Milverton Sun, 22 Jun 1905, p. 5

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G.T.R. Station Store Bargains for the Next Two Weeks ies. we We have some od2 sizes i whiel ES. e same in fine Straw Hats, which were eres at from 35 to 75e. ~ Your choice now 25¢ EACH _A FEW SPECIALS IN GROCERIES * Will go at a bargain for the next two weeks : ts | Bay City, Mich,, was cured of heart See oe your) ries at com tively low prices. — UR Yost & Son Four Per Cent. for Money. or anything elsein the line of rocel para- “THE BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY “Market Street, - Stratford, bir chain th a abranch ofits busizess out _ of which: — High Rate of Four Per Gent. is pes ey on money left with it for. Somers ‘of time, secured by land © moi eens on carefully selected properties, and with oyer “Six Hundred Thousand Dollars large me class. of morgen a securi en on-applicatio: ~ Hon. Thos. A Death From Heart Disease lect Their Weak Heart and Tired Nerves. FERROZONE That Always Cures An attack is liable to come at an: time from oyer-exertion, excitement or emotion blood rushes to your head and palpitation and shortness of breath A. F, Beattie, of the Allen Hotel, dis by. Ferrozone. case is similar to his: ‘The Symptoms: 4 peter Hel eat ‘rem Sinking "Feeling Hoe ‘Pains Breath Weakness we ete says: I was weak and miserable. and Psinces, Igrew worse I began to have trembling ae unking sensations. * Ferrozon rs e Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., and Ont. Kingston, Overtakes Those Who Neg- : Is the One Sure Heart Tonic ‘ Re are noticeable, there’s great cause for | {8 ™ 3 ae: er “I was subject to heart palpitation Lies corsa FOR SALE. louse se pie to sell further mie nee, appl "AL De AvExaxoe Milverton ont, FARM FOR SALE! That 50 acres of! Tand known as aE Divers under Heinnd Whe th ws ince particulars appie-aa the place oF $0 Milverton, Ont. Milverton, June Sth, 1905, (efa) Sprainead Ankie, Stiff Neck, Lame See 9 These are Ges common ailments ‘or Publie Drag Co., Milverton an ee ee CARTHAGE. The goa ad Se i thea re, * Jo one for the former ee els, and Mr. R, ea S. Johnston returned home eee Gananoque, where he has beei attending the high court C.0.F. for’ the past week. . F. Tank left on Saturday. for De- troit, where he will visit bis many iends. Morris, of Georgetown, is visit- ing ee sister, Mrs. J. Gamble. Largest Organ in the Body. Small wonder that liy-; f 80 miser-| Is the liver. T tion, dizziness, indigestion, headache- feeling depression and lack of ap- Th but one sure cure,—Dr. Hamilton’ ‘8 piles In every case they relying 0 m Dr. ite. Hannilton ve ‘Pills eyerywhere. DONEGAL. Miss ‘Tena Petrie; who has-been at- ; | tending the Conservatory of Music, Tor- onto, is home for her holidays. ‘The 12th line football team went down to defeat fore the Donegal team on Saturday night. The score was 1:0. wv ioMane, of Toronto, is spending a parental roof. = oes friends in - Miss Effie Buchanan is recovering after a severe Wl- pire + Buchanan is, wearing @ t is a boy arson, isited “the week ane ae Wm. Buckingham, Manager. CENTRAL A Good Man Will provide for his family in ease of his death. A Sensible Man ~ Will ae against the don: poverty The Dominion Life Will Guarantee Safety to Both byi pene ore of its ee Life or ‘ment Polic’ Special privileges to Total Abstainers. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. ‘THos,. Hinpiarp, President and Managing Director. Bony geo 8. B. Brick Hon, ag MoM Frep Hursreap, Supt. of Agencies. YE Viee- eS Presidents. Ry STBATFORD, ONT. c Central is the leading Business College ts Wesectn Ontario, ach business as business I ra Writ e4 ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN,PRrINCcIeALS. A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in ro~ minence, hai be ed upon as fees ai others. Bu The Mutual ‘Life of Canada oat distanced them all in two very important respects = (a) It paid a Larger Amount: in Profits to its policyholders than any one of them, an b) It increased its surplus by $10,000 more than the combined in- tease of the four companies. The aoe iis of ese owns there- he H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Sugar Cured Ham 16c per Ib. Sugar Cured Shoulder 15c Ib. Sugar Cured Bacon... 14 1b.| Summer Sausage......25¢ Ib. Bologna, large......12%c Ib: Bologna, small......12%e Ib. | Pees Pork Sausage,....+.121%C ib, |e Frankfurts...,...-.12%4c Ib. Highest prices paid for Produce. H. MOHR|= ‘ain securities, wel occurred dur- ing the past yeal W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. ten days Inne cheese were sipped te Ballantyne &Son, Stratford. The pric and es Ames left this week to take up Meir home in Port 15 only Men's bie Wi oo Eaney Sweaters. Regular value $r. 75 = Our Price = - = : E 2 Cc ‘Cuban Diarrhoea. Be U. 8. soldiers who served in Cuba a if during the Spa nish pat, know 5 Dozen Men's | 75 Yards is disease is, ani at ordinary rem- Hi dies have little more, effect than s0 Ribbed Cotton Underwear Damask Table Linen much wate in diarrhoea is al- . : goon Beare d dangerous as a ae and pe sizes 34 to 42, Regular value 35 cents per yard mild attack of cholera. There is one v2 Moo ese oaene pit hee remedy, ho: T, that can always be ee ee ‘Oc Our price > i ie 25e depended , as will be seen by the , 0! , Texas: cee certify that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhos for so valuable sale by ee eable Drug €o., Milver- ton and Atwoo sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssgGSSSSEss Friday and Saturday Specials Of Smart, Seasonable and Reliable Bargains at the Busy Store. 3 3 The Offerings Mentioned Below are Merely a Few of the Many. EFIBROIDERY SPECIAL We secured the other day, 150 ends of Embroidery. There are 4% yards in each piece, the regular value of this embroidery would be Ac per * piece from 10 to 20 cents per yard, your choice for..........+.. 100 Yards Summer Dress Goods regular value from 30 to 35¢ peryard, to. clear. 20527 spans 23¢ We have gone through our silk | stock, we have combed out the odds and | ends, here they go. 90 yds. in ends of | 1to5yds., regular value from | 50c to $1, to clear at per yd.... 30 Summer Corset Specials 6 dozen only D. & A. Summer Corsets, well made, perfect for style Regular price 50 cents per pair. Our price......... LADIES! We have the above Corsets in all sizes. cents on every pair you buy. £ © 35C You save 15 and fit. ‘ $i W. G. & R. Shirts For 65 Cents i 3 dozen only W. G. & R. Shirts soft and hard bosoms, sizes 14% to 16%. Regular value $1, for....65¢ 5 Dozen Pair Ladies’ Fancy Tan Hose Drop stitch. Regular price 35¢ 95 Cc | | per pair. Qur price........ | $1 Men’s Sweaters For 75c. or 75 cents Per Suit Crockery and Glassware are doing an immense business in Crockery and Glassware. chance to buy Crockery and Glassware at prices away down. many specials :— Now is your Here are a few of our GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sysTEM EXCURSION COMMERCIAL. Mitvertow, mane 22. 1905 ih. 2 95 as 2 SSsana en ae 450 2 80 1g 00 20 00 1905 1 Oats... ; Apples, per bag . I Bsugas] 8 SSgssuonnsssess Potatoes per bag q ae & P Tuesday, June 27,’05 TO tal Farm, Guelph SON For the abore a special train will be run. for which the following ates: apply — mee rz ae 1 20 12 145 115 110 210 405 1.05 100 95 50 Tickets good to return following day ex. cept Strat and Sha! hid: betmeen 5 and 12 years, halffare. Returning train eye ve Guelph ne 7.00 p. ears run between Guelph Station and 0.A.C. wae junch red: fo excursionists at ‘Joln-us and have a delightful os s onting at the farm. Good coaches, fast one, come all, Ben, Geeta Vee brea | den. S, H. Pagh, Secy-Tress.,, ., Milveston: spbersseocanearesiebenGenbssaoFEovess0s000P000))SSDDDDSII))EIDDDPIO SSDDOODHSDIDODPDDIONTIIOON 2 dozen only Large size Cut Glass 30 only Large size Glass Berry Pattern Water Pitchers, Dishes, sold everywhere for 25¢ You 25 cents. Our price - e can buy them here for -- 15c each regular price - 15 | | | 200 only Heavy Glass Tumblers. | 300 only Cut Glass Pattern Fruit These tumblers are good clear glass | Nappies, regular value 60 cents per doz- neat and attractive. Our price 4c each | en. - - 4&5e || ee cee ee they last per doz- or per dozen ic en 35 cents 1s Toilet Setts We are showing a nice range. You can buy Toilet Setts here complete for $1.50 to $5, — Come and see what we have in Toilet Setts. Get our prices and you Ww iit stay to buy. Sor. We Won’t Bore You We won't bore you to buy here. You're as free as the air here. We want your patronage—we appreciate it and show our appreciation bythe most liberal busi- ness principles. Don’t you think a store like ours deserves your trade? Try us. We think you will ecu style. Highest Prices for Your Trade. SCHAEFER & WHALEY SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 8S a Dia ciddeescodtl erbddigentmeneeadacccnmagtgncccoccaneecussesocousssaguudiaudhustanensusise aves

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