Milverton Sun, 5 Oct 1905, p. 4

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Mid. It was a jocund morning (in early summer—sonie fiye yea: events related in the Metra id Field Cottage was a perfet . gem of rural beauty. The Old Fields themselves no longer deserv the name—the repose of year: re- stcred thom to fertility, and now Marian Or, The Strange Mayfield CHAPTER VIL. were covered with a of sweet clover, whose verdure was most refreshing to the sight. . had been her weakness in her bright- er days, ‘and now the strange pro- sity clung to her through the dark night of her sorrows, re. ani pares ate from her insanity. as she house. | “Tn oni 3 to bind up this morning-glory, poor Fi “Are you not coming?’ said Edith. led her little girl toward the ie moment, dear; T wish only dear Fann; sa r Fanny chanced. to wath “eons in and stay with us.” |as she ran through.” perdi aheigked Edith disappeared in the cottage. ‘up ‘arian stood with both h : Oh! I could tell you it Aeatthe abt ‘of Binding Di jd warn you,|up the vine, that with its wealth o° isappearance be fs Bub you azure-hued, _ vase-shapet she contin- ver-canopied 1 wringing her as in -gr e atrium pha ria be tee ye rou ‘The light tramp of-horse’s feet fell 7 é You, shall | predict my fate and) upon her ear. She looked up, ae You do?” asked the wanderer, in- | Miriam aid Marian, smiling, as| with surprise lighting her dark-blue credulously she pee ‘the gate, and came oit|cyes, beheld gentl mounted Heaven knows I dot 1 wish to ding. the child. ‘And I know,'’|on a fine black Arabian courser, that nurse you back to Mpa iceeds cats curveted gracefully ere capr: petounly fa ‘that it will be such a fair fate, as| before the cottage inchs PRONG cH. Fiestas. Letccs 11 |to brighten 1, your spirits for sym-) Smilingly the eotcnat soothed bring so much evil to you! Yet it is |Pa ee a nd d oquettish mood of fe lovelioe” pluie to dio in, with lov. ot wilt notd dock ety gone] his. willful gine ena then. Giamsoudt ing faces around. wa! cried Fanny, turning away.|ea and bowing with matchless grace “But it is a better place to live ‘Then, ia har changing her mood, | ani deference, gp vinci) Mar- in! I do not let people die where {|She ‘hed Marian’s pal and | ian am, unless-tho Lord has especially it long and intently,|. The maiden was thinking that she called th I wish to make yo. gradually her features became di never seen a gentleman with ell! Come, drive away all these |tutbed—dark shadows seem » | Presence and a manner graceful, evil fancies and let mo take you into |SWeeP, a8 a funeral train, across her| courteous and princely in her life the gid Marian, taking |fece—her bosom hi i—she dropped ue was a tall, finely proportioned, and: an, wi breakfast with us that | er i | you so long, another roll. ria tees a Miss Nancy; I shall find tim and seated herself in the chair Edith offered her (at the table, said, sipping her ae she vines of the open window out bay: that she upon the “You have the sweetest place and Se fines’ » that T EpeaDe irl at the eet m glad you bropeht the, ney,” said rian, piesa ae ay ate hatred hhorvelt ¢ gs ye you are not busy now, , I’m always busy, thank Hea- ven! but that makes no Sitorens a e d the rich, aromatic, climbing rose | “ ig) then, w: lk, les 3 ur 2 had run all over the walls and win: |She nly spatehod anid {ims as she sometimes did, into ime sweetne ¢ Tow and singularty | Miss stitches i aed good of met dows of the house, embowering it Bee ee rovisation, chan most | mellifluous etc and the manner, ene by Bee hat ee cc at oe CP naa eae the Vehtning down UA ARUI OR toner these steal! allo aad’ geacaal’as'eny woman's’| Col, ‘pray, don't spoak of it, Miss While Marian stood enjoying for a|VP0® Your head! I am “Darkly, « ; ate Je NES Ea NauCy ae fA ati Ate | must. not enter!" Tam doomedt nea| “Darkly, deadly, lowers the shadow, | en, young lady, and Ihave the honor} “Bui indeed, my dear, T ‘ee iE i Bho ond igh. MUL of the. nickly, thickly, comes the crowd-~| of addressing—"’ eet rin aniee Ng it was startled by the sound of rapid le ¥ P never saw ‘anybody like youl tl lp oop noving on Taptetsta fast wh ynd of rapid) Marian gazed alter her in the deep-|£0m death’s bosom creeps the adder| “Miss Mayfield,”” said Mar $4 Zot voman in wit air, oa est compansion, the tears filling hee | Trailing slime upon the shroud! Thank you,” said the sontlenien fe ing from the gr at. the right kind blue e; oe aa ou en governing himself, he be his | i, who will do it for kindness the cattagy td fying ke Of) Weep mot. for me, beautiful rales grew . ale, 30 es et the) eves to tho ground, and sald, with if anyb ig Ce ee Shy end! ordinnsy form “conditions yourselt" bilby e ve taken in calling i s necessary betwee rian impsivly oHeees rian hesitated. It were vain to the, “Nonsense!"” shot TnouEEty and, here, Miss Mayfield, when T toll yc seat eames ‘person, has triends of neigh bors a eagle wis Fate. an creature fled in, tran-| follow and try to draw tho wanderer a smile, roused herself to shake m in search of an unhappy | ai distance they w ends off | Gestion ean be better solved. proba- Die tideed Sa - ate, and a on the chill ne was creeping upon |young relative, who, I am informed, ies it is ‘Miss Marian’ bade 5 TS bly than in any other. wo or Be | r vho. write: pr aeeie y back against S y ie Passed here not Iong since. \all_their letters!”” mes three nelenbors co0~ roperate thus, vad panting with haste and ter air! the air!’ said Fan-| “She Jeft us not ten minutes ag dit 3 : sige nti ins hand. sir, much against our v ee BAe Seti ey. | ONS Tran a aieaOR GR at re ; is 2 shes. i - She was a young and pretty wo-|leading her little daughter Miriam, ives, it is going t rain,’* sald sister has just sont a servant SR A SON aay pilates cog an—pretty, notwithstanding th Gee a hand, |Edith, ‘Come in, dear Fai forest. in aeatil-of her, to being her| wore sected at thee wack wildness of her staring black cyes| Edith was scarcely changed in these | But Panny did not hear—the fittu, | back, cv be pie qnter, Piha: o cottage ingows rth nd the disorder of her long black years--a lifo without excitement | UFCertal aedeagal t ne sles hair that hung in tangled tresses|or privation or toil— ‘of moder. | and of tho child Miriam, “and dita to her waist. Her head and feet|ation and regularity—of easy house- |ga7ing alternately upon the oe, were bare, and her white gown was|hcld duties, and quict family~afec- | the Palm and upon ber for thoi feet spotted ‘with “green stains of the| tions, had restored and preserved he juent fac d old Jenny ber {cons grass, and torn by briarg, as woce|maiden beauty. And now her pretty |, What {s this? Oh! what is this took herself to’ the garden to gather |sumption also her bleeding feet and arms.|hair had its own will, and fell she ‘said, ).sweeping ‘the: black, tr Vouétablee for tha day, Misa Nanev| Wien corn imply cut, though th Marian felt for her the deepest com-| slight, — flossy Dime Hinglets down ie Her» bending) hrows “ arri-| opened her budget, and gave them oll | lengths be short, cattle passion; a more glance had asaured|each side the ren 38 fastening her eyes upon Miriai Meee of the month. Bat in that |felect more or less of the har her see t] peat panting, pretty | cheeks; and n thing Mould Have boon]? Im. “What can it mean which concerned ‘Thurston Willeoxen| tions of Bee ‘alk toward the butts. creature Wes insane. Marian’ ‘took |more in keeping itt the style cross. fr @ Mount t Aone was Teaith interested, an ie rolectie ilies rave all She wie hand and mae pressing it, | her beauty than the simple, close sn sses the line of age and forks in-| ian ial him she learned the following facts: |from 5 e be ad in so in . ing lack gown, her habitual | 4° By ine of bees nee ah tel onbeae w ay sole connecting stances i oe the silage That these enn tivo wah gna ea ¢ plain o —a cloud in the|link between the cottage an i airenasas aster ty comb Te aettce CooburselPANa Tens cant sera ea me Nee vale of Mercury! and where the lines! neighborhood. around it, But the tically eliminated, as the cut is i Ol life and death meot, sanguine| day seme mash University, where he caer [portions of the stalk are also torn pot and a great star! I cannot| linto shred: So altiauak okey way her hand a second time w aa) i the highest honors; eigh- al Pp PG are sgh read it! In boy! at jat the breakfast table, Edith lo: anes Gen vacued "ig |Wanted to make such silage, but th. ji me of hr ace Pill ed radiate igh esi a glorious death D victorious sa Sgt. ag ters aie tiers c' travel through | Purope, Asin ant jaaaieiee, fe oan ne eearania ee iny, ature’s cou: ‘ < : : en riding-shirt,| Africa; and the last year had “been Supposed at first thought, for the i ‘i ase isa : ale cnet itt Ne Be cihcn nse jad 3 ; girl's! What can ib moan | and a nankeen corded sun-honnet; in{apont in’ the best circles in. the city |feason that when the cuts are shred- od scat Built With His oe the gate for support. It was |t® you in, and “f shen ‘ound in a girl’s? Stop! yl the é of dismounting from hi Paris. He hi been back to his |ded they may be left considerably nds. but the trampin of a colt. through Whole attomtion, ‘until fed tec the Bek foe es ee , | native place about three weeks. Since| Apna ee Would other fae fetes entre Desi atscoveret AED Riedie they ea stake a EET avis hate ciounate in deep silence, and then third isn't Miss Nancy Skampi’|the death of Tanny Laurie's old | Th Ww kleine 2 Ad Steed ae eee ee Re ita itenive face, [et face lighted up, her eves bumed exclaimed Idith. inno vory hospite/guardian, the judge Er anekcepnade Hing esis inal sheipest tee Roa ae Fee os Bo ae Do not fe frightened; there is Whose nameless chai m te ing face, | intensely, and once more she broke “and ‘onder she} Cou t had appointed him sole trustee | of the most “regotia able peireordinacy “pal 2 nothing that can hurt yous YOU ate Movatbte to: tall, al Tor ae pMDWIERstO ean leas the. postomce,’” eee roperty, and guardian fh or | its the possibilit; ce sete UE : Oe 4 is not mail day!” repli on. mas he had received | ¢# “practicality of thus using 1 a ae ata wore ne enna Tou gaan tha beta the ene tn lie na as maidey afarian, laughing, “not w withstanding | Hii dowan ne hal woants tue canis [ent be Halted ite erected his fairy mat- wis, Boor giri¥” ShaTiaM Gh lone gldvay © black pete hafta thay" ah See masa hve neve "engi aun, Fyhere the poor creature was | peculiar satisfaction. si by stone with his ows WERE Destvoyert” obinn tea Ee ek And Marian, who, for her part, was |confined, and heating her pronounced | © way in which the silage is stor ee “No, poor one, no destroyer comes ; but the spell 1 Bet ae ar shall i EAree 2g [srelivemien. 10° eos the ola lady aecea! incurable though Heraicast ad | Se nee of much importance. eee | Se sat hero; ‘see how quict and any more than in the oe and w ae at Tees brought har nome | Unless the silage is kept well spread a Bod E ayieae peaceable everything is herat oF eR Coen BAe aod ere to fell destetion they deadl eipated tai. a eile change au nad tired ow |e. abertbution 26e = the: tere one i want slowly shook her] 8a her motion, a lovee the small, tall, mere nart pesto Suita: seat nurse £0 wait upon [aeeyy Parts of the corn will be un cee interest, aes with ie Ccimulbe: Ditton. manila, uta intonat fone IOI Hed CDI eS: jeitde digore—the Same long, fair, | her. n. This will interfer vith even aes ae began looking out Gee looked stranger on. hei fair | Edith, still Pee the little ae Feel! the reckled, sharp. set face—the me| “And you never saw such kindness |settling of the silage aad will fur- | things. nos madness itself had , advanc ad me alae, where the al Biles suddenly seeps the ni Delih gare end yg scant, fader jand compassion, Miss Marian, except |mish food not al in its consti-|/ When he had collected quite a "yee ; letter istoaa a ta: ag Lilie | bee ‘wa. comand Sees One a do. declare ou, |tuents. Not only should the spread-|number of remarkable specina Re Oe oe es anual ee Mone & ees Pa ite geen Ks ip her personal individuality. “Miss his manner to that poor unfor-| ing be even, but tramping should | resolved a. dwelling for The Destroyer ene ae hand, and ths|what was it?’ “Yes, I told you it was going to fancy now had charge of the village canada is a delicate ed reverential |be careful, and particularly toward | himself with then He He ow 69, thunder te Marian pointed to the old elm trea rain, enacytlll oMBe: he Jeane y hoeee ap Sc nen eek nt BeCu Eee tend evated Ae ee 05 jn ae Soa Sos ok silage }and he has ated og burst Baa ~|outside the cottage fence, Under the|only a light shower, trom Ge lois (enemas Teseere Deel nee shor jaccomplished and enviable lady in more slowly and |ment’s ola eae Tast. twenty-six the fair spirit shade of which stood the poor strol- just. over our heads.’ wikia a i ie it the land, and more so, Miss Marian, at st than it|years to the work. Eve think of that—sueh thoughts would tor elu Ser wild: wed patie ote ng ts Wesel Mabiel yo ao, hotnee oo ee Ot more i waluabh pe ibs SHOE tae (eaenccauected mca, invoke the fie ain,” added the for breath. rns for her darling child! Hark!| oot Arise ty, OS iota well Behiore se He Jooks| most valuable quality im the man|3,500 bags of lime pcaascement; poor creature, smooth er fore-| “Edith, do you see that younz|I hear the step of him that cometh! ce ancy, Bebe Rove alae HAG ane he nee ena She ee onseience, especially |has expended about 5,000 fran head with both hands, and theaj/Woman? She it was.’ ly, fair one! Biay-nob here ito) me new it. She was ajher face flushing and her ¢; me none the weather be hot. phe. pulabass cnioW: iets 1 000 flinging them wide, to. dispel] “Good heavent’’ exclaimed Idith |listen to the vo the charmer, ae € news satin a stair yet | with generous sympathy. penis baat Hie eile een, Sur eee cups meters of solid mas nd cast away some painful con- | turning a shade ae ae beginning |charm he never so wisely!”’ pe nant expec caso ce aee Wome re nice | The thus engaged is out of|nas four faces, ranging on eign F centration ther with trembling fingers, to unfasten | the wild creatine, as she dashed ‘oft Hae oGd te Baad teed ae ane |so dashing the sparkling arops ‘ron | va far master of tho |1+9 thirty-five length, and it ‘Dut now come in and lie down|the gate toward tho sn dies epg ands ao: 8he [ier Dien: See cneerone ee tion. Because of these things, al varies from twenty to. twenty-five on the gota, and rest, while I make| ‘Why, do you know her, Edith?’ | Marian and Pilih Jeceak ation Wes eee woke reer see He eae ¢ going |conscientious man in a silo who lier in height. you a cup of coffee,” said Marian “Yes! yes! My soul, it Fanny |in the utmost compassi mn. Bisse nae baa wa her listeners by|to have chickens tor ras Bay dy [elate only SO pone es ne front aispla But the same expression of -|Laurie! I thought she was in some| “WI Pra aa adear pereatuar:| ereae ry cea coe eetiow OF eae Op ae ee ieee ta te ay throat. | Many. Simies more. then seen Pa mosaue Necek de ten ot = epudahit ing came again into the poor crea-|asylum at the North!”" said Edith | Paith, od what: Bes reduced er (eal sexe a eee, eniaaa | ances et Te a eee Pounds. Conscience who” weighs 20° nple;. another resembles a Swiss predeeiA Sogeome isreinie tho Rela vend meine. Une to. hie Menten And so, after haying dropped her | luatient 6 oe stopenee ble sn, Mi Many plans have been adopted of halct, but is decorated with colored n house? No, the r. “Fanny! Fanny'| “She was an old playmate of my) riding-skirt, and given that and her in a pie!” Se oes the’ silage. "None pr pebbles; a third is in the style of » Fanny has learned something. Fanny | Dearest Fanny!”’ she said, taking her |own, Marian. I never menti bonnet to Marian to carry up-stairs, ( “i (To be Continued.) b ponent: Fouts temple, and the fourth of knows better than to go under roo’ |thin hand, and looking in her crazed |to you—I never could bear to do 80. seeding of oats over |castle of the Middle Ages. "aps catch rabbits! |eves and lastly, putting both arms |She was on of the victims of _ the ie a toy buckeiss & 0 exhibits still other "Twas he house the Destroyer {around her neck and kissing ": She was tho child of Colonel age, adds a few buckets Of | oteeque features which are partly found us, and we couldn’t get out!|- ‘‘Do you kiss me?” asked ihe Took Fairlie and the bride of Hi Laur- produced to de No |fashioned_after nature and partly No, no! a fair field and no favor and creature, in amazement. ie; one of the most accomplished an-1 Niied' S31 ‘to. remain |spring from the le tas er carrier’s own Panny) will outs, the | vet a Fanny! Don't you|promising young mon. i eS Hence-whent #5 Rilo js'fuli invention. There are figures cf fot ipa hotise, not in a |know. me?” night their house was attacl- fees anal a ny to allow it 9 Wevatan gods sen, eR Yon Atay aes Seu |e and Fanny saw hy Dliecateeeceearans Sot ey and priestesses, ssl 8 oe a ae Bed an easy | you_are—let’s see, r hu massacred, sa rahe “Virgin Lam ee cael to rest in- joes Lance, vas seuo ge your oli | home ee ee need STOCK NOTES, of the Baaiiss or “pruitful. ae shade, and | Playmate!” went mad from that nig . * have a little stand by your side, to| ‘‘Ah! yes, I know—you had an- “Most } Sea cieculatod Marion centina aed paid Da, is Soe a a eat our breakfast. Come; come | other name.” “She was sent to one o! ie bes - Mearer to the house,” said Marian,| “Edith Shields, since T was mar- Northern agin, ‘and the property specially with pigs and steers, Shows jetones fs ase taking poor Fanny's hand, and lead-|ried, but I am widowed now, Fan she inherit! placed in the hands ee walk ny.” : trustee—old Mtr Hughes, | whe ‘They were at the “threshold. oi know-Fanny has hear‘ |died last week, you know; and now “ you Marign?’’ poor “Fanuy | them talk!” hat he is dead and s! is out, asked, abruptly She sey her hands across her|don’t know what will be done, U se “Yes, that is ‘my Nag brow several times, as if to clear | don't selec cat it at all.” d Ugh Laet@iin’t. to Reve | come'| her, mental vision, ‘and gazing upou| ‘Has she no friends, no| relatives? i et Se a teare Y D | She must not be allowed to ler alien a igi ¢ 2 Peale ‘ought . “| “cant old playmate! Did. the paltelit tis way,” sald the kind. girl, Sues aa’ preferable: ‘riches, serpents, flamingoes, gees9 Why? What is the matter? Come. | lie? The ravaged home, the blood:| with the tears swimining in her eyes Pet or be calm! Nothing can hurt you us here!’ “Don’t love! don’t love! but Marian, never 1ov the young gitl’s hands, gazing on her beaut face, and speaking with in- the yo! By YOM wand. Hesroely have look. hy stained hearth, and the burning roo? f e fated nuptials, the mur- | | lie, | u vee tneneaulonal | ‘Answer, did the palms lie?’” Ve “The prediction was partly fulfil!-| ed of all friena Marian. She has cad of now; her Wiicoxen who man Universi pee and’who, in even’ shi , as it was very likely to be at/death, would inherit her the time our neighborho d was over-! Wo must get her here, if possit in by eeeieee foe. ee ene; | will go in and send Jenny attey: her so, poor Fanny! You not w|She will probably ov Be her in the the Snare of 5 fate ‘not tha/forest, and may be able to persuade} t | angels. in eo HON the Son, but | Ab loast, Z the Father only.’ ’” her in This sceme ed noy the poor i e place of safety.” of you, said Marian, gen sec ieee Caney ag palmistry,} “Do, “dear Edith! ‘ While yot the little ee ‘ngeree oa are decidedly best as grazing grounds for young her Apart. from fis of the soll, which isin an important oe in the pr of itious grass: is arg ‘that undulating fields ful and proper ‘The periee’ eco lopment horse, or one pleasing in form needs symmetrical Gevelopmedt. of al” 15Us- the English experts are ne dulating pastures f oprent of all classes oh ais rs: - si si th inside Mning 1 boas » will r =e (gas Earth floors that th rated with the dranpinee some © six higher’ thidthe outside ground ae THE FARM ICE HOUSE, convenient size fo: ae, a Be fi inches and iD ide, as eS as wall, thus 28: s just as “| good and the structures ill not rot down so quic! Fill in PS hh with dirt 3 ne hi “bottom of the bea ctw rain: ute aaieaet als £6" mee ai packing saway (0s try and get the mocks out as nearly’ square as ossible, and bo es to pound ie rig cc with sawdust, chat should be covered befora war 7 lal aerviceatile iat several more years. if tremely aM + it has aibed him thro’ prity U the ae and is unconscious of the fact generally regarded crazy. as no greater pleasure than in showing his great visito: SP aS PUTS SS ‘The last sovorolgn e abdicate s Me King Milan of quished the eon i in 1889. CURRENT TOPICS Maxim Gorki, the well-known Rus- sian novelist, in an interview with a ereerre correspondent the othe la b; from the war autocracy had in the Far East with- out ney fatal impairment of its pres- and military power. He pre- t the bureaucrats, relying AES that mn the means of coercion which return of the army under General Linievitch might place at their dis- posal, would so whittle down t sovereign’s concession that it- would prove “of little substantial value, even if it were not defiantly with- drawn. for see to a telegram publish- ed may seem at first sight that the cated to learning twilight. Fortunately, ee has cleared} 2. Keep the book close to the the highway that leads to the tem- |! ple ‘dom and clothed with al-| 3. e gas flame flickers in t lurement the threshold. In all ages arauht it will injure the Has ee the measure of ion’s worth has | nerve been the building which i de} 4. Bemenber oe pane should prediction has been already fulfilled, |central and dominant. For the old {not use arhanc ly bne soa all the paths converged or} ee eeeatt ashe that rd the Parthenon—temple of art jhalf an hour’s reading before break MES y rt mans the |fast tired my eyes more thi oe poliding was the temple of |hours of study afterward. Take care id ater generation expressed | Of the child’s digestion. Simple food, itselé in the cathedral. Mediaevalism plenty of exercise make for disorders in the country will cease.”” self-government grant der II. That such a design will be carried ible. The i reely credibl rea tionists are reckoning without Mr. witte, who by reason of the high Witte position Whieh he has deservedly at- ated inthe eyes of : ily fail to exercise syorld can once more: a .derant influence in his _sover- He has } and wise conciliation to which ie Hohenzollerns ow: oa of their throne. The earnest counsels and faithful warnings that will be uttered by Mr. seem unlikely to fall unheeded | When complete hi aroused among the ae = A despatch from Brooklyn, says: Rev. Dr. New: preached from small a: their way Sa ols. For our papi this reop. ing of schoolroom portant event of thi iiatee to hat we worship the libra: he o1 otherwise obscure is and the capitalist’ ° Y cbite each may climb as high a: THE GREAT at for the working people ea ae Tattithe mos} drei For tienes: ee time for learn: your FORTY PUPILS IN A HERD. man buys specializes on the colt. the colt in with forty o'clock a ie running? tion, eyatsue speed ‘in the ly children that worthless that they ow to manufacture N. ell Dwight yuas and library is vate important still these temples dedi- to and sehoothouee, the university and the ne central pean in towns th side iy side on the same Lae as of the cities for my e public schools? ing r boy play truant. a fine colt he Does he put other colts a race track, turn the whole herd Kk hor: a raeeana: th trotting, some gallop- eS too valuable for for course eee quality out of this raw, toe PARENTS AND THE SCHOOLS Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis Their Responsibility. Speaks of ut of paneed that one eng ou 50 in ee ain— every rning concerning Steen en have anes eit eyes. ‘There are two or 1 simple rules .|Geylon Tea, his motive increased profits. SO ped Sold only Black, Mixed or Green. Did It Ever Occur to You THAT WHEN YOUR DEALER OFFERS YOU A SUBSTITUTE FOR ~“SALADA” Is Roel asl because of By all Grocers. Athese Ae St. Louis, 1904 to 1. Don’t let oa child mal in the health and pithout Mpalth culture ts of no value. BELIEVE IN YOUR CHILD his _teache Reverence his natural bias. Remember es the thing he loves i probably the the reat: high | to | a olivia Ter his occu school building. Ours is, Preps These misfits in life “rough f education. All high- the nfo) ly of parents who hav ning are open alike to | their chiro aes eee Coes the child a e eg es of the oe eir hearts! washer-wom! ‘ingman’s far alae as IF sf Byer i eee aot lee being that e touched the Pe aie father's da and blood are mingled op seen is something from ither father or mother. else Hee oe nit to pate Sa ‘The fence around wana Bhi Bre Aid dey went tothe @ good thing to bac child ought to counsel together, while the father says: ‘ou are old have to suffer the asure of observation incline me toward this urse of py Ua Cee ie RE et neve, milden. thelr ‘ground, be- un- staft was «swept off them were seriously injure £ BB were diaictss: = lieutenant had both his legs brol e aio peda mt happened niy oto: attention by the bugle, the Don’t forget the child’s body. The dragoons. Bolen each other in y told me that he scarcel: other day an ees me = soueels wing Neer were struggling on the ground and em were so seriously in- unless the ghastly scenes of devasta- the | | ( tion ‘ieee of Baku a1 oe ccce centre in ions, it is imperative and vital not he repels it. tony MME: 's ari “not avail to shield hi doom. in 0 be repeated at every his domin- im “Hump Back Ug EMULSION won't make a hum st dongs a shart tif fra tat if and hi eee spon pa recovery In jured that they had to be shot. sa SR Cat men,” said the poeeter who speal i hairet twins there wouldn’t be eES sate tor me to do except to say ‘Farewell for ever,” i tel.” enough to begin to decide things for | geth i the Hes-|# n The Home Pee SOME DAINTY cae ketchup shou! made sunk che husks or the ae bp Mati ren. Save scraps ot ham, or pressed eel, for they he Foreemeat and make excellant es. Cut off the fap and sprinkle salt over it if the w ther be warm, then boil and serve cold. , put some freshly gather- cd clover, blessome ae ye noes ly: fitting jar with i and t melt chocolate a large cakes, NI late requires wal very carefully or it will turn to powder. Ve ausages.—To mal take Pain quantities of lean and fat bacon, with a han sage, salt, and pepper. Let all be chopped thoroughly and Bok cree er; “ ned ae boned an- veal dl of sirloin of beef rea ther f Oayse ule —To give butter the these. HANG UP YOUR HATS. When pate ne summer winter hats for the season, brush them ihetoeatty witl at - enough © Or the butter will ea She Ree ca ienmet annie taken chovy tay b aa preportions, | stake into ickly, and fry a color. Clear Gingerbeer —'To two gallons water, loaf be flour ht light ‘brown ; id oo Above all else, make fri ends with tvein it through a Baer the teacher; make a frank and con-| DISASTROUS SHAM BATTLE. |botile for use. Adria! Meateney fast hers your Leroi eine anaes ad iat) Atel Sas onehy 0 be | Cavaley Charged a Regiment ounce of gelatine in gar eres soem ko "he weet Daca gd iaiibe Veron met ori two, hore. Ae oe tein idaropanaa: the senntd. d ‘An extraordinary accident happened |Of very a tres me sugar to You ki duping jtne recent. military? mancewv- taste lozen “blanelied wimonds teeaig the ers ‘on ‘hos of | the chopped Sve eat agai it suet Seane, in Westphalia, Germany. ~‘The|¢ook slowly in a double Nearer ay aia general in command gave an order |the gelatine is dissolved a1 the Se ae to a regiment of Bavarian dragoons |milk delicately flavored ae te ae GA yee to perform some operations against |a wetted mould. {hs world “simply to rear our chil-|t¥9 regiments of Hessian dragoons jand cold. n oO ee which were formed up in line half a |pass & good custar Inile away. Owing to scme confu-|. ‘Tomato sauce for keeping | Pan Bae Nene es sion, the “Charge of the Light Bri-|as follows: Peel one ° gade” Balaclava bhinder was repeat-|tcmatoes an ae . oD ion was misinter-|per, 0) to teachers and expect the teachers Le iy irra obi Sobers Be od et ea to do it all. < 5 jans charged madly|sait, two ounces of black pepper, Noi thing SS Mikes vaddae he these Beross the plain, cheering Wad Wer husit catetan oie musta ca " sult the Eo sssied st ry ne Neves’ in | ing their swords a lances. Expect-|hali an ounce of alls} md = one nd of the neglect rents. ling that the charging She | would | pint of vinegar. Boil ‘sto wiy in It is almost Seine “hat one | swerve when within stri listance, {boiling water teacher should be asked to train sf ger spa ese et # will keep for yea freed hes Te Large firm peaches should be chosen for this. Peel carefully and cut.each Pa ite cave ream, and rge spoonful of ice “cream AAAS” place left vacant by the peach. stone. af.—Poil a ald bshed hich Ru wae teaspoo! above | fl arranged when taken from its paper covering. SRO ER ahs, DEADLY ANAEMIA. Leads to Gonsimption Unless Promptly Cured. ‘any a young life might be saved whole sys hes the starts Pins can anaem: ERR MACAO se difficulty. ‘They actually make new, rich, health-giving blood— ‘ky fire: ABs mia and prevent consumption. b ed in th pe maN aE She was melancholy, had no -appe- tite and complained of being con- nity ret diferent times by two doctors, but 0 epee Co) her case as attacked by vio- pon as marvellous, Puadaket her case ed uj for the Goctors hopeless. r Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will aS joodlessness jus as one Tegiving, ploo Williams’ Pink cope aie like anacmia, head- ‘indigestion, is ay i heart, neuralgia, many growing girls and women miserable. Be care- ful to. get the genuine zine with the ni full name Dr. iams’ Pink Pills for Pale Boonie met ARS a box. If in doubt, send will be sent by mail at 50 cents $2.50, HERE AND THERE. Useful Information sh Almost verythin, miner is killed ie every wil- One lion. tons of coal raised. *renchman ents nearly twice as gs Glasgow municipal buildings © cost $150,000. No person in New hold more than 640 acres of first- 1a and. id alive in Japan, pedlars conveying them through A streets in tanks & 08 cir Batiste costs Uninhabited islands ina the ber of 10,000 lie age Madagos- car and the coast of I There were more ee ‘$50 applica- is night mes of the fond speak the s all ated dialects. bata ees as the swiftest river the It is the Sutlej, which in 180 miles, has descent of 12, 060 feet. pareaiataes pel apcied the of soap-boilers is the st eed eek grindstone mak- huwan scalp averages it sid of Peking, is is even lany en taster one Sr dbanest: English, French, ussian, and Italian. London has fewer suicides than any oe her great capital. Parts has 400 suicides per million per year, London has only ninety. of the men sn the between The allway compan! jes of Engla and Wales employ between 313,¢0 The Paice employ 40,000 men betw Sito York is fewer & of it] "ities eel practically tl famous. ote river, jn South cc owing arate mountains. The! greatest pilgrimages to the undertaki e lives entirely on way: her! ‘A friend left Mrs. Lucinda Ganson, on $30,000, as the reli- of the mo ‘Tho mieneaee day of the year in Lon- en and a urs, in t- she desires to marry she collects all ounts it on an that obervers may her financial valu Oysters, even alter they have been m the sea, know b; 3 depo! thus avoiding the trouble of ate to the nearest ope office for poses these the national bev or known in aci Pas CBE es NATURAL CONCLUSION, “Kindly put out your tongue little farther, madam,’” said the doc- tor. joined the fair, patient, ¢ is no end to a woman’s tongue?’ “‘Madam,”” elu Teweieon. tha arricd and ES en’t foun wile’s the M.D. “‘T pevontent YeRrS. d the end of m: WHAT THEY MISS. a is said that elephants are t to rheumatism. pela s—Well; beh ae pea one horror incidental the disease, anyway. he amet is that? sharps—They don’t. have to listen sit Zealand may nearly 15,C00 |" r nem- i Scottish and Irish | com-| x D the population of New od million tha ae rage of ntil recent years was |, ayy Empero: bo dof the entire popula- zepliet Chinese faa return t er Ty note to the man, he ae people who havea sure cure for race it, r Si yacant throne a time dering her Regency in favoi sister-in-law, the Princess “teabella, ral Ferdinand, pped Down in Disgust. is any truth Blect whom you who ar no Feely 16 sare @ madness to ‘0 Cou aside crowns which havi hono Bovine who, on-Réger appy widow of Mextintian ade Empress of Mexi ry ee annulled many of hi ‘HERISHED PREROGATIVES, MONARGHS WH9 RESIGN A KING PREFERRED TO BE & MARKET PORTER. of Austriag £ thy in the states ment attributed to the Czar of Rus+ pe glad to Jay, * story which illus- es the discomforts of a throm: is when first pel eae heenaGna is e same motives, refu lank to take his place, and re- nounced his right in favor of his mn, Francis Joseph, the present eror, whose scruples—he was very young at the time—were less stroi id Ttaly, accepted the fh “fn 1848 his subjects: employs 2,000 a of Spain in he pe a burden to be borne any “During the recent war with Ameri- Que mt of Spain “was to,y toy the See Isabella of fSpbin , that curi- ous mixture of vice and mo sock piety, abdicated her throne and ‘rance in the nope of reer Pe ‘abe crown for her son, Don Alfonso; and in 1880 King Charles of ener: serted. even, by his army, stepped dopnitrom Bis throne ih! tavor of his oung , Henry, Duke of rd 1870, he studied ii insults of the peo- a reign rable, and his MOUTH-ORG AN, 6,990,Q00

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