E i ti ! SR “The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the opty Perth. ft is the Best Don’t Fool with Your It may-stand it for a while but the reflex action ium, Rates reasonable. per year, strictly in advance, aso not so paid.—M. Mac! BerH, PUBLISHER. wili tell on your system. There are a lot of headache cures on the market, they may be alright, we can’t say, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Drains due to leave Milverton. Se GOING SOUTH, press.:9:10 THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905 Oh, No! Mormons do not belieye in Polygamy, but just the same where they-are established in settlements many of them fee two wiyes. The authorities in "Alberta are now prosecuting Mormons who are mar- ried to more than one woman. hen these people got the charter for their Jand it was on the understanding that polygamy was not practiced among thi sisters-in-law and cousins about some of the households is astonishing, ate Tt is very gratifying to know that ‘Such an industry as the Berlin Sugar .,0 which was started largely as an experiment, is now enabled to pay div- idends to the stockholders. A beet sugar factory directly — affects the farmer, and opens up to’ him ‘another avenuefor disposing of at a profit the produce of his farm. We think that the public generally should encourage this valuable industry by consuming only beet sugar, which is generally believed to be superior to the cane sugar, ate Russia is haying considerable diffi- culty in raising a loan in France, the only place where she is able to borrow money, Already Russia owes the Paris bankers over two billiondollars, put her French creditors are becoming nervous over the internal dissentiou within the Russian Empire. ‘The French people are quite aware of the ‘power of the Deniocracy when once it has become awakened. Itis possible that an uprising in Russia might be fraught with far-reaching results, as the country is a seething miass_of se- dition and righteous discontent. A country in that stateis not a good proposition from a banking stand- point, andit is little wonder Bat there is a tightening of purse string: when a loan is asked. The Seale may be that unless Russia can sub- Scribe the money among bo ge ieee because we don’t know what they contain. We keep for sale most all the leading headache cures and can give them to you if you wish, but we have got Our Own Headache Powders that we put up ourselves, that we can stand back of. We know of what they are made, and we know that for a Headache curé pure and simple they can’t be beat. The next time you want a headache cure try ours, it will effect a cure and the way it does it will please you. Price 25 Cents. The wi fitting oa The Public Drug Co., Limited Druggists and Stationers Iverton an Mi wood Judge Fitzgerald, of Suprenie Court, bad | Swift Divorce Court Action. the 2 Gonion Globe.) er palace of the Ozars is tre from which to New York of American divoree laws, and what is worse, they are not much astray on that ; How The Winter Palace was Built. a human life against the despot’s will? i - : ; eee eee eas ie Ladies’ Hemstiich Lawn Handkerchiefs, Saturday Gay and night, with the palace heated |8 for 25¢. 30!Rean: he A while the & Get one of our Barrington Hats if you want fast colors, 1d onl: h i $e ten coal oe with Hee” packs 6 pair Cashmere Socks for $1, worth 25c. and 35 jaily change of 60 degrees, the: pair. the score every day. of the year t Our New Caps are now in stock. See our Silk Aut ‘a. Caps at 75e We have something special for boys and “The House of Quality.” Removal Sale Prices on Shirts Men's Fancy Soft Front, $2.00 now $1.50 ss es 1.50 a fe 1.25 = - 1.00 te Stiff 1.40 £ = 1.25 - ib 5.00. Boys’ Sek So 750: as “s 50C. 6 “ 73 1.00 85c. (Dc. 1.00 85c. '75c. 60c. 40c. Charles H. OUTFITTER Stratford, - Z Davies, TO MEN, Ontario. STS GAAS We have a special line of Wall Papers for §; We will sell you Border same as a roll E side — We will hang all papers bought from us at 8c, ‘roll, ‘first-class job guaranteed. Paper from qc. a Roll up to $:. Get our samples, Specials for Saturday Tn York; we will sell them on Saturday only for 79c. each, the war may be Be: Japan’s propositions acceded through want of money to raicias the campaign. a if You Are eee: Weight Dated ne health by zone. It’s the best Sy Gee est tonie I ever u: se Ferro- zone—it assures health, Price 50c. at ruggists. LINWOOD Another week has whirled by and Lin-| © wood instill nearing the crest of prosper wancing mili establishment to:come into town. e surveyors have arrived from the aoathe sik ¢new-raileray: tine fcom Sixst- ford, ‘The “Linwood Enterprise” isto appear is a possibility of another resi t locating her Work is again oie on the large Lutheran Church, ¢ masons and exrowded ages ly ‘egotiations are on Toe “for a large | $™ speakers were engaged in the struggle, To Break moe a Cold and when mie had stopped. their fight- A Silver Wedding. ing the igen ted far] py ight icky no nothing works : if the reig" Srey Yan ape | ea Nervling ahah Fal ho (Commanieatt) riven from the stage of actio is glowing warmt At the. residence of Me. and iene at on “thes Wulled the | thea he ea ‘and when rubbed | Alex. 8: nes musie’s fi ting strains the youth and Joosens up. Gavin Be ecleie ue the 35th Dranly of Linwood forgot -the ‘vociferous the cough and relieves Hentness Se Sioar dive oldiouk the tallow: cheering of ‘crowded ampitheatre, he chest. Nerviline i ‘adr M Gud settled the aa : wentive and cure for |in& address w: ‘ fe and the strains of | Colds, ‘coughs ‘and winter ills in thou-| Tanner and presented by Miss Maude bate, we | 8#0ds of homes becai right | Tanner ar sister of Mrs. Smit id brings rullate ge quickly. ed. | There is no remedy in the world with jalf the power and merit of Nervi tne it’s invaluable in every house, jee 25e. int’ | In large bottles, p Eee painting and sign is. sign His specialty wt on C. Fish returned to Toronto on = meeting of the Literary and Debat- Society was held a Y tachern’s on on Monday matism as. Drake, a mail carrier at Chap- = [tov Conn., says: ann bel jain’s ‘Pain Balm is the champion ot le Co.» Lin yates - a = have taken ‘the |... tt eke Linwood. Enter. | st in my ‘ows their appreciation of Protected | Parties. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for» short tinue will pro aS pecneatee ada, cal aes or ean be paid in on account. our Canadian e depositors in ESTABLISHED IN THE Year 1817. Presi Champion Liniment for Rheu- - ‘or ii gale by ae. Palle Drug €o.; Milver- |; BANK OF MONTREAL. rally me. Drak SES Pe to Sie othe ee bravely fas feet een all, wh 'o Mr. and Mrs Alex Smith. It is with than Kk fal hearts we are gathered here to-day joyful occasion of your peed is the support o! ) bs ate of ipflist aud: toca for “sinayayeatee ta Signed on behalf of the relatives of family :—Mr. and Mrs. James ‘anner, Me. and Sirs. Raper Tanner Mr. endenc banks are also well protected in case ie sad Mee eee aes anifested i of a bank's suspension de- ident, sd ated Santen Se ae Me wand aise also stopped any windy orati positors are to be the first paid from Lord Strathcona and Mount Walls pan eer rs. trying to speak more the asset therefore no loss Royal, G, C. 7. G. elnig ton. irs. time; and he it was who | likely to sr phones Ww haley, fie oe Sis: Wm disagreement-of the ju nder our Banking Act, and when| Paid a Capital. - - - $14,000,000 | Tan Arthor ‘Tanner, Miss of 2 to Lin favor of “Singh we get a Government Inspector we| Reserve Fund - = - $10,000,000 Maude eae ‘abject of the debate wa! will have rect Act, Bank After congratulations were ~ over, ‘was preferable ‘Single. Bles Corporations iable for double SAVINGS BANK DEPT. the guests were invited to the dining equalle place on that platform Interest paid or compounded half yea that of the British North America Fly. Bank) it would exceptional Sraarrorp. Branch; casé indeed that su olde 8 would not, under the double Hability, E. P. Winslow, Manager. these to thi eir satistaction, th of the evening was spent in music an other amusements till the wee hours in the morning, small =|The Mutual Life sed, sae as | enormous shrinkage in values in cer- q| tain securities, which occurred dar- girls, Millinery Opening” Gar Milner Opening will ke place a FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Mareh Sist., and April ist. Everybody Welcome. W. K. Loth Potato and Dutch Sett Onions Wanted, Butter nice Eggs. 16¢c, —— (LALLA) LAA AAA AAG WANA New Merchant Tailors. Having purchased the stock and good will of E. Knechtel we now appeal for your kindest patronage. Having practically grown up with the business, & e employed with E. Knechtel as coatmakers for the = ee nine years, and having procured a knowledge of the = latest and most modern system of cutting and fitting, F we are ina position to guarantee satisfaction. Our stock is large and complete, many of the New Spring Styles of Se and Overcoatings have arriv. edand more to follow. We ask you to come and take.a look at our stock whether you buy or not. Yours for business, Smith & Finkheiner. MTT A TT A SIGNIFICANT FACT i There are four Life Companies in nada which, from shir pro- Sn long jook- ie all ites ei of Canada| — out-distanced them all in two. very important res (a) It paid a Larger Amount in Profits to its policyholders than any o of a and ‘t increased its a , | $1 Coo waetae the com! srease of the four pe se The Mutual Life of Canada owns 210 stocks, and its assets were there- fore not affected in any way by the BUY RUBBER and saye Cough ' Medicine We have a complete line all grades, and can fit any shot Prices to suit. a ing the past year,~ W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. Wall Paper order to introduce our Princely Shirts of News a ee) =a sehbabnhbissniiabbinnnie SEM RIE to our We extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Milverton = Millinery Openings and vicinity Friday, March When our milliner, Saturday, April ist. have a complete showing of all the latest styles in Spring Millinery. Sist., and Miss Gibson, will ROSE & JAWAD Our Store will be Open Millinery. Nights. REKIERIRERAERRIEEAII BIER A A AE | DUMART The Ailverton Sur THUBSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905, ~~ GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES 9. one is useless in the world who aio the burden of it for anoth« The Ontario Sugar Co., of Berlin, i will declare a dividend of six per cent. for the last year. Ja Laidlaw, ex-M.P.. of the UPaisley Ohlasks Guelph “eowaship, died at his home there the other day. The beg errs of se gave a rogramme at (ou! Penal greatly pleased the sea ident in- mates The eee over the Reid telegraph award in Newfoundland, is very general. This may bring up @ feeling in favor of confederation with Canada. 000,000 to Protestant common re dcatite jn the Province of yas well a: assist i psonsion generally, It is a find that et Pesiale of all sorts 1,000 a | maney Toss of $100,000,000, of American cotton w mills 9, 000 workers. England } has on exhibition |} e biggest, oF at orld. 001 vinches ‘round: the chest. ywaist and weighs 52 Sx William Movdonald has donated |}, agricul-| fluttered i Tt,sost a Stratford man $13.50 the othér day for breaking in a front door in the Albion Hotel. other horse show is to be ‘held at Siegen tah buck will ot be held in conjunction with the fall fair. It is a good ae 2 oe pine tar aoe s om, as it is excellent aaaronant and it also Hane sleep. ‘The Bldorado potato, the new var- ear sold in Englan John T. Westcott, a Mid astuty Constable, who lives near en eter, was sentenced to nine months in the Central prison for extorting money Refuge, | from a Be who al marketed dis- eased m The ‘aod of Islay on the west coast of nt miles pion yet it contains nine large distilleries, The population of Islay, once over 14,000, is now only os about e United States people are so democratic, they boast, that any great ‘ispl in th London could not make, in crowning a sr ane half the fuss that astonished ington ¢ 1 Roocevelt’s late ‘‘cor- a son The local cement company have ¢|rotaries wil ey 23 E de six weeks, the balance of the contract to be completed in about four months. ‘Active building operations will be re- sumed as soon er conditions are favorable,—Atw The stockholders cf Portland Cement fe ee no doubt be of the annual meeting held in Toronto last wi tstanding facts are that there ed i last year, about $50,000 being the fiton the year’s eee conss eee has gone to xeduce the loan. —Darham Re-| Wolverin view. REN ART NE etrerr aati a ra SEATS eres FYFE d is scarcely twenty Z A hil | asi rotary | 4 the National er | Pish C the new Can: aieD Regiment, that kept in barracks in Halifax, will aber abouts J; 600. At the annual meeting of the adian Ass at Consumption held in week, a i petition the Dominion ae ae to poi royal mission Can~ and the “great eo people of Canuda, caused by the var- ious forms of tuberculosis. Jacob McGee, of Kinloss. vas s as follows to Festinnl: ‘There is a retired tat mer township of Kinloss, coun’ ruce, | who claims to be contempo oe with five monarchs, 15 prime ministers an! with the “great apoleon Bonaparte, who wisbes with any Sclrred facierin the county of Bruce or Huron in writing or spell, ing for a bag of flour to be gi some poor person in nicer city than greatest opposition from the Canadian millers, who will not want to see their American competitors obtaining hard. ‘The manufact- cA wit American dumped goods. Itthinks Sir Wilfred Laurier expressed the general feeling sete he ble the oe Si the the Herald However, does not think it ought to be beyond the wit of -man to devisesome scheme aeceptable to all parties of both sides. matter. Some strange things come to light in horse ale ‘but the following is ‘case where a man sold a horse for $1 and by t setae: got him as for $6. Judge Colter held diyision court at Rodney the other day. e and at 11 p.m. the jury returned a verdict that it was just a horse tra and plaintiff mast abide by what he ad done. oe abou clergyman; ‘This Suc nal boon callea SA oRalats At tie faneeshor a zeladive ofa Consery- resolution was passed to} Fal ce wack have been infinite! alone is since the jiving on the first concession ol the} ss friendly contest} iy. 2 =pebonent ten years the aie Be er Glasgow Herald thinks the Unit- o 0 The Siesta de of Defeat. (Bavaria Night.) n quite asmnch eireumstan- 'G. R. Honderich & Son tte|F UR NIT URE and UNDERTAKING. Hot candy Of male wevery seotaak So tear a outwitted; and his army i his thickly more re- mnarkable tan his overwhelming de- nel of his army enough = aecount for most disastrous fai fail Ps deliver to Messrs. Mo! a de-} only Charles heeds uséd ie tell this Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Of Arthur Dowd, lete of the sown- ship of Mornington, in the Count farmer, deceased, eT en, purstiant Strtcies in that behalf, that allo and others having claims azainst the estate of theaid decease ied at Morning- ton, in the County of Perth, Ou or about the Fifteenth Day of February, are required oes at Listowel P. 0., designed. the administrator of th notice and th: Bree fof the estate 30 dis Phe time of such D to any sa aor notice a ration aia Down, Administrator, SMoRPHY & CART! “\many a high priced one. | Mirror 18 x 18. =. R. Honderich & Son, ais at aise el, tis Fourteenth Day of MEW, his Solicitors, Chiffonier — Price $14.00 Extremely well made and finished. This Chiff- onier will readily prove a welcome addition to the house furnishings on - ac- count of its spacious ac "§| commodations. It stands 6 feet high, inches wide and 20 inches deep, and contains three large and two small drawers, also a All trimmed ~ The appearance and favorably with German Bevel roomy closet for hat box. handsomely with brass ornaments. In it compares wood is surface oak. construction THE BIG HOUSE tive editor, and as # cher him- self aimed to be a Tibet leader in the district he and i crossed sword. e to deliver a home thrust without £ knelt together, this appeal; ‘Lord, over fliction to the welfare of all assembled, including the reptile now sprawling in Thy presence, frequently abused Thy servant in the columns of his beastly publication.” The the followiag resolutions : the area ofnew Ontario is about don times the a of old Ontario, and i receiving each year fiye times hae additional eam gon old On- tario; and whereas, the st disast~ Tous effects of the saloon i: i rota seen when it phesits awful traffic in the’ vicinity of mining, lumbering and other centres, where a lar, rtion of the workmen are away from the re- Medes CENTRAL Clip Gr RATFORD, CUM: 's famous school has such a repitatiow foe thorong ineye shat OFF graduates easily sone ss ood RIN <0 TERM | OPENS APR. SED. logue free ELLIOTT & MeLACHAN, PRINCIPALS. OF TELECRAPHY system of training RAILWAY TELEGRAPHY Practical oatSt for all duties, usually con- nected with that of a railway operator. station Superint< cadent’ on way. S Depatches ‘and STRATFORD SCHOOL ‘The latest, most advanced, and complete |ISAACG USHER, QU ‘Distri ene trunk Ral QUEENSTON CEMENT Sold Direct from the Manufacturer to the Consumer. ee alec For the past twenty years that we have been in business agents’ fees and collections have cost us from 35 to 40 per cent. of all sales. To farmers and others oho contemplate sing Cement the coming season we intend to make this sav- ing for you, and sell strictly for cas’ Cement put on cars here at our works for seventy cents per barrel. Write us for freight rates and any other information you may require. QUEENSTON, ONT: Motherhood Weakness| Is Promptly Overcome— Health and Vigor Perman- s ently Restore By An Efficient henge For Oster * = eee a stated apes pedi cite isease. Then there ai a Oe oncae eae acts in ire mucol ealed.. Every =a sai Company, of this city, has the basking of the State of Mishigas i e fish trust as ‘Leod of Sonth- ; Noble Bros. of Killar- 4 { Di Night no liquor licenses be issued in x Od lasses, January Sth 7508, = fie nresson , (2) that if immediate Block, over the T: = oe Se hibition be not considered aston Write at onc aaa & lar, wi i ie then the sale of liquor should be m: fe ie soe Snctiod: eee = by Government agents, so. as and 0 vent treating and theprocuring of lig- ao Larmo uor S Principal and pe Se ears, and enforce that would aaly jrohibition ae the =] rising generat Detroit anal Wednesday id:—The Wolvetine Fish A Good TIME PIECE: is what you want, and for to get it you will have to call at this Jewelry Store. We have the celebrated Deuber-Hampden Watches also the Waltham and Elgin + $5,000, Sate of fish sonually. The head- quarters are in Chicago. ek aver age profits are $1 $1,000,000 a year. independent company, the Wolveint the combine. fe Ww erine will endeavor to break up 3 2 in Gold Silver and Nickel Cases. Every Watch sold here is guaranteed. | FERROZONE a P. H. Bastendorff @|Cures All “iments From re Which Women Suffer. fc ible, last- ag. eure is guaranteed. Twomonths treatment $1,00; trial 25c. Get it to} ay Many women suffer nae: prarels jebilit! ‘is- REXALL “2c DYES energy, in- The latest and as Fee dye inthe world. Willdye ool, cotton, silk, sate. me pixee g in one bath. in| For sal aa wosaee Newton, — General. Meola power and poweness and despondency disap- an can remain sick or mis- w:| PFEFFER BROS: Flour and Grain. = used by young and old ores Seclicts safety. Qrepared in tablet form, fifty er ol Ask for . our Jewel Brand. | Chopping 5c. per cwt cash, | 6c. per cwt. if booked. ~ Co., nd Kingston, Ontari