Milverton Sun, 9 Feb 1905, p. 3

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Sted Sess ame $1 per Fe strictly in advance. not so paid.—M. MacBers, Porsasnen. G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, B-B: Express. .8 31 p.m THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1905 Sick Headache. “This disfroentogg ailment results symptom of al D- : old by the Public Drug Co., : Bree and Atw All Kinds of Medicines No-matter what kind of Medicine you see advertised, come to us for it. new, and we haven't it you. Tf it already. and we as anyone that you are thinking of buying. We believe Mitchell’s the s old and any good we'll have We keep them all cu to come or send here for best Cough Cure is Cherry and we guarantee every bottle. The ms tiation oft the numbered ballot. ight go. we rote oy ballot, let the ballot oe = ii Roe it Encourages Fraud. Express.) stator Pave etd are to "hare ve If it's yet welll get it for in stock, returning te his ballot may be enough ‘Hat orn to sec- It ‘ould be peannae Theis | depending on the e is the OF ¢ of experience. ourage fraud asit is to eheck Balsam _A meeting of the The Public Dru Druggists and Milverton a g Co., Limited Stationers nd Atwood tive Association will be held in— DONLEY’S HALL, NEWTON, on Monday, February 13th., 1905 at 2 o’elock, p. m A large attendance is requested. J.J. CARSON, PREs, january errs im L—Munro Davideon, | h- ‘Tanner, Sat en, rial Morley. Form I ; ‘Wallace McKinnon, Bam Adi et Lonis Griese, Pauline Berger, Laura Yost. Number on roll 32, a erage attendan J. A. Westman, Teacher. Jr. IV.—Fri eda Pauli, Lillie Kalb- ‘ajaeski. die Herr, Besines r. Charlie Ritter, ‘Willie 1 Eyat. "Nellie McKinnon, laggie Yondt. Number on roll 50, average ccentease te —Lorenza_ Rs “0 ‘Lenore. ‘ri ss Hott ke rim, ie Disenroth, Ruby Schmidt, Lena Schuniat. der on roll 59, average attendance 15, 1, B. J. GLENN, he Warden’s Banguct ‘he singing of “He's Jolly. « Fellow” repeatedly at. Banigec teers atten! { pas eine bys jel tof others: of as sal “The House of Quality.” Genuine Reductions When we advertise goods ; at reduced prices you can depend upon it, reductions are genuine, not merely reduced on paper. Here is Your Opportunity We have decided to place on sale Saturday the balance of our Winter Suitings which rauge in prices from $20 to $26, at that the There are about 46 suit lengths for you to select from. goods money can buy and will be made in our well known =e class style with the “best of trimmings. We do this in order to keep all our fends fe ull spring trade opens up. 16.50. They are the finest zm ee H. Davies,| ou Stratford, TFITTER TO ME N ° Ontario. ey ate 30 pronounced as they were on ih has a company so lat which ‘gueembled to honor Wat Sidson, gailersdtor this! anneal ‘eves, ave the guaptinentsry ex: ym the dicated hy the number who respox hmong thers were Hilton, Hee caham, sf “Donald caghlin, re Pelton, W._ F. atlwhy was Port ao a3 rend wi hod is now & aca | one fa their capture. No - |render of Port Artho: Sur- A prominent Russian naval prisoner with col ak in Japan, mae: “Do oh stated that Port Arthur sbould not “omer, f pregnable: there was Sones friction ger ee ee eould form: any idea the stunendous forts of Satan the ineredible Hise Miteplayed foreign. officer is able to find poss penton for the sur- ost | Weary Shop Girls «| Pale, Tired Women You Feel “Draggy,” Lifeless, Evidently They are Married.| [Track City (Penn.) Times.) Lewis Rollings and Miss Pearl after several months of beart-to- sweet ayenue 0 the roseate 4 where soul meets soul of waves of ecstatic feelings. Nervous, Never Rested. head, W. tyne, B.S. mifcabens, Vion, Dickceod, A. Peebles, Beach Mitiausen, A. Siane, Chas. Vallanice, W. Gilehi Me Gos ede Anderson, F. Ballantyne, A. Oy tole, id Dr; Langrill. STRATFORD SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY ‘The latest, most advanced. aad ‘complete rem of training in RAILWAY TELEGRAPHY Practical out6t for all duties usually con- nected with that of a railway operator. ie as Operator, ‘Despatches and District suveutendent’ on the Grand rank Kail way. The School opens with Day and Night Classes, Janvory Sete, 1905, i the Hieetoa lock, 07 e Traders Ban! stone and ask fe cular, Which | © will references and fai informa ation as To the method. adopted, terms of. tuition, ‘and other details. fs os PATRIOTIS M is shown by supporting Home Institutions Keep your money at home by}: insuring in A Good Canadian Company giving GOOD RESULTS Chr. Kumpf, Thos. Hilliard, President. Managi Fred. Halstead, Supt. of Agencies chert Larmour, Principal and Prop: The Dominion Life|> | FERROZONE Will Make You Feel Like New—It Vitalizes, Tones and Strengthens. The best medicine for restoring ver- lity ae strel is Ferrozone. The ae fake Ferrozone is rier when tor. Brloker, Berlin, District Supt.' Com Reserve Fond Market Street, — - has established a branch ofits busiuess out BANK OF MONTREAL EstTABLisugp iN THe Year 1817. President, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. G, C, Tt. G Paid up Capitol 000.000 0,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Interest pnid or compounded yearly. Srratrorp Braxci, E..P. Winslow, Manager. half W. K. Loth A Nobby Overcoat We have a few of these fine Overcoatings lef which we will sell at Worsteds, which we buy or not. MERCHANT TAILOR. E | greatly reduced prices in order to clear them out. Winter Suitings The weather for heavy suits is now to hand and we have a fine range in Scotch Tweeds and are clearing out at cost. Come and have a look at our goods, whether you Ready-mades always kept in stock Four Per Cent. for Money. THE BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN — COMPANY Stratford, of which the igh Rate of Four Per Cent, is Lae half yearly on moncy left with it for mortgagee ‘on carefully’ selected propert and wi of shareholders’ capital ‘There Profitable investment combined. This feature of the Csmpany’s growing rapidly, in to those , | Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, President Wm. Suckingham, Manager. je periods of time, secured by jana Six Hundred Thousand Dollars is here ghertore, pete perkcuy sae is fore not affected 7 Kn i op the Feat Particulars "A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their pro- minence, have long been look- on as leading ul! others. ut last year The Mutual Life of Ganada out distanced them all in two very important a (a) Tt paid a Larger Amount in one of pee an (b) ased its surplus by $10, oe more rie the combin grease of the four companies. The Mutual Life of Canada owns 10 stocks, and it c ae the ee ye WH GROSCH, Local Agent be tio! prone na Fporaflalders than any, We have a complete ine’ all grades, an nd cai in fit: ny sh "| Prices to sui which oceurred dar- vegetable growers ppt hie Niage Yistrick have formed a combin- tomatoes to the can- 30-cents a bushel. 8. naval ‘were 1 ton, They s dhced to each thers “husban in Carleton and Queber opposed in “A Mormon Bishop in speaking at Selt Lake said he had known men rho had been shot = breaking: their witn representatives are beginning to take as view of it. e St. Petersburg papers are not a. | tinetion iween " Sic societies be abolished and so- Ninety judges v 8 cc Be by the Agviealaral Depa the An old lady in Ohio has read the woke Biole 27 times, by her children are priests, and one isa A Kinloss farmer trees, reserving the now sawmiller for $1,100. A Bruce township farmer got $135 for sixteen logs. The Dominion — breaker, Montcalm, is Perel oe at Cape Rouge. Ice 25 tee per ‘ick has con broken up easily. The oe census of 1901 gave Winnipeg tion of 43,34¢. ‘The present Popa of that city is now estimat ite a re- spectable i Ges in three years nited States people and Canadiars Se invested $500,000,000 in Mexico. and knows the ‘Three of sold 100 maple a Luck- Jobn L. Sullivan, with seareopuicetite 5 views to aid him, in the role ap mnst be a night A poe: light nen any © | fined audience to listen to. Roman Catholi, n Pes was fined $100 and costs fo" having an illicit still on his prem’ He pleaded guilty. priest for Archbishop ter. are now Here is an erring Rubber plantations and: the opening of mines he’ ip the most a this enormous capital _ Whe wild cat is destroying the deer in the New Brunswick forests, and the tome are fast making mince meat of partridges. ‘These two out-laws of the forest will have togo by act of eee offering a bounty for cultured and re- ic priest near ‘ises. Burchesi to look} ¢) cho rt time ago «menting of repre. convinced that soldiers did not assist} P: in ae Ss raids ible thing won't the Ru te- | it any soe that the great Anglo- s—those lovers of fair play Saxon in all ieee these age anivers would-be masters The annual meeting of the of Fairs ian Association bitions will be held i uesday, 10 per cent.,.and a to draw oa Tats week at Tor ich met to receive ee re- port of this committee. However, the mean, contempt: work of completing the report had not ussians do? Is n° finis and the meeting ad- journed on the understanding that the committee will be able to Beet ee price schedule -w: night. ‘The lines that will be crates << almost entirely the cheaper grades Shoes, ' the bread and butter of the| tao as the manufacturers put i footwear. 0. pronounced ‘of Europe of Asia? Canad- and lexhi- in Victoria Hall, Wednesday and | rye Longest Lane Must Turn. (Toronto Globe.) old lady who died at Montreal ears, ha? smoked y fall exhibitions should be ituall; she was nine years held in a county ; ( township re pee aoe! ‘Englishinan's f an Bota tainer: “The: ey may it for years, but itis bound to reat 1d the dis-} © and dis-| {Stal absta eceivetheir in peepee for agricultural Should. the G to the amo: overnm unts they piioiees © TIME. PIECE! is what you want, and for : ruRMiTURE and ea ee to get it you will have to call at this Jewelry Store. We have the celebrated Deuber-Hampden Watches also. the Waltham and Elgin in Gold Silver and Nickel Cases. : Every Watch sold here- is guaranteed. P. H. Bastendorff § GIVIN G UP Harness Business Sale We have decided to give up business and go into the new Felt Shoe Factory, yeas means our stock must be re- duced. Now for real ae bargains. Call at once. Team Harness with Breeching, reg. ~ $39, sale price $29.50. Single Baceesin reg. {$14.50, Strap Harness, reg. $16.50, ic ries 312.50. ; cae ete Harness, reg. $19, sale Ladies’ Desks We have a beautiful ~ which we will dispose of at | psa: them in weathered and quarter sawed Oak. Prices from $9 to 18.00. Also other Desks in elm and oak from $5 up. line We can show you our Stock of LADIES’ DRESSERS is complete. ful ones with large British Some beauti- Bevel Mirrors, which make nice bedroom pieces, at ee that op ¥ to show you rough Ags try, gaived tor iar services this year. 14} work, 6, ug 8 fairs, and last year 152. airy cattle and swine, ee Society pure bred bulls it own: spring stallion shows their former place 2 airy products, In 1903 the ee pide Ad ications have been r ent grants be withheld from Societies which permit ayy, 11 gamesof chance at thei 8? 216) Should Agroultaral: sou own ) “STRATFORD, MMA fairs last rided as For horses, 28: stock ? So (8) How ean the graduates. folenaal Imitation Buffalo Robe, reg. $12, sale | ww does the Seen Manes the 14 ‘ee rough Raw: 8? (7) Should|A Jarge school, a famous school, Blankets at cost. its be restored to. noted for the success of me of. GROSCH, | Enter now. Catalogue free. e- ee ae i ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principats. t door to Grosch’s Shoe Store. C. R. Honderich & Te few s ‘Bic HOUSE. — Ca 2 Caps 4 Cozen Men's and Boy's Cloth Peak Caps, regular value’ 25c., 35¢, and 4oc., clearing price ige. Men’s Underwear - Tiger Brand. Heavy ribbed, all wool unshrinkable shirts and drawers, regular value 1.00 and 1.25, clearing price 85c¢ each. Men's. Ribbed Unshrinkable Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular value 75c and 85c., clearing price 63c. Boy's Sanitary Wool Fleece Under- wear, all sizes, regular 25c., 30c., 35¢., 40c., 45¢., for 20¢., 25¢., 30c., 35¢., and 4oc. 3 dozen Ladies’ Heavy Ribbed Vests, regular value 5oc., clearing price 35c. Boy's Heavy Wool Sweaters, value 60 aud. 75¢, Clearing price 5 regular ‘Girls and Children’s Tams and Caps We haye about three dozen in this lot. eg Jar values. 5h 35c., and 5o0c., clearing 13 only, February Clearing Sk H. Mi. Schaefer's ee Store CARTHAGE We start the month of February with some magnificent values. We have had a big season’s business, and yet that is’ only an incentive to go on and do better in the future, and as our sales increase ee business expands, we can thus afford to do with smaller profits, and in cases where we have Special Clearing Lines dispense with profits altogether. Our motto is to offer you the Best Qualities and Best Values money can secure. Our Special Clearing Lines for February are Fall and Winter Goods, Remnants. Odds and Ends, Notions, Ete. Read the list carefully, it will pay yess FE U RS Our sales in Furs have been beyond our fondest expectations, we still have a ce lines left however.. Remember we guarantee every Fur garme ent we sell to give absolute satisfaction. You take no risk in buying ie here, and if you need anything | in the fur line it will pay you to buy now. ~ 1 only Coon Coat, regular $48 for $42. __t only, Black Dog: Come reg. $20. for $16 | only, Ladies’ Astrachan Jacket, reg. $35 for $ $29. Nutna Beaver Caps, regular Be 3 only, Black aoe an | regular 3-50, for 2.50. i of Lad Cc perines and: Mats that we w been pa’ Horse Blankets 11 only, Horse Blankets, Sie pale $1 25 to $1.50, clearing price 12 pair only, White Wool Blankets, regular value $4." clearing price $3- aa These are special good value consider- ing the sharp advancement. in the wool market. % Flannelette 500. yards Heavy F lannelette i in checks — and stripes, regular 12%4c, clearing ee Toc. 150 yards Grey Flannel, regular ee 15 to [8c.. per yard, clearing price.1214c. 2 dozen Children Imitation Fur Gaunt- lets, regular ae §0e,; clearing price 29¢. Groceries _ as This store has always been noted for having the best of everything in the Grocery line, and when you consider Quality you will find our price as low as the lowest. Special to Ibs. Mat Figs for 25c. 5 Ibs. Good Raisins for 25c. aie, Glanber Salts for 25c. ro bars good Laundry Soap for 25¢. -3 cakes good Toilet Soap for 5c. 7 Twin Bars Castile Soap for eon he Odds and Ends We can save you money on the smal articles. Remember small things . count. Compare our prices with what you bee yin, Silk Chiffon Collar Form seach 5c Hair Pins, 5 packages for 5c. 25 Good ete for 4c. 12 Hat Pins for 5c. 5 pair Sod Shoe Laces for 5c S ig Tongs fOnge a ‘Brushes for 5°.

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