Milverton Sun, 27 Jul 1905, p. 3

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David McGee, a useless and danger- vee Where Woman Outdces Nature wie Farewell (New York Press.) veil, a conpl mile and of ribbons and a Z thi The Milverton Sun | for human beauty. Is the best Local Newspaper in the County erth. It. is the Best Advertising ‘Medium, Rates reasonable. Sul $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50 Pusiisu! Buy it Now. if SES ‘not so paid. —M. MacBers, ER. Now is the time to bu: lang sLallcy Cholera an: G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. Will need it quiekly; may save life. m | lie Drug Co,, Milverton and Atw there is deposited to the THURSDAY, JULY 27, Isabella Gallagher the on of $3,216,- yea Premier Whitney has been hinting strongly that he may, next session, claimed sums pass finally into rescind the bonus of $400,000 and the hands of the government. 1,200,000 acres of land given by the aes ee Siete, gowscamient, of Oltario to: the]. he Weneers Of the Romy: Grand Trunk Pacific Co. for the build- Ang of the 200 miles of railroad west of Port Arthnr, ats ‘The farmers of the Red River Val- Jey have played a neat game on the wheat pit, The reports of rust in the ‘new crop8 were but ‘‘gammon and Spindels,” to bull the market. hes ise Ferrozone; i ach aa su blood vitalizes the nerves and b: instan’ it aids the chocolate coated tab- lets at all dealers. sie PEs es Treacherous Memories. the wheat they could find th margin.. A day or two later dire. re- ‘ports about the rust began to go out 4o the world from their valley. These were followed by the arrival at Minne- apolis of a number of samples of rust- infected wheat, Prices ee The| farmers hurried selling orders to their orologialobervatory tha peace be trokers. About the time the checks | 100 in the shade in Tor their profits began to reach them | S000 SMty, years 0g they looked their wheat fields over, | to isredit and decided that crops were in pretty fair condition after all, (Woodstock Sentinel: egies It will surprise learn from the director ¢ of the Teh for in- Js Mrs. Robert Kyle, of Tagfersoll, on oesday of last week shot and killed ~ ous character with a bad record, who ‘persisted in annoying her by coming into her house unceremoniously and frequently, ‘The morning that he met s his fate he made improper proposals people's. memories to her and then struck her in the face rou and chest. He went away and was ‘returning when Mrs. Kyle drew a re- volyer and fired’ several shots to scare chim, when one took effect and ended his unhallowed life. Mrs. Kyle gave herself up to the police and an ee -was held, the jury bringing in a dict to the effect that the qaesiae ae was accidental, Notwithstanding |jonsly ill as this, Mrs. Kyle was arrested, given a preliminary trial, sent up for trial and refused bail. The treatment accorded her under the circumstances has aroused-a-good deal of indignation; | § and itis felt that if the authorities ~ were paid by salary instead of by fees that there would be less ado about a| forsale by the Public Dros Co. degenerate and criminal. woman | verton and Atw —_ CHOLERA INFANTUM. to Another, but Cured by Chamberlai Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ie work thal iglarCgper Sectietuedt Chamber- Diarrhoea wr sale by thi e. Pat In one of the ane banks edit of Mrs. Its mechanism, “ike delicate mach- and prea new pplying nourishing e|BANK OF MONTREALLIOATMEAL ! el Seg ents pone orto ten eS the last : f : (Sun Life Assurance eavomeany of Canada, toriously fs imrosalling weather eon: Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour Rath, ane eee. daughter oe N- De of nd In! A. §, MacGregor, Potato < Bugs Potaté bugs have no chance for their life when they come in contact with the special grade of Paris Green we handle. We buy it direct from the most reliable manufac- turer in the country. The value of Paris Green is determined by its killing power, and measured by this standard, that which we sell you is worth twice as much as some of that sold —and it costs you no more. Price 25 cents Ib. Ghe Public Drug Co., Limitea - DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS - Milverton and * Atwood EsraBiisHeD IN THE YEAR 1817. President, w 90 Ib. sacks of Oatmeal left Lord Strathcona _ abet: >} which will be cleared out $2 00 Royal, c. t per sacl aes & 1 Paid up Capital - - $140 000,000 {Reserve Fund - - SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Also 300 bags of low grade $10, 000, 00C! Bouratperton -~ - - - - $24 rand Interest paid pair seers half PFEFFER BROS SrratrorD Brancz, E. P. Winslow, Manage! a te Results for = Assurances issted and _p for #3, oi 904.3 24 Increase over 1903 1,734,698.77 December, 17, 851; 760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Assets at 31st. 1904 MADE IN CANADA “| Life A in force Dee. 31st. 1904 85,997,662.85|Low Shoes for Summer Wear. Tnerease over 1903 9.656,473.98] We have a fine range of Low Cut Shoes in Men’s and Lad- ies Chey sthcyery wegiiad Mgr. Western Ontario, London. J. €. Grosch & Son A. MacBeth Stratford, FARM PRODUCE TAKEN =|A. = k Agents for District Saperintendant. White Sewing Machines who will defend her honor at the point of a gun should rather be presented with a gold medal and an illumined address, than be confined behind the ‘bars of a felon’s cell witout an oppor- “The House of Quality.” tunity to get out on bail. Pain About the Hips. a common complaint with women. The right treatment is Ner- We Will viline, which penetrates to the seat Continue “Nerviline . and pall a Our..... er one ee To End Of This Week.... SHIRT SALE. iy fifty years in use, Boks eee, ee every day! Nerviline must be good. ooo of Irish (Fishing Gazette.) end sends me the following de- values for the money. Any person who has not yet seen our stock should do so immediately, as they are great $1 and $1.50 Shirts or 75 cents ri “No? ate are, what fee a | An ang! ne oO F. B. Deacon there, too, ; yer honor: but pies. comes| up lather in the: season zed \ Charles H. Davies UTFITTER TO MEN, ’s old stand, Stratford, Ontario. SOEAHEEHEB AOA Just One | Minute RAR RRR RRAARIR AR | HARA The Barton-Parker Wholesale and Manufac- turing Jewelers, have appointed me their agent in Milver- ton to sell their renowned jewelery consisting of Collar Buttons Scarf Pins, Stud and Dress Pin Setts, Sleeve Buttons, Em- blem Pins, Lace Pins, Waist Setts,Charmes and Lockets, Brace- lets, Ribbon Pins, Solid Gold Rings, Filled Rings, Baby Rings, Gents’ Chains, Fobs, Ladies’ Chains and Novelties, REMEMBER ! This is no cheap jewelery, but every piece is guaran- teed for five years. Anything bought from us that does not give entire satifaction, we will gladly refund the money. In order to introduce this jewelery, the Barton-Parker peopleare going to give away a 14kt Ladies’ Gold Watch worth $20.00, Waltham movement, 20 year case, How to get the Watch We give you a coupon with each purchase, if you buy 25 cents worth, you get a coupon for 25 cents, andso on - ~24 Thursday Evening, September 28th. (First day of Milverton Fair) The person having the most EOE will be éntitled to the Ladies’ Gold Watch. We are going to make August and September lively-in our’store department, and in order to give all our friends a chancé, we will give to the person buying the most goods Cash or Produce at our store by Thursday Evening September 28th | We will give the choice of Ladies’ or Gents Chain vale” ued at $10.00, 2nd HIGHEST 1 Chamber Sett, oval basin, valued at $4.75. 2nd HIGHEST 1 sett Ladies’ Shirt Waist Pins, valued at $2.00. ASK FOR COUPONS ‘Contest Starts Saturday e Morning Heintz Sweet Pickles 30c Imperial Quart. GOLD MEDAL TABLE SYRUP in 2, 5, 10 and 20 th. tins. ROR ROR RRR Ee ce cetata W. K. LOTH, SOLE. AGENT err erion. SEE EEE HE ARE He ie FRI ANIA AEE ag jhebhnbnnnHnnhbbe ee It will pay you to buy ++ -YOUT... FRUIT .J ARS.. HERE We pay spot cash and allow you the discount BUTTER 16 CENTS ¢ EGCS 16 CENTS ROSE & DUMART : Now is the time to get your SUGAR Je ABE baad Na tad ahalbohasiulaata THAARERATAEAERARERRAA BERRA TEAS REEREERRERIRATRAEAER ERE E The Milverton Sun Africa have practically refused _to ac- THURSDAY, JULY 27, 195 cept any other coin than that Aang the profile of King Edward engravé ved GENERAL NEWS Houehk in In the city o! ry, the population during tl year has drop 5 er able to it. years ago. 1,500. yak oi petal peo in operation, there are no" ‘he enlarg: regarded by the townspeople as an un- municipal ownership. Nissouri family reunion recently a’ a young man determined to tak for the occasion. ering forest wi them.” BEEER “. «, KEEP COOL !.:." Why suffer from the extreme heat by wearing heavy clothes, when you can get an up-to-date Summer Suit which will make you feel cool and comfortable. OUR PRICES FOR THESE SUITS ARE THE LOWEST 12,00 SUIT FOR $9.00 — $14.00 SUIT FOR $12.00 « $16.00‘ “ $14.00 — $18.00“ * $16.00 These Suits will be made up in the very latest style, FIT - AND - WORKMANSHIP - GUARANTEED Smith & Finkheiner, Milverton’s ~ Leading ~ Tailors. . track at Macd They have just returned from St. ase Detroit ten days years of age. his infancy, ae for the past year has right atm was also quale ed. has returned from St. _ While at the shrine he thre from his disease, They will remai: for a few ee Cement Company has may be séen at the arrived. an JULY - AND - AUGUST RE USUALLY quiet months in ‘the Furniture Business, and to keep things moving and avoid that condition of things, we have selected a number of Hot Weather Bargains in all lines. If you are likely to need anything in Furniture in the near future, why not take adyantage of this _chance to save money. R. WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store Bey me Post Office, day. A number of cement. factories are only using 60 and 70 feet rotaries, but they find it a mistake, are substituting the 100-feet rotaries pensive in the long run, This ma- chine will soon be Bcd in position, and we may then expect to see other machinery rapidly installed. Those people who are-dubious of the success f the company had Tr cease grumbling, pay up their stock an concern is here to stay and it is here to be used to the best advantage. FHI LD tm TELE It Heals ee Lungs. ‘When the antiseptic eos, of * tarrhozone” is inhaled it “preads through the breathing orga, carr: ing healing and health to the sore spots. An irritable throat “Catarrh- in five re ‘0 colds and coughs, to avoid cee eps greed Cai ae physicians in alone, and use Dy: the nie of ‘Bi nations. : CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Balfour Government was de- pianbeellhgrobelny Pie wenotelial cr This condition of affairs is mistakeable proof of “the advantages of himself a wife he borrowed this shirt the natives aed from it in fear that it would take a notion to run over so Of the operations at. the Goderich end of the road-the Signal has the fol- ing built from Squaw |age, al Habe) so-it Sake as if in the near ill “be fae ap the. th sa hy Edward, are ute with her sister, ded wes McHugh. M Anne de Besnre ane ence they ac-| ford, spent Sunday at the hor r Van mh ntworP" Ss pile The foe fellow. who is but fe had hip disease from used two crutches and a brace. His |g eM. . Fre Atte de Beaupee e | a number having finished last’ week. yet, but will soon have fully recovered —Guelph are sonata The large 100-foot rotary for the | of her friend, Miss Mae Flemi a| Mr. John Rei company’s yard. tapers down to about six feet | Houston's horse became unman: rotary is capable |able and ran away, demolishing the of turning out 200 barrels cement a|™ k and prove to be less oes e ing at Mr, A. ie aickly neared é, be free from | i¢ with friend: vy. oe guests of Mrs, Haij ie en Ga (te 2 Nor Mornington iat ‘The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- schi to in- chusetts, the seat of the cotton indust- decided to eat the land themselves ast} and sell it at a higher fate than that and there is a] at which it is at present held. New great scarcity of skilled labor in the | by using pliances can do it much cheaper. i d is the land of twins and th overed that Owen| Sound's electric sight Bint, owned by ‘here is yet another interesting fact The Embro Courier, in telling of a] about Scotland. It is the land of Sak re s tween the ages of 90 and 11 Wellesley township council is pay- 5 ing alarge amount this year in the m of wire fence bonus. It is mon- ey wel spent. Butthe council should go o farther and pass ‘Wellesley Maple. Leaf. ‘t-| Good for Stomach Trouble and stipation. “Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver fects leasant, and I ean recommend hens: o all’ who ‘suffer from stomach dis- Co., Milverton an Atw PEFFERS. r. and Mrs. J. Holmes, of Strat- olmes. Mr. Hol: Of late quite 2 number of natives of C.R. Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers \< MID-SUMMER <¢ Furniture Sale SSSSSss Perhaps you are not planning to buy Furniture this month. But this movement suggests large economies for those who revise their plans. A saving of dollars is well worth ‘taking advantage of, afew weeks or even a few months earlier than you ex- pected.2. = All of these reductions are on goods of the highest character and there is splendid variety to select from. C. R. Honderich & Son GOODS DELIVERED FREE forder: For sale by the Public Drag drink s vestigation will be held. A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their pro- . minence, hase long been look- upon p a8 loosing all others. t last year The Mutual Life city of Tore care and Xr - Whalley spent Sunday = Selppel re friends in Wallacevilte last The haying is we re anced, quit FERNBANK. ir, and Mrs. Kantell, of Toronto, g old acquaintances here, Ales Ferguson. of Galt. is the guest pleased to have Mise Lillie ford Hospital, Pont Guatay wahoo see lay. e raking hay Master Roy x, Roy was none of Canada ont distanced them “all in two very eee respects : (a) It paid a Larger Amount in Profits oi its palybolders than any ‘one of them, “/§ DO YoU KNOW ? After fourteen years as chief any ot Oi Ou ee a Spee (b) Tt eer its Pass s by pice ay ine $10,000 more than the combined in- -@ | 2rease of the four companies : Spotton Business Col- The Mutual Lite. of C lege, Listowel ‘We can guarantee‘all our worthy graduate Stenographers lucra- tive positions. Write or call. Opens September 4th, 1905 GEO. SPROTION, Phone 79 cipal Canada: owns tain securities, ing the past year. W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent )D. STEWART, Stratfordg Gen. Agt. which oceurred dar- oe ni visited with Mr and Mis. H.B. sere we CROSSHILL. Miss Dunbar has returned to her home in Goderich after spending a week with Miss Peteb. The Misse ses Manser, of vie) are visiting friends around the villag: Miss Dell Badley, of Glenallen, 5 the last two weeks with her cousin, ) Ries Vera Frame. indlss J: Knight of Gasp, is hoiday- eo fees Mrs. J. Webster spnt Sanday tes ow. Leighton is on = eStaitica visit with friends in Napani Mrs. Sam, Petch, of Berlin, visiced friends here last w es Jennie cep is visiting in ss J, Petch h is holidaying with rela- tives Lister Mrs, and Mrs. Lorison, of = towel, dat Me, Hooly’s last w. Mrs. Colesana has returned from a vis- The Misses Roschman, of Berlin, were ee ‘Doering last bie: anged pulpits wit 25 Per Cent.Discount From List Price Stratford Buggies, Frost & Wood THOMAS 3 BURNETT CHEAP CREAM _ SEPARATORS The Tubular Do You Want to purchase A Watch ? ‘Ifyou do, you should | not fail to see my line of watches in ELGIN WALTHAM DUEBER- HAMPDEN <_Movements. 4 Is the Best and Simplest, Eas- ily Washed, Low Down Supply Can, Self- Oiling Device. peer Machinery also andled Call and Inspect My Stock .

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