Dive A Your E Farm for sale and get youl SALE Bilis “. Printed at the . . a Office. “It Shines For All.” Vol. XIV—No. 29 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE Sovereign Bank of Canada. Head Office, - Toronto A General Banking Business transacted Drafts bought and sold on all parts of 5 the world. Farmers’ Notes Discounted moma losned to farmers on reasonable Special attention given oe nis collec’ion of m gee fan Department} pounded Quarterly bape at aS Dollar and upwards iyed, with current rate of interest added to principal four bi J. RANNEY, [anager Sor bei se Monkton, and Lin- Branches. R, R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate ‘Dental Surgery snd Member ay Regula sign of ‘vecth, Crown work a Specialty. fours 9a, m. to 5 Pp. Office above Finkbeiner Bros. iardware tore, Milverton ‘Medicnt cal Modal ‘atiai sity Ml rua san ver dia, cal College, also pace ‘to os Trinity iversi ” pat a Srinity oie tive int Post Office block. Telephone t. Seton with Poole, ‘Brunner, Moserville and Rostock. Legal. MY PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Ete. oftce open every Thursday; Wm. Burton's Blook, Milverton. Veterinary BR, VETERINARY SUR- aduate of On- betes yr. Parker an Efs0e por Doe ost Office, Milverton, Oat? ice, opposite Livery MBERT, succesor to I: We Rat's Sy about, th e doors east of class horses ai bat Baggage Gemesa driving @ specialty. Societies ). F., No. 99, Milverton, meets iad ‘ond last Tuesday of every monthy a euker % ting brethren al- T. Sanderson, C. Ra; ae Peeearding Seine ary. “Silver Star Lod; Milverton, meets every Fi night at :é m. in their hall, ec ne begs tes Giriving see ee ohn LOCAL NEWS. Red Rose | eS beats all others. Sold }-z. at H. Mohr’ Mrs. Pred present visiting Mrs. John McCloy. Miss Vera Hoffman, of ear pel is at ee visiting friends in village. Mel Cloy, of Toronto, is at Miss Re tta Coote, of Toronto, spent a couple of days with Mrs, M. Loth Mr, Robert Goodale, of Vaughn, is at present visiting his brother, Mr. John Goodale. Look out for a fast game of base- ball on Friday, August 4th—Sebring- ville vs. Milverton. The Misses Ida and Fanny Ross, of ‘ipley, are at present visiting at the residence of Mr, D. Mrs. Louise B. MacMahon, of Am- herstburg, is spending a week at her arental home in Milverton. Messr: Cox, sr. Cox, of Palmerston, with Mr. and Mrs. 8, L Mrs. M. iets a mort, is the nest of of the Grand Central hotel, os a eel or two. Miss Addie Baehner, of Ches! and Miss Caroline Merklinger lett ee oak to visit friends at Elkton, Mich- igan. Miss Bessie Torrance and sr pk car Grimm, of Listowel, 3] days last week at the residence ot i M and Robert pcs Sunday M mes Trow, of Stratford, ac- companied by two of her daughters, ig at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Pugh. We regret to hear that Dr. Leder man, who is m with appendicitis, is not ssing as satisfactorily as his friends would wish, Mr, Adam Wagner, of Denver, ale it who spent a few weeks her visiting his mother, Mr. John Engel, left for home on Friday last. vens, Londen, Surgeon, Ocu- ‘its glasses properly, a. visit, ‘at fotel. aay, September Ist. Mr. ana Mrs. A. Kuhry, of Water- loo, spent a few days with friends in Milverton last week. We Palys that it is the intention of Mr. betigs Kuhry to again locate in Milver- Be Saturday, August 5th., Mr. W. D. Weir will sell for Mr. E. Knechtel his brick dwelling and tailor shop on Main street, eohenat furniture and effects. ters for particulars— an excellent aise fo get practically new furniture cheap. Mr. Lewis Boyle left at the Sun of- one can beat that grain we would like to Mr. John Bucke, see it, of Ellice, had a out sui a few bruises. aged to a considerable extent, but can likely be repaire eS e8- caped wonderfully well, considering that they broke rota a barbed wire fence in their m: On spay of last week as Mr. John Alexander, runner, was driving his bull into the stable, the animal turned on him knocking him Soyer times and attempted to gore him. Alexander fought heroically ed his life, an le his way out of the stable into the passage ‘Westman, N. Business cards W. D. WEIR, A ties of Porth pes over Srnolls tore, Main street, Milv _ Hotels EXCHANGE Bete ie Kee fags ish tion and large ing. jon and large steDTing, __ side HOTEL, Milverton. ee soon es odation for cot Three large sample pee brands of of fed Bronner, Ont liquors and mmoda- teavelers ea 0 others ey HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. eo for commercial ia bees vo large sample rooms ve os iquors av Only He inet Good warm stables and one pele. sep. Paaliy Prop) eh the aperature in front ruised; he suf- calf of his and will in 8 probes, be able to take up his farm duti in the course of a few days, gare ie ‘a close call. The Public Drug Co., ae abveen have puppscer Spd rug sto! siacPavlate left here Be: esday morning to take charge of the store. He took with him Mr. Adam Bruce, of Sarnia, who wil! act as clerk tor a time. ruce will then return ‘Atwood and remain in the dru ug here till joie Sept. 15th., fb he wil nsferred to Milve to e | BO store | tl If you see it in the Sun it’s so. Pickling vinegar 40c. per gallon, at H. Mobr’s, Sterilized cream oa bes aie 20c. per package at H. Moh bringville Rae team is an old time rival, so turn out and cheer the © | boys. ‘iss Maggie Wonnacott of Owossa, Mich., is visiting at Mr. John Roe’s, Elma. ‘ x eos soos lots for sale, Livery horses for sale. H. Prost. All pickling spices guaranteed the best at H. Mohr’s, Miss I ight Lise ee at pres- ent br et |. Witt’ A number of acne ins took in the refaee at Stratford on Wednesday. Leave your orders for ory they will be in in a few days. J. R. Yost Ds Apply to T. Apply to Miss Ethel Smith has returned home | & So: oe spending a couple of weeks in wood. metic ‘Wm. Spencer and M. Loth took in vn Herald's Detroit excursion last week Mr. Astioy Gohl, of St. Thomas, is at pee Saeed his sister, Mrs. P. H. Basti Mrs. a a 4 Gadshill, and Mrs. Verner, of Berlin, spent Tuesday with Mrs. John H. Schmidt. Misses Elma and Una Simpson, of Atwood, are the guests tale see friend, Miss Edith Smith, Willia: There is more joy ann our neighbors over one sin found out than over ninety and nine sins forsaken. Mr. and Mrs. Fred isi of haat lin, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Beese, ae th, spent rine at the ery Mend Henry Miller. Se L. Grits, resideni engi- jae vot th eo C.P.R. at Milv Madani has brought hia iteaed family fro awa, ea ne taken up ume on William ofa grates Referee Rankin has giv decision in favor of Eine aaa Mornington has to pay all the costs asa result of their appeal not being successful, Sug Margaret earned ae oe ding a few n_-with her friend, Miss Lilian mith. mleapeeeenn te st save you yone who Chavabertet’s emed: sale by the ee Drug Co., Milver- eat and Atw i apecis) ie car sent oy by the ario department of fisheries is now going through the country distribut- were also left at Mitchell. A man answering the description of Thos. Strachan, of Brussels, who wa advertised for by his relatives, passed through Milverton on Thor -atford and taken home by his Cites ge -Reeve John J. Strach- an, of Grey, on Thursday. John Grant, an inmate of the 25 quite stoop-shouldere: m some seven years at Refuge, and had previously hved in various pa: portion of Perth County.—Stratford Herald. A new regulation has been. issued 'Y |known in Baseball match on Friday, August 4th., at 5.30, Sebringville ys. Mil- verton. Mr. George Westman, of Stratford, is spending a week at his home in Mornington. It is the general expectation that the British House of Commons will dissolve this fall. Miss Eva Bastendorff, of Detroit, is at present visiting at the residence of Mr, P. H. Bastendorff. Miss Hazel Magwood, of Hanover, spent a few days last week with her grandmother, Mrs, John Schutz, The See Lacrosse team lavas on th for rape to play th city. All ex- penses will be pai: The set < Milverton should make requisi! the reeve at an early date Be coe holiday that it may be peepee advertised. Mr. Samuel Linder has purchased the house on the south side ro King street from Mr. Ji He ean his family up from ‘Bima on ‘Sick Pasdist results from a disoy- dered condition of the stomach, and is quickly cured by Chamberlain’s Stom- ach and Liver Tablets. For sale the Public Drug Co., Milyerton and At the thread malls by-law guaranteeing the ¢ Dominion Thread ay Tite, for $30,000, by over +100 ‘ity, mae ae standing i 143 ca ae 39 ay Little Buck, te nee horse well Milverton, has bart proved his mettle at Titusville, ning out in a field of 21 ars and 11 starters, after the first sou heats had been taken by other hor: The members of the alee Aid of the Evangelical Church gathered at ne home of Mrs. E, Knechtel on Tuesday evening, and spent the eve- pink in social amusement he occas- m being to express regret at the de- ae re of oes Knechtel family for ‘Ss Bes next w rx. Robert ike had a large barn soba on Hy boas on Tuesday after- noon. up a. structure 55x75 feet, i {ia the ee of his old barn ing to ead to the height proved diffeult to aise—in fact it was not aa un- til Wednesday evening. The only grettable feature i {a gorineetion Witke the raising was injuries sustained Mr. Hunter, a uring tw. when com- pleted, w: sat in the section. t-|accompanied by his wife, or by a e pract ulged in the performers will be liable to instant dismissal. The ord the statement m: statement rural postmasters in various districts haye eet loing up” the Government. ‘ity. post- master is paid a stated pale under iscaleulated largely upon his stamp | ale. Ifthe rural r hap- pens, as is aioe: invariably the case, of Atwood! to have le line, he would find = profit- able to eiarts r his stock witl actual post office work, represented by stamps, woul: at some other office. As the rural postmaster take Sie of the Conair: srs centre, =| hare, while Mr. S. Petri macy course. The Public Drug &e. now own three stores and seem to be succeeding in business. We wish them continued prosperity. ie takes his | i i a tent. There has been a bt of this abuse, butin future it means heads in the basket. n|nicely done up in scented struck town k, and Jost_n time in getting to Say of the town with soap, that would re moye ink or other stains, wel offered for'uale in iitele sticks, aper. They did a thriving business for a day or two, but were then interviewed by constable Russel, who had the man brought before the magistrate. charge of peddling arithont'e: Veense! ed $20 and costs. The tin punch, tl this one bar. 8 little sticks, to fered for sale bought three little packages from the fellow, and at three times the price that Mr. Rothwell had charged him for the whole bar.—Walkerton Tele- 6 On Thursday last Stratford carried |°°™ rt | of thirteen a above the ground, fract- a Ue one of the ‘most up-to-| 8°! on aly of 5 ioe dinner, he foand that his wife had i<* BASEBALL ae Maverton Saetall team on Friday afternoon journe: eerie Mend and played a six innings with the team of that | place, out the conquerors by a sco! One of the best baseball matches of e season was played between At- wi and Milverton on Exhibition Park on Tuesday evening, the local team scoring another vict by a score of 14:8. @ visitors an excellent popes which was not well supported. itcher Honderich of the locals put up game, but received ef fair oupport ne having struck out five innings. Walt, Damart again did nn good. work at bat, scoring four hits ee three runs. h will be played at Atwood on Monday next, when ‘' Fat Pat” will likely have a gen muna to 8] eosred - looking .about he ‘* Bee” office before the game be- Following the line-up. Atwood—McKay c., N. Huck p., E. Huck 1b., H. Huck 2b., Steinbach 3b., Richmond s.s., Taylor r.f., MeLeod c.f , Mielhausen L.f. Milverton—Spencer c.,Honderich p., W. Grosch 1b., Bundscho 2b., Du- mart 3b., Barth’s.s., Rotharmael r. £., Finkbeiner e,f., 8. Grosch 1.f. ee lest ASST SEER Miss Hall, of Berlin, is visiting at Rey. N. D. McKinnon’s. Mr. Chas. Spencer left on Monday to visit his sister at Port Hope. Miss Tillie Schmidt is spending a week or two with friends at Gadshill. rare offer—the Milverton Sun from now until Jan. 1906, ts. Miss May Smith left on Tuesday to spend few weeks with her sister ut russels, . James pak of Stratford, is spending a few days 1 his week with Mrs. Chas. Spenc Mrs. ene Cc. B, Prof spent a few day se friends f in Berlin. Cae pe . Bastendortt left on Tues- da: ey i spenda few ore visiting at SE Winnie eae of Port Elgin, a oe is at present visiting her uncle, Mr John Munro, of Mornington, Mrs. McKinnon sr. left for Detroit on Monday morning to see her sister, vee Goodhand, who is very low. . and Mrs, H. M. Sel ee leave ane (Thursday) to spend a couple of weeks Ae feats a Welland and Niagara Miss Gertie erat has taken a situ- ation as milliner in Ayton for the soe . . | Season ni @ will leave to atten - openings at Ea ‘onto in the course We a lew wi conte Paid Up UjRest = «= The Canadian Bank of Commerce $8,700,000 $3,500,000 HON. GEO. X, President B. E. WALKER, General Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted andauia’ Diata oa ell polsthiseacte te Farmers’ Notes Discounted ecial attention melee to the collection of farmer sae notes. Special ention is nee a = the fot- lowing mavaneneee offered by Savings Bank Daiariont Deposits of One Dollar and upwards re~ ceived and interest allowed at at WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. for 25 of A trial trip of the Sun to New ss for 25 cents. Subscribe now. glad tonote that Mr. H. M. Peekater who has been confined to his room for the past few days, is again able to be about. pean 1 Sea A Comical Grant. (Goldwin Smith.) re eccentric measure surely dance bai and Mrs. L.|¥ 3 last. week a6 hai thing Teeien abo' catarrah and ie bes ing. sa eres aes Milverton Public School, Some time ago we published t the Fee Bort of shore we Who were recent promotion examinations of the Milverton Public School. In the to Jr. IV. cl C.P.R, station at Milver-| wit iy ton will Niplads a 300 e TOOID, e agent. ions will be Lotte the same lines, but on a smaller le. The plans for the new stations t Aman who gave his nameas White | and woman purporting to be his wit, 000, sion here was to supply the people v sum, and will be of a similar charact ter, Lave! reHoRnans Willie ar Bn Half-Sick People. The bidet) full of them, Just and e cnuiltou'e Pills te-day, 20, per in-| box at fall dealers in medicine, 8. ‘enders are to be called for at once. oi Vl Ss TT RD Obituary. nee of the death of Mr. The intelli, day afternoon, and th of the most largely attended seen here in 80) PRT Mi CRE SAS, A Warning tc to Mothers, Too much eare cannot be used with sina children during the hot weath- f the summ onths t fantu: r s Drug Co., Milverton and At- Public wood.