Milverton Sun, 2 Feb 1905, p. 2

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Z About tne ....f1ouse 2 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. tied. remove the smell of onions from a knife, rub the blade with salt and then wash thoroughly with cold water. somnia try -eating a raw will gaipa-naing for supper, ead it often encourage a comfortable nights | open 5 rests i anything. is spilt. or bolls over on the stove the bad odor Suiniteracted by Seabtering a. lit-| asat be ci tle salt quickly tipon it. drop in while hot. Tt will prevent a smutty look and make the fat clean unl ‘0 clean Watch chains, dissolve a gold in it; this ‘will thor- ota wie the gold and make Te oie a kitchen table with often a ayer Of Brown is on first, it “ pun feet Ds id make fica gracking, an suaconiehe ots teh ire ome To well the white of an ege, brush pyer. white paper, an over the r rerio pot arte tke Rotors. aaaing 2 sees it to remain till the glass is hot, qui cue the cork “ai come out ‘There is way t y, to. remove the dirty, res gle ne rou the di process. eines fe Ae buckets _ un Gee ae of leather by plying white by. tree Thethylated removed spirit on a. flannel. Foi r a stockpot have an earthen- ware jar a cover, this may be Placed on the stove or stoo tock made: thus. will e! we IS of of benzoin. ‘The mixture sho bse ee e ‘4 bed in after the skin has ashed, but “before it has dried. remove ots on white leat Apply with a camel’s hair brush @ solution made of one part tin, When cing a cake the cake should be allowed to become: cold before the a — one re of finely-chop? olives. ie IT’S SUCCESS” is no eae wate simply an evidence of what incomparable quality uM est and sweetest nature can yield. Sold only , Mixed or GR: y all grocers, Given the gold medal and highest award at St. Eau ©| The Agonies. of Indigestio on Can be the a some } pole upon life is ey, | Mr. the ‘electric light plant eae: ioe Williams’ 1 Pink “Pills el rae years bat without any lasting benefit. One removed from almost any fabric arm. the ee coffee vith: auAGRiE © and te all ht. it cok continued using the pills util Tad | COS 2 kpetated Busines, ‘as papa is sing, and ores admit the fresh morning = of Dianerd fgar, ana a quarter of on Bol out, eat inter reava and be g to the spot and ry it_in the. Coe Repeat the ap- ag ee AN oa ome Oe Se eae ap ‘al they a, shr the: public strangled the Fg on ies plat ter m -beiore done is retinas illed. WO parts of Pi _Scrofula may be described as ‘scattered consumption.’’ To cure it take Scott's Emul- sion, Scrofula is consumption of the small glands under. the skin, and these break out into sores. Scott’s Emulsion heals these sores, But there’s more to the story. The loss. of flesh and great weakness that comes with Scrofula is a regular part of the disease—the same as consumption of the lungs. For this as for the sores, Scott’s Emulsion is just the remedy. Flesh and strength are gained by the use of Scott’s Emulsion quicker than in any other way. 4 | - Scrofulous children improve | in every way on Scott’s Emul- sion. iN Send for Free Sarsple. SCOTT & LOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, O2t. E} ig | thing in ean yea 2 FRAIL LITTLE ONES. little oftes are frail. i slight. mn that indicates auy of ite Mite ena of childhood Should be ent lay soon hecoie «serious one, “And 9 when Jre,are married, dearest and then it may be too Inte to, cave |e the poppies home in a “Pesci, little life. If Baby’s Own | °C pt in tho house, the ae of serions trouble can. bi Be and ae minor — troubles mptly © ‘An. occasional Tab- fou eee gil will prevent il- ss. ‘Th ts are absolutely Sete anidigantaioes Poisonous cont: oe stufl—they give children healthy e ‘abl just as you represent: them—the ver Yo ne the 1 drug- ists ail a box, by walling the Dr. Williams, “Medicine oekville, Ont A ROYAL TREASURE-HOUSE, as a present ove ae feted ie Senet cat Tadlah princes FOES OF THE FINNY TRIBE” 4 PLANTS AND ANIMALS WHICH PREY ON FISH, A Water _ Elant Te Is Provided With BES Catches When one ‘com Consider the the’ fresh the’ ‘gibte te brain reel r numbers, Ay 00% as even. biants, help to keep their numbers ich are intersper: TINY GREEN VESIC. LES For ey these vesicles were suppos- sleep, simply because they banish the jed t led ‘ich: ‘Mrs. F. eee hg. wet ee kept at the i floweri bettom until the time: of ering, en. water gave place to ai and the plant then rose face to allow its bloom to ex but it i nown that they have at Ise ae pees reamed of above. sto: bladder, tache: ts it om all ee ‘cent as 1 lower margin, wh fre jorms one side a the alitlike opelate leading into, the bladder, Fish enter FATAL APPLAUSE. 3 D ft nd. brea: nal Dor warrant. Such, wed to be the case, for, infuriated at their ie ie vexf€ile® ti beet Finer’ s. dst the vthing :could bein toh hes sai ben i the a i ‘00M Je was.a coal-dealer: You Must Look to the Liver if You woul she = Good Digestion and Good. it is Kept Ac‘ive by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. at the aS of the stage. The pro- nisi son He in he bree ine is. necessar 1th Tangenren ts: ti +}: 3 y becal joonful of. Fnely-ch opped cnioes ieee thes way. ait-tenepooetul salt, one ens rote r Kegilator, So cer 9 quick to ‘relieve, Toe Grifliths, Geneva h, mts Catan Se Writes: va asure to of & pice pring se 00) wax aMlicted with serious de- ae ions. and tri is, » After ‘taking of a8; faeticiti Tv for HH Very many species feed entirely, or atitiet entirely. on. fish and among veo as many ways of — Coasts bears are to be found along the: rs. tionless on the bank nto at the: bank’s dee ic~ | appear blow, he hurls the fish ithe bladders by edias inward the low iree edge of the valve, which An English arr eh | named: Levton, sianming at a/Owine to fe being Mighly ees, fags called Vacthling in “Rooiah Sous eee : ; tremely “st ee ats Pei tact the edge of the collar; both 6 ck ‘ject: RU tRURTAL Aho etl muking! it oxtromelye dimedtcie not i r any animal to R ONCE ENTERING. The plant has no digestive appara- and probably derives nutriment oat, OO a the fish- when -de~ the fish is caught ee destructive ao sh they gaia thar Pye harman Sahgh 8, when, with i leita OUT ON THE BANK. Alligators, ee sea lions, seals, wh aise oises, mink, : eee their os ne ATS recta the: pe in atta “Teerally: eats es samples: ta mmeoting at Porth, Evan -Rob-| Up till last fae the. ete time for ccasion: in} public houses in those cities re | eleven oisloge: ae since then i ct in the | fied one “reshens ed. fabliehees as ulin | we got “an ek organi| {the i oud | ber ‘Oliriet: |apestively he o magistrates the 3 wo! public. he Ss ve teen touch jr excellent instance. is_supplied festa: a| lar—“Didn’t it me given garden; | Minard’s Liniment 6 Cures Colds, be | 3 stot “6 and bs are not res rded; ,. A DREADED. ED LUXURY. in fast, i oo ate tout of of the ‘eoumitry, and) OW the poe ness. it Comes to EARLY CLOSING. Rules df the Recentis-pessed Act Eescet man living in Glasgow or Ed- burgh wishes obtain ‘alcoholic eran) ticket cently-pa! d | pul for ‘them ® ant up at ten, Aine | When Pule was first. os ae poli ‘ al the regular a jmore thal increased number charg. ten| Mois ot: them would even bring| of bottles of whiskey round in fron! it of sare: police .office, drink i their contents, hen smash the bottles on is now showing itself, and in ady diminution of eharees “9 3 ghts, too, is most ” said a Scotsman to-| seat, you can get several till t the| tain falls. Many of hhe| by necessity after ten h| been compelict! to witness some po of London melodrat i the edforts.ot certain. p: oe olaing ase. meetings aan ul, the farmers Canada confined | will have to face a very unjust and nd Soa 's.| burdensome tax. vement is os Who |foot to have fence wire, whi eravon for being | for a number rs been admitted if|into the country duty f c int Twas aljih. dutiable list until Christmas,’ ani-enclosing prairie farms, juty would: impose loa [suey that oct thy ‘rural community could uot be 7s ated. iy estim: Oe have ae “enjoyed Old} the cost. of wire, both fence pr x = hout ean would be ean z maki their farms. big haul ‘ast had. Deen, there before: me c= | Burglar— id for | tion is lauing He prodinceas ere oe we Public. schools. in England fifty “hecause adapt ere Were n _ get. into. ode “Clean ee i Why, what's up? to after ten o'clock at | DODD’: | night ie aes either purchase & -ail- . ras a Pails it com-|Case of a Windsor Man Who Suf- fered Two Years Before he Dis- out ek lees Gears they drank | _Wi with the result Shr [Bes Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- ree Soap. we No Breakfast Table complete without wo in defiance. The catural | wae icone ofthe: te o'elock closing, bow-|awollen, Yast three months we have had a Me Rite ten eed Tw, xes 4 n 1903, for October, November, completely that IT have had nore and the first three weeks of Decem- as the umber | of cases were re 811, 274 and 212. For at Drops: of Many of the bubhicans not “ona Woot cause there can be no ie ur nas of the sstablishinenta takings ‘have ars, wally complain. a. the [serious _ inconvenience and. m= j fort occasioned to isitors. HEROIC Seiad RECALLED. es red | There are only two instances Death of Captain Cagtie, of ihe qwhere one can’ get drink. het =i ses a Glas: in Bogland littl “They are the Fa: stations - EPPS'S ne Ee a ERiee intese id main’ ie eee pend beer.) to resist (ate con Randle gout poultry et s ve or dressed to ae oat 2% POULTRY : cakes butter, eggs, honey and : ., Limited THE DAWSON, COMMISSION, 003. Unte# other produce, less and the ship also car- oe ees ‘quanti ities of Government | & answered: fy bank book,’” “Would you ‘oblige me, the reporter. who gets novel interviews, “py telling me what book has help- ed you in your life?” After WARNING. | | TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We are the |» a sole owners and licensees of all patents and : rights on ‘The World Famous. TUBULAR neem SEPARATOR < Im violation of our Canadian Patents, an imitating cream Separator called the ‘‘Uneeda” has in some localities been of: fered for sale and suits at law are now pending Ind suit.with all its expensive attendance and with tainty of the early loss of (ie machine and a verdict of heavy | damages against you. That you may b fully” Informed on the “of Wire ante: reach fie boats full of women and efile dren were lowered by the troops and board Canalank Ss of cheap eden of a. very popilation without benefit to any of |Cther class of the people would be sides injury to the farmer, he fencemanufacturing industry ag ne ey suppote would be demoralized. ‘To increase y atthe of the Aostralian con- , an bat & °l¢ion and consumption would be re- ee ed, and farmers « ‘everywhere improvements upon wu make -Magistrate — ‘What’ 4s this man a ike gs any See FoR fcharged with? Officer—Av ye mane) pest, climate in Canada, no ‘irri ian phwat’s he loaded with, oe Honor, | Apply _to J. Ge McCatluea, | Satine Oi think ‘tis moshtly whiskey an’| Arm. B. © z ho’ Sr Nase ike o” thot. eipensee ae Meroe aes ANITOBA IMPROVED | FATAL es leks kes lands for sale, all. loc Gas Wisse nasea wo Stair nes boos wed Bf SOTO ae ten mend ae an piilioneot mot shane the gums sltayepainy cares | £02 Wawanesa District is the Garden of dco! ogni honcomachand bs we Souris Valley.” These fai Ea perii tated ead Seiwnal | art allt moe arene Egat! Wincow soooraiwestase” car jks Maple ps ther sparticulars to the Souris ley : Land ‘Company, Wawanesa, Manitoba. I don’t see how you can stand ss stand eee ae you tal aekiexess| FEATHER DYEING cleaned te: “admire as versatility.”” and Curling and Kid Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria | BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 68, Buteher—“What can I do for you, DEEP. Sc SOT GRAIN AND GRASS mn § for sale; near Yorkton, th ir of a vetert PSund of ‘beef sausages, ut without Assit on crop payments. James als has the interi many ! rooden piles were cues 00/f stay e ” Ar that 4 he wear. ise ot this 5 telegraph fl has. bee it put there is great dimes found in wes Aine =" Shell “The — extraor ty repuettating i light r aa alee Ja “the wes ise o -mstr’ 4 Richmond street east, bone, please.’ Toronto. Lever’s Y-Z (Wise ey paiake : ent Soap Powder is er than| <7 wonder why people always _ ||other powders, as it Is ea ae and of the Earth as she?” “It's zeae what her mastee Don't yo bellow Se Bi s Yeu) oe the trove lie wont pay Mime aes cae aon Huy id I hi the money. Gentleman in oe oma “Nor Ey kc} y concrs e| floors ‘and w ee ieeherally cool summer. in inter, however, swere of ie “atetic. ‘temperature, the 0 fires: ‘One event ‘Of the mask ‘Was sure to e of indig- tas Le ee extending 4 af = hat are yi your hand , Cordovan in ae pocket?” "Suspielous looking aad Person—“‘Beg parding, _sir. — ‘he publisher. of duet toa absence of ‘ind, airs” You’ wes, 5 seed} “Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves | paper, re se e Provinces in “li berger etm [a Saer Cag oie rg Minar’ nino Gres Distamper ever used'in mitts and gloves. ‘Oh, you fellows,” he was aoe Sete to es “ook at this! by. ee thats ‘norris ‘Outwear three buckskins. “soft:and comfortable. = bone, flexible, soft pliable, scorch- crete | slab being removed, i in-a short. time “pt "bolls ieok ie most. go) ‘ , tip-proof, th oe ee kei eee Pa foaaen eae wear-proof- Mate, certainly the greatest Teather Like buckskin it is_ tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is “Tot porous, it is ‘wind-proof—will *Pinto” Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, Sold atall dealers aE never with-_ cf a medigne that has ood. the test of time like MINARD'S LINI- MENT. It hes been-an unfailing re ABSENT-MINDED. : mi cur notochold ever since 1] agrs. Sehoppen = “T__ want Sava utlived Bie erent ot eegoulae Ae es and fuitat : hea: sd ks it'11 only. ‘weigh three or four pounds, ma'am, pera SAPS. Some of the ae tradesmm: % in the smaller towns of Nippon aes : a uri isi in| | eumonia, and infiu- curious way of advertising their ‘La eri pu sone peeeier! as ee << sie ee tettod figures—the shoemaker, a shoe; the woodeutier, an axe; the puteher, a clea a fess ae a“ au inscriptions these bee aa: ve am a8 good aeny | ehoanty. zm of may: fellows Whig ere fe Tooking for work they ets and Walk about -

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