Milverton Sun, 27 Jul 1905, p. 1

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DVERTISE.. ) Povents sale and “get your . SALE BILLS... Printed at the Che “It Shines For All” Vol. XIV—No. 28 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE Sovereign Bank of Canada, , Head Office, - Toronto General Banking Business transacted Drafts bought and sold on all parts of the world. Farmers’ Notes Discounted | Bo As ace to farmers on reasonable ecial attention given 4 allowed and added to pinto four ‘ times @ year. RJ RANNEY, Slanager ey —oF— ‘Milverton, Monkton, and Lin- e wood Branches. Dentistry College of s of Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto University Regulation of teeth, rows and Bri ndge Medical “PARKER, M. u 01 8 ‘and Gold Medialiise si Triaity Medi. lege, also Gold and Silver "Medallist, te ‘Osiversiy, Toronto. Successor to Office in. Post Office block. Telephone ene connection with Poole, Brunner, oserville-and Rostock. Legal. pu. PANTON, Barsstor, Solicitor, Ete. open every Thursdi _ Bur pact ARR, RINAR OD itivetion, © PGradiuata J. HL ite (BERT, sabes to J. W. 1St., about three doors east of sige horses aes | Drug Co., Milverton and Atw: ieeieeies Sanden, CR; Pagh, Recording Secretar I. 0, 0, F., “Silver Star # No, 202, Milverton, fe every Friday night setae hall, post office building welcome, Jolin Loth, R. 8. {| session to be given on Sept 10th. , | Zimmerman is well known in this dis- LOCAL NEWS. Leave your order for red. and black Shave at the station store. Rose & Dumart are busy unpacking their fall goods. Keep your eye on the prices. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rose are spending a couple bes weeks with friends in Zur- ich and fon. Mr. woe Fenian we regret - hear, is confined to his room with al attack of pneumonia. nals Gouge Diesenroth and son, of mto, are at-present visiting Mr. ow ‘m. Sanderson’s. Mrs. P, W, Smith left ee week to spend a week or two at the home of her parents in Brampton. Mrs. A. Hall and Miss Hall, of Ber- vith Mi: C.. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, Peak anniversa: vices, morning and evening, at Millbank next ae th. L. Harrow will preach in the Mendis Church next Sabbath morning and evening, Mr. preaches at Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. John Scheonhals and family returned home to Port Albert on Wednesday after spending a week visiting friends in paciulat ene Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N pe es aud son Norris, of W: arsaw, pending a few days w! ith’ ae wi bite Tock's monies Mrs. John Pfaff. Mr. James Chalmers, after spending y | six weeks at his home in Musselburg, returned to Winnipeg on Wednesda’ where he will resume his law studies. When you want a pleasant laxative that 1s easy to take and certain toact, use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by the eels Mr. Donald G. McKay, of San runcisco, California, in com! wi Siss Miss Mary McKay, spent a day ot be with “tl aster, Mes, (Rev.) N , MeKinnon is week Mr. Samuel Linder, manager of the felt era of the Felt Shoe Co.: is spending lays this week in Teisnts Br es ing machinery, which it is expected will be installet in a week understand that it has been ting his honored name, Nias Vera and Marjorie Barnby re holidaying with thei ents, Mr. and Sin ee Kippen. M. Barnby with them a few days the early part of next rocks On Saturday, August 5th., Mr. W. D. Weir will sell for Mr. E, Knechtel his brick dwelling and tailor shop on Main street, household furniture and effects. Sce posters fF gacealare=s an excellent chance to get practically new furniture cheap It has been rca about that I intend to leave Milverton and I hereby ‘eep this notice for future eciene —C. J Johannes, V.S., M Mr. William Zimmerman on Mon- day purchased the retail shoe business of Messrs. J. G. Grosch & Son, pos- to say that Mr. Zimmerman, who has oath cere ~D. WEIR, 4 Gor Beith ‘and Waterloo, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn a WGdavits’ made. Village Clerk. Office, ects Shoe Store, Main’ stree' ton. | public, wer, | Patronage a natural tact for dealing with the will command a very wide ‘After a lingering illness which is always characteristic of tuberculosis, Mrs. Henry Prost departed this life on Bat rday morning. ANGE HOTEL, Branner, Ont. ae Pzoprietor. liquors and a First-class of Mai Mill sea ak Ritter, Seni BL, Cietiers Out. The oe Lie mercial trav- ally sad, as she was a young woman ba: nm married only about four lea Mrs. - | Prost’s uncle. mats after comii the village sl to develop ‘of | Symptoms of the d and begat of gecline "zulu until dissolution ee <e She — ie a d gentle aa thovght of by seca ‘with et ye sone in contact. Her remains in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery near -Brantiord, on Monday | ver | Chatham on Tues of about twenty-five years of age, and| consists in ied Mr. Torrance Dunlop, of Hensal, spent Sunday with friends in Milver- ton, rae Buiy, Large left on rgtcer spend a week or twi fisake at Creme Mrs. Dumart and son William, of es spent Reoaey, with Mr. and as H. Dum: rs J. A. “aan of Atwood, | a! and Ge eo, Spotton, of Listowel, were anes in the village on Monday. Mr. Harry U. Grima, clerk in the Berlin post office, spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grimm. =e ‘Wm. Schaefer left on Monday take a po: see: in the plumbing de- partment of Messrs. Zilliex and Sar- vis’ hardware; Listowel. It is paleeet ae Mr, John Bool Domi Kee eeper, will i ae ee deed d Mr. Lorne McDougall as Auditor-General. Mr. W. S. Stewart, book-keeper for Messrs. McQuigge unt, received word on Monday that his brother had been drowned in the Yukon about the middle of last mont Mr. Ezra Kucchtel has secured position with the Merchants’ Rubber dispose of his property in Milverton. vid Langford has disposed of his drelling’on John street fo ‘Mr. TL GMb, forsttiesum of $1.0 Me Mohr will assume possession about Sane ae when Mr. ford will leave for the wet in nthe ie of recov tt St hex The Kincardine Review has it on tts authority of a gentleman bigs in e councils of the C.P.R., that it is fair intention to build the fecswater incardine extension as soon as they have completed the Gu elph- Goderich line, which will bein about a year and a half. A free-for-all fight took place. in sday between the pol- ice and firemen of the town and the employees of the new electric railway, who were trying = ae possession of a bri the ie tracks without oa ity. oaths tose people the only way to do with corporation that exceed their privileges. Splenaia hay: weather prevailed all during the w hay was safely housed or. stai though a number of Sete have still a quantity to cut and take in Wheat harvesting has commenced, and by the end of the present week the greater quantity will have been 7. | cut On August 2nd., Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of Hollymount, Logan, accompanied by Mr, James Ourey, of Toronto; Col, Moscrip, wife and daughter, Stratford, will leave for} a e the, h, having rented the| cottage of Hon. petite Thompson ‘has pure launch, for which he paid $800, aa pleasant one. An exchange speaks of man who ured a wife through a T bshod ant isn thata ter article could have = red at home. We say. it serves him right, he ought to have| tht rig! patronized home industry. ‘The home icle is usually the best. Young pe ee duped through the mail order, always deal at home and thus secure best quality. At this time of the year poison ivy is a” mos rous and venomous poisoning quickly, but that doctoring it and letting it alone took about panel ya so he advis that are affected quite often, and ise ting it cake its course. Now, the cure able in any drag store, as soon as skin been ‘dried. Every ‘camp outfit should contain a four ounce tle of ends Its cure is very rapid, and it soon stops the almost un- bearable itching oy which i ivy poison is first noticed. remedy is a very old one, but i its is em aioe as well as it should be. prop, | afternoon. . | ager Dumart wi ae thes w the outing will certainly be a most foe ‘The Sux is desirious of securing a good live correspondent at Monkton. ‘A thousand English girls are com- ing to Canada to enter domestic ser-| ari Fy is Charles Livingston return from his trip to Okotoks, Alta., on Friday eyening. England the Hope of Freedom, (Svenska Dagbladt, Stockholm.) The disappeat f the Russian wil seenetee Englans 1a positi canes. val ingland’s influ Ei urned| England is still the most oratiable fe hope Political an and SURGES a \d national fi ag thee the bearing o! this fact on Nsthe -European culture. Miss Edna Roulston, of Listowel, 18] heeo n at present =e friends in Milverto! and Mornin; Atwood and Milverton ae, ar- ranged for a game of baseball hibition Park on Tuesday pact A Mayor Ferguson, of Stratford, is making an effort to have the telegraph poles removed from the main streets of the city. Zion Lutheran sees, Strat- ford, has extended a call to Rev. Mr. Klehn, fs Desboro, which is likely to al be acce] ‘We regret to hear that ined to his room at a Parker's residence with an attack of appendicitis. Dr. Leder- F.. W. gicason: Dominion Live Stock Commissioner, is about to re- ealth. He will be John Dryden, former Minister of ae riculture for Ontari Mr. Joseph Matntyas; ye) of the Raésel) Banner, states that Manitoba | B at its rei the do) nd lots of fields of wheat give opens ise of forty bushels to the acre. Tpe Kincardine Reporter is to hand , #™ under the management of Mr. J. vastly improved edito: no doubt soon ee typograph- ically. : set A party of American tourists, prin- ti the wheat production of the Uni it Ex-| No ani SES Haieed 2 rake Do You Get Bilious? Writing from ‘For people inclined to vilfonmness and a ic headac che I don't hink there is a rem mpare ay Dr. Hamilton 2 Pilg 1 fer ‘ry Dr. 3 box or five boxes Re, ‘ills, $1. 00 at fan pase A Power for Temperance. (Saturday Evening Post. Skye big corporations a their les agai t delnking are dotog a wondertol wo! {more significant than ‘hetero roles is ‘the fact that. the oe force those rales, ae. geben eae Shark on drink- ing, and the corporations would ha had ss Field, fo rs it wi ie excel fante. of the improvement at the man Ae ress very far frow the recone st pana has The Canadian Bank of ae HON, GEO. A, COX, President B.E. WALKER, 19 General Manager A General ‘Banking Busi- _ ness and other debentures bought rafts on.all points issued, Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special attention given to the collection of farmers’ sale Special attention is directed. to the fol. lowing advantages offered by our, Capital Paid Up . Rest + oe oe stuniei and sold. r|Savings Bank Department Deposits of One Dollar and uy ccived and interest allowed at Interest is added a rg ha ert delay e depositor 4s eu to no "ver in the withd: ‘of the whole or Doraes tie eoag wit, MAYNARD, Hea? STRATFORD BRANCH. ; HESSON. Joseph Mickus and. jet sister, Mise B Blanche Kipper, of ae DN are visiting fest parents, et Louis Kippe Miss atic, ore new house will ete 48 | soon be comp! e best classes of workers ai that nthe nSrinle habit had-the ‘most Hunter, the new proprietor. It is|" n° ne in this and ev other direction is Mr. Joseph ee is going around these days with a smile on his face.— Its.a boy. ee, picking is the ‘order of the Me, Gustav Beisinger eae @ busi- ness trip to Stratford last Monday. Mr. Mickel.Cook has bought anew shing machine, and intends start- sling one an a few wee Qui ea number of the farmers in |r Same finished baying last week... its way. The public opinion that causes the lip at sight of the fellow. States will be insufficient for her large population, and she will be forced to Jook to Canada for her supply. The Listowel basoball team suffered | 7 defeat at the hands of the Milyerton nine on Exhibition eis on Tuesday. afternt 19:5 at the a, of the seventh "innings, The Mil- re in good fittle, and gave pitcher Honderich splendid sup- rt. urn match a 2 likely be played at ae before long, Man- ae soon have a schedule of intaresti games arranged for, Milverton will, play at Sebring- 7” on Friday evening of this week. mn Monday afternoon Mr. W. 5S. Receell broughtinto the office a samp- East Zorra. The oat stalk ee inches in length, and the fr 12 inches, If there is ea with longer straw than 1] would like tosee it. Cavs tock Gazi Ghiel Harimier left at the Sox of- on Saturday evening a stalk of ts grown on the fai ai Schmidt, Mornington, that meas- cae ured 5 ft. 9 inches in length. There is nothing so unbusiness like] M: y |or so calculated to produce a poor im- ression on the receiver, as for a man doing business note heads and envelopes, and the re- ceiver has a-much t opinion of usiness and the proprietors. used, and do not eae _4 firm that uses unprintedpaper in very muc! e, as itis one of his modes of advertisin; statements are neatly executed and or- lers are promptl, y filled at reasonable rates at this office. SEES Se a2 ae One Dollar Saved eed gait Ten Dollies Ba loes not save y the stationary |2@%r, to| other defendants in printing se de his brains also fie its way Often “silly” a a seers word than “sinful, “and “ Don’t-be-an-ass’ where ‘ i Dont-do-wrong™ would ——.—___. James Munro, of Newton, has Trouble With Scotch Oler- Ry; Secures: Apology. ‘An action recently raised in the Cou of Session, | Edinbi Free, Presbyterian: Chota ‘he pursuer having emigrated to Can- ada in 1860 -was invited by rie tesidents the q Be ora is : a) a . E z 3 i sby teri to oust the seeing! a6 presel ing to the attitude ines congregation Synod is report the sapped a: pats constituted nmr Ly possibl view the appropriation of ¢ building the statements complained of iy the ae er, had no pom i e pursuer’s character in any way, 4 ented y Petent to him against st them. NEWTON. : Berry picking is the order of the ae r. Robert Tanner commenced harvest on Tuesday, the frst in ihe Io Mr. Hugh McDonald spent Sunday in Moorefield, . H. Rubi has been on the sick list for a few days, but we hope for a speedy sorely Knight and daughter Norma, rt | Mrs. of net eee Monday with her sister, Mr. "Soka Ludwig’ init. ‘in’ Listowel Be Su es Chas. Sies is. at present holi- Saga in St. Clemé Harry aie went to, Lis- towel on Saturday to spend a week. We hope he will be in time to see the circus ae he 28th. oo WE iades pero UP sriets , spent Sunday at the iateorehome rz. Mr. L, H. Johnston and Mr. P. Ruthig are spending a few days in Kirkton. a T R. Ross spent Tuesday in Strat- , of Lon- her moth- M spending. her qa Goderich vat ihe ome Mrs. Hi Gus daughter Gladys Santa ia aga ae ao one oF oes tas vi ease sg oenig, aw, Mich., is >| victting | at ae nee of oe aca Mrs. J. badge’ Cecil D. Simpson, of Hensall, went Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Colombo Lee day in Listowel visiting -the mother. Parsi, B. Gustin, of Vittoria, is nding his hr hlitayeat at the home of his ieothen Mr. H. Gas' Mr. C. Wyles and ad Lilie eee of Preston, epent Sanday at her hi of Miss Seilhoff, of Elma, ee A Bandag et at Me and Mrs. Albert Ruthig’s. Crosshill, spent ne eleven ‘om Mr, P. Me- and Mrs P. Ruthig visited, with 2 Mee G. Erb, of Wellesley. on Tu: esd: heey Carl and Mervine Smith » Of t these statements] Berlin, visiting their aunt Mrs. H. perf ble of the pais Ze upon them by the pursuer, but if the|_ Me Dig Rows, whi has been visiting tatements were capable of ‘con- in Haantvon, home a straction fy ek cape proffered which Woodstock, is woul lertake to publish in the Taare pects at her home in of The Free P sree Record. Under oth and ppt sere tion of the whole rights and pleas tte are visiting al they tendered to the pursuer £15 15s,| Kirkland’s. with expenses, in full of all r| Mr. Jacob Schweitzer spent Sunday with Mr. H. }

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