Milverton Sun, 17 Aug 1905, p. 1

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ADVERTISE Your parm for onl and get you! SALE BILLS oe Printed at the . . Sun Office. “It Shines For All.” 4 Vol. XIV—No. 31 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Ed THE Sovereign Bank of Canada, Head Office, - Toronto A General Banking Business transacted Drafts bought and-sold on all ‘parts of the world. Farmers’ Notes Discounted money loaned to farmers on reasonable terms. Special attention given to the collection of Far- mers’ Sale Notes. Savings Bank Department), Interest Compounded Quarterly. ~ Deposits ot One Dollar and upwards - received, with current rate of interest allowed and added to principal four times a year. R. J. RANNEY, [anager pele Milverton, Monkton, and Lin- wood Branches. Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate of Dental r Me i ollege of Dental Surgeons tario, Honor gtaduate. of ‘Toronto University. Regulation of. teeth, Crown and Bridge work a Specialty. Hours 9a. m, to 5 p.m. fice — Pinkbeiner Bros. hardware Telephone connection with Poole, urunner, aoserville and Rostock, Legal, . M, PANTON, Batristor, Solicitor, Etc. iihie pen avery ‘Thursday, Wm, Burton's Block, Mllve Veterinary DN, | ilyerton, ary Cals : ces ise ee eae eerie + ae “Office J. Hu. Engel’s old ova : J. JOHANNES, VETERINARY soRGEON, Milverton, (Honorary Gradu. ate Ontario Veterinar ‘oronto,) treats all d mal d Dr, Gales bpp Opposite Post Office, Milverton, Ont* very “it J. H. L BERT, ‘suecesror to J. Mill’ Se, , about three doors east of First class horses and Me Bgage transfer, Commercial driving — Give usa cal sectetion —~ » No. 99, poral? fran meets ever) of every month, at their hal ad pore ker & eects tere: Visit rethren Lg LOCAL NEWS, All styles and sizes of watches at P. H. Bastendorff’s, The Milverton Sun from now until Jan. 1907 for one dollar—subscribe now. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Saugel, of Ber- lin, span Sonday with Mr. and Mrs. Henr, aa rata prank shops at Stratford re-opened on after being closed for a ste of four months. Miss Nora Greb and Master Irwin Greb, of Zurich, are spending a coup- Snes ‘weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. G. H. Hasenpflug, of Tees. water, and Miss Edith Seagess of Leamington, spent a few days at C. Hasenpflug’s last weel Rey. 0. een of Dealioto, has ac- 2 the i up asd Y brachii the first waki in Septem- MN A, Smith, accompanied by is sister, Miss Lilian Smith, and iss Margaret Hiscox, of Toronto, spent Sunday wii friends in Mill- bank and Linw The South nee tices Commis- sioners have granted a license to Mr. gner, V.S., for the hotel in Shakes- peare kept by Henry Otto, whose li- cense was cancelled by To Barron. Mr. Henry Prost is offering his liv- ter The business is a first-class one, Good reason for selling. Pos-|is -| session given at any time. Apply to Henry Prost, box 4, Milverton, A London physician suggested to his colleagues the other day that the success of many of the secret remedies in- ‘ind, to which the ns edi- profession pays too little attention. The farmers residing in southern Hae of Mornington and the northern cessful in Fe & seale in close proximity to the pens. f Eramosa, had himself was badly Ah age and ify yet suffering from the fects of the shock. A short time ago a burial took pla at sea from one of his + majesty’s ral ers, As there were no leads w! xt morning the chap- lain sent for Pat and asked for an ex- planation of his laughter at such very solemn time. plied Pat, *‘ Oi’ye heer many a wan take ‘is coal with un afore,”— mdon Tatler, ‘he Mornington Agricultural So- we think will be in the interests of the patrons of the fai ‘any fair as- ery and dray business for sale on easy | i :] might. wan goin’ below, but Oi’'ve niver seen | n, ways welcome. pre iwests $. H. Pagh, Recording Secretary. 0. 0. F., “Silver Star F& : on,” Milverton | o mecta’ e y_ might at ¢ office building. 7:30 Pp. see Westman, = snot t ‘aterloo, Conveyance Deed: il Mortgages drawn and isis i Village Sherk Ofice, ‘over Grosch's Shoe Store, Main street, Milverton. Hotels XCHANGE HOTEL, Bronner, Ont, John Gropp, P Poprietor. Best liquors and First-c cs e bar. ated ee stabling. a GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. fe ercial accommodation for comm liquors and cigat i MeN SHIN atreots, Clas, Proprietor. ot adn tiga trend eee alice QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The + accommodation for mmercial trav- cort Ritter, 5, higuors and tables and features of their fair rr as the chief attraction, but the Mornington Agri- cultural Society has e condact their exhibition in the best gricultural class, and to make it what is was originally in- tended to be—an = friendly rivalry in the att iti what knowledge and skill can role in the farming and associated indust- ries—and we think that the success to which the fair has attained amply justifies this course. is end is again ere kept in view this year, and it is worth observing that in a waisher of lines the prizes offered are considerably increased over those of- fered in former years. But the direc- rs, no matter how ee or puicsows they may make e affair a success without the hearty SC Aeultarat Association. fee a Peay ess, such as it has in 0 small amount ori fndeligent effort, and this the direc- will have a fall fair of which we may plenty of shed room. ceo. F. Pauli, prop. all teel justly prou If you see it in the Sun it’s so. Latest styles in shirt-waist sets at 7: a Baste! nar ffs. arn tailoring.— oe as aah Kelterborn, Milverton. Miss Phoebe Griffin, of the Toronto ews Co., Toronto, is at present spending a week at her home in Mil- yerton. Mrs. James Roe and family and Miss Potter, of Toronto, are s a few weeks with friends around Milverto: s. (Dr. Paes accompanied by Miss Margaret, left on Thursday last for Muskoka, where they will spend a couple of weeks at the summer re- ts. pe in an Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist in diseases of the Eye, e Nose. ‘its glasses properly. ice, Queen’s xt visit, poe September Ist. Cards are out announcing the mar- riage of Dr. George Pugh, of Chicago, to Miss Nellie Brgedis Ball, daughter of Mr. ngene A: Ball, Stratford, poueks place on Tuesday, August Mr. ae soars sold to Mr. Coutts reed week two _ oice Lysae -year-old rs for $52 per r the same aay of cattle ae year Mr. dol ro received $65 per head, thus showing the drop in the price of cattle, Township councils should rigidly x enforce the law requiring traction en- gines to travel across bridges jpec- ial planks whic! ae must carry for s to roel by corrugated epetisn ee hene Pong Joel, the proprietor of me shies nie street Chinese restaurant, Stratford, was again cruelly assaulted by a negro in Stratford As this is the third time that has been assaulted, the offender will Ai be severely dealt with, as Mis: an West, and her friend, Weir on Tuesday of last. week. ‘West is the only daughter of oe! late lex. W, West, who taught school ae was the clerk of this corporation in 1882. The many frien West were pleased to meet his qual ter. t-| , Monday being Civic tie Ebi double-header was arranged be- tween the Milyerton baseball ie and the Stratford game was played in the morning and another in the afternoon. In the morning the Senates put it all over Milverton, the score being 23:5, In the a on the locals braced up, an al pearances really had the better of the game, althoug! Score was ad- verse in the dailies & of 11:12, ‘armers who are troubled with rats should try te following. One who has tried says—‘‘On a large number of old s bingiee't I put half a teaspoon- ful of molasses each and on that with | by Mr. Car: fe drove up and down my pocket knife a. small| the road ii ee 7 in using a amount of concentrated lye. I. then | heavy whip tried to keep them back. wo ster bic received painful cuts. e pests it er known it to fail, This week the Sun will reach the hands of its readers in enlarged form, making second incre: to give our advertising patrons the a accomoda- liberal patronage an: kindly appreciation of our subscribers and advertising patrons. It is our aim to try and make the Sun the most up-to-date news purveyer in this dis- ith that e: endeayor to secure competent corres- pondents in ge yk ppc. Elma and Wellesley. Of c increase in e ise of conducting | have much time for holidaying, but it, but we do not mind a i long as for all that he has an opportunity of it is appreciated by its numerous serving the habits and customs of ers. We hope that the ¢ outlay in time| the people of the different nations will bring us returns in the way of an| with which he business, In creased circulation. As an induce-| England he says that there is ich ment in that respect we will forward | more fraternity ong business men the Sun iy address in British! ind North America 2 A ath United States i from now unti! . 1907 for one dol- lar. Subscribe is or it or if you are gee Ms sents send it to an ab- nding | not r| age of Toa competition, nd in view will | occu; bie} ing his attention at hom If wanting anything in the broach line try P. H. Bastendorff, ir, John Fleischhauer, of Wate Na: phir Sonday, at the home of Mr G, F, Gro: Mrs. ee Bell, of Hanoyer, is spending a few weeks with friends in and around Milverton, Write the Secretary fora prize list of the Mornington Fair if you have already procure: A two-year-old child of Henry Baumbach, of Rostock, was badly bit- ten in the face by a dog on Sunday, Mr. aes McCourt, of Elma, lost a valual through having her Jee broken, while running in the Tost On Sunday evening. August 13th., on the boundary of Elma and Mornington or Sth line Mocuington: a boy’s coat. Finder will please lave it at the Sun office, Profane and <age souvenir postal cards are becom ities at Washington have taken’ steps | ach to prevent their transmission through Mrs. James McCloy has disposed of her fifty-acre farm to Mr. Isaac West- man, foi m of $3, McCloy, we believe, will in future re- side in the village with her. parents, ir. and Mrs. Wm. Atkin, A little forethought may save you en trouble, Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain’s ‘olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at ne ore this to bea fact. For sale ‘ublic Drug Co., Milver- ton ot ie vood. ing to the new steam publishers. can hold on fraud anyone who takes a paper from the post office and refuses and th e. paper eae tare himself Table’ to arrest and fine. The Sebringville baseball team ae ed Milverton on Exhibition Park Friday evening, inflicting on the case team the ae a of the sea- Call and see our Bee Races of diamond rings. endorff. Mr. IR a San Pa. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gece Archibald Little, of enelph, died at St. Sophy hospital, Guelph, on Saturday last. Mrs. G. F, Grosch aa daughter have returned home after 5} pending @ few weeks with friends in in Berlin, Germany is able to feed about nine- tenths of her nearly 60,000,000 inhab- itants on the products of her own soil. Rey. Mrs. Morlock left on Wednes- day morning for Sebwaing, Mich. spend a few weeks with her sistor-in- law, who is seriously i —On Friday, vee 1ith., on ae ‘boundary between oe Sth and 10th concessions of . & black ee ees will please Teave it at e SuN of Sick Raa results from a disor- dered condition of the stomach, and is quickly, cured by Chamberlain’s Stom- ch and Liver Tablets. For sale by the Public Drug Co., Milyerton and Atwood Mrs. Thomas Laren, of Bays- ville, Muskoka, who has been visiting fonda re pean ETE and Strat- ferd, returned to Milverton on Mon- aay, w ine ane is at present visiting her neice, Mrs. John Dobson. The rain of Monday night and Tues- day morning accompanied as it was by a high wind, has Lai great nae oc sl the s tanding cro) (ost the oat fields in this ails Fave a fa baiterod flat. The loss will be considerable. 1d, Gordon has purchased the resi- dence of Hon. Thos Ballantyne, Strat- ford, and with it eleven acres of land. It is understood that ze Me offering a portion of the land to minion Mills Company a * site for the thread factory. Now that the heliday season is over we would like to again hear regularly rom our correspondents in everypart of the Sun’s constitu a 7 ‘son by @ score of 5: le game was a good exhibition ot haat both The eben putting up a Son article. ig of the local om ae in some degree accounts for the small For some time past a feud has ex- isted between Richard Card, of Guelph ‘Township, and th first man that al put a spade tohis land, ‘The other aay the real trouble began. made an attempt to commence operations on the property and ee. were prevented 3 brought into the city sand wilh liksly ba held. to’ sceonint tor his actions,—Guelph Herald. Mr. Dunean Ferguson, one of Strat- ford’s most prominent merchants, has just returned from England and the continent, where he has been for the don, Paris and Berlin is an annual affair with Mr. Ferguson, and is just as much a part of his business as the fit- ting up = equipping of his sale- nds it necessary in this if he would keep abreast of the times, to visit the res of production where there is a variety affording opportun- ity for selection. Mr. Ferguson thus has an Sppprtat nity to choose ex: aotly what suits the tastes of his customers, ables him to sell his goods at a pro- porlicttey pene rate, As the time pie ind coming is considerable it can be readily unders' man with the large inert ot Mr. Ferguson await- li not a. ima eased i th 1 nec oloaned: soles ike regularly, If you are in need of stationery let us know. Listowel esa es Sin wW.d lerson, son of Mr. town een on the public school teaching staff at St, pointed principal of one of the pti 8 schools at a salary of | Wé lerson’s friends here of his advance and wish him every. success, Mr, Ezra Knechtel and family de- | parted last week for Berlin where they will take up residence in future, at least for a time. le departate of the Knechtel family is regarded a: patronage in the merchant-tailoring business, It is to be hoped that suc- cess will not only greet him with a smile, but walk up and shake hands with him. Mr, Alexander Roe complains _that while his horse and buggy were stand- ing in the eens’ Saturday last, some one cut one of the ing it in almost ce in two that the Lek oes of the deed may be found out and pu: Gcheee as such vandalism ae be Mr. Roe is an old Gee man, and and there is no eee what dire re- sults might follow were ae start 1 his return journey. home with his har- = ndition, Mr. Pauli, cei pe eters hotel, Rieewes sured is desirous of mn ex- ample of fs offending pany if he is} | discovers Mr. Geo. Pauli, of the Queen’s hotel has recently gone to considerable On oie holiday he celebrated the opening of his new bar, ir. Jas. weed of ae ne. r is elaborately fin- ished, the fei having been arate by the Easson Co., of Stratford, ata ans of about $500 and consists of a quarter-cut oak sideboard with a4 ten by four ft. bevelled glass mirrors. ‘The serving counter has a quarter-cut i cake truck with toy obtitch andaito: co and is fitted up Be Ais nic iey hi ae tanks, brass ts ‘ir pres: sure tt of a huge mountain goat adornes the divide be- sideboard, National cash register is about to m he says are the most hustling Tradenen it Al world, an at the e time the most sociable. A be installed. Mr. Pauli has spared no expense in makin: his bar one of , the most up-to-date in the county, a loss}in | behind them thei Hotel sheds on|* - fet they or piensa but Years “ 26 cents. Subscribe m. Henry returned home on Sunday ern spending a week with Miss Emily Scott near Donegal. now. Mrs. Miller and daughter Miss ae tilda, of Stratford, and Miss Kirkpat- rick, of Brampton, sent a few days with the Rev. J, H. and Mrs, Tb last week. Bold cattle thieves are operating in Kent County. Fifteen head belong- to Mr. William. Cochrane, of OF Ey resville, were driven from his field in broad daylight and taken a distance of fifty miles before he recover em, W. D. Weir has been instruct- commences at two o’clock, An eclipse of the sun, which will -wide attention, will arty have started Hamilton inlet, a the north of Lab- rador, a distance of 1,400 miles from Quebec, and 100 miles inland from the coast. ee the tot be seen, and the Aer ‘will not sd Toterterd with by fogs. leaving early so as to get their fu struments in position and make all necessafy eensreg a before we in- teresting event tot ik ealions at that see will last "9 min- seconds, and all the observa- tions, photographs, etc.. have to be taken in that time. eclipse will be seen as a partial one, commencing at 5,39 a.m,, maximum 6,34 a.m., and 7.34 a.m. Greatest magnitude, .774, or anew three- fourths of the sun’s surface, pete & legislative authorities do not adopt some better method of killing weeds than is now < vogue, the finest Be: trict in Ontarik sr ae ra oan sept tion. mus the var known as Stinkweed, is gaining such rapid head- will soon be a big fight as be boss, th a way that it to who is to farmer. through | ir aris witaaieties that is alarming. ‘Th are more ‘si acl ically grow from the seeds only, they are as prolific as any, the seeds are so rol those disintegrating forces that usually destroy the vital- ity of other plants that they will lie they will burst into new lifeand leave ir millions of children of their fallowing that who will emula' Summer e mustards, a system of fallow- ing that will not permit the weeds oy cncaetliey fae they will patiently abide their tim id those who do not know their TAG ayonitee how it is that after what seems to be the very 7 with all their old tine eae and at least ten times their number, t ts and corporations, if not ‘+ bust” up oe will contra! individuals, mun- icipalities d tures. ‘This sounds like rot, but there are few the sun that of cure.” the old rome ae this Parola ‘ase by well as they r fitted any. It is up to as auth- critien, aGiaeoiiey municipal, ae get after these weeks with a ary zea! ee Are Good Looks Valuable? f nature had ie way every com- plesie a be cle: age ie rove Th fold, aranae cents ae a box ran fifty ited Fer lets— | wi ‘rozone tab! A trial trip of the Sun to New| At Toronto the | C. a, ‘amily of weeds, ener, French weed or | his ley ; Walter Ke S. McComb, Pherson, (to Alfred Ja ied 5 EastEope; Jennie M na Vincent, Mor ster: C. ry th ar ay deli, is ya be ocolate-coat Bont put off—get Ferrozone to-day, and sold, eael B. E. WALKER, Gene A General Banking ness Transacted — Municipal and other debentures ‘Drafts on all points ee ceived cad tapers Interest is ai h year, at ti whatever in the w} any portion of the Depadlanene of. Edueatiol 0. ae the va of the f unior ior Teaabert examinations, iting at Stratford are oes LEN is Ne ‘There is little to be tail by ats. erie = Deiat, b, Downie; enry E. oa KMS like nes pI a 2 ie with Pa (AN pro-

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