Milverton Sun, 30 Mar 1905, p. 1

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VERTISE Your Farm tor fale and Che “It Shines For All.” 4 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — THE ereign Bank of Canada. Office, - Toronto eneral Banking» Business nsacted, bought mers? Notes Discounted loaned to farmers on reasonable Special attention iret ‘to the collection of mers’ Sale Notes. s Bank Department ed, with current rate 0 Ba NNEY. Manager ores ton, Monkton, and Lin- wood Branches. Store, Milverton Medient : ae _ ¥. PARKER, aE D. carl ~ Graduate wee Gold M it Trini ves oe . College, Gold by Silver M jallist, eee ‘Toronto. inset Fighert. Office in_ Post Office ue connection with P ole, Brunner, zee i. Ete, .M. PANTON, Barristor, «agp E. open oe very ‘Thursday, "vm Veterinary RR. VETERINARY SUR radi ain at the old os om 2e830r a oo Ww. jae “he ean ot me He tained Commercial ariving & speaalty- call. Societies Iverton, meets every very month, at Schneuker & iq brethren a derson 1 Ce Fas. Cp erale Secretary. «Silver of i gad wdded to principal four | ser: I times. Baggace | enh LOCAL NEWS, Fresh Maple Syrup. Rose & Du- mart. es by their absence. Potash or caustic soda, 3 pounds for 25 ae at H, Mohr’s grocery. f you want the right hat a Sy right price call at Rose & Dum: Piper McLaren, of Wiarton, spent a lay or two. this week with Mr. Wm. Pollock. The residence of Mr. Chas: Wrath- al. Lis! torre el, was burglarized on Sun- day night. You are invited to attend Schaefer & Whaley’s millinery opening on Fri- day and Saturday. Just pastes eae of blue suitings, whic! p-to-date a this spring. a a atterbork: mber of Waterloo County Sans “have dscited to cembya Wet and take up Jand in the Mennonite Re- ve. Meanwhile an army of milliners And the Eas' ts aie rhea he Farmers Atrestion.—If you want the purest Clover, Timothy, sike seed obtainable, at lowest prices, GUSTIN Mr. R. F. Preston, the member for North Lanark in the Tees an Government whip, is a cousin to Mr. J..G, Hamilton, of Milverton: Mr. James Roulston leit on Tues- ¢|day for Pense, Assa., where he in- tends to reside for the summer. It is also Mr. Roulston’s intention to take ae rr. Ovens, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, apeetalist’ in diseases of the ve, Ear Nose. Fits glasses properly. Office, Quee: n's Hotel. Next visit, to| Thursday, April 13th. Mr. George digs, left on Monday for Stratford, where he has secured job | ny as carpenter. gretted that a good citizen Tike Mn ng should be co. ae led. to leaye Milver- ton to find work. ‘As soon as the snow disappears and premises streets arein a very filthy and Ae ee state. ‘We were in error last wast in stat- The house ~was vy Mr. Richard Burgman, nal an be oo pied by Mr. Wm. Burgma: During the past few years the ap- pearance of the village has been muc! ansed by Geo-plant ing. We hope trees set out on the streets will greater than ever. Abagail Becker, the heroine of Long Point, died suddenly at her home in Walsingham Centre Inst an ad- vanced age. 854 she sayed the life of Captain Packet t-and his ctew effecting the rescue wader the greatest davper and diisylda has pur- chased a quarter section in a fertile y be if the country suits him ae he will return for his wife mily. We wish Mr. McKenzie niceess, but hope that he will finally decide to return to his native Pye vince after his wanderings in West. Persia es a pow BEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The Sf] is too poor to purchase her ._ | Price Be father requires. whom ‘entom yails, Wooaen's rights have appar- ently received full revogaition, oe the sen to the h: man on whom fancy cee and he is ob! Oh ew less he can show that he| *” at the at a press thering no! ial trav-| paper man Ecithe ber. warm si ty of shed room. mes F, Pauli, Drop. of ofthe Venezuelan wit are, energy anda determination to achieve, will make 0 mistake in learning the trade. los March winds this year have been + | temperate or cold ones. an ; D MoKensi ef this week for Strasburg, Assa., where he edit Between the start Ss India and erful among | your ices, ola. Violet, 2365, is a Fresh Winers and soles on Saturday. & Du Buy your bread at aay ane and get a standard weight four-pound High grade teas, 25 cents and up. such as Red Rose and Salada, at H. Mohr’s grocery. You will save ‘e20 percent, by buy- ing your ral paper from us. Rose & Dumar' Rey. ing, of Coplesto! will Ay in Moubten and Se Paul’ next Sunday. W. D. Weir will ell the cepa harness stocl ‘osch’s, on Already 101 agricultural societies have applied to H. . Cow an fi pert judges for fall fairs Our wall paper is going fast. We carry the largest Milverton: Rose & Dumart. Ifyou get a suit of clothes at Ino. ‘Kelterborn’s, rely on a good fit ou piglie ce yet aaoney- we clothing sale on Friday and Saturday, March 3ist and April Ist, The‘latest in spring suitings artiv« ing daily at Jno. Kelterborn’s. Will be pleased to show them whether you buy or not. In Stratford they pay policemen be- tw ve and six hundred dollars per year, es cap ee kick about giving ES Mr. . Buchanan and family, of At more Tet on Tuesday for the Is- land of San Juan, where he will en- gage in farming. Mr. Millinery this season te in securing Miss Anteeoe alady with good experience. Mr. Geo. Roe has just added to his dairy herd a pure bred Jersey cow, which he purchased from Mr. John pao a fancy price. was moved to the oiling. seer by the Sux office on Saturday last, ie: te pe artinent en conve! up for it. Lock boxes will a ern within few days. I will have two carloads of potatoes arrive at Milverton Stationon Thurs- that re aie get their supply. C. Haseny eae will be made to the On- tario Legislature for a charter to in- corporate a company to build and op- erate an electric railway to run from Stratford to Grand Bend or Lake Hur- |r, hn, with branches to New Hamburg and Tavistock. member we sell the cele, a 8. Cente Separator, the machine The U, S. i better results, is lesstrouble to clean, ee on the market.” Finkbeiner’s ardwi It is see that people live a ates than There is ae row older in warn clim: s 213, England 146, and Spain The latter country with a very Soll population. If the Honan man had nothing else to do tand on the corner aa an accident Report it the newspaper man that friends may know about it. bert Hanna, of Ellice, has hee Toronto, London, Ottawa and other fairs. He also won the sweep- age or breed. izes we on Seles Fort Pie war a veer fine t; pees cans is = peseve oe of Elomi, successful e has stock into the community. Be Plook 12 | by inj will pay yon to yisit Schaefer & al Babb, of Millbank, has pas in and has and needs less repairs than any other | $0 - | upon ae ‘There is one man in Wingham. that stakes at Sarnia for he bess ball any | sure pre Ci ee our windows for special prices. Severe tock is having cement walks pet oe down this year for nine cents per Be you see our dress shirts, all colors, at 85e., worth $1.00, Rose & Dumart. stains and reads, eS cents a cake | as at H. Mobr'’s grocery. Auction Sale of Geo. Grosch’s har- urday, April 8th., at two o’cloc! | Farmers, here is your chance, If it is a bilious attack take Cham- berlain’s fone oh bn nee Liver Tablets, and a qui ertain. For sale the Public Ding Co., Milverton Atwoor ending purchasers of the Pottland cement for eeang ul also prices from F, Wisperuoup before purchasing elsewhere. A fool in Cleveland bet that his on pacity for wine was greater than of a num! to celebrate his birthday. He drank led from his eae be- guests, “turned up his esis and died ; one fool less in the work The details of a most shocking mur- der comes from inet te vara crazed lunatic named Robert Quick strangled his brother See to death fter a despe truggle which is supposed ta have lasted for hours. n | ‘Phe m his mn for the deed that his prothas was a wick- ed man and it ha lone. The number of ua poe first half will consist of d_ half. There will be no papers set for exam- ination in any of the classes in liter- ature. ry, temperance and hy- 4, |giene, nature study and writing. Ao B g z 3 PEGE ge z S z practice is continued he will push the | }, offenders to the limit of the law. r, Folinsbee, of Strathroy, was in the. ¥i lage ing ar- ‘angements for commencing the work oF rae ae Toad benvest Milverton and Millba: It is expected that if the po eee evs that hat Specetane will commence in holds the worlds record for close ae of wi be |i28- lessrs, etoaee Bros. are ach) getting ready to commence operations'at Monkton. Messrs. John- nm and \Sabastian, of Owen d, have the} contract for the concrete work on the forty miles to be built by Mr Coe bell, and as soon “as spring ope = will commence the construction ae ‘tha abutments for the bridge over the Nith below the Milverton G.T.R. station: is not likely to grow too fat for want of an is the town The council have paased a by-law defining his duties as follow: Besides performi: of sanitary inspector, town inspect ing the salction of dog tax, posed by ops Sida all halle: due. ther Seorpoega chiet ble he shall perform the duties ithin the mun- wit un icipality. and shall enforce all Bi ges unceraee atten his different duti —+——. Try to Prevent Lung Trouble It's the dried sputum floating ground in the air that gets into a ;rhozone, w! tnisae tones: Hilsereean branes and Loss of ay etitoalare peste from Special value in lace curtains Fri-| faulty di; t is needed day and Saturday, March 31st and|isa few ome of Cha rlain’s Sto - April 1st, at Schaefer & Whaley’s, They will in- ite the es strengthen th Monkey Brand pony for general digestion and give you an appetite household cleaning, moves rust, wolf. These Tablet Iso act ntle laxative. For sale by the ce —_—.—_—_ A Safe bare medicine For Chi maber of friends he had saaiied ne days | Ws will be 122 for the first talpyeer and | Wi md half, In Most of the gravel is already ‘ constable |he shall preform ‘the duties|™ MARRIED Lone—PEreEnrs.—At the ag ae ot the bride’s father, Mi acuare Peters, of prupnets om “Wea day, Miss Mabel Peters to Mr. Wm. Long. For an impalred. Appetite, macs Co., Milyerton an —-—_ W. D. Weir's Sale Register. Sra oe Aaa thn x, r., lot 3, con. wee on y 1005," Sale’ to one eis 1 0p ae ha peat of Geo. F, Grosch at his her in Malvern, on Satur- | day, 8th. rything goes Mont. ecraee one pronto is giying up bu: In buying cough m eouaiae for child- ren never be afraid t Chi The Canadian Bank of Commerce + $8,700,006 Rest = 4 #& 2 $3,500,009 pages Sey ‘TORONTO; HON. GEO. A. COX, President B. EB RARER ie General Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Municipal and other debentures 6 and sold. Drafts on ail points lasned, Farmers’ Notes Discounted ‘Special attention giver ectfor 13 bthe ee sale mote sige ars ee Special attention is directed t¢ lowing advantages offered by our dren Savings Bank Department Deposits of One Dollar and uy, rds ceived and interest allowed at cusreat rates rest is added to the deposit sale a each year, at the end of May and No’ ‘The depositor is tit to no pone whatever she the Belg ace aan" of the whole or any portion of the WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. able for colds, crow For sale by ted Padi ala- oaping | ae awe hope to hear of his speedy rs. W. Hemphill and family Tato on meets a morning fo! ir new home on San Juan Island, hington erritory. They take ith them the wishes of th community, if D. nzie, of Stratford, .. MeKen: visited friénds in this vicinity cet ard W. A. Buchanan left this morn- easel of Guelph. arrived in the| W. Saturd: ‘iss Ru: — is the Ce ices departime nounces something good for the youn; Indies of this place: ae The Linwood Estero ay Tuesday. 2 Uae one one and eecyhody sbguiN bara @ on . Post is visiting her R. Y. Fish. oilers Mr. oncert is to be held in Spahr’s Hall on the 14th of April next. aoe the “District School” will be represe s Powell, o| tira, arrived to. o-day. Mat, Goldie left for 8 shor Guelph on Frida oth stores intend having their millin- ree openings on the 13th aud 14th of 'o service was held in the Lutheran or. fe service iosthe Svangelscal Mr. Patton's gang of surveyors left for Goderich on Thursday. The probal ec su tee north a up to Dorking, where the sur yey of the northérn route is used to eX mae al young people were enter- tained at Mr. Geo. Lackner “ debate was held last Friday night ‘on account of the bad roads, but theca: mittee is Action jor a good rousing de- bate next Friday night. Mr. W. Weber, the teacher in section to the east of the Vilage, teach for over. two join as not been ableto wee ‘he promotion examinations are over ie and the teachers and pupils deserve raise for. the exee oe ‘over 75 per cent. of marks. were successful in stam the salt seeteel man Nba buys Ls ) hi least once a e we must feel ines piectane in the gueste of Mrs. Chas. Gies wife avirtock, sp k spent ‘Subday av tie hom of ay with friends in Baden. Miss Ts Tonsilitis is ) Boing, Around ebanie And everybody is is ‘Wondering net Co,, Milverton and Aj TR ae ZEA gle of Nerviline and yaar ras rec- ommended in the directions, and rub DONEGAL. Zour throat and chest vigorously with si erviline, This be and roved successful a thousand times. rt Henry is confined to} Nerviline is a specific for tonsiliti the. ones with an attack of bron-|and in fact A Bian of nothing hal tight chest. ant ular pains. SCI an - iy a Dottie o on tNervilines price 25. evecege veer A Resse Hour. (D. H. Thoreau, in Atlantic Monthly.) whéle of the day should not be aupthae: nor of the quan nighttime, ing to ti fortunes in tae ae {| but'some portion rescut ‘West. it Nee] Pine so ovaniee timenin ade ons 4 Ma: Bus eka is visiting hours mi not be. current; all our friends in Strat ford time must n. se. 1c} Se OY one: hope ved ipest ee the ey did pee —-of ancient aNDOD long-established mobiliey,—which all a3 serene Joey rm over- Master ee be of Stratford, |looking the rest. We a ld make he early part of last week visiting our noteh every day on out charac- as Robin: erp ‘is a ‘e must be at the hel: mas, and know that if we sail, NEWTON. . Mitchell, Sr., and Miss Aleid: sent a few r days Inst ‘week with Frinaae in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, Lorenz, of Dundee, were Saturday. they have gone to Hesson, wher’ they the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Tiss Mary Tabbert, of Poole, spent few days with her par ah eee April, little daughter, spent the latter part ta the w s mother i reise “im Mitehell spent ‘Thursday in Magee Bmilksrevnrael 40 Pre — last Tuesday after a month’s wistt th her par tack of of la Dr. W: ES Turnbull, Pa Milver ih is recovering from an at- of Goderich, R. | spent Sunday under the parental roo. Mr. Chas. Gies was called to Berlin on being ill Weichter, of se Miss Aitig spent last week | Mis lore ee ‘il sie tty 1 Jee guest of et yet es pbk ‘to learn of the death of Mrs. John Jack's mother. Her many friends — extend tober their deepest sympathy in ei ogee ie ie in going to TE ve learned us death of Bak Dunbar. Themany See ee family extend to them their pathy in their irreparable Se, W, B. Wells, of Waterloo, repre: E, & §. Cuerie, o The ‘them: | >| ale pit saly aleve Saya taking ‘MeKenzie bad Dan sxe cera

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