Milverton Sun, 27 Oct 1904, p. 2

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= —_[_—_—_—_————— OR, THE [iISSING Jessie's numbed ehe Dae ieee muffled, faint, and ast wind- re, in wher hiking cloudland - | tha: er Col Srey lored iris- d_ to be Royal ae pecking but that the Bi in graci of father and mother Poise of her thoughts, bu the vital core of aes ed ws: and farther fae fier brain. leads ‘The time for Shrinking from him a be ! eas me Claude with her, a pair in the broad, bright glare of the July sun, -affi Etecaiel x Bet eee this. oving on, ed, wan, and hollow f faces | house mingled with with 3 supernatural beauty, her large | t the purple-ringed eyes shone w: je and apiritial: of the passing crowds re-| 4” ‘The ight called wae to a full sense of the sit- tion, especially in his when Jessie spol do ae smpelss he. hed tord tne “driver go to ard, e “Can you walk a nee asked; “as far as the clois- im, mono- men’s “#Move _on,”” ito be asked if red could walk a iber how ee ae her Petimativer i _psalmody on “the roekke pillars. me. reor ea I am glad, oh! lad, Son ‘will tall PI ut talen ing without aoe of study. Si “Philip oh magnificent strain of triumphant now rose en choir atthe: aathan vesled mp-| torious: gtemony, are Academician and Soap herself at his studio to ask From “him shé pes emplo; at her ars learnt that she oaient tas coe Saw a show mans sane do not he it as tay, in thei charity, went ter [by & _ {miserable ol 5 wher | had his Playthings, tried said, when he saw a I have fortune more. ‘And ae ee looking for in ed quite natural, ural. and} sl its vic- from within 1 veawerd | house & model trom studi ‘to copat for some weeks, 8 inane he had r| He with bright 10 | a1 sons aes believe it gt it all; 5 thoughtful man seeks e “softly and her limbs at he first time for many days was now stationed at Alder- He had not lost all hope of ing Jessie, and in e itondon tied-to. tapos tise begun. His father of late become ‘almost imbecile, aad. hhetpless in’ body. to brousht away. woful tale of erty, from chil given him _ physic, ison him, he had three jenea Xo tal hia papa. ‘'Thiz piteous recital had been Sed one on, they. engaged in a game pa. being Sarit to let the an announcement ee pons the Srcctehed oid ee: Tilly for once was deaf to his dis- went do essie’ “She found,” he replied, with a dead, oh, not dead!’* ee replied with the \dness; sDate ‘oh, God! he repea’ wey, soittle Jessie starvin ought of Matt oe Beads a himself; his ally bread, an ing. “Starving! e- | they yu! telegraph for you, and-eame here on chance of Th finding: you. special li Thi know all about you. Didn't you mect some of their people Be aiceno? the faint outline er needs, our doctor says.”” ery. gen' childless pie of Canon young and Ponta in _ our — romant tains |e" a Ww Philip gasp-|2" calm solemnity that struck cold to eee his | an . (smile and offer rele tor a few. min- lull | utes di: laude quaeees himself if the habit in Tas ‘There i Nature’s ae a eS ee oie the door and see of her recumbent | corated ‘o-| been won = one now m elderly lady rd. is refreshi: to have 1 greed 80 Not Le aruns has 23 ists pana is one of able itr ione of the alae oe ing and. analysis of eae in preening a sub- Ject-to the public se , Creator made all things, we «Ho must Have made and hy. Whiskey, Teneo are here sure enough cack ee enne 8 wor e great plan be- something of that slip Shes bebii of either whiskey, tobacco or co! enough, but to “untangle” a fearful etrogel Tt oeema plain that there are ‘cir- he narcotic effect ee often lee or tobacco free Certainly powertul elements in their He hese matter daily history tified to by ftarally millions of oe ple, that Whiskey, of- fee are smiling, promising, beguiling friends on tie start, byt always talee let up until physical and mental ruin sets in, (and Ae as egan his slav- lave as well as steady encroachments of disea the nerves get weaker day aayniay and demand the drug to ani tough fight, =e Paiaate There have been hundreds of thou- sands driven to their graves cough pees brought on by coffee drinking alone, and it a in thst the & evolve fro x sturdy, steady and iods. we seo showing how nature checks plied. bi: Hai rescued = this d jar child and in even great- dear miece Ada. re to write Gearing the ceremony ‘They eat] of you are with friends, and jembered that hast da Maynard ath the shadow 2: the Abbey. tascueh the flow - Reig ct ose Nees ae Natare interposes bar every pees brings on a “‘bad The Mission of Whiskey, Tobacco and Coffee. a we in |myself cheay pots ness and dis many owe too rapid one as young We |") sper at Winasor when you were de- ar to the Lionel a silently frowed: cree the taayé kissed ‘Phen he re had spoken oti visits. to, relations in’ a es later — he found oes m upper is ighed. ies fee to the. co oF ry three or yea Here we see the ines influence it work. A man is prosperous in his business gro fi ahead ot the anasses. A nation becomes prosperous “Fete of the walt i the law mass. Only stand out against these TMtevelers’” Bad Bole ae eae and the 3 the cantar Or pee use for W! Coffe steady I decline to exchange my. pirtnright [> for a mess of "Twill not deadon sen: eaken: my grip on affairs and kop 1ysel .p, common and behind in fortune and fame by drvgging with See the Baleasleep condition of its “drugyer’” with the certainty of sick- se shen. er each Beck deine tors east ee can a leader and semi-god if he will, or along ere life a drug- | C20! individual allows them most amy y by these “‘levelors.” n tries epee Fick these n 2 few slate ne he had Sntter lefelets ax as a hi tal hint o: a good solid blow will Mey low. When in tries to live upright, clean, uit, sober, and undrugged, manifesting as near as OWS: What ‘the Creator intends he should, 0 and it pays in every ce, and even worldly work cut ow been the business of destre ying elemen’ ordinary mn the contrary the most powerful rebulling elements furnished by Na- ture ate in Postum and they ave |e set about repairing dom is it more than 2-day aitee the Literally “milion: Re brain-working Americans Postum, hav- ing — tae value “and sense ange. ©. W. POST. pps birds,” he gently ‘And then what did she do dearly love lake wel these * turaly the. ‘astronomer est stat ae Prosperity, to hi off the habits and strip SER for the =\(BRIDES OF THE ULOUDS Dangerous and Unique Way of Wedding Taking a Trip. To adventurous lovers oe plumps them down inthe middle oe incidents only aad romance, so long as all «1 “Batons however, a new-fledged ick takes his bride ‘ little stars abe moon," ae wil kn was safely tied the signal was siveng to “Let go,’ loon Tike a P staay bird, to the cheer and up soared the ba of the hundreds of onlookers. Scare the prudently stayed- where he was, though. he had ‘not the heart even to hum THE GIRL I LEFT eee = and ‘came safely to earth agal ni ©} pair er hel Fonte, none the worse for the a Raima done vipat easily have been told of another cou who went rd oa wer of wood | ,., drove straight ieaas the church to the’ Palace. A strong wind was blowing, a great as were mai in- chard him either to Ses ye ee i take an ‘onaut ith hi he eee contain would not is on Be suggestions, not ce is ‘pride, ar 90 the courszoo red th nd had a saone aatiatt- for it excline jones THE MOST SE perhaps, of all these honeymoon trips i mi M. fhe story of which “poth ek elo quently told. maar expressed a wisti that h ¥ | should choose “the most. magnificen d Poticall” trip possible ior honeymoon; ani was perhaps mi a Copan and oman voyage, ir, inexpressibl Bic aeugit “to sit B Mme. Flammarion writes; ealting the empyrean and flinging a oe of purple Jouds and ball treasure that cannc or Nysshin and calcula’ she wold discha: ct common | OP open piano — an of singing, “I wi hoy are. 10k there must 4 a ae ees BURNING MONEY IN WAR. REFORMS IN THE NAVY ADMIRAL SIR JOHN FISHES’S = PROPOSALS. The Army for Home Defence is to be Controlled by the Navy. Bie, Jolin Fisher comes into im jcrimes beginning with tl “INSPIRED BY-1T. The Revolutionists Are. Mostly Recruited From Former Ex- Siberia. Russian police are whole — ae terrorist: assassina- of Pubic ae ilés in tion of Minister itehi 1, and rapid ing the rd |tion Bosolepel by Pete: b. 190: id and powerful of- “Seals are to doe and a oe lio b Seis ‘be fan about are of the following ais wastetan scieme will be de- Army in home defence a he insisted upon. ‘There will be onomic redistri- bution of the fleet si om e isa Pe Eislor as to. whetlier jot the Navy is to be pores for oe invasion. IMMENSE SAVING. eats out away, opinion of the new who. frill run the ‘feet. from. October Afrangements are to be made for inereasin; power of the fleet without increasing the expense. t time many ships of war are Ee in distant parts of the rorld for wi a E PUEPORES, lik of t sian gunboat Maddjour as SHang- These useless ae of war will ie ae me; and their o' e used for fighting ships fro! naval employments of pee import t on Fel urder Sipiaguine in April, e ernor Bogodanovitch of Ufa in 1903; the working outeof four otlier plots, jan Picive 1 last ee are rinse te a CO inspization, says a St. Peterabung letter, ome inks in the ctiain ai ity, in) Russia band of revolutionists mostly sibly_ be Jocated an ai such ected, plasty 2 Jom ‘of “Nil itism from 1878 ae are = iere similarity’ between them, Utopian “pupils _ ol ‘Nikolai Vitch . ‘Tehernystevskli and Micha Bakunin, early agitators preached an indealistic Nihilistic es el = spnpoien Fas, arora for territorial con- At |® lemental to the work of the propoganda Which the pre Acs i out, began in ‘398-1900 and murders in vith the cage of the revolution- fe public, prove, it is author- Hatively. stated, _ that Jewishi hi ’ Iife—namely, offick. eae who form offi- | o! that no m seleekets ‘vil ibe appointed to the coastguard @ United Kingdom. Sonimlasions at shtbatone (6 foreign ice ey Bee ten from three shai metliods of eae the “a HE WAS CORNERED. Jett college, where he iging relative he tickets, and this led to bd a: contretemps on his | Parle ware minous-looking et a paleangel sail ‘id Jenkins, fi the ticket at the_ball at left my. overcoat in |ea satisfied, but when woman who oo ali page Be sriabanas id, Ee, tie ‘lighting organiz idence, Le is ‘aecared, sliows that Gotz an duates of binovich preach rorism panies: in Ttaly last wint Gotz was exiled to Yakutsk, Siberia, ric- @ {in 1887 for conducting»a secret print pee ing press wl was A UNIVERSITY STUDENT. * [During bis term of exile lie pl fae ohio convicts, against the governor of the prison, | which resulted ina number of guards being killed. eventually. However, upon 4 of Emperor a done ie. w ac the ie purpose of uniting |b revolutionary forces of F coraplicity ties, _ eacl Tn 1900, when ee soils @(soltite proof against him, he fied was soon joined by d Roubinovich. ‘Tle nex ae fie returned to Russia, ond es =e) n tHe Baltic and Bla the issary of an organization [i instant political murder: th ch case lie selected another person cri is th erer with ix |murdered. Minister Bogolienoff, with Balsclianefl, ist eee ae fx aes ‘5 tablished = a be He Was so some SF of | the tw ic |in stiape to tal €\Is Just ‘‘An Ordinary Man’ = piper case lie ears! tlie mur- d also pre- |i that M. de patie ‘fella “Metim ~ to his nization, but they the active tents in Russia who succeed schunin after the latter's arrest and tion. :—Here’s a Sicaso eg chat he certainly getting a run joney, “Bur is he a man to be trusted?’ “Well, nearly tow! to b as I can find out SUFFERED TORTUDE THEN DODD’S | KIDNEY PILLS URED. WM. DOEG’S RHEUMATISM. Not Lie Down, But Had to Sit Night and Day in a Chair. — Suite Pa, ue 81.—(Special) of this place, ioe a eal ale pick eed ty man, tells of his almost miraculous cure of Rieu- matism by using Dodd's Kidnoy Pills. “Fe T suflered exerucia- ing me RAR, ee the second bee T was as tirely free cure idneys id ways Rheumatism by putting Lae take the cause—Uric Ac —out of thie blood. HE TAKES LIFE QUITE FREE AND EASY. in His Wanderings ant : Demeanor. King Edward who works as hard as ever in the Highlands, leads a free life, visiting his Scottish into land easy h acetbors in thie eS ‘iendliest and most No detail in the castle escapes tie royal eye. t as ives kin His oe King oe shrill strains eens royal a fall Highland ieee on the aera. Hi y 7 a.m. jesty is down , and et much bee dn state Pees has | mi is beer arranged before breakfast Eby 10 a.m. tlie day's sport usually whic ay King now rents, he brought birds in four successive a “coup” which had not beer led by any royal guest this Edward goes into the various on his-estate in an informal le calls frequently on Lord ana oe Knollys ot Craig Gowan, Iso taken tea ™ liese Males jesty Has a gr confusions thie pienae GGatneing’ a ligt Snciaent show Aad juss HIS INNATE SIMPLICITY. 5, aus one = the wrestling bouts as in ies ee nie sinitoge Slons tathe cues: 1| King Edward _ likes pr y among the pines, viewed from castle windows. pew: fWales follows, the, Prince bringing in his small sons: adie King Joins in thie B ane from the larg iymn boo, Which and ‘occa, are Placed in the royal aervice is taDOWOL. peter ve |tively by His Majesty, and wi fired. nee os “which ‘illed. POatechee i Hi le by a - ings th gi he bag. which a “iter mi moins Tis tis azea time at Crathie. FOR FOUR YEARS Bad That He Could |/; Cars Aaa RT pit KING OF THE HIGHLANDS} GERMAN CADETS DIGNITY, Protected ne Bight to run Civi- ‘The Berliner Tageblatt of a romnt es an account o! his ‘livery, for man for’ not saluting a Bavarian, servant will now ha’ fore a court of law Ter Gnaulting the cade! page is a Eee balloon end heavenward and mi sane iperackrats er elaine 4 {him to visit ies aaa earth aj Minard's Liniment at Cures bbe, e dogs. disploy, wonderful in- es answered Mr, “ak Bice augihet howls e my daughter plays tetigence rock. Colds Relieved in tousilitis amd denfnes ae Withers You are blushing, ther: why. should waltz like a aescieaney is o A Tonie for the Debjlitated.—Parme- leols Vegetable Pills by, acting mildly i, thoroughly on the, secretions of the ane It's @ woman's imagination that keeps her friends. can't seo through @ coat of paint. he ieaueone of junning Sores, neglect, or ing, senses piles. in ‘8 to 5 nights. * 30" cents. —39 “I want some live beets,” said the eu she “My ee Tayeehd ities no use for dead o1 ce. RICHARDS &e Dear Si great faith ee s last ¥% of Ringeboue, the horse but month cae was no Maeno no lamen a and DANIEL MURCHISON. Four Falls, N. B. If girls were capable of distinguish- ing between a nibble and a bite there would be fewer breach of pro- ise suits. 4 = Le age no steer Dy in saying that r, ellogg’s ae fordial is without do ee icine, over since = ene sah nit sic te. MT oevee tails to eocet a postive Motoers thould never be without a bot: ‘their children are teething. manera ost. women would worry th if they knew neightbors . “QneFeot In the Grave"—Ii the thou- jwands oe one who riish toyso remedy Ser isiesty Tse with the Boee at-|* a in POULTR THE CAWSON COMMISSION co., Cor, West Market and Colborne Sts, TORONTO. ‘We can handle your poultry either alive or dressed to best advantage. hey your roe Be eggs, honey and Limited be- | ange ee to eee os Piles & ; young. She imagines her | Parmeles's it the pro} with, & UsE— ‘ISLAND CITY” | HCUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Bry In 8 Hours. On Sale at all Hardware Dealers, nue D. ae & 00. Montreal, sea Vancouver. fou have a rs. Demp- “I have, sir; ond it they didn’t all con theta living couldn't t manage The Vicar—‘I suppose For Over. ref Siaty. Mus, WiraLow's Soornine SyRu? rin ba ang Pinlog of wether fp | — siedelis rants nentomcl nnd pore fied isthe pee = Diarr! renee meee os botie eak for“ Mus. WOxsLow sSooruine SY) Poemer—“You know poe "Ethel wrote? $20 for os i dear?” fath« He gave eis ‘0 to. tear it up p and not write any | MOON'S, men Cues a in ons. (epieurean Le Seppe) ae Brown I can’t eat ‘riend—But, rai ge should one ae eat. twelve hours cures catar ver, colds, headache, ae on ze day? 5 AGENTS WANTED TOSELL IMPROVED (COMBINED) KETTLE AND STEAMER Needed in every family. ‘Three sizes, Botls sod uELED. is (Giver locke wth Teak band for drain: Efure Pree Freight pat strated clr Wena quick: }OX BROS, Toronto. Ons WANT TO LEARN L Then write at once for our ‘new Book o1 TELEGRAPHY tw fill cortain'y Contral Schoo! © ot “Totogrephy Chases Deel tae seee steolute, cure foe eaok form of ce Ee Sa a ofaareptoad teed It. See tes: Sea in the daily press: ee Or. Seas Policia Ida—Yes, enon Ernestine threw _her : ‘And ext day. Ida. She'eaid it waa har Hae = "ano him a line. To prevent it Better Than to Rey A little medicine in| the shape of which are know: getable Pills, ‘administere: | fim ti | often prevent. a save whid go. to doctor. regularities tthe digestive they. invaluable corrective Dy cleansing the blood ‘they clear the skin of ‘imperfectio Fortunate is the young man wh gets badly defeated’ in a Poltieal contest. He gets discouraged and settles down to busi ney Cry—Pain in the back is the cry on ‘a. kidneys for help. To neglect the destroying. Cure has power helping the ni miré of disease. It relieves in six hours. better than ailing 6 ‘around this. wi Minard’s Liniment Cures Cals, . Many a of the Bible ava Sionteafeas, ‘teith, oie ess, moaning oFrestlessness ribs: Mother Ge gaia Worm Biieciiator ‘e Pleasant, sure and effectual. if your druggist mone in stock, get him to proc aes * jor you. MUSIC FOR CUT FINGERS. Bed the strangest use tow! ‘abl s jovertow of Boot a2 is r Churches. should ia irk “in special en- trances men who ha’ 82 ace side- ae H. SHAW, Principal Yiere are no poortiouses in Servia, Chatity. wi with a string to it uneov- crs a multitude of sins. ae Ree (Wise Head) Disinfect~ Powder is better than ther ‘powders, as it is both soap and int. tae ing man would get up with he sun he shouldn’t stay up later p. m. with the daughter. “A Soothing Oi1—To throw oil upon the troabled ‘waters means to subdue to fost, bois! xt uises, “takes the fire from & general household medi is in many ailments. Sarth mech The n who whistles at his work uals Dwiiedes better than he sree ‘ Mlnard’s Linlment it Coes Bioeng “ow late do you usually sleep on Sy morning?” “Well, it all de- sr Depanda n Raat? “On The length of the anything more annoyin guste, cre, annoy rn st Meet e pre organs, 60 in a box, 35 conts,—40. Pees didn’t- think you had RCE oe widow.” dn’ was

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