Milverton Sun, 3 Nov 1904, p. 3

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‘There isa shortage in thecod Sshing in Newfound land this vear. Som PREPARE FOR COUGHS |; === Specials for squash weighing 403 ponds was ¢ fom days nap 9 a Mr. Warn aoe rir f God The AMilverton Sun- aire cia aa ; THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1904 eo and the icon a says area a = : » = é 5 : £8 = ~ made the ite = ‘ Lime aes € Milve: The grea ae ' : Rent oe teworlo with te epectinch oe sie Poeey en tae ee ps igs en 3 ent Srp relat ‘ Coughs will prevail during the next six artes crite tateck tiaree GENERAL NEWS _|heraised in 1885, 388 pounds, and|F URNITURE and UNDERTAKING. | } et Sevses pata eee manes There is. ae prota miley ba : ting this winter by a tae hake Pie ee eight pounds | = ~ = Z Sole is you will escape attack, if you do others o| owing to the depressed state of the : - . eS ‘one he sent to the ee - er — — ee iy ‘sso it Thaeatnily aaae W ee ak be deady bermmarket. Some firms have sus: We will give a special bargain on Rair Ber Sim al 1) correo cnomarrsounces| (hice Worl havin 1985, paid MM. MacBeru, Pemasitsn. Being ready may prevent serious con- pended age ace z Coats, Leather Coats, Etc.,: ss for one w Sr = ‘The usual fow signs are for a cold a Bd woman placed $20 in bills Itis claimed that the automobile and severe winter. Down on the} an ts in silyer, the two weeks Time sequences... It is worth while to have a Ale coming m : beginning October 22nd. | ProfitSystem picket binds, instead of pin. feathers, | wanes of ther husband less a quarter in 5 bottle of es is an indication of a fon) winter: T purse on the table, while she was s sien : ’ their street z - ; ji ent nj bbage fk ‘kraut. ssh Ssh eae MITCHELL'S CHERRY BA LSAM- ‘ee aes | is a Great jin 2 oor teyeoing the che gan sth Sacucried ‘the cab 0: 9:10 a. on hand ready to begin. treatment _ when- eee all over that-city in auto- “ «< 7 00 « 6. aa Republican party because they a bage leaves to the pig pen. Missi ae ever a cough starts. ~This' is the best mobiles. : 40 labor union men “were “tserininated the purse, oe thought Ay might have family cough cure we know of, it is harm To F Draft Treaty. “ c ‘“ ‘“ i G#CCCSS zs a } | against in every part: a big state eorriets it out wi oth Hie ee va Going 3 ‘© Form Draft Treaty, ~ 00 - ital building that opeke O00, | to the pig pen she found. the remains. less, is good for young and old, and it 5. : 4.20 rc apenas ah &. Se rkers had ty up the $20 in Lord Roseberry, speaking at Trow- i = (2 cures always as quickly as any remedy wae 5 ¢ extreme length of Texas, the x ize, likened ihe members of the f s : .. Be ea can which cures thoroughly. Goveramest to ponies jouping) Leather Coats, best brand of — Bie comtiget rere 85 Hemi Be newretesy ot apy A it” throug! ifferent fiseal hoops a hi x Py yathampton last week, dealing with We sell it under a guarantee. If it ever Bee ar: Chanihenialaa whi; ‘ 5 < square miles. i The had_turned to the a a 5 fails to give satisfaction come back for fGnr fellow subjects tn the a. Sete leather, moleskin lined, reversable, 5 F = = : 500,000 acres ot improved fareatog: dani Sees ts raised bese Saas uae + [thought if Great Britain threw up A : ' 2 3 and farm property of the value of $962,-| Society. “Does the wearing of ha your monep. Price 25c., 5 bottles for $1. her free trade potiey Canada would be ee { ; = z “| make yaen bald?” and he-took ‘up| nnstan eine to cufer'a commercial treaty regular prices $7 and $8, for one : Bargains Frm OQvyerra | | 303:900 temumber of ies farms 1) ii parable, Not hats, dear friends, , unchallenged and unpunish- zs | [| with the mother conntrs. Sir How- a 3 but shirts," Now you have noticed Bae ji : Th Public D Co Limited Jette said that 95 per cent. week.$5.75. : z 2 ie of our correspondents | that # man takes off his shirt over his % : =o e uDIIC ru 9 : of the Canadians were in favour of ei : j t R. Zt | ol bee tailed 40 end te asig rove -for| hea Caan), reciting, “his: hats ‘out ; ape E Druggists and_ Stationers Mr. pe basnoer ale 6 Eproelnes tet These prices are cash ; 4 coa Ss, eady-to-. - |some time past. ‘They appear to have|by the roots, Eire a woman— : : ee A meet five skilfal representatives of Dp « e forgotten that we want the news from ‘Here three tea-cups dropped andthe} : Tlilverton and twood Pince Canadians, and try to forma ze e yj th ii & their section. We want a live corres-| story ended.—Ex. . , fal tresty.on the lines of Mr. wear oO MG, ae. pondent in every hamlet. Any person it Bisa ae (12 only), iieeeue in- in’s poliey. They would 600 Ibs. Gr 7 bd ht to wishing to fill the agreeable and useful of the widespread feeling in » be eith, considerably difficulties. . een lea poug. Thon of doreapondent Wiis oh wend: tt the re-o) of the i Z e indignation in| ™kes it. There isa similar lack of BORN bat ita rough draft were pr ted grea! Tt, : juced es Segara "| confidence that adequate punishment Bigw kEEL Mokntnnte: - ; sae 5 5 and abject — Hus il be awarded the guilty ifthe ei Saxpencox.—At Mornington, on |it would bea great strideinthediree: | S@1] at BOc. lb., for one week only . position i < Troqhine heats its doors sate out’ Overcoats anne ec eneary sationesy. ee [last wedkfor the fst since the fire in assorted Vion for $4. 50 1 finds some offic Ipable.-- It : ; ht of t a i r mal finds some officers culpable. ens Sanderson, of a daugh- ommended Esome ee treaty to “la Ibs fon $1 Gi thi tea a tri: 1 > = | Regular $12.50, in n blue and black, now $9.75 Seah Set See eolie tee od. ed Re eet a aa and women, i: h pare een SSS = =e ig ve 1s tea a lad : = 9.00 7-25 : aot many have expressed a es to re unaffected by any posdleton et of these Couches are ou Tome) ti Hustlin; Parish Dairymen. Predictions as to Results. < . es is 3 “ 5 “ “ it." Most of the residents in the | the t catastrophe of last year: heed that Be puniaionnt wl bel Tn es ppepges she money back if not satisfactory ie ee ss : HS ‘icity ofthe let light plant have | The pole and fe, departments, were meted out to all found g: jaa Before these lines'meet the eye ot i »25 50 -|seen it, and pronounced it a rare bird. | well represented. The theatre begins dairy farmers of Denmark have inyited the English markets to such | Most reader: Tts wings and tail are pure white, | its career as a yandeville house. “Thus the Times bale Sees of the Sun, the gre th a flourish of black its h with a flourish of lack over its hea der | confidence that the matter will be set- E battle at the ballot box incaaatione = tled as Great Britain desires. TE cites aera thal they bave well-nigh |i Dominion will have ceased, See our Dinner Setts at $8, 9, Men’s Clothing and back, and on its breast a pot of| ‘The Post-olfice Department has’ ar- tatements in the Russian newspaj pe More foreign than domestic butter is Sabuet the sialic orl bowrey ad : red che size of a fifty-cent piece.—Clin- | ranged for cee special trips, with a es an indication of the danger, and | consumed in England, and most of it| cleared away. 7 jas been a go ton New Era. limitéd gnantity of mail matter to Ver- says; “Until our terms are fully com-|eomes from Denmark. About nine-|4eal of speculation as to results, and 18 and $14. 10 per cent. off for Regular %7. e Tweed Suit, ee $4.75 pane erg Pia aon ok Peace plied with, and until the officers re-|tenths of Denmark's butter export | Fery, MAO’ Reali a ae tans h 4 5:25 field rag see ee © fe Bie caine EF River etossing, on or about December sponsible are brought-to trial and pun-| Bors tio English markets, and the| made, Among thei we give tie | Can. f * Toe Blue Serge, now 7.75, ache oda eben tae er agen e ee |S cu) Febuary 28, 1908, or ished. it would be rash to counter-|#lnount is over two hundred million | mints oe ee om the Liberal . 2 « 8:50 Tweed Suit, now 6. a SS ae ee after arrival of the mails leaving < onan or sa ete any of the preparations pounds: or pul abe ra cones point a ° a operon Farge ra e ‘ € ui -75 pis Scant Bes that # ” ie December 13 and Febuary the country ins mado, or is makings |dateymen, It lsd that some of this| PEIN 1000 bushels Large Onions - Bees gee fact that the contracting parties are for contingencies which are not in- » tte iy inade by Danish tbe Ereneh Sonae alts ve pape! ‘ ? ig. Pi s -n utter was really made by Dani oa 4 ousins. Considerable excitement pre- ‘en of citizens in Grand. Valley he excessive use of vodka, conceivable. companies operating in Siberia, and | Queb fie mei eee wanted, $1.50 per bushel. | | Bov’s Z, =, vais in the neighborhood. where | charivaried « newly married couple to +| he Daily Mail similarly contends | practicing the 's 0 isgt peryative mslort eo y-one after Dp i oy’ s 3-piece Suits the young couple reside-—Ripley Ex-| an alarming extent the other night, s polling, and gives war vessels. other | that if the verdict of an five methods which have [mex of Russia, upon the high pokey. and outrageously wrong in | caused the industry to forge to the following as its basis; ‘ Regular $4.00 for $2.50 Reg, $5.75 for $4.00 . oan = ee pelt Bone swith ea of the evidence Great Britain {front in Denmark. The egg trade| : Con. Lib, y Ik is pak te Sieh te erat: a . has followed cl the heels of th: Ve Regular isproposed to authorize post-| apply smarting ointment to the bride- eq) will ae to figh ines fae ie. ped ucors aaa 2 We K. | d O i H Z egular $5.75 Blue Serge for $4.25. masters and deputies to open letters | groom's horses in the stable. Infor- THE BIG HOUS Fganize nit y Sink eee ae Petersburg correspondent o eo ka “eeoortine ae 3 : E pubints thelgfiica without staiups to | Gane eme ia Meanie 19 GP does otwithstanding that Russia and|The Express claims Ante Age ties, and now shipping over nine-ten- 7 3 4 Mi 7 Odd P t learn the name of the writer so that} who took part in the charivari, and We best please ounce when we are ~ freat Britain have come to an under- anions tov atiting the ths of the country’s egg products to{ ~ 5 2 La en s ams they may be returned and thus avoid | they paid a fine of $2 and costs each. a Tose a standing in deciding to refer their dif- soe ae see doc ed sscerained Englan 10 8 asisuee SAS We See ie . Reg $1.50 for $1.23 Reg. $3.00 for 2.25 sending them to the Dead Letter Of-| pea Pp. Bee Ve E hat the red on two of its : 5 4 x 5 Sea a tae? 3 ae ferences to arbitration, great indigne-| on torpedo boats, which were scoul Sie Bowed Ilana 1/4 % we i Regular 2,50 for 1.90 ab Haine Tete ius ries 65 | caceeeel shat ine, hobitablovarie a = ee tee ails -amone. tae = A . 5 a E i 324 5! 9g! sent to the Dead Letter. Office can be Y asdae antl habit di Shee F i? ing round the warships... One escan North P = = voided by having your name aud. ed. [OF the world las taken on new: dimen- ae f Britain, and any act of a|by skilfal manoeuvring. The other, ort erth 9) 3 That Parlor Suite “ > as dress printed on the outside of the en-| 5ions during the past: ten years. | Be- = ; - as See See > 4 ; yoke L adies’ . Underwear © |Yelope. Te doesn't cost much, in fact| fore the building of ‘the Canadian 3 Z - : (Rei ees oats Caan x 4 4 . re by getting a few hundred ata time one| Pacific toad it was aenerally sup- THE RE A L THInRG. seoonding several on board the nearest ELE CTION A Toronto Liberal who was near oe : h Sa ake 50 dozen Ladies’ Vests, regular 5oc. each, can get printed envelopes as cheaply posed that Western Canada was : : S ish. Government being forced and| battleship: The oniomander® of ae eed in 2 makes th the follow: . eré are many reasons why you shou uy He now 4oc. _ Drawers to match. as blank ones in small quantities, | bleak as Labrador; that popady. bat | 3 torpedo boat was the first to Sale pete S : it here. ‘Ask about prices at the ‘‘Sun” Office, | foaming Indians could find enough in see ae Can be had tJ. Ketter hi the mistake, whereupon he signalled aut > aa - ee 7 ae * es ee a. fee 2 are rr “Now we & elterborn’s in the 3 i a Then he got out of range. a assortment from which to select. is large. 2 ing’ the month of september | learn of -great root and wheat crops : Z Thre ips = conte Brig, Sat OES avo) 3 ey oy eae em Saree *% Collar Forms there,were 2,020 homestead entries in| coming from quarters where it used to Ling Of oc es their sshatacha ne aitied at the. Britiake y 3 g' SA Regular 19. now ‘sc. each. Black or Manitoba, the North west ee ‘be thought that snow lingered until ; = rainy Adsaitel a ie He ship and high quality of material were points con- me White sieaee and British Columbia. The new)summer; of huge trees giving their F: Hs at: rf EY = canary into atte, Pee be- 15 > sidered by us when placing these gocds on the floors. x Bas 2 = (aR oe Hea oe amount parities e saw oS oe ah build- a arts i Scotch Tweeds fore the warships réac! erbourg. q - res. | ng and shipping interests ; o! Ss : It is recalled that Admiral: Rojestven- i se = 1 he Upholstery work has been done with un- 7S the west is now filling in with. people} and herds ; and of a land of many riv- . ally close | 35 declared that there were no tor- Your yote and iflueace: re i : =e Pho eee rt caloringcioe all WG : Fancy Gollars and the grain-growing area inereas-| ers where power may be evolved | at prices to suit ua’ We will put portant Russian fortifications. | pedo boats accompanying him. ‘spectfully solicited in a PB: Es WMOTRREf foc. aid: coe. pourschan ing. These figures do not include ag = lights and railroads. a smile that won’t come off all winter on ‘this form of attack isless spec-} Only seven Russian torpedo boats behalf of : Liberal majority z 70| 9K best coverings always in stock, so that we can cover a ie 35¢-, 40C., 50¢., your choice Bee who entered. cee Sone ie - nly beginning to realize the” Pie the face of every man who is wise enough ay. : 5 of a2 OC. nds previously homesteaded. or | sibilities of this reat country, ras m Bnet tae acalar and less costly im men than re-| Tere aba Tangier, whe sete “ ce. ‘The Toronto News _ Independent | to your order in any color or pattern. + weve gare pari fia oe i = = : to come here for his new Fall Sut. | these erat MR. Jd P.M ABEE ber Bi : We deliver goods free al = y : been unable to handle the grain crop] : : : edele a cb Com, Doabttal | <2 Ladies’ Belts _ {5 it gught to be handled in the inter-| Milverton Roller Mills | Quality Fit, and Werlanans Handling Hogs. 2 . Ww te: tisfacti *€« | ests of the grower and the G. T. P.} ‘ am id = bins Liberal Candidate for th Sh 13 aK : e eee aaa e satisiaction ze 4 Trimmed with brass buttons, worth all of _ | cannot be built quick enough to meet |— : Guaranteed. oe a a Tecnk hives iberal Candidate for the “- z 4 50c., while they last 25c. each. Any size. ¥ the multiplying needs of the West. — | _bubowe ‘out ap to Mheseandars ic : 3 recently received tho following com- House of Commons. Siero 2 ie here ie uB excase for dealing away] a: Glucr city Bane : é jamb 2 0 munication from the 2 Davis Beith Cola eat ee L * : . PE Hiren home “Money: should “be spent 4 eae. SOE Posen epee soe N. W Territories’ 5 | eee ee * Hosiery wi in sie: Tos ality in scat it fa “raaliag feet Ok te. Promptly "Attenied Te ins useful information og. rais- “2 0 0 rst ar iture tore : : Pe otherwise the growth and suc of} r Jers i— Nomination on 28th October| ~"* == eel a ¥ f Post in Stratford. = 50 dozen, all wool, for 25¢. pair. district is impaired. The conduct’ of} Soatne Gr 2G, Sendo, for Dear Sif®-In common with all E 120. 65 29 ast of Fos' Cee patiora. x - was beopls whe bas ot ered nog __Which wepay highestmarket packers, we haye suffered persistent . A Which if the doubtful constituen- : and outside for cash cannot and important Ysseschrouit Droid Polling on Thursday, Noy. 3rd.) WP aiviaca equally, wil give a RRA AR HRARARRRARIR RRR IRI D. & A. Corset et ae The merchants PF EPPER: B RO Si hogs. On investigation we have _con- Ae Liberal majority of Regular $1.00, now 75c. a mow wl at they have to contend with’ staaicly eutablialied Uink s0e¥ of this os : = = ee : in out Ee popalaie' this country, nd js caused. by the improper handling of ; = STi TTT UL i P a ly mark things down. to the lowest| F sy let go one shred of the-rd-|the stock by farmers and shippers GOD SAVE THE KING in my A Wo vif Y. © | possible prices so if Stay edt ae ove z by. besomin Gz | We have comminféated with the rai | Oren arn cash or its equivalent jin value, they | u | Moor authoritien, and they have proin-| Stratford, Oct. 2ith, 104, 2 x : NRE W : 2 ply, any color; soc. Ib. suffer loss. Be loyal to yout own d's- atest | aye ha 3 = 5 Z Pee trict. Assist the merchants so far as: 1 = | eats Sones ronan Fs jute oriixed a edouicone bath’ ich han | .E ee : : lies in your power to take advantage] Por sal present, and xe are now asking you ti wD wee ee | F A G @ @ D s Es J 2 Pp Silk — ¢ gt bite nk ae iy. eiving him! Betcrar Merchant. eo geph paediae ———— to co-operate and to use greater care i Bash or Sale. L E 2 = the cash with which to do so and you 2 —— ghost Show Goecd/in receiving and shipping your hogs * } E To clear the balance of our Sie we will z will find that every effort put forth. in] om See that thes are uot tr ack or -other- Asplenaia bona ro-story wes | 4 offer it for 12%4c. yd. Come quick. epee Enter ae ata interes pea Messrs. wise bruised either by hotise, ont eet. eye : Monetary ‘Times ou While it is an-| y yourself. rand acre of land. | We have just received a new Shipment: 4 7 = say eros ina ngs people tice of mang shipper New building. Price $ 1S oe ie P : Zé veg : Superintendent Cowan is consider-|- 4\ improved ne appearance a their : € passage. of | unloading to punch the One and a half story brick veneered of Fall Goods, whic! speluce: : = Millinery ing the advisability of inaugurating) “STRATFORD, Ce 5 1 : A Heads - = 4 cols tame compton gee, oo. et ee we .| > <7as wellas adding to the convemence strike ee = ; = 16 percent. off any “hat botight in=this throughout the Province. His iden is| thts cintiore Students eee s Overceatings, s ‘Suitings,E . department. | [eee ea sovieties for tie best may en: Seem nna re < by r installing - Ascetylene : ‘ | 3 kept farms, as v done some years |. = 5 ate Bae. ¢ : 2 3 Coie eciniee non a TBe ese veazieule ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, PRINGIPALs. They ae ys endeavor to ; few fasmers | This property ¥ will be sold Always at the Top 5 ‘ Trouserings, a Bont Forget our r siock of Furs is turé. dnd arts competition —~ : a y See: Ht not digposed of before lst ot Novern- 3 2 would be given for the best fa si : be up-to-date. é r hogs, the ‘bailing ber: N F ll S i £ Pai 70 [2 f . 3 now complete. # farm if} 1a A Ay T E D aoe 3 2 d@ be advised | | : 3 4 : aes 4 3 . ae / 5 ; aa wade Se sd¥ine ra. store brick deeiag with | ew. a ty OE | é ea nde ae 5 é j Their Se is replete with a igs line of pericoated. Behera cy Ee | frame Kiteben and soo etapietc, We-have just received -a Call. S a ds, g Wanted -= 5000 lbs. of Fowl, for which ing of grove. ee — ia’ goal faith, bred by past -experl-{ great importance with the approach of | Water. good cellar, corner lot. Corn-| new shipment in Ladies’ and all in and examine” ese. soe oy we will pay. the top market j ee = ecessful ones in tes elass would, in pa 1 a Fe fice, engenders a very general feeling | winter is the proper ‘3 hie| er of Mainand George streets. Price x40’, Fine Shoe no ols to* he We ay. ae 25 r hel A de StF Strive for tho t bes a cams 22 =n tothe valne of the}cars, All wet or frozen manck should |$1300. Mens £:ne Shoes. = “pay 3S a bushel for oe oe the B: ee work on fhe Gag ssd\ Gaeric| ; Bal-|be carefully cleaned fom the cars, = : Onions. = |_| best farm in the ovine. : if a Sesied and a half story brick veneered Geo. A. Siater for Men F 3 able that. an early meetin, the [and 6 good, ary bed put in seéiting. ith Kitclies andisriodched: an eee pay Se section to the Purna are sue that improvement {hard an soft, water, ood stgble: oie Sor Nomen the “proposal will be put in defini the purchasers. several makes to hone: from along ihe lines suggested would re-| North side of John street. Price Shoe os chad Wb aanyek * Pee om, sult in landing. your stock in much{e a * pes ae =, simiiar } better condition. member, alleon-| J] have a lot-of fartns. ae my list. ¥ - | cerned will oe a share of the profit} Call and see me for bargai Fy “There is- little} caused by tion USES an aoe for = ist seleoticn if Hapee the saving a unnecessary losses. ae Edin Sewing Machines ii ne

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