C.T.R. Station Store — We still have some BINDER TWINE LEFT (Blue Ribbon 650 feet toa Ib.) Which we will sell at the old price of 1334 cents a pound. Get all you .need befcre it_is ceceeseeseall Gone...s005-. — Get our prices on FRUIT JARS JR. Yost & Son's: Four Per Cent. for Money. THE BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY Market Street, - Stratford, ye esta ane a branch ofits busiuess out which the High Rate of Four Per Gent. left with it for Secured by land selected properties, is paid half specified per mortgages 0 and with ov. Six Hundred Sf sharcholders’ capits Phere is here, the on money, iy. Thousand Dollars security besides. h a periectly safe t combined. le ment Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, President | taro Vo: e wm. Buckingham, Manager. A Good Man\: “ Will provide for his family in ase of his death. ASensible Man Will guard against the dan- ene not the, boundary been between Elma ai lady's black cieciee apply Milverton, prov ying iageaire atadee Gem a property and A rare offer—the erties Sux from now until Jan. for 25 - | cents. CROSSHILL. East Half-Section Four Guelph and Goderich Railway i parties having accounts payable on the ats of nen moutn, requested to file them with the Time Kee F before the 10th of each month, or they ‘mill no t be p: mont . able until the suceeding Milverton, July 4th, 1905. VILLAGE OF MILVERTON COURT OF REVISION ! is hereby given that a Court will bel eteld oe mgmt 0 the Ontario Voters! is_ Honor, the Judge of the ys 5 the Stst. oclox eral complatats ‘oferrors or Voters’ Of the Munielpalicy of Mitverto for 1908. ‘All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the same time and place. W. D, WEIR, Clerk. Dated at Milverton this 14th Gay of August, Bt Notice to Contractors ! Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed up to noon, Monday, Sept. 4th, for the of two cement arch ” culv Miss J. Petch took in the excursion to Niagara on Saturday. Mrs. Robert Foster and daughters waited friendsin Moorefield overSun~ Mr. M. Shantz ack on Saturday for Almeda, Assa., w id Mrs. plies and children have amtarmen joraoen , after spend- fog-a couple of weeks here: Miss Retta Coote has returned to Toronto, Miss Pearl McFarlane. Forest, is visiting at z, of Baden, daying a her home here. Atwood, oceupied the of Mount is holi- Sunday in the abso aig, who js taking his holidays, puiSAtse oe Sah ‘| pulpit of ne Presbyteria Chureh on . HESSON. iid Mies Hiatrry Tarte ot din wood, ‘spent Sanday with: Mr: “Obes: ite a number of our young peop- le of this vicinity spent Saturday an Sunday at nis Keiffer spent i Formos of days ‘this week with Tends in cident occurred at, the he will still | week. ay: eee the agency for steel ranges. Mr. W. Knight's. | ton’ BORN McKeEnzig.—At riage on Monday, for ust 7th., ie ia. 5 a Mrs. onald MeKenzi ughter, DONEGAL. Mrs. James Roe and daughter Mar- garet and Miss Potter, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Allan MeMane last week. is being ably assisted by James Thorndyke and Sam MeLen- nan, Mr, Thos, Hemphill spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Mary- boro, d Mrs, Hopkirk, of Brussels, spent Sunday at Mr. Walter Johns- n Mr, D. A, McKenzie, of Stratford, spent Sing min friend here, Mr. engneed ‘ar linge a eellon sat pron Most of the farmers LY this vicinity ave started cutting oa Ss diame The tiabosiiiig bas has progressed rap- idly during the past week. Cutting gets lee pedicel the any. A number of farmers here hhav- ing Hie bnildings decorated with a|lightni A woubad of our young people were pleasantly entertained on Fri- day evening of last week at the home with walls, wings and railings to be pis footin thickness above foundation. founda, howe of Mr. Charlie Gobl,. His son oa pee ae liga Thos. Sanderson, of ‘ion to be fect in thickness. op ry hi een out t berry picking, and | the 5th arch must be at least one foot below the level of the road. The strength of conerete apparently fell and broke his leg Mr. ea | Campel an and heer Mrs. a 5 eats ne Rack gb cement afin present under the doctor's|J. Coleman, sshill, and Mr. of = eat eres lougis visiting her parents, Mr, and Ate, | Mr. Robert Barrett's * i gs ames dy. ‘The Misses Minnie and Nellie Liv- Mr. George Veidenheimer, of Wat: ‘inpie Vernon, dbed. Ten per cent ey held until council Ja satihed that fob is satistactory. ‘4. G. HAMILTON, ‘Milverton, P. O. lot 3 ft. }ental roof erloo, spent Sanday under the par- Ellice Council. e Council met at Hill's Hotel, Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters’ List. MOTEEE. List 1905 MUNICIPALITY OF THR 3 TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON hs COUNTY OF PETH. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have transmitted or delivered to, the siicen O titled. to a Elections for bers ofthe Legislative, Ase sembly and at Municipal Elections, and that id Uist was ted up at’my. offi ay wy of Jah, for ion. Seis ceaantine wild 2005, "and} ‘The i"; | mates for the presen Eiliee, on Monday, Bist alt. pursuant Mr, Crowley, and seconde Reis, that Mr. John Roger, C. E., of the Town of Mitchell Engineer of the said ‘Township to ex amine and report on said drain! work constructed under By-law N 204.— y-law No. | 488, appointing John Roger, Engineer, to examine and _re- port on the Ehgotz drain, iwras, intro: faced, times passed. on Tnotion of Messrs, Smit! rowley. ‘treasurer submitted his esti age ger of poverty in his age. Lif old fe he Dominion Will Guarantee Safety to Both by issuing one of its. reliable Life or Endowment Policies. Special privileges to Total Abstainers, Head yg : Waterloo, Ont. Hinurarp. Beoideat an Managing Director. P. H. Sims, 8. B. Prioker, Hon. Jas. McMuLLAN, Frep Hutsreap, Supt, of Agencies. } Fe eats it 4] g mene pie eee 1] council thata rate of 63-10 force fo coke’ iesmucgints sa en tnilla has to be levied in order to, cov hae the said errors corrested sevording €0 er the county, township Mad spectal *Nated at Burns, this 31st day of July,1905 | Public school grant, JOUN WATSON, A large number df accounts were k of Mornington} passed and paid, whereupon the ouncil adjourned to meet again at arloff’s Hotel, Wartburg, on Mon- Clerk's Notice of First Post- day, Angust 28th., 1905, for "general business, ng of Voters’ List. VOTERS + wee 1905 MUNICIPALITY OF TH 1B TOWNSHIP OF oe COUNTY OF PERT! Nees IS HEREBY GIVEN that I havc ‘arto said sections to be ed ed of the lst, mad 0 sal 1 pearing by the last re AS ‘of the said Sfunicipaley ee the sald ists in Kostock on the 3 ua day of “proceedings, to according to “Dated at Rostock, this 3rd day of August, 1905. TUS KREUTER Clerk of Ellice, H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY é WE BELIEVE Phat we do the right thing at the right time in the right way, is the only way, therefore, do not wait but come in now and buy yo 2 FRUIT JARS 85e, 90c, $1 and $1.10 per doz. GRANULATED SUGAR $5,50 per ewt. WHOLE RED PEPPER ‘| MIXED SPICE GROUND TUMERICK SURRY POWDER wHbLE GINGER ROOT “MUSTARD SEED “ AISPICE XXX PICKLING VINEGAR er gallon Oc Highest Prices Paid For Prod H. MOHR = Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead | Regulations NY eve numbered, “section of Dominion anitoba or the North-west not reserved 3h® Entry may be made personally at the local land ollie for the district in which the land he homesteader desires, he ieation to the Minister of the Ot ommissio: Tater a wiaaipes, or the local agent re geive authority for some one to make entry him homesteader is required to. perform jected therewith under mnths’ residence upon (1) At each year for andl Laltivation of the land in ree years. r, if the father is the requirements as to residence may be sat. Sock person residing with the father er. the settler has his permanent resi- ed by him in en to the Cor Fonds ft Ottawa of intention to apply jatent. Deputy of the Minister of tne Intertor. for | Po ae Justus KREUTER, ‘Township Clerk. paisa oe an Seah w. separ! Seat “ie Sse stele North half of lot 1, con. oe abate fer ‘artesian ban barn, splendid lawn, good young chard, Within sight of Milverton, Way station on C.P.R, ¢ farm Price $6,000, Easy terms. South half of lot 1, eon. rD: ington, 100 acres—10' acres in goo sh. nk barn, good dwelling house, large orchard. The best of il, F of a mile from 1, conven- homestead. 5,900, "A pap. great ee Onto the premise of the undersigned, lot 8, con. 18, Logas. about the, latter part of Jat Mp ts Scans proving property, paying exp enses in Foe OP edvertislag and) pasturings “xe. GEORGE LAN onkton P.O. COMMERCIAL I wheat per bush. spring wheat, per bush. oats apres per bag. Potatoes** ‘* on = RS SaBHISSssesag ag in, pee oe aoe per toi ee ass 3 ] aB Fall Wheat.. ley. apblos, oe ing BAsasE Sue Batter rvey . Se ert Seott $4 mber of |< | meet again o1 w Muyentox, Ang. 17. 1905 # 1 past couple of weeks at Mr. Alex. effers, = rs Mornington Council, The council met at Donley’s Hall on Monday, the 7th day of Angust. SGadtoanament, ths members wes | Menibers al present, ‘Minutes lax meeting read and signed. ie’ hae minty Sdonteaknd |, ‘The Clerk laid before the council a Tone letter from G. G. MePI in refer- Hletter trom Andrew Bald respect | noe t0.a culvert th ilway, crossing, a. cer' rom ngineer ing the repair of the Central ‘Black | 1 “ine Langton e Was authorized Ay issue ent $ ow iieoman 3, im $00; H. Isley 80; W. Attig 75c,; J, Watson ved by 8, Burnett, seconded b: J. G. Mrauiliioa: that the petition of Beggs and others be accepted for a imunieipal drain, and a copy of the be sent to the Engineer.—Car- rie w was introduced and x first time for levying county, ship, railway and school rates. council went into committee, with Scott in the chair. ‘he law ada second time. The Reeve took the chair, when the By-law was da third time, Moved by 8, Bur- nett, seconded J. G. Hamilton, that’ By-law No, 336 as read be final! sed Carried ‘ost, seconded by 5. aout, that ‘hi mero adjourn to ¢ Monday i J, WATSON, Clerk. Satie 2A ALL THIN, PALE WOMEN Boptewmber—laena Can Learn the Cause of Their Ner- yous, Used-up Condition. With women, fiLhealth is Uenally traceable to oe exhaustio1 ‘eel- ing run-down and tired most. ot the time is nature's ‘warning that more up, nourish the body, vitalize the nerves, get more flesh and b re the sparing aislaicat and pipiens six boxe: Polson & Con AsRssKss S. and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. SESss esgsssssssssss99 g 32 (S222 o8 sans ; & ‘ ve : : Coe eee eee eee erie i cospadasouessaeasousnaesos seeds sanngnennes4 see ee To Our Friends and Patrons : Fall is almost with us again and we wish to offer a re- newed welcome to our store. : think of us first when you are contemplating your fall pur- We would like to have you make our store your chases. store. If you are a customer of ours, we believe that you wil want to continue your patronage, but, if you are not, and have never bought from us, we think you are making a mistake, you will allow us to show you our New Dress Goods We are sure of winning you to the extent of giving us Our growth has been a steady one since starting in business here a few a few months ago—which is guarantee of the best of goods at right prices. here will be right—it musr be right. a trial this season. We will buy back any article purchased of us that is not entirely satisfactory. ed, we will be—not before. Rg I I GP GIT GIA Or Gents Furnishings Wrapperettes CENTURY CLOTHING “We Can Fit All” We have a fine assortment to show you. you to become acquainted with it. We do what we promise and we promise only what | Come and see. we will do. We would like to have i New Clothing « Flannelettes — Underwear - What you i eisnpasbien hen you are satisfied and pleas- me be cont iushaaesoundoores The long and the short of it is that no matter how long or how short you may be in statue or purse we can fit you. 20th Century Clothing Speaks For Itself We depend for its sale en- tirely upon its merit and we are selling lots of it because the merit is there. Its made to fit and wear from edge to edge and from inside to outside you'll find nothing but honest: work. To wear it once 15 to wear it always. Tt will pay