The Milverton Sun Is) nae best Paese Sele in the as Perth, It is the Best. Advertisi Baier teases romteable Sate Ber year, verietiyin mclusnds, ope -M. MacBer if Rot § |, PURLISHER. ae. G.T.R. Time Table ‘Trains ee to leave Milverton. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1905 Persons beyond reason. (New Orleans Picayune.) There may be two individuals who ‘ean not be reasoned with—a girl in Joye and a man pies is determined to run for an office. --An Impertatism eee Independent. fifteen being found guilty of theta ‘the police magistrate of Sut- Dy best)" them free of charge. they have no equal. A Household Necessity Because of the many uses it can be put to. sickness it is better than hot clothes or bricks. makes a hot applicatlon a pleasure, because it does away with disagreeable wet cloths, end the like A Guaranteed Hot Water Bottle Guaranteed not to leak for one year, if by any mishap they should, ea back, we will replace Cold weather is at hand, the time to ‘buy these comforts isnow. ‘Io keep the feet warm —while riding From 90c, ee ee 5 al Shea, Hibbert, AReare $95 pers Mitverton The Public Drug Co., Limited Druggists and Stationers nd Indians’ Test of Fast Shooting. Country Life i in America. ndian The following wills have been. filed trogate court during s. Wood, senate Jol He sonal, re; SEER ea wee _ American Oil 25. ae ROSE & DUMA Profit System is a Great Succe. course ps to Canada, owiee it was Quite charming. And so Paperaliitie: donterehno, “ha peileeicn /’ (Gincinnett Ina ht Enslish judge has officially de- -like to meet the beh Saas oats “would dare say they AMan Hates Himself. Aho he wakes ap with headache relieves the sick iealing tend fits a for a bard day's work, ‘Try Ner- viline. ies bottles suse 2e. ‘Decay of Bar of Bar Oratory. Fontan Oplaion: ae at the bar has within the proper sense of the word. Current Topics Discussed by oldwin Smith. A fortress mien areca and n relieved must fall. This is so evident that we cannot help wondering at the prodigious sacrifice of life made by the Japanese in taking Port Arthur by storm. The defence, one of the Bae heroic in history, isa lesson tc who, carried. away by the first which Russia .has declared that she will not give ear, id, on tendering an supe ae at iene office, him: Americans aie aes aes ‘ Uanadian-tendering a Canadian bill|r at the hotel or the ticket office in Buf- falo, would be treated in the same ~ way. Has it aoee ae to this zealous ary reputation 4 ae adia: which, as well as Canadian coi readily on the Am eee where they are known, Slate, is simply minds us, circulate very freely over the States and are received not only without Sere but rather “at a ¢ “The House of Quality.” JANUARY HAT SALE All Hats at Half Price We want to clear out all our present Hat stock, and we -take the quickest way of doing so by cutting the prices in two. $3.00 Hats now 2.50 Hats now 2.00 Hats now - 1.50 Hats now These hats are all new—just in.a few months, but they must be cleared out as we want their lodgings for new-comers. Stratford, Charles H. Davies, CUTFITTER TO MEN, Ontario. An Election Card. (Toronto Saturday e following interesting election ight) if ‘/eard, clipped from the Leamington, & & = 33 a3 3 Ont., News o! that the morality, tewperanee aud re- s|ligious movement is not confined Be, 25, ese ¢ bay. the feel iether pious duty to com- ce ae ELECTORS of MERSEA. t| To the E ectors of the Township of Mersea Gentleman,—I have for some years acted as councillor, and there is v considerable amount of work th been commenced under my supervis- ion that I would like to finish. -1 the township well. I ai also astand- ard bearer forthe Lord, and should have the sapport of all who have ‘|hope throngh Him. At the same time you should not forget your one : man, Yours traly, C. L. WINGROVE. eS eS Invasion of U.S. Capital. It is evident from usvices at bald that Canada is manufacturing Serie many millions ‘of doll factories in the Dominion fore October Ist, 19 taliation Act” goes into effect, AS is said that on the completion of the {Canadian Niagara Power company’s ag: plant, at Niagara Falls, Ontario, work will at once be commenced upon the serve as Céundian branches of these industries are ouses. net brought te the Canadian side by fie Laurier Act, and also by the legi lation, which imposes additional aud heavy duty upon articles imported to di cheay he|CGanada ‘and sold cheaper there a in the country of their manu- facture.—Trade Review. The real ase Sta Nes and im- 0, Real estate. farm stook and jeaple se Pp Considerable amusement is said to in rete BANK OF MONTREAL 2 TABLISHED IN THE Year 1817. Presi Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. G, C. Th. G. 14,000,000 $10,000,000 PT, “gown half *E P. Winslow, Manager. a to fight and die for tie ite MEETINGS idate © f the Ontario rou will “ ec Friday, Jan. 13, ’05 il The meetings will commence The Candidate ; Mr. Spotton, and others will address BUY RUBBERS and save Cough We have a complete line of all grades, and can fit any shoe. Wd. & Grosch & Son White Sewing Machin My lease for five years expires on February ist., 1905, an having re-leased the premises for another term I will have to ask for a settlement of all ae counts by February 1 all accounts not paid by Jan. r5th., statements will be sent out, for in order to do business successfully you must have the money, and I would be very much pleased to have all ac- counts settled by above date. “ «“ 8, in Blue and Black, regular $5.00, 7 ue ta ¢ W. K. Loth Neicgbaie as Tremendous Reduction in Men’s and Boys’ TS and -OVERCOATS A two week's Think of buying your Winter Suits “and Over: Coats at the cost of the cloth, and even less, that is the proposition we are making for the next two weeks. Men’s Overcoats 18, in Blue and Black, regular $12.00, 10.00, Boy’s Overcoats 4:75 = 5-25 Boy's Ulsters 5,in Brown, Grey and Black, k, regular $4.75, for ve 90 Men's Suits In: Black and Blue, regular $10.00 for $7.00 ‘Tweed Suits, regular $8.00 for $5.00 “<- Boy’s Suits Regular $7 for $4, $5 for $2.50, $3. 50 for $1.75. Every Suit and Overcort must go in the next Great Bargains in Furs. selling event in Suits and Over- that will be marked by prices, which will repre- 11.00, 9-00, as, Has roots much Tonger than tl moisture deep down in the ceith: over 28 feet, is completely covered by water. h is “haying seas conse- has fallen. Many sate ad indust- rial establishments have closed down, ad the effect. of i boilers and r mere shell. Some of ti largest aprons in the country, ac- cording reports, were expected to ane ee at any time. ‘The total vote for President at the last election, os ling st eetion of the New York Tim official state ee ae on counts has = aon it 400,000 less than the es 3) 1900. resident Roosevelt r Saved 7,640,560 code 5,093, 891 foe regan, Socialist Labor, 33,519. We learn that Dr. Rutherford has formally taken Dr Large in. partner- ship with him. ‘The name of the firm fa vie tutare willbe: Dee Rutherford and Large, After graduating from Dr. Large spent some seven months in ereased by his taking Dr. Large into partnership with him.— Listowel Standard. RAH aauaneanennannannennnnnansnnsnsasnasnens nite z a. ‘ Eg oe SEE MERCHANT TAILOR. A EN Nobby Overcoat We have a few of these fine Overeoatings left which we will sell at greatly reduced prices order to clear them out, Winter Suitings The weather for heavy suits is now to and we have a fine range in Scotch Tweeds a = Worsteds, which we are clearing out at cost. Come and have a look at our goods, whether you buy or not. Ready-mades always kept in stock. JANUARY, 12, 19 new species of grass now culti-} An attempt is now being aided vated in the droughty regions of Kan- ee sesle to introduce Ei aS aoe An K Si the growth above the ground, postion consignment of 500. birds, soneiing n the plant to find and thrive upon | of 100 ‘The smallest ae island in the |? world is that on which the Ed Lee consignment will prove successful. is only feet in aaa At: hi; h eater ate tae oF he lighthouse, which has adiameter of only a little cence in rome parts of the Eastern the vee districts the ae ie for stock and domestic : | velt,- daughter of - -Droaiions Roceoeale Sw the University of Toronto last year, | Co) birds into British Columbi; pairs of gold finches, of larks, and50 pairs of Te A dozen gitls have left Chicago vate a tae Sea saa einai bet and UNDERTAKING. University because they were “separ- ated from the boys and were not al- lowed to have any beaux. They do to an institution in es where things are freer and easiei The son of o Coin Prince of Sweden, it is has ie casting “sheep's eyes” ae "Miss Alice Roose- 3 MATTRESSES Bb lish newspaper discusses the maison, and says she would make oyal bride, and that King Oscar would no doubt, give his consent. At the French penal colony, Nou- mea, New Caledonia, the convicts have organized a band. The leader is a notorious mundane: The syiin player killed a subpoena bags ape ers’ Lists to be obtained for the only Proyincial voters’ lis pies for. each Lead air er in the Having an over-stock for which we have no allotted space, we will clean out the bunch at 20 per cent. off regular prices. These prices last for twelve ing eleetion,. Mr. Smith said. days only. Take advantage hands of the Clerk's of the Peaco, and of this golden opportunity. it may. be. sai 19 i 9 al r the succ Enter now. — Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principats. The New Ae has a surplus of $ [CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES se: are now busily. en new. armour of the, world twenty-four i 6 imbed. including Mount Everest. aisaally begins to Ieee ;the age of fifty, end at the 1 layor Lewis, of Goderich, a the inations state - Bailvay in i Ontario within ‘a short, per- A Seas, Nie Wen ath | fo g aegar one ur Bo Gare A son, the tw a ‘The net receipts of the ne a .|the United Kingdom wére greater pe than in any of Hip p rs E. Knechtel, TT TTT TTA ro STOVES See our Coal and Wood Heaters. FURNACES | Leave your order fF bar next year's furnace with us now. TINWARE Now is the time to order your Tinware for spring. We have plenty of time to turn out work for 54 HARDWARE Of eyery kind kept in stock. ural Free Delivery. of the mails a as been so. extended in the United tates that the service now costs Ae é ),000 eee and approxim- ‘a larger use of the oe pared with last ye: s fost at least 11-2 zs he weiiee tal see West Africa, Hee just heen i: partment, and si amountiig to in menu. The Department | every year. Ther jon of Parliament. | Prize sing. lence to ne oe 100 for year. The total iocda was $0 103,- ad, ‘The estimated ee ee a oe "GENERAL NEWS = Aussi 600 ease vot iF 300, 0 com Aree 25,000 divorces were enna nited. Sa bee Year for in ility oft a just cause for rinteagecmall ae pay The Canadian government has operation 6241 miles miles completed and h 299 officers. nce is spending lasso sums mage sande of et Pa b; ne higher than during the “years med. Camille Pelletan, Minister of oe “:G. F. GROSCH, e 2 Formed Ue bsincpal portion if ie opening of new se abattaies for Mee |. | ing horses at pe ie More oe thirty-five thousand horses, mules ai onkeys are Sotcsied ae footie rate ereis a ten-months-old baby in Brooklyn, the city of churches, and hot-ved. of great pu; gil ists, so strong wil that his fae mother is already train- ng in€ cede a Tee ing him, and has set him apart for the Ww his to | brother, ee es of "ee, ‘hae yio- The ment- e cable aiee Tinks Canada and Austral- last. ai ses and. en | sent ao A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their pro- minenee, hare long been look- pon as leading all others. ut last ye ar | The Mutual Life of Canada out distanced them all in two very important respects : (a) Tt paid a Larger Amount in are] Daher policyholders than any one of them, and (b) Te increased its surplus by $10,000: more than the combined in- tvease of the four companies. The Matual Life of Canada owns 1o-stocks, and its assets were there: fore not aftcoutd 3 in any way by the enoripous ein values in car- tain securities, “which occurred dur- ing the: past year, W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. Milverton’s Up-to-date Harness Shop JUST ARRIVED ment of robes, blankets, rugs, n{oil cloths, etc, which will be) °° sold at lowest possible “prices. Also bargains in fine track | single, and team harness, . whips, halters, brush combs, | G. GF. GROSCH. i mi Just Arrived, a large ship-| bad necessary would not be sonumerous as maven neve TAME REAL ee od with the lists as pri: thay ee dee : ime when seu: When aby Comes You'll Need Strength No = Mother Can~ Rear -a Healthy Child Unless She Is Stronger Herself. to come here for his new Fall F E R R OZO N E Guaranteed. THING by pal fe and ten Vosurprised : Can be had at J. Kelterborn’s in the Fall Suits in Scotch Tweeds at prices to suit everybody. We will put a smile that won’t come off all winter on the face of every man who is wise enough Quality, Fit, and Workmanship Imparts New Vigor—Braces, : Nourishes, Strengthens Weak ‘A womnan’s anxietiés multiply ten- fold about the tinre the new baby Women. John Kelterborn, Hoffman Block. : = 2 Miiverton. | er strength isextianists goes hari - Ferrozone the body, it uplifts your spirits at PESO EI IP RESIS Aer Results for 1903. Childbirth is certainly made easier Assurances issued and pnidfor = - = - == over 1902 ory—ol Cash Income from Premiums, Tnteresk, Rents, ‘aes other women. may ‘nerease over = : ze profit he her Spaces Assets at 31st December, 1903 ow - - “Before baby was born I was in a Spi craacd-ober 102 ~ ing to the Company's Standard, the Hin, Table, with ea, knowing I was unequal to the} and 34 per cent. on those re So) SOS ee crease over 1902 ato Rhee Baalyer: Profits paid Policyholders “1 ts, and | Profits pai y' segs eae a Denil Guia Motard: Wise wcnts: Drofticand: alk poe From my experience with Fer-| — payments to crate during 180 3 eT recomend it to all expee-} Death Claims, Matured Endowments, ‘Pranteand al tan ino Oe keg ee paiusenis te Polleylolders un December Sian, 1008 here store concentrated n an| Life Assurance in force December 31st, 1905 Increase over 1902 ROE nets - ishment in Ferrozone than yi t fi makes healthy Ty it, 50e. cat SN Life = Company of -_ 1) Undivided Surplus over all Lnbitivies opr spiel eco cent. interest on policies issued. ee 31st seeds eee