Milverton Sun, 9 Feb 1905, p. 5

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0 EGAI lie 91, Alvin Barr 85, Mabel Danbrook! @ @@G : core = 32. Hannah Little 78, Pape. Borate pigees iymer ee figare: | B. ig fan, percentage ¥ sivas GS pie rena Christian eeeaueles, Perey Why He Bae On. oronto Telegram.) The fact is that Hon. G. W. Ross has not yet resigned because the Ou- 67, stanly reece 53, ure ymer 40, Wilson | ip office when the time comes to re- ‘ _ lair Buchanan 91, | 232 = CO. Va a : Hire. Must. go, Meonrt 70, Wal femaphill 63, ‘Thos. | Johu Alexander Dowie, who par- Ibert we eas room ae eur Spring Stock wetnumuc in one mad, Lizzie Hei = | pes ee ae by a 48, Sam Hen: ite 3 don’t believe in carrying stock from one sea-| wasn isyite Tax [DAVing wp in full the enormous del mein vata o another, and therefore we have cut the ee so don’t wait until the last day, come eee geese REXAL HOLD DYES a as get the first choice. = as shapattaan, Os ane Se Tatest and most improved dve ve a pple, @GVVSaGeE@2eG' ae Giving Up Sale Hundreds of people took advantage of Our great sale last week, going away s and telling us they would*be back this week. “Yes. we ea saye you from 15 to 25 per cent, in some cases 50 per cent., which is a-clear profit to you, is it not? We mean business, if you doubt us come in and see the eager buyers, buying up bargains for spring, summer, and next fall and winter, You haven't long to stop and think, you must act quick, you might be sorry, we are doing our duty, now you do yours, y q in the world. Wil! dye wool, cotton, € oH silk, jute or mixed go uae ae ean Pe 7 5. -| For sale by W. J. Zoeger, Newton, For further : as Siko Does General Merebaut. Geos ee - Milverton Roll Millers Hosiery : Ha Mohr Received a Targe shipment. of the highest geade of Oatmeal, and are for 19¢. : inva position to wholesale aud re- length, serdar $1.25 soc Hose for 35¢, Grocery and Bakery,| ‘tit st lowest pness. 7 iz 19¢ : : Chopping is Promptly Attended ise Grain is bought at our 1.05 EES Yarn Epo at G: i Stasion, for tite ieagiie regular 1.25, ae 85c. Black fingering yarn, regular Fresh PFEFFER BROS. th, regular. 1.65 for 75¢., for soc Ib. , Ticking Frozen Herring Regular 25c. for 19 = = cS 80c. dozen we Few Exampies 5 pieces Navy Blue and Black Serge, was?75c., 85c., and 95¢c. per yard, sale price 58c. 15 pieces Harris) Homespuns in 3 1-2 and 5 yard ends, were $1.50 yard, sale price goc. yd. 25 pieces Dress Goods, were from 50c to 86c. yd., sale price 38c. 1oo yards Black Peau ‘de Soie Silk, our $4.26 line, sale price 83c. 60 Ladies’ Fancy Collars, were-from 25%to 4oc., sale rice 19¢. « Great bargains in Furs, Cloth-| Butter 17c. Eggs 20c. ing and Overcoats. ae: 3 it hog Pus spienty. ol > * te ne ol e best! W.G.& R. Dre’s Shirts, Z Gate Mornington. Price $0.600. _ regular $1, for 60c. 5 ater west half of lot_ 4, concession : 0 weres, good dwelling js small frame barn. Price Neckwear (1H. MOH R.©* : North one-half lot number one, | 50¢. for 39c. 25c for 19¢}. coneession four, western section Wel- i = lester, 10 é E A : = eres in bush, well fenced, 5 Men's pees F- FE F arn, concrete dwelling auld plenty of ieee a “Free! Free! Free! ct sic? ‘Sint fata z reat bargain, Price $5, ee see ie 70C. < Two story Dalek Bele with 38c. Fine Porcelain Dinner Setts pomenitonri a dl: woodstied. er 19¢. given away with our cash sales. | water, good cellar, corner lot. er of Mainand George streets: Price $1300. To pieces Fancy Neck Ribbon, were from 26 to 4oc., sale price 18c. 6 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts to be sold at 48c each Short ends of Carpet to be sold at ridiculous prices. 2 dozen a Blue Men's Yop Shirts, were 39C € Men’s $1 oe $1.25. Underwear for Soe. each Men's W.G. & Ro or Greene's Collars, 2 for Men's 50c. Ties for 39¢ each. Men's $10 and $12 Suits for $7. 90 Men's $10 Overcoats for $6.9 4 only, Ladies’ Black Aogochin Jackets left, were $38 to $40, sale price $29.50 Ridiculous prices on Ladies’ Srirts, Coats, Jackets, and Capes to only, Ladies $4 Skirts for $2.50 1o pieces 12 1-2 and 15c. Wrapperette for 9c yd. 10 piecas 0 50c. Dress Muslins for 15¢ yd. Ridiculous ae on Large Fancy Lom s All our Embroideries, Laces, Insertions, Dress Trimmings, Buttons, oe ae Perfumes, Combs, Etc., at below cost. Qdds and ends, such as Ladi Whitewear. Aprons, Shawls, Tapestry and Chenille Curtains, Rem- nants, Underwear, Black Underskirts, Linens, Hosiery, Warps, Shirtings, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, White Cottons, in fact ev erything i in the store goes. Now don't delay, buy your wants ae share in the profits. “ cee « : Sg ak Coupons given with every|% Pe Groceries 25¢ purchase. You can get it| One and a half story brick veneered ie iGs Reipal Soca for $1| Piece by piece, and get an javelin, with kitchen avd woodsted.| 18 Ibs. Yellow Sugar for J'1| Piece you want, until you Pave Hebe nad func 20 Ibs. Dark sugar for $1 a Whole Dinner Set. (Price, $1,050. A bargain. gee Ibs. 25¢. Tea for $t The ordinary price of a Set ae oe half s ood ci ‘ BGs Red Rose Tea, reg. 25c for 20 of dishes of 97 pieces, li : ; <| Pearline regular 5c. for 3c these, is $14. = [ants ePrice Rose jee Powder, reg. 25¢] We use these dishes simply 1 yireallent grain and dairy farm in eae 13! : as an advertisement for our wo hundred and fis white eanee powder, | business, if you want them the ood: TER. ESC: FOF TIC. q tain them is easy. é NG ee Pen eae _| Celluloid Starch, reg. 10¢ for : ba a to hi ihe ani : y D 7% to school, L mile to postoftice, 14 miles Chinese Starch, reg. 10 for 7% 0S vol to. two GTR. stations, 3 wiles to hi; eile Galt, Prestn and Berlin electric tine, ee ee hite nace reg. foc $} miles to Berlin, 3 uiles t ae le 0 alt, Bor qnic 77 ee 7 to G ok x Bee se Shae Dressing, reg, MILVERTON STA 7 10 per acre. Half cash, Tislauier ot terme: ————= | better still, cowe for tre ‘A, & Bicho, Strasburg, Ont: os ‘e [29 lbs. Oatmeal for a5¢ Sun Life Assurance ibis A OF ce Sonat (2 Ibs. Cornmeal for 25¢ Call aud see tue for inte fe Green Coffee toc lb. é Ww. EIR, 25\ Roasted Coflee 1214 Company of Canada. Real Batare Agent. Castile Soap 7 bars for 25¢. Sore j ey Comfort Soap, 6 bars for 25. ‘Clover Leaf Salmon 15c¢ tin Results for 1804 Royal Club Salmon 14 tin Assurances issued and pai ; Muventox. Le ai ee Peas, 3 cans for 25¢ ne Corn soc tin Terie uvere005 1,744,698 o000890000900020092a0900z0¢0%e090xAzaxs=xaxI000z0000000 99 beuas sseseeses eto = hie fae ePs3 PPEPPPPPPTITITTTITITLELILILILT TIL LILIEL Wall Papers -We can save joli 50-per cent. Men's $2.25 Hats for $1.68 a Groceries 3 Plags Ale Dpaaial 's soba & for 25e._ 2 Good Bros i‘ = b. COMMERCIAL 5 Ib. Sago 6 Silt Bei to ‘Assets at 31st. December, % Biscuits 26c per tin 1904 17,851,760 92 Matches reg. 15¢., for 11¢ box i Ibs. for 2 252 ‘Currants, 4 Ibs. for 25c. Prolite paid Policyholders 117,238 21 Prunes, 4 Ibs, for 25c. Life Assurance in force Dee. ce} Great cots in, ‘Driver Setts. Sst, 1904 85,327,602.85 ee Tnerease over 1903 9.646,473.98 Canadian Oil Tucrease over 1903 9,915,984 44 Naptha Soap de. Starch § eso Laundry St 4 packuges Corn § Bring Us Your Produce. Grosch & Pfeffer. SeoscssessseseoessseoueS Cees Bercein Bargains in Winter Goods, every- ath ng | in ae winter | ine must go. A. S. “Wastreger,, Western » Ontario, Lor don. Foe incl diehencdeecedcauencaneuanaveccanassececunen QVQeeee SVEGCeeceecececoe Abo per bag Potatoes pee bay atier .. . i Dist Coiuiek “ant. Fase or: M . ea

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