advocate of He bids every m: He it. of himself. Peals to self-reliance, urging the fividual to depe SGindivi jae Sik ora ee an viowpoint the pest man Fact ateeesds, Ob- portunity is the rare Watt and Stephenson. i” Christianlty Sse THE CHRIST. history justify this mphasis: individual and his. ‘liberty? is With his rod Moses REFORM OF THE SOUL Every One Must Give An Account|»: For Dae Another, in his “PRIVATE, PROPERTY.” But what if-Paul’s counsels for the Denmark exports 2, 5000 of honey a year THIN E |: hat thin @iimulsion can fem eat. That Emul- ves a man appetite is him both, It brings flesh. rouble about diges- ie weakest stomach es hs *s Emulsion. ps good, too. Scott’s. paves the way for bd. When wasted ened by long illness strength and appe- ordinary food can- p. Not only food— too—Scott’s Emul- pure cod-liver oil. jsend you a little to try if you like. DTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. neys rock and waters gushed fortli. With magiciat How it is Caused by Bad PAINFUL RH and Why Cured by Dr. “And This is No Romance Either ” UNLESS YOU HAVE USED “SALAMA” Cevion tea, gis have no idea what a cup of tea tastes Sold only in sealed lead “packets. Given the aan anedal.and highest award at St. Louis. “In perfection,” all gro their No $ ° 3 ABOUT WOMEN, ‘ Woman was created only to tame set: pride begins, love ends. endl ie name is woman.—+ Shakespea ‘The oe of Women multiply with years, Woman is foe silly not to have pecke down: ie the Gus with with which pig bos age z - th out hesitation, set the example to ¢ calendar credits him, See i frank ‘nics she is nob the troops, plunging her horse into estes areciithtul . the _strea leading the way : men are, are all kinds of across he water reaching the bea fee te saddle. omen, Ibe tices; mas neo ner Pees Miss. Jesste Ac ckermian is auite ta lise, Tis edtest- lady -globe-trotter; ers find they can exploit bett ne Z Suri td seis as envoy. : y = ee Te F ca iS, epi they a the Universal Peace Union to the ei. They sweep out the | Courts = Europe in the interests of eace itration. or- SORE aie, ‘Kkably well read both in sacred and secular history, but she ows only two languages—English German, Nevertheless, she has addressed, through interpreters, men} his- hame renowned, and taught him aw peakin Gifferent | more of Asian possibilities and dan- toe or aero the ‘Grst ie magna erat Teo-| Of gets Ema _ Ne ‘s 0 visi [ee-| Of his many ere is ag Taba land; she has. wandered without. es:| that the one acporat ions foe ee tise, . eee cort tone uray Ae ee ae ie tie Royal Victorian. Order — be-| 0 woman! it is ae | that <causeth in OWE hit early all the capital cities of tis ggitesated gr ey: Spe Semper? Reece tad — world. The’ President of thie French He-| - + "MULE OY EVERY Dose. ae men canna’ be revenged, public, who is acaustomed to long | 3p your tite Guay are exons they do as enilaea Meaney then , e peev-| ery. Journeys, as a special train rescrY~/ isi Qnd_fretful,, give them Soak in ee Z a for imse is scarcely oO i. ¥ ly way to get the upper- Tsurious ee oe of the wealthiest hand of a woman is to be more wo- ‘gcconitio. man than she is herself. dation, provided Yor the Presidential When a wrong idea possesses a in, comprises’ two spac-| gr woman, much eee flows from us| and unusually lofty coaches! says ape comotig, Ont, her tongue.—Eurij pith a magnificent saloon, most com-/ Own Tablets my little one Aa Uw As "pardoned for lack fortable sleeping quarters, and a! Ways sickly and cried day and night BP ronanon a Reig ee balcony trom wich the Chick of But the Tablets have regulated | is hem is the heart.—Staht promp a take Dr. Williams’ "Dl ink, | President ate cae “into th Me dene ane a ee is sola the aie knit sate Pills.” feed! to visib hie birthplace “his| og ee oe e oes OUE lia ofeitls Sie Hine Wi ii sore and aun “inaly.” ” Mothers need ig of them at all.—Richard, illiams’ Pink Pills cure m ‘st duty on alighting from his lux-| not be afrai use this medicin A Us. and women who are crippled with | urious train is to discover his moth-| it is guaranteed to contain no o} tate has ised genius to wo= lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica, para-|¢T» Whom he sometimes finds selling| or harmful drug, and way be piven |™4m, in order De oncrextrats 1 the lysis and evi -omotor ataxia, be- | farm produce in the market-place. ith perfect safety to a new ‘born| fire in her heart.—Rivarol cause they actually make new, rich |, Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll,| babe. Sold by all The two pla vs i ides bei rt yy all medicine dealers e two pleasantest days of a wo- Fed Blood.» "THis: new blood sweaps ies being an accomplished water-| or sent post aid at 25 cents box| man aro her marriageday’ and the - % the iia filead aieanoae ampurtis Sut | Colorist, has turned her attention to by Writing ‘The illiams’ ‘Medi.|day of he or _fameral. Hipp. t system and puts the’ whole | Sculpture, alee the most difficult @ Co., F ockvilte, Ont. The of a rn iL body into a healthy state, Nothing | 9¢¢ for ladies to become accomplish- : almost ae stegmn h oma poe but good nich blo fo: theater esemiar ane summed sundery tne Hike> Case Cras her | counacnes pes oe nothing can give you healing | R°A\, although BOR a eer SENTENCE SERMONS. truth —Balzae. blood except, Dr. Williams’ Pink | gainca her rst age the| Endurance is the fruit of endeavor.|_“ Woman, the more careful she is that oil ps ste bleed ry ede Hara trot watchl ing. the Hate s-| ,fiatred always hurts the hater about her face, is commonly the ervés are bad, for the nerves food | Thornyeroft al : Sra | most of all tore careless about her home.—Ben poplin wage taht cheap | Mn tte, loca. ‘That: is the cause of -piished lady, the mother of the Royal| Secret sins do not haye secret | Jonso: Te is not neces [SleePlessness, nervoumness, hysteria, | Academician, @ attached" for | Consequences. The man Who ha& taken one wife or ee aces sone pee ee many years ‘the dlate-- Queen’at. Le ie ie a man not to des-| deserves a crown of patience; the Walliams’ Pink ao ousehold, and modelled all the} Pise a litt man who has en two eps we ies a Is faithfully sa young Princes and Princesses a’ gS Tietle. Si may cover a|*Wo crowns of pity. cure these discases a d_ other various stages of their life. The| lot of heresy. In anger against a rival, all wo- Sisordars such as Print io best -kiowutwork ia the| <Lilbecty: is ey for all whoj™en, even duchesses, employ invec- ness, indigestion, statue of Queen Victoria which| Fealize the tive. Then they make use of every- as She e, kidney. trouble and Stands in Kensington Ga! i. avi eine life by its chances/| thing as a weapon. toward liberty and promotes |e. But _you must fargaret Mc! give: itself away. There are plenty o ho foual ox a : pi ec just died at Southsea, England, was! ,2;°02le Who are in the swim aro| belie of x that your Ast aie icine which | well, known in seafating circles "as pt going against. the tide. janything but aoe ot a Dersuadle thelr castomers | the “lady annt” of Japanese aailors| yo", @r Knows a mam any better) interest in nything nor London. In $973. she went tol “mo5 esate ao ek WHEN woe PREACHES full name, | China and. then to Japan, There she| aiscipl re willing to wash aE A n she has Pik Pills tos Pat isciple's fect with: bolling lye. ort, s: rests 5 rR arts Teenie eee carding angel knows the back | oni’ nes a At eats eee ath that leads to eacallees tes tne (eve If in doubt write direct ss alley-as well as the front yar ie Ha Seapets ne ek aie of freedom in things industrial, 1 the Parisi gold women Dalia rain eee me Co. a have nore of ahniae eae! te = eis i ganda ‘They can- See owar ess oe or six "| Bot reason wrong. for they do not : i —Havlitt. Diver’s cate, Exper ence ig = eae ae Le “ehat Tequires the seven day walking on yeah ‘own RSON. : BE SN At POINTERS. Hiss always @ poor ma done wall, but. you are surprised to ' e em : ra : OWS no 1 fin pier of the Cape Town Harbor |" *TesHRE Gossip _A Seats Bome ado, in recogniti ee mone ¥. ee i : oe TS she ee Se rk recently pra sont ‘Me aes the Tiperiar who can put his soul into a pot where the Kaiser, it is ae is Hamnaelt necktie seldom has any heart for th . ean Guatle cotlded atk tne cine [hie son Bain figsaabter, (tn tie aa Oriet of the Soe: rie ee Boal ee M y SHIPS LOST, Pah pu te loos d- for women of the highest rank, | "Coy" hi ey s bee: ho insists that busi. Official ret a epgageil in attaching a chain to one coat and as nee side | and-which had never previously been | sz only business is apt to prove ther] Vessels of G00, tons Groen nopleten tae aan cowlerrad nae aicor ly apt to prove that of 500 tons gross register pteianee < aheesteee a lot = Professar ‘Arminius’ Vambery, the religion is only humbug. and upwaris during last year show dislodged “by the: liner art famous traveller, 100ks good deal me men miss heaven because| that 295 vescels Sere totally. lost ae ae ough him to ea aieeiae Or EbAg the ‘aevattiee. dens they sit so long by the wayside dis- rious caus: gut quite a as he aid ¥ secting their guide books. ster tittle “fish, whi i ser apa Bar. Qi =e een lurk ¢ Queen of the Netherlands 2 underneath the} an enthusiastic A ie H A 5 totallin “E1862 t ns) aS iuge tentacle | been establihed in comecton wis BELG IO TiS i a uO See ad pinioned his| the Toyal castle at nd it is THE WILY S "ext lines by its SULTAN, Another tentacl y ‘owner, ae tacle shot out, Binion: iaree auanlitlee butter and milk : ‘The Sultan of | Turkey was confer ly from fi il a horrible “action of the suckers | which self-supporting and There’s No Time to Exrzriment With Untried Remedies fer oe ee eS an a severe elec- | profitable. 4 trie shock, coupled with {he terse Mee Sait ike eae When You Can Depend Upon See to it that the manifesto is an nausea wi which the appear- i ance of this horrible mass of viscous Oe patie soa ne ee DR.CHASE’S “Wy? LINSEED and TURPE — hastily pulled the signal cord,’ and ali the men above commenced to haul a. mo- him up. wi Palmer was literally ae wreathed about with mix he exertion and terh a ies = sabes encanto pn ge ete of Dr. Chase on thi dent had practically jalnated bie exer nar ho ee : Sse Wi d 'n to offer. De dder, ue eran Sas pa ‘Thorovgh cures for coughs and paratlon retered yar ns ba ee would not release its prey. Kniv that euie leae a the een ea esiede bts bs tena most fatal of diseases, ani n- | fal led you've told me this week.”” the strength of ‘al men exerted aS to take risk pee oe oe, now to tear away the mass. Spread ont ee Se lpe a treatments. vo t is meant by the on ti ier the octopus measured te oe ee a expression “a pack of te i- flies. 114 fect from tip to ti Se E> 2 soci . ig dette os the oe ee ree ace certs 6 othe SRR RS as. ever been landed ont ti or ines that, has over nd Se Sea ores, Atetiduke Joseph, father-in-law n : Sate Tur eae ee i ener OLE ee Hoe Gate aee Ce ee s the best ant] eualnent as Ye naturalist than the = t O ke FRANKLY STATED. cently een an active part in| its. of this preparation. es colds. that we have ever es nn| Duke ‘Theodore in Bavaria is as an “Are you looking for work?’ SSP mer oo ait zee the army corps uu only oO be reminded ie find.” a ist. He is just completed a “Kor” anewared the poor but can during its anual training sear the[i¢ ts: sometimes” nec From ehildhood to old Mel he ee ee mged the poor, but can-| Spanish frontier. “The Queen ig a| on getting.what you ask for Dartibe. tise pipet bot pee igs ace ees but, fa “willing to. work Because. splendid horsewoman, and loves to| crs have other preparations of lin-| baby’s life until the aged father Ce Pastor Kncipp, for whose method he de at the head of the most exciti nd ine put up to look| mother are victims of asthr age ee pst The work” Lng eas ikgn is & Stuer a nearly se eee like Dr. Chase's | Chase's Svrmp of Linseed and’ ne val ieee on Ee Bee wee a iy e ordered| and. becaus large profits may try | pentine is th y guages, and will: be i erates Binge e401 116, | poccrom a dem scam one eee che tealedons *lioent. obtainable a5 eeriant, great] BE 920 colored plates, drawn and compat 09,010 “last | row wooden bridge, which was| ‘There is one wey to be sure, dmblat all dealers or Edwancon oi Paint Som Neue by ore Year. The population is 12,289. | found to be too rotten and which’ that is by seclig the portrait > anda Gof Toront ‘Uhura aud Taxis, the TREN Gh vA THE WORLD'S MARK REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. 153; No. 2.70. Bran—In 1 Northern, $1.13}; No. 10. Flour—Fii bulk, $1) -2 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER ee TYPHOID IN TH WEST. xpert Sead okay et in Win- nipeg i RKETS s , a Shicens ox Prices of Cattle, Grain, Big BSOUy eae 5 Seer Briefs From Our Own Pa nediten ee Re aenins into the and Other Dairy Produce go neers owing are Other Countries of Re- causes of typhoid in Winnipeg, was The Russians Haye to Abandon Home sad sbrosd. Bukn cows wore quoted at $20 to -ANADA wi ot eC cla, Sra Toronto, Feb. eat—No. = $50 eas Hire Joese: in Brantford last year Santa S og that Winail for 4 ‘ uoted at $1. The ee of enaear ranged | were $5,3: s metal at Their Coal Supply. ost aoe at Winer points. No.| from $4.85 to $4.90 per ewt British Columbia lumber mills have | the, past few Bet te saree k 2 goose quict at 89 to 90c east e following austattnes were pre-| resumed ations. typtiotd pid ‘and gives figures &: dN Spring at 99¢ to $1 east. valent for A ety aS bute oe Stratheons, nae sent ae choque | WEPOM | cP conclusively that the i rs 7 utchers’, te ; BOO! yu - | for 5 7 i BUSSIAN Ss pea ee Soeaizosioes is Deere Nocera: we aoa Eee No. ers’, loa * of, $3.60 1c'$9.00; : ‘The Manitoba Gren seneee Asso- eas or ae ares ee © A cespatch from Tokio says: jective. The Laperouse Stell! 2 Northern at $1.06, and No. 8] to go ofan, cowe $3. |ciation, meeting at. Brandon, passed | Of cases, of Taven, and Sik’. pared Gtiepatch trom Koupanty states that ore vainost icobound, The TSAg8T | Northern, at $1.01, Georgian Bay|50 to $3. eo3s commons roush, pe eclation a erpenition ve Ae acres tries eon apauesd “wight -secanily: Was" 20.) oni. she-on a | Ports. Senda in transit prices are $1.25 to duty on lumber. D Cendent aad ag Burope. — Ho ‘much extended as to press Fushun, Cake Teo Sontinue to be patroll-| 6¢ above those quoted. Stockers and feeders were Gua tea| Lady Curzon of Keddleston and her KSlgns infection, the use of box Tate cole ea oe ett © the | ne eget ear ptiates Oats—No. 2 white quoted at 89c| nominally. as follows:—Feeders, short- sailed from London for |S0Si608 Toe te eae $ eee wis copoly. | ins eee cee woe: that Weeta fretont, cent ef €0c%< 10m | Seebe, 1.200 te 4.375 ibs, at $4 to| India, on Friday, Tears infection ‘of-the milk sup- Hussians were compelled t0| the greatest. caution is necessary in| ‘relghts. No. 2 white, fos to Ae $4.55; sloskers, 600 to 800 Ibs. at | 0; “Feller, 9 Wimipes, rou exiats| ply, and the, use of | Assiniboine Pus ies FA aces : east pee wees, eae sonte Ww che ebiel causes of the pbs ne ‘and to retire to- navigating Tsugary Strait ae —No, 2 quoted at 47¢ mia 800 ths. a $2 to Ags oo an sa Soe tke Cha of $000.08 eae meee | SS St pre- } ase dle freights; No. 8 ex! ani e prices of sheep and lambs were | uri he sewers, te Hiss JeiE appeared to be] lighted except ovcasionally. | Tapes at 43 to 44¢ middle freights. | as follow Siento, $450. to The District Labor Council of ‘To- | , ihe, cmap tines er cack ee the er ee or caidas veces she market is dull, with) $4.79; export $8.50 to $4)ronto wants tho city to make tonne | Considered Sie ona Be her past ee that she ae quoting 66 to 67¢ at out- h; kmen“for the erection of | hut it is set forth that their inhala- will buy no mor side points. tion may lead to a weakenin, the tussians are sendi mitions north Be Corn—Canadian yellow quoted at ipeg despatch says that @|system which may render persons picling trom Make OYAMA’S ARMY. Aho, and mix! Sc west. Amer-| and $2 to $10 great quantity of fish is being takon| more liable to contract the discase. Ticling trom Mukden. ‘ ican No. ices en ‘Toronto, | ‘The Aa Sea ae hogs were $5.- from lake Francis, the method being ‘connection with Prof. Jordan’s from Yingkow says} despatch from St. Petersburg | and No 50 for selects, 160 to 200 lbs. at|by hook and line instead o} or-| recommendation, that a man wit body The Russky Invalide, the Rus-|" Ry, eae market os Spctaapell at |$5.25 for lights and fats, off cars, inontal wesh-net wrience in handling epidemics be rail in the ity rmy organ, estimates that|75 to 76c at outside points. ‘Toronto. forse, general manager Of | brought Mayor Sharp explain- 8 the neutral z008, has been) Marshal Oyama’s ay consists Buckwheat—No, 2 quot 52k, SS EE 4 Goan ‘Trunk Pacific, stated at| eq that it did not refer to a medical rely SLRGE A Wat . regula 7000 reservists, | nigh freights, and 584c low freights.|RAT ATTACKED LITTLE BOY | Port Arthur that the work of con-| export, bpt to a sanitarian, | whose ailed S_ the battle of | and 60,000 irregular Flour—Ninety per cent. are + sera struction would commence at Winni-| quty would be to see that the uso ikoutai emphasize the terrible €*-| The Birshew: mosti Sa¥8) quoted at $4.30 to $4.45 in buyers} the Four-Year-Old Tries to Kill] P'S © tward and on the “Thundes ox closets and other things, a ‘of the Japanese troops. At| that in the Genting between Jan. | sacks, traight rollers re rasa Bay branch carly in the spring: pet cease enias would teat to ‘outset the Russians outnumber-) 25 and Jai ne 30, west of the of special brands for domestic tra i < Tee men in London are at a 1l0ss| old the present epidemic in the the Japanese four to one. me | River, the Russians lost 314 one in Dl $5. Manito! A Windsor patel ith | where to secure their ice for ‘the| city, should be done away with. arrit of | and 11,642 men ava and wounded. | gours at ; No. 1 E Barone $580 the blood running down his face and | summer and that have 3 2. $0.7 ; No. 2 patents, $5. neck in t , but without nae lost tHeir capital as eir winter’ —+——— $.40, and stron akers!, $5.10 to| slightest evidence of fright upon his 8 a result of following the re- E 7 by face, the fo gencola son of eulations of the Board of Health|KAISER AND TEMPERANCE they finally did inches snow, carrying the Ru fiesan fortines- In point e paign. and wannee were 222; the 8,000, With Liaoyang and the Sha River this makes a total of 42,000 casualties in the three battles. ON RUSSIAN RIGHT. andan, southward of Sandepas, also t See ieek of Toutoitzi, Tszut- a and tai on the right bank of the Hane River. LEADERS 5 QUARREL. says: 5 from Manchuria continue to q ust, dissensions, in- chy, and other bad con- Russian army, which diy spell not only defeat, but r. war correspondent de- Beciccs the, carclesoness and negli- ne ce of the commanders, witch, * ne rs are at men downcast, PEACE PEMORS LA despatch to the Loni Daily ra] mn Si cel ae te be given to O= rom he pave ‘of the demands s from the Caucacus. BATTLESHIPS ORDERED. now thy ree hi ao ate sspatch from Tokio say: Z ae en Uae gue e ne ae be jiformation from the Sha River indi h crican|cates that the Russia: peuine ted through an American) ‘sting at Chitaitse and Tselinshu, ae utmost ees are being| West of the m River, apparently taken against the Russian Baltic in anticipation of a movement on t, Lalienwan Bay has art of the Japanese threaten- ed, and the forts at Port mene § ‘te ing their lines of supply. Otherwise { 8 eine ‘hastily rebuilt. Four battle-|the situation 4s unchanged. of tho latest British type eral battle is not imminent. ae een ordered in England. Guns 3 | ie eee ae of $2,500,000 have also © been ordere correspondent adds that, ow- ae activity on the E b of at Sree sor “ part of actual Feo | PAD Gy eae rity. of winter provents an_active * siege | i Vindvortoah which will even- . Japanese objective. 1voSTOCK " HEMMED IN: The non-s jans in id) mountain senting psaee it im ill it to who peatle oad fhe com con such at opinion causes a sensat IMPENDING BATTLE. uns, ipipremita sete Mais from Manchurian head- in front of Liuchenpao and in the vicinity of Heikoutai JAPS DESTROY LINE. St. Petersburg correspondent says ‘express and Harbin. Eke despatches, ers and agitators are putting cry to stop the war a foremost ce but educ tion in Manchuria, and the most markable rumors regarding it eagerly repeated. <iThere 1s, however, aot the smallest the bureaucracy is je ell ioe ee interposition as unwelcom Headquar-} = of both armies report moré post actions, which are apparent- ceases nt. RUSSIANS CONCENTRATING. den is crowded with the Rus- There is also much confusion mp. Naturally, desertions in Tokio consider army. the cision of oe in Valley. Ww. par be the ae 4 the crucial strugg! se The and State in the ined, it is Coated likelysthat | }2 bill for separation of Chureh| to poe “French Chamber of eo Minneavalg May, $5.30 on Te; do Montreal, $20, co gui, es 163 t lose— si—The Deeg be pushed without delay. “ 125; at 32 to oe, according to quail Honey—The market is quiet at 72 Comb honey, $1.75 ‘e, and No. at $6.60 to $7- ‘aw—Car lots are quoted at $6 to $6.25 on ag oo Potatoes—Car pt tlhe per bas see lots at 8 Poultry Spring’ chickens, 11 to per Ib.; Se to ae) ‘ducks, ae to 13¢ per 0 to tic bey tarkeys, Ory. se fe to THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butt 196; ordinary c. cold si stornse stock, 173 to Toronto. trai Brititeod—At- outside points bran is re 45, and hand-picked at $1.50 to a arket was unchanged scalded, 10 to llc per ‘Finest i-tb. to choic low to mediu mnaune lard, 64 to 7c; Tic; kettle rende mee ae ‘a to Popes C| an; this balance of his life. ree peas Main of cut “use ting Are ell-t jn the eit 204¢; Western Begs sealant Arde; Montreal “UNITED STATES waryers. Feb. 4.—Wlov'r—S' $1.147 to date ioe as chard, $1.- ae ay 19} Annual Toronto — despatch tow. the So rangements have been comple sdceter pro thice La, Pe aed ay the ‘Take pie the provincial sales of tat beet eat-| Ferior Corporation. 4 me EE LK Dr. ‘Allen Tu ‘ot Heroes: told the TBeptist two for cows. SO apprehended, but that some of th rat carry with Sta: in the eae Se Re legraph paints Res ;|hundred police being on IIE eae FAMINE IN RUSSIA. 2 oe of potatoes, mea’ other chance cable guste $15, and shorts at $17 to|Walkerville branch of the Canadian 50. Manitoba bran in sacks, $18|Bank of Commerce, greeted his pag shorts at oes ther on Thur: with ‘‘Father, big rat jumped ‘on me and was biting COUNTRY PRODUCE. me, but I almost caught him,”’ when ‘Apples—Choice stock, $2 to $2.50|the latter walked into the room per bbl; cooking apples, $1.25 to| Where his boy had been sleeping. The #50 story indeed as the child had Prime quoted at $1.40 to|told it. A buge rat, crazed wil cold and hunger, had attacked the to kill it, but he had by time 0 Wi loss of biood that the animal made its Mr. Ridout walked into cent ‘im for min g|Putilof Iron Works, imho they ac- duty from they want the city to give them S read of GREAT BRITAIN, ghty families are being sent from, England to Ca by ‘The Daily Telegraph fund. London ‘Times’ financial review an improve- ment during January. ‘X British squadron, commanded by Rear-Admiral Prince Louis of Bat- nberg, will visit severa! ports this side of the Atlantic. me of tho largest London, | (ng- land) wholesalers states that will ase ian, canned om pondent sass, much more Hevarruis taxme b former. ge THIRTY THOUSAND STRIKE Putilof Works Scene of Another Movement. Petersburg despatch ~says: ih to 16¢; creamery prints, 234 ao 25c; solids, 21 to 224c. Eges—Case lots of held eggs are |™ quoted at 19c per dozen, and linied at 17 to 18¢. YG Cheese—Large cheese, 11c, and twins 11}¢. her 30,0 ae gone The strike has not yet HOG PRODUCTS. ae to the other Satonolied distri Gn ee Jute g eae iS The. pote continue to allow them mand at unchanged prices. We quote |t® ether | in Be ee peers —Bacon, long clear, Bie. per | ney. are also Pesta mete is in case Tots; miss pork, Sia to the fields. The whole district $14.50; short cut, $17 to $17.50, |Constantly patrolled by horse guards Smoke tg iia? ee ae Cossacks. Reserves are held in cnt 1 124¢; do heavy, 114 to |Teadiness near the Narva gates 42c; ‘rolls, 94¢; shoulders, 8} to 9c;|Prevent the strikers” frora entering cl 0 14}c; breakfast bacon, | the city in a bod few thousand i2ic. strikers evaded the troops and Rebel aee! 7c; tubs, 8¢; pails, |marched through the side str to- wards Nybor: arter, in. ler to indu the men in the factories BUSINESS AT AP MONTREAL. there to on out. bu oops barred “incensed do irnoff’s residence inside ae works tarving in Vast South. Pro: al Auction Sale to be ela at Ottawa snitiee a ty of Po- paternal SALE OF PAT CATTLE. U NITED 8" STATES. The States ‘Treasury Board has temoved binder twine from the free list. Arbitration eres pare the United States peal a money and jew: The ant nthracite a production in tJ. uary Ww: i 4,134, 345 tons during the month of January, 1904. Peter Dignet, waiter at Balti- inore, Md., tore off his apron and stamped it on the floor, when a wo- man refused to tip him. “no lady,” and was arrest- velt’ S Cabinet have all tendered their resignations, ant on the 6th of March they will all be nominated for reappointment, with the exception of Mr. ¥ who is a ie appointed Cc at “poking through the effects cae ey ‘Troxell, who, his mducted a tobacco and tatiienaey at be Bs rachael ons While ofthe late Hon. 000 in gold, and § large denominatio he wore, making a a total of $10, 000. NERA n the Reid Rail- undiand, on, Saturday, ae pacadhpars sere” aligntly C1 font a. ‘According to mail advices per the — WILLIAMS IRON MINE. to Sault Ste. Mari A despatch from Sault Ste, Marte Ont., sa; first i e serine ‘e | ministers conference that divorce has grown 197 per cout. while the popu f President Roose-| © date. Empress of China, his Excellency the) pute gre Now Making Regular wees a hi jn |Scopes of mod German sn Officers Drinking asts in Water. in Gee atch mperor William will give his dee to offi- in water or non- Favors that ment ashes to adi this iden i in all circles CHINESE ASSEMBLY. 5 ee : Body Approved by Edict. Pekin ch s he estab- lishment of a deliberative assembly, including officials of th fifth rank d upwards, has been approved by imperia! edict Feb. Prince Ching, who is president of the Foreign Board, has addre - ni t depend upon public discussion. ote SNES CATHEDRAL CONSECRATION King Haward Accepts Kaiser’s In- Berlin despatch et ele ward haa enquired if the Bishop of Ripon would be acceptable, and that prelate doubtless will ‘be the dele- CARE ae RES COMET i VISIBLE, Can be Observed Through Ordin- scopes. A des; apni from San Jose, Cal., says: The fol owing comes from Di- as Pagbell, of Lick Ob- seine. Tait comet, discov vered Dec. of Marseilles, d the orbit of this body. iceroy of ; WaS/found that it is travelling in an el- Sra at execution of tomous Abts wees Conse ptotnd eens at seven years al ir forward, caught some of the|;s thus a member of our solar svs- Pope!" 's blood, and Kk ae SOIne Tease abe proach of the is between the eatest distance {roi sun is ot Jupiter: tenth magniti and ae therefore visible through tele- erate size, MUST PAY REGULAR DUTY. No ee pstoe s on ee Wheat A dexpien oe St. om 8 es, ise Tugs Lochren pene der reversing the decision rots Soar. of Appraisers at Minneapolis and declaring that frosted wheat im- shel. er im] ported a quarts ol of fros' Can- adian wheat. e eng oo that as the t Was “goo neither for milling be toe seed it sho! rated as ‘‘unclas and subject to an ad valorem of ten per cent., - amounting te five ts pe shel. = nm 15’ ation increased 60 per ssified,"2 |