Milverton Sun, 6 Jul 1905, p. 3

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sends of eae Send Them on the Land, (Hamilton Times.) to become of all the thou- 1g doctors, dentists, lawyei uated What is tes reasonable. Subse Sire Sipers yea ar, strietly nada egy G.T.R. Time pane Year by year? with the wolf. 0 pies PURLISHER. f cou but there ter off growing wheat an Don’t squares: Your Money. ws worthless. cures for is on! tor. another American ‘ flyer been derailed, causing the loss of two lives and the éerious, if not fatal in- THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1905 Since the horrible accident a: ices has ~ not pay to travel moré'slowly with a - greater degree of safety.” _ A statistician has figured ont that toa S for every day that the Federal Parlia- ment sits it costs the country $20,000. The Toronto Globe suggests that the Sessional indemnity be based on a three months’ session, and for every ‘vind jammers down at Ottawa. Itis Fe to be hoped that the honarium, now $1,500 per session, given to members, will not be increased, as the amount is sufilcient to indemnify the poor man, for which the giving of salary is intend a From present indications it- would svem that the death knell of tyranny to be nd absoluteism in Russia has been RAS Bounded. The entire nation is sheeth-|far as known to its present inhabit: 4ng with mutiny and revolution; the ants, has there been such a colossal. 7 ferreaching ‘soldiers and sailors have broken out |Seeh 92 f in open rebellion against therigid and| quent taitare as that one ted Ty ee rnment of that unfortunate em- brutal discipline of the mavy, In the towns and cities the ‘people haye arisen and are slanghter-|One er Saved Bourse ng their tyrannical rulers and are crying out for liberty. The Govern- gment fears the outcome, have failed to respond to the demands of the people. "revolution will cause it to loosen- its hold. If the Russian people attain freedom through the decapitation of a it = Tai few princes and possibly an emperor, the sacrifice would not be great. Sass Cold Settles in the Back. its people ina tender spot and hard 0 brace Por nearly fift largest ae jiniment Jn. Canad: Better t GCROSSHILL. 1. Elford, of Holmesville, is visit- D Oakley, 0 ol nd usta fee thew d Mrs. H. Mundell and baby, of Mitchel SC miaictie pueite aver Lanz iss M. Rennie, of Waterloo, spent | Moody andy under the parental roo! nna and Master Harold Knight, eran night. rnett, of W. Mundell’s M: iz Mrs. W- Bur Mr. and Mrs alls, Visited at Mr. ndey. pending _ Ww g ig exchanged pulpits with Rev. a *lenallen. Goed for Stomach Trouble and |<, Constipation. “Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver | to “Tablets have doue me a great deal of ood. says C. Towns, 9 Port- , Canada. “Being a mild experi all ¢ el a| Gove but so far| exceed ten per cent. Tt was ever thus with | he -autocraey; nothing less than bloody| fal about anneeessary exp ti London, was renewing iment, do! tarrhozone from your druggist to- day. The Liquor Traffic. (Brantford Expositor.) ‘| ‘The temperance committee of the jury, of many people. The public! .¥.oq of Huron bas again declared in ‘will soon begin to wonder if it does| favor of 501 Oh! My Com SOE EEE ey 554 it never should be. Corns are shoes that fit and use Is a painful expression you have often heard, but : Do just two things and you'll be free from corns ; 3 wear W. K. LOTH [MITCHELL'S CORN CURE| SPECIALS FOR smooth skin. ions, warts, moles, ete. DRUGGISTS AND ~ . * Milverton If the simple directions with each package are fol- lowed, corns soon disappear, roots and all, leaying a soft The remedy has the same effect on bun- Harmless, convenient, inexpen- sive and positively guaranteed. Ghe Public Drug Co., Limitea and 10 DAYS All our ready-to-wear Hats in the Millinery a. go at the following price 50, 75¢, $ 45e STATIONERS s + Atwood * * ks imaiabchttbytesidut lice 1.50, 1.75 and $2 hats ions moral reform, but the convii fon ja. being 6 many people that along such lines will be found in time the most feasible solution of a most diffi- cult question. Why That Weariness! ¥on’re uneasy, resi esti wi ut ap- day that Parliament sat beyond that petite, "Selll woree, you are thin Fee time, that ten dollars per day be de- | fagze ‘ork must be done, but eae ee Be eee oo ogres GENTRAL posiniogte ts SEY: 2 CPO SUee Make your nutritious ani tion may have hed its origin in jest,| you'll have, ota “of ave gth. Yo g put there is no doubt that the applica- only. hope is Ferrozo: re. an jngient <”STBATFORD, ONT. tion of some ber las of that kind tite Js a very progressive shool and hag be would have a wholesome effect on the ri Sleeper peed tetiigis Mars eee use, Earrostpg: which e+ vi igor u lers sell in 58¢. boxes: Can’t Even Make F Peace. (Philadelphia Telegraph.) unable t © make peace. the bistory of the w world, so ‘OATMEAL! unable to make war, seetis! 2 per sack ~ and 1.25 hats for. 79€ foreach ites ee ee In cNeeray the saloons are closed y-day. and the savings banks are aay Her ci night. "Write for Catalogues ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS” BANK OF MONTREAL Paid up Capital - - Reserve Fund - - - Interest paid or yea “> 18 Silk Shirt Waists in black and white, new sleeves, regular price $3, for produce or cash oe 1o days only... ... -s 39 In stock a new line of Ladies’ Satin Ties in black, cardinal, 9 5 e EstaBiisHED In THE YEAR 1817, President, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, . TG. $14,000,000 $10,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPT. compounded half rly. Srratrorp Brancu, E. P. Winslow, Manager white and navy, price... Granulated Sugar 17 Ibs. for $1.00 A few 90 Ib. sacks of Oatmeal left which will be es out 9 300 bags of oes igor xt per ton. - aXDE| SUEUR Gar Uw aw Me Sie SY SHE Se Ie eT Te ST EF IS SI IE RT TE ee Watches Ww. K PFEFFER BROS nm Dollars Earned. The ayerage wan an does not sav of hi He must spend nine inl iving cepuniea toh ores Goin ated: That ing the case he cannot he D nts proper hae Sere seeds = ne garden, wil al dole ic Dru Go , Milverton and Atwoo MILLBANK The following pupils Millbank 4th: class. ioe 03, a Bl, 1 5, Oli rown 420, r 40 ia ela Dui Henry ss eae “ tick, Sadie Pinder, Mar. ion Rutherford, Tho REESE SHOLERA IS INFANTUM. re | Not Sere to ave fr at Cae € i fa aed Btirrbers Rath, the little daughter ote. ¥, of Agnewville, jemeny. lab thoea Ri ‘ot a bottle of it from the store. five s I saw a ehange for the: bet er. she had taken the is-| bottle she was well.” This remedy for Sie by the rae lic Drug Co., camings, of successtul at. the recent ks Fate Reet @ne Wonr aberinin’s cholera infantis ia We kept on giving it and before) Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Results for 1984 surances issued: and a4 911 $ tages over 1903 T7446 shaaniceeansaiaasiiiaditcsnilt-iciiglnas ase Our watches in the Deu- ber-Hampden, Waltham and Elgin have no equals. su oi sl ol os SME ES RIEERERERE EERERERBREEREI I BR Also a fine assortment of Watch Chains in double and single style. Nice line of RINGS on hand Sold Direct from the Manufacturer to the Consumer. agents’ fees and collections have cost us from 35 to 40 cent. of all sales: To farmers and others who conten using Cement the coming season we intend to make this sav- December, 17. 81, 760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Assets at 3lst. Z| 1904 ing for you, and sell strictly for cash. Cement put on cai here at our works for seventy cents per barrel. 5 Write us for freight rates and any other information ya may require. Call and Inspect My Stock P. H. Bastendortff Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 & be faeces in force Dec. 7 1904 ISAAG USHER, QUEENSTON, m4 Sica over 1903 9.646,473.98 Ar S. MacCregér, Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. MacBeth. Stratford, District Superintendant. & 8: 5,32) 7,662.85, “The House of Quality.” THE NADE IN CANADA Low Shoes for Summer Wear.| We have a fine range cat eed 2 F) . Grosch & Son is } pers PRODUCE. TAKES i COOL CLOTHING FOR WARM WEATHER, We have just the things you want for summer and can give you the correct styles in Clothing, Straw Hats and Furnishings At prices that will astonish you. All our goods are open for your inspection. Call and get yours while the lines are complete Charles H. oe erton and Atwo White Sewing ¥ QUEENSTON CEMENT For the past twenty years that we have been in — 4 flit hatalate beter teehee ROSE & DUMART * * 3 mee Our Small Profit System is a Great Success. ‘Yruit Jars Just Arrived ee eee ore ea! Now is the time to buy your fruit ars, before they advance. tomale Wine Pints é uarts “~¥, Gallons Imperial Pints Quarts : Gallons & = ROSE & DUMART Highest Price Paid for Nice Ham and Bacon eS IRAE ERERREREREEERE BERR a AANASAAATESAEREL ATAU AAESES TATA TASOTOS EATS HARE A AUDI AL LALLA ALAA AA A s :,..KEEP COOL !.-." Why suffer from the extreme heat by wearing heavy clothes, when you can get an up-to-date Summer Suit which will make you feel cool and comfortable, OUR PRICES FOR THESE SUITS ARE THE LOWEST $12.00 SUIT FOR = — $14.00 SUIT FOR $12.00 $16.00 4.00— $18.00 “ “ $16.00 ‘These Suits will be made up in the very latest style. FIT - AND - WORKMANSHIP - GUARANTEED A LAA ‘Smith & Finkbeiner, Milverton’s - Leading - Tailors. ATR TATRNREM TTT TT SUA rms Furniture From cellar to attic, eyery foot of floor space d with the choicest of every kind of furniture jore coming in every day, —~ ‘ rhe is no reason why you should buy from yaaa stock, where there is no choice of design of style, when you can buy the very newest and best for Jess money. Nex ne at your door. Ee us -The-Milverton Sun eee = people in France who to know what benefit we THURSDAY, JULY 6, 195 They will << times sah than once since thi - GENERAL NEWS with the hope to New York on delivering trans-Ai tic mails. riment is. bei: interest, and is by practical results. to be follo Gard humble toad; they have no helj CULLED FROMALL SOURCES Russia decided to raise two more army corps, which with the two al-} mere ig a bi ig increase in the amount, sy the field will bring her} o¢ succession duties which have been strength up to amillion men. Russia) ».:4 into the Provincial Treasury for is not defeated, but is deter the first six months of this year, over carry e the Hei should the terms giv- the corresponding period of chat year. en by 803 have been paid in, This The hee cal Marine Depart-|does not include the amount receiv- ments of Canada are co-operating|able from. the Gooderham estate, with i which it is understood will be very looked forward to with considerable likely to wed ers should neyer injure the yutbreak of usso-Japanese hos- tilities we miei have found ourselves ph in the direct adventures had it not been for England’s SeendsiiP Now, that is worth “ Figaro,” Paris. large, and from several other Bele erable estares, the returns of which ay not yet been made. ‘iC, R. Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ssssss (Couches... = eee Sir Horace Tozer, recently in ed to the fear of to a toad in less than three hours. something al leparted citizen, whom they dbcenbeae man of p) unseen, for a four-blader, for fifty cents, lars, he or; million doles capital, mostly water; and sold the stock at my; had sold out so When he died h and left it’all here.” One day week while Mr. D. Pi erossing a field on Mr. Geo. Gray’s farm, just north of tannery, he observed what looked like some men been digging. and n . Morton roved to be the remains of an Indian. Sany. other bones were Toad, inelud- ing those of the arms an also a clay pipe, marked and carved in legs powret the noble red ‘man in his dian must have been buried there probably seventy-five or a hundred ago. iscovery, as well as 4 similar nature made in Ts past, may or may it be of historic wile but it would seem to confirm any historic references s the fact that this Lake and Geor- aioe! region a hundred years ago mping ground of several oes tribes of seaeae inet the Chippewas, a Sio ie Hur- mee Por gin Times: hursday evening of last t week a jen in the neighborhood were accused of the crime, and were arrest- it was apparent that the trouble had been settled, and there was. little for the court todo. Tt was admitted that tion and defendant asked that ‘only light fine be imposed. Magistrate rightly commen’ such brutal conduct, and ga ve the prisoners advice that it would-be well ue ae, ee i oe for 2 he defendants. who bad Selves tt $65 to the prosecut- or, was fined $5 ee — and the é es got off by ases of ‘his ‘kind Shout ace be tolerated. me of @ most s @ source of constant terror to the mul-|ters, who listened attentively to hit titude inhabiting the insect world. It] glowing descriptions of the bounteous | feeds continual, cht of Queensland without a re- and in twenty- ae hours consumes a| mark, Ashe sat down a- big whisk- quantity of insects equal to pan fone ERR arose and said, “Ah’m told times its re capacity. In one this Boe o Australia is unco toad’s stoma ao been ‘Re nd 7. of | hot ‘Um, <well,” replied the the pest called the thousand-leg worm | agent, ‘* yes, it is rather hot at times.” in another's 37 fent-enterllare, in an-|« aah ah’m told that there’s nae too other’s 65 gipsy moth cee erpillars, |much ae there,” continued the din yet BREE Oy the, rare Crofter. ‘No; our rainfall is light,” Thirty large caterpillars awe been fed }admitted the ager otter. A Missouri paper tells its readers sold thi sete of aogar and sone lemone sna {Jain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea made a barrel of lemonade, which he} sooner or ee re ne sold on circus day for eight dollars. | comes yon will need. it badly—you He started in business ana sold bad will need it quickly. Bay it now, Tt theat for ae cuts and made a fort-|may save life, For sale the Pub- ne, sibs cee enn dol-}lie Drug Co,, Milverton aa Atwood, mpany with a ie was a millionaire, where eleve' - | motion to Ji he fo srt, ans Schaefer, Fred Hoes, @ human skull in a sand pit where 4 Ploked $t- pad t00K it over to ae) © eaeniece Soidaies of what! ay to een a fine physical speci- 50 desires ; eh? abueiderable, aver ae Pees tn (Ue oer cbs ane Drie height: A tree bad grown nearly over Sere aeaieins ocak Det then remains, and s roots Wt one seh re ben Be ficial than Dr. Hamilton's Pills,” had struck into ies ‘skull All that aoe Mrs. ee ry E. Ayrton, of Vic- now remains of the tree is a decayed | toria. ave been strengthened, stump, which was pulled out when|my digestion is better, I have im: the men were digging in the sand pit. | proved in eolor end feel considerably This circumstance shows that the In-| better sin 1B amilton’s called. Tuesday, | w a The 9 poiee ap on serious nature, and came near | hav arese, and strolled quietly towards the door of the na say waur 0” hell,” he observed, as he pass- ed out into the night. Buy it Now. Nowis the time to buy Chamber- Creekville. ‘The midsummer Promotion exam- inations in Morni ington, Trails Wisi aah ing ‘| successful, resulted as follows fh., Bva Opper, lla itl ‘as. Broughtoi m; to Jr. ‘Minnie Zimmerman, cata feeise on, Saral nk, Herman Mank, Clayton Oris: ALL. LaNe¥orn, a Teacher. A few more couches left ide we are cleaning out at $4.50 each. Upholstered in assorted Velours, open construction with 10 springs. Come early to get choice. We cleaned out a manufactur- ers line of Couch Covers, which we -are disposing at $1.75 each, Some- thinghandsome andsavesyour couch Call and see these, they are Bake of inspection. You will find here at all times — the greatest bargains in furniture, the lowest prices and best efforts to please. : SSEEEES G. R. Honderich & Son _ GOODS DELIVERED FREE x Women With Weakness, For all weakness from which girls and women suffe: ‘usin; Pille.” Sold everywhere, 25e, per box or five boxes for one dollar vikva ate Saw ies 3 The Northwest for Angio- Saxons. e (Rey. Dr. MeLaren.) what kind of a human being. New Harness : nedy| SHOP «= « *| binder canvas repaired or any- so as tobe in shape for vest. assortment of the et eae hae oe Bu & Wood Bie er are erer a ba weak at ng iT cl Teer seg iy oe GALT iets cringe! | AXLE GRE one song = ie a ae ig DpIETER| HOS. BURNETT ee eee Seer, ee oe 1 Gs PRU RTER CHEAP CREAM SEPARATORS. Now is the time to get your Is the Best and Simplest, Eas- ily Washed, Low Down Supply Can, Self- thing else in the harness line, i har- I carry in stock a large) PLUSH RUGS > Oiling Device. _ DUSTERS = ELY NETS: Re WHIPS 25 recone Diseount fan fee Price BRUSHES © MILVERTON. tmgeh mnore slowly than at the present rate, and on tore healthy don’t want N ole Se con- trolled and raled b’ wait much longer for thein to occupy Don't let us talk sik because ed i|lery.. We guarantee every pair of shears you get. | fect you may return and get your money refunded. Call a see our stock. Prices the lowest, quality considered. f whose a re = The Tubular — 4

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