Milverton Sun, 2 Feb 1905, p. 4

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knife, and so it is not very astonish-| ,, The © thrusting hat it has to sell (labor it: is ci i i Teri ie enone Stn urement" nero ne" OM ata agers | ot a ae fomelimes | conducted. in qu lockouts and labor warfare is Battls! Suppose an ‘America ‘aa with chea; good water, ies the strects of New York, | Creek, Mich. Gty> shouldbe aten , 2 ce LTo energetically assist in fap aiacs raion jactiitie aot ae Soe isatcey wire aes acti go tu Th The work people, mer-| aught and beaten unconscious, then maintaining ee retisigs the Sen best neas nates re capable and chants, lawyers, doctors and other) bis ‘mouth pried open and carbolie| mms 3 aud under all conditions. "Details See tones ce citizens ie aroused and indig- cid poured down his throat, — thei ird—To protect its members in|, Ghee sey ape GO bant “at the efforts. of the labor un-| His ribs kicked in and his face well| (PCr tights to manage their proper ee ena ae s-| Stamped with iron nailed shoes, mur-| 2nd to dispose of their labor in dered because he tri ke legal, lawful manner re- bread for his children. By the Eter-| *tt#int or interferenc Rae sen ty nal, sir, leet of American Men of| Fourth—To insure ani permanenth: Bei public, should baocsuerd 2 Pert ly War would assemble there, clear for Slog fair, just treatment, onoj there are a few Labor Unions con- action and blow something off the fa wener in all the relations of be ‘on peaceful Tines and in pré of , if reparation were not portion as they are worthy, they broi made for the blood of-one of our “se the existing | have won esteem, for. we, as a peo- industries of! Battle “Oreck, and par=| *itizens pa to ob.|Ple, are strongly in sympathy with rly the Postum Co. And what answer do we; make Sine employ) Hes a sell his labor, | @2¥ Hebe act that has for its pur- T his spr from! the pchaat: Go| the appeals Gf “the hundreds of wi-| “ithout bee oi iged to join titer conditions for wage SU Pont yasnbey the he sofa oo Es dows and orphans of those Ameri-| Particular secret society, | Workers. But ‘we do not forget Pane i ee © Postum advertic.| C225 murdered by labor unions? How} labor union ate any other organiza-|that we seck the good of all ar way . t the thousands ‘those alone who belong to some used to purchase labor of the s who, with rea- Oremniza tion: wh the I bor tiust—the uni ree preier not Soe re xe join any labor iding unions show undeniable evi- By ionsand be*subject to the tyrann nees of tyranny! and oppression Afr. Post was ordered to join the} of the heavily paid rulers of the a hen they are st ough, eri Unions in thelr conspiracy, to “ruin’”| bor trust thany.of the unl and “put out of business” these ica Ge cauteuos eeiniiel ‘hel an operation tele lishers who had worked faithfully to join fem eonmiee force a. yoke aes # reo of the ‘treet, and ina few minutes) fF him for years, and helped build 1 Rye Sa) i eRe se aeilie 3 as general oycott was _o1 ed on Amrit ge public. Grape-Nuts and Postum all over the! speaker Ii said: ‘The arrogance country, which set th food red of the Bielish ine hae Shiva Sh Tt kc on a cestors in. motion, fiery eloquence of Otis, that inspired ging forth the reply that . has the immortal declaration of Telfer- le of the unions to c gs Santee + io qauintanyonsivhe fates onspie ney, passed into -history sen, that Warres nthe m them upon their own| to i any conspiracy of organiza slopes of Hill was more = erms, : to ruin pies hers, nor ot ions, | Outrageous than the’ conditions that + @ any of o1 and that under nae arantee and shop would force upon the ink maker ‘or paper maker who | Ployes upon the orders of an, x | protection = and cap! ye mera site fay ah ae or paper would| Union. If they can-make thei talists can be induced to rebellion ‘when the king did but have the same reason to order Post | Cott effective ink our ship, we| business enterprises ta Battle Ceesk | | touch tele ckets.’ Imagine if you to help ruin these publishers, So the| Will go. down. with captain on hen follows articles relating to] can thelr indignant protest had he Seiler = oe reet. might stone you| the bridge and i Ge ip, officers, duties, ete,,|SGught to prohibit or restriet their pes Evo, vetaca sto 2 is apples; the} ‘This set the writers in labor papers| ete., ete, cccupation or determine the condi- tte Fate 45 iat i 1 Mt in you re-| crazy: and they redoubled their abuse.| This constitution has been lence tions under which they should earn Same Ininutes longer they would| onder the mamufartwrr Broce: | Finally one of their official organs] py. the great. majority of representa-|thelt livelihood,”" and to assault, aoubtedy ha ante tee, they ase neey Same out with a large double column|'tive citizens including our work-|beat. and ‘murder them, “blow up ino oF deca jack vena et See: cise tek Hest | erepety an ot Battle Crock. calling | people. their houses: and poison their food nutans mpeg it Pee “diculous “and” vilianous-Nmit~of—all number of manufacturers _ from] #,they did not submit. was saved ‘hough this ‘boycott nonsense, in trying to ‘other. ‘cities, where they hav a Public ‘should also remember skill and quickness of sone force to buy What they do suffering all sorts of Jadigatties, ath that, good. true Amerieun citizens can guests. It appears that~a - vet went is canvaneencoFuse. "10 ¢ found in the unions and that they ones. with three friends, ras dibing| © ae ih ortié sell JoE bi eral hell. of labor union strikes,|tePrecate the criminal acts of thei iat pees a ahres bance ae the price, hie “ean get) dulg picketing, “ascaulis and other intor fellow members, but they are. often roat eal * in Lad compat and be found it impossible to get rid ti ata round Wa ine he tae ita ee lt as, 2 weld public gen- tee Gall pesmudeatteo Gentine, Suk oat ku ab sake pots 86. of: : e iment in Battl otee- 4 lapped : : pro} s 3 honest, lawabidin beige tet ou ee tore Will obstruct the business) or /at-| tion. A ities best erew, ip import de ier Hate alee ths Ge oe : che tempt ruin Detmtise the owner/ started A Ae ak Soe Rg BORE SP la cowicnl. hot alien 9ou Muara ee: will rectic: ut Ww toa fa co the ose a oe ee happened to_ be] fins Pagisens ot ate Gieeke ea lion man “holler” because the fa ee the fospi= so. tyran- Se yeeatgunions, i some : ke oie he is happened to be ining to | nous and arrogant with Thal despos | eases quit’ the "unions Tay £0; following sbfand —and-yenly Dalat eesitr aus ebEE SORE tthe ia “the cal, Pushed his wi roug! tiesp. sual bac ec ieee tte Pega NES Bg LS Eee aaeia ac a se os pre tes ite wr to spa Ly, ie working people of Battle Creck| turer fairness, justice, steady work| therefore with the mind of the law nd. if pro} meas-| ftinks he bas a rig! Pi as of the highest order of ee hand regularity of output. ker, and likely to ore eh t taken he would quickly | Paint [tnechanics. ‘The majority aré tarity. ob gubnul - 3 2 he ‘ony | haw union-members, for practically. allot} The. Be manufacturer | “Het opportunity. offers. t 1 mansifacturers Frave fOr, weace| agtess to-maintai adard rate. one reason employers ‘decline to hire 5 oe tnlon ea Be id elsewhere for like ser- such men- Behing Of amttPtchees about a ¥ . one a ee 0, and ‘the uni irom time to are huighe: these ‘time from well authenticated repor 2 nee est citizens. from competing cities. ‘The tabula’ t time ago Sena ene sete hieeioee r in the state of Michigan a ed by the Govern-|{9™ the union forces to know: serted the funnel in the opening. The| Slave belore the war. I he drives a/ {ie Crock, io clty af its sive ie as ey eae puld call off th oe sa 2 .: il to repair the house or barn the i pes to show the a vaaiaae Cid ete then tily conveyed to} "@ Bate prosperous, and no y so large the hospital, where a sil Wa: eee “union’” hounds hin. He/ 4p, ion ort ee and it is 43 @ pipe wrench to stop a SS i: i pac nm this government bureau and werent cnrsnee | to his| 2 Se ee ee furnish weelly reports of we ambi the man’s life was by a speedy oper- ation. With the assistance of sever- ‘al of the workmen, who brought dishes of water, etc., Holmes’s leg was quickly © severed, and he was th tly carried down to the stl in bulance, and @riven to the hospital. In this _ in: at ever, the operation not save the man’s eee as he di before: the journey was. over. Who is not nect and tidy in her dress. derbittot-iaind Hot: trus to her fi ‘Who 7 ioe every thi: se hii wear above sora ye res and amusements. Sor shi sats or ioney neciis ting, amusement, or change. Who humiliates servaiits by snap- Ping ‘at them or criticising.them be- SURGEON'S TAKE CHANCES OPERATIONS PERFORMED IN CURIOUS PLACES. Children’s Legs Amputated in the Ss t—Savi fe in Saving a Lif Restaurant. Many a man's life has been DO “VOT MAR MARRY THE GIRL. nage is lazy> > is Who Who une a flirt. cannot ccutrol her temper. _fimess wed “Saget festa ‘aspiration has never suitors. and chief. interests in life s thrift, and has no idea r to hear but her- iresses in ty po Of fash-| not} are E and by managing ia making it ause the “‘Unions’* unions, rep! is Sates ment and leaders. dominaté even the Executive, This is a government of ai the: people and: no organizat trust, shell displace it. t id even by ansory y Have used boxcotting, picket ‘That. = oe propose to jow and ee rd of assaults, nly place in the United States in Speedie cannot pat 0 se brick on his chimney or thi klayers, plas- or hi ion’” is up a cme and it he ay tats a bre “union” maki rable for him. s white is tied hand and foot. unable. to lift.a hb to better! 9 or things, without frst obtaining permission from some hi abusive tyrant of some labo: Tt__would eomie opera, if it did not rob people of their freedor t kind of work es not be pene Jong “in Amer- cesta: weren't. ed ze1 make lace the the un- ie nd oe women them: to lay down See maintained the highest stand- some cities and force w61 ‘of wages paid: urider ‘like. condi- citizens to ‘‘obey’” ears aie tions: an; in Inited States, ping right and left of their} and he unanimously declared liberti ir intent to continue su icy: ploymi the is tl peace al ~ Sus cerane and uantaeene fal organize of ee and which | lots oe Whereas, nd have steadfastly refused to pl “bi management “in the control of Labor Unions, thelr right as to ane tyeanny- of Labor iter. em existing ae the dictation of Trades Unionism; it aes that the as of can be main Result of Boycott e work beopje massed togeth ¢ iti Labor Union distar- ve ‘been prevalent mployers of this city ce the it. of their ee the osperity of 2M em- eat Wines steadfastly maint free Ami without the ‘dictation Uniop leaders, | t che work re, ts hetw Be) pire ask to-act enmasse cos uphold and | the Ae ot all times. \d- prosperity. in, Battle eed a oe ot nterference| ren under re saunas effort. each a action of on our Seople: RSE the fation ion of a Citizens She OBR : agri one sang oii wanes: stroy. propert; eee bimeat the sieht to. quit the firth Spies its “members ‘The indust ae Crook will not start conditi stn violener, loss of mon and and 10; Emory Satine cof. inaustr Gonna biog by- pc sent and ae os his teestom and the Buea ‘or in. | happiness.”* Other cf the or-|so that the workman wh if of the Citize cia | ready to sell his labor and the em- he following preamble and! ployer when he is rea uy, may fern baveralanie intecialian nae from 1891 to 1894 the| the gy or ruling price. ted by Labor Unions} ‘The new-coming manufacturer also Creek resulted in the de-|acrees nh maintain the sanitary and | . ‘© break o PI see Bis loss of ‘hygienic conditions provided ior by a tries noney in wages that/the state laws and to refrain from for ve beh expended here; and, any mae to reduce wages below a ae r these acts caused serious|th= standard; reserving to —— ‘Sw our plain, honest lamage to the-city and in a marked! ths ent to discharge any employee | '°S* erd for eee oe independent Rs the highest wi Phe Citizens’ Association on’ tts Wh Bert agrees to furnish, in such num- we fae i ie ady, unvarying citicean hive Nees maken oy pulse fee oe pease to) abtndal~ Geet abi ae peaceable sentiment, to prevent the recurrence sho wi be. not to strike, Citizens’ 7 Ansociation to tries locating — in of injustice, ee prospel res' anci cert rig es will feculivencto. pro! — 2 a them tion of a aoe een and outrage public, truckle, neath an iron shod Heel, 'the tiedion: ‘of our brothe * You would "ene us with a silver we beate to death while striv ne as earn foot for them, Your boyeott may perl Note by Publisher. The Postum Company batts contract for whic | Many singing GEOLOGISTS rn THAT ENGLAND ame soon DISAPPE Mother Isle of Anglo-Saxondom Is Being Worn Away by the Sea. ritain, England ie eartictin: grows smaller 80. that i in ages tal is, if the the western side founded on the eas‘ si h homeland to-day, if, indeed, sufll- Ee ee ons Le to ‘be habitabh 1s. oR = A SECRET REVEALED eee wget. + CHAPTER XII. revtleeely ¢lose by, a camp fire shot ‘i yin tbe: dailies, Tt. was Bcidors stronatieaaemeait. is | O7 turidly in petrotl s to courage, and rock 4 had a not only fight men respect thei ete s_ thei ther ‘but save bs island from similar — Pion sored oe the wiieh, See, a - ravas 4 Dr ference A ade, with even glared with deadly A Giatee asueeein: ie induc- ing Gypsy Jack to act agains’ st. all_ comers, at! wrestler the es | and. was drawing the: shaw! a. fitting scene for, Madge h- al hat she ooh not for- h jor Joyo rms around her, lov- inal: He ae and_unconseious- ly they wi away. | "efeeoutd feel her heart throbbing wildly against his side, he reath irred hi a ‘ her now mured—‘I love you, Mad; Ing, “dearest!” he kne s were silent her heart a gmereo rapt in the on the} drew néar the camp fre Madge, waking with a start, ped shrinkingly. He had turned to lead her stop- | s away, around born, protecting pepe ey, they Beit and lis- “Neither of them at first recognized’ resently both knew should bring disgrace upon us?’ isgrace,”? Katie’ his veins as it had never done and it made “S did’ not kfiow who she was, and had no idea that she was the coun- tess’ ward, and tiving in the house; ‘ but regarded ber as a guest of the evening like himself. He tald her some anecdotes of bar- rack life, es oe. ae her because Boyes ha but pr ently ous tae ar ae re- turn Chad ho abet a eee the -earl’s brother, -Mr. Royce Landon, night,” he said. not here,’’ said Irene in NG: Sense aor toe tia fee 54 Want to ee him very much. - A youn, regiment out him, ‘and will tall: about him’ by the ‘hour togeth “I know, and jose he’s in & sort of disgrace. people have eae him to Coventry,’ isn’t that te¥es,"” faltered Tre “Well, I think it’s “rather too hard on him, an “wi cas you soe that? ‘Tel me,’” said Iren “Well, T Tt the whole truth .of the business isn’t generally known. “We got thé rights of it from my brother, and I’m convinced that if you lon had stood he grudge again: portunity of roun ur pardon, -tl a “1 understand, I know; Go on!’’|a murshured Irene, “breathlessly. | ssed but Landon had sea landward, disgust. ‘Lowestort, much He owner's Pakefield, - Cavehithe, trated command of Madge, @ucssed that the instigator * e firm ho readily Southweld are amon; oF diminution, ined ix: pasticata ut Dunwich, no. fewer ieee nner one. feet of the sca front has bea strong ho] tests he Soe wise injured, claimed ; than: ee Years, ai thing to be thankful ees that the to march of the’ ee eee the same proportion up it coast in this tight Siete this island would have its day feat; of the: nore eat tress of a Dunwich church have drop- is not un- claim shun Royce; and often N. of renouncing her exqi trembling in get! Ree peget what pe. thet in ong’ of tho cou i maimed, or other- t was at this same fair at. Mark- a matter of ‘By this ee Madge had ceased to in the become ‘o, no!"’ she faltered, is- her voice, an an average of sixty ‘The. dou Sante oF England has panes Beoportionatsly with ear nay, a es ae and old- HTashioned fishing v: bi to oVercome the Reports of encroachme: the and the nature Bh the ae It. Se ey strike thecaverage per- a that. shower of rain does ts share opard. extinguishing this ees land, but it is a fact, “The amoui int of waste Rr away re ee are men who own — ene ‘jred © hot skewer ac nest oyed ints, to not g upon a throne, ses a being ee grew. Pier and cle: ylegaee by lea x T couldn’t stop in the camp to ue ene dea: shal HL I do? none | 4 y } fact, ae thai in topped that Madge ‘will ae ruin on herself and 3 Madge drew ‘herself’ upright, and bert area toned. vest afin the. fir ei aes ee the Towers wat own; the rector and Bite and son; and a was wore priceless lace, an he Landon. diamonds handsome face was almost a tiga without” eo the dark eyes shone clea: oonlike, and, ip "iben sempaseivewend ema red seene it about at Sialic end Henerolge upon his fair He ee Re eer ae ar ing for ‘ clothes. As the beil rani for sinner, aes the ym. | created’ what ag galig tn_newupanee parlance a ‘The lily ‘maid = esse. ae Her oft waite silk, which, eouriee as iisgnou safes Lhe glorlons. ivory i an oe the bosom of The of oft the young. men; opened Sincir agen, und round s-beat sae sabe vision of Le was toward} th i oo in.| gineer. man |r Why, in| ould vorite the colonel o my as and ccording Landon, was’ just should be, Kind and considerate to men, and as of pluck and geairosity ears os glass is full of n's indignation seemed to out,| wine! My brother took Landoi weal igs are Paph on Fieeu” eoustgh onotion eo makh to weirs wee Te Ay ck Pe ag Lae helps pan ing. hai called upon the earl, Lord Landon—” 700" i Aigentive organs Bi kacod hush, shes he said] “Called upon the earl?” said Ires gM we a wees “What, rr ol a i i Te a : 2°) This don’t know any better. We'll show} to him and laid the whole case be | ®t? ast 2 anh stopped, thought al fore him, gave him the full particu-|4!s0 helps te ee Be pas a moment, then bent till his lips|lars, and begged him to use his in-|Saus in good condition and touched her hair, and whispered long} terest at the War Office, et Mr, |ogainst intestinal worms. and hurriedly ndon back again; and my brother IOOSING A BROOD SOW. She: started, her breath seemed to convinced that, wouldn't} When selecting the brood sow, else on che listened, but thougit| nave. been any. reinstet: lio io (pep. where a tumber of, gilts og 2 ae ot shiver she ite ing Mr. Landon. kept and the fattest amd best N id her face still| “‘And—and did he, the earl, try \Geveloped ones will always come to fons Pein she still clung to|and do what he could?” she asked!ing trough fir * eg tak render. breathlessly. ect a brood sow: The’ gilt selected ag CHAPTER XIV. Sided center i a ea ole asia et ON See a . : WW" that is a good feeder, Two. nights affer Royce had told} not?’ I suppose he thought that! it{ 700) nt any (0 sates Madge Lee, the gypsy, that he loved} was’ of use. ald have: been 7 s gentle and kindand a go had ‘asked: hér t his|stre to have heard’ of it ii he had she ‘a sees @ Was a. dinner party, applic 5 es War . Office; bon sential poi ot ‘feel ot. infiy- ence with the Government, and coula bring’ "eenentons pressure to bear at think es himst rie am hot bored in ee Irene so ey ‘that rang like mu: the Site fellow's least,” her voice ute 01 Rich * ow then os ginnced chery int iid hooey Tie saw the sensation Ivene ee Bayes (To be Continued: 4 fae SEE RUSSIAN RAILWAY RETURNS. the tt £47,- Bross. pte ae 1 State railwa: A further sum of nearly £14,- total deficit e peo railways ee ‘ould appea be thirteen “millions Satine (£14,000 006—£900,000),: © lusive ad vances “ of guaranteed interest, ¢tc., to private onic A amlon OE just. like one fs. Gilfoyle. dod ral Porndexter’ “We treat our es h and et rae ae ‘The es ee a ape ing | sca Colon C. Lith 01 to-|® are ndon has—left the army,’’ eo b please when E 7 ben again Assunws its norm=}s a w in by nf uel ‘od Sey beet pulp. S| Torn Splendid food for growing young Aas! ntains the pro- tein and the carbohydrates in just aLout the right proportion. ‘There is nothin, “a young pig likes and on i Ie eaught something of Pie entries in care, end ent tim silent for a min-| pigs, aT Seymour In tho Russian Railway Budget for 04 ‘expendi fear oy e them, | fr, aay ve" | special astention as to feeding. Often th ; | the how rotation with only as the" pe eiment seeped Raich lant food a8 the reek ern onds absorbs ~ an-| the a ee ee tha r the trees will cours man must provide ae aoe teed Saal shelter and know how to hake a reasonable mtio: had to solve the problem o! ing, tall pias. mature hogs, the tenporery, ottioee hog house works very well, is not the pee for se alle “pig. He needs ought: not avery reese al toaparad He fall pig should have a balanced He ot be allowed ral n ‘orn ox too. large of skim anilk. My ex- ence is that. the milk should be hs ba the ratio of-three pounds dof corn. I never feed make mixing: wheat mid- The better thee a slop made in this way. milker and: legs, Under low i ep ya and a Ser ‘ies ane rgngak ae He or 2 teats. ™ i eight mont a good litter of Pigs a brea ss mother, she should be smt to ii e Tf s ms hers), and the developed in- to good ho: wie i 5 ee for ees wat a bet be aie ned. FEEDING ORCHARD TREES. While this is do: sy emetic way, tree: ne by some produce crops in about SPELODE Syl o- S ene at. least ord nm use of it, both humus and plant oad are atv Se Lee @-may be 3011S. in plant foun that fer- , but. they talie are mestionahi rare. ere drai ch: food as. is yaw red ment of the tre i |S the fert: i rus tior will . and the result will be unproductive and unprofitable or- soil such ands. or fruit, ee range. not ‘hen very or and charcoal ae feed and free ral iets of jage: ing to the water's ed; ay est level there yer of nearly pine. salt over crys' foaming ‘over the stones He tasted tl ad beer part treake which flow from the. The bearer, John Ja minutes for the develop- and_ the sults. To y nothing ex: s they do in the eae for letting well as the eae fowls on ed. Hountelne F gears noboily,jenew whence tt deel its’ wat é few men that | ar ing itself verte into the lake. 1 and found salt as ne ee of which indeed it i e ‘Lake se lies pa ae below been Skat ny eee st TH! CLIERK’S TESTIMONIAL. mes, has bee! t * his ene in the morni Fashion Hints. aioe ahr esl ‘beauty, feeding are is solved. But ead over heels in with os be- |. soi] rich in all the elements of pant fore 2S thes cOune AEG, gh he} Many farmers claim t fodd, but deficient in g oF nea: |i was nas a aie Prana taney in fall pil as to eultivation,-will not vst trying 6 emuian aud interest make sup. sum- NOVELTIES FOR SPRING. miuous plan’ Ribbon and chiffon waists, a voy Sans OF DkY SEEDING. Peete eutore of ae rogue ue Bana dy, eosin noted is meeting | amor Sibeat. Louies pens increasisg favor. Breeders who | Purple, from. th st orchard Tika tbe one eoeuon pie cave the lmetivetaatonenit oem reo! che, rick y News, claim that the- egg jest, déepest plum is seen 2 y |everywhe hey p a ere {ground lately, is to the fore again. is not [Instead of the two tones of the old petticoat, the to-date. garment istinct tones or. shades. Course of Two ‘Sihenk That Feed yn African Lake. @ foot prop! pate it as Gubbet | chiffon Fer the tt wi of 5 id not We never knet to be on Saturday morning, our which, of course, is a of his devotion to d “He writes shorthand, teacres ce. Sean his ti wi ° he peas Fe Tema Yours truly, People can be ie mon tempered after a fist We are polite to of frait ai Mertality f the Peal argument with their tongues, im. Sut he is so quick at the art that he often goes ee of the dictator, an eed hauld take our corre- = BLAND & co. it then aie ee and s absent sleevi re sweet an | five red ee re ‘teatro: “hats, ssl Perens as it was last~ pnew soe crocheted Tt. is chi fe ee ial loose cul tikete stock, bees ithe wrist, well Be tioi maleate colored. aes coat. show Sapelualiay that es ‘Sew the. outside of aioe of lar tc rand Paehoring the: fronts in te er the lower partis of the alcoves and pee to the jing aie shape, and envelope hats are ey Yat severely rong shades. ‘Assal is a small body of very tleaee silks, taffeta _ ie miles fiaturally holds first lacs and it is ura, one|of course, taffel it Ake in variety. ‘The pie siribe vathich Abrion Ts 68 ises only about|the end of i pater aa jes. = made a strot mer bia for favor is here It surrounded by a wenger nm ae sh ber of saaline nate mostly trig little ate pores 5 46 and, ind ap- aie for Sees Secltie te ake tw nclrnid® Pax promises to laces, too, that ular 1m linen fre ‘ocks and mer he messaline variety, vari of crepe, all. of the liguewslghe sit Ric eek ane e ae canvas very. lightweight cloths, ee doth, silk m emer 3 n gauzes of many kinds, cl Karab, a little bay at the ex-lover laces and nets swell the re e western end of the Bay of the new goods. Tadjoura ‘hig bmraetise popularity. of linger! ie. n vot the Indian . Ocean| waists has market inland to fill this de- many beautiful embroidered 1ineee: pe Jn the interiorzand jokes possible tor a wo- they teach Lake Assal they are|man et modi “the 400" feet Below the jibe eee a or Diouses. ‘at hali or dne- the sea. arter the cost of thé ‘first eatport 1 is rchiet linen exanisttely —embbrolaane elves effect of handwor me ue thie by machinery o 3 A PRETTY BLOUSE-OVERALL. ae. ‘the- olds fashioned linen ~~ ti uxte pos Pretty “Tete ‘plows over ina silk, with fis, an he throat, high above your de- hi Saree “lower aie of is t Pel these piping ee white blouses and under An week or two will oil i dert fal again o mnaking ‘Prnth seams, ‘Theni set the set on ty ae Gath- of Puan hers aust the | saver edge tha ‘0 rows peer the rou; of tw ent¥-sevon-inch= ia sills three yards of beading and. = ds rdw ribbon will be

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