= dagegeqectbeodgets & & SECRET REVEALED . PIO A ee reradced: ct Se aay ape ison a ) a4 strange-. express! ow nd Jack, ae ete this,”* said Jake with “We t- ese ae said vit "baughty peed semi come fixed on ike vulgar iba d wall. ud, pat pi ily, bat" i -did nb Ape ee ge ieee ‘was rhite- ba tery pes 3 oe the ipa ize Pea oe ae shame and misery Madge Sotieg ysis ion, - a | Blougt she could -not-téll ie that sothe foundation for the | in} sine pence aid and’ Chere ded | threat. thr Th « staggered tly. a} then made~a’ \ step Jorward. But adge, “white’as’ the older woman, Mi: 5 | put hor aud on Her. arm, and Theta er_back. “eNO she whispered almost | inau- Do: nothing, bay nothing!” ‘Phe countess turned her eyes upon the lovely -deathlike face as ii,:for a moment, she did not understand. ay nothing!"’ peenten Madge icf sha took Ber had frou” the countess” arm, and moved slowly but firmly .to., Royce “andl Jake. “Let him go, Royce,’” she said in @ roles that, 10¥) Be if was, was heard. by ill speak to o) Bim.”” fogssjeiiien ‘oh her, not with an- er as she ong but. aon 3 wild with humiliat d sham came Cleats.” Bie dala one hand Jake's arm, and motioned with she other to the servants. “Leave signe; please, and. g9 Ww back a Diiea, and ‘she Guia au slood dil the conned ring, every one fixed—glued upon em. : them. “Come with me, Jake,’” eweat hee his fi ome wher er? he (haces teil. ag There was command as well /as cn- treaty af her voice, and he seem ed mo Wwoun you it thateway, said: Fe = a ab the 1 ta tors fas “te to her heart. any grudge against yon atacge Un-| to ‘her hea: dorstand that! ae ie ou Au ‘Why se he does! B eal ‘olfl| treated fe who could | see. it his face. He said was an r two}your friend, andttried to ‘put the 6 zs thai She pressed his arm, and drew him as * Sea she dati You do |not Know what you are‘saying, or doing! ‘ous Sat me! And at ana ioe eae, an her, at first with en THER his tate at sélenty. ry well, said. with them all! * Nol rh have some- as mut- She espa Royee er tte stood’ on ‘the’= terrace. Be flung it off, and tugged hie torn ito its place, down ai and sw mder. hi breath. ‘Then he looked at her-~ 5 lookiug: straight before Her into {sl the Starilt Right. 9) F-ahe: HAG Top. hands, were clasped sat on the “stone | cing. wits his f forehead with a handkerchief, ‘but with his oye ‘etill. base “What d’felo0k“at me like that snip! ‘he bbs at last. “Tt wasn’t ‘id anything against you, Bi vi, “haven't done at him with the living being. have ney. na|.“No. money,”* he said, “and an rad diamonds, Come, that “won't. lad ts she said in| S!¥ ond | Seto, evoice that seemed to; thrill | © au etic. he joked at her, and. wiped ‘the come to eee ly. pine whatever, happens: 1 tot Youd ‘so! it.” “You sel ot scone ee toner inn’ him? Why. = ‘could see you at her courage; ete do. it ain’t to that, Hyp’ ‘done he. Rochester who had detained raid, m imme harm you! Sane our’ husband sD. as ane says, Royce; he said|You can bet your life on that! ‘Go to your mene she | You’vo acted are by i Salt and on, “A Jed | act square b; yu. Now you can go Bayes 7. by_sometl ing svery_near © your swell friends with a r for light _ he Go back—and enjoy atin was still rs Jake's | yourself, Mas nd if ‘Soke Bese him and he clutched a stand ‘soy. fohsende “fom tBe old Jai), ald: iat Usa Seymour! If] to sa: he i me which coased as she passed. uj 1 fait of mine. I shouldn’t have! moved slowly, deft grils look on. her white face across the carriages sound of wheels could” be through the music end buzz’ of passed up the bell-toom: Sve noticed Bide the GlanianU,. w so wany ha jared—how se, es She ee iRoyee’s See the gaping ‘the hum ~*, iiation ets a aie on her. He ‘stared-at-hor =e — i Wh ye hii against you, Madge.” ¥ haven't | got anything to say. I€ was’ that~prond- scarf, as if eS had been on the point she were oy half conscious’ dt his hatéful’ presence, “What i yhat is: it. you want?"' she | said slowly, with an unnatural cal i: “Why did you comie here? Pid} on you ome ee mon Z He stared up at the lovely. Fes so white that it might: bane be- longed ‘to a corpse ra’ ito a “Money?” he said. “Aton ney?) and his eyes grew crafty. “How ye I get alee get ‘six months’ hard,? Mad would not have come. if you not th you. could, extort mong from me.” How much do you want? How much will send you away for- ever?” He look oe down at the ground, and | milk: ben up at. her face, with _ frafty heanticae te “If you like to poe an old ee he hii 1 ® 3 BE B: 5 She looked” at him vacant}; on ou wil away? sail. “What eS you so anxious about pate at ment. “Oh, no, not him; but the other r, ight—" & “You thought I was talking about |; husbahd!”” — said 3 A " 3 Fs e 2 3 head, and the ‘Peudantent! you will not come no Anil -iboK Hert? ‘Madge, don’t you hail. on ‘The, music was-still. pl eying. betta few, a very few ouly, of guests were dieing, and they ae as she Nong of (no-giiesls tad Bone. but i Deen orderéd; and the ar ‘Every ee ag ae Petey ~fwhose deer and- teats ‘per fectly clean and dry. For deceney's sake thatthe Jean. it is ne ’ was ft in warm ie ‘or wipe them caroful- p takes only a ow has not been Soke Cred” a6istah ps att z do not know,” she said. “You [© " ia aot vet, be. car with ‘cold ‘or irty hands. “Many a d ha part cof the couplet ae a lack of knowlege p- firm-grasp: -stlould by -Feal, ‘geatlen: a F oe and Shs Pies! istat nade, thie | pres- mi tarted. |i milkers, this, if thi hard is Sail find out the way at the ees sa te dowagers sat, abd stood, lookhtg downward upon he Bie op. teat peulys Te showld net be made her neck and arms—| cor when you Have thor Steet ies ‘vy ie me Do. ie milking motion upon an empty ‘Stade stood like a statue, scare st Petree 2 A CLEAN DAMP CLOTH. But two ints must be borge in besides it scnills t udder and cles the ea ee ilk.” ‘The other to be-re: e rghs i must be “cat siete before ks milking. The hands he teats must be dry. sparing, enaeed =| thor-milbing: a, fuction, of. spit- The hands shou abe gam “avy and clean. A rovgh band; a. di aes hand not acceptable toa with a sensiti rN oe 001 teal has’ @ soft, bocktuhie Levers sensitive, and sussgptible any one ae esas ss if ér to mill at, bi fresh from sorting potatoes, and the prospects al at is fe J will have w cow with sore teats, dis- ased udder and an oat nee Ua ‘Then let the touch be gi ‘bi e85. he teat harshly and abruptly. t A few : gentle; « quicting, — preliminary strokes are always to be given fore.the real frork "Gt iin _béxins. This 3 the cow, reassu: her; peter ecod erill seatene: ee eee: and_.is a g00d practice for many rea- SOBs. ing begins! THe) firmly but geritly grasped with ik whole hend | if possible} and ‘Then gentle ro beginning from above, the first ee Ape age: heing. of the pts L the forefinger, and immediately fol- low i he | bal ‘op fs can te ieee by actual ex- perience than from books. ts some operators have never learn ich aes bee they never knew. hit believing impor! hours. This ‘nite tells vou aa import: |ihrousl ance, a ud be althecspiii via = coogi f arith Zz peeks you must /set about’ to acquire the grasp and the touch of the fest is a reason for a milker tries very ¢ He is Jearning how. same til not eonbliran to squeeze the teat after the’ milk o out. Forcible Et Pp rop the Pale melody oF edhe come ‘to your Milk until” you get the ae a down upon<thi called the: cow —hy-name-and-gently. side_and made sure that @ feidndily. rood. wow hare lene er} in >is MIGHT BE WORSE. skitt—"T; Vee i-the tip. stroight? Knott—Yes, hy h he i: connection. It Pleans 2a i ca ee ree the that ana H merged — beneath ng period rthern a seap to-date {capacity of peels omens ed. e|dairyman. It poisons the milk, in- jures..tho. teats, and, should he a Penitentiary otencels oa" |” ‘The day mp,{ Were ce: i ei As ithe boat, became great, ning into eee or tigan, or othe: e- hinges. Tn sua the the. addition Partook -of threo: orient. to) underta! anxious to tenae course, ofS inp: feet fami air Aes oe a h “Ago, is ‘stationed at. asec (ree Aly AIR Sues Y SECRET, rt, Ss the sole Bucaiaiers ef the French Havy, stated that wii ans of the Periscope he was it of protfacted: trip, ee whith! they DELIGHTS: rea SS Encounteti ine wien Ta “a resting pees monotony of Fondbantly. Miewing the Pf ‘om Aiea living ons of Nate ‘Bays: imated life of the ocean, 0 h interest, by ts fiereo encounters ees the livhig] members: ‘o! eS corinne neki, ¢ greater number of oS ronitey eta to ae is hep to ae, Bites dene until you have |s nm. was Weegee saad othe. a 7 ORIGINIEVERY.PLACEAN © ree Oil Com- fs ink relat "E03 Bin print, writes J ie "Hotere cotta ea : jee tore hp “D. sa ae. a started the enterprise, Rclat ot nye sixties, in Sieber Hee had an e whofdsale cinta ee : aa eds ee he proguics yt ee es i givi mark hile: jepetr For the ee of 4eheotte, <husit to hin: Baccmiasribe raed dcal of Mr. Andrews. ner: a . ; gone ia talk. “REAGLER’S WIFE'S itoxkx! = Sea he was attend- Dehind: Who was-in the /habit. i EOE, $ Hodketetler ie < pela Sh possibili- the oil business Mr. te (i stomer, She was seessor in her own Tight how $49,000, and hier“ bust onceto look about for 3 promising! ay yes LED. pered from the starte dts \dealings } i eolital vantage ove rs We been such an important fac- Bein its crowts, Err flex greater poe ome ambitions. ‘ Sz es Rens ideas of real ws in ereltiag fhe 1 “and | owit not brought me on aay BH to estards Howey next rd Oil; aun its wold have brought if Bick 1 rea hat - Ee cl ota improved he health nnd total: absence = kad, a heaters oasis " r_Money’ s aiMarths aD TEA. Kept there by proper set \sUST TRY ddr stim every pound) oY. ing a RED Yi rahi pee cruelty which erate him fro: soto ic and er British subject. ts nfitiod.’ to 5 Bit dhe ftsire, to dos ee ata Titish enaihate: “and. t ig is 8 personality know! benef Pills. se think, 2 ae : spree retdjlets alas Rooke a i and Soe The eee doctors -nor_medicines | endure ne I me a. it of good a ‘ast on ing ‘were subjected to vv members of aces ee ent, S profitable fies ‘day tried, Boag # Kidney he With; the Ors tame A - eas even strong ne “tho leeatton ied Morin and fos see applicant. ee é © 1 he birth certificate of the fa- kn ° ead Fan le is ‘bad ie “the vazorethn : Whor the nationality Gs. claimed 2 fe. Ser the statute 18 Geo. Tt, 8 Bn "paragraphs (a), fit pe (¢) abo uld Mrs. Grouch—“‘It 1 should die_you ac i who {grand-parent (e) wnt ne "carried = oth aiateoat grantee within the British dor upon Hadeaing toot stea “Spable se: oe [THE GREAT WEST LIFE Freddy—I’m the unluckiest man on earth! Choliy--Whatis-up now, ta. chant = Freddy—t- cal ‘on, my intended ‘fie affairs of the new, concern pros> pee ec ar | deporte into the family. lous ee ‘of moder: Se in. bul ithe a small blade of Ale ee able steel 'some “hair~ Saat a rae Billet of. red-wood oir Sopiatory” Morgans oe family?”” md. -Passenger— i iseeeraain man is seasick, Kbut his wife.and ae ead have, mal- phe aner nd 4 fistentee a the : chose sar the Pree isfy, i Feed fhe Dominie Right ana “thal mon: ct eae bee tet mony 2b: ib! and measure = [89 young a8 ce iss owe Beiciency and health that Have come their various sployments ia meee Pa irom adopting Grape-Nuts as | jy f vag Heard of Grapes food, 1 fi ncluded to _| fai VRE as crept na certificate that he is $0, ropean Leilapetl tp , reelainering fat! mableet Suen the’ abroad, the for pi Parstltat of the birth of 1), Tie ATR certificate of the rom the paternal gran 21, evidence in addition to iol whe require ) the: martioge wat tie paterned The Birth of. the paternal = “~- HOODOOED. ! ae night ana oe father’s oh bit. Gholly—Pretty rough, old— .< Freddy—Hold--on; that’s. not all. ‘Now the girl. refuses to marry use she’s affnid Fl bring pyar: of De. ofa Mlectrie Oil i to heat burns =e jestription, and a 15, 6r0 ‘and. ail affections Biret Passenger ‘Are they a hap- | New aye, ‘I am. Sur fmedly, within: tack (Fuddy—4iss Grimes ee Jook ily effects it i a Peertexs Fesedy for Paipitation, is amepbenine Spoiled Wires will please the most Peon Products joneless Chicken Vienna Sausage |i Soups > Bam Loaf |; ways éatisfactory. Choice of routes, best oi PACIFIC COAST -PXCURSIONS, «/ During June, July, August and | ember orth, vice, favorable Saeeee ers and libe) return limits. Rie folders Le aah ‘a a “lfrom B. 3 st Bast “King ‘St, 3 Tectaper Ont. és “Pais a font “think ma can be.”” gates ele te DOA ee bey patys in my head. wi Aanost . known. ae WICKED WORLD, BUT— “He fact, he a4 fe gery if : aA said réd.. Miss ath a op in aizengement eae eee sia me court-1 Ssepie: Aa Cou ped ar dose. convinces. SPA SHORE EXCURSIONS. featly reduced rates July 1, 2, 8, dae ‘rolleea. the morning mea igesti ws laieors art of water. r- ‘brick.of the wanna “Tourist Bureau, 289 Main Papua jee je common brick, if cer os, will ie pe man aoe how- although he is alway: Take a@ quart of ae ina the q drink! ferein is seen’ iiperlo jority St fale Gur’ natty nape Acne ai | A small “boy; ‘esting patches up. by. say: fine the "Dnakere: a aurea cla aqfight, nev aver Haye bre but Teal We greasy dishes, pots or pans With Lever’s Dry Soap a powder, It | will remy Ain, 2° i, at erin ‘was Has Bean yout Euniee—She cer= et the finly seemed very, ] It’s a wicked world, ne there ian't a [ante who wants to Be rat ea Bee thay says’: VL o¥e ‘Gor TO LISTEN. {The curtain lecture ones on others fn -that the a ean’ seek out _in the tnlddle:of it. bob ayer Hore —Thore are thousands we Bites” cI jeuas shado’ ot Asie One wi . sat be- 2 |Nuts food I was uae nervous and became easily” wearied K aie. me. roo ‘the eee ii ook, Sos) Road ie ont; to nok feel p Page is the’ paper Aer x Cure he" . them} (def, thor’ stable | Pills, vile ees is known ses Sage ad ont efficacious in thelr agion. Rial ‘of them will” prove ‘ pewimous Si SHRIMPS: [aminova’ shrimps - have been > ic Dhoreacent spots, which light ther through the gloomy, depths, | is is guaranteed to cure. If it ‘ Joagie nthe hg rere r Tre et Cree eee CTU weer’ Poy eV ee a3, GET Deen Ni ae Or BS eee ay & SG lice aaa Marea eas NE ret ee