Milverton Sun, 23 Mar 1905, p. 1

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if DVERTISE.. - Your Farm for sale and get your... Che - “It Shines For Au” Sun. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE of Canada. Office, Toronto General Banking Business transacted, Drafts pee | “nd sold on al prs of ey loaned to n reasonable terms. eat ss Beacon given to the collection 0: mers’ Sale Notes. — ngs Bank Department est Compounded Quarterly. s ot One Dollar and upwards rrent rate of interes added to principal four —or— ton, Monkton, and Lin- wood Branc! aaity Tel hone Praaeoon eu Pool “oser ille and Rost | prunner, Legal, , Solicitor, Bte. A.M. PANT ATO nada, 1 7m. Burton's omptly t the present will be obtained at all mercial aged a Bocietics Mt rect, io Secretary: oF. aie Star Loige! 0. ss inthe ye es J ways we eee Wr ra h, R. s. ag ereign Bank) est}on Tuesday as the father o} f Rey. Mr. McLeod low. LEDERMAN, ae very. a of Deatal y and Member a of Boys!) Monkey Brand soap for general College of Daneel Surgeons of Ontsity, [household cleaning, b> Tae of teeth, Crown and Bridge aes oe and tarn’ santiahe 3 oe Bae 3 # jalty. Houra 9a. m. to 5. P- . Mohr’s i Bice above Hinkbeiner gs eal BS ae estimated that the new Knox store. Milverton : Church, St. Marys, will cost about $18,000, Tt will paves a gallery and seating capacity for about 800. U. aa sed sah Lee a R; liam ‘The LOCAL NEWS. 4 pounds of raisins for 25. Rose Dumert. Leave your orders for potatoes at J. R. Yost’s & Son. Potash or caustic soda, 3 pounds for is cents at H, Mohr’s grocery. ‘We have the nicest range offwall paper ever cahowaat in Milverton. & Dumart. ere ade teas, 25 cents and uj ‘as Red Rose and Salada, at Ee Sours! grocery. Mr. Johh Coughlin, of the Atwood evel, road, spent Tuesday wil th, of Milverton. Do not oat ae hear the jatar poetess rec own verse at Grosch’s hall on March 29th. Ifyou get a st of clothes at Jno. Kel earhonn’ Ss, ¥' an rely on fit and quality Hs ear money. James, Torrance, M.P.P., left take up his Parlia- mentary duties at Toronto. Just arrived—A shipmect of blue uitings, which are very up-to-dai or this spring. Jno. Kelterborn. There was a shrinkage in Canada’s trade for the past eight months over thesame period of last year of $7,- 000, There will be no service held in Christ church next Sunday Ane Teit fs a bilions attack take Cham- berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, and a quick yireia percaln Bor male by the - Publis Drug Co., Milverton and At The sitting plan a the Ontario Leg- linally aeranged. Opposition side. The Central Seeiee ole: of ec ed with the advantages of that great cit; who graduate secure splendid “| positions. Aivrite for a free catalogue. The following books haye been placed upon the library shelves :— The Millionaire Baby, ma K. ‘he A. Doyle; BE The Clansman, 8 Shee is Blacksmith, C. D. Stew: a R, Auctioneer for the Coun tere, Conreyancer; and 2B Ais vision Court. ce, over Grote’ Shoe t, Milvertor Ont. ors apd commercial AL HOTEL, Milverton. GRAND fetes fo nls Gi wOiey of shed room. Geo, F. Pa la- | cemetery. ¢| Minn n| their dogs on the mouth to. this place, March 5th., of plural pneumonia. tario, near Guelph, in ceased leaves eight children to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father, The funeral took place from the family residence on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. p.m., March 7th. Interment in Cottage Grove 40,000 Ibs, of Dutch sets wanted. Rose & Dumart. Mountain Lake, who declared ‘the Kissing of ee puget rich: oti end of ten days one woma: iously ill, five others were under a = The are for the ©. “Goderich, says The ng the werk Paead, the are) freak up not dai os sae lino PR. Star, is still push- and has rpred Bs jhysician’s care, three dogs ‘were =| os an ee canines exhibited 80 called es to suffer te} and soft coe would do well new Borland carriage factory his eturn of fice < id al- an penal All kinds of Clover, <n pee. seads for sale at J. BR. Yost’ Mrs. Wm. Coates, of Tow, spent a couple of Foie this week wit Mrs. Jas. Torran Did you see the aise ies of white wear we just syne up? Get our &D The. North Perth peiex Institute will run their annual excursion this year to Guelph Sele College on Tuesday, June 271 ee n on Tuesday of East Zorra, a pure Cly mare, for which he paid a substantial fi ire, forice.—All parties owing me for ScHarFER, tending purchasers of the Bo land cement for concreting Aarts ing purposes and sidewalks, and also of the best quality of stove, eee to get prices from HOLD before purchasing elsewhere. Nortcs.—{ understand eae some was the Scranton coal same as am ready to take orders for aoe fall. * Prices and enelty. guaranteed. M, Scuazre: a we sell the deurores Uv. 8. Cre: wr, the machine that. ae the Slat ee for en skim- ae eee go o press word has been sent to Rev. N. ue of the Monkton On Wednesday evening, Marc 29th., the eels loving public of hearing Miss Pauw din johnson, ane of the most fashionable Bgl tican audiences m- a has been kno’ 6 most v erate of mpanying her wil wn for years as ae evening’s enjoyment secure your seat at an early date. Another of the old residents of Mornington has passed to her reward. Denyer,; who died an day morn- Thos. Pickson ihe sass of Wit ing after an illness extending o +) four or five weeks, Mrs, Denyer was nd a native of Sussex, arried hi after which they came to Mornington, hace they have resided over forty Besides her husbandthe fol- lowing members of the family survive: rs. Ji home ; Geo, at Poslift, Wingiaca Mrs. 8, award and Henry, Elma Methodist cemetery to-day, (Thursday), at ten o'clock, a. m. Messrs. Henry Bros., of Monkton, an well known horsemen, whose ob- ject has ever,been to maintain their re- shikai and to kee} eep up the standard of stock in this vicinity have again made another purchase at a big out. lay. ich as jase come into their ession. pure bred imported Cly Oly assis siallion Mountraven a name familiar to readers “of, athe Farmers’ Adyoeate. ine- pe aS ee ae juices in ones and his sir Kibion) i) each took tisk Highland Society Fair the same fyear. e animal in ore and mould, and the farmers of this "Miss Maud nee, of Waterloo, “a * {is a -mis' Milverton will have an opportunity of | My gifted daughter of the Red Indian ae : oe eS teen: and the mail Canadian | Posto 1 | of explosives, matche: a humorist | ™ a i . : i d ‘The concert held under the auspices ae pes he are historic | of the Milverton Public Library last webec. If you are desirous of an| Wednesday evening, was from every at | deserve: Sl et layers in Western 0: ie | siderable time on bringin rene at the | w1 ‘The last entertainment of the sea- son at Grosch’s hall, March 29th. pie bi tickets early. test in spring suitings arriv- ing gaa ‘at Jno. Kelterborn’s. Will pleased to show them whether you buy or Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist in diseases of the. Bye, Ear and Nose. Fits glasses rly ice, 's . Next visit, Mr. and . Geo. Westman and young daughter spent St. Patrick's Day with ae: former's acres and Mrs. festman, Morni ton. Friday was o the ae teehee of Mr. T, ived a handsome Aayhse of of hamrok from a relative in Queens County, his old pleasantly. last Mrs. Mary R. resbyterian ef Mrs. Chalmers was a daughter of the late Andrew Burnet, of Poole. as a paper in any ws. Per- against any be afraid Yo give us items the paper shows partis know there is no mist: der consider- Ate re Tability of articles of cellu- loid to explode or catch fire wade cer- tain cen! and cases curred that stro: eae injured from th: cided that such 8 articles may in future if packed in tin boxes ticles, Sees as Hesensbeds ited, an ers the 5 abacaion node aie andou ot he ice Act, relating to the sending etc., in the point of view a genu 8 ae was all that coul pected, and exceeded the sasecrations pte. 2 ‘nmagenat The p d_ varied, being ffavnihed ley by ‘relents of the villag: en- pe ee ii who + expression and to be a mistress of the . W. H a couple of songs in a cae that never fails to please. Miss Inez Whaley ap- great applause. diy earned a wide reputation as asinger. Milton Loth gaye a clarionet solo, and itis not ni to say that it much ap reciated, . Loth is one of ee best clarion- ntario. Mi ssell Guenther took the by em with his song and dance. Miss Glenn's class of twelve little girls made a great hit their ribbon Grill. he little ¢ ous looked charming in @ dress of white, holding scarlet streamers Si ich they performed their drill, which was most asing and fantastic. ision with which the little ou took their part Glenn hadspent con- them to 7 reland, home. The day was spent ae The Postmaster General, according | Preset wk, | to = antes paid appears in The Can- _|CHALMERS—At Detroit, qualia s. oy, ns Arrention.—If you want the ain t Glover, Timothy, and Al- sike seed obtainable, at lowest prices, = = H. Gusrix, Newton. ‘The regular monthly meeting of the Milverton Woman’s Institute will be held at the residence of . (Rev.) McKinnon, on Thursday next. Every day people are bringing back checks and the discount . G. Krajaeskihas alee Souse eae lot on ae Street to Mr. Wm. flusselburg, and Burgman, has e AV tie tere! tte. ue = Pteffer’s resi- m William fe reeds is now prepared to do all kinds of artisti and better than to engage Mr. Prost. . Wm. Thamer has purchased a half interest i in Mr. -V. Weilzel’s bak- Poole, Topping, Brunnerand Rostock will be regularly visited. It is said that ae Zepesbepsibls of trafiici ed ae The Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital Paid Up Rest = $3,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO; HON. GEO. A. COX, President B. E. WALKER, General Manager A General Banking Bust- ness Transacted and other debentures bought rafts on all points Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special attenti ee sett attent note given to the collection Special attention is directed l- towing advantages offered by our. = Savings Bank Department Deposits of One Dolls nd ards ceived and interest ‘allowed at canenat rater: Interest is added to the deposit Twice in each vhiag at the end of May and November. itor is subject to no delay whatever in pape beige raat of the whole or ae WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH, $8,700,000 Munici; and sold, is as be hoped that | it er be stamped. out entirely. —_>-— Calome! Ruins the System And should only ‘bo used “under « ‘8 orde: For ic ; ue pe, 20 fipetion and to ia Sat stil lon an rpi ies se onl Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, 5 sf ing. tter made, gives| and see if it doesn’t treat ae well if eee better results, is lots trouble to clean, }gi achance. Ifyou don’t see us MILLBANK and needs less repairs than any other | to tell us of any hap; or news eee Finkbeiner’s | items at your homes, call at the office last services in the English or drop it in the postoffice, but don’t een will be held on Sunda: ere fail give your nee so we Wi h. inst., at 11 a.m. and m., when the Holy Communion will be administered at each servi nt ol ntractnrs May commence Sark Srithont delay. For an Impelred Appetite. Loss of appetite « always results from faulty deetan All that is needed e | is a few doses of Chi 's 8 t _ For sale by the Par At Atwood, on Monda: ies 13th., 1905, the ate nat Cha: s, Parker, of ‘a daugl hte Rowianp.—On Sund. ay, race 12th, 1 the wife of Edward Row- land, 14th con. Elma, ote daugh- oe nay Joth., ict ott the yeas ser ata on oe aa ife of George Del ae at yer, wife of George Denyer. age 69 9 months and 17 days a te Ti CFR DER THAGE Robins have ones more made their ap- pearance in onr villag eeeny bane os Mr. Jas. Gamble, of Barrio: wasn ish tor in our ur on Sunday last. Mr. J. orriaod, OF Teponta, a6: newed 8 enact he aie ‘aequaintances here last w forrison and family in- SEF Gand Toaving for'then mew home ii te on miesios Cal, Wednesday, March ne aster Willie Johnston, of Listowel Sel aS h s Roxy Poole, Leste Pe cack a Abs, Te Schiustont: f9F the past few days. OROSSHILL. § Owing to the bad condition of is no service was held in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday. ‘Mrs. Albert Doering enter- lained the “Farmers Society” last Mon- evening: A dslig ing were chai! speec] a kistory of the struggles ofthe ibeary. since “ inception here som twelve years ago. ii the accompanist. the fies that revolting ace chooses infli . are to a Saeed ee ‘such a fine animal. to $50.50, aa will Se panei of about $24 on hand after paying expenses, y | Yorkton, N ad Beary thaaked for thelr Kind entertain ise party was taken to Mr. J. jean 8,0 mile west of the village, last Thursday night. All report a pleas- ant evenin; The Mireee Avera ana Nora ee of Berlin, ¢ Sunday at . Caal ana ies little dsughters, of ited at Mrs. Geo. Petch’s last ws Listowel, vis- London, is vis- Mrs, A. cs of iting “het parents, Mr, and Knight. ne: nie citizens Tl the} the: hefal ime was | dome W. D. Weir's Sale Register. _ The farm, stock, i: household effects of Jobn E: Fetter ay fe y, March ‘North h Easthope, on Wed- at one i farm stock and implements of Isaac T. Langford, lot 3, con. 2, as Fe age on Ea dee ays March 23rd. one o'clock p.m. Farm stock of Mr, Thos, Bizam, Jr, ieee was on. ‘Wellsty on Thurs- day March Sale to com- mence at 1, ap at SIRS ROSTOOCK. 8 Mins Amanda Schlotzhauer is visiting is in Tavistock. ee en on by the C.0.¥ Yin Mitehell ae ‘uesday ape faul and family, who have tford, will be very much ea ba thelr fends bere pke had a successful on Friday. *S Petelek’s Day passed off quietly, there no demonstrations. The License Commissioners of Nor Perth paid our burg ¢ visit on Thursday: Riv: Bohlotsanate Unt large carout on Wednesday. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain’s Couen Re Remedy. “T can peor recommend Remedy for se Sg of the Seat and Jonge,” se; says Woke hn She eniek, 220 So. Peoria on "Chi oe za olitical I caught cold after "bei overeat which irritated my ara fa ane sone ey the ar ‘on aoe Drug Co., Milverton (Saale GEAAES. Spring Messengers. (Sam a in the Globe.) Crows are callin, preferment above our up and realize that t — is 9 reat bine is and above and igen that asic t to etre heb ounae The strong, strokes of their wings are so vogue hey seem for the moment fixed in a re- treating 6] ey turn fbi heads and look down at the city as th , her~ alding again the Nadia gs of nature’s revival. Away they go as if to spread the Gov.newe pape a

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