FRICTION AT THE FRONT. from St. casas at his own a reese haviog Saphee ae Ben to Sisho! ver. It is not ues that Gen. Kou- ‘opatkin’s. o! resign’ will be accepted at one ks stage of af- RELATIONS: UNPLEASANT. despatch from Paris says: St. gees anes of French G newspaper: Kop- ropatkin is une cause his relations with the eoany ee leas: re- ted that Gen. Tingritan will suc- im. ‘The Grand Duke Boris is repo! to. have started again for the ee ‘le recalled | from Liao-Yang last ‘Agus for the reason, it tae iuaee event attack upon-Gen. Kouropatkin when Kouropathin rebuked him for disso- behavi JAP GENERAL DEAD. + despatch from Tokio says: Gen. Matsumura, who the tion of his services in thi ment, has oe ee he front from =congestion of the Tra aetestans BLOW Me EP: itch from Gen. roparkin nie se oRcan re ort that a patrol blew up the railway at engage- line ne ight ve vefsts sonth of Liso-Yang- y-fo officers 646 men have ar aaa AT HUN RIVER. from jons of infantry and one cavalry. ‘The total forces engaged numbered two hundred thousand, thus ms ranking the battles of the Yalu an nshan. fies nileaniet xe Shit the Russian expected that the cold would ae the tenting ability of the STRUCK GRIPPENBURG. ‘A despatch from Paris says:— t correspondent thus” sacrificing 10,000 e correspondent asserts that an altercation occurre which Kour- Gpatiide “etrack Gripponberge 2 FOUND FROZEN CORPSES. Shennan Base. 6 ap) corpses were frightful. bodies were scantily clad. Lost 38,000 MEN. cule states that the Ruslan losses in the recent fighting on the Hun River are = to retire, pel Hed Gen. Linovitel May Take Command of the Ozar's Armics. ty-seven_ wounded. ersary of the present dynasty. ding wws of the Black Sea Russia to-di ‘espondent of don Times inca :—Inform: ma prove “irresistible ae opatkin’ A despatch to the Novoe fF Petersb from bai on the steamer Proceeding to San Francisco, A. des} says: sa ‘rom the retain tei op clear yet the “fighting on’ the Hun The Ri to vement at t the sian movemen' right. A Gel aes from Gen, Oku quarters J is ‘iumph, acc tistics by the chiet a of Gen. Th u's entire army. since the fanaing ‘coveries ith the loss 100 killed and many wounded. The Russians lost fifteen killed and thir- ry RENAMED. = othe throne of Jimmu, founder of ON THE VERGE aia MUTINY. Ace to Booties Df ae bones creat “Wait Iv y-eight of thei comrades being sentenced to death as ringleaders previous out- Numbers of revolutionary th sa tens ti tive than they are in the South BS FAMINE. FACES ‘TROOPS. SOWING SFI SEDITION. } she internal troubles of Russia. RULER THANKS TROOPS. nigh ide awonety cold weather. PRISONERS Py PAROLED. JAPS AGGRESSIVE. patch oe St. Peeravire issians canine the seem to be = their “torn, turning n Nowiiz Tas ae nee of the JAP SURGEONS’ biases were on 3 typhoid, and of dysentery, while ‘of beri-beri there 5,0' cases fleet are poet The Lon- wal Kour- Vreraya, day ap if the g t whet Bes Saran nm in the iS “on May when LEADING MARKETS’ The Ruling Prices In Live Stock and Breadstuffs. BREADSTUFFS. . Toronto, Feb. 7.—Wheat—Ontario a $5 to $5.20 for ond Dee: and Bee bulk, Mg to $16.50 for shorts west. Manitoba, $10 for shorts, $18 for bran, expor' rley—45c for No. 2, 48c for No, |T®! extra, and 41c for No. 3 malting, | § outside. Toronto ‘freigh' for No. 2 on —Unchanged; new Canadian yellow, 4lic to 42c; mixed, 41c to 41}c f.0-b. hatha freights; new American, No. 3 yellow, 51c to 514c, xed, -51¢ on track Toronto. pra at the OES. 37¢ No. 1 whi 2, 7c north an “Rolled Oats—$3- 90 0 Tor cars of bag: $4.45 for broken ee = aad 00 f for broken lots outs: 6c to 67¢ for Ne 2 west an reer 2e to 58¢ east and est. COUNTRY PRODUCE. eese—Is, fairly steady at 114¢ ue per Be for large and 113 12¢ or twi is less tendenty hold stocks, and the ma to (eed—$14 to $14.50 for bran in |mace™ 3 ate to Orie low tents and ‘Bese oO dw all kinds are|™0n sense offer ant ‘The si Thereupon ME. de Witte, whose speci- al. opinion minutes of the eoudea submitted | to ini a sitting on Jan. 31 to discuss this memorandum, when the question of an enquiry into the events was dis- cussed, the Minister of Finance was to prepare a scheme of social legisiative reform, with special reference to the question of labor.”” ‘The Czar has listened at last to the counsels tention at the present moment adopt them. GRAND DUCAL OPPOSITION. hhaye heretofore served to THE CZAR FOR REFORM But Influence of the Royal Dukes May Interfere. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The story ered upon the | Pate of nine in a thousand. pane than ever. There is, in- a but one way in which oe could etectively establish reform i Russia withost, exposing eae to almost certain assassin age oaceeety authors aren tte Wit reparations it is not expected that the eror could summon up hee re solution for so radical a os STRIKE BREA aes ovr. Sie ola 's conciliatory acute Fand vague promises 0 pular onse that was expected. ‘The authorities were surprised to- day by fresh strikes in two of the principal cotton. mills and a large iron works, je reason for the strikes was ke protest char- against. the untopresntative acter of the so-called ees st rated necelvosiny BeeOnaa dag’ s cirikers. whteaed eeterned ine Work Monday, 0 the Tzarskoe Selo wi tnaividuas Paclected by 3 ties, and were not cl workwear: whip repudiate then Shere (Alle apubt’ tat some pretense of granting concessions will be 2 ict 3g 2 g = not be ruled by bayonets alone, and that an attempt mu gain som Popalee good will. The aoe in te en it is discovered whether ee re ecvenes ies e his inten- 0 The: anaes srendered, oe to have Be:- bacon, Be oe abattoir ho: $4.75 a3 5. 5 es o care; any. ieee $6 6.75, Cheese—Ontario tall white, sore ‘to 103¢; colina 10%¢ to 10jc; Quebec, 10¢ Butter Finest pate, ae to 22¢ eer ss gre ‘le; medium 1 fe to *201e, ead western Salry at Tee Straight cal Maa stored A7Tic to 19c; No. 2, 163¢ to 173; Montreal limed, 19c to 19}c. NEW YORK MARKETS. aor ae eee et inal elevator; No.2 ok 313) La Baatont fin and body near a No. rn, Duluth, eae f.o.b, was properly interr stove in which wi near ey, le in the village got intoxi- cated, it is alleged, with the town shal, who showed him a bottle as left in an _ntbailaing roaring c julet. with | Czar from a liberal policy, with per- | tion to more words of empty promis- prices unchanged. Turkeys, 12c to} haps re drastic ones added. His = as they with his Christmas pro- ic ee 14¢; = * ore Majesty's ; position is, in fact, more ! clamation. choice, 12c to * poted unchanged;| afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.11] Ard .the | nftro-glyeerine exploded. oe : 2 2S a site ets f.0.b. afloat. The building was aln as com 7 out of store. ern — pletely wrecked as was ee body* of 75e to $0e on track and 90¢ to 95e oe oo Peter. g out of store. eronto, Buyers -reatired rhart was a strange character, i dott. ar ar ots supply seca rtaues a slightly Ae eS of cattle. es ‘had often threatened suicide. - ots o! thy + Biel doled. wamnenged at $7.00 to ee a a eeriey BRIDGE GAVE Way. 3 ED aud Mor steed prices shows an upw: t lency, at $6.25 to $6.50. in the it grades of heifers Th: Mm xi Sttate unchanget at #8 Sig wea: decacdiy active aka irty Men and Fo Horses Fell ; ce ie $6. 25 Be ‘Gore ctor. r lots on the supply lasted. quantity of Bch the offerings was fairly good. Cows| A despatch from ae Petersburg sold fairl: fre the market wowmnit Ramcens, [See ety ii Montreal, Feb. So is|was fair, at ol Pama eat in Sheep and lambs did not sell so ats ee feePs | rea eadily and values were weaker. The fer ay ee eet ee gas sales — white were made at|e5 per ew! es Pht an No. 8 at 48c per bushel, |“ ‘The following quotations were pre- Flour—The feeling generally all over ele oe go ee the country is more settled Eee ean ee consequence there is an ianeavee de: Sate Ge Naeger une ‘ oP Manitoba {© good, $3.20 to $3.50; cows, spring wheat patents, $5.80; str o coe a or oe Se bakers’, $5.50; winter wheat patents, |""/0 7 $5.70 9 85: 80; straight rollers, $5.- = Bikers uid tenders were naire. 40. and bay it. $2.50. a ee 26 es tae bees. eee short-keeps, 1, 200 Baboae rs neces eS a ees Se Se oes a eta se eR with the asistance of witnesses of the 1 ‘fs 2-75; ” | accident. bran in bulk, $17 400 to 600 Ibs., at $1.40 to 82. e Fontaka is a river six miles $s be pees of sheep and Le isstres Tong, stlliged Sith otis Seaterwages ye fantaees Re eee is ie incluaing cans, 9 -drata “the a 2 3 .~ shi ti] the Ne i si ae aspen ar aoe 7S, '0, #35 | marshes. sbutltlof: the Neve River. 2. oc lambs, $5.25 to $6.35 per| ppMOVING TO PETERBORO. 7 Cornmeal is rquiet at ee ae $i . Wales cold” ah ue Sie per Tb., i Be “primes, $1.40 fo|and €2 to $10 cath Bae See cera $1.45 per bushel and $1.25 to $1-| The quotations for hogs, were $5.- atone 374 in car lots. 50 for sclects, 160 to 200 Ibs., and ats, eae Hay—The demand for baled hay |$5.25 for aight ‘and: tata,-oft cara; | 22 Satie Who laa the Canadian for local consumption continues fair | Toronto. General Blecirk: Company). i 75ers and pri jow no change; #, eas jounced, Ww 4 be ut down in April, $9 to $9.50; No. 2, $8.25 to $8.75; erane te TRC DS Pa ‘clover. wiixéds- $7" to 50; pure EXPLODED AFTER DRUNK. erbo! ‘ause the cost of power is clover, $6.50 to $6.75 per ton, in _— one-third greater in Montreal than : » 40| yen Froze to Death and Blew up|it is in Peterboro. It js further ra When Thawed Out. parr tet out a omer eer costs 3 _ follow very low cost of power, and A. despatch from St. Paul, Minn.,| the company look to effect an econ- = omy of fully 20 per cent. in these Thursday as a small bottle| costs as compared with’ Montreal. Minn., ee UNCHECKED. 140,000 Immigrants Exrected to coe See aes Adi froi ipilarauen oitelate. anocivate that 140,000 fnami, c heavy movement will be begun, Because the St. Catharines Cor would not pay $7, 000, the owing on a a Fie, pases bonus, J. M. tie to des down | FLASHES FROM THE WIER The Very Latest I Items From All Parts of the Glabe. it Portage, cal Ottawa view to induc a union F from any Canal has Tn Medical. sils of one S 2 5 Andrew est cause it involv dat jury aunt, Mrs. Mai be sentenced to Possibilities Sauone in receipt of Dae ‘Tripp, ‘Trinidad, who ae to ie only £377 cre | ‘Tripp eee sae: profitably from New can Canada, any lead lots us onto | weighing 140 er atch ike, A. pecan in Ss fre the ow Beli arrying fla; Sosnowice, them and any. bloodshe: at twice latel; arae, were disposi SS coerci A despatch ‘The Revere at is umorea Owing to th the entire coast losed to a The construction of heen placed entirely the eta ae egw A ienlth’ Officer has the) tong hundred girl pupils large Motel a "pitisbure, pa of hay @& ada th desp: Pineticlly ae whole ee as it Cossar drove them back w: d. Baron Moiskin, oe of police at Warsaw, has bec LORE Se oes, was eee on Si plo} RK. near Cae all the crew = that a bill to im laries of Judges of the High Coes will be introduced at session. wae ihe raedicet eare Intendent ot ‘the Leper’ Hospital at ‘Tra N.B., reports that leprosy is rapidly entire entourage, Seen, decreasin; i ig faithful guard in anoth A New Liskeard despatch say: alace, whence he could give rdeee that reports from the timber limi for sweeping out the whole of the | chow that the w: of log-making rascally official crew, including, of | js almost completed, and the ga: course, the It would | are hauling logs to the Be . Wi icing the companies to re. station there. POREIGN, e ice blockade nearly of Newfoundland is ping. ester Guardian say that Wie Monroe deciciag protects Canada over-sea invasion. the Panama in nt Hoey vale: the cut _Dartegle refused to inter 2 of be ed selling liquor. Bannon, a former con- and Killed by a pol- iceman while breaking into.a saloon at Boston, Mass. Miss Carrie Gray. napoli ina school teacher, of x thrashing her son, Mrs, Hawkins trounced the other woe ith a rawhide, Frank Furlong, the 19-year-old f New York, laughed when, agate! Keeler, He wil ee CANADIANS ARE LOSERS of ot Bay Trade With n Ottawa epee says: rade: oD nd Commer ce is a Banisicatts ele Agent for desires raw. e “United States, and dite as coming from ae exp: aS that the one 7 iss that is hay bow, in comes through in car- about 150 bales, to 150 pounds each. POLAND ON STKIRE. Cossacks Drive Back : Marching Mob of Thou: from Warsaw say: of Poland is been sinie ols siege has earns: bting et Rad ee a religious socks fired ly. ‘The strike movement has spread to Petri- ‘the remainder discharg- fw number of workmen put fear resus Sieohtents will’ employ from Panama ea ates that “De kihinas te ——— othe: United States is — dead of yellow fever, “oe ‘Sackett the Hotel a Pictou, NS One of the MET oe ern, FES ine ‘Seymour ene SEN she ¢ to the door, and unlocking it, a. : z e istenels call wes silent, Bue “se “Who can it be, madam? Louise, = could not rest under the the maid?’’ the countess was. il}, and ie Bee Mig thas er topbed,”” : softly. yet -auickly, ie eat tabetia the cousins a ioe rales the door ab ‘Then she said aloud, ‘Who is : aot teas re-| “I, Seymour,’? came the iaapere: mnie ioe a “I want to see you ent."” the Private | aflairs of the family,’”” he oaned. A ughtiul expres- esas pristas ee ee and triumphant “I thought you er gone. to the nae ” she said. ‘Madam ed, and has gone to her room." * oQuite right,’’ he said. ‘‘No; ‘eame back hoping to find you here, en le closer and stood, pst the man- iece. e flushed and her heart Was he going to speak of Royce own ing to say and he came a litt beat. on n't know ene perhi ene,”’ he said, bend- igo in- im- she ase zane | the corridor, ie she nd ulmos fearet | in au ts nakedneis, ‘Then, tead of an elated! De. EY | mixed himself, some brandy whi you can wil °! are consigned by, Provides te c pen brutality = if he hed dealt ber an actual physical blow. er lips quiver- Her eyes close then she drew herself up and lo at “Flow dare yout’’ she ted. “How dare—’’ then her aes broke and she hid her face in her hands. it nS as if he had torn the veil from her heart pa shown it to her she look-| t “Royce is not a vagabond or scamp, and none know it better an yours Io jot ~=speak—do not touch me,’’ for he had stretched out his ha “You had no right to he fol- ean ora hie ree touch and Veentatted! to leeve ‘ “Wait, Irene,’ he said, and you, and—and let my love plead for me.’ As to Royce, if I have wronged him. “You, have | wronge ed him, rong him daily, hourly,” she ee She put her hand to her throat, if she were suffocating, and left the room. and wa- Ce Cigar; but the house seemed too hot to hold him, and he ha a oe and tender maddened hi Ta mn can feel the lash of a of horses’ the sound icading anothe: short at sight of the tall figure in evening dress and ut- tered an exclamation; then he touch- pardon, my lord, but you e rather a fright. Seymour came forward with sone thing approaching his bland smile on his face, ‘Let me see who you ate. Seymour ~ blandly. iin any erodble? |fs0 you are quite right to come to me, Giles. “to assist or—er— ist or—er- those who my. car es, my lord,” said Giles teringly. " “But it isn’t that, lord. I ain't in no particular ble as I knows | ME iota? eymour started. It scemed as it his brother to-night ‘Well? he said harshly. “What of him, my lord,” voice a luck, I've _Trene . went 1 ipstairs fowie? until sponse came; then the countess’ voice said: eymour wiped his perspiration < from his face; the room seemed tifling. He went into the dining-room and fal- If of. It’s Master Heyes! 3 he were doomed to be haunted by to see him! said} © “Who is there?”* “Tt is I—Irene, madam,” said her. aid. aPPY, she said, and she laid her she ac ears on lack satin, and she looked up unhappy, too!’’ she said “Tt was you. ngly “You are tenderly, appealingly. heard!”” “Never mind me,’ said the coun- ess. ‘Something has happened! What is it?’’ “Soymonr has asked me to be nis wife. os Ph intess” ant Tree: shout she e felt oo sauder r! Well “oh, madam, T aie not, I could not,” eee e. could not,” sald the inoue with forced. calm. “Why not? not love him? Is that it?’ ” came the whisp re sponse. “‘Yes, old him so, but— but he was angry and said things countess ‘The air m, nestled against her closely, appeal- inal ‘Oke of rison told m oes eee from the gar- who sat next ness should be seen by, a second fixed ag him, holding her brea‘ id Seym xclamatior Shehae wilisaws fee toad and stood oo to aoa such infamy, Seu Royce; net ies, ropped ated 25 Pita ad he see him?’ she He eat Markham Fair. the gang, dressed ada was not to wl “d the eres uae he might go back i Si ir would take his part! It All his brother officers are Ah, if you man § is true! on she ‘ene. pee ek Trene,’” ice. fe. ge een it is true will go to him.” “And 1!'" said Irene, under breat nd for a moinent his face fell, mother. Low as Royce has d remember that and if possible Sie? oes renee auivering lips at last. “Are” you ie T will answer for i espon' lear, he may the roe penni- hungry and ill.” countess put. out her hand and let it fall trembling "8 “Hush more! st come back? | shall not but suddenly and caught) a 2 May power. tay with ros ee nig °T should ; (To be Continued.) sce A LOCOMOTIVE FIRE. ie @ house il ‘uproar every used © i: convenient bios x has Beast au oil and the nied. tion n Bot oe eee brok- cannot beat tus for quickly Producing igh a rest that a ie fee ie while in if the oie Joined ‘a band of eyp- has ooae whis| Irene; BU Line agra objeet inducement. ‘Phere is, aS us: ual, in the case. One of the “ow onied Uso EpiEg cto, the gang— ae ion came from Irene. can understand your saluctanis col oe for a moment, ae she releed it, her face like “one. of them= in fact looked, so Giles says, as if he had been born and bred among e-| them.” A strange se crossed _ the countess’ face as she looked at him. Oke or ee tee al madam! Do not believe it!’” pant ne, said, in a can soon or false. I me did not at a suit Seymour, with a hypocritical “You are right, as you always are, S sunk we pee It Is More poate Than | ne Would Think. anake a aire in the teeter but e Wood old arog tie cut and Some Characteristics of the Two Great ae sotee ane d Sines career’ ‘NAPOLEON AND CROMWELL. t Men. Segre was a soldier ie educa- Cromwell was a farmet Na- bi REMAINED THE gi hoa AGE. Artists’ Conception of To-day is tie dd on pees Likene; me Be world i Ried inthe faces painted by Raj iss Michael Angelo and nd ee ieee Sir apitign ‘Bayliss, aient. eo fa Royal Saocloty of ‘Brite o of objectors: “OR7 ==. “He started as OR stood silent for a moment. His face agai save japened and Ane: CONAN q wore a thinly-veil- the ‘ater mowed down the flower of A SECRET REVEALED stood with her hand-lamp raised}ed expression of triumph. +t: Fa + spptdttt | above her head. She was still dress-| “Forgive me for disturbing you, ee in his cold, sullen Eing- ae ppg its Shy eg , but in that instant Irene saw rr mother,”’ he said. ‘‘But I haveljign had a more ‘difficult SEER to CHAPTER XIV.—(Continued.) “Tt is not true,” he said almost|the Landon diamonds lying in a) just heard important news of |Geat with than Tt ture,"’ mur-| loudly. “You have played the €0-| heap on the floor, as if the countess | Royce. ne dene ome to. =| quette and led me on; yes, eve ad tor and flung them| Irene caught at the countess’ nome bic Tage ou say that you aia | from ee Sagmour glanced at het, but ‘sul zi si I was “ is the tter?"’ she asked, | addressed the cow ‘Tres, ae Yes, indeed. She} not guess ie Snow what What is the ma’ id aed ‘ child, but | ing to say to y * indigo vy. 4 ooking down at Iréne’s pale, trou- prey is bad Tee ce ‘am sorry to a ae oe eat Se toi et his = = BS sai ni led y SS a the officer ught you were goin, a ae ‘thought I heard something. | |“ ad . sae es the countess | some mwell merely li t “You know her, Sir Let me come in, madam!”’ Bags on ee Ee Seon emer ae William? Who is she?” n of his nam ie} ‘The countess stood sande, and Irene ae Rs oe % aoe hee <e : vGromel caauered “The countess’ ward, she lives with from Seym face Sas pula -ecorcely pe for gol e | ct arch Aer and left it pale almost to “sity iamonds. | mUrI Yai r “What is it?’’ demanded the Gass And T’ve been talking to her of} “«Royee,”” he hiss That she staggered a littl ? is the key to the busi are yy the mental | tess, her voice strained and hari wi a intess’ hand segs See jes— ewell, posh sanjets “should not be; th ing from con- ask- is “with true, her sie eer women peciaiag as if turned to}, stone. e aves citizen manages a set | ime he equire! the fire gains headway has tem: ie fg si eet changes Positions ne ae (Slight tible cat to shi He comm Apostles were 11 1e ing. Man; hootien a Se jem are of course,—congratulated ep and the fervor of his wel- e hom to see me th erence time w Christ. pices red him, a all their pictures ~ same. ie. frese: ‘the wel it curiosity Ses than love or loyalty shi she reason of every po- pular aeeonatreticr mi. Cr ia plow ith the Snelfer of his f ete with. the himself, while the plowing plow- wid meet folks Ise ones had bi were tix EEeible parce and al well, better ee bett bic each 1 our and dovetailed with events oe ay befell, In seeming ever frank, he was close-locked as the are; liey: jones as a bear; slow, he was as swift to ae as a bolt from ae ve; he as a fla: ashlights careless, accurate as a rapier; things, and by snipes political, Sey to the came at the very time was never where no: his enemies Tecpel Military tthe: stronger.” — Suce Seg MARVELOUS INVEN TION. aga Little Instrument mt Will Make More Deadly. Army officer surverors, inspectors of woods ani others engaged in ane of ae ies aoe ements thé s, civil encin ers, lana im] Bi ee ‘prow, when *t were mi . Wests long distan po Lieut. Vietor Sapor his socent ‘invention of the ualiti a perfect Seok nie pee including = Beep y mean of handling it. No eulations "are ne ew eee iment. Even tie tar- = veromioe. and pu- old. | eet there ss re period when Rome, pose rE cal peutiye, and primitive art is Bs 0 be taken seriously,”” be declares. tf p- hi ies with collections Ete ‘fertiate of men.and women of Omit was first being Eolas whe the world was specially prepared to re iraculously imprinted upon superi 2| distinguishable from a tracing the 2 oat: BREE EES capes TRY T HIS! eer a re eauar aid to pease 5 Apes id turnin; nae