LESSONS OF THE PAST YEAR You Can Open New Furrows and Sow New Harvest of Happiness. Forgetting the thi ings hich Nay, that resolution that is post- : and reaching forth to those|poned till to-morrow is postponed things Which are Tore=Paiippians forever and foreverf It is now, iii, 13. it is ne eis only one thing that will hap to-morrow—to- Gone the old year with its joys and 2 il lo! a grave di but emory gives us the past ses the present, our real Three hun Tightnings. bound our ye to oo oie no! “7 -ospect ee disturbed mhepohey On ° 5 28 icone tien Pach to take sn taruems:-ap point cat alt ube fe ry day next year Fr poem; every le nd the winter} GREATER THAN YOURSELF, in the furrow that is to be opened 'to4, whom you can learn, and bap at that ie.to wn. THE fone less than youll: Tevery prudent man, therefore, will remem- | 4, stroke of go = work ber only that’ which is good and /tn,. win stand, and cross it forward as need for to-| [thesold Ceo “sunshine with ow's sowing—save as the bad sigue ASPs PRTG D Ss SE SNORE He on. ie that will nat wie, “net will gather up also all that is vile See cea eae 1 —his hatreds, _ his them o of ingratitude, every en- oe mity that poisons his life, every |grow in health and in enjoyment. of mm-of sin, and heave all together ew niga Poss in en ment ee Into pee gulf of oblivion. For, shen | gro s ar is gone, wisdom lets old on re] You can so. an Hail! therefore, and fare wel! to | choose the iusie,ctle gran oer its mis-|tnat y. and the a the old year. Henceforth takes are with God and His mercy; e its seeds sown with ANGELS OF THE HARVEST. t bets ee one day os any and rich, ante and ae, to a truly g _cotuinn of days, you have “the ‘ideal life tel hee: the tree whose trunk bas he treasures of sage mber ‘over the future, for to-morrow’s sun and rain. Not otherwise i it with the mai vat, apostle who had sown epplnees ‘but whose forget the Ss t s the aed With ha; morrow holds the sheaf and | in the harvest. Yesterday fashioned the sword that the leader unsheath day in the name of a great reform, to-morrow holds the onset, the bat- n ito_a_great opportunit: he 's the man DOES THE BABY THRIVE? | Tf not, something. must be wrong with its food. If ‘the mother’s milk doesn’t nourish it, she needs Scort’s Emutsion. It supplies the elements of fat required for Toot of those October days . nam sixty. But a rich and successful old yea dictates labor, larger plans, |] the i more arduous work lay. Strictly Pee Bey aeEOr speaking, man has nothing, save nourished by its artificial HE PRESENT M Tr. . . To-day is the crest of the wave that |] £004, then it requires ed lay and forward into a furrow famed to-morrow. Life’s greatest pe is Ales “Now is the accepted { - ment is a golden Top: freightod wit Scott's destiny. ‘The worlé 16 full of gifted 4 iment whose careers will end this year “but who never fulfilled — thei own hopes or the ambitions of their friends. On ir tombs should bi writt one “He neglect. to-day; therefore he failed. Half ~ teaspoonful three Cervantes has a picture of youth 2 meee ‘who lived in-a house a To. cz four times a day in its Bee at Ls eee ee Pave s - . . Sireety ‘and the |f bottle will bring the desired ea ve Ri Htame of the city was “Never” The ‘result. It seems to have a magical effect ara babies and children. ‘Thiswil cro duties and a worth the Jiv eward ‘then, the Fo: lying over nig] os BIRDS eee ga A ee impanelled, no able to infor: Pose. o a gat behind the managed. procecdings. e, ai to , and t Tn there | is te fully poles of m= cholar. ‘To-morrow miser © unloose SCOTT & ROWNE, Chemists, Toronto. = the money am pear oul He “golden 25 treasure. life aot the old Beli :w year and the “best that is Uppers porta. a £ HOW CODFISH ARE CAUGHT. And How They Are Made Ready Codfishing is dore with The heir accumulation of fi ie being baited again when “over: hauled.” ‘The fish are taken to the Yaleels in the dgries, eviscerated, and sal is routine eons until the bait is exhausted, the vessel returns home, lands the fish, It 10 bape until the salt has be was 72, 2S eared ee. COURT. Eesewionee Dakot: crow that eloped with “the. aie jority of persons laugh at the oro’ , there a few naturalists Who ate inclined to-give it cretion ondson, who studied their habit its for years, tells us that ix the Shetland Islands the holding of crow courts is a ‘ommon occurrence. are employed or One day w along a quiet road ich he was n alighted vein SNC trunk = ad y thoroughfare in Glasgow When full oon eight customers. wd all the days with lelights, Life will wing. Work will bring poo: “Ail han to x Market. aited in the day, “iat ht, and are eeiousie next Serre Mer e grav , Who-submerge it in een wash- Worthy of Wide Publicity, ad packets. Black, x Natural GREEN. Received the highest Sach cand gold onal at We'll Write It Down Till Everybody Sees It— Till Everybody Knows It Without Seeing It. -"SALADA" Ceylon Tea i a Rich, Delicious and is absolutely sealed le: ized ©: grocers, Louis. Pure. es only in By all St. Only Tt i =| ea is i sould 500,000 . aes §:) Both as Judge. cota story tells of a jury ornithologist Has beest his oma district. nd, Siaseeting himself of a large tree, obtain a view of the some 20 or dignant sak, hen depar LIC-HOUSE its kind in it can ie — ick- {2 offin,”” and the regular he apparently He crim-|_ BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM. Leroy Se makes the fellow ‘Indictment the companies: er safety largely ie to almost compute million, or its that Boalt not have been suffered! Rene AEE IES INVISIBLE ARTILLERY. there Se rendering @ batt Gases ore ep MIRRORS USED BY ANGLERS. “Pat? Way to Prevent Loss of Tifo|. in Railroads. o ofl ing a Proper. to say that the great- of British lin is long will ine fills recent | One in fiftee ‘Then, together they" Nd do it in_sev- Jove, for injuries and deaths. another five au Now, this |¥ 3 ces Pee oe saved ©: the beer sum. nN years look the book in his A MOTBER’S PRECAUTION. NOT DIFFICULT. said Tommy. ‘es, dear,” replied his fund par- Writing of the thousands killed|"T can’t do this ‘sum, pa,’ con- tinued the pcb hopeful. t) “Let me at it,” said pa, tak- hand. operation at once, h it take for the cistern e See, now. One | ma; the ly then, the um! it in twenty aren in ere: ove, There is no telling sd a medicine 20% there we been lost and the alee ies | box ‘of ai ee ing tro sh Baby's Own T sore momiemne arts beomapee ubles, fe worms and other little is. And the ock ms Stedicine Co. 5 ‘Brockvile, “Ont., ou will get a as Pu tewes simple | ter have es Baby’ n, | and find ther T “Oh, no; I laid out there “in t on rubbery. en I saw him dowse his how: in |the strw: a box by mail post pitather a quaint idea comes from ance, where anglers are in some waters a tiny mirror attached SE to the line near the baited hook.| On all the railroads in the United ‘The idea is that the fish, seeing it-| States there were 43,266 employes self reflected, hastens to snatch the! injured and 3,367 killed during the bait from its supposed rival. Very] past year. Of passengers, 420 were suecessi ults have been obtained being 99 more than in 1903. through the employment of this sim-| ‘There were 6,000 collisions and 4,- ple device. 800 derailments of tra body, that whole system seems One ma oe bedtime, and the resul is Your Liver to Blame Dac rs man? Why, Here Are the Symptoms Which Teil of a . Congested regen Liver, and Indicate the Need ie. Cause Je eaated, Ue appetite ip viinbairen *ilaettion, dere gusure good ihe Gomes are bonstiyic ions arettnan icon Gf are feelings of Talliioge towaecienons as B00 hea about the liver. fogers You may have headache and dizzi some, Br ness, oa iS the limbs, feverish- ha K Iness, yellowness of the eye and skin Mapeencion “ot mpitita, wed ieelealite ity mper. ly So great is the euler of the | ech, liver on the other organs of the once it is “deranged, the so. ave prov e y case. can so quickly and certainly obtain, “I woul relief from torpid, sluggish liver ae-|out a box of t tion ae _by ae use of Dr. Chase’s Kidne lis. th lt this well-known ireatment, DR. CHASE’S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. and you digestion and regular the bird beaten! foundation Ith. Clancy, farmer, Chep- ‘uce County, Ont., sta Chase's Kidney= Liver Pills, and they en secur tully id Poe think of oe ee pills ix ine all tight ‘ecommend set is a thor ansin, of the filter- j again. I can strongly ng and earetiey system ew |r. Chase's Kidney-Liver i vigor and Eee te liver, kid- ae eg: meationce above neys and bo - Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills, one No mily eats ne has been more po a dose, 25 box, at al ly used. in Canada than Dr, | dealer Ridney-Liver Pills, and none i Asroita, sree tation. (or salient of us iven the action nae the ve by every box. recei oe a cents a rs, Or oe Bates & rtrait and He “the fami- It’s that’s not diffi- ow to atrawber Be be Say > Da ame | into the garden, {him - |iong, iccessful in |T: e Germ: There are oe al Saar the Kaiser’s participa: trial enterprises. about tion in’ indus- cee Internal clecorg= Majolica wares “has eae 2 factory belonging eater tions Ae rece ote the Es Tiesidles Pancibg the mate a cern themselves with t vats a JACK’S REMEDY, ae veteran tar, w years in the: ea ie Hiding soon a upon he ant nd at the moment the again, ; volpine: the rate abe: ommadee me after; when» a nn Sane Al ise jboarded by ae a white about “he 1 Deen arose the midship “Ana wetlat. did you do with him, Jack? “I prevented us : Bncing his back here any mi “You did not Kill him, Jack" ape honor. way astern, and with this a shipped his rudd ait pete VALUABLE DOG. A T wouldn't have believed Ah. Why, that you'd have s sos your house,” continued Jo: cs belongs to one of your ees t a Sir; that’s my dog,’ Smith, proudly. *You don't pea ae really old a7 fol ie wouldn't ane cture he was inter- rupted by his Wife calling down the — ‘y Smith, that scattoned these hie gress over my. table?” “Tt must have been the dog, my Wag Dis re vhs we these opple peslingav ont the too she demanded. “The = '. it that dropped rr dog, my dear,” answered of ere’s a bot carpet it’s a burning shame way ‘this house is disordered. ese |collars and poe are scattered over the ro re the noble fellow ont twenty scoldings a ws see,” chuckled Jone: lead have one before Kaiser =, nels Yentures Not ‘eplied | Japanese at spatch from Tokio says: —A!o ved fr bn, and intimates tha’ fied over to the fe aaeeel ets ur pat be 32,000, # 6,000. or 16,000 ‘sick | ae cake: a Peek total 0 Port is as | aiars Of fe om ‘and file ote rank and file ae 2 of the Tot: Bess these there are ‘about 15,- 000 or 000 sick and wounded in the pospita ‘The volunteers are chicfly included in the list of pete tants. 01 saddle horses and 1, 870 draught horses were surrender ed, MAY RELEASE PRISONERS. Patch from Tokio. says —The Se. craft had previously the the Sian charts provided for in the pitnlation agreement, were Annee fio the Japanes: Phe ofa ‘gare giving the ee anese losses ‘ort work of clearing away oon as le r to return tl ion is now ae coaiieca fon that Gen. Nogi will req of PO “enon ani Mail's Chefoo that Russian of- y Vou od Port Arthur. 50,000 men in taking Number of Prisoners Taken by SURRENDERED GARRISON. feats army that the i eet ort- by say, a nd jon stories told y the. prisoners, 18 a Taparicas lost 8 re Hn from Japanese pate. eee the spntitian of Port Arthur is it hat Generals Nogi say and "e 53 one ai- ent Yalu River, other manufactui in Japan fo fortress. The Japanese that the ie r e it, it and me¢ for years will Port Arthur. ATTEMPT AT SURPRISE. A despatch from St. ae maissance in Stoessel; an many throurt a of their armies. ‘the section ese army, promising that world be nee gs care, id be treasured a: ed back to Port Arthur. HAVE MARCHED OUT. A despatch from Port Arthur, lowed the option of remainii zee Arthur. ae the River, in thes atrestion ot Siancha: ecessal Seer erate such tical be ays:—General Kuropa' ts the, frustration of © Japancso~ at- tempt to surprise his te trout the night of January 6, 4 econ- VICTOR AND VANQUISHED. mented the other upon the gallanury with the gr atest farewell Si ed officer’s charger, ‘on which he gallop- with at sae on . {thing of this eae however. ‘ y lay tO) Arthur order. Non-combatants are al- NS General Stoessel, who retires fare Car Arthur with tf lf Meee Honors Atthur will retain only a small gar- ri soon a: risoners are i and is restored. ‘The 4 ed in clear- ing mines, but owing to their great number navigation wi unsafo for @ long time. Only Government craft will be allowed to exiter harbor. is probable that up to Roly. ak neutrals P: establish “weekly services to KOUROPATKIN'S FORCES, an possession Eee ae Fase ae below. ig i fe eeon internal situation might ortant bearing should Japan eanene peace proposals. No- has yet made its appea: a GO VIA NAGASAKT. n trenches, being supper rted by cannonade along the whole from Paris says:—l © defective, ad’ penclenlly wor Tose arouses apprehensions. of a possible future is mown catast ets ae sho’ Fecent Bee ere of the Anaian, Ocea Shot dan- CZAR MAY ORDER BATTLE. ‘A despatch from-London It nt St Petes ist order” a to be- Giieet the eflect ot the lose of Port ae people. ‘Such instructions will ‘ouro- patki ose aidientt The ie 2 of the Minter fee ern i mil- Bis opeations 2 peincaatble: troops faving: the best rth- a |quiet, with recointa Slane rinks the getting. Seed the other side are a orig LEADING MARKETS. The Ruling Prices In Live Stock and Breadstufs., BREADSTUFFS, Toronto, Jan. 10.—Wheat—Ontar -!98c bid, $1 asked for red and white: spring, 94¢e to 95¢; goose, B7c t¢ ec. Manitoba, No. 1 northern, 108; 2 northern $1.03} to $1.04; No, 8 northern, 97¢ to 980, Georgian Bay ports: Ge mors grind tran: an shorts, bias = ae sernorts ari 8, 48¢ for aa ate ae 8 malting fete ees eights Ry 0 Tc for No. 2. a6 troopers, arrived, and the rival mixed, 51s, on track, que ito. commanders upon ceach| A despatch from Tokio says: Gen.| Oats—33c to 33}c No. 1 other for the first time after eight Stooasel and the ane Russian — of- | white, WW. eit No. 2, months’ incessant conflict. . Both|ficers who will e Port. Arthur Bais; sow freights, and 32c, north faised their hands In, ceremonious [on Parole silt heres wen hag ina Ea to ubt |via Naga: Rol Wa ‘Oats—84 for cars’ of ba: ags whether the other poeaiey ro Snate and $4.25 for barrels on track 'To- fends Ges, Nogi:alvmounten) - andi. SIGHTING IN N MANCHURIA, rot, DSc. mapré tor broke ote hare ss ; 0" hey walked | . |amd 40¢ for broken lots outsid to the cottage side by side, chatting|,(* despatch ftom | Mukilen says: |% Peas—67e to S686 for No, 2 west ily not noticing a fatigue |? pndey and f ee . tele ae tho (an panty close Becthat ‘tricating |tack was expected, On Saturday the « a % rpses from’ the adjacent wreckage |Japancse showed indications of be- “ck at—52c to S8c east and or interment. ‘Their interview was, ginning prornes ha eee hate of course, peat. fee it is known|the previous night they locate i a it was Each compli-|battery the Sho. waiver onde COUNTRY PRODUCE. com whieh they nfiladed the Rus-| Butter—Trade continues rather Creamery, | 22c to 24¢ en, Stocssel tcuchingly sympath ees ied) wit +» Nogi loss of [centr % eriged Gitaieke de 19¢ to 20¢ his “two ees declaring iene “toy snells. At. midnight Saturday under Daly stabs ere an honor to cover of impenetrable darkness the 16c to 17¢ Gen. Nogi gravely replied that they Japanese attacked the right Russian ie naar Ide to 15¢ were not lost, as the ey had sacri flank, energetically, areas their | do inferior grad 12c to 18¢ themselves to the welfare of their Rogetat ariel a |Dairy Ib. rolls, pod to hours’ conference, dur_{S70PS Tedoubt, but thagy were Gee |“ Tondtes lic to 18¢ 1 ‘ is i Cee pulsed. Simultaneously an attack | do-large rolls 46e to 17¢ ws hid ay tn the Generals |wos jaunched against the Russian| do medium Ac to 15¢ Sok Naat wamired Ges, Skoosen’g [iteuches. further cast but before day-| Cheese—The marke! ar fistseehastine hie gee antet Hight. it was abandoned. tone. Secaaua aes job lots ‘here fog pon his beautiful ‘proportions = mese rae to report {are steady at 11¢ to 114¢ jor Iai 1} Gen. 1 asked +) Japanesi 50 |that. Pesta gieee diseases attended by jand oer to tise ne twins. command heavy mortality are rife among the ot has a firm tone. Ppeie ys sar, aie koleates docbuids osfoie ut is ca ee Gen, Nogi thanked him, but. point- ss > 2 limed and 21c i A s ed out that he could not accept the CHARTS ARE WORTHLESS. Poultr: url 15e: horse personally, as it came within Tn $008 Toe to Lie! cans Rha 2 "Potatoes Are quoted steady. On- stock,. 65¢ to 70c on track and Gas. (0806 out of store, — m track and 90c t Taled Hay—No. 1 timothy is yok: etl at $7.60, t9 $8 and mixed 6 er $6.50 for car lots on ee Dated Straw—Is quoted ee it SE to. one 50 per ton for car ee track her MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, 10.—Grain—Little or no ae to rE business in wh as aim that tho bids they are position. |tr 0. "$5.30; Bree 70’ to “$5. 80; strat rollers hee 80. to $5. She ae Cornmeal was quiet Hay—No. 59, $2.25 to $8. 5; clow ton in car lots, dt Lots $5 i 0 8 15; 5.35 of fall white: to $5; mixer lect, $5.25 to bec, 2 Butte einsee grades, 21c to Paina finest Hs 208c; to 16$c. lect new laid, 23c¢ to nd, ssteaieht seen Sf eam ; No. 2, A5Ke TTLE 1B MAI [ARI run of ing, but the demand was fairly were maintained as3 ES Bu ieee Cat Bie es ers -B0, fair to go ixed- lots, Sedum, 50; common at $1.7. to $810. and Feoders—Trad _although some h auiotatt 8 a 43.80 and-stockers at $1. Mitch Cows—A fair fe offering and th Hogs and is quoted unchang ie sclects and $4.55 for lights Cessation, of Smallpox Cases estern States. parent. relled with his wife recently. "DAILY ect pce oaabey Jssacks POR Comeas Shot Do pees at War: Wation orders, ore that at home rt in- str the Government peak quict at $2.07) to $2.125 eany at $1.25 to $1.45 per hay. 8; ne $7.50, ana pure see 88 Ot $0. . Chi zs 10tc to 10}¢; coe: 10%c to 104c; Que- mediun 19ic, and wes! CA KET, Toronto, Jan. 10—A fairly heavy ock quiet, Prices cago, —and sa the "Abigail Becker’ incide considerabl 9S /at Amherstburg yesterd: unchanged. are 2 2 in 540 per Ib. a oe te $10 ea 4 i Sheep an jespite = ‘airly aging o in Oregor and Wash: heavy run, the aneekoe had a gton. ey tone and trade was active. minort t en ns eop are quoted unchanged at $3 A FIGHTING RAT. $4.50; culls are firm at 1.50 eae s. ae re Tambs are steady at $5. It Routed a ae aes Tackled. a 5 : ae market is patel eee QUARANTINE S WITHDRAWN. from San Francisco at ports in Brit-} sh and Spies| Grosens> tained. patch from Ferlin say: pers 5 col “demonstrations . will en and The Se a ‘Latest I tina From an <a the GI abe. : The ae ne orders to k There, mere eal Pog 4 1904, aa it go sea mpari 6ic ti 3 Tie kettle ‘Toda ton pays* $100,000 ae oe cording eta comes a divisional point of S30; trea killed abattoir oes, ie Giaet. Bae Pacific, with pass od 20 to $7.25; $4.75 | termi Th “aati Columbia “ n has stricken Leciiioes “brangeline” off the list of text- 001 ington auth; al commission fal Protos fic_fisher! ae Dr. Fletcher, pastor of Me- Nab Street eee erian church, Hamilton, has resigned a pas- torate of 32 y ‘The exports es Windsor, according ta this Uutted Stati done year amounted to $363, 838, ‘gest in the history of the oA ta se ae the th, the aah 47 tbe: the? Patis ire 24c, ac- at — 0 gro @ new canning fae: tory will ins need Hamilton fore next. season, mes. Cousins, the last. survivor ied time after time, bringing the be- numbed- sailors ashore saving sever-~ al ie Cousins was one of save FOREIGN. ‘Phe United States has signed arbi : e | eation treatics with seven Europea: natioi 8 The Paris correspondent of 1 n Times says there are indica- (Gone tha the Czar is weary of the war. Signor Marconi is to consult with the “Canadian authorities in regard t $3- ireless communication with at Teal te and ee Turner, who killed him- self at, eueutie eke N. J., has Heen identifi mber of a wealthy < ae 0 $3. 166 |_,& despatch eae New vy York aye gna | Persons in the neighborhood of treet and Wythe eee Williems. burg, on Fri a fierce fi in| of the Clymer sui A despatch from Ottawa says:—| rat Roporta retalve bythe Diretoe: Goneral Public Health Indicate yth that there-is almost an absolute ces-/a grocery store, tion of smallpox fnaies in th West: | etapa. We. eta Government inspector having vis-|and ited the 1 ing and mini ig gre: in Idaho, Montana, and Washington,| with on boun and reported the absence of the dis-| back 0! ease, the Department of Agriculture| five minutes t has withdrawn the medical in: ors trom along the British Columbia | solt from the ¢ boundary Ji Dr, Montizambert| its teeth in states that as there has not ter a five single Case of bubonic plague in San} with the Francisco since March, ‘and the port having been declared a clean port,|man Benson was it has been decided to dispense with| tors. He the quarantining of vessels arriving ish Columbii which turned ii 4 tl 3. BARRY’S SUICIDE. at: the pol teeth in his rie! geht Tee A’ Farmer Shoots Himself in a|to shake off Winnipeg Hotel, a Me og a was ew his Te cae ne ie ays? Tovolvor and pointing eit at the rat's “Barry, who committed in he fred “killed ie wich one it the Palace Hotel on Friday morning pe eae a by shooting himself with a 44-cali-|,, Benson's | bre revolver, was a prosperous farm-| er, and the papers found in his. pos- as ; aon uu ite Cae oe ene ee BANOS 000. He left a Drove Back Witbois and Occupied eir Village. pa Rll CBr FAMINE-STRICKEN SPAIN. {|| Demonstrations “7 Throughout The hey ‘A despatch from een says: =to | Throw fhe. whol 6 of Spain tho a TO- visions, Te was resolved at nator meetings to hold formidable and ol aes people if the Government do not quickly take proper ineeaiiees to relieve the widespread distr 2