ae MR WEntered according Wonderful Are the Triumphs Over Natural ce Laws and Forces. : sho Ler Mament of Cakada, ta the Sear Ou pent Phenomena. ‘He seemed Thousand, Nine Hundred and aur, |his' time superior to. all natural | by Wm. Bally, of Toronte, at 00 | laws. out. to. vis A despatch from Los Angeles says: Rev. Frank De Wi ed from the following text: as n Alpine sie: Black, St: Peters, -, Says: “‘I jis that related by & _xiv., 12, ‘‘Greater works than these Bight rest his Pree: pon solid ro a us a presi tons pearl for history of ie Retreat of shall he do.’” might Si most of the troubles from which lit-|Thousand, where peal Man inc ot. fais gospel faith i: oiaeneaas crag. n |tle ones sufi id ne |honey of Trebi: by lowering Sie ‘sinners of) the ih 2. f obedience | best medicin Rags I Eee tri aii 0 might as well expect |was rendered to him, not alone by | All medicine dealers se like drunken men, coe to run uphill ot its own in the sy: by beasts of een Th aa oe [ig ta! ad ord, or violets to grow during mid- and the fowls of the air, es ? some even di @ snowbank, or dayli; i He eS: Megieme: est “brockvile, More than two thou: es jollow age or sin] of th led to the G pest, | Ot er an Englis! st the or Bate be still.” At the glance ‘Trebizond, states 1] lunta’ @ark lab; as for cometh unto the Speaks our resurrected Redeemer to |ptec gospel w rily mi be @ radiant rming dharacter to exist in|to of’ Agriculture, ‘Ottaw ¥ ad to do. He stepped upon ite alnange, peoneke| the crystal vpavement Tok Take Gale : Jo ye the “conscious water blushed etd jowmuting Wid totietees ake her nest in the | w inths like a ground mole, faith capable of | uj 2 After _ the sermon upon the mount he fed the multitudes by simp- father but by me,” |Iy breaking five loaves of bread into Aish workers of the present | pieces, sie 6 a Let it be Soy, pease ies the |they cared to eat. Christ was a yn BABY’S OWN TABLETS. . For Weak Sickly Children i the Hot Weather Months. ‘Thousands of infants and chitdren die thrqugir-the Hol. weather months, au uplaints and mach troubles come suddenly, and others do not have the means at hand to_ promptly check and cure em. omes where Baby's Own v and no the land where there are children should be without ‘the Tablets. » They breathing of the asthmatic sufferer. But to-day the achievements of the healer include more tl ccd & i ri ito my erous to ea Nothing this, y: don’t know kno lea_pin Poy alee ee ve Rpinces liv- id honey found in Persia ered! e promise is ives), “He that) <be- lieveth on me the works that I do shall he do also, and breater works io than these shall he do, because I go Father.” se cure all stomach id —— fuowel i oubles ofand aive vali teething children, and the mother POISON HONEY. has thoy ee at they contain ee 4 \ng igniss, otairntel aces ree Bel-Kuowe. Erogiet of “Assent can grush the ‘Tablets ‘to a powder nd give them with perfect safety to ere are many records of poison~|it a new Ey ous honey; pethaps the most famous enophon in his the Ten =} a 6 en much like madmen, while died. 's lat~ wi usand y di sh traveler writing “som é :S 8 4 > 6 pee - & a z 5 8 intica.’” = with producing honey which is dang- No such chara Bo ascriaes ‘to the stores of British he |b ter can aera ta EQUAL TO IT. George was caught napping. A pair of soit tle hands covered mn) his eyes and a suse boice command- ‘Guess who it i tha oe Mose va ou iul for George but then you Georg r couldn't decide Brees } ae starring uplifting hum: a he should, ie pf Stic: ‘himself. |e Z e ra the world by drawing = Man en hold of the power | ¢! unto. himself an th BIG Che eC estowed cata hes, a0" gether as Christians. ‘That means nameeed = ‘plied it beyond the opportunities wer }men were to become ‘followers o! ey fteat little which (1 had to complet fo lhimself- Yet, after came to | girl in all the wo me” work he initiated. Christ fed tus, {Cart and was porn in th ger | 40h, ¥ y boy!” gurgied a the spltieie: Christ opened tl “The [and aived in Nazareth, he literally’| satisfied one, as she removed her linded. ich gtecaetavcad the Bc ts pee the Begg and_the reject- | hands. Edavol inbah Christ asooames pain peer pce keene et eae thinks of applying and stopped the chronic issue is |sullered, Prenched ane Worked on S20 hiog atic post, fecling that blood. Chris Be a great preacher aun Pee Ladtety tua is tictey moold ba waste te any and drew the multitudes about hi only a little handful of followers at |Otber field. Christ fought against the heathenish ede ERE Taek of WTB 4 ese eat otatt planes see |CHRIST NEVER VISITED INDIA. ers of wonders that. the world ha‘ AL eat dia was ee to give u) - BUNCH TOGETHES. ver st ere one # He a Christ. There will never be another. Coffee has a Cutious Way of Fin- et ther ally Attacking Some Organ. ep We been enabled th: the ae fi er emanating from him to do he hich surpass those he did i is an life on earth. But let it never be Sor forgotten that these ‘‘ orks’? man’ has e AMAZED HIS GE: orcas, hist das" ee thousands pass petals through sulleritig which in former ‘times “would have racked thane with beac oee ue to-day are thie « in these shall @ I go unto my Fa- ERATION. ME the amazement nts th le of his generation as a worker “wonders of any more marvelous ‘or to loosen the heavy and labored ylon that, g under the ead of the Pains in Back Now Alli Gone. After Tween Yours, Poke Suffering Po an Kidney D z edicin hoes mes of kidn Tt mew and desc lied upon for any ordinary case ailment. * Heck / Perfect Cure is Made by CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. ¢ which yan ate such a Kidney-Liver Pills and soon foun disease as that relief. Thus encouraged I continued be ee to use these pilie and ae neues j} taken twelve boxes was agi in. per- below can certainly health Fore vigor. T ae now seems folly: to ‘experiment’ with [sleep undisturbed. tho pains inthe idneys untried remedics when thi are gone, and I of this alk iy John Gearin, an oe Kb tytn one — For de all Shveget or baaangon, nates Tor To protect se wat ie meant aren said er thing$ than these Hy is future conquest ut as a man he never from*the Palestine “hills. SES in Nazareth. | erosatem: pital hi ens crintinals; put to the Calvary ignominio. tthe eipendats seater than. Christ's wane ef man’s clits worl Jesus’ verse in arn: my text you will find the whole trend of the pe in the one word |" “bece Cc will you not feel that you accomplis! work Christ as (give © Great ve. do.” |a8 breakfast and I. had sick _healaches i that kept me in bed several: da: every moni Coutd “nating ieee “Well, «Final ey got right made e, Ails that come from coffee are cum- Ow ome 4 thought Lingengers two years would Beat like everyth one is ly morning Rashaar. X ielleyed Fame A el this. trouble’ and that = howe a mould zp Postum “hich ES down ae to oe. le fam- then it was Fea ae to ae it and I ‘alt soa irked w with,” says a Kansan, fe my stomach ing. I told my ee Peet i; did ares She my prs first I and usiness and the wi had before I began Postum and now ocr have no trouble from my heart or ae | MUST BE TREATED THROUGH 5a ras One of the Worst Cases on Rec: ST. VITUS DANCE, THE BLOOD AND NERVES. Through the Use of Dr. Cured a nervous dis ren. ‘The! her Lou! think it Possible,” t anyone could be “afflicted. with — the, full name Pink Pills for Pale: Bec erneee Sent post ir six box si o : bu woula |’ ying tim i ihe, and FA a { being a small unieached wood aie ip tities sprinkled t around the stem of the plant, Unilese aip' falls soon after it is appl ited, it will be well water the groti thoroughly, so that the Shae wi ondit: @ difference. wil iced in the color of the Ising, vais Plants quickly start into tite growtl Wh oe cabbage burst badly, as it is plies the ge owttt 1s h begins age, this Spring ene the stem of each foot in each ean tianure cannot be p. be used or ae wa Revens before Be appli paring the. height of the musk before Whe cracks develop cus at os Tf one will go aver the vi ite yvered)» the nant obauig Hoa avout, halt the way through, with a sharp Imife, cae ae ek fee the: eet cuttin, the handkerchief’ before NEY PILLS. ex Proof of the far reaching |) growth dates far back, We read | soap you use, If it’s Sunlight Soap power of the Great Kidney Re-|that in 1826 Professor Meylan saw], , i ‘caeih box, one inch square and. three | it’s the best, 6B ‘y+ inches high, in which were growing \ St. Marguerite ester Co., | fir, a bamboo and a tint plum tree) a vxtar, pIAMOND OUTPUT. © Que., Aug. TS peal) at all |thick with blosso ae ‘Kidney jler, Carl Thu: unbere, ly Pill been proved almost dail; a number -of tput of the De mines for years, but when another victory |growths, and told or ine Poe ote preva aug $14,500,000, and of ‘over the deadly Diabetes is scored it |which Japanese garden experts pro-|other s at $4,866,500. Add to is always worthy of : for practical pur- |this she cont oh Jaboky oe pions, of a case has happened here. poses, as well as those weird, little ae etc., thinks: Donat Laflamme is the man cured | midgets which pu sone He jthat 1! the. ani eam Hn mi ciacegine d the cure was quick, as well 5 |saw, for instance, o six 7 worth about $35,327,500 pmpite. Sptaking of his cure Dr. inches high, w aan sek rule. the a size of a cherry, “‘and yet sweet iste HrecieaOusianere pase ee the Rn paintabloy don’t like the shoes; the soles are too = eee ‘ae an) me |. Phe secret of their system is based | thick.” Stiopman—You will learn loctor but 2 is remedies di well known pein ciples <iaa'| ee ike them upon such 0 good. ‘Then T tried Dodd’s Kie. ‘3 wi “a tie ‘boxe canal come | oe oe ronl iol ahs ye me | 888 minimum supply of Dodd's (Dipping out. of. gees as. purpos r+ PERSONAL POINTERS, bssore' fap par Sole vivels i thie July, 18th, ‘Aflantie City & Cape Interestifg Gossip About Some|ectentrie a) May, Prominent, People epee ie ges 25th Atlantic City a Mrs. veer ‘I can’t understand spe. Verne, ree artis Fronch n0V- | wigytiie {Steamer invariably’ leaves |. ene wer at Philadelphia. Through ora ia Fae eae to konmeruct |#henrobmrc when 0 the piano. |"""Aicust Sth, New York ai ney He) tala e Was very fond of pe i a a the i of hgh trees and | SSO Dae G ntor—"And dosen't Talend, $ ee Five seelivled ik e Czar is one ef the most ier PUtt PENCE PeOMe tt, may dear? Just Aa “time for merchants to a fat photser i diet» the time to hest > How's This enjoy. the jotograp! in a gro out any obligations m: co Ma Gaal means a The late Sir H, M. relate the following story. while friend! Stanley used ve = eee mucous nials *rele Gest ccd Spring of what year? Bie. yr. Pee sok eng ae ous artist, es a ereae was once k eee “value les ayldel Dalai te at good pipe ties ‘aes is trom babe ey.” tae present Queen, lay down, and placed hel ake SAS Sate JAP DWARF TREES. Some of the Methods by Which They are Obtained. This curious modification of natur- m, botanist and travel- vole Saat e checking of :tapiroots and of all which re under ‘oot fo alverse Conditic 6 offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ny case h that eanpot be | D.P.A, ly, eae a ectly ‘orem "| nature Gn bead ined eee don! 't mean tsa} “ Waitor—“ in the joints oo limbs rand aa Soria neuralgit ewitt—oT bat fdiow Sayed me 7 Beste oS 4 eee engaged t More than half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the Mr. Louis Tas, one of the best- sae known diamond brokers, estimates , as the objections “you yw of, sap; off.’ Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, '&c Oan Supply INSIST. "ON. ‘GETTING EDDY’S., BETTER Anse LACKAWANNA TooraN OUTINGS. ‘Phe picturesque Road of Aneel pastes your consideration its mmer programme. All eres are! waa vitality aon for 15 cays and rates named are from Busi USE—— “ISLAND CITY” - HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Dry in 8 Hours. fe on P. D. DODS 2 C0., Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. | Full partienars acne Fred P.. Fox, NS Over a ton of silver plate belong- Ing to the late Duke of Oambr idge has just been, Let us hat Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler Apples” your ra geratl ot any of these articles and we will = ou good prices. z borne Sts, TOR! . —Ahere never was, and ever be a sf, MARVIN. 9 | Gaiversal panacea,” in one ne retmady, for Cs it oll ills ia “Bene flesh heir—the (aa curatives being suc im ther. Eee, ohiatane in "a sount F na grevio bus ie Fits gradual ey" Waiter, aad grevious iil iis so soeing {adisees Se the Indiuence “which “Hand on Pain.— ny of Te ,» and for priz ey Jewett—‘How ey fed | € Oxtord, N. S. ing- h tall / Panels aueratng = ‘Principat ineidents in ls, Tomances, ee peti -strietly. for- ids the wearing of black or atk {bet table. She preters a cept kno: I was Cured of a severe told by MINARD’S LINIMENT, ‘has: to, R. po EWSON. I was Cured of a te ee: ‘Sprain B\by MINARD'S LINIMENT, FRED COULSON. *Diek— ‘T teil yoy you that nat ae ae muni it goods are fi eee ae wits it a conte Ch | FESPR 2 = [ats Asia dest a They Drive Pi aos eee ng. dey’ A pause in her fransit of * Aiea onan she arrived ai ‘hotel’ hot, dust; - dasa be another wil after a long anit it was brought to her. he looked at it, collapsed cried. Alexandra ts- devoted of dogs, and has. all sorts, sizes eet ete he possesses ‘One dog upon whi Her Majesty ves | fesses that in vain she used tr, hee) longing. eyes. was a famo | (4 eit | forming dog named Minor 9 ‘Tage as a societ; — Lever’s. V2, (Wine) crip Ala ike Ske aes tet “to ee (bigeti bere TARY A to if drive: bee ‘the skin | peel ig utes cxsit |* soltnalady- henge i did ow wear glas- bt ae = ics no ve Bing ghee wad t fe ak et ‘tn my speech’ di Where pare shall E take a Peake Aa wr un A224 Trunk i atone ts young: lant Soap Poway a sil in, | one i rn Pes th, softens ‘Wwiitdr “and, ea oi not Xe oe pri soy se oe a HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAME. san of other ama dif. y jons for Sportsmen on the teontee yond pia of the Grand Trunk. ued iitateao with attractive ‘Jocalities a spor' ery time a widowet looks womens eS Se eres yo stop. ariniking Beas of hay csi! once more. <= Whiner ld Richelieu. & Ontario NAVIGATION Co. Steamers leave 3 p.m. daily, ‘Toronto, ee chester, i Points, Brockville, Rapids St. Law- ‘on |rence, Montreal, Murray Bay, Tadousac, Saguenay MAM'LTON AnD sat, me. é leave Hamilton 1 Etand aot gee 7.30, a= ™., days and Sat of the if lway. Many of © by the Grand Trunk jally pi ‘Tuesdays, turdays, Bay of Quinte Points, Montreal intermediate ports. Low Rats O, agents, or wri Western Passenger Agent, Toronto. v= a ler, zane ca River na Oe Lake ia eae al pees 2 Heat ‘Keep Waite Ut inte House, | te ~an sora whe Dae, ates studies” te pay get D, Kellogg” fa Spowag, ware for 6. Dysentery coniat ae Leste hy Palla i foe, Shale Phy ay dysentery, dl ves. mini she teehin: it Parse % iat te a is Wades et with Gia- value of $600, apidity yd never, fait they he have No Orie of ‘this medicine con wonien' “How loug Das soe be willing to * ghe-a: nes SO atl = eyo active, ay, wei Ly for ‘the learn how the silver mine ‘turns ont? Summer Colds -éte should cuse that cold ae Shiloh’s _ Consameuer Cure tm Bie ne 5 See pot Sele It ‘miserable, mont ee oe ae | QuauTY ie 2. ifsit doesn’ 2 THE DAWSON | COMMISSION co, Limited =