pre- A eke tis cacy orient mt oe ee, Shang) in’ excellent spirits. FIGHTING ad ON. iii of Port. jan garrisor ssians are defending epi from. Yinkew not only do not ‘The paper des rees regardi 1 t eee Kichur, butte Je believed that a general advance. The aBacce of the feet “sugges large reinforcements are arri ng: tes MONG: OLTA, va “the Japan: Mail remarks that/Gen. (# evident HEN ae WOUNDED. a tly: | the. warship p Hanosbal fa, Portsmouth | am fs entreriching | i | A despatch jan troops are| essing well, © Rus: and that its downfall is not remote. there i ie apparently untrue, Telegrams ‘not hive. men: y SyeA despatch from Tondon. es 10) There i are) sHort espace indi igating fate pat 72 im. som slay sxtendant with famine, and the Raa: 9 neh gaits adopting relict measur s wer basic air aanialnee ost is bea 3 ous’ nature ‘eeeiVed: trom ses Gaver 2 but it Steals } ff are principally affected. mi | the district’ of Triaspo \already have been compelled to 'h Bees iS persons of whom eat Seine iit ommittees “have | appointed to relieve the “aistvese. The ‘ i he crops is attributed | SIR WM. MACGREGOR.; | }tricts nor [Has Been Appointed Goce of | parts’ of Bessarabia ue |'sold for almost nothin; iS pistes ACROSS IN 60 HOURS. are cna saye: the ap! m MacGregor | Sie Cavenish Boyle ac New Boat to ale Ter! Weyage 5: A despatch Sop Rew York says :— ROOF OF FOUNDRY FELL. ican oe Hob Pare sea on al | Several Workanee Badly Sniured at bee which he xt, Gerian pee ea is e already ates mm $10, 000 |At the We: se Electri e many latge paiidings are new foundry building collapsed several, workmen were injured A, W. Aldérs, G> MeDeneld, ne ege Bs iF ost seriou: in about two weeks. cis to 's feared one or more ‘of ites er lipake: shetty with escalate “fuel. —<— TWENTY PEOPLE KILLED Pichic » Train - Dai et Near <i pened oes Ba set BATTLE EXPECTED. oc oh nes Ot tle at Me ing “at _ Raneibiak:) dgsiamd: Gen: pais ‘akushan see nity powerfu Kouropatkin’s indecision, Neal army. The level would’! five 3 an ‘oppor- of ae. Nichi, of Tokio, com — a Spy, reports that 30, iL Mn 000 led on July 11 and July 1 13, y- to sorte, 3 in bags, hicago despateh says va aon é ‘and abo pag ied steady at $16.50 tert Ang es one bran in mill ‘tra, mn ‘Be ote . 3 west or east Buckwheat—Is a ueiiar at 45¢ for x ie ie west or eas e—Is nominal at 57e to 58e for xo YD went’ or aul Corn—Is steady ats ee ee Are of, Cana‘ se at Behe for No. 2 alow ae for! w and 56¢ 3 mix-| yn. the ee TPorenta | Sie _ Rol ed Oats—Are meets a 84.50 or cars of bags and $4.7! *bar- Saar en see arte! pe more re and 40¢ more Peas—Are ull and easy af 60 tol } Ot¢ for No. COUNTRY PRODUCE, _ciintten-/The/ oflerings eiige the demand is mod Chee: is aR Bie tor large in Job lote tie 'ges—There is a fair demand the market is firm at 154¢ to domestic out t Polar seri tee ari quot- and yearlings ee hoes noted a at $5.50 per ton. MONTREAL MARKETS, Cat Genlnrntene quotations, 37¢ 494c; No, 2 extra, 2 wea Bee Man Tn Flo peasants) go $4. 75 ta $4°00; sone rakes rollers, in aon iJton bran, in bags, $183 tars io bran, ‘in pu Sis. to S19; am oullle, $36 to Seren cas) tos aia fay No. “Twas $9.50 to $10 per ontrack; No. 2, $8.50 to $9; $7 to $7.50, and lars " Bellevil oat y sits a Mid Po Pon yy Se ee home. “Almost Saved,” and Yet Not Saved, Is to be Utterly Lost. Coated et Giada, nthe vane ue | TONE: usan Hi Jepartinont of Agriculture, Otaw ‘A despatch from Los Angeles says: Rev. Frank ‘De Witt Talmage’ preach- ed trom the sas Jans text: Mark xii. 34, “Thou far from the kingdom ot God. Today I ain going to try to naps It is said that when Lysima- Esau co o bictaelght for a mess of po’ But Testa ‘staked his shit than he going to show some of you that, like the eee of my text, who came to question Jesus, you are ‘‘not far the kingdom of God,’ but I eraway a © show, you that to Ktngdo artered away my id | Hite. The chalice ‘of sin which I have lex Eternal’ life is lost DONiT LIVE FOR Be i oe ‘Almost saved!"~ Yes, you know by the unhappy looks ‘hae are an imagine them and ‘perfect ieee ane, Gear! in mai i eines hi and uae A CEES BN HOVE what is the true Turpoae a ae Let Almost ae ¥es, you are. me see! Where did this hay can vit oo ad ig ate, alm as Seed meat atet nes sight, the of Y: wi Christian. our ae aes a. Chris- ti pprothers at wor’ aeecaeae ate they |fice at held you before the sacred altar on tized. Tt is oe never bro sie by youthful Sociation in contact with the Chris- “tian life. ae Oe: er “* says some you man “Y was born in eciheaniit ks a fae near, Monee, but from the kingdom of Goa, why, "altar T lett my. Christian home I seomed to be possessed” Hot ts ‘with soven devils, but seventy times ‘pl ought: n "undone ovorvthing I ought to have debit sides of the ledge hn ahi fe by 3 About the Heart and Quick, ier reeks Pea by | sooner had | 9 art not S| God?’* ed possiblities WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN? that the history, O rich mathematical seaportant night? pees ompr after it a word aioe seven lett aie in stating to-day far from the kingdom satistaction? with your life, Says to su ‘Ol a: aie ha never thirst. a to him. ‘Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.’ ing to you, O man, as th tp the ie of old. ‘which eae its, euptiean vividly | 80 with ‘medicines they wo wentieth verse, ‘“Phou fool, * you do not Alppantly, sa Perhaps tha it face to face Goa at ine judgment seat of Onrist. Neuralgia of the Heart = Yas not that t merchant, of the first results of your | i, rT ions” he ee (bee in ietters of see Chri ‘othing.”” ‘"No- orone ° ‘fnanctal “Thou of Oh, rich man? I appeal to “your ex- e Text of and ,power alike fail to give ar sicte ass been a ts eae bless- ea their invalids ould a minister in church Wh ounces the text, Luke, twelfth chap- hy soul shall be potas |e Ahab’, daughter c- ing Powers ne reference to the cae Wo! inspires sta ean the kingdom ot wonderful manifestations of the Ho! IY: s like Paul, the “‘chief Bh crear rouate coronated and to have a upon a throne in aes with Se THE S. 5S LESCON = the Lesson, II. Chron. page From this it ba be seen that es e ne ees ‘following Keep “jah before Mio ‘of the hets whose writings e have had up to this time appear- Jonab, who is the first, comes lesson begins with the sree 0 Jer i ed great exbeeaingly and had no! waxet is not. out of the. dae ot oes and honor in abundance (xvii. this night you} 9-12 came his alliance with a man) who did more to provoke th rd 18), and also joined Ahab we i ider- ation, to Il, Cor. vi, 14-38. a He Slaten ate God's. |ters wi Estes with those who iat ig God. of with shee that the blood of Christ oe eS Peo-jalone, without any works of can take a in? any snot: for. rule, right in the sight of \dmonishing them in such word rake heed lo, fe Ce ae Lord who | talk so much about _ the |» ,}his head in to- wife (1 Kings apie think it wrong tom mare. “ak wl manner of Jeheshaphat’s life | ! oti, and with a perfect. Bn courage and do, and the Lo! galt be with the pave (verses and be quiet. Fear not!” 5 tthe Land's: batted of iniquity, civ., 19; ae ae a “Eph. re but oe lesson on. the ba havi sue cri ghee 17, 20, 22, and learn to fear not, be lieve and prais ne seu clittice vet @ eetiandtargns Lord made so prominent in this oo and the last is greatly needed. FROM BABY’S DIARY. eads on my pene ears Ban MaIee th tleasele O nm Washed ond\ dressed: miserable. 10.10.—Climp into. happy. 10.30.--Discovered and pulled out., Got to be washed again. Horrid nui- sance; don’t see the good of it; only; net aitte: oe f coal-seuttle; down stairs; given Boe ee Ss Eh atees .—Lady ¢alls with thing she calls a dog. Can't find his tail; not ee Bing 's; his sticks ues ens wags. ini "3 tail; wish 1 e tries 5.10—Given bottle. Friend gets way of bottle; chuckle. pogra departs gfe a6 p.m.—Just. off to bed. Beastly: quet day; Hope Aa Have some fun to-morrow. GOOD ADVICE. Donel learn the tagarings pt sor. Don't try to steer with another dder. f ataeas comes when a d’s-eye view of the Tr looke better tat tay nal tru! will'xest and aid with! to-morrow, Ae gk is ery. foolish ra who Ren r onl ge ie that which will never come. person or ots in this world doit gets something for ‘noth- ing. Look and you will find the cost mark. eieane & Birl| chocolate creams and feeding her break- fast. three times & day are two differ- ent things. When you say an unkind word or even think an unkind thought, dust) mber that you are hurting no} ourself. many people who, Mo. other man a ‘kinks what he'd like te So-called friendship that is par- woases mnt NOAH Ny faves Odea th, In | Possessor no aye Solute , wis ‘oan nucadanr ahem to ers thas you. pment Say “YE OLDE RED TION. are now, very in Eng- ‘ions cnhite) Black red, and iden—red ords as| ye judge | present