waning oe tom te ares] ETH ANNUAL REPORT OF | tame rie from = hag fell uy VES THAT WATOH CZAR] #5 = Topp aa aT eT ee i. = as z STORY OF ALEXANDER OI’s Baia Ma ee WOMAN’S TROUBLES <UNLIGH : % é 5 ip Vip! ; ; renin 3 Weakest be sala ently; The Mutual Life|:: ‘an: Trees i That's what any woman is aft hi se earth used to go into the streets 5 eee = 2s FRA Soe “In Spite of All P Eestantions the wearing nly her nightdress, and the ee Gran Boa eae Autocrat of All the R ys used shout after her, b Is DISEASED KIDNEYS AND SOAP: Jake be me at or poe? i ASSUR ANCE 00., of Canada, soa al e ; animals—sla' Is Never gah es birds shtered ere possible for @ man's Unless the soap you = FOR THE YEAR 1904. ; 2 ao ae ewe > use has this brand you A cgi REYES a ; door. : : TEA. It chases away that old tired fecli -- “ Royee drew her arm Uirongh hi: pis re not best ing and fills her with n a ns : “ 1,873,364: 69| Death Claims mat e disposed of her oe a getting the best life, SO DELICIOUS TOO. z 4 XXI. Ani spoil ‘all my pretty things!”” | noi oe sew ‘Taterest “and ‘reats ay "$61,944 21 | Matured Endo m London to Buenos |”*-phe executors sought for a declare ‘ Ask for the Octagon Bar. 4, ONLY ONE BEST TEA-BLUE RIBBON’S IT Nae ‘was thom she For moment. Madge diserned Earp Be tion as rh . : eke ech te Or 4 e Gierteee, matt daring Pat I noe: you?" nothing, hen, half dazed. she looked} - ; 300'807 ance nes guarded by regi- pi Be ge She jaialachie, tp _ March 27.— Starfish are the = Peinelbels en 3 all me i time Better Madge| “No, not”’ cried. “Don't come| around the vast hal. A huge, fire __ 899,880 86 = euough ta beep = saat and Pasolate| af Mea Ball pos pooh eat i “| of the oysterbeds. Bae is en Lia phot St aa arden, 304, Se OF ost aa is Tuy in tie or ht $3,725,508 90 $1,725,308 90 : c ers or new a ————— e Carter, Sau Vahey both, Hot uanaturally, shrank teraay, eres oa made ime shudder, Se err al abe oe : LIABILITIES: 5) ack, dar! sLy-plenating. gl oak panelling, — tB | so; cages + 88, $2) Beseyre, 4 84 an a3 Hapase the oyster-beds of that countr, : : : ‘All right,’ he Said serenely. | suits the tattered’ flags, Be mets $7,355, y: ARMS FOR SALE aha Bans io" we ight : = 1 things | and he “rahly-colo ljored Oriental car- i . ai Reserve. on. lapsed. Pol tion, 84 miles north of Ha: ve, : i idal; *y ‘Then as ree packed my ow 33 ane fh Loans on_ Stocks E jiable to receive. or 4,967 safe, pleasent and’ eftecti BL oa - : oh iter my patent ‘aantone— 1 ES ees cat througte'| bie eine Cea ea gh 8S worn. killer, Monee Crates Wore Het | HBR ghee, Te, gSANAEY Qj and fair ee vd * - cllonce pros rei Bele yeirtS ees be Se miter Erpleaien, gran otune 16 Brocurs| So Ainindte Setehortoods‘enuttice, | er eee RP OTS Sarl “RASS Set “woe it Fiat en by vane | Gash at Head. Gig" $987 1B Boces- 94 ARB 6,000, terms Feasonable. anne al sett x 3 she _ sto é g| strains of an organ, for it seemed to} “uns (net) 206,713 9¢| Rremlums paid in eich 15,023 or mplex| him. In - ‘The total number ot t beneeniie cy ‘tana ing “ Pe a Ss the windo yeni are, brown Beet peated, e Bova Interest due 159,718 unt-due for med! ase chinery by ae life ae ‘one | w! d to sit up in a chair for two in Books and Wales last wheat ‘lund "at trom 87.50" to was. thinkir ly ing : ast ee ki ee in Lond es : 13,257 a ing : red iger Bal: man is shielded. ceased) a life interest freee an in nrense of 256” of Virden. Why, go awest to the 5 7 Monk ‘Towers and t is that so carelitly Ret ah war Net. ae over Ries » a a incertae Dinner Sets Free : ns le gaa ages ae ela aa abr we usten: pone | he aa ores a Stee Sontpants he ased Policies io Peas to the see trelve months 1,000, ts id and like. by an army of secret police, the | teversio ther relatives. Whi i i whaiy you can Spay oe ue Siero a wai i fog his BS at it carclessly. mos mean organized. . was in the i So | 8898, “After the first box of Dodd’ BENEFITS 1 THE, MERCHANTS To te. Fallasy. ~The di: ae BON NERS EPSON SON & om He hat ‘Madge's face crimsoned, “then -turn~| 5 his bla <5 orld aut, Merehant ia. your aeighporhood is rougher oh Meads Se explod- : Madam,” he “Tt—is See Re ‘Met Surplus over all Liabilities ave nevi in the! ne bis-ayprociation of cash trade of e ir. Vow Stan's Pi | ete eck wpe ‘the letter absently.| said. “Will take it no x whet! Was a guest sae os Sse col z I used. Dodd's Kidney | ™ Sere re eee DINNER the TELEG RAPHY\ ye Sed to the Honorable i¢ up. to him, her eves | ovine in LLY, om: Auditor, GEO. WEGENAST, ee i! i she s = ur sad we ay we on tell eo nan’s health depends on her buttorwara yous aro Sear ay ceepining wa teehee ot yeni Graduates from this school are d x ate i ice : star corr omer é aaa wil tions. furnisted "to graduates] | Ben ji in| if't pened it I should never get eS Soe Tackeoat An Your Directors have pleasure in submitting their 35th Annual Report the male NTO, ton jons furnishe . ee i 10, Jacksor ' f the ees able of making a ee iB) | 2083s cmes aE Proupectia wailed trees | ips, hi i 35 Besides Ree showing the transactions for the year, and the area standing of . = “ nd Youge St, Ty ‘ 3 d_happy. looking. nu ; b sir,” HUNDREDS OF SPIES had no doubt. that Mes. Ball was az|YOU Cam have no uric acid ia Tom—‘I thought when I got mar- el a oti CaS ee ‘ i you, ‘bana give it to m we get to). Fats trust ‘you and Mrs eratiiying 5 in oy pacer Jarge gains having been made in Income, As- a < > a it Sexes and in ever: the streets partially dressed, —+—— was to return by the cutter, but just own way once in * Jack fe Z es pie | iT i} 01 he bee: As hi ote fhe looked at Mi te NSURANCE, eer —The volume of mew business ext hat cr alt| ith boss running after her. Fival: mi an 2 next nd jded_ man,"” “‘No 3 s 2 igi fea ots She bela h veo. paw bis’ dlacrect = eyes 8,452 Policies for $5,048,168, all of Seiten ex Srannen aeeihe: fin Junior OR OVER SIXTY YEA i whi he anne ae Ce is are ing vood, who had been in RS. you any idea what Drogen on thee x iat Jack?” Maidge asked | of g “Hor la ht Mrs. Lan-| year being $2,889,319. Whi our native See ’ in} as — BY SIR GILBERT ‘three other mien succeeded — it . "s Soothing Syrup has | Origin tack? : in oes Puree teed ie Pilgeade rks baat Laibar Cie) Ue ; ot the. world. it J as Miss Young _ appeal: " strong wee near an o} f g = ing hi in amont i : it, 8 z pen doi fo, no,” he said, seating lf ond Trene’s eae! wes. ‘st S| oned to some one on st ieee * ness, eh js secured with less certaint} yas to Hl quality, Possibility of Great Britain | Sibbs for. a st ures siadenic, renee, ie sipeek | Physician—As 1 suspected. oe aball i a of | D Dwr ve cents a bottle. e : % . : : : : ard and : ° 8 : ' overnment. result in the starvation Sy eo eae or ee Hines eee FONE Tonk. ores Sg eee oe had pes mang ne subdued light, came -dow: tor premiums, ‘and $361,944.21 for ieee a eithe gain over 190! A i 2 a e say? she| selves. Madge was very si ees right," said Royce, “ ak for Minard’s and take no other Bice him Jherl cea th no ‘ 4 4 it for evidences of plotting. A e Winslow's Soothing Syrup.” Oran teatae 0 eat eges with and bacon| Sir Gilbert Papker, M.P, recently iiss oe suspended, Bee {Once she gave wie outlined the measures which, in his| of the eatin ee eae The amount of water-power devel- alo Madge,” and fst “touching 34, and cor Death Claims, $220,304.50, | En Sas aaa, 6 ani i Joumey ie under lynx-eye peta i buy a pi of | opi must precede full self-gov- ote book published oped in Italy is : “Raith!” the old e jes bawk ¥ ' encouragingly the “and that. res #15 oes: ae e ici 2 5A; rplus, $82 5188.40 and” An- e ss = “Re while between Bis capi-_| Sbiskey. Lee oie eel ee feting the story oe te ieee: 300, Shae a eae trom tha heed ot a 4 iS SEE ere Gt Ht eee Beto the Broad : : ed. Se ieee area Merse il i a ‘The real work of protection is done h t Se ne Satie red: her 1p an Valuation Standa: 772,072 Starve : BENEFITS’ THE CUSTOMER unto ‘ ca a aaa er ere now thie Merchant, write stomac At has proved Canada’s Best School. : ‘ . ‘ said. “I've packed | derstood when Royee, with smile, } - : - DIRECTORS’ REPORT. Hine Gabe © i ie Fe giter the meal will aja the ing from $50 to $100 per month. "Poe 4 Aebiod ; = relieving officer was called, tho | BEYS with Dodd's “Kidney Pills = apes” SCHOOL OF ZELeGRArHY| ’ Soot nee me dE 2 el ae te wae. ae a aeons eee Bers Py sea AR a Ee scattered throughout | Husa, ot b id mana + cia) hat eon. heed PG tend’ a missionary conference. She] Tied that I would’be able to fave - . What is i don are =o : of any fo Q renee ag i a 5 it i y i i fu in- oH ithin the minion. ee assurance now : laced 7 Tt is fi i a} 000, ten c's sls wer "= SOUTH APRIGA PROJECTS |e test "oz ces ee ; i tee Be tia | Sad ell at or Sy Saetietetis | Salome ren ee See ce] camer on runs, nai i : seeking | seaso ‘ofitable. ‘ ARKER, M. B. i, s boat. by ‘millions of mothers” for | Vatient—Yes, sir. Sitting in a Ss had discovered OF | at h i hie ‘beck ar J bast urs ‘that goo erable S$ pal oN maid, Guntbe Bp te e prescribe ‘the open-air cu Yor ex: what you’ bar Oaey traveled by an express train, 4 INCC OMe = =e. ‘ men income was $1, 8.90, being $1, Bases 69 DISBURSEMENTS — <The payments to Volicyholders, amounted tal and his erp ae ce of Tsar-|™ ed the mone; London Mail. ; it. Maie ie a ouly 41 per ci a ‘koe Selo he travels on a line sacred h iy the whis-|- Addressing a largely attended m a ee ces nee 3 ote ae he i th ae Royce , that a5)" Wer heart was beating so fast 301, i es then va lest eT, TAXDS were $300,807, being 17.4 ‘Der cent: Te may take three or more, hunters sell. with. After his fag ta Cartan lial Westin inetee: Un eae 000 fh é ip amieneie se gr : : 1 by alter to-morrow—lord si her mind, k that she felt stifling; she seer that Deacon has Re ao Oa: choi Hing sesson: to. catchy under the auspices of the Tmperial|, ©" °> cured insto6 nights — Pp apple ie. mee a ge une hown'- Nas thinking of her people wl pS Ties ie Dhar ot the total Geer or about Sette ess than South African Association and the| owe, *plication gives retict. Dr. AS-| poverty ack 5 i G eet e i Mi Red dlewtionie, won; erst t BESTE S 2 4 L : * sa; a i eal r i * : ‘| $¢,80,680.45, showing gains of - 05 # avis, a fomen’s Liberal Unioni: new’ in YZ ie Head) Disinfect- # e ain. Al dei a apathy a| o y o oH teckel Seb | ee eco Gath | Geamy te te ene ce ioe eet oa with a at The Gag? io reconciliation es ee : Serine ca ft ia both soap and oc ¥ ea ings Considering . : z : pas her ae al ores : dds hereto cit in a4 ue in eruptions it stands withor 29 “qualities .. ‘Thoma: rival. Thousands of testimoni " h ddress 3 iWhen they hea 4 station he ola Rwtnes itinontn yo | orator (xen) "The metin | ests ene tae wen’ | auwrhe start av tebe had seu * i di 3 awakened from a dreamt, ayia maid had gone into the ere ar “Yes, indeed; my uncle can mal not or ms - " Poe ie Le eS phe fotning one; es whi she, aid eel h ‘@ watch- | me d thing hi ” eee i 5 5 : : ” ie found i iets 3 i 3 3 : an guarding his sefety; while, as | ,5' Gorell Bart ne to t 2 ee ‘ pecs ant ni ar Want e f° wo horns or retire into i ‘ite shell,” Funpulon “haa spimplstiea and 5 eae tamped in the é “e we are dearest!” before the cry. ns they were not qui iy ct fe in ogee = be ech noth ing bye ee of har “a furthei 5 in " ee i a 3 E do : {the best ~in B i ened whalebone and strings 0! 5 vet oF |State of mind to make” the wil ol et cee oe Belge ae power?’ “I should think| Kapp Minard’s Liniment in the hous | : “Dogs—tloes she say nothing about forward and to ideat, a1 ie, rooms. wee one newly ing | © i 2 | 190 e le prot tan 5 5 ey Be cat will s million’ dol- . es A AS ' me?’ she asked in a very low voice,| The statio r orters | the, suberbly aaa Ryen Royce most of which i een pai Dy sts wherscara cians oof ie wild S| against, i, and in invor of the will | Tine ca i é pape #1 hee-vou-wew a Yaa gia) hak ae wou Bee Z Bie ee lor rising 2 her face still especialy. $0 tie! ece adl iets as One BILIPIFS.—The liabiliti e again computed on ie ee i ‘and. secret poli ve . : come 7 ie is as - io te ee SI it. able with 4 per cent. interest for all business up t aay ee oe ae Se ae the estate. yan i pas lari sr gery yon Small Digna «Mame “nine i ye enlarge 5a : Sc ae Novo!" he repli i ee en Oe ac ray Mifovidently madam docsn’t mean reprins Tham that date to January Ist, 1903, on the Saute cat Ss r i =a is £ hu '* lus] vi Tae + of bo’ be fi Bae ceed and: et ae a ; = terre she used to| and ears reduced at the same time.” i sate his es “Anyhow, Ss Bey ae tall, slim form in its is gS 4 s,"" he said. Aieeted Table with 33 per cent., and thereafter on the same Table f i Ai yasumaptive Syrup. io mobeph benchel ‘a’ told you g 4 ight have sent you a little ‘cloak, caused a thrill of sarprise with 3 per cen With the best of modern telescopes,|_ “Tt is mecosary that th = ‘@ soothing influence on the air | not to marry her. jeath or ee the oni at 4 senfut never mind, Madge.’ ! ana admiration to rin through, the J her hand SoS Fs tees mete evra Pe re eat 70,930.20" 6% ee) g a0 a aye th nown and highly aa jumped off the table, and ran gronp. : Pop ilatiod chalk aut Comoe Gouna [ bb a * He ie no equal for" semovsng ‘these = i am, Ont, Wh ; to heh and put his-arme around her, | "with @, word and a smile for one yey chee h BoE ae 4903, and this after distributing — eos paler ap ee for action and policy, fir 01 oa ys ad travel conti i Si _ r- ile ve different. ? ent s re ser" 2 on and poliey,, and flat thelr i ee pies Eroublesoms’ exerosences, as es : ents | : _with a word of sympathy and pride 6 ot] St oi ieieeeee dressing-00mn cern theres afr, our Surplus $8 31,049. “It has’ been said that ca tat ity. aad, dyspepsia. A. friend re meeend “Bro uae ne ay : is through that dooF on the” other ao: Gare: 6G 3.60. would rule it representati aaa Mabel—“And has the young man| ‘‘It is bitter cold,” remarked the | Gitic uth American Nervine. One = “until they eae you better ana love] 1 Pastis: ee On behalf of the Boar ROBERT ag eee : rable, as our atmosphere, | ment were given, bat tbat apprehen- coming : cigesitig hushenns Why dant y a ip astinony. cloves a 4 Ee a Stag eee ENE wait G'peen seni | ‘Three rooms!"’ said Madge almost esident. risk, while the Ozar | Wi ¢ moisture, confu [sion pies es 0. wea your patience?’ y cket?””" The idea!’ | words! lt has saved ‘my lifer Mt age and the coacliman, pie ee ‘The various reports having been adopted, the retiring, dirctors Right mal aches unreognise ‘a|owing to its moisture, confuse the n elected Iepresentative Aacom- 2 iy, he ha: bee ext ed the wife. “Why, if i 4 Bere ic tier. Keda ‘and battled | tucir imapavioties, wmanaged ‘The maid came in, and, as she was oS ie Wittrid i in, Esq., Justice Gar- ae route. The present Cz. ight. : bly, cted, fixed Exe ing to see me long enougit to wear at no one would Sub Pua fa “It’s pretty safe to conclude that oO a mith oS “eae Wthat threatened t is bat 40 his beloved ‘“Master’” | evidently ex to do 20, Madge Y, Esq., K.C., were ence sale. ter Se Gyeuemey omposed of British and Boers—a thrée sofas!” with fur any woman who doesn’t g Sp ah te pd acer iere ae at had been made members of i i aa 0: S| id pre infirm. t 0 to | Me a hi - ic _THE de PERE «jena a difficult time 2 uth American Kidney Oure | mai Not. alw faint oe ae / ZAM ght, ee ant as superbly furnish the’ bed: nt ore ap fhe fel of m1 Far dt i ways. She 4 y | She looked at 4 ang : eet: djo o in prevent domination eitber Minard s Linkment Lan Lumberman’s filend | = “oe ents eeey even’ er ee ee sho thioks ‘said after a pause and with a sigh.| smile, but she could not sobs) ee a Hatny Paueeton ae a pene ccs ie met subsaguently and re-elected Mr, Robert Melvin Pre: HO’ Sion 18 CAUGHT. d|Ways That Are asant And Batisn or Dutch. Proven equal to correct all the evils | is prettier s ickly the time has passed! | moment, then she said om orp aa ge ident: ‘Alfred Hoskin, K.C., First Vice-President; und the Hon. A few a later a fox steals over, Seog aes oe - Paths That ex Peace. ‘or full self-government there has] smyth met his frie friend Brown in th be hysical | A we ce: visl Cpe ae ae ier jle you are with me, ice! cap oe on, Second ec pnataent of the Company for the ae i a ead. and salute with ab- is the simple life that gives x = row ners thi Minard’s Une sed by Physicians : : est ST shall always be with you, |%, pe ese : “(Booklets containing full report comprising lists of death and en- “a i, rags atte days, serenity of mind and whose oh Object is to fan the Dame of getting on?" thank: | ieee aistoune are ea =: let us get out. mates) phe a Aer fe ot ma’ai a nt claizns paid ee es eld, and other interesting and in- matey boa iy and tranquility of soul. psa "Gitnert Parker spoke on tho |Yo¥.. ausmered : der, | piflainme ae dropsizal tendeney.| Owing to, the fortats used for eateh- di hie ofa Pe ad oer oe Ser ee eet inl, ‘and if you have a Ave. par ficalnes are oa and will in due cOurse be distribu- bounded by: the desire to do, ood say : : ie conat aia” 2 Sn tient ot cata oe 0 be your maid, Ht you please, | ted among poli eyholders and canting insurants J Z 1; the desire to do goo v 00, 000. Be ambed. Y g - Waterloo, March 2, 1905. . H. RIDDELL, 9 one's neighbors, simple pleasures, ney, Jo sgvery 100,000 people Eogiana ag ; “things for Madge. He See, Madge,” he said; ‘here we 2 5 Bhoretary. Habits, food and dri "lone | ing i im- The Demon, Dys) aie In olden ti: has 156 medical mei Seager . ie = i i 5 eclared | are.’” Ihave not brought one,”’ reta) Men dle long iors ‘their time be- | only in halt a dozer it was a po belie” thet demons reat intasttadacaigease: have aan fust what she wanted; and this| Madge looked out and held ther|Said Madge in a low voice. “7 x Czar continued to cause they 0 ry toc ile. no) n __ the ambi at ¢ ? i ig other arti he| breath. ‘The far-reaching length of| She was going to say, I have nat Syne mile and salute with rai to, (enter a : phe Bee taskulg coakad hardett “opis is the least creased, T think,| the wonderful hiair, and put on the aoiitiertiee Wig aha 3 oe. i dae pte i sy tick s| time. —| ma'am. ee ie 5 correspondent rented: Nigh and tees foe ae fe belie y Sout! sete Bitationvin those r -lime. pene whic Ae Ss betakea stlO wai apostle “HEE tic *| ‘The girl came to her and unfasten- ited = ‘Have you—is the Jewel-caso!in the nye we le to feed| who by careless or unwise living “nosa a ; ea the fur cloak, doing it as gently |t tl m,”” she asked. -— simple diet has done her: i i ots | vite him. “And Salman it ea aN wh th Be tren. is generally aa ate emg He ve F Sve ageh cout” hive’, sibai: sata ‘the moment 1s?" Madge stared at her. i a : fl yuauara : ers, Madge,” i is : Say the crowd on either side, smiling as Digit! he eae Ser Wears teers S| Sada, hinvelt mecaood adda kane waioyip 2m) 11M JO safqee | but eamiot. exterpinate. Sub 3 eee: a aie att eet ee Se | took . hair fail showering, over fete aaita| wave. no. sole exer; nor was his drive in any way | sparingly, ‘until t accuten sunt | te s A oth | SEAL a Valiant. friend to 4 oF Pa “a Argouoritan ‘ex ie spaces te “appearance oo EE SE _-Stmose Iast two days were, but for siieke t ire. shoulders; ‘a kind of gasp| Marion colored and hurried to| the snow and Soe eatte the comity eee Tt was vasturally as-| liking for it that : agriculture, in % Negetable Pills, which are ever ready |20F P2% MUEYT 3Ssay Oy SAemye | rection. y the digestive appara: hid ‘s which} kin 5) i a-] i ¥ vill like to she said: ae else. of the hunter. % Je cach: 's aim 3 ‘River sete Lin Tihnitinese ce a Eta cere ased ou Sutin Ea tus is ‘as “cleats fag the mechanism of — — : Ww acl her path, closed upon. his, hi imperial; at | “oh, ma’am! a: Yes, ma’am. I will “get a flow may ordinary fox, ands! Fallod: Son wins thee tie ef Gee tirely for my dl Ppewiieine. Be eee ora oer ee “ a 5 sen eee 5 the the happiest Madge had ever, spent. sho Goranke back wieariathtr ey. of i ‘things| Whaat is the matter?” asked for your hair, @ white flower,’” and] this time, as well as a ed o Crar’s : zs ‘The ‘Due of “Argyll, who presided, eS oN oyee’s a sired aed ther sib: eer ied sey MIRACULOUS. DELIVERANCE | Nits for breakfas eons t = ithe Eieateat-|-. the "er of ‘etincom of be “@ "9 ‘apg so}8 ve ws 4 eae pea hour, | sisitadge!"” he excl ai — = “What is iadge san! oO. patie linen apie nln gees eet pe vas bel ri ; son is heir te ineome- as ‘To ti Pe Ver 3 i wi! je mal is ity dearest hail gone abroad a vast crowd fock-| fruit and be satisted wi pe is thet of getting: an | acUay, or $1, Bins are these ermal’ ese mild genes ort as the time had| She leaned forward again and look-|and looked at the fire. Feountess would have consider c ‘a| dressed—and he started at sight of food, and feel ph! eee and have oe bh) at might be possible tide rabcing ee father’s iifetime OMe 1 in|ed out, not at the house, but at the| Was it sh the gy’ crime—familiarity with super-|her, the passionate loving admire-} ha . ie | Grosvenor—taken from the family ‘ ecRD “Phe perfectly oval face shrul ough which they were — cad ie [ose pe mentor ey" a1 E fel ke beets thea tn” on: Say epection | rame-and: it -hé a PARUEL Y WT is ue : ce sunburnt, the dark eyes had passing. fa : h sitting there| 2 ly owed his thanks. ‘Thus, once Nuts 1 was thin and weak, my snag would gro ea for pe will inherit 30,000 acres, includ pot esa Come, age 4 Ba irik PEDid you not see him, Jack?" she] amid, this splendor, ‘ air Agios! aL ene ee eee Teast, Alexander owed his life to his r EY a} ing 600 acres of the most valuable| The announcement rane in the | Mista things ers id 4 : t; the well-formed hands d | panted. 2 A who a week y casa ie 3 ih Ss i complacent. and uricomplaining waxen oad any ere a in time would become wives of Fne.| land in the Westend of London, {London Express that an agreement | Mat ‘hey “might, bo aes “See him? Who?” said R nogardad Ti ait A anyth Tae ay te Recta eran Sebi. a ie ot Ps ost on! pounds. Nothing that 1] lish settlers. for an official parcel, post—to tegin aia Donors camer : x Pe es Re ee Fata ee passed ae = al she sdiisag (aie Sania ip es Spies re : ite ; ° = ; ee ease is te. saw him, visHaatls-guaried palace utes ; Ewe ing ee = Sn Ee ee thalthey smlzhictgt be better.” wreleareeed érowds into which Royco| am sure—" you mean? if challenging him Fespectfully, follows that in ig he Atussiqa te Foas Sante, Sabie ie, Was nervous. eine PITCAIRN ISLANDERS. eee a had Heeie nea : oe SAB es ? teal “Who? he asked, and his hand| T nk was brought and the| ma’am. Though Tland Boyce nodded. ingle silver fox for some Woman in as tie. following etory” stow me | thing. My conditi iepeiks ap a3 mgd ee Gonccn ete and j tent <he Hour for Packing came, | went toward the check string to stop | mai “a for the key. Madge got|think, if “ you. would ~ Beauti he breathed. ge ee ee city igs ani- night when Alexander TTT, was. sit-| i tap-| Cut off From World by Loss f $ States Bars ‘he United |" {Worry wont cure a cough. When : ur when imperial, whieh} the carriage. up. * maid | ¢o ‘more suitably. I] “Yes, die’ a the |i 2 Their Boat. - fi J < i ted her with prompt care-| mean i in ting at, work ‘his study ae : ; you find a ee holding. om on— Z | had di ee Royee had ae ence Jake,” stie said in| intercep' tinsied Wines | Pals te Sores Pie Beige ie eag os ad as N ey zt in will be ee 5 it con 1 = jossibly Sls Oncle Jake!” repeated Ro: ton will get it, ma’am,”— Z c deep, reso of tique sf : DE ee oss! 1B eee Zi Meenas ae : ae $ fe at on. the then he pavighed. See) mmurniined joeeciel tingly; then she| never saw oe sen, gong, ane “iewwily ralioogh he air anes Madge, you ens have| unlocked the trunk and took ve 5 ft et mistaken! Why. dhe the “thes handling them—not ought something was Raye ; poniete $ E Sos i ¥. stem : = ; ‘mistake Be ase a things’ Precious | { . Oh, yes,| “Are you auite, ae: Maiige 7 seen |) w ie outs rid, : 2 : jateels Be y : ee z . gar fess ut with ar ease. it an best Z s ee yy ewservice. = This -o'ticial > i : : as yin ee 5, ° r| ye oe on ihe piarieee al eo se ii rd RN. wae oer 2 be carried’ on concur- | %#' -S o ‘ j 3 ick ey ‘insi “sit” n a. “Do yor ink, ma’am? 1e mn, ma’am, puke poor Madge was gone “sto pecni as ae ‘ant white. bread i "Se ' cot 0d is goacanimed: a ' me ey gee” . See =. oe evening dresses, a.prelty name,” sai (To be Continued.) Bost rect ostium Co., | Orphana’ a igus ee oesn’t, Sane yiads “She a, eof it,” he responded | Yes.”” : oS co tenta watts eee San rane vie his men, found that cee ie , i ie See's: ae of are: Ameri teens iad your mow ‘i which was fxé sweetest, music ‘There 1 n¢ int jboss u, ma’am,” said Marion. a ey cotton-picker | Sad fe one had in the meantime ae on 2 ; la gaa oe ar : oe m bel | oe Behl Sees Soyes's est. [lot of servants. about, and he was}Iye © ; seit “yet so Smoothly, she did up cor ae a ee jo little| She. left we a eee * 3 ies 4 VPS ee eed