Che “It Shines For All.” 4 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE eign Bank of Canada, ‘Special attention given the collection of - ‘thers’ Sale. Notes. [ae Bank ghee Compoun: abet G One ae Lom Rasen ds Ath current rate of interest added to principal four NNEY, Tlanager —or— in, Monkton, and Lin- wood Branches. pentistry DR. Be 1 Ue revert ‘Licentiate 5 p.m ot o rice Bh ive , ‘Fable Bros, hardware Milvet Honor PARK! d eld Meant jist = also Gold an “ Bilver Medalist rt, Office a Cages ith 0 Poole, Branner, ile and Ros' bs Legal, bi. PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Bie. c pores Th yhursdoy, in St. spvhaliasieo SEIT = VETERINARY ane am ‘of Royal Burton's Wm. Emi LOCAL NEWS. rey Smith spent the holidays |" with friends in Sce Finkbeiner’s advertisements for bares gains in granite pails. Addie Wilson spent the Baster ays with friends at Hen’ Peter Livingston is tae days with friends in London. Lip) ppert Bie the ae Finkbeiner’s. and son Lorenzo, b friends at Wiarton. Horsemen would do weJl to call at the SuN office when in need of route ills. Mr. angford spent his boli days with his brother George at nto, nu a member Library for One dollar will make of the Milverton Public one year. Mr. and Mrs. oe pia with frien Toseph see ger_ spent ds in Mount holls, of Gorrie, is week yisiting William ston spent a few days this is week ite et daughter Mrs. McMahon of Amherstbu r parse at prices that wil tempt . Fink! . cali liege; lias ope verto! to. of the Eye, s glass Friday, Keep your bows ale Milverton and Atwood. * ‘I have no. sympath o, with single said Judge when he committed a bachelor peratie nonpayment of # de! “* Unm: en. nowadays are ri erent m-| Miss Florence Smith, of Plum tents) Coulee, Manitoba, who is spending a ted animals.| term at the Presbyterian Ladies Col- ©: cine esta co ated. H. Engels see at ’s Hotel. obtained at all tines. Peommercial driving a specialty. 0. 2 inabetr halls Ft oe bring eae eloome: ae roth, R. ~ Business: ‘Cards deacioncet for the Coun- joo, Conveyance: - - ass workman. eae Ritter, Proprietor. ipiilverton. S HOTEL, Milverton. Out 7 + purchasers of the oe tae concreting ear pand sidewalks, and of stove, | section ; ees Feet to Salign M Ont, The lege, Toronto, spent days with her friend, Miss Atkin, of Miiverton, Robert McQuigge, railway gontenctor. came to Milverton on Mon- a BBane of men and a herd of horses ntil the ground on his own ion is ae for Sf he will help Mr. Folinsbee on the section east of the — Rol pee Fleming's Clydesdale dé, will — stand Ba sek had a Fa suc son |, w fuller 7 post That Si prapeireesloe Sa Coiling, will stand during the comin, season on Tuesday of each the Queen’s Hotel, Mi Mr. Collins ie particulars. Mr. F. G. Se: of Listowel, has ess shop the tig lately scape by a G. FP. Gro: Mr. Prueter is a young man that mae = d seven year’s practical experience 3 m well recommended as a first He will carry a a ho Milverto = of harness ant Mr, Prueter will be open tor| | basiness on May 15th. Am dering Easte week, we M rou at V. Weiteel's: Mr. an pel, of Tavistock, and Mr. : ips “{L. E. Pfeffer’s; Mr. a iller’s Pfeffer, of Tavistock, at hom to 2c. and bags for old|., ed fi ai RT beaane eengay seeuaed’ s, London, Surgeon. Oou- ui 1 i Age terms see eG in the harness business, and comes to} born in ig the visitors in a8 village r oticed :— ee Tavistock, who is id ug, of ‘Toronto, at d Mrs Me- an Houch. ny Easter novelties in ae from 5c, C, A. Finkbeiner. Miss Butler spe the holidays with friends in Tor: Mrs. C. wa opens Good Friday with friends in Listo’ . Chas. ee spent the Easter holidays in Woodstock and Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John Rothaermel spent a tow days with friends in Port igin Mr, Win. Ewing,of Wiarton, spent may or two this week at the resi- GS oss. All ee accounts due the late firm of Grosch & Pfeffer must be settled either by cash or note atonce. Speciat sale mouth 00 ling or 5Ue ‘ orpibenes Rev. N Donald aan preach in Monkton aa Se Paul's Churches = Sunday, April 30¢h., aoe Rov. N. . Leckie on’ May 7th ae Arrextion.—If you want the purest Clover, Timothy, and Al- sike seed obtainable, at lowest prices, go to H. Gustix, Newton. ‘The patrons of the Milverton cheese factory are requested to leave their can on the stand Monday motiing, Ist, as the vee will commence eae Gallop: & ian eon will me ne ster who w was in need i revenue ne ee $15 re W ‘hetes, tax at which time fhe existing duty ex- pires. Mr, Torrance Dunlop, accountant ees ion it began to move; in teppin; itfhe made a misstep and ing agai Sag beni toe track: efforts to a ise, Teta beakesch time 5 mn picked up it was foun bbl doe tel Secret Sarr sides having numerous gashes and wounds about the head and face. ere s were attended ae Drs. pu arene RA 38 having had. Saheb aes iden the drain from wounds.» He then his home at Springfi he left for @ 3 felt for Mr, lop fone as he was a general fav- ie death rr place on Good Fri ry Damart, Sr., at his Panta: ‘put had no idea that his illness of so seriou: 4 a sumained a paralytic stroke in Janu- of this year, but he had recovered piecally Aint wae ate bic tie” Gab acid transact business. About a week ago mster for the Breithaupt Leather in family te six sous and three daugh- ters. ‘hey are: of Zurich ; Mrs. H. Seto Harry, Louis, William and Mrs. 3 | where service was held. and was con- ee by the pastor, v. Lo H. agner, assisted by Revds. Schmitt as pall — oral Giclee, “The remains ies in Mount Hope cem- Record seabled falling heavily to the ground | 99m of fam |his face s narie ge | och S| Millbank. here about 18 years ago, when he was | blood. The a sons of deceased ace Mr. Geo. Guenther is offering a 3 1b. loaf for ten cents. Mr. Folinsbee is biasing a pseliphonp his camp near the Note the sarerisener in another column for-teams for present visiting the Misses Trim. Mr. H. Spencer spent a few days last 1 with Dunn’ iss ee Ross, of Barrie, spent a few s this — with her cousin, Miss oot Ros: ere tween Tay! ees on Friday. 5 Mr. Jami the football match Milverton here anjeh-aret pe Week spending dayb tr Ter s eae ood and M. ent a day or two this Mrs, Tor afew Mes: Rotha s Johnson, Messrs. Hasiee and e, of Stratford, and Mr. ipovee. Goderich, spentlast Friday at the Lams of Mr. Jas. Trim, Miss’ Mary Wilson, or oe lsat) 4m his son Arthur, of wii es ees M.P.P., and] 6, Proved In Mount Forest. Every doctor in n this town tried to The Canadian Bank relieve Mrs, J. Withom of Asthma; Mee a atetade “ives eka Me states, “I wasa dreadful sufferer; of Commerce nothing gave relief. Attimes if gas it necessary to have all the doors|Capital Paid up = = $8,700,000 i spindowe open t5 get oy bt ae Rest = = «> $3,500,000 oa ‘This provesbeyond donbt bm HEAD OFFICE, TORON’ HON. GEO. A, COX, President that any e ais eurable th Catarrhzone. No remedy so| 5- =. WALKER, General Manager ne bo -absolately” eariain pleasant, to thoroughly enre ; try *Catarrbozne’ yourself ; it’s guarantee Drosionlie Report-6f $. §. No. 1. Mornington for April. Stars xe ote absence from ex: Names are arranged in Ella Hoffman. Sr. Elia Schwartzentruber, Eva Op (ith Bs Broughton, Louisa Yost.) cial aaa week visiting friends in Buffalo. Zimmerman, Herman Mai : ee Serah Mank, *Willie Simmons... Jr. TTed. aS 4 Pagel and Mr. W. D.|"“Reatrice “Opper, Gertie Zimmerman atford,. spent Good | inia Roe, Viola heaves im Jones, Briday idle frienis fn Milverton. *Percy ©: ¢. I Lornie mank. t. I. Edwin Mank, Johnie Crosby, Clara Pi Yost, Flora Mank, Emerson Jones. A, L. LANGFoRD, ‘Te: PEFFERS. Mr. Thos ey of Toronto, is at present visiting ipeg, Bran Regina. Nebend, Calgary, bert and other western points, pags @ 000 v 8 to grt eT) 000 more will be ohiired for 19 Mr. RB. “Melyille Large, of Poole, has been successful in passing his final examination in denistry, and is now entitled to the ie of licentiate. of dental surgery. Grosch Bros. Messrs. on Monday Mi Mr. Kelly seems determined ee to leave any good horse Milverton ve is generally understood ct Mr. R. 'T. Kem; pe coe succeed Mr. W. the License Inspectorship of North rth, Kemp is a gentleman of ability eter, and will doubt reflect credit upon the party ap- pointing him. reeders of light harness horses in he med race horees throughont | 7 Eiaade end United Sta The school teacher w ae affects pretty cotots and dresses can always ae ndce h with her scholars as the one nee about in sad col Jlored. rain- ange. ment.—Excl can any girl, and with Ree pe yod,|The shy little Mayflower weaves her nest, f But. che south wind sighs o'er the}(j fragrant loam, And betray: sis path to her wood- land hor om Surah Helen Whitman, PROTESTANT FLATS Mr. Abraham Dunlop and — brother Georgs spent, Sunday at Mr. Thos. tridge’s, Sx. Samuel Attridge spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Gropp had a bee moving his driving shed on Monda; Water in :Your Blood. Lots of people have thin wate bioodthey cat plenty, ‘but dant digest. When di, is’nt converted int ty cents buys box of fifty chocolate coated Ferrozone tablets. age eat |Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy | {* the Best and Most Popular. Manitoba will require 90,000 farm | ae last sold their eels! mare to Mr. | hin g|John Kelly, of Lisi or | day evening: “Mothers buy it it for croupy child- Mr. Wm. Holmes, of St. pao visited tends to take charge of a school there. lurst, s home here. itl ly purchased ia tl y thet ead fatality ocurred hereon joker of the| ator Mon day. Jacko,” the taunt, Leckane Spemnglen ina fery narious aflair, and was compelled breach-loader-in the hands of an expert. Death was sGeeuy Interment took place the same day in a field be- i “Teje thought the affair The following is the report of Donggal school for the month of ‘The igures opposite the.names Flared ‘the of Toronto, is} perlain’s Pain Balin, +f. Jolin Kuepfar is at work on his |}, A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Municipal and other debentures bought and sold. Drafts on all points issued. Farmers’ Notes Discounted ial attention given to the collection of fattgers' wate Special attention is directed to the fol- lowing advantages offered by our ae Sans a eee of On wards re- isin ccdinual Ipthetoe aliawed ataeeeat saber interest is added to. the deposit Twice in Se eee te SEER ane November, ‘The depositor is sw to no delay whatever in the Secharar alot chs Giliels oe ¥ portio: ee WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. Rheumatic ec Quickly Re- The excruciating pains characteris- tie. of rh ; sciatica ar quickly relieved by applying Cham- many tintes its cost. For sale by the Public Drag Co., Milver- ton aud Atwood. Ls Reports The to 2 is the ieee the 8 | pupils of See for the School jer, Mary Zehr, Ernest White, Bie eti Btockiy, Douglas Mel ellen: athan Ku 0 epfer. Jr. 2nd,—Liazie Parkinson. George Parkinson, Jona- Steckly, Frank Kress, John + White. Sr, Part 1—Maggie Ranney. Katie Zebr. Jr. Part 11,—Edith Lambert. Sr. Part I~John Atkin. r. Part 1. Ray. Rayeraft, Rudy Kuepfer. port of standing of pupils in ex- aminations held during the term end- ee ing April 20tb., at : Hageie Hone 46, Lis a Hore 78; | ington, * pupils were not present at 70 Dalton MeCourt 70, James Bay 66, |¢x0me- Jr. 4th-—Russel Attridge. hos, Hyme: i ,|Sr. Brd.—Addie Kerr, Jean Gropp eibien BS, Lizzie Het | ad = G. Fouleon. 95, Alice Bees soya 5 Har! im.’ Attridge,” *Dora Hannah Little 75, Pere; roll 2, Stanly Cooper, Saeuh ‘Long 0, ert pes Asin Rayeraft, *Mary Ray- Buchanan 80, Mabel Da nook 2, ‘Annie craft,’ Jr. 9nd.—Florence Gropp, Tevine 8 er He unie| Myrtle Orr, Biana Aiken, Sidney Horo Gd, Jobu Cockwell56, Roy | Se**. Mabel Kerr, Winnie Orr, Mary pga ties 40, bigs Pauli. St. I.—-Clarenee Doerr, Lily Fea ne e tt.| Hartung, Jennie Kerr. Jr. I~Ken- Ae Minty Berton, Perey| Beth Langford, Edmund ene Sourt, Merton’ Scott, | Archie Attridge, Arthur, Hi Eni a Henr: ers Christian eee ae Seott Ham Percy Chandler, er Mary Cow: (Poo late for last week} Mré Williamson of Harriston, AS the gnest during the, past week of in her daughter, M nesda; Montgomery back ag picvoyinig party lelt-on San day. othe P Presbyterian Sunday School held te fest nek te on Sun day, after re- spre s. Dr. McEachern is sapernten dent ery susceesinl tennis meeting was held at Mise 3. Orconnor's on Waduee. d Mrs. Schnurr spent Sunda: in St. Jacobs. nas tf Mr. F. B. Edmunds attented the meet- ing of the ae Association in Berlin on Saturday. ams, 0 Siena jan, spent part Mr. T.J. Ruggles ne | of last week at Mostar: Oscar ‘Baht, af bein, 3s gaaehs and colds, s mnether it ser} afflicted. an adult that is ¢ quickly. sold and cares iy a Pabiie Drug Co., Milverton ALD Devine Teathet: PAE Se A Five = Group. Milverton has again entered a teaur of the layers go in etermiansion oF wnciie out or at sea of trying to Milverton will give the support so jong: as they themselves manifest an in genuine sport putting re clean football, and staying in tl e to the finish, re- fusing to f unes to preferred opponents to the disadvantage of ot The management can do to rh “offensive rooting” on the part of well-meaning ee ee shusi: ho, in e excitemnen! 1e e, ke Fe and ‘brataliey for genaine sport. | Fe Following is the seh visiting at Spahr’s. nm Misr Irene Berlet left last’ week for bad Acrton a Staten Fonivine, where she will remain May 5—Tavistock at Milverton. May 9—Stratford at Lond the millinery openings held tae Fri-|- May 12—Woodstock at ‘Tavistock. y Saturday were certain! May 16—London ‘ilverto1 suecess. The town being fall pala May 16—Woodstock at Stratford. nearly all the ‘ame. Bork ot yy May 19—Tavistock at Lond Fish and . Ruggle Co.'s ene hi May 19— Woodstock. very. pretty displays that would be May 24 or 27—Woodstock at Milver- it Ferme a nea =e The} tov. Rt c cs , besides} May 24 or 27—Stratford at ejects their ‘navel display of women’s hbadarper: |'-3Iay 30---bomion at Siraktor rogram me and = wistock at Wooset music, and served a tast; hune 2—N a 07 Junch, Their store. likewit to) June 6—Str Seatberton, do an enormous business. June 6—London at Tavistock, Rey. Mr. Dierlamm, o os wet called Jae }-Stratiord at Woodstock. on is in Linw on his w: june 9—Milverton at Tavistock. to attend the Fe fisgelinal Souteagier a Jane 13— i Elmira, on Tuesday. June 13—Tavistock at Stratford.