“RELATIONS IF ROYALTY 7 CaN SLEEP A PROSPEROUS '§ BUTCHER OF ~ IN PEACE ‘WOW, LONDON IS ONE OF THEM. tet peeeadans of Royalty Who Have/ WM. TAGGART’S ‘KIDNEY DIS- Lee in the | EASE CURED BY DODD'S By | KIDNEY PILLS, oe jing to ‘a recently published — ; nealogy oa Ones Tilbury East Farmer Tells How Easily He Got Rid of His Trouble. Tilbury, Ont. Bee acne ok taeeee Cate ear es ame iles.~ But there is no Sovereign in Eur-|bury East, tells this remarkabo cannot boast of a number cure of long standing Kidni Dodd's Pi «ous farmers in Cumberland who ; for. Ben urinary Ger ane are caused ‘of |by Diseased Kid: Dodd's Kid- urb of sea ney Pills Rea g cure the ros > fives the ex-master of a "a ll and therefore always cure urinary steam ended es complaints. have several ‘‘poor rela- thousand other claimants were 3 United Kingdom. ped out, might put in | Pearso! Siow ws fe been a’ sceptre. "The West Central district of one's own voice is timbre by reaching the ear thro the air alone. ‘There never wa: ve aughter Elizabeth Erederick V., Blector Palatin iting. of Bohemia. Thi gence | ee ean: Moukaa'cor ths yre- | syst Abe ‘the Descendants o f Irish kings are num- nike Emerald Tele, but 1re~ Mae a eapeite, vigor. to blood, lead ix work te for another little loan.” Te ‘Phere: is a whole family of prosper-| jee too highly Of Dodd's - Kidney can} a re, | door)—‘‘I say, oo lier Ne ain't; I locked the doo: | a cs Ponghert it would be like this the ive D The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. 1B UNCLE ALLEN. on HER ONLY REQUEST. Sigurt os ea are DEALS, Poultry, Eggs, Butt ievosthe ord ha peers 53 Let us have your commianneye of any THE DAWSON comm SSIOM | ik tt er, Apples of these arc cicles | and we good prices. Limited neSts, TORON I be ”* said the fair, idow. but firm, gra: “I wish it distinctly understood that I am to be e pigs of. the ship Tl Y'm,daking is to:be your replied he lacinesod might as well give first as last “ts cc ‘A ‘lemon bath is the lates fad. Sey- OSE “ISLAND CITY” HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Dry in 8 Hours. on Sale at all Hardware Dealers, Toronto, Vancouver. Deafness Gannse Be eee ty local epolications. (53 not the: dis rade yi Phere in only one wey. to cur a aaa | ‘ Bygone jeational Temodisa. ove and his tube restored to condition, “hearing will be Borsves ning. ed’ by (Catarrh, ST shin sowing pac jdndamed éondition of the mucous | Bur ame zit give One Hundred Dollars for | | 9 _fenused by, cat- | arth) that caiinat ber ‘Hall’s | Oa a a ‘ure. Send for Circulars, free. m Bara ae is Any First-Class Groce: ae ais Pauly ne fer consti- | INSIST | USE ans Gt a BY. se want Pails, Wash Basins, inti Pans, &c BETTER QuaLity 7 Can Sui ON. GETTI NG. EDDY'S. Voice (from outside hotel Fj pepleree through } aa? ae ae | subst Ik Foro fei Sasi vas ance on the knife hiseee choose urxG SeRUP has. 2 | Mou of mothers for ther oblldron = ban ‘Tusoothes the chtld, softens th ams. Small Pill, but Powerful —The; siete beatae fudge of ‘tie powers of & pill by Tere dot Pareles Lg oe dae spe) oie ‘Dear me! I've heard | turning, tie = eevee es ee Sichicgs fer are required. ‘strength of the SNS sence in Wee tem and a0 | | their work ‘thoroughly. = ne MINARD'S UN J. i Jimmy—‘‘Ma, did you a birthday | present? Pole | Simon Pies ae birthday?” pa ntatul and at ‘theough her great-granddaugh-| (Migard's Liniment at Cores Colds, te randson wai ‘tor of the French Dukes of Orleans, poor relation the | with yi Orleans now lives in] she ‘said wd mployed | when I ett” “Was in last mistress satisfied Bridget—‘Well,- mum, rs was very well pissed as a model by art s' 7 ‘All these “‘poor relations sot er ‘The: y’”’ share the dl lagaee nets, through their ETE Vas most of thet xing’s s to: the ‘Peerage. About | Parte" tered over | tended to jones Through the stomach to the bowels. Mother Se as Where |been, Willie?” Edward, and is said to be one o! | around oe glol genealogists in eae lie Doly ant Soap Powder dusted in the mer at Scarborough @/path softens the water and disin-|j fects. cheap ato ‘otographer makes his appear- his studio and room on is man is a li keyholes.. ‘It’s. was Another ot oaee er apind hats Code tara fall. Mane hester I He began life a A, PRINTER'S DEVIL, - : e (until, they, pass and sal have hata i Laver’s V-Z (Wise Head) Disintec-|™ Oriental rubies 6 for weight, Was Cured of Avite | ‘Bronbtstis| alae | are worth, weight about 12 times the value | M. CAMPBELL. toe eee | Minas Uninet at Cares Distemper. . DANIELS. Miss Gotrox—Papa says ae thinks | ext wt stage’ be. par. . jupp—T ate disil {telling ‘him of our’ engagements of Facial Neuralgia} ey MINARDS Ss LAN aN Sprieghill N_S. was Cured of Chronic Rhouma: tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Adbert ‘Co., Ni B. =| It, ig the Farmer's, Friend — gy ss fad in Dr. es ten ete! Hatincked ‘by colds, Hndred ailments, ty which they married money, didn’t he?’’, He thought he was marrying Sas money, but he soceply married some- sel thing else that tales! : a . Kaas Minard's Liniment Cures diphtherla, 5 Ss Seen oe 20th, in| * L wish I had that you . dares POST! FOSTER MFG so: Richelieu & Ontario Western Pas: acacuee a St. Margaret’s _ « College, T Toronto. eons niSept. 12th, A Tgeeke peace and day. school for girls. yn equipment. Specialists of Europe: oy erasing and @ | of the bissot oad anding ¢! i : GEORGE DICKSON, M.A. Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada Cures Buras, Scalds, Sores of aif kinds, Cuts, Boils, Skin Disease, Blood Poison, . Leerambasty jest prominent pi in Canada. seinple and book of pte hey CO., Toronto. Ont. 30 p 8, d Satandeye ‘Day of Quinte oat “Montreal intermediate ports. ‘TES ON THIS LINE. ate) Seton e apply to R. & agents, o1 hes, Foster Chaffee, gent, Toronto. fligently? poxpionally low rates are in effect b; es “connecting with Union. Pacific aaeihe of F. B. Choate, G. A., Woodward Aven, Deteotts Mick. practit with ay mving. resulta. it etic from any Lene complaint: it just. anedicine Saas oe Gat os | bees. TE sett fon 28 eee CRUELTY TO SINGING enue Probably not one man tion outside the initiated knows that birds which eee for bhi the by. means! You eae Boxy, Buk aan fond - | - a mani of low sega -coedit it oe ce eee yeaa ets oh silo from "Aagust 15th Saoreere fe tat sb omer Saber October 238 23rd, with stopover neers each direction. pried: rr return | | singing ori are NOT PXACTING. ndetstand yon o a frat é ‘The gram © more venerable and pleturesque than alls. tufted HAPTER XXX. Philip lost no time aiter lending = oe ws opped | © omeward, pale tb tg |eold dusk air \iosolate as the white gles y beets fox stare spel tn where it wi “Sir ‘arthar peaeere place, Mar-| 4! well Court? nows that. "Tis ® good nine oui ue and the roads heavy,’’ he said- “Mlerweh i farm i arias w the bo; ye and post- to. poor ‘humanity. no” muddy deliques= {foreign Seer ia man i wh v i “eomevody, & the Court, I ony” he 28 a, burning aoe, ta eal pullseyes to a rudd, often oe them to Philip, who hed | maany 2 holiday week at a | “ae Here wad thes winch Torse’s feet | of which he had ax dared Roger to nd: then’ with: a nue | mb, nd from a limb af which a nar school alone socked Hi gra} that this rough, blu! eter all a strange house int pace quicken oe hee was a ei light oh ‘te alte fire, sudd ing UP by, is Matthew Meade was al a nein to send him there at ew ae arcely two years since the death. of Diaihew oad feed he gra mos pected to te ie leaning te ‘the half tee a the mill throu "The wheel was ioe he ‘There pias Rs Paved: oil 6 to his hand. great Garton yw, aD eee branchés over. the “s110w-€ ed grass, town spread pure pal tt r ie yhopping her fageo 3 and os v Sound anna oh ars, ‘Why ever couldnt pide out in India? Whatever be tor” : asic, to be sure," he re lier a hearty kiss. eke 5 You look as 'sou shared | bell, “Sar Sarah.” a (sit-down iad she ve ae he, ought to have banriclegerart nounce! his Pe a nee there pee aes ay hi that Roger's once ee pale, and that he seas epee ie stick, wer said, LO RETES : er shutting the door drove but pees: ioe the stolen!"* he added. as deep and Gites in thie Nnorses feet. balled trom al Z e erty livent ya eel pehe. sitting coor, wi walked and so. warmed be seated e jood in the pure keen “ir,” What white country Mes its: peeping ‘essie’s golden t man in aa light, he would fain have aske r- | her. vem ‘Merciful Bowsrsi exclaimet ‘Plummer. hands i a orl and mother, and country, ‘4 and d ic paereh all met bo ie ; to he Sownward sien ‘Yer go’ as black, reat ‘elm ee the top| ili arah,, in ate aie ‘nie bill ihook ior snack she} 1 knock in} ke afe| mother the" 10,""| at the same | on h wi a ‘a jon, : ee he, test paves ‘He did not interrupt the narrative J rnd often irrelevant oe it of ston: pee the three echoed i stony fering tones of qui f afraid she is still oe ne ale an Sia despair— t alter ded, 2 gent’ know. ‘There wasn’t time him to aoe “the Sele come to think reat was o1 ed his wife. more here wee “Rose, Pe ae aee bo pia ear sean to say, Philip, you've a come SiG why should ahe pack it?” | require slow baking a Bir the sway Home not what trouble, ‘The walls seemed his lips were, £9 dry and at ees to steady ‘Is shi twas for a- blind. imeelf, and stam je—is shewdead 9" the fast word ins, Teie:| ed. voice. ‘“ffullo!’” eried Roger, stepping for and es tehing him while | hale un nde him. “‘Drisl da Pi sky. before he'd give in. joa see quickly to ‘ont? fandled egg. Th sete Tear ise ae whence [bis back for a anes |atie prove cal nd | pa asa. babe, else all over the Giants an Ik t Mrs, be ribs siting ee oe old Crimean comr ing on. his. knee from his’; Plummer’s black 4 up fi Ny camer, |ing ber with “adie dt Nee Pius ners ‘poor old Peet MPhen he burst into, tears. askea, choking poor | maid," re nee be (Zo be Continued.) $ Sou Me et did it happen? bk § zt ever afled that SIGHT TO need BLIND. French-Canadian’s Success in His ‘Experiments. ‘A Paris despatch to the London an active-brained — little i arles ou've ” ; ‘ ‘thalmique, in the Rue de Rennes, three? Saas ae Bp ing some veceuice aa yg ing can ‘ B one's worse than death, ‘philip| Fons ss te | Inve te ce instru- osner” ttiea Roger) ntetting | 2 Reve: w oo has enred e, id hi “Fag you must have the worst, a : said MB. ae oe the perfectly, dead.” of two ce ae cried Roger, | Befor 850, “hen a boy of he ee sa ‘and it drove her be- roy Taner si of be Dok him ae WT. “So do I,’ ‘hoe ve @ 0g said bis father, Tag see dan ges giant (ould ing him to I to M. Dion, dated Mar pushi F door. meee ty er and locked up- | °¥* he Tt is his Prawch patent shape ait em. ot wireless tetegteshiye! and some measure «pelt Bs all,” Philip: said ona the discovery for last. ten RAG ak ae de- re 7s a Dard fearing na pare a Saas the. best, I’m sure, to find aang hee Tight [one of ‘he ee hited stay oho wee ee pe eas : ® pstoe sere Past, ‘toring MAKING THE RICH PAY. leg pa was. eee to Miss sade’, ~ Soaps. “a Town Council at Brest. aan 5a rah knew it; volutionary eld k | acteristic laps recently. against her, and. she, poor child. | ciding, ae le put T must say thers was Tia bet ol the wiole police jon in ber, su reat of ide in i cent, ‘tng, She seca tax’ of | 13f. upon scented cowie fot eh bel thy wife hag to; patmp with plain vg ce a hie “reverence for her. yellow S08 said one member, very ‘pil pi it they Gn ve bees esd heh Ly Sas Dae isten while ie ate Peitted anes tion riially. exctised,, 16; see her |heatsit as nor trailed in the dust in. the |cided upon a of all the mee “to heat yer apa and 4 fame in the mouth of drunk Beat ox al jhe ie an “hinge she |low if the Heat is right, and her dead oF jon f st the Tnstitute |p fo nike Asta t of seMake one ire cumtil the eaial ie VALUABLE HINTS. Belore tiraing out pudding it stand foi r three inutes to allo ‘oven for baking spo: castel puddings re~ Small was melee a Hat én with the shelf put cakes: the top: ge large, rich after the first twenty minu To oe a Seen Gn is broke from losing its color im cooking, ith’ a red-hot poker. This a new skin and prevent it Hey. wigencine. for removing stains cofiee from table linen. s|hang to dry, but‘not in the Ses polish Dip her wi 1: Prepars make me wood ap-~ pea Foie Sanne) andl dnmeswill look longer if, Raeieee of bein in. the they are turned upside dove, furercly 1 are eae ‘Alw pa zinc tray, in urpose. ig the. few ee which cal to ‘Baked “milk tastes very like cream ishing. Fut new se them to and is most no’ fich milk into a stone jar, with @ cover, and several hours in steady, moderate oven. If you have not a cover for bile greased pi Ink can be removed fi it ifue wat 6 het tos aa oa Tonos : ‘Take a teaspoonful of La oa lime'and add just enough wi to ‘Take lowe, ciate it in rub) the will slowly. disappear cation is not enoug! soy pallet with any g baer ee food §=brown cheese sandwiches put Sate ot $50 ang in with: beet beet ict but carefully so as not to ae ie dish. Hav ay Hee ‘a little Hhelted: butter aud vine- gar! ip, pour over the beet, ever remedy baa uWe| Socialistic Town Council Raises |in Price / 80) ed! ite interfere with. the vote by | oven. str au ‘The fruit used for eerie ghoul. always be gathered in dry weather: no} Stand