Milverton Sun, 20 Apr 1905, p. 1

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Che “It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1905 Ss Bank Department ded Quarterly. curre! ‘added us ed four NNEY, Manager —OF— Monkton, and Lin- LOCAL NEWS. cards for sale at Public x Easter hat at Rose & See Finkbeiner’s advertisements fol bargains in granite pails. ‘orsemen would do well to call at ae 80 N office when in need of route bill: H. Guenther, of Listowel, spent + Monday in the village on busi- ness Fast arrived, fresh pork sausage, ologna, summer sausage and weiners. Rose & Dumart. Wastep.— At once, 36 loads of stone in exchange for furniture. C. BR. Honderich & Mr, Geo, Hofferd has been engaged as headmaster and matical man in the Parry Sound High Mr. C. Reis, of Wroxeter, spent day or two last week at Be residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalbfle: Carlyle says ; a long battle Ties 36 fore you, full of toil and pain; attains to nothing here below without that. Special 5 pipes. Am mout mar price Te. ‘iobline tors 50c., $2,00 for $1.25 and $150. ©. A. Finkbeiner. le of 7 Rey. Archibald Thompson, of Wye- vale, will occupy the pulpits of Monk- next Sunday. Rev. a” Member yal | N. AL) ald, late oF Lorheville, woman, (7 ene of onic, will preach‘on April 308 ‘ot Toronto University. ‘teeth, Crown e ee Mr, Campbell, the contractor for He won! <a9a. m, to p.m. division four of the Guelph-Goderich over he \.ybeiner Bros. Sacdvvare a 50% 4 thas vedic _ DARKER, D. CM i and Gola Med aaliit 3 lock. | on ree >| Hardwai ae Globe on Friday last} ‘TON, Barristor, 5 Solicitor, Etc. pen eer? ‘Pharsday, Wm. Burton’s Veterinary . &B a ST eat SUR- one Gradual ical hone or otherwise 1 promptly ice ingel's ————— ‘Rockettes Eis, No, 99, Milverton, meets every ay 0) onth, at San their hall over © *imeuke x & (as store. Visiting pitas ral: nders ‘BL aon Correale oe 7 Court. er rae Shoe ee roo, 2 ae ND OENTRAL HO HOTEL, Milverton werton. Ont. The ret Me ‘commercial trav- e railway com- 4 spaaierants West ert on thee to tl . | 1904 and former ov [nctioneer for the Coun- s railway, has broken sod on that sec- Z fon in the village, and expects srishls ww days to havea fall gang 0 All having outstanding accounts of years, are # once and settle 4inkbeiner’s sta’ “Among the Division Court appointments mae Goyernment is the following: Robert | P McCloy, Milverton, bailiff oe epate Perth County, vice W. D. Ws BN had a card the other coe Mr. D. McKenzie, ee has taken 5 land at Southcote, He is thor- 1 ough]: iy pleased ice the country, and bespeaks 2 great future forit. People he says, are Hocking in by train loads, The Municipal World favors the With aie ady oe the practice. Boyd, who preached at Moviton te Sunday, has just gradu- ted: from Knox College, a winner of fon scholarships,. the Sort on. Mor imer scholarship of $. and the beth Scott acholacahip ce $60. Boyd is a D ornington boy, we received his aay inspiration for the ministry while sitting under the mire istry 0! ev. J. W. Cameron, of Mornington, who will rejoice no less than any other at his well merited success. Observatory, the aint fort. Ontario got this chilly’ wave from the Northwest, and jnebec are ‘suffering in ‘fe ‘coo! ree in the mari- sy will have to out in the broad Atlantic, er at an early the matter’ o! viding some sort of apparatus ie ee gS In the present state of the nces, we would not advo- e lace expenditure, but some- 4 thing should be done that in the event ing out, every adjacent | soi “| building should not’ be left to the mercy of the flames. ‘Three or four situation of the bell rope, that in the event of a coi teas epi notime oni be lost in giving the ala’ kindly re-| “ The Village Council should a pekerae Beautiful clear at cost at Mr. was Monday. colored Jardiniers to tC. A. Finkbeiner’s. Whaley, of Stratford, iting friends in the village on| to 2 Leather purses and bags for and young at-prices that will tempt you to buy, at C. A. Finkbeimer’s. The regular monthly meeting of the North Perth Womens’ Institute wie be held at the home of Goodale on Thursday arenaon: ‘April Agi 7th on The North Perth License Commis- sed to having ¢l ine SY tals serve liquor to the patrons of he hy Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon, Qen- ‘ list, Spectatistin diseases o! he Ear and Nose. Fits glasses sete: 3 Office, Queen's Next visit, Thursday, May 18th. If the weather continues like what the first few days of this week prom- By Ge way, ladies and gentlemen, if you want a new suit, a pair of tan or patent leather shoes for e Lin- pie from _B,Wienuokn before urehasing elsew: _ Owing to the scarcity of dwellings in the village ‘several-families have ast gis by Mrs. Eli Jacobs. plant is at presonf-in’ operation nee Guelph. Although the snow disappeared with great rapidity in March, the| Wi temperature since that wil risen in any perceptibledegree,~ Spring seems to pe tired of the struggle nie rela winter again. urday, Sunde: Monday and Taesday snow fell in flurries, and on the two former days quite covered the ground. The temperature sank away freezing, injuring the fall wilde te many places. The Minister of Education, in reply the purest Clovs ae seed cobain, at lover prices, ae and tide wait for no man, but Mr. Richay ‘Anderson have published an apology for circulating statements concerning shee men started wi struction a the pee Tine for the new Ga a eae sh of the bes used to yw | people are petting onto the racket, and | There is n a requires a new locality to eto Hon X ‘All 1905 calenders sold at cost price. Public Drug Co. ae ete in shine from 5c, S66. CAs aaa ae ‘Walter: Mobs 1 ae a week to of St. ae ’s hotelkeepers recently for a ee of the Liqu rectors of the e Di oe 3 Society 3 their canvas for mem Mr. W. K. Loth atjended the ban- quet tendered Hon. Minister of ‘eriealare, at ‘Tavistock ing. Monteith, Friday ev Farmers bedi —If you want hy, and Al- $1,000 Reward 0 to H. GusTIN, Newto: ing to get her haton strai rd Wight and Rey. 'S. on your bowels megular by the use of Chamberlain’s Stomach and iid ‘Tablets. ter. There is nothing bet- Bor sale by the pe Publi Drag Co eas and At Tuesday | last ners a gang of}. n the con-| in we is the time to,start your spring pWabs is) ihamg goods start now; and you 1 use no other. ware, A. Chesley meee je syrup ‘‘fresh from the Muskoka j low; our ki med y bec, but merchant ‘oods.”, pee = a new idea, from. Quel syrup the proper flaver. ihe complimentary banquet te Mornington should make} ,, gramme in the Pacha church, Stratford ae oe commencing. ai : A ie will be taken J. Johannes, V.S., Honorary verion, aid Gakae of the Ontario. paar ary} All in Mil-| work again. Finkbeiner’s 6 y Hak advertises give the Nelson Monteith, Mesister by the re are various ways of killing the progress of a town.or village, and one of the most effective is to advance when there is a ie building lots in Milverton is out of all and (Ottawa Citizen.) Rat Port: will change its nat Gree ‘as Pile o’ Bones change: ina. Both pioneer appellations were picturesque, if -not pretty, and like many other ‘victims , jof the advance of ci they have to give way to es ianpictiire esque and common-place. FOR A CASE OF INCURABLE CoNSTI- PATI rson who can’t be cured T. constipation b by Dr. Hamilton's Pus ve reward will . cathartic medicine gives such ‘acting .|gatistaction or, effects such marvel: lous ¢ iiton’e Pills. The Ganadian Bank of Commerce gO dollar will make you s member take a jo proportion to : ee ae ikea pikes ee Ce eee poe ae hee gee Ba ree a tea ber soe | ee aaa a oe ae Dumart and Herm: ns oes yalescing. P < Owner 9 ot desire’ se Va QFricn, of Be He nei Sunday with Mz-and) ‘pastor oggs (all solors),nabbit, erty ean confer, great hoon fel A pee Sn ps ere ee : chickens, ducks, ete. ink: | village by offering i ioe ale een ale p eeeret AES: iss Pearl em Sox | beiner's. reasonable gi an et eae Easter holidays Rian ea ite prosecuted # couple ccenana: A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted junieipal and other debent: and sold: ‘Drafts on all poluie uegeds Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special attention given to the collection of farmers! sale notes: i 5 nee eee fol- jowilesdvantages o Savings Bank Teper: Deposits of Onc Dollar and upwards re ceived and interest allowed at currentrates: Interest is added to the heiie Stes in ach year, at the end se May mber. rhe Sepenitoe 3 oe pa no. dela: tever in th irawal of the whole OF Hee Ppartintotthe deposit. WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. eure: Relief amoatabaly follows for-head: ache, biliousness and stomach dis- : 2 Mr. Will Ratz ce taken charge of @ in a visit last week the village mechanics have started College, has opened /an’ afi you certainly will be satis! Serton = All ealeenne promptly attended ona et us pec neaes is putting a cellar Intending purchasers of the best |'?- Joseph Winglelder is putting up a Portland cement for concreting build-} jece of our Purity triple) new table g purposes and sidewalks, and also|coated, German graniteware, Uae Nira Remmi SA Aa bescrmeto ar of the best quality of stove, furnace|delighted. ‘Weets three times as lon; ES xia ere oe Be! assist his brother nd soft coal, would do well toget|as any other. Pinkbeiner’s: Hard-|""so105) closes for. the Easter vacation artiarsy. —_-—_— CARTHAGE. Weare pleased to taireport that Mas- ter Stanley Sim who has been All for septs time, jiuipran Foturned to i bome wurldate ‘hursday, ‘pool's visit ith hie som, Dr. ie oore, W. Gleum, of Chesley, paid his ir. Robert MeQuigge. the contrac- | Gusinh i they commen one oe Mr, A.'Gleon, a flying visit teeter db cof bead west ot MD - Me cea Mi sabato epenk a verton, was in the village on Saturday |“ A petition to the G.T.R. is being] few ian with their daughter, ed? and Sunday, having here | circulated aie the a men Of} Grey, ¥ om Monkton, where he had been | the village. as! a new station rt. and Mrs. N. oreiians the ground. He finds the | house i et Sec be built on the | daughter Maggie, ae pase spent ee a part of the ae su too | side of the tracks eet the village dur- bee eatge a R. Jol Se he wet for soseaee! mut_-expects ye si ‘ . Gra , eaeie aoe eae ing theggming samp Mootelield, were guests at Mr. D. Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. “Mothers buy it it for eroupy ehild- chi 5 always cures and cures quickly. sola|? by the Pub ‘Public Drag Co., Milverton and Atwood. authorized fiv Glasece tn tha pabile achathe, stra tee o et on Friday night, was a Mornington Council. For a Weak ak Digendion, ists, Chie eee, will be notifying | tinking by Hon. Nelson Monteith. | orders, iping pains, no burn-| 5 12a, : the citizens to remove the moth balls| Hon, Nelson Monteith gives notice |ing sensations, nothing but the apes opieanstining ean senlace toon, bat from the family shoyel. af a bill to amend the Agriculture and | Pleasant relief attends the st to t-| Mablets will help you to di ee: Mr. C, Hasenpflug will have a car-| Arts Act, by providing. tet Toca | Price 250, a box, at all deal itis not she MOA oe load of potatoes at Milverton station | fairs be ell eee aaa SHEE RIES es on Friday, April 238th, Parties desir- “ROSTOOK. | ed and assimilated. If troubled with ng a supply should not miss this op-| ‘Tho junior miembers of the T-P-A @ weak digestion, don't fail to give Borsoaly of getting them, as it will] will, on Friday cyening give aliterary| Miss. Lydia Schenck is staying in|these Tablets a trial. Thousands Big SAAT OOS, ie we been benefitted by their use They only cost a quarter. For sale a1. D¥,the Public Drag Co., Milverton ant cere PROTESTANT FLATS Mr. George Coxon has started fencing cert this seasol Mr, D. Allan has pulled his, sawing mtfit home till says ao in then itr lon bert Attridge spent eee ab “Mr, Abe ‘Attridge: a. confined 0 the ouse with a sore The “Attridge Broa oh thet blind Hine, urchased a team from Mr. Geo: ahandsome sum, Mr, Colin Gropp, whe has been under the doci care, is le to be around again. NEWTON. Mrs, T. L. Stoddart and ebildre an are at present visiting at the home as tinsmith in Tinie “oF “Millbank 8 : suuiey with her driend, Miss Lillie Yost. Yost spent sutra and Sunday ri friends in Hamburg. ae te, who has been work- ma Turnbull's opal em le, daring the past a the elas Mr. and. 3 e Easter holidays with the latter’ i fier in Lor Messrs. Hawke & Mitchell reesived the seh enzo of choice potatoe eee aia bees ‘seriously ih an attack of appendicitis, is xe- sakes e | coverin| Mrs. ‘Tren i Haas, left to-day -to visit jena fanover, Chesley and Wars and his men are 5 Gere ae com g cement, blocks ode the new Engli ‘Chareh at Mill- and Mrs. Jacob Koenig, have left ig will be em- French-English schools, one for Ger-|he is held by the Conservatives of hi ee teen, er erat sigs agiiah™ schools." Other books |constitnency. About 250 es ser on fealey Apel ith pees ae ts the Winter ta Menton ipentaree authorized for the public schools were tendance, representing ev‘ | eatontnmedt, “to read’ tbe Chaliners| “Me. at Hawke of Toronto the at f 5 two grammars and four geographies. of the widing. and ineluding delage-lpeats report! Present, Mewra’ Bor | sitse ates: baer Anew public school geograp! tions from Stratford, Woodstock, | nett, Scott and Yost, Mos, William Mitchell leaves to Saar authorized on Dec. 23rd. 7004 with | Mitchell, Milverton and St. Marys. ‘On account of the Reeve having to| visit friends in Detroit. sndoretanding iat anny ehatiges meet the referso on the Gilkiuson| Mr. Adam Nichol Hutchison, father of in the work by. the ae ose Desh we Bored te Pe ae ere aie r0- | Minister of Education, would be mi SORN at his home in Howick on Wedsee- by the publisher. Lan@rorp.—At Milverton, on Wed- tre are rors ‘ed Chalmers] day, ie a at the age of seventy-six Another of the old residents of Me Taine Mi ators et "Phe revort was read by the Olerk,| rom bronehici Me. Hutahioon was Mornington died at the home of her eit Ae on trans a Burnett | native of Seotland, having been bors at son John, at Musselburgh, in the per-| P¥4¥¥. rton, on Su inday, |Sreonded by O. Yost, that the: Ei Garden, ‘near Maybole, He ‘ < April A nthe wife of Mr, Geo. | #eer'sreport on the Ch Drain| learned the trade and came to n of the late Mrs. Plaft, be ted, and the Clerk be author-| New York, where he followed bis trade Mrs. Forrest was eighty-seven years. ized to get by-law for the for a short came to vo of age, an sams t0 Canada tro gan mith ne Se) ie sas at aoa py | Orme and settled near Crosshill in rf . ‘i a jurnett, secon R i ing. it i tae. early, Aibtice, tes Owe. b Ham shaker ox Go Yost that the Court of Revit soa egh Ror retere ee Bonin adie Bae ecto ea on the Chalmers be held on| Hu ; he until bis Pes y. Apel Beret n te of Me.| May. 1th, at two Sue pu at Ldetic Bine aR i Wun. Schat of a son. Poole.—Carried.- (The above Cot 1883. arin by fiye child- of Revision has-been postponed until | ren—two three daughters, en the ith. day of May, at two o'clock | namely, Mrs. A. MeClement, Estavan, union with Mr. A. Forrest potgats Ten Saseloares, on Saté| P-m.) ssa. ; Mrs. R. A, Hutchison, Wingham; hich was consummated forty-cight| — urdey, th, 1005, Isabell Moved by C. Yost, second Wm. , Howick; Hugh, on the years ago; they aré John =e arrell, es x the late Burnett, that nee ‘Council {adjoara o| homestead, an jomas, of Newton. He Pasa Wee cauaina or aie Ponest. ceed ayeare, nieet on the first Mc is also. survived by twenty-four iE the ‘Scholtz. Ei P i “ ee wore peacefully laid at rest in the| FonpEeR—At Mornington, on Wed-| and for other det terete ie port Coane enter was a Freby Hampstead cemetery Monday aee ith Henry FPor- 3 N, bees bs “etaeanGas aged 72 ates J. ae ae ities, i, a ae are ie cores sem in the 4 on ge Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher

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