; i A SECRET REVEALED Gay's Serfig LE 2 Set TARE STRANGERS Mo i nN DID THEIR DUTY HOW DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS MAKING A CEMENT FLOOR. tiny Phaeton with the smallest groom * CHAPTER XXIV. — bien: ed \ them, and was eager to attract thelr ti t that Bee and were afvaid of frighten- Coachman led stables and Madge’s first sensation as rs! ne ape him as fit 4 EI could, Mas- ce stalls. “T've got a asd young thing in the pay John. Passed { jles int a little paved court ‘beyond which! paddock “7 absent very fond of a pon broke it for the young borse they spoke | v qui “That is of,” she went on Madge stopped and Tookea over the = “Wt is very pretty,”’ she said with |! a mischievous affectation of timidity. ‘9 you think it would let us come near it?’ het hey had Feached the town her face had |i A “Oh, yes, I should think 8o,"? said Irene.’ “John would not buy, it es less it. wer UEgh iia bie Gai Mange and opened the gate and went into the Paddock. ce “Take care, dear!”’ said Irene ¢ | Madge Binwks/auptoached’ the ores: will be careful,’’ said Madge, casita ts The colt neta its head @p and lool ed at her its saree cent’ “Tal », oh, take care, i nah | called out ie and she entered the tock. peeDon’t come Ma “See rey Teak si tae pe spsy’s patience and ta! Bot e = the next: ae “The cloth, the cloth! Quick!” she cried, but softly. ~ icarcely Si mowing what she was do- ran and brought the light blue overwrap, which one of the had left beside the bridle. Mad, took it from her, whipped it—yet gently—round her waist, and in this impromptu habit look upon th tled ne like tne pistas of Trene. “Oh, Madge, what a trick to play rae she said, her Shes face turn- p to her with smiling reproach “why, -d, and that all gypsies haven Usain treet teetcas to ride bareback before T could even alk. Ever since I can remember I young: colt me thing a Sypey can 0, 4 i it ty the only ing oth ‘Are rayon sure you are quite safe?” 4 AS et to “As era a it I were on the “Then—then gallop round ‘once more, dear, for it is delicious! Tf teas thought 1 oc I pend ride—a little; Royce alwi adge tet tie colt go, and tore : round” the paddock. ‘The exercise Royce poate ht the Petia lor er eyes were-sparkling as she pulled ae cea up; then suiddenl ely the caie ay, and her eyes became fix- Sie sites Casa lis Something tek id Tr Madge poe tad til keeping oe cloth round her waist slipped to a. “Do not mind, dear! It was my “I ought not to have done it;’"| % she said in a low voice. It was ‘a ¥ was common d thot was what she was maying to herself. I could see it in eyes. “saw nothing wrong in it, Madge. And I am sure sete would eve Gol caries he you have to ‘ink aS is he!”’ said Madge. vai an not have done eon me, ai did it because—I liked it! “And meant to try so hard tobe like you! ‘A_groom came up. “The carriage is ready, Miss,” he id. “Let us make haste,” said Irene. “We will both go in together and! share the scoldin; en she flush- ake “Oh, I forgot! I was think Seagal C2) | Doda’ Kidney ‘pins to ober peorle; "sow @ complained 8 I did and in every been itt by ae couett relief.”” What Clever Mesias Women Are ‘The three avalitee . admire in a Beauty, g = 8 a se of leosentness ‘which had Les the pearing rein Rita eg ce) Seat en ith constitution.: Bein Grand. No 2 she was on its too feeble, Ge take ope ton at exercise; no one is too strong or too rae to do without it.—Dr. is Bare too good for your faithful woud you “ke to see her? arags ‘No. ‘erate eons coud: athe to Thie “struction ste Wain: bi by |s we zown ay ce pe ae gant” “itete most Heat letter hai life, I et the re SF ieee happy. life, thin rough 2 lo not Madge assented, and Irene, drove to pe array gate, “in his Beil nee, ‘to "ive aoe her in day, and in winter as weil as sum- ano 01 ma; curtes; The ski ae i opened thd path wiih woeeranline in on the tongue is there for be you ride—anything!” she: con- woman-like missing her sim- “You forget that I am_ @ gypsy, a Use seuave the seutiee whine. is we! tem throws out, and also use them Senta Mrs. stood acing at them, to ina ind th | dee a T speak the truth."” He pau: Keene the rae Eouitortaule in | let: nia draw her near. opened the door of the ol eran ee Sania valle on eet k mee oes you a year?’ There cae no fairer set of men on WHY WE MUST HAVE SLEEP. A inent practitioner, one of the esd old school, who lives in Texas. His ain. varnii tale no dressing te_|iudice, whic _ IM EVERY CASE ‘H PAIN IN THE BACK. numerous, i Cured Mrs. Jas. Murphy nd|pcople, who Everyone Else She Recommended |*! Them To. ae : Grea River Gagnon, Que, April 24—| sires whi spaonsgnnps or eer er pees enable it to years, Back, It is mate *cctimate. that | O60 fully half the Sees in Can in-the- it. - For that reason ower elovery evidence that there is a sure} vthing isles aay be i panese complete cure in existence 15 iv a = vam which their but one is enough for an impel es is tige of Mrs. - Mur- J oy ea Tor thirty-efait months | 28? with a pain in my bac ook just Pills did their duty and Anewss See BRIGHT PARAGRAPHS. po @ pau _ ‘lfishness, eee vee in books whet our es dea, according to our 9 old, too young, or and environment.—Dr. Alfred Russell His | Wallace. hho eae Gee “Clara, I love but thee alone. blush overspend her cheek. ra cro could she speak: accents peg HONEST CONFESSION. ‘A Doctor’s Talk on Food. up: “1 had ee cae a intense Bre h I agains! ula | Hence. 2 nev: drape ag many it Gra ed the food tat Last. winter “While in Corpus Christi for my healt : ae of alerala coming from Which she was evident; prying 06 ss t, [cells 5 | in es Sits one anothers iia have eaten a package of it every somal es, it k since, hit, when br of all 7 and tale saolatton ears that complete <osimaual cation n o! tress of sunnece in any way. “Ther call The mo: able explanation ‘of sleep, however, jere ‘a other the ii ee Sith me so well, a ste im, d Saat all|more active since regan ee use of ation from other parts of he |Grape-Nuts ‘that T have back to comfort |y¥ he shared his ee jpausea and indiges orati Se mk is the most valle a t all amy ati foc ope tate nor test- and fnd it a delicious, fe no other food that as lightly or Pleasantly upon ee ase eon ge am no Tonge press by Postum Co. Bat tte Files Ss RECOLLECTIONS OF JAPAN. A CLEVER ADVERTISEMENT An Early Russian May induce you to buy and try a packet of In 1819 Captain Golovain, of the But eee pul ee UNVARYING — ‘ails QUALITY nLABEBX ONLY ONE. BEST TEA-BLUE RIBBON’S IT OKLET. The Grand Trunk yg a Svan uti is pi y it iagratad re coloed, Sore ot ven g a repr resents aS e dangerous ‘ania or wearer. Peter, merely DY currence of laseavie other tries: ho ene ba Ata “demand for i aa yer som! Paigan Win sor profession it ‘I'm Minard’s Liniment veut Gures Distemper] a Uniment co Gort In GOH) oe Liniment rent Cures Colds, & dartlii W Ja nen how little did I know you ENGLISA ‘sPaVIN Dgccieeall Lifebuoy Soap — = disinfectant — s mmsended s see a a cs par‘ a ne you f- Sede here's your peasy ee Be o straight : Russia. in 2 Eure sis. has an rea, miles— 23 Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup needs he tthe, | anid medicine 10, ih? af known Si Bee sees going Ka duly eplace he hotlae, instead of paying |1 1899, were not allots to settle fr ly First Friend—“Do you Have geod hou! A 88; Lake Biwa is the only large sheet bias og Cures aa house would be a ‘it Digger and bet- et a os z id, see you wanted | to take out a Gittle in- on “T got notings to | Sneura, aa oe extension, having an inner periphery pr h co’ n- | hors jesh & iste Pesbiatiny f to ail hatees| waaay | men. te volcano eruption at St. Vincent ~ ce threw a cloud of dust against Bari the Chop! ns- maepiwer ato Picperstivae eh uc ihe Sthores: i British Columbia tertore,neaely 2,000,000 tons, Consumption eas. to success wn cn aaa iil have