Milverton Sun, 6 Jul 1905, p. 5

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our pices before | bps oe ds luce taken in acheae ‘for Y thin, yeu ees at our store, d alt yéarl rine sate neat combine a's mines. and ose ees ed veal in Savers. egtae o fooes ma} Tor ea on the pest | on aes with it for fie, sees OF jand selected properties, ae List of tarms for sale 125 acres, lot 4, cea Mornington, splendid farm, good - ho ase, bank ‘a, balance eal dea to i heal lot 31, con. 7, and ae } fork fot 20, concession 8. Eins, Lai Metallic sheeted house, bank bet st AW ox: nace house, acetylene gas, 4 ‘miles of tlle ini on ere ire fens drilled wells with wind mills, 114 ool. Price $9,600, half west half of be a conees- sion 3, Mornington, e north of lot 80, Elma, on an * bond ary. A number on peer ee well drait ae paren fenced, ban! 5 pave dae on Lae dwell re pan new ae House, se ee feos ‘Milyerton ; are. ae vrai nae ie em aaa from seh ¢ ve also several houses for sale jel in'Milverton. Call at the office and "| see me. Resi Brotats Breer “FARM FOR SALE! | -Mitverton, ces rane Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate ‘Court of the County of Perth, Province of ox intario. In the matter of the estate of Albert Gamble late of the To oot Mornington in a aoe eased. a eo het perso: dis enti the cxtate, of he sald Albert ble, who about the eo, day SPauguat, A 0 seni Wo rick house, at Meenas ie Administr a) ands oe ‘th Phe” deceased he thereto. having. Tegard only ich they Sit then have notice: “Dated “a a this Snes third day ofyune, A oe 20 ‘Will guard against the dan- ~ ger of poverty in his s old age. iN Guarai tee Safety to Both jing one of its reliable Life Endo: ment Policies. é 08. HILLIARD, and Minoaging D Director. Dominion Life ital _Abstainers. “A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from thei pro- minence, have long been loo! “ed upon as leading Sieh B _|The Mutual Life = of Canada joutdistanced them all in two very important see: : a) It a Larger Amount in Profits ta its paeyolser than any one of ‘them, (b) It fered its surplus by e100 more than the combined in- srease of the four companies. . - The Matual ie of Canada owns 30 stocks, an assets _wé there- fore not iene i in any way or] By. tl enormous shrinkage in dues in- cer- tain securities, which occurred dur- | ing the past year- pw GROSCH, Local Agent DD. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. ‘Agt. «“T Was No other . lime Sig HER STATEMENT: Ont. co —— LVERTO: Fall wheet per an Spring wheats per bash they per r bi 3 sesssoscsseusceS aly $ " reir BISASS o SSSSSowRRSLESSESS © he iow so SaSsases Sees saly. os renee slee] Tas “My ni ee or six for 8.A-; Thin-Blooded, Tired Nervous, Unhappy No Strength, Couldn't Sleep, No opr FERROZONE Gave Me Vim, Comfort, Made Me Well. tas saad steadily pats oe. new by mi “Twas le $2.50, a ors, or Polson & reo. Hartford, Conn., Sick, Broken Down, Energy, Force, Ferrozone gives instant Pag sh jousands. in ae tonic in the world is like her medicine ee you r feet better at once Charles Benny, of Cloyne, roken down, had no qouldnt eat,’ E was es were irritable. I “blooded and continually ‘ s nee ered Ferrozone-. and Kingsto mn, Ont. Communtoation. sezesesecessanveaoveaeazevora%070%070008 (Gee Go not hold curscives respousibie for] Qh = eee eQ@ ‘opinions expressed by correspondents.) Q @ To the Editor of the Sux, z : < Qa @ Tdesire to occupy a few lines| & @ of in your valuable paper to set | Q) @ myself and son William right before the public on a little matter, which 1| Ql @ feel by letting go unchallenged puts| Q @ us in a false Light. | Mrs. Catharine ; s Hall, in the court room at Milverton, a @ iio 23 INTERESTING NEWS "2 © son as an chi ah coeeeneed coment ie without foundation, as | @& weit ; y @ ¥ son coul t wo! where at. a| Q f 7 @ mueh higher wage thi he receiv 2 from Mr. Hall. Ip faetT tried to get ay @ he boy away weeks before } j ee bin morand I tisk that us| B @ Would show that he was not. being| Q @ faken in for charity. T should not | Qy wee @ aye is o1 ing | wicg Ball sstatennye Ie ng otbet } My Most merchants look to July as a quiet month, “We want to make July a busy @ course was left open for me. = ad is for your valuable space Tre-)@) month with us. We have resolved to clear the decks of all summer goods. This < ‘ours Truly, means som pet eee Q thing to the buyer as there will be at least two ‘months to wear summer @& (QD goods. Here is a few of the many lines we are ‘clearing out @ Milverton Public School, = : @ ‘The following is a report of the recent > : . promotion examinations in the a , 2 Pj | os oft iero Fo Sic Ladies’ Hosiery Specials @ of the paps with the exeeption of the a 5 th. Nam — i age ah pte = ee e ‘ 5 dozen only Ladies’ Black Lisle Lace Ee acti value -19¢ Pair @ o*| Prieta Foul 63, ¢ Cielo Becker’ 500, | iN 25and 35 cents. Toclearat...... -- @ ie indys @ Wealthy Mortock oe “Charl on Rienek| Moe Lily Kalbfleisch Emmeline | 5 dozen Ladies’ Tan Hose, double heels and > eee 19 P @ 8 2 value 25 cents. Toclearat...... fieese sevens " iC air @Q@ Schaefer Erejseski 354, i Beaten eapabe hand 350. | Q ~ mi ene Q = er. : @ The foloning ae cm Se 8 oS Men’s Fancy Vests @ > BI @ not in of standin; Ethel ae Eildie Here, Willie Schenk, | y @ a ee Ia ae sete eas 1; Oy Fancy vests are quite the thing this’season, We have done a nice fancy vesL @ Hoffman, Russel Coulter, Roy Zimmer: | trade. We are clearing the balance of our summer vests at prices that will suit your @ een ey N He ae eee Bom ®@ purse. @ ir. 3rd to Sr. 3r vera rn , rie janice Mook 18 aby ie ¢ a sas Men’: sEaey ao and plain whites, regular values from $l. 19 - Roese. e (er Fe 0 sizes 0 42. ones eee fhe, ta Vands-308; Jacob 7 he 73 i See ie cnee ae @ Lizzie Schade 304, Beulah: Schierholtz | Q @ 390, Jessie Goodhand ‘388, Allia Krai: @) aeski S51, Verne Lavery 350, Maggie % @ aire Hoy. Miller 319, Hester i @ ss } Guenther 32, Chattie Hotferd 34. Pass| gp A Gollar Special S M. H. MokAs, QB @ acher. Promotion to. a Be er.) Ey see Mere slightly soiled, straight band, double = 5c each @ 300. Lorenzo Ross 430, Alice Hamil ton | and and wing collars, regular price 15 and 20 cents. To clear... @ 425, Lenora Trim “a8 é 5, Hie Deeesoth ‘a G 391, lexander 364, Irene Hof aed 364, Annie Schmidt 360, Violet Zim- | Q These collars are We G. & R. Brand and are good fitters. @ merman’ 357, Elva Lavery 345, Edwin Hitter $42, Mary Schmidt 29, ‘Lily At / %@ ay | Ae Weilieed ocr api; Claret See: a % 2 rose 8 er @ | 302, seh 301, Cla : Pee 2 Pass | mel. The following bare filed bat, wil = Ladies’ and Children’s Vests Md eir 269, amer 251, Martha a eee rr Te mia acc | at Special Price Ms Laura Thamer 109. Pt 2nd Class to gad | By e * |rmemen 22, ery Conlee 26 Clarence > ; 5 ne wees and Seen 's Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests 5 Cc ents @ Sipe RE ee vile @y reguiar value 10 and 12% cents. Clearing price.... .--- @ merman 180, Alvina o- 170. G E ‘LENN, ‘Teachr. @ é @ D. & A. Corsets We earry a big range of Corsets. We keep nothing but the newest styles and we think our prices are just a little lower than you will find elsewhere. E | air only, long hip Corsets, garters attached in grey. or white, sizes 18 to 26. Glearing Price 75c |v | SPECIAL 50 only Children’s Waists, sizes 18 to 23, grey or white regular price 35 cents. Clearing Price 25c Remnants We have ends of Carpets, Matting, Dress Goods. Tweeds, Prints, Muslins that we are anxious to clear out. Come in and have a look, perhaps among the lot you will find just something you want, the prices will certainly please your putse. : Facts Our growth has been a healthy and steady one since starting here some few months ago, and we feel that our efforts to conduct our business on strictly business principles is appreciated, We attribute our success—and rightly too—to our estab- lished reputation for honesty and fair dealing. 15 East Half-Section Four Guelph and God dericht Railway SCHAEFER & WHALEY jesequmaaasereeceeet™ SISSISSSOSSSSSS. @ a Q Q 2 Q a a Q 2m Q Q Q a a a 2 - 3 @ @ @ @ @ @ ®@ @ @ @ @ @ KA @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Se

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