Milverton Sun, 26 Oct 1905, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” 4 Vol. XIV—No. 41 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Total Assets, over - ~- The . Bank of Canada Capital, Reserves and Undivided Pr oe over $2,000,000 $12,000,000 Accepts sums of $1.00 and Department. orable terms. —~: R. J. RANNEY, Buys and Sells Exchange on all parts of the World. Collects Drafts, Coupons, Dividends, Etc., on the most fay- Does a General Banking Business. MANAGER, upwards on deposit in Savings MILVERTON Read the of A. Large in an- other colum: A trial a of the Sun New Years for 25 cents. Subscribe now. Linseed oil ca! = as sale at the G. stor T: R, Station ae you want a bargain come to our clearing sale, Noy, 3 and 4. Dumart. See Bastendorff's selection of new Use to $ nnah Langford and Miss E. and Wellesley last week, Miss Emma Langford on Saturday last left for Toronto where she will for a time ie Jeast reside with her brother _ Among es yrho. took inthe Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate x of Royal work a Specialt; 39a, m, to 5 p.m. i ates "inxs a Tasca store, Milv ‘Medical PARKE! Ls Honor Graduate and Ga ta Medutlie THsity Medi- eal College, also Gold'and Silver Me dallist, Trinity University, Toronto, 880r to De. Egbert. Office in Post ities block. ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Moseryille and Rostoc! Legal, ‘A. M. PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Etc. Office open every Thursday, Wm, Burton’s Block,Milverton. Veterinary W. BARR, VETERINARY Artis Calls by telephone or otherwise pr attended to. Office at J. m Be t | LOCAL NEWS } If marriage is vanity who would be ise ? Read C. A. Finkbeiner’s advt, in another column, Mr. W. H. Grosch made a business trip to Berlin on Monday. For a nice gold locket. necklace or long chain, see Bastendorf. Carnefac, the celebrated stock food. is for sale at Pructer’s harness shop. ‘A two hundred acre farm to rent in Mornington. Apply to D. B. Grieve, Millbank, On Monday evening the barn of Mr. Joseph aS of Crosshill, was des- troyed bi Our Ohio be a record breaker, Noy. 3 and 4. erybody come, Rose & Dumart. Hee Bee --Second-hand, one-horse good nye Biikeeiiecs Vanivase . Geo. Gooihand returned no three doors east of it class horses ees Rotsiped st nil tinea Commercial driving Senate : = Societies jo. 99, Mil Iverton, meets every. Rothaermel’s ea “ways welcom: $. H. Pogh, Pe caiiny Georetacy. L 0. 0. F, “Silver Lada Wa: r ocis! every. Friday tte hall, post ofice building. Viste Brethren Rete Westman, N. 6 Business Cards a D. WEIR, nha re for the Coun- ties of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, oat js, Wills and Mortgages drawn and BPiecita monde, Villas ee: Clerk, Gels “over Grosch’s Shoe Sto ~ Milverton. otels \ XCHANGE HOTEL, Branner. Ont. John Gropp, P-oprietor. Best liquors “eigars at the bar. First-class accommoda- “tion and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton, First-class accommodation for ‘commercial travelers and others. Three large sample s. el ebting. ese brands of| will be held at the resident Tiquors and cigars. 8. W. corner of Main Geo. fie Qnd. aul Mill streets, Chas, Rider, S Propeiaear, good musical program will bs: given. ee EL, Milverton, Ont. The| Refreshments served during the even-| ; pQUBENS HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The] ioe. ‘The proveeds of this entertain-| ane a! elers and ot! wo large si coms, zee ge be em Sete Ue ate ~ Cigars at the bar. “plenty of shed room. Geo. F. Pauli, pi z a clock, a noti 2 yerton instead Of the Clerk of Morning- ton asking that Pgh el oanith to send a representa to give reasons wed ue C P.R. should not be allows line. Of course Node ‘the sent and the C.P. was m_per- mission to close cee highway. When] w the attempt was made on the part of the eiieacior to close the road the took action and found and appealed to the commission for another ere which we understand ted atsin early date. An- cease | ‘operations pendit oe Rae which h 5 -|viees in this Monday from the west, where he has|* been dant. peal during the-past five o: a , at. W. K. Loth’s, by Nov. 1st., 1 barrel Russets, 1_barrel Snow apples, 6 bags Lise 5 cords hard wood, must be first-c! ww about that cae job? Don’t wait till you freeze. bet us give you an estimate on your furnace,—we ure experts in the heating line. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Finkbeiner’s Hard- ware. Remember the union Thanksgiving service on Thursday morning, at 10.30 in the Methodist Church ev. J, CU. Morlock will give the a fee, Collection in ai ae the Sick hildren’s Hospital, Messrs Peter Cook, R. - sien? ~ | Jacob Koch, Robert Hanna. sr., aa Finkbeiner, George Andrew Pauli feave on Saturday for South River, Muskoka. where they will spend a couple of weeks deer anting. mry Huber, Contractor on the ctadate yard here, has pulled up stakes, owing to the wet condition of the ground, ‘and left for Lesighurst will~ sub-contract under Mesace. MeQuigge & Hunt. who have on large section up there. A social under the auspices of the caivaet aid of Grace Churcl erga eats and furnishings chareh, whiah ts Hi process of ection and deserves a large patronage. 4 are cordially invited. Admission 15 cents. The Aurora correspondent of the Toronto Dail ly News, writes as fol- lows :—"In nection, with the re saya ieee progress in Aurora Methodist Chureh, Evangelist Ranton gave his lecture the Bar-room to the Pulpit.” The large church was crowded, many having vival meetings are largely acide and interest continues to deepen, many having ages) in Christ.” Evan- gelist Ranton referred to above has been secured to hold evangelistic ser commencing about the end of next month. Christ- ians of et denominations are requ to make these meetings a subject of prayer, and to attend and Bake part in the services. Apply at : sf ite ‘epartment. driven ten miles. Newmarket was| M ¢| Commercial for m: est- | ner, ” fair last week were jaca Schmidt, Wm. Gateke and Ezra Finkbeiner, Prof. G. Almond, M. O., the well known Eye Specialist of Gake will be at the Central Hotel, eee the = Monday in every m . E. Goodhand ae on Friday ieee ay ‘Thedford to attend the funeral of her late sister-in-law, Mrs. James Smith, who died on Friday morning. Mr. Richard Roe has purchased the palace of the Mitchell fire stock and now ning eH) ’s old law office. sirous of Eascaring a Feveain in shoes should ¢: nm Mr If you eee a ae ot spectacles, satisfaction, do not buy them from transient spectacle “specialists”, whom you see again, but go to Baste optician, who guarantees Ric tice ) ee free. e annual Baptist of Ontario per Bache held in Tender last week, Rev. Dou ii i ‘ormer resident of Monihugtat haying eee near Poole for a number of ie is a brother to Mrs, Robert Kines of the 3rd line. The Guelph Herald enthusiastically ays after vibwinig @ section line, ‘‘It will be a great ier this Guelph and ae road when com- Lege —one of the finest in the Pro- ce—and a the building of it has entiely been devoted ths best skill and organization that the Pp. RR possesse: The following new books have been placed iy the pats ee St. Cuthber Howler "Maioetia: aoa: A hia and his Double, Ar ‘he Chariots of the Lor Hocktae ‘hief in the couse Horn- g; The Passing of a Race; D. W. Higatos The Cherry Ribband, Crock- ett; Ayesha, Rider Haggard; Sandy, Alice eG Rice, It is expected that beck eee on the 4G nelphe Goderich railway will s be laid as far as R, E. McAl- rthur Train; Joseph f weeks yet fore the Grand River is bridged dis work will be pushed rapidly forward. While there i considerable work in the grading line to do Foes of Milver- n al mit seventostaillae est of the village has been tactical Shaplored for some time and is ready for ballast- ing and ironing. ee Village is now being eet ay ¢ deep hoarse whistle of the ne factory. uh Bec ie turned on Saturday afternoon, an operations will begin in ‘the felt. The factory is being 4 ily put in place and every fo will be in full opera- me by Dece heey "eat Mr. Henry M Seblerhalts, who for sometime hes been suffering from cancer, died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Fred Mr. Schierholtz was a native of Germany and came to the death of his wife a few years ago Mr. Schierho varions members of his family but stayed for the most part with his mil of Berlin, Mr. Schierholtz was of whom are still living, ot which the following reside in Ontario; William, Port Rigine Lewis: Seattord; Pail, Berlin; Mrs. A. Kuhry, Mrs. C. Sieg: rs H. 0. Mohr, Mrs. C. Kertcher and Mrs i ake meal and flax|* Rose & day diamond rings, ranging in price from 50. i eprmsts visited friends in Millbank * it night of last e small tz has been living with | Geo: the father of ‘thirteen children, twelve} Man. mart boy wanted to learn clerking i at H. Mohr’s. Sonate? coupons are given for cee pee hesee at theG. T.R, station % ae for the Sun, from now until ee end of the year 1906 for one dolla Don' t soraet: per hig ae ar and Sat Noy. Tad and Danes! $300 worth of new solid gold rings just arrived at Bastendorff’s, ranging in oe from $2 to $15, mber we sell the celebrated: sydendale stock food and } Heave cure, worm Epa Finkbeiner’s Hardw: Mr. E. J. Baumbach left on ae for New Dundee when he wil. his duties at the new_ bra Scvereign Bank opened at that point. Sick headache is caused by a disor— dered condition of the stomach, and is yy Chamberlain’s Stom- ac vps aabhe Drug Co., Milverton and oe z E. Calvert has beat appointed manager n Bank at Linwood and leaves this ek to ae up his new duties ir, Be T. n= lop, of Hensal, has been eppointed | § manager at New During the high be of Thursday week the smokestack of Pfeffer Bros. mill was blown to the ground. As the new brick smoke Bask has not yet been completed ow- ing to lack of material, it was fou ecessary to again vv. John Kay, pastor cf the ‘on St. Cuthbert’s, isa new story by ev. R. F. Knowles of Galt, and in if the author tells the romance of_hi own here placing it for redone ate visio: side of Thrums an as-one rea and later on ‘he is ain, ‘she knows oie ing good story, while the truth is he is a great-souled man with the eye to see the humor, the ° poetry and pathos of his own life work, and has skill to tell the pr On Monday morning another of the early pioneers of this istrict passed leceased has been is home on Bay-st. for some time rae getting his meals at a neighbor’s and was about and down town as usual on Saturday morn- ing not feeling well and on returning mn home after dinner was worse and with difficulty atsracted the attention of a passerby in the evening. lor was at once called, pot but in spite of his efforts Mr. ‘allum died on Monday morn- ing, ators an pep of little more than one day. leces was m in ‘Tyrone, Trinny in 1828 and came Canada with his parents when but a lad of thirteen years settling in Ow oode T'p., near bigs le, nih lived for twelve lived in Stratford, iat was ahaa a village, fora couple of years, going from there to California where he stayed for four years and has made Har theresince that time. In 860 he was married toElizabethCamp- bell, of Molesworth, who predeceased. After hi nded by bush on all sides, and was in possession of this farm till two years ago. Callum has been a resident of the town for the last eleven years. is sur- rge of Listowel, Johnof Elma, Richard of Fordwieh, Eliza i in Oregon, lotte, hes: and James o| family a member of the Methodist church and has al- mnservative, — McCallum was a brother to other pre- | 1m y | for erect the metal] p,, stock that milling might not be inter- the 2 vived by fivesons and three daughters, absolutely wae ence value to farm ae horeselan Bank has opened a t Baden. reset is making PronReeeonns to have an Old Boy’s Re-union next sum- mer. fr. and Mrs. C. A. Totten and family left last week to spend a couple eeks at Toronto and other points. sh, of Stouville, has fill Ger 4, | been transferred to Milverton to e Sovereign Bank Mr. E. Baumbach’s trans- fer to New Dundee. Miss Mary maiinden; on Wednes- day evening of last week, entertained the Burns church choir at the manse. i in social amusements after which luncheon was served. At the assizes last week in the case Sykes with aceasta a bag last fall. The plaintiff. was awarded one dallas a costs. Plaintiff asked es on sa ground of mali- cious Bee Mr. iH. a Taylor of Seer, is companied by his brother, lor, of Woodstock, left on Wellacsday ep land via faylor has spent alf in Gopuaa indie pe or tw him bon aie ‘age and a speedy return. Mr. Sam Smith of mS firm of Smith & Finkbeiner has returned Milv. ifE a other systems in the big cities of anada and the United States. e. Tn a can aan fay in the woods. This ahoala not be and it is to be hoped that in future the game wardens will make an effort to discourage this delectable style of sport as the birds have plenty | 6 withont man en-[g 0d blo of natural enemies gaging in the ruthless slaughter. Much py ranethy | is felt for Mr. A. it. George Hawkins and family of the Standard, Taawels in the severe af- reas which has overtaken them through the death of Emma Elizabeth, the eldest daughter and sister, « yiva- the end of September she was taken down with canara fever ay pneu- monia which hi nstitu- tion and week haart left her with in- sufficient st funeral Sabie Aes on Tuesday noon of last week. The oral ti tributes piled on the bier were tokens of esteem in which the young woman was held. ‘e extend our deep sym- pathy to Bro, Hawkins and his fam- ily, bese ers A Charming Picture, A sample copy of the new premiun picture issued by the Family Herald and Weekly Star, ntreal, has come to hand. Itis cartasnly a decided for *| Dempsey, Patrick H. Kelly, William B. born. For quantity and quality in stoves we are at the fron uperior to any- thing made. We will deliver and set up free of charge. Finkbeiner’s Hardware. pos A ee How to miolied eked and Bun- First, soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften it ; ; then pi are it down as closely as p fe without ny matism, alm is unequalled. For sale b: the pb Drug Co., Mil- verton ant paecioat tesa kN Justices of the Peace for Mil- babii Reet ook North Elma and John Bell, William Makins, sr., James . Bradley, Charles Fryfogel George Zinn, David Ratz, Andrew ie Martin, James McCallum, lice—Albert Scher William North gee ‘Wilhelm, |**" The Canadian Bank of Commerce $8,700,0: $3,500,01 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO HON. GEO, A. COX, President B. E, WALKER, General Manager Capital Paid Up =~ Reteee cs = PN aly pokine s Tr: cots and other debentures bought m and sold. Drafts on all points Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special sap Eaves: to the collection of farmers’ Special peer is pireeiee pao. the fol- lowing advantages offered by Savings Bank Daparhnent Deposits of One Dollar and upwards re- c:ived and interest allowed at current rates. rater is added to the deposit Twice in see at the end of Ma: a November. depositor is sub Heat no delay grhakised in a aeaon of ‘he whole or any portion WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. Henry Coulton, Justus Kreuter, Jas. Crawford, Andrew Goetz, William Peters, John Attridge, Daniel Ardis Freel Mil verton— ‘Henry M. Schaefer, T. P, Roe, Charles Trim. Mornington—John Watson, wea John Dowd, Absalom Large, G eorge Shearer, John George Hamilton, Wm. John Zoeger, John Eee ase David Kerr, James Brydo1 Elma—Hugh Richmond, pus Fullarton, William Coates. y would avoid the factibig. avigte-o! Get Dr. dealt NELSON ae the death In view of the centen: of Nelson which has just ry be Brea i Re splendour of vietory apart, is broader and simpler-—Nelson wat eminent] iumen.<Vate a open and gererous to a fault; the cig of a vulgar adventures, who lured the one diseredit of his tite; he was easily eartilly appreciated by x was the only pulls event see ever deprived Pitt of sleep. The fe ver i shi oes 3 teal mortal tae ra Nelson embodied Eng- "Nelson, then, is the greatest. of onF heroes, and the dearest to ourselves; w she marrow of our Wn. y eeaeah doe oa her parents Mr. and Mrs. | of the Anni | vil W. F. Finkbeiner is showing one of the largest and finest line of stoves in Western i BURNS. aa Matthew, ted Mrs. Dowd and Masi from New York State, are aiid the. former's parents, Me. and Mrs, ae hard Do Bryon Torrance, who was spend- cen weeks in the North-west, pee ney Miss Annie Cam bell spent a few days yyterian church at Norwich, and Mr. | Cleland, ae Samuel S, Rothwell, emt t Mr. Jobi nC am fis Anat aresl Roe twenty y.a's pastor of Burns charat Smith is now in a position ¥ guaran- | Hamilto ander Chalmers, Wm. | returned ome in Stratford on Milverton, has been invited to as-| tee his patrons a thoroug! pes “Wiliam H. erry, eo. Seteeey; sume the pastorate of Port Austin ‘he shooting matches tae in this |G Jas. Taualisou "Charles john Davidson’s new driving shed Presbyterian church, Michigan. Mr.| vicinity from time to time have had Bis John B. Ham is ral nearing completion Kay founded the church at Port) their baleful effect; the woods that iss C. Huggins, of Glenallan, was & Austin about twenty eight years 188° few years ago. we Midas heateitel The Blood Is Tha Life ane at Mr, D, Henry’s last week. ea the mia gs eh Soe ine oat Say ee and interesting by the chirping Mrs. Ed 53 “ihe inowsh, is visit- ore, whic Squirrels and the cries of blue-jays, | ing friends in our bur; ihe ON Cexaate alk fashionable Pep suleti wad thier enone os serge by actions of the Kid- | ‘Miss Jessie Burnett, (our teacher, lias watering places in the sta desolate and dead, save for the nee : tendered her resi iss urn ett’s teaching career h ae Ss been most See aeest rams aipactare will be very ed. concert, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid, will be held in the Presby- terian church, onFridayevening. A good program isbeing prepared. Don’t miss HESSON. Miss Ida ‘Araoldle left es br i} spend Thanksgiving at her homi e Viedenhamer, of Waterloo, oe days with his friends sent of ae Ny x Joe sandsy with as Joe Lantz left last week for Mani- Gohl, of Michigan, is at Mr. Alex Cook, of Galt, has rented the farm his brother, Mr. Andy Cook, for a term of years. (By another correspondent.) over oid Series lovers not make pearance on accou: ane root sweetie Mr. and M 00k, 01 rev days with Mi Me, Mee visting fe a _|and Mrs. Joho Foerster and relerheem LINWOOD . service was held in the Methodist morning on No church on Sanday account iversary services in Hawkes- change from their pictures o! He is also in the eyes of the world tl . years, and a change that will be ap-| one unrivaled thunderbolt that England) My. Robt. a is the gnest of hie preciated. It is entitled Oiren X Ae haa forged boast of no more! father Mr. R. Y. Fish, “ der," genius, no traer patriot,|" yf. and Mrs. T. Ruggle hi pernehae y no ‘soul more. instinct, with ‘the: s ed, Couiner@ided shee oe been a most charming and i ataresin ing none fire of high ambition. But we know of|™ baer ject. anes gues peste e & no stronger mixture ‘of the fetaons, with] | Mi da FS - en te i on a visit to the Royal Kennels, accom-| t! 3 ninsy y being i er grandchildren. The sustained iphittcine hoes picture of the Queen an hounds are so ate that one falls in Tove with the picture at ribers to that great ea copy of this beautiful picture, size 22x28 inches ree, on receipt of one dol- lar for a years subscription. publishers of the Family Herald have issued this a book of imm. It is said entit- led ‘The Farmer’ s fiscal and Veter. inary Guide.” is said by |) competent authorities to be the best oe the kind ever issued. Itcannot be} in, id fi cat the mily Mrs. Nelson Hunter of Milverton. Herald tar, eee e The|@, October n entertainment will 2 ae & Come and enjoy yourselves, _ After visit of six weeke with friends Brampton and Toronto, Miss M Kerr returned last week to hes homaleres ae S ing to Mate Bed in Vermillion, Ohio. Mr. Robt, Gamble rey pean two Lae ah es with his At North Borningion chureb, Friday, | tee Mr, Frank Baker our po be "paligae is building a fine shop on Frederick ti. Mr. and Miss Harrow have ores from a visit to friends in Dorkin; espn: the ys week the reithee has mew! at discouraging to. tennis fc irs. ey err gave a very brilliant oa: sccenichil pails oe Toadies last weok, Mr Kerr's partion are al ary Lantz ety has been ill et ng sce. le to report Hele boy ei to bi ane it ‘Vir. Dien Carosha ‘s is reco wh A mecing a i hockey lab Da held s Annie Campbell epddows to sl and Wendy hi Mis: jome in Stratford this week woe the club was eat for t] onths, sday ay night :

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