Milverton Sun, 1 Dec 1904, p. 6

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GET Ue TIRED ofan an Sages When You Need Physic He waé a seedy-looking individual, | _ Get a box of ‘the old reliable Dr, WEARY ALL DAY'« \d as he stood Rien the bone ae | Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake ana me wistfally att hedisappearing form ! Sp ease which loosens the Saar fa news boy who had just without causing griping pains. No Never Feel — Refreshed —Always| of * nvus Dov who pa ust picked op rewedy is half so satisfactory as Dr Played Gut, Weak, languid; | of-with the prize, there was a vague | Hamilton's Pills, Price 2c. Discont loa rssceaiee ahh Get ada sg : aspect of dispair in his attitude whieh : XMAS is once more tented ples eae i s é ‘ "approaching, and you cor. be,the mildlooking- party stopped,| - D- Weir's Sate Register. will find us in the and:xaziog at the solitary er a thi dressed it thus— At Milverton, on Saturday, Dee. | lead this year again “Old man, wouldn’t you like tohave 3rd, the farm stock, implements and | in the line of Toys, z i a drink this morning 7” \rwo frame buildings of Mr. Samuel! - Fancy Glass and Will Infuse the Vim and Fire of} “youve read me as acurately ais| Whaley © commence at 1.30 : i though wy ‘thought inted | P-™- Chinaware, Confec- Youth Into Your Veins. an en eeplied the Solitary ttionery, Etc. Watch taking bis quia from bis south, and GENERAL NEWS Dg a dilapidated coat sleeve over * for our advt. next Quick permanent care follows Fer- Reel rozone. It braces at once, uiakes you thought so,” murmured the The new Mennonite Church in Han- Pea ap he feel like new. You rejoice ina new | wild-looking party, while a tear triek-| over was dedicated on Sunday last. | found strength, in vital energy, in}led down his cheek; “but conquer|A Holine i ld on power to act, to think, todo Nojthe desire. Fight it as you would a , Puesday and otic of other medicine on earth so_ beneficial | legion of devils, for drink has rnined |this week. to the weak, the ran-down and ner-| many aman who had a more expan- 2 vons. sive forehead than you've got. sasuicapesucssprevsscepanionua 999s Ss ?A GREAT SALE For 2 Days Only Friday & an 3 z migit and daylight on Mr. George E. Sainsburg, EA 179} And then the wild looking party Santee metas over two feet of Queen etreat, Toronto, was complete- “lees on his way, oe the Soli-| iow felt on the opel aaethe disnsee te eed ES nad re oe |sroand Seaforth, being the heaviest fall of snow ever known there in such a short Spee oftime. “The streets in dR. Yost & Son % “My appetite was poor, and I Short Stories Retold. the town and the roads in the country | MILVERTON STATION} "eaion partes of ns of collapse. ware almost blockaded. x, Ferrozone. snber trom the faculty of the Mrs. Andrew Tilley died at her “Tt braced up my nerves, gave wniveraity of Chicago tells of the sad }home in Strato after an illness of mea good appetite, eiscugtasaed ease of a young woman from Indiana} qi. Weeks, She was the only daugh-! = blood, and made, me feel young | who was desirous of attaining social tM: and Mic BD Dafton. of! in. I-am now a the best of|Pprominence in Chieago. Soon ieee Se ase ee eee ol tealt, just because { used Ferro-|her arrival there she made the ac-|Stratford. She leaves to mourn her Jes ee = student at the antes, Joss her parents, her husband and two Wanebiue tolive in a half-dead ie a great children, one of which is only ene, condition. Ferrozone -will- vitalize eidendy ie was at this tine thet she| month old. you. It will give you reserve strength | realized for the first time her early = rs & & ° 8 & = & € 4 El SOUVENIRS of Milverton self control, surplus vigor. It’s the|Ucation had been neglected, for ‘ave J, Cooper’s grain warehouse’ at | ceratict most strengthening medicine made ;| said to a friend: ‘I suppose that, as Godietien was destroyed by fire at ten | Der box, or fix for $2.50, at ail/he inacollege man, Wl Uses tobe| o'clock Saturday morning. It con-| 9 “We have just placed in our, @| dealers in medicine, or Polson & Co., awful careful whatI say, What'll I | tamed five so es of oats. | Kin ‘Ont., and Hartford, eos talk about to him?” The. friend paeeete uuggested history as aaafe topic, ‘To| parley and wheat. | There aks he her friend’s astonishment, she took | PS¥rance on e but ng, aS ie se (serionsly, and shortly | Contents were partially covered. ee acantincs “bone-up” {stain was partly owned by Hay Bros, - ie tn Boglish history. _ When the voung | of Listowel. The fire originated fx — n called the girl listened for some | the explosion of a gasoli On Monday, Nov. 28th., between my store as with ill-concealed impatience to and She Dast © ‘Office, lice axe dollar bank bill. | his talk of. football, ontdoor meets.| What is vastly more needed than! bs rewarded by leaving it at ™| dances, ete,, but finally she decided | a plan for the encouragement of moth- | to take the matter in her own hands. |erhood, is a well-devised, sustained | She had not done all that reading for | sustained and intelligent effort to min-| ESTRAY. nothing +80. pause In the ‘conver-|imize the present abnormal death rate | tunity, che suddenly exclniined oth | 2 the older communities, and espec-| a Strayed on nto i spore ocean considerable vivacity : “Wasn’tit aw- ially in the cities: ‘To instruct: young | show cases a handsome line of § | Souvenirs of Milverton. These § | make lovely presents for distant Dee. 2 and 38. SILVERWARE We have in stock a fine & "assortment. These goods’ are of the best quality, Call and see them. Se ee ee ee giuiccssusab When $15,000.00 worth of Merchandise will be placed ned. son red fol about Mary, Queen of Seots?”»|mothers how to take care of their| i idi ] Sets Chananee epee nc Ee *\“wWhy, what's-the matter?” stam-| children, how to feed them, how to] on sale at riaicuious Page Josmps carck! | | mered’ the, student, confused. "My clothe them, and how tomurse them in Si! Pa is!” almost yelled’ the gifl|sickness is likely to save more lives i P, H. Bastendorff Roe pein soe m will-be gained in net from prices. STRAYED, A te thing had her head |any system of financial. encourage-| ment to an Increasing birth rate. —| i Yaneoaver Province i ‘S| John movers peinians Were | Jeweler and Graduate Optician ae AR ay Steer: sm the premises of the unders “Expert Watchmaker. 2 com 7. genes: on Monday 25th, a jet black, short-tailed pup, at months old, He has a few white hairs on An outspoken American says that} bottom lip, Information as to his where outs be regarded as a favor by. fer he people of the United States choose a s = 3 Davin Gare, | pe pearesres Revere ae s President the man. whose breath | For instance: < ae ‘ nelle most of gunpowder, There 3 g A SIGNIFICANT FACT ad accept his utterances ae the rey | some:trath in wat te Before 20 Ibs. Gran. Sugar for $1.00 STRAYED. Bicint ctannalisties the Whitstones stands statute, Sead Dracus freee — Peuginces sei the United States| not of Washington or Jefferson. but 5 “There are four Life Companies in| Onto the premises of the undersigned, tot} look upon Mr. Morley as something iv | of Jackson ramping on a w : 3 plugs McDonald Tobacco Senna which= fh 1 x {8;con. 12, Moraington, on or about “Oct. the nature of: tert £ ‘They | though hi ht to be shelter x for lanada which, from “their pro- a = ofan entertainment ‘They | though he ough @ shel iy 25¢. outages have tobe book Tobe es tact Sight crtags see ose ee sight about banquet him and enjoy his qnips and cotton-bale. Jackson's br hes gual “ bs c % 3 ; 240 pownds.. Owner is re to jests and think that his glorification at Pneetioe with = vedecbute and 4 plugs eee Bobs, Currency, ed upon as leading allothers. | property, pay Cipraset and toxe te ebhusll of free trade’ tg funnier tian all bis| oe er cupitaare ent r Play for 2 e tt last ye vt j oS es Daum Vou..Hewon Bo. | °UO ONST ere catiee country than did this man with. his 8 cou Hasdkerch: of for 25¢ . = in New. York the seriously attacked | Military insolence and his ‘Kitchen 5 pair Black Socks for 25¢ ine utua ive ESTRAY. protectionand was politely laughed at | Cabinet,” giving up the ues service 5 Pi “KS 5c. Pee but at the farewell bangnet last Sat-| to pillage by his mob, on the principle Fancy Hair Combs worth up zs f d "Strajed onto the premises of the under. | UPday night the gaest of honor joked |that to Wag eee valeurs eels Rene anaes OT Vanada) «nc ioc-tasson, 7) Mornington ne toto kek ont ern subjeot as follows: | General Haxsiso 4 $6 Men's Suits fers : 2 Z center ew eT aa hwo a “Tam not going to-say a word | powder President ; General Taylor was : 3-75 out-distanced them all in two very Ores may hee a see gests aye pine t free trade to-night, mot a | third: though both were mildness $10 Overcoats for $7.50 important respects : 5 foe es Mi: We reniember the time of the ist SEE a ee $1.25 Underwear for 75c. ne -(a) It paid a Larger Amount in delicate adjustment in the»prin- rant was made President on’ the $1.25 W. G.& R. Shirts 75¢. ion ipal ufehatel of the con-- |&an-powder ticket, and proved no bet- wersy regarding eternal dam- | ter statesman than those who elected In the course of the ue ‘on the ticket hada right to ex- Peeves tte polisyholders than any one of them, an A. M. PANTON, pty Steir Be 2 25c. Ties for 25c. : Thursday, Wm. Burt (b) Tv oo its surplos” by]/fet tease aitferenses ‘crver Sie? matter” an Nests Paseooncen « aallikecy | $5 Skirts for $2.25 $10,000 more than the combined in- appeal was made to the Ewperor, Estineton has played a part in sever- | $2.50 Men's Hais for 98c ‘grease of the four companies. who thus pronounced judgment: | al other elections or nominations, i =| 85c. Carpets for 5 58: VeeseseaaseeaeseeeaaseeVBeeesaeeVsesesssasesasaeesseseeessseassseaeeee Se. $3 Carpet See for $1.95 $6. Rugs for $4.30 $2 Dress Goods Boe. “In Neufchatel, those who do The Matual Life of Canada owns cluding the election of yesterday. In nee BANK OF MONTREAL) yo: wi te voters fp ctemial [the chic of watas for pubic lace fore not affected in any way by the| Esrabvisuep 1x THE Year 1817. wish to be interually damned. he military preference is strongly ‘enormous shrinkage in values in cer- President, let them eternally be danined. ora Zi (Laughter commerce and industry, as American ss tain securities, which occurred dur-| Lord Strathcona and Mount Kahin ies whieh Wie Ualked-Btatea| title-warahip ts from: ‘democracy.)- It $15 Jackets for $5.00 ing the past year. Royal. G, C. i. G. s eSbEae at Sosa nehie and esserese will haye its hour. S : receive the amateur opinions of Mr. W_ H. GROSCH ,Local Agent Paid up Capital - - °314,000,000) sorley was illust by Senator D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt.|Reserve Fund - - - $10,000,000| Depew, when he said:— é “Ti Mr. Morley is right .and SAVINGS BANK DEPT. protection: is the polley of. eter- H, Mo hh P Interest paid or compounded half} nal hell--then hell has been mis- a _ G. F. GROSCH, yearly repretated itis undoubtedly «| cory and Bakery. che Sr B a aes : le ton's. Up-tccdate EP Winky, | see ee Everything in the store at cut prices. fg >— ae eke Harness Shop Mosaics COMMERCIAL Ss kee ‘ Come early, don’t wait. at i args sbipmebt-of New Fru = ay SAFE and PERMANENT frceay acanntmow tems Boa ing Music will be furnished by Miss Clara Guenther on the piano. when you bny from us. : MiLYERTON, Dee. 1 JUST ARRIVED isthe position of Rall wheat pe bush. 5 ini Tatiey pertiah The Dominion elie sosticbes Ulanken euge LIFE ASSURANGE CO. |-2o07 New Raisins, 3 Ib. for 25¢.} New Currants, 3 lb. for 2 New Dates, 3 Ib. for 25c.! 2 4 . * a ton... iu , ie oil cloths, etc.,- which will be Established 1869. sat yas por galiiel: New Prunes, 3 Ib. for 25¢. # ; : ie é Bags pord 2 “ia We have engaged a big 3 . as at lowest possible prices. <n Ga | 845 2 staff of com : Se SS s- FAIR axp SQUARE petent salesmen. x Tarkeys por pound 8 a Onr Package Red Ruse Tea is a 4 a 10 ny Sepaiee HA in all its denlinge is the reputation it] fins fi ‘i 13 g dhl beauty, try a yeill haxe Also barg: BACK | ro omrned amonget its p ee 5 2 sino other: Prise 25 and 41 , Remember only two days, next Friday single, and team “harness,| — poficies issued on the best plans. | B™% pr ton. z j ands Gelce ST : : whips, halters, brush combs, oe Just cut a nice wild Cheese, 12c.\ me e Yb. per 33 H. MOHR Highest Price paid for Fowl, and Eggs. SVSVoSVeSeGeeeeecceeeeeeeeeeer ssuseaoveasacesdaiene ‘ > Herd Oflee, - Waterloo, Ont, #3." 4 is — Pea GF. GROSCH | Sere, PO Erencerng | orien ror ing ee! naaiog Potatoes. per bag Butter Groseh & Pfeffer. SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AS SA Next door to Grosch’s Shoe Store. | Fred, Halstead, Supt. of Agencies.

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