sores now these: seasons tckee Sar dos so ieee ie me of April, There who nee prot eouiet ae his| stern advocacy of th, “feo ot f the Jaw, and the pugilistie ity of Bis son. ese obbies came into get our prices_on Ready en Fences before - haying fs Eacs Font HATCHING ‘FISKBEINER, Sec,-Treas, ae [Eos 2 oe Mangold, nip, and all kinds of “gar- yourself. Produce taken in ee exchange for seeds. - NOTICE TO. FARMERS. toes and also a carload of feed corn. T the season lasts a sup, iy of the best « lovee ‘and timothy seed may rely on what you hoses R, D. Ross, Newton, : in I will have im at an early date a carload of | pene seine ae, bi gn dag oat thet im on Saat io peone fs He ae Pinan NOTICE All parties owin; Pfeffer are the firm of Groseh & to settle their accounts Of note soa bot the 15th of our .T.R. STORE mpany of Canada. Results for 1904 paid $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 di aE 238.21 il, After canes TS Grow: Tinabiog Grose & oe oerag! ieee erfizans sigqueshiy ee outed to his eh Pal Jim! I'm out AS ay jurisdiction. ae |Get Up Tired BULL FOR SALE. short horm bull, age ‘abou a atcen as eee animal mg a fine of im] Geos Coe fered tthe Dominion farther Dectienlacn ope Livincsrox, ‘Milverton- Weary All Day eS Never Feel [Refreshe¢—Al- ways Played Out, Weak, Languid, Discon- tented. NOTICE Alt Ing, me are requested to oes ther By cash Before Apri sen: as after that date all oats Branding accounts’ will be placed la other | hands for collection, EB. KNECHTEL. FERROZONE Will Infuse the Vim and Fire of Youth into Your Veins. FOR SA SALE. Pate sud hap acauonane ouse BOE 28, obee rae eee Petree ena ee Good er failing spring, ¥4 acre good loc: re Bonu, oole, Ont. ium trees and small forte ‘or further particulas Suise pervisnent suse fe follows Fer- It bra kes you of land, Sinee orehard. of a ‘apple, pear Foes Ww ot] to the weak, the run-down an vol 2 ,B. Sainsburg, of 179 ree Dec, 85,327,662.85 rease over 1903 9,646,473.98 BULL FOR SERVICE. (Porest Pride, 2403.) Pure bred He four months, will be k lace of the unders! Rost, Haxsa. 2 crit be charged Bor thorougabrea cows | $10. us. Mr. orgs Queen Fes Toronto, was complete-| ly rebailt by errowene, and loatead ls of dizzi- “My appetite was poor, and I lived in perfect dread of a col- se improved at once by using Notice to Creditors. ie EE ee ee EEE “8., must be settled ir before Saturday, ‘iprit ast, on whieh ‘date 1 will io Secs Sinale Hopi falters, Blankets, Whips, | = goo u obes, Brushes, bs Bells, Collars, Boots, | rimmings, Also on same day Landis Wax. Machine, cost The proprietor i is ete ap anes and going into it Shoe tory. eae bills. F. GROSCH, a Next door to Grosch’s Shoe Store. the office of the late Daniel Seifert, Mill seetl ‘Linwood P.O. FOR 8 SALE Ferrozone. “Tt braced up my ne : mea good appetite, area ey see and apatie me feel again. I am now in the eae oe health, we Recta Tused Ferrozone.”” It’s a shame t condition. Ferrozone live in a half-dead will vitalize 3 re 300. Tt will give youreservestrength f control, surplus vigor. It’s the Bost strel enil 3 . per dealavs in Kingston, Ont., and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A: = | Choice 100 acre farm, ices the East half! of Lot No, 7, Con. 7, ‘Township of Wellesley. ‘Two miles from post office, half a school, and four miles from failroad station barn uidings. Good orchard f good ban Rab aa res ploughs grass; sian 2 and in a a good | ‘state. ‘of ‘cultivation. 3. particulars sae ‘Bpear E, Grsox, Crosshill, Ont. = PATRIOTISM is shown by supporting Home Institutions Keep your money at home by PFEFFER BROS Flour and Grain. Brand. Chopping 5c. per cwt. cash, 6c." per ewt. if booked. Ask for our Jewel insuring in The Dominion Life A Good Canadian Company giving GOOD RESULTS Four Per Cent. - for Money. BRITISH MORTGAGE - Stratford, “Vof its busixess out feof Four Per Cont. ‘yearly on fone’ Sa tt ae ene ey “Huitdred Thousand ee tue Say iy ta favor, and A hose sit nt bie = Porto have nag paths Penistijos President wid Buck! ngham, Manager. H. Mohr Grocery and Bakery, Redpath’s — $6.25 | per ew. cash. Butter 18¢. H. MOH RIE Granulated Sugar c Eggs 14c. Fall Chr. Kumpf, President, Thos. Hilliard, Fred. Halstead, Supt. of Agencies *| M. Bricker, Berlin, District Supt. COMMERCIAL. 3 8 ee 3S Mu Fall wheat’ per bus i heat oe sessxsss. on a tae bok p 888s You are cordially invited to attend our Millinery Opening FRIDAY & SATURDAY, March 3ist. and April ist. Our Miss Pfeffer will be pleased to show you all the Newest and Up-to- date Styles in Spring Millinery. H ere We Go 25 per cent. discount on Men's & Boy’s Clothing. Three big tables of Men’s and Boy’s Clothing will be placed on sale on Friday and Saturday of this week. This simple announcement with no further comment or explanation should be sufficient to crowd our store on Friday and Saturday, but there are strangers, people who may be tempted t to judge our store by methods em- ployed by others, and people who have d to similar only to meet si disappointments. e r 25 per cent. Reduction Sale is guaranteed strictly square, the decoonk absolutely genuine, and the 25 per cent. off from prices already low means quite a saving. Walk right in, don’t stay away. You can wait on your- self, deduct 25 per cent. from prices marked and the goods are yours. This is simply a sale to reduce our stock of Men’s and Children’s Clothing. Its fair, its Millinery Opening ~ square, its an honest sale and a money saving opportunity. Come in! A CURTAIN EVENT $150 Curtains for $119 We will place on sale Friday morning 50 pairs of Lace Curtains, 334 yards long, beautiful designs, for the small sum of $1.19 per pair, and as a special. premium we will give with every pair of Curtains a beantiful Curtain Pole, white enameled and nicely mounted. What We Advertise We ‘Do. W. G. & R. Shirts for Men and Boys In the spring time most mens fancies turn to thoughts of Fancy Shirts, It is now time to do the buying you have contemplated. We have a shirt stock which deserves every word of praise that can be uttered about Spring and Summer Shirts. They are made full of good points in fit and wear, and our stock embraces a beauti- ful line of tasteful and stylish patterns. There are grades of Shirts we do not sell. Some Shirts are made so cheap that they are too expensive for anybody to wear. It is short sighted economy to look only at the price first. You will find our prices as low as the lowest, quality and style considered. Caps If you go away, if you stay at home, if you are as rich as Croems or as poor as a church mouse ; if your fad is bicycleing, if you hayen’t a fad ; if, well, if you-are anybody, we can fit you to a with the sort of Cap you are looking for. The latest shapes, the newest cloths, the smartest colors for Men and Boys buying. WALL PAPER We are showing an immense range of New Wall Paper, see our sample book before buying. Prices from 4c. per roll up. WARRANTED We warrant every os you make here, and if anything is unsatisfactory we will cheerfully make it right. € want you ‘to feel that you run no risk trading here, as we will refund the money on an unsatisfactory purchase. This is our warrant ‘and our guarantee. Schaefer & ales We want your Butter, Eggs, Onions, Tallow, Lard, and all F which we will pay the fom: market price. Men’s - Hats Now the Hat that is becoming to one man makes another look like a freak. That is why we show you two or three leading shapes. You are sure to find the hat that suits you and the tight style here, and suit. the pocket ook too. Have a look through our range of New Spring Hats before Gacesaceeeaceeeceeaeeeeeesaaeceeeeaseaaeeacaceaeeas o aabaananeananuase Qea2ee eeeeeaecaa eee Bec cwiwuncdanel