LOCAL NEWS. i pscniae | Rose & Dumar ae of the her: = Cieating out our regular 123¢ prints | “3 was Ov aenday at Rostoc! the oratory of W. J. Bryan, ke what | ah Bz of nearly every ereat speaker s satu | ‘ ones’, R, Honderic on ible.’ ‘This passage i r AE. A cant speech at St. Louis is. very tell- G 5 ot may dispute whether I -lfought fight, you m whee Ponished my course, but yo eannot deny that I have kept mba faith. Great. Clearing Sale. For the Next 30 Days. sae pose ie ove a After you read the following you can't] > one a is. 8 help but come and examine our stock. Come mn bout excus aon A and early and secure first choice. ies ne Raat: Belts 5 ones for only $1.3 wanted to learn ohn Kelterborn. A ret to hear that. Mr. Loui: Schiecholts is ont list thi: wee! tailoring. The Milverton eae os est Local Newspaper in the f Perth. It is the Best Avert “Sedivm. Rates Vagnnyee Subse SL per year, strict! Si. FO if not so paid. —M. NlaBere, gestern: Furniture Selections The pastor will preach in the’ Elma t church next Sabbath morn- Studio open at 8 a.m, “to put the knife in them ee cut vik deep. College of sos Ws i a 15¢. Muslin for 12612 aa 134-26 10 Out of fifteen pu ‘i Two cas all-pox are reported Dunbar’ for ee eh e n Ellice, near "Seb ngville, the parties 10c “6 8c Suecessfil in passing the examination. e : Kiehna and John efer. ‘The men are not. serious! ; Have a look through our assortment, all new goods. G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton, Mi the past two weeks mine dogs in he Village have met death through poisoning. 2 tn s di Mi ce 5 Pe wets If you buy a’piece of Furniture The thermometer reached $8 degrees year at x s Cc A : “4 Be a ay Eee ate 3} you will probably live with it for a THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904 dozen years of more; and if you he Ailibonle Methodist people have {> decited not to have any service next Sabbath’ afternoon, und the service previously announced is cancelled. Detroit. special train's starting point is: Pal- @ the round about tei e from nearby a and it is not expected that the di ase will epread as the jhouse: where the menresid@has: been “pliced ountler quarantine. Mr. A. Short, well-known throughout this section asa junk and iron mer- t, met with an arene eRe on Monday after- vas attempting to board will be held on} the caboose of a freight train when he and on the fol-| fell beneath, across the rai a Jowing eee pees Jecttire will | just time to clear his body of the hind De given by Kev. J. H. Oliver, of wheels, which ee his right foot, Listowel cutting it off a kle. He is now Si Lge eee .| Mr. Archie Naismith, who has been ihausen’s hotel, where he reat indignation is expressed in| employed in tne offiice of the chiet |! accorded every attention. England over the action of the Rus-| chemist of the Midland Beet Sugar| © The Guelph es creel Railway siar seizure of British vessels in the| Co. Michi e past year re-| Company are ¢ jor tenders East and from all sides comé urgent Ld 8 oi “ a is ue for grading, masons feng ete., oe eee for eight sections, each ten ae in demands that the government take] /ipoconto this f ao ee tannane aie at reeeh ts LEPUe ARCS Gini ne Site hes Soar eeu ens Lord Dundonald has made the startling discovery that oir next door neighbor is a very powerful Republic. discover you paid more than it 1s . Honse and-Iot for sale or:to rent, 6 worth, or worse still, if you find site King. 8: ; Milverton’: Good desellen The British press is calling loudly | in good loc 2-5 acre.! Apply to] oon, tan sin cecal sok Lon; Dendonald, | wuem Ania! ob Wy DoWeins! | Ores at Atwood fearing that his interference in Cana- ices of Millbank | noon. dian affairs will result in strained relations between Canada and the motherland. ay a a. Palmerston. . oe Won HOt stations is as fol “healing 10 Puts . 85. * Ready-made : Clothing . after a month or two that the quality Sale for balance of July at the following prices for cash: ee Suits | for ae f 3 2.25 Underskirts Only 13 left, they 2 black, reg $3-75 8 i 3.00 10c 8c Se & Delaines 13 ends left, reg. 65¢., 60c., and soc., for 35c. yd. : Waists 5! Black Sateen worth $1.50—98 } © White Waists, $1.25, for 8oc. is notas represented, and your fur- St. Ms niture goes to pieces, it will give you Fanton . Ladies’ Dress The Palmerston train will rea an unpleasant thought each time 5 only, worth $6.00, © HBS AO that you see it. Avoid running any The registration of the plans of the 1.00 “* ne Dowie'a brief. xi O ‘man he was renowned for ” ‘gtimably taken ftom the State. oo ~ © | gram was gi ren by a niimiber of the| bis faceis ene hie enteness, bh, iuadle Should Britain become entangled in a European war there is no telling what the outcome will be so charged is European atmosphere with the inten-| 94 sity of repressed. excitement. quite aoe for those living in that dist ) ; Dr. Wa. and Jas, The death of Kruger, which took| nee ote ane place in Geneva, Switzerland, re-|former gentleman is a physician of moves a picturesque, if not heroic or ee standing, and if he can find venerable figure. a young /Suitable location will practice me sd yalor, but fesion in the west. Mr. ‘Tor ho secined to disnihy Wide of it noid See ee ape Re age: He was looked upon as a great| th to aoorueee man, but he failed to. stand the test|vestments.—Calgary Herald. when the great occasion arrived. H. had alwa, aken a promineut part in the discussions of church and state, | 5© A Wee ano Te neree Ly Ob OSH 1) . the team got, besond control progress. He was ruthless “in -his| and started to ran away warfare on the blackS~whom he ‘ré- | the cariole who made “thete garded as no better than the beasts of| the back end were more the ficld. “He proved himself to be a chemer, who mistook. love“ self for love of country, and wrought the ruin of as Valiant « people as finds a habitation on earth. re was nothing dignified or impressive in his rai ars downfall... He fled from the countiry, | following p: Teasing his wits benitODin tHe voni- feces Mie ish Kamion, G : Henderson. Nellie. MacBeth, ve paratively earl ges war,| Babb; Mary McKinuon, Edna Ho! with millions of dollars im gold, pre-}man, Florence sEroeh orn. 1 dm impromptu pro- Seventeen men left sd On Satntday afigmoon last a ntti. +t 5 ite’s pupils ting program was given by. Misses: May. B Canada and Wheat Production oe ies! A — Mitchell. The New York Post thinks this is a Jacky year for Canada. ‘The wheat] ¥ood.¥ crop of the United Stated does not promise well, Rain has damaged it fs “Miss Couch, Dickson’s flour mill at | At- “an Kansas; there are similar reports | wei done by the local” brigade. from the Red River Valley, and Presi- time it looked as if the ie iy sec- dent Hill Se the Great Northern Hou wonld:be wiged ut ‘ estimates the crop at. 600,000,000} ance was asked for from’ Palmerston. nghels, as against’ 937,000,000: Jast|The G pro ‘oats sseaponied and sent & special with a: arriving there twenty-five Bec after: bei asked for. Cause of ‘five “unknow covered by insurance. The ne abies n Turf A oer a a meétingon Monday éven eee arrangement for the nolaing! oe ace meet On acneetne Aug. te. t. revunder euit-| ates i ca F |erot, #250; freefor-a isgreporten thes a mect» will” be» conducted > under nae. ms Uf the at of condescension sora ‘n.neighbor, tnat just nt gives Wiobeastne prowise oa ts PPesberipus, that, wil ke us rub on: eae eet ye ‘Ontario Football. sows on Fr Eritish stolodity, é *lday eveniug sby’ defeating | thi don Tattler. to’ + eally “hteresting point a holed it is coun- try. was. the light thrown iy the credulity ofa ment class of Al twice in athe sd, after according due Tae of, Sst | to all of the sud ers, hi say 4° an appreciable nomber.of of E. ,Dami Net ie jeri he if ae Fe cretion of the play, Daas i ee with séaunott “hall he: a Torrance, of | Guelph. tl er |# Young English farm hd employed J: 3 ‘exit frou 0 inj by coming in Gontact Avith’ the ae des road. upils, d by Pearl Tucker | be has He aan in the habit. o} 9 ‘of| #razor—in fact it would be eee i ee 80. was completely destroyed by fixe | not hee | wages and pocket money, axe still vat iL of Milan "ht no traces were fount The tenders will ake: on Monday, the twenty 25th inst, and it is not un- likely that work, will commence early Don’t miss this chance, we. must have room for fall goods. engaged in retracing the line out of It is understood that several | changes will be made in the location A mild sensation has been cre: ated in the Gravelridge oars through appearance of James Drinkall, $0) had ky nt & soups of years in the wid Country stadving ane While | with M. Self. to be an hones! ing boy, and Le . Aaron. Ui sand Tete we ‘hehe Wordtaean here he ‘remained a eo fave that he was he: Eima Suntay During, the and also gave ess to. one gf a San EE hie mag ine should bape him they would know whom & utinieate with. Before leaving in heeled: in i direct ‘opposite ard eard of sitice. His clothes, Me- and ordered him to investigate, which was done, but without any degree of n We ednesday morning and a Tile ok Be see aad souatae Srae of the missing m: Ubi wise 2 eae 100 Pails Raspberries Wanted Bring us your Produce. Furnish Your Parior Now There is a time for everything and the best time to. purchase that parlor suite you have» been waiting years for‘is Now. One reason is, we have never had such a com- plete and varied assdrtment,. Another reason, the prices ay never again'be so.temptingly small. _ ¢ We deliver’ goods free of charge. ~ Come and see how anxious.we are to please you, it will pay you. R. WHITE & Co. The first Furnituré Store. East-of Post Office: Stratford. TIRE TETAS areal TTT TSICTS WIR ICIS IE AE 1 i dui ir There ae Grd oa reo THBP Tig ¢ eae » well. | There i ae will, The W pire Fair; or sommer~‘resort, mu have a nice, cocks come iy ieaties pair of Oxford Shoes... If you | bave poor shoes you will not enjoy the trp. We have a fine tange of, a tlie latest styles. Geo. A. ‘Slater for. Se. : BEES Sie ier Empress: for Women ,, "BEFORE starting, on, sxoux .aeip: to4- cori olin Aw one average ie in as ela A Bven not_wear. the iti clothing fellow doesn't | ridred CA ee di erence... Hoy 0. 'y: best dressers in -want to ‘bes sure Of Ww W. K. LOT H' a SESE SESUSIL SU SE SY SS Ste SY SY SY Se aie HAY 9.01 5-2 7-0 5 1 00 Space will not permit. to give adescription. Any colors. Faney Muslin 24 ends, assorted, plain and fancy, reg. 20 to 25¢. per yd., for 15¢.; 18 and 15c. goods for only 12%4¢. yd. Print o Waists, 72¢. ated coe Collars Guahien Cover: Reg. 50¢. Covers for See “ 48c 75¢. 1,00 ‘ 78¢ Bring us your Produce, it will pay you. ROSE & DUMART “Tape apilverton sun - PHUBSDAY, JULY 2i, 1904 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Mr. George S, Davidson, one time proprietor of the Listowel Banner. died xt ‘Indian’ Head, N. We'..! on hy, from an attack of appendi- ‘he'telegraphed Statement that St. Louis has been Rover than Yuma the ‘past few, days is not at all edifyi: unless accompan: ied py the explana- tion that Yuma ark ).is thought to be ited. States. goes, died and went, to an then came back for his fankae = Boston Herald. This isthe year of high water on the Jakes. = 0: higher than Be ast, Pelee Island; the Windsor lighthouse swamp and th ear are phen Jost. farmers have almost decided to aband- |) on,the-flooded eae of the lake. itnwbuld:cost too pagely to, feoe ip it Semel neey sh ing money | ited‘séme timewmgo among theta ofthe Walkerton Methodist fivehs age Pits eh: n ize Bile matting” peports ware nsed something ng ee ha 8 ee ae in, the form.of talent’ a xe wilte Davi a dose cae the geome the debate, in the Hardware Sherwin-Williams Paints Sherwin-Williams are superior to any, other} & made. hundreds of. testimonials to that effect. Our stock is complete in all lines. Lawn Mowers No lawn is complete with- out one of our Mowers, and a supply of Rubber}, Hose. %/ Oil Stoves . Keep. cool. by. = ee down the. dash bill,“ it kills ‘the y “application, which means Afety. Se iS soning: qualities, by. on attention” tot a bet eas | return speci ve sal Paints € can give yours both ST at and Berlin on Mon- day evenin, 130, ‘The White Star steauper leaves Sar- ival of the chance by purchasing from a thoroughly store that. sells only “Good Furniture’ 9 at the lowest consistent prices, quality considered. ogpects are that people wal take this outing ths tronized it last ae eran is can le the White Star steamers he very finest on fresh ae in the world.” NOTICE! aC. R. Honderich & Son THE BIG HOUSE. Voters’ List, 1804—-Municipality of Mornington, County he Noti ereby giveh that T hav cananiees ordelivered to the per arth | third and” fot eg ae see copies re section to reeled or Risliverea of the beer list was ‘st pos wine ab Burns of the Ath dey uly, 1904, and remains there tore in-| pa Electors are-called upon to examine ake immediate proceedings to id errors corrected according to jaw. Dated this eth day of July, 1904. JOHN WATSON Clerk of Mornington, There's Room at the Top. Our ‘business of making to- measure. clothes has meee es increased,» It's a case of the Survival of the Fittest. The reason of our “success is the fact? that. we have unequalled facilities” for buying hel ae and’ making clot! hes. We always Guarantee a Perfect. Fit. John Kelterhorn, ‘ies NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. = Hoffman Block. Milverton. : ng purchased the cordaceinsking: business ‘of the pHs of Milverton, I shell 3 uh il old castomers ones wi | pat securing | experie: ne an one of our Oil Stoves and | actors 5 vho eee need Workman. with your esteemed in ‘all ite dealing é [Baa sigh ing jhe cous J ai tt notice. | » A good shorse Jooks:: po or! hartess."* A ‘good sharness vadds* value, to Yas MBS He ay, reve ‘ook srellsceare oie well, and prices lo as we oe Pes solid niek ed SB5n 5) iby : Mixed Cakes 44 Ginger Bota: 126] a Single Hare trom sory to $50. Raw Hide Whips, upwards i stitehea