eare authorized agents the Ostermoor Felt pattress is mattress is guaran- teed by the manufactur- > ers to be better than the EST HAIR, to be entirely n-absorbent, in Milverton. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1905 " GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES A union has been formed in Great}! Britain against Sunday travelling. Each member takes the following pledge :—‘‘ I hereby agree, iis the help of God, to abstain from travel ling on Sata pense under Soe urgent n to discourage all such travelling.” Dr, Perdue, Dominion Veterinary Inspector, is making an investigati EP codaus ouflaeamcoblniae shclews in Essex County. Not less than twenty-five horses have died in Mal- the past ten den sat within day: ‘ilar condition is reported | P: Colchester South and Bostely South townships. The cause is be- lieved to be the fish flies, which die in the horses. for a serious than ever petites now far more Judge Barron has given judgment on the inquiry into the alleged forged petition for a license for Henry Otto, Shakespeare, setting the license aside ers and J. J, Conghlin, Stratford, for Weis, another Shakespeare hotelkeeper, to whom license was. re- fused at the mee when Otto’s license was granted, There is a rather peculiar situation in the leather business in Cana the present time, days prices have d in. the hee ten pected that the tanners here will have] ¢] tomake a new schedule of prices. The present situation has arisen, it is said, from the large purchases of hides and leather for the Jepancse United States markets have affected the tanners on this side, It is pos- sible that the sayates Wi i ae Pa es of boots and shoes an advance prices of tarts in fCaanaa, ‘The branch of the C.P.R. to Strat- would grow to bea great ity, but chad nothought of the eeateak Oipituvity ee ee outing at @ Western Fair THe cimairion tHay MABE faut ‘AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. Governor Simcoe laid e foundation of a one neat dy he knew it rn Fair gives the people of this country svelopes their Sept. 8 - 16, 1905 LONDON ford and Listowel, Linwood villages, desirous that i elbcuiietiyeinstead: of steam. Guelph arp arently fayors steam because it hi a tendency to retard the electric road and so roe electric roa Tt looks at present very doubtful if any bonuses will be obtainable for this road for steam seerits unless pos- sibly in Stratford, where a by-law is repare. eg case the city and O.P.R. come to terms, on the re- x Ferguson from his this week.— Wellesley Mtoe Lea The world knows Martin Luther as a reformer ; c him as.a musician an writes Allan Sutherland in the ust aaa, revis- $12.00 GOING ~ CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LABORERS’ EXCURSIO MANITOBA and ASSINIBOIA $18.00 COMING 9, was COING Stations south of but not including main line Toronto to Sar- oe Gneh 0). Main line Toronto fe) Nscnsig aie seater well Ty unc., From all points To: Lake, Hingston, and north ny Torouto and Cardwell \ North Bay and’ Midland Divisions. g Tov and rorsae ‘on North Bay DATES tations north (except north ion). ‘onto an Sharbot June., on to and sectutg ONBAWAY. Si:COND ae. ess ets Se he fhe trip betore CLASS 1 fad Assiniboia, sengaged a8 PARM LABORER thant 80 days at ha: S$ TO WINNIPEG only will be sold_ wit! Seales Onginal Star C. B. FOSTER 0+P.A., C.P.R4, TORONTO, ONT+ ith eprember 15th, without additional cost, to $ at Winnipeg (provided such Farm ‘ng, and produce, certificate to. that ng Poine at rates shown, or MPPRIAL LIMITED EXPRESS TRAINS as well as Men, but will not be Issued. hymn of the Reformation, arbien is as dear to the German heart as the Fath- erland itself, each being i ida parabty associated with the other. It is said ished as much mation as aid the trans- lation of the Bible. D’Aubigne says that ‘‘it was sung in all the churches of Saxony, and its energetic strains dejected hearts,” It sung SE SLR Sahat and it ‘frst Tine is arved on his tomb. It was first pub- lished about 1527, and has been trans- lated at least eighty times, doubtless e most accurate being the version of ‘Thomas Carlisle. erick Henry Hedge, beginning Mighty Fortress is our God,” is the @ in this country. written: ‘* This hymn is Luther’s pe It is pitched in the very key of the man—rugg d majestic, trustful in God, and an confident, speaking out to the powers a commissioners This is oe fourth year when by a @ the salmon h Columbia is heaviest. which enables the canneries to keep up with The traps are averaging | ™ ged They are ae etic too fast, the output. of the earth and under the eart! vocation an sof quisite tenderness and unalterable strength, and its inspiring Ase: ting of commissioners | 9, advanced quite| ties Governm United Sta otatoes and nearly all kinds of veget- Hides come into Canada duty rie ables are makin; x go he wine and the withdrawal of stocksfrom the|The settlers, generally, are well Wellestoy extension of the Galt-Berlin | * ed | bait, to -| was sure do. But Soe Wilkes, the owner of Sadie that she told a Ken! broached the subject of selling great mare to him, that she would not consider an offer of ! for says the Buffale Express Under hee) Whitney Government e number of licenses in Ontario haye been nada by one hundred dut of a total of 3,000. Thegreatest num- ber of licenses cancelled in any oe ty is in Peel county, where 18 wi cut off out of a total of 36, or 50 oe cent. Shade trees are increasing abund- antly on the western prairies. The Brandon Times eays many Manitoba shade belts in tee proximity to tl homes, y others have spl oa did shade shee ae hedges which were planted but two or three years ago. Mr. Arthur Balfour is the most. striking example, perhaps, who is able to heavy day’ 3 work with as trou an engine as ever came to the hands of expert chauffeurs. Golf has helped the Prime Minister a great deal, music has quite a remarkable ef- fect upon his health. can very preduently dispel He flee ds of phys- a ig to himself the & to order a patient to a mu instrument—a orate ‘pression, in- leed, curing one man at the expense of innumerable Taletoe| Much has a heard of the nate ca t of late, both for Eee that the soil is good, and that the majority of farm crops thrive splendidly. Clover grows exception- ally well and peas produce enormous crops which are entirely free from the ravages of the pea weevil. ley, pleased with the country and are very hopeful for the future. About six million acres good agricultural lands are now eee up in the Temis- caming dist miscaming: and Nort fuser Ontario railway is being extended through the central part of the farming secti gricultural tigre hela sane townships ‘and the keenest intérest soy throughout. r Chauncey M. Depew has sSieet in reputation by exposure in connection with the Equitable Life Assurance Co. en utter me of his assoc- iates in the pee derek because much is expected from o1 whom much qesbuen Cyne in the Sock public esteem. He was consulting solicitoi nancial straits, He had voted 8 an Equitable director to inerease the aries of certain already overpaid. ae ficials, an fluence a loan of $21 company for his oe ee scheme, although its asset vealed in these days, but it is not like- ly to be forgotten in one of whom ter things were expecte Though Mr. Chamberlain’s fiscal crusade has failed, it is not certain that he has altogether missed his aim. as be the Boer war, know that he ex; fellows would not fight.” 250, ing; besides the slaughter, the foe and the loss by England of military prestige. When it was over Mr. Chamberlain went to Sonth Africa. He saw the danger of the results, when the nation should bee st is own reputation and fortut Then he who had been pro- eluate that the hearts of all the members of the had been bound together by participation i in the war, suddenly discovered that Imper- ial unity could be preserved only by @ appended ropped when the scheme was ieee: His policy has gone to the bottom, as any as imposing fiscal uniformity on a number of coun- tries widely diffe ering ducts and commercial circumstances the eyes an mind-of the nation have been turned from the ruin in South Africa to the iscal agitation. That purpose at all the weeds in England e | a prospect er, | sion he sachet was that if a man farmers have an abundance of natural | scope n | Japanese troops, the act it} table of infectious Weili lows, Howesere at Be ge: the war cost | | in their pro-|ing | The inci ting tour, ame home thoroughly disgusted. The concln- were to get all the apples in the coun- try for nothing. it would hardly pay him to gather them up. This is a most aieepuraging report, but after all i doesn’t matter much, for let the chat rican so well loaded, they don't yield much in money to the whers. the fnrmerhas enough ani for his own use, with a small surplus to help su| ply the local de- man Tene as would be were the breaking point.—Walkerton Tele- The Bible Society’s agent in Japan reports that the circulation of the Scriptures in that country last year fa previous records. Tn addition to 233.000 copies giyen to ual sales: by the British Bible Societies amounted o fewer than 102,896 copies—an increase of 19,489 on the sales of the previous year. The Bible Society re- ports remarkable sales of the. Scrip- tures in China year, where Le total number of copies cireulated wa: 1,806,670 copies. these, 34.870 were ae grants made for special pur- poses, leaves the actual sales! well over a million = copien thom the books are sold m below © c¢ price. records, and is a further indication of ne desire the Chinese are now show- ig to examine for themselves the Book of the Christian religion, The extent to which faberstiae seuratte in Ontario is manifested in the ese Ede for the inane of Ju the Provincial Board ot Saleh. Br 290 aaah febut infectious diseases, there are 207 from this dread.disease, 83 more than from sees scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough and typhoid turns of cases and eluding deaths from all the most complete in the history of the department | since the act came in- to force in 1897 requiring municipal clerks to make monthly returns. of 777 Division Registrars in the Pro- vince, 760 having complied with the regulations and make returns, Tepre- a population of 2,059,5 being 90 per cent. of the province. The total deaths from all causes are 1,933, or 31 more than for June year, but this may be accoun through 30 more Division Registrars having reported than in June a year ago, and it is Pleasing to know the death rate per is no higher, being 11.2 for ee pertada” In the diseases it is noticed that measles have become very prevalent as compared with the same ast your, there being no less =: 420 cases reported, with eleven . Diphtheria caused ine ee es ‘eat, although the cases reported less, which makes a case riniality. of 18,8. travelling correspondent of the Globe writes as follows 01 tion of the drinking habits of 1 gl as wel as a dveator, of Umegaites ee er eerie wei Oe For the former, as asinecure, | farmers are dri i ¢ é e drinking thelr share Helton ov $20,000 years Seay sBSs | chic Increesed amount ob whiskey. con- other interests was the Depew Im-| sumed in Canada during the past year provement Company, which got into| cannot be determined with ee ers, implement agents, loan company. ieee storekeepers and hotelm ave a ws to the effect that ACES has been ni peranee cnstoms is not used at all an the threshing and pal Maca7e There peat: farm es co flint it is rarely acl are naked o drink an ini tyand that the ier of places ialiere the invitation to drink is given has not increas ent off rural drinking. It fec hae That also is the general testimony. The country tavern which loses its license has no large element that cares to defy the law, its business ends so far as selling liquor ies. Such evidence as I_ hav does not tell of any marked change in the drinking habits of the farmers mi al- of good receipts with the drink all ere are many of that kind ises out ing indulgence Oty young men, by the well-to-do in their, homes, and at the jusreaslog number of clubs and mens’ 5 Cre events has been effectually served. 1,500 fish per day. Fug u Mee ETE eee eee eeeTEET ETT Mw MEMES ES SYS SY SES SY Si aie SY ay ROSE & DUMART Our “small profit system”’ is a Great Success JUST OPENED Six Cases of Dry Goods VIZ: New Dress Goods " Wrapperetts " Ready-to-wear ww Flanneletts * Silks Skirts Carpets and Rugs Prices to Suit Everybody ROSE & DUMART EGGS 17 cents BUTTER RRERERE EERE AERA A ERERERERBRER IRAE EIB EERE R EB 17 cents | RI RAKE ERAT A REBAR £ ami eveey evn eT can get solid comfort as well as style in one of Smith @ Finkbeiner’s For they have that clothing made here, ‘The retaining their shape permanently. BIG REDUCTIONS ON THESE Milverton’s ~ Leading - Don't feel uncomfortable in a heavy lined suit, when you TWO-PIECE SUITS sh and neat appearance of any shoulders and sleeves only ure lined, Smith & Finkbeiner, SUITS Tailors. ETTEETEVTTY FET FETE TEE eIPTTOn TTT Pen TT PATTI tt “THIN CLOTHES” For Warm Weather social functions.” JULY - AND - AUGUST A® USUALLY quiet months in the Furniture Business, and to keep things moving and avoid that condition of things, we have selected a number of Hot Weather Bargains in all lines. If you are likely to need anything in Furniture in the near future, why not take adyantage of this chance to save money. R. WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store East of Post Office, Stratford. 1 good every DESMA ESL SEY SY AY SY SF a SIL IL YAM AL aL aL aft Mae eae ay ay A SIL IL SY SM SIL SY SM SIL MS SY SIL SY aM Se SEAHAM besa al ae ae OUR COUPON SALE IS A Have You Tried It See the jewelery we are selling at dry goods prices FREE. Remember line for 5 years, or money refunded. HAVE YOU TRIED Better than meat, wheat. Per package. New Collar Forms. ies’ Collars. Don’t Forget to Ask for Coupons W. K. LOTH BUTTER i7c. ISH ACR IARI IA IAAI RIERA HA GREAT SUCCESS ache Powde sults which Your chance is to secure a Ladies’ Gold Watch we guarantee thing you. buy in the jeweler me es y J y Milverton One dose gen three always do.. A SUMMER HEADACHE To Cure Headaches Safely, You Must Use a Good Remedy A remedy is not, good unless it is safe. s are absolutely safe. opium, cocaine, chloral or other dangerous drugs. desire. Our Head- They contain no They produce only the pleasant and satisfactory re- They do this more surely, promptly and thoroughly than any other remedy. Relieves and cures all forms of headache and neu- ralgic pains in the right way—by removing the cause aly does it, two or 25¢ a box * and Ghe Public Drug Co., Limited ~ DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS ~» * - Atwood NORKA ? richer than * 15¢ New Lad- The only cooked oat. CHOPPING Done Daily HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Wheat and Coarse Grains PFEFFER BROS Sun Life “Assurance|: Company of Canada Results for 1904 ‘Assurances issued and paid for $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 December, 17,851,760.92] § Inerense over 1903. 2,345,984.44 Assets at 3st. 1904 MANY EGGS 17e. BREEREREREE ER RMers AR ao FARM FOE: SALE! _|BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED iN THE YEAR 1817. President, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G. C, fT. G. OMEN EMPRESS ow GAS MADE IN CANADA ing: Pr $14,000,000 ue of the lar; cole in, Canac good pi Fall Term Gpens Sept.5th STRATFORD, ONT. i and bese Bu ELLiorT a TEC REHCARCPHIncIPAL® Paid up Capital - - Reserve Fund - - - $10,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Interest paid or compounded half We have a -pnekes ies, yearly. Srratrorp Brancn, Bo. ae: lan ager | sents for Cut Shoes in Men’s an They are very stylish, Low Shoes for Summer Wear, Low nd Lad- J. Gi Grosch & Son RM PRODUCE TAKEN White Sewing Machines “The House of Quality.” Charles We will place on sale Tuurspay Mornixe 20 dozen Men’s four-in-hand and string ties, reg- ular 50 cent Ties, all collors and patterns, sale Bete. ee ee cents We also have 10 dozen Bow Ties, regular 25 cents, sale price 15c. .2 for 25 cents 8 dozen Wash Ties, all fast colors, 2 for 25e These are all good values at the regular prices. eee nee OUTFITTER TO MEN, Summer Sale of Neckwear H. Davies B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario. Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life gerne in force 31sb, 1904 27,662.85 Increase over 1903 nite A. S. eet ‘Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. meatetts San strict Superintendant, The tollowing decision will be of local interest to hotelkeepers ~in this | es Ww! locality: ‘In the police court Friday morning last Magistrate Love, London, gave judgment in a case of terest to province. William B at the Metropolitan Hotel, was charg- with a breach of the Lord’s Day Act by selling cigars on Sunday, anda fine of $1 was imposed. The Magis-|® trate heid that the selling of tobacco allow saloonkeepers to sell ie unday when ordinary tobacconists are barred, ‘The ease will bo appeal- ed.” Fruit growers and box makers It Srehlll bine In sain Broa naenamibne the Act regulating the size of fruit) and the de velopment of our reountry's| THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1005 = packages ety passed, legalizing Tadiabteioa wi proportion to its ae ———= a minimum standard box, This box | magnitude Uren years will has a tea e of 10ins, by 11] be de aaah There is 4 tanacstion as to tl thickness of the material other on A freight ears, and 500 passenier © couch timber wads e| gress 0! wil pores . besides bridge 1, stations, telephones ni $1 per'year, st not so paid. G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton, NORTH, corxe sours, 2 spre 9:10 ya Peas ng | Express express . important ones in the onward pro- Million Dollars Squandered.| The bilious and yspep heey con: La it geo be eye ae necenaniad ‘ant sufferers sen sepeey te Oe is recommended, however, sympathies. here is not ; that the ends should be at Teast five salt Seentinaed this gum wae wasted frapetewever, who 1nny notsbalg eights of an inch thick, and the sides cure for eatarrh. Foolish for suffer-| brought back to health, and happie at least three-eights of an inch thick, | ers to experiment when it’ ‘well | DSS of wees aber sae and there should be no objectionable| known that “Catarrhozone” is the Stomach and Liver ‘Tablets, be odor tothe wood. ‘There are no speci- | only remedy that cures permanently, tablet inyigo' a the stom as ey Goations “As at grade of fruit|Other treatments only relieve, but pe end Coates: Heb ae a asi " ." wrhozone cu al events the shall be packed in boxes. ‘The m Catarrhozone cures and prevents the) 104% tn e Babli Dr ier a. #itilvers reports, however, wo' courage | Uisease from ever retui Thad on ane Ate i the shipment in boxes on any’ thing but highest grade of the fruit| go can be more aa eran t shipped in The first judgment given in a Can- adian court under He ay t of gael which made for he safe-guarding of reat has been handed out by Judge Elliott in fe Ci the ndgment Dugald Catareh in Its worst form, 2 writes G. to (ii barrels. per! “T wish to correct the current im- wi len, of Royan, Que. “I was oo if bad that ordinary medicine didn’t A Famous School. rrhozone cured Central nanan College “of di. ack Sie ie SES Not Being Dismi: and those wiio d #5 » life should take a ju township, gets $200 from the as damages killed at a crossing ae aaaaihe ago, The case was tried at sions here, and the eae before the e June ses-| the bei: lame fer the bars of the gate the way to bl being down. The; negative, accepting the claim of tl jefence that the colts themselves $e some malicious person may have re- moyed the jury found, under the act, that. the C.P.R. had failed to prove any ne; ligence on Black’ him $200 damages. ‘he defence ask- ed Judge | el to declare the c: m: a| all non-suil Honor reseryed judg- ment until the payment time, and now decides that the company are liable. A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their. pro- minence, have long been look- ed upon as leading all others, The Mutual Life of Canada out siete we: all in two very es (a) I warger Amount in Paha ce os pieyolers than any one of them, ai (b) Ib incrensed its surplus by $10,000 more than the combined in- erease of the four companies The Mutual Life ise Canada owns no stocks, and its ts were there- Fore uot affected in pt way by the enormous shrinkage in values in cer tain securities, ‘which occurred dar- ing the past year. , H, GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. A FULL LINE OF Diamond Rings JUST TO HAND Also a full assortment of Watches Shirt Waists Sets Brooches Fancy Hat Pins And the Prices are as Low as the Lowest (Call and Inspect My Stock | P. H. Bastendorff DO YOU KNOW? After fourteen “dae as chief instructor of Sir. Isaac Pitman’s Shorthand and Touch ‘Typewrit- Ontario Aca- a 6 city of London, MISS MORPHY has been en- gaged by the lege, Listowel ‘We can guarantee all our worthy graduate Stenographers lucra- tive positions. Write or call. Opens September 4th, 1905 GEO, SPROTTON, Phone 79. Principal = w. ‘D. Weir’s List of tarms for sale i 125 acres, lot 4, con. 13, Mornington, hardwood bush, 14 miles to school, miles from Carthage village, 7 les istowel. Price $7,000, $4, own, balance at 9 per nk anaes sell inene to ill ie Ith res, lot 31, con. 7, and north } of lot #0, eoucamlone-Rling. Metallic sheeted house, bank barn for rainage drilled pes from school. do Price $9,600, 35, jon west half of lot 1, conces- 3, Mornington, and the north) .ahiscery is well, sph era: part of lot 30, Elma, on, the pound | will give their oustomers this pre } ion en est is asker r. re ey Fe ee ve reral an Obe. Witmer, a prominent druggist of of Eo . a oplin, in a cireulal his cas- Ee brick honse, 24 miles! tomers, says: “There fs nothing on rom ‘on ; price, $8,000—Cheap. | the market in the way of patent med- 400 acres square, couth half of lot} jg; quals Chamberlain's eopnetons. apehage Beets Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea cme h wheat furm, 5 wel complaints. e an ing, fine orehard, t es in hard- recommend this preparation.” For bush, flowing spring of water, | sal PablieDrig Co. Milver- 1 miles from distance from school; rare chance, Price via Pe ONES Ge ice T ‘A valuable brick house, with kiteh-| Hon. Nelson Monteith has an ex- en attached, and half acre of leads cellent opinion of the Ontario wheat Good Known as Carth-| crop this season, which he expects to age hotel pro sultabletor either be quite eqnal to the big harvests of etal store, of private dwel sate ate ee when the’ retumns T have also several Rias dora: 1900 33 400,000, and 20,200,000 bush Beiiyertons/Call Ab Mie. ofloe. ang. is neapetively Phe ont crop tls is W. D. WEIR, Real Estate deen ig dismissing all the old Justices 0 ‘or two colts which were | Peace, day niorning, jury was whether Black was in any [are pose that many of the old a) In other words, the eheae He ow tions to the dispensers of patronage oneae eae various commissions are prepared.” tig NES Sa Five Years cidowsal ious Cured. iroin-stamaob trouble and dyspepsia’ writes Mr. A. B. Agnew, of Bri hai ave been DRable to digest and as- my me Ee zt $ 5 ton’s Pills, Com per box at all dealers, So Township diaceope Protest, 5 is Nothing on the Market Equal | « to station sole | toe pana the C.B.0., for we are in: ft. all eradtuat es get Merose wie geo. interested Vogle Individual ix'shoula. write for a free catalogue. ing ited although soine names! Fall term opens on Sept. Sth z dropped out, ‘hese ap-| iS RE! ol E nde Se ciate een |T® Cure Fever, Chills, Ague- dpointiment was —_ nate said Premier reatines yester- | for trict sense of | positi at now of no remedy so reliable ti ineapueltated the' ‘owevel major y of cas the old Magistrates’ names appear the commission, The Attorney- r! | given instruc- lin wherever possible, Include the a ges, ae Perfect Bae lng i ists fro which pleasant to tas' ae i lever r denggist sells Pot son’s Rerviline i in ge 25e, bottle: satisfaction gnarantee e knows cicHhae I suffered Goldwin pute Sunday. Goldla Smith, too, has something ‘on the “Sabbath” question, and this ta ite e question of Sunday observance is again bro e Water. “For the last five years I color, ded, aye ¢ y | ain. y be ayingte ‘om of fel old trouble. My aadnieted PL ee ance of the i ie a ss inding u ae Spotton Business Col- [healthy ig not ae aie Dr, Hamil- Christians. ‘Phe “words Sy at on that point tee decisive. have sill to dete: wheth bat latleseness, 1 | things aang 1 4) The caneral tandensey é ha n of late to 3s tcl es inke ihe 4 churches: e care wa Commandment tal ie g| of Bothing but bes : ne! ough there isa fine opportnnity agitation for better p Bs ele Chamberlain's Colic, Sucleee and Diarrhoea Remedy, Brees lates alo "lis estimated 50 1 $